When God Does Not Give You Answers | Pastor Hart Ramsey

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oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning uh i know that you're up and ready for the word of the lord it's a communion city it is good to be seen of you and i can't wait to see you it seemed like it been almost a year because it's almost been a year oh can you believe that this is like the third week of january and the last time we met was in march and so we got to make something happen with that but we keep saying it but it seems like this thing keeps getting worse but the lord has a plan and i believe the plan will work for our good uh you know on fridays if you follow my social media pages you see on fridays i do a pastor's lifeline and on uh yesterday we had an interesting discussion amongst the pastors and leaders that were on that call and a zoom call and we dealt with an issue or i want to talk about today i want to spend some time on packing as much of this as i can um since uh especially within the last four months i've gotten a lot of questions from people who were during this season suffering some type of loss the number one question especially when people pass away or or something happened that was contrary to what you've been praying for uh people been asking me why you know the lord says this then then why and so before i even get into the lesson today i want to share a scripture with you is i don't have it on my outline but i want to put isaiah chapter 57 new living translation put it on the screen real quickly and i shared this with the pastors yesterday and i want to share it with you now this is not the answer to everything but i believe that this answers some questions and i want you to kind of put this in your hip pocket put it in your arsenal of revelation so that god can really speak to you uh when people come to you and ask you why uh certain things happen there's always answers but i want to say this uh from the outset that sometimes knowing the answer will not solve the issue in isaiah 57 verse 1 of the prophet writes good people pass away the godly often die before the time what an interesting statement the godly often die before their time or before the time we think they should die because they're such good people we want to keep them it says but no one seems to care or wonder why no one seems to understand and this is the part that grabbed me that god is protecting them from the evil to come god is protecting them from the evil to come and verse 2 says uh for those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die and and so i can preach a whole lesson from this because what is speaking to really is it speaks to why certain people seem to to go before their time and the bible seems to indicate here that god allows their their season in the earth to last just for a certain time and because of the way he's developed their hearts hebrews chapter 11 says that there were people of faith that walked in the earth and the earth was not worthy of them listen to that statement it says the world was not worthy of them they got into a place with god where their hearts were so tender sensitive and pure that that you know they just weren't worthy of them so god actually took them and i i don't i used this term took him is he allowed that time in the earth he set the time of the earth to expire at a certain time before something else is releasing the earth uh there's a lot of things we don't know and if you have not or revisited your theology if you have not looked at your theology and said man i don't know what i believe about this anymore then you're not doing this right every godly person that i know has revisited their theology especially the theology as it relates to prayer as it relates to politics as it relates to people people have revisited deconstructed and reconstructed what their faith is and what it looks like according to the word of god so today i want to talk to you uh i don't have a specific topic but i want to talk to you about when god does not give you answers when god does not give you answers in judges chapter 6 i want to begin there there's a story of gideon gideon in in in heaven his in the earth his name is gideon but in heaven all along god is referring to him as jeremiah the one who challenges bale at this point in his life he doesn't know i want to really uh drive this home uh in the earth we have a name your parents gave you a name but there are a lot of occasions where your name in the earth is not the same name you have in heaven um all throughout scripture you'll find god is either changing people's names or uh there's one scripture in the bible one of my favorites where god refers to or several passages really but god refers to israel as jesus j e s h you are you and gesheron and when you read it in the bible if you don't stop to see what it means many people read over the word gesture on and and think that god is talking about some strange person that has not been mentioned in scripture but that's one of god's names for israel and and the word jeshiwan is it's so amazing how god sees us it means my perfect people my ideal nation and that's that's the name that god calls him because that's the way he sees them as perfect or he refers them as jeshiran but in the earth that israel that jacob when they misbehave you all of us have a name that god calls us by the things in the earth we call it one thing god calls it something else in this case gideon's name or his destiny is the one who stands up to baal he knocks him down and says i dare you to get up if you're such a god once you get up in judges chapter six verse 1 the bible says the israelites did evil and the lord sights of the lord handing them over to the midians for seven years now notice go back to verse one i want to show you something this is a critical thing whenever god makes a decision about his people it's always it always has a time frame you can talk about time frames in a minute but time frames are critical because regardless of what you pray or what you say or how you approach the situation when god determines a time frame nothing changes it and that's important for you to understand nothing and and there was one thing people would argue theologically well what about king hezekiah well let me talk about hezekiah for a minute hezekiah was a man that left a certain age the prophet isaiah was sent to him saying get your house in order you should surely die and the bible says that hezekiah turned his face to the wall and began to cry out to god he began to ask god he said did not please you i did everything you told me to do um um this is not fair he was complaining to god while the prophet was leaving the lord spoke to the prophet and says to him go back and tell hezekiah i've added 15 years to his life now the plan of god was for hezekiah's life to be over in that time frame but hezekiah pleaded to god to change his his time frame what the bible gives us this testimony how the prophet even told hezekiah he said you're gonna put put some figs on the ball and eventually you get better in three days and the king was healed what many people don't preach though is that in those 15 years the 15 extra years that he lived he sired a son he gave or he had a son and this son was guilty of a massacre of about 150 000 people he had he died had hezekiah died when he was supposed to that would not have happened and other things that he did it actually took away from his legacy with the extended time and so god's time frames are normally set in stone because god knows exactly what he's doing and it's difficult to grasp it on this side of heaven but but if you are on the other side of the curtain so to speak it all makes sense so the bible says that the lord handed them over to the media knights for seven years verse two says the midianites were so cruel that the israelites made hiding places for themselves in the mountains and caves and strongholds verse 3 says when the israelites planted their crops marauders from midian amalek and the people of the east would attack israel camping in the land and destroying crops as far away as gaza they left the israelites with nothing to eat taking all the sheep goats cattle and donkeys verse 5 says these enemy hordes coming with their livestock intent were as thick as locusts they arrived on droves of camels too numerous to count and they stayed until the land was stripped bare this is an insurmountable situation this is a situation where the israelites were by all definitions powerless they they had no way of defending themselves against this kind of attack and there are times when the enemy will send something against you that you can handle you you kind of have the experience you have the knowledge you have the gifting you have the skill you have the relationship or equity to be able to deal with it but in some situations where you sin where you just don't have what it takes to stand against it in verse six the bible says so israel was reduced to starvation by the midianites then the israelites cried out to the lord to help them i want to point out something that i think is very interesting the midianites were actually cousins i think they were second cousins of the israelites and that's a whole nother teaching because if a lot of times these kind of attacks will come on your life through family through friends through connections that you had before through people who you thought were covenant people for the rest of your life and so in this story what we see is a picture of many of our lives picture definitely of the last maybe um year or 10 to 11 months of our lives when we see a situation where it seems like we're powerless and the question is what to do when you go down to verse 12 i want to skip all a lot of detail but i want to get to verse 12 the bible says then the angel of the lord appeared to him speaking of gideon and said mighty heroes matter of fact give me king james because what i want to do i want to give you the elizabethan because many of us are accustomed to this king james version the angel of the lord appeared unto him and said unto him the lord is with thee thou mighty man of valor what a greeting the lord it's like gideon is hiding the the detail that we missed that is gideon is hiding in a cave he's actually he's in the uh or the threshing floor uh uh in the wine press rather threshing wheat which is you don't do that you don't want wheat chaff in your wine but he was hiding out for the minute from the millions and the bible says while he's hiding out he's cowering he's afraid he's powerless the angel of the lord comes to him and says to him listen um the lord is with you number one number two um you are a mighty man of valor in in the bible there's there especially in the new testament the three specific words that speak to power strength one of one of them we're going to look at a couple today one of them is the word dunamis which means spiritual power a supernatural power that impacts the earth in an explosive way that's the heart ramsey definition that the other word is the word or exousia which is our authority and the right to use it and there's another word the words ischus kush ischushkosh it means might and when you say mike you're talking about a potential or dormant power you say something might happen he's a mighty man he doesn't even look normal but he has he has a latent or potential in him that one once released can be devastating so what the lord is saying to you here is that you have something in you that has not been released yet and you're built for war but he was here hiding because he felt intimidated by the situation that preaches to us because we often find ourselves in situations where we actually feel so powerless and we we just feel like there's nothing we can do because we're so powerless in verse 13 the bible says gideon's a response i think is so appropriate gideon said unto him he said oh my lord if the lord be with us why and this is the question i've been getting if if god is with us then why if we pray then why if we trusted god then why then this person was in faith then why why haven't we been in church in 10 to 11 months why is this pending we've been praying it away it's why is psalm 91 not seeming to work and we ask these questions because what we don't understand is that when god determines a season for the chastisement the development of his people or for the fulfillment of something on his prophetic calendar there's not a whole lot we can do to change it because these things were scheduled before the foundation of the world you got it nothing that anyone did could stop moses from being born to deliver israel why because god spoke a word to abraham 400 years earlier and god says to abraham know this that your descendants will be uh in servitude in a nation for 400 years but when the iniquity of the amorite is full god said i will bring them out with a mighty hand god promised that and so when the timing was set 430 years 30 years from time joseph came down um god had to get his delivered in the earth and regardless of what the decree of pharaoh was to kill all the male children they couldn't kill moses because it was predetermined by god this is going to happen fast forward same thing with jesus when herod heard that the king was being born to the jews he issued a decree where all the children of bethlehem will be killed two years old and under but the lord jesus christ was born anyway because what it was predetermined when god sets times and seasons there's a whole not a whole lot that can be done about it by anyone in the earth so the bible says here gideon said unto him lord um he said oh my lord if the lord be with us why then is all this before why is this happening to us and where be all the miracles which our fathers told us of the all mothers and the uh the generation before talk about the miracles of god we don't see any of those miracles that's the complaint and let me explain something to you god has the right to suspend the supernatural when he's working out his timetable god has you say well but this doesn't look good for god you see the problem is god doesn't have a social media account god is not on facebook he's not collecting followers he's not on instagram god no that's not the way it works matter of fact god uh god will rather protect the privacy of his name then the publicity of his name yeah god is mocking when when israel when um the bible tells a story about when they when they conquered jericho and aiken went and took of the silver and gold in the babylonian garment the bible says that um the next battle which was at a.i israel fell israel was defeated and joshua cried to the lord and joshua wasn't just crying about the defeat he was crying because god had promised to give them victory here they were in the second battle and they were defeated and while joshua's on the ground crying the lord tells him get up get up and god is having this conversation with joshua and joshua's like well lord you know this makes you look bad and god says it makes me look bad he said israel has sinned they have touched the thing that was accursed joshua is talking about how god looks to the public and god is talking to joshua about how things are working in private and so we miss god god is not really interested in how he's perceived because he has a in a second he'll change the perception you got it so the question here is where are the miracles which our fathers told us of saying did not the lord bring us up from egypt but now he said the lord hath forsaken us and delivered us into the hand of the middle midians because god has determined that he's going to deal with his people in a certain way to bring us back to a place of of reverence to bring us back to a place of fearing him or trusting him or of being focused on him it does not mean he's forsaken us it does not mean that what it means is is that god has determined a timetable whereby we have to he's going to work some things out if the church is sick um he has to work some things out and he can't do certain things are widespread until those things are dealt with he'll do things here and there but in the last four years look what came out about the church um that we had a prophetic problem it's to the point i was reading a one prophet someone sent me in my inbox after after these prophecies failed about about who would win the election one prophet issued a public apology and he said he received literally uh tens if not hundreds of thousands of responses or people rebuking him telling him that he should not have repented or asked for forgiveness for issuing a false prophecy he was obligated to do that he was being rebuked for doing the right thing that's how far off not not by people by regular saints by prophets prophets were rebuking him for prophetic accountability that's how far the church has gotten off so so i believe i believe that a lot of the what god is doing um is far good it doesn't feel good in the moment but it's for our good and yes people are leaving the earth and in in numbers that i've not seen in my lifetime but i believe this god has not forsaken us god is with us in verse 14 uh the bible says and the lord looked upon him first he talked about the angel of the lord but in verse judges 6 14 it says and the lord looked upon gideon and said go in this thy might and thou shall save israel from the hand of the midians have not i sent me here's what god said he said if you go in the power that you're the latent power that you have he says something is going to happen and he asks him a question have i not sent thee remember now this this word might um in the greek is translated ishkosh and it's a word that means i have power but it's potential it's dormant it's not being used it's never listen nothing in my life has ever put a demand on it whenever i face a situation where it could potentially be released i see myself as powerless and so i choose to power run and hide and endure so the might the powers in me is never stirred up or never released the word might now i i gave us all of this to bring us to this this is a good scenario a good backdrop to talk about this issue of god speaking to us about the things that we need in acts chapter 1 verse 6 of the king james version i want to speak to this issue about jesus is getting ready to depart and the bible says uh he's he's really he's been visiting with his disciples off and on for for the or the 40 days after his resurrection so he's ministering to these people um sometimes at one point it was 500 at the time he was ministering to and he was preparing them for his departure and what the world would be like for them after he leaves he said a lot of things to them but the disciples realized he had not spoken to them again about the kingdom and the things he may have mentioned it once or twice but he didn't go into detail about the kingdom and how it's going to be structured and set up its political influence and and maybe um if this is the time for the disciples to sit on thrones like he had promised they don't know what's going on so instead of leaving it the chance they decided to ask him and so the bible says in acts chapter 1 verse 6 when they were therefore come together they asked of him saying lord will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to israel will thou again restore the kingdom to israel verse 7 says and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times of seasons which the father put in his power verse 8 says but you shall receive power after the holy ghost come upon you shall be witnesses and we know that entire what i want to do is go back to verse 6 and slow this down and take a look at what we're dealing with so so the they came to him with a question the question was lord um we're concerned about our place in the earth after you leave where where do we fit into the political structure there was rome occupying palestine the area of palestine jerusalem and then there was a sanhedrin the ruling 70 from israel the religious leaders where do we fit in if you came to set up a kingdom and now you're leaving where does the kingdom fit within the power structure we have the democrats we have the republicans so where do the christians fit and the lord is kind of like okay um i don't think they get it what they wanted to be clear about as i want to emphasize is where they stood politically and as a people they were concerned about the wind of god's plan especially as it related to the kingdom on the earth i want to issue this um understanding in this situation and in many situations when the lord talks about israel and this is where the church's theology has become screwy for the last hundred years he's not referring to a place he is referring to a people put that in the comments when the but in most cases when jesus is speaking or concerning israel he's not speaking about a geographical location when he's not speaking as a matter of fact i'll go one step further when he talks about the kingdom he's not not talking geographically israel is a people will the kingdom be restored given back and now look at this double uh um emphasis restored again will the kingdom be given again to israel to the people of israel and the kingdom by the way um the way they understood they understood the power structure of the romans and the greeks before them they understood the power structure of maybe the sanhedrin but they did not understand the power structure of the kingdom in the kingdom there is no hierarchy per se the kingdom is set up as a father and a and his family both in heaven and in earth the kingdom is anywhere that god has influenced jurisdiction and authority any anywhere that his power and his his sovereignty is acknowledged that is the kingdom of god and normally it's not a place it's a people the problem with most american theologians is that they think america and israel are twin brothers and that that god that israel can't survive without america it's the most arrogant thing i've ever heard in my life your theology first of all first of all there is no direct reference to america in in the bible i mean i mean there's there's one reference to an eagle or the um the child is taking on wings of the eagle you can make that eagle america if you want i mean you take that license you wanted but there's there's no there's no specific direct mention okay well what about the other nations the uh what are gog and magog the king of the north uh that's russia and that whole area of northern europe or the king of the east that's obviously china and um all the countries that's going to suck in south korea i'm sorry north korea and that whole region the bible speaks very little in the book of revelation about the south and the west and there's a reason for it i believe there's a good reason why the bible doesn't speak about the south of the west we don't hear anything about america or or this part of western europe okay this is critical information because i think once we understand that he's speaking to people not a place go to verse let's go to verse seven so this was is not it's not a place by asking if the kingdom will be restored to israel the disciples are asking if the people of israel will be will again be self-ruled or again be in power the issue this whole issue these three verses in acts chapter one deal with power they deal with po the topic is power not not so much power to dominate but power to to speak to your own future okay power to pursue whatever you feel is in your heart is speaking about absurd and power in verse seven he says and he's the bible says the accent question like we're asking a lot of questions now but here's what he said to them that got me i'm gonna read it and i want you to pay attention to this and he said unto them listen to the statement it is not for you to know let's stop there for a minute it is not for you to know the response that jesus gave them uh is the main point i want to cover he said it's just not for you to know this crisis you're in is not about information it's not about recognition it's not about understanding the crisis that we're in right now is not about information it's not about details of particulars facts and figures that's not what it's about now details are wonderful particulars are good to know facts are facts you got it and the figures that are included um they they bold well when they're needed but that's not what this is about it's not about recognition what does that mean it's not about recognition speaks to identification it's not about who are the true israelites not not right now i know i know it's not about that right now it's not about it's not about apprehension on what we can what we can uh cognitively uh assert or say that belongs to us it's not about identification um it's not about understanding this season that we're in is not about wokeness it's really it's not about walkers it's not really worried about awareness or not listening it's not even about discernment now all of these play their part but that's not what the season is about and if you mess up and misunderstand the season it could throw you off because you won't get the answers you need from god and if you if you don't get the answers from god satan will offer you answers and what you're seeing the gross deception you see in the earth right now are people who have turned from god now let me tell you how the spiritual realm works there are only two types of people that seek to access the spiritual realm the spiritual or the supernatural people and the superstitious people supernatural and superstitious people supernatural people people who believe the word of god and they look to the heavens or they look to the invisible realm as as the place where where they have representation as a place where our father dwells the king of the universe dwells in the supernatural realm we're supernatural people because we believe superstitious people will look to the spiritual realm in fear they're dominated by fear everything is a problem and and and out of that comes pride out of that comes supremacy all these what they're calling supernatural is actually superstitious and that's why a lot of their prophets seem to be accurate at times because there is a thing called a suit saying spirit there is a thing lord i'm calling these prophets sayers okay yes it says there's nothing called divination this and i'm just saying people say man you there's one person you've gotten bold what else is there to be everybody lying let's tell the truth okay so when it comes down to this is what it's about this is about something completely different you can know something and the knowledge does you no good jesus they're asking they want to know jesus said it's not for you to know put that put it in the timeline put it put in the comments uh it's not for me to know some things are not for me to know something you need to go to uh maybe maybe share this live with someone because some they need to hear this they didn't ask you i just don't understand what's going on i just don't know it's not for you to know and what happens to us many many times is when god is determined that you're not going to know you can't figure it out because it's not about knowing right now there's a time to know but there's a time for something else we will talk about that in a minute so this is important for us to understand the crisis we're in is not about information it's not about recognition not about understanding um you can know something in the knowledge does you know good let me give three scriptures to back this point up in romans chapter 1 verse 21 without reading a whole lot of context here's what the bible says about people um who actually um are the purveyors or or the initiators or the creators of the evil we see in the world the enemies use them tremendously it says yes they knew god but they would not worship him as god or even give him thanks and they began to think of foolish ideas of what god was like as a result their minds became dark and confused this right here is the spirit of the age we live in they knew god they knew him but they still thought they needed a man to deliver them that's why you've seen these weird videos about people crying do you have a plan i'm not trying to mock it but i feel so sorry for the the lady in this viral video who's who's like praying to our 100-55 and asking him do you have a plan for us you know and the reason they're doing that is because they knew god but they didn't worship him as god but they didn't even give thanks what they did was they began to think of foolish ideas what he was like and one foolish idea is the thing that god is like you and that god endorses your supremacy and your national sins as a result the result of that the consequences it darkened their minds and it confused them so you can know something it doesn't benefit you here's another scripture look at john chapter five this is one of my favorite scriptures in the bible you search the scriptures because you think you have eternal life or they give eternal life but the scriptures point to me so as the bible says the bible says they know the scripture but the scripture the scripture points to someone verse 40 says yet you refuse to come to me to receive life so they know what the bible says but it doesn't mean that they have what the bible says so knowing is not always having this is the point i'm trying to make to us today is that what the lord is saying to us is you we're making all this effort to know things i want to answer that and you we have deified and put answers in a place it's not supposed to be sometimes people want answers because they feel i'm gonna come back to this statement they feel powerless what they lack is not answers they lack power and so that's why people are asking why why is this happening because they try to get some sense of it to see how they can position themselves in a position of power not not a negative way just they just want to be able to do something to avoid what's going on but as we said it's not always about knowing in first corinthians chapter eight i'm yeah chapter eight verse one it says now regarding your question about foods that have been offered to idols here's what he says yes we know that we all have knowledge about this issue we all have knowledge but while knowledge makes us feel important powerful he said while knowledge makes you feel empowered in the situation and then he contrasts in this case he said it is love that strengthens the church notice now he says but while knowledge makes you feel important love strengthens our love empowers so on the one hand we have knowledge on the other hand we have power i want to know why because i want power and god said that's not the way it works in a situation where i've shut down heaven while i've shut down the earth where i've put you in a season of redevelopment i put you in a season of remedial of spirituality i'm trying to build you i'm trying to prepare you for what's to come he says i'm not gonna show you a whole lot and when i don't show you a whole lot you don't need knowledge don't pray for knowledge you say that's not what you need well go back to acts chapter one verse seven what it what is it that we do need in acts chapter one verse seven he said unto them it is not for you to know times or seasons which the father had put in his own power let me speak to these times and season so i've taught this for years times is the greek word chronos seasons is the greek word uh heroes or chronos speaks to the passing of time it includes like lengths of time like all any kind of measure time like days weeks months minutes seconds that's that's corners it's measured time but seasons the greek words kiros really speaks of mark time specific time or significant time why this is important is because the greeks use the word heroes they will ask you uh what's today's heroes what's today's date that's what the word means the date and so this word um kiros means it's of time as it refers to dates like when i say 9 11 immediately something comes to mind when i say january the 6th 2021 if you were anywhere conscious that you know what happened that day that's a that's a curious moment that and these normally are scheduled before the foundation of the earth these are turning points these are momentum changing moments these are these are times that god has said watch us now the bible says the father has put these in his own power under his own authority the word exousia here's what it means it says that god has determined that there's some things he knows that no one else will know and it's interesting that when jesus came to the earth as the son of god as a man this on record scriptures that said there's some things he didn't know as a man he could find out in prayer because god would tell him he said the father would tell me anything but as a man he didn't know he didn't want to know okay now let me show you how this works jesus said if god i'm a paraphrase if god doesn't volunteer dates and times then it's not for us to know i'm saying it again if god does not volunteer dates and times for example when i was starting this church the lord spoke to me and he said um um he told me prophets were calling me saying has the law spoken to you about pastor and i said yeah i said but i don't want to do that i did it in germany i don't want you to do it again the first prophet said well you know it's not it's not your call the lord said he has needed you i said okay second prophet comes along this second prophet prophesied to me three times went up to preach in delaware a prophet i was sitting in the backseat don't forget this right behind her in the cadillac husband is driving she turns to me and she prophesies to me it's the same prophecy the last prophecy that came to me was if you do not obey the lord by this time next week and now what is god doing god is putting a date on it because god has a program that has to initiate a certain time interestingly enough if he didn't say to me heart you know by december of 1996 you need to start the church he didn't do that he didn't volunteer he didn't volunteer the time he didn't he didn't want russia's now he didn't want me to know the time all he needed for me was a yes and when he got my yes he gave me timetables he was not going to give me the timetable before he got my yes i hope this is making sense to you so so being overly obsessed with knowing is a sign of deep distrust i need to it's a sign of needing to be in control trust in the lord with all that heart don't lean to your own understanding and all that always acknowledge him let him direct that path this whole thing about i always want to know everything the lord will show me something god will show us you know we need to fabricate our knowing because that's that keeps us feeling like we're in control my question to you is is it possible that god could have us social distancing wearing masks um having church online and then say to us you're in the most powerful position you could be in right now you see what we don't know what's going on god says it's not about knowing it's not about knowing what's going on see the disciples asked jesus a question about what was happening around them lord tell us what's going to happen around us and what jesus was saying to them he says in verse in verse 80 says to then watch this he says but you shall receive power after the holy ghost has come upon you he said the issue is not what's happening around you the issue is going to be what's happening within you the issue is not what's happening around you is what's happening within you so i want to speak to that real quickly but let me go give you some scriptures to show you that there are times when god does withhold from us he withholds from us information that we think we need in deuteronomy 29 29 i'll give you a bunch of scriptures the bible says um the lord our god has secrets known to no one someone said what god does nothing unless he reveals us to his prophet if he wants to you can't make a doctrine out of that i'll tell you why it takes at least two or three witnesses to establish anything god he said at one time now we trust the prophets thank god for the prophets but the bible says moses is writing to the children he told me say i want you to know something about the god i serve the god i'm in partnership with i have a covenant with him he has secrets known to no one we are not accountable for them i love this he said we're not accountable for the secrets that god didn't if god didn't reveal something to me i'm not accountable for it he says but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions now i hope you saw what i just revealed right there from the scriptures actually what the scripture just revealed it says the reason that god doesn't tell us certain things he doesn't want you to know certain things because he does not want you to be accountable for it because once you know it you're accountable for it and at times god will not tell you when things are gonna happen he's not gonna tell you why something happened he just he says things just just trust me so he you said we you we call him lord the word curios in the greek means not the word lord curiosity it means the one who tells me what to do the one who tells me what to do he's my he's my lord and my leader and my savior my rescuer if he's my lord and he tells me what to do he calls the shot he runs the show and i believe that what happens to us as christians is we become uncomfortable because we're trying to we're trying to lead god and then when things change and with information with hell we become confused and we don't know which direction to go when we should be following not leading jesus said if you're gonna come after me take up your cross so whenever there's an issue between my flesh and my spirit between heaven and earth between what i want and what god wants the ish the answer becomes the cross i submit to the cross just like jesus went to the cross and submit to the father's will i submit to his his will i hope i'm making sense so look at daniel chapter 2 verse 20 daniel chapter 2 verse 20. he said praise the name of god forever and ever for he has all wisdom and power verse 21. he controls the course of world events he moves he removes kings and sets up other kings he gives wisdom to uh to the wise and knowledge to the scholars verse 22 says quickly he reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in the darkness though he's surrounded by the light in other words god knows everything but he just just doesn't reveal it all he knows what's going on my question to you is are you okay with god knowing and you're not knowing jesus said it's not for you to know it is not for you to know see what pastor just happened it's not for you to know and i think when we embrace and accept it god is not something god wants me to know let me tell you something about god that people don't know god wants you to know something there's no way you're gonna miss it he will interrupt your dreams he will make it the lyric to a song it'll be a scene in a movie god listen god whatever you like to do god will show up that god does not mind interrupting your life to tell you what he needs you to know all right now look at mark i'm sorry matthew chapter 24 verse 36 jesus is talking to his disciples about the end of all things he said however no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen not even the angels in heaven or the son himself only the father knows wait there are things here's what here's the picture there's some things that are scheduled to happen in the earth and in the universe that nobody knows but the father watches the jesus being the son the holy spirit of course is the spirit of jesus and the father they all won but at the time when jesus is speaking well does jesus know now he knows not because he sees it at the right head of the father i believe he knows now the bible doesn't say that but i believe he does uh after he's been exalted and given the name above all names but at the time he's walking in the earth he's telling them this right here he said they're things that are scheduled to happen no one knows the day no one knows the hour so he's speaking of of these measured times he says when these things will occur he says not even the angels who stand guard in heaven this whole can you imagine the national guard angels the uh the navy angels the air force angels the space force angel all these angels these different kind of angels in heaven and they act well um you know they're talking about this invasion when it's going to happen nobody knows god the father's just sitting there just he's sitting on the phone like he always sits only the father knows if the angels don't know certain things do you think he's going to tell you no it's not for you to know look this is messing with some people's life look at verse 37 real quickly when the son of man returned he said it would be like like it was in the days of noah he said i could give you a hint but i can't tell you when because at that time he says because i don't know look at mark chapter 12 verse 32. the teacher of religious law replied well said uh our teacher you have spoken the truth by saying that there's only one god and no other verse 33. he said and i know it's important to love i don't think there's a scripture i'm looking for that's not the one i'm looking for let's let's move forward i i copied it wrong go to first thessalonians chapter five verse one sometime that happens when you're a terrible typist okay so it says in uh thessalonians 5 and 1. now concerning how and when all this happened will happen dear brothers and sisters we don't really need to write to you watch this paul is telling the church at thessalonica some things are scheduled to happen and as far as as us telling you about the details of it he said you'll need us to write to you he said for you know quite well that the day of the lord's return will come unexpectedly like a thief in the night he said we don't we don't talk to you about that kind of stuff he said really because we don't know paul who wrote two-thirds of the new testament is telling the church that he birthed i don't know and so my point i'm making to us is that there's some things that we're not going to know jesus told disciples he couldn't give them what they were asking for but he could do them one better he showed them that what was happening around them was not as important as i said what's happening within them sometimes we think we need answers and what we really need is power we often seek as i said answers from god because we feel powerless in the moment we feel weak in the environment we um we feel weak in our heads we just feel like you know what i just don't understand what's going on the disciples didn't have answers and so it made them feel powerless um but he said something in acts chapter 1 verse 8. um when we feel powerless as i said before it puts us in a position to trust most of our questions and fears are directed to what we don't know what and jesus says he says he said it's not for me it's not for you to know he says but i'm gonna tell you this one thing that's good for you to know he said you're gonna receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you he said you're going to receive power and you shall be witnesses he says i can't tell you there's some things you i can't tell you it's not for you to know that but here's what you need to know you're going to receive power and it's going to transform you into something else that's what we need to know right now is that the holy spirit has already been given every believer in jesus christ if you listen if you know the lord you at least that you were baptized by the spirit into the body of christ now took not to be filled the spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues i believe that's a subsequent experience and i think everyone should seek the lord for that experience i believe so but but if you're born again you have the holy spirit the holy spirit may not have you but you have the holy spirit okay now so it's impossible to have the holy spirit and be powerless in any situation i want to speak that in a minute but i want to show you something that the spirit of jesus living within the believer the holy spirit was given to us for many reasons but here's three of the reasons number one for identity number two for leadership or counsel and number three for power i'm going to speak to the power part but let me show you a couple scriptures that show us that the holy spirit was given to us for identity in second corinthians chapter 1 verse 21 he said it is god who enables us along with you to stand firm for christ his commission is verse 22 says and he has identified us as his own how does god identifies as his own by placing the holy spirit in our hearts so the holy spirit was given to us for identity purposes he he he's the he identifies us what transforms a regular person into christ's followers i'm not talking about christian because everybody claimed to be yeah christian i'm talking about a christ follower i'm telling the person who has the heart the sensitivity of that jesus jesus had a person who sees life through the lens of scripture who sees life through the lens of the true living god that person the bible says gets the identity when god places a spirit in us watch us now in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he's promised to us the first the holy spirit identifies us as he sealed us with the holy spirit of promise is what i think the king james says so that we have a mark in the spirit realm there's a mark on you you say well i'm not taking the mark of the beast you're already marked you're marked in the spirit for god and and this mark of the beast and everybody talking about let me help you all out it is not a physical mark i don't even put a chip in me this is not talking about a chip wake up you know what read your bible no no what about it your pastor needs to read this bible what about that i'm i'm through shade it is not a physical mark just like this mark is god he has he identified us but he put a mark upon us right it's not a physical mark you can't see it but what it shows up in behavior it shows up in conversation many times it shows up in sensitivity to god in desire now i'm gonna show you this so this whole issue about the holy spirit transformers is real um the first main reason we said is identity the second one is leadership of counsel in john 14 26 says what it says when the father sends the advocate as my representative that is the holy spirit he will teach you so right now watch this the holy spirit teaches you now this is interesting he's so good at it that the holy spirit could teach you through your own experience through your own relationship with him or he can he can send teachers prophets or whomever to minister to you and he could teach you that way he could teach you through any means he uses anything and anyone as a classroom or as a teacher he's it's not relegated to evil even unsaved people can teach you the holy spirit could have them show you stuff you got it the bible said he would teach you everything and will remind you of everything i told you so the holy spirit deals with your memory with mnemonics this thing about about uh total recall you can recall certain things by the spirit he brings things to your remembrance in a certain moment to teach you a listening that you need to know about the times look at uh john chapter 16 verse 13 when the spirit of truth is come that's the holy spirit he will guide you into all truth he will not speak of his own but will tell you what he has heard he will tell you about the future so right in this verse we have two things number one he's going to guide us into truth his whole his whole ministry his whole relationship with us his whole partnership fellowship with us is to get us out of this life some light is driving our lives and gets into the truth how does he do that he digs deep down if it has to do with the way i perceive he would keep stripping layers away until i see things clearly if it has to do with me he'll keep showing me layers and layers of myself until i get to the root of it and he said let me work with that and then when you give me a yes he begins to deal with it we call that deliverance you got it he speaks to you about the future it's just listen you say well i love to be around prophetic people um you are a prophetic person you cannot have the holy spirit not be prophetic why because part of his job is to show you the future okay so that's the second um main reason we have the holy spirit and the third one is simply power i want to spend the next 10 to 15 minutes just showing you how this layout of power you say past i just need answers no you don't you need to act the power of god within you need to be activated then you won't need answers what you're going to do is create solutions you're going to create when the listen jesus told the sabbath he said um it's not for you to know times of seasons he said well here's what i want you to do he said go to jerusalem and wait till you be endued with powerful on high and when the holy spirit came watching us now he could have told him he could talk well on um on the day of pentecost this is going to happen and then um um uh 30 years or 40 years later roman's going to come they're going to destroy the temple and he could have laid out the whole church age for them he said ah it's not you don't need to know that here's what you need to know though regardless of what happens to you regardless of who's attacking who's doing what what whether you shut down or shut in if you in the united if you're in prison in the dungeon and they and they have you in chains he says nothing they do can make you powerless if you know how to release the powers that's within you god will shake dungeons to get you out god god god will slay guards at gates god has there's no limitation he said you have a certain power that has not been tapped into because as much as life squeezes you when life squeezes you instead of letting the power come out you're looking for answers he said you do not need revelation i'm not sorry information recognition you don't need that what you need right now is the power is in you to come out to flow out yeah i think i'm too excited about this okay so i want to make this point again it's impossible for you to have the holy spirit and be powerless in a situation even when you have no voice even when you think you have no options when you have no knowledge when you have no say-so you're restricted and you're flying blind you are not powerless and if you happen to be in a situation where you say pastor i just don't have enough here's what the lord told paul he says my grace is sufficient for you for my strength my power is perfected in your weakness you know those watches now and when god talks about his power not the power that comes from up there the power that's in you he's able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think according to the power not the part that falls down reign your power down that that preaches well it prays well but it's wrong no you do it's like let your power fall power no no no no the power he's talking about exceeding abundantly above all things comes out of you according to the power that works within you power can fall all around you but if it's not within you nothing is going to change and nine times out of ten in a situation where god is predetermined the boundaries of the benchmarks of how something's going to happen when god locks down the world he's done he's not one of the situation to change he wants he's wanting you to change he's wanting me to change that's what this is about so i'm going to give you uh as many scriptures as i can i'm going to be done i pray that this uh was a good lesson for you community i pray you got this i can't read your comments i gotta get a screen of something read the comments i need i need to know where you guys are i can feel you but i don't i can't hear you can't see you i want to give you these scriptures and i pray that they speak to you give me king james for all of them unless i ask for something different in micah chapter 3 verse 8 the prophet makes a statement here's what he said but i he said but truly you know he said truly i'm full of power by the spirit of the lord put it in you put it in your comments we know we're going to confess some of this stuff today you activate your faith by what you're saying what you do that's in the bible jesus said it in mark 23 uh mark 11 23 through 20 25 it is true you we activate power by what we say what we do so the power is within us that's how our faith is activated he said but i am truly full of power by the spirit of god of the spirit of the lord and of judgment and of might to declare unto jacob his transgression and to israel's sin well that's what he was called to do but what did we stop and say i i'm truly full of power by the spirit of the lord and of judgment of might to blank what is it that you need to do to endure this situation to go today to this this home this graveside service and put my loved one to rest to to make it to the grieving season because god has determined that this person's time in the earth has come to an end i'm full of power by the spirit of the lord and full of judgment doesn't mean good making and this might the word might means potential i have a good potential to do whatever i'm supposed to be doing in this season that's that's the way it works because you know what are we making this up well i'ma say something that's gonna blow your mind if what i'm preaching now is not true then none of what we believe is true either if you got the holy spirit but don't have power that means god is a liar and if god's a lie then this whole thing is a lie here's what the prophet i am full of power by the spirit of the lord put that put that in the comments i am full of power by the spirit of the lord and he says not just uh for the power i'm full of judgment which means i make good decisions by the spirit of the lord i'm full of my potential by the spirit of the lord so here's the three things power decision making and potential by the holy spirit that lives in me that's the word go to luke chapter 10 verse 19 i'm about to blow your mind again jesus is speaking to his disciples and here's how it works in scripture what jesus says to the disciples um he says to us in principle everything that's been spoken to the disciples what he gave to them he gave to us in principle in other words they represent us in that time frame and now we're representing them in this time frame we're all we all together and here's what he said to them behold i give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you now understand something he did not say he did not say that nothing shall by any means make you feel restricted make you feel powerless make make you or make you feel like are threatened he did not say that you won't you won't feel pain he said in the long run in the end game it's going to work for you it's not going to harm you it's not going to be a detriment in your life it's not gonna be a deficit he said it's actually gonna work for you now the two words power the reason i chose the king james is because the king james translators chose to translate two different greek words as the word power um the word the first word power put it on the screen for them to see it the first word power is the word exousia um behold i give unto you sushi was its authority to tread on serpents and scorpions these are these symbolic of demonic forces and over all the power which is the word dunamis or ability of the enemy so here's what he says i'm reading in the translation he said behold i give to you authority to trade on all the demonic attacks and demonic activity that's happening right now and i give you authority over all the ability of the enemy so put in the comments i'm gonna have you type in today i have authority over the enemy's ability put that in the comments i have authority over the enemy's ability in my life i have authority over the enemies of ability in this season it for the rest of my life i have authority over his ability watch this i can't stop what's going on but i can limit it god is working on something and listen i will use it the authority of scripture i would speak the word of god i will stand my ground now the the picture i like to give of this or script of this scripture is imagine that a person is driving uh uh uh his diesel truck i'm um his i'm talking about he driving like a tractor trailer through town the the traffic lights are out so you did your police officer you're dispatched to do traffic duty well all you got is a whistle in your mouth and a police uniform and a badge but when you stand in the intersection you blow your whistle and you put your hand up i don't care how powerful that diesel engine is that big old tractor trailer is and the person driving that thing i've seen some of those trucks you stop them and they bounce like you can see that you can hear the ish curse that that potential that's in them the energy that's ready to release you can hear you can see the truck bouncing it can't even sit still for the power that's in it but when you raise your hand and you say stop and you start waving other traffic through that truck will not defy you here's why because the uniform that you wear the badge that you wear goes back to the the police precinct where the captain is the captain's power goes back to the mayor's office where the mayor is the mayor's watches he doesn't stop at the mayor's office it goes now to the city council to the governor from the governor to the president whoever is is the main source of power your power on that street corner goes back to him the reason that your authority works over the enemy's ability is because your authority does not stop with you it goes all the way back it's tied off in the throne room of god where jesus is sitting at the right hand of the father so when i do in jesus name i said this will you can stop so he said wait a minute but pastor i prayed and the person still died and you know what that happens you know what you say the will of the lord be done you bow your knee to god and you say your will be done because the reality is at the end of the day either the lord's going to call for us he's going to come for us but nobody gets out of here alive yeah look at luke chapter 1 verse 35. i'm out of time can i borrow five minutes i'll give you five minutes but let me walk five minutes in in luke chapter 1 verse 35 this is the story of mary i want to give you real quickly look what the angel said to her the angel she asked how would go to verse 34. mary asked the angel a question she wanted to know in verse 34 she mary said unto the angel how shall this be seen i know not a man she's looking for information watch this again she's looking for knowledge she wants to know and the answer comes in verse 35 the angels answered and said unto her he said the holy ghost shall overpower shall come upon thee he said holy that's what he says and the power of the high shall overshadow thee therefore also the holy thing which should be born of thee shall be called the son of god his answer she asked for knowledge he talked about power what about every time you ask god why when how he's gonna he's not gonna talk to you about any in wisdom sometimes he gives you details but more times than not he will show you the power that you have in the moment he told gideon he said go in this thyme and you will deliver israel what if i told you there's no situation there's no situation where you are indeed powerless we could be stubborn and decided the only way out the only way out or the only way to get to a better city is to get out of this and sometimes your strength lies in being in this situation and letting god incubate you and incubate you till you grow till you get stronger and stronger and become something that god has designed for you to be i'll give you a couple more scriptures we're doing look at luke chapter 24 verse 44. in luke chapter 24 verse 44. he said unto them these are the words which i speak i speak unto you while i was with you that all things must be fulfilled which do me a favor give me a new living translation because i think i want to give clarity on this real fast really quickly then he said unto them when i was with you before i told you that everything written about me in the law of moses and the prophets and in the psalms must be fulfilled verse 45. then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures now this is jesus after he rose from the dead he's with his disciples he's actually sitting down eating with them at a place called emmaus and the bible says that this a lot of things they didn't know he he walked with them for three years he told him stuff they just couldn't get it they didn't have the capacity to understand it and sometimes god withholds knowledge from us because we don't have the capacity to process it and he said to them the bible says in verse 46 yes it was written long ago that the messiah would suffer and die and rise from the dead on the third day keep wrong it was also written that this message would be proclaimed in authority in the authority of his name to all nations beginning in jerusalem there's forgiveness of sins for all who repent uh you are witnesses of these things verse 49 and now i will send the holy spirit just as my father promised but stay here in this city until the holy spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven stay in the situation stay in this hardship he'll stand and stay on the roman rule stay under the the jerusalem church or the jerusalem or religion the uh judaism stay in this religious uh hot bed stay in this political situation why he said because in this right-handed situation you're gonna be filled with power from on high what if i told you that what we're going through now is all about the church coming to a place of pure power not fake power can you imagine what's going to happen when we come back to church i don't know about them people say we ain't gonna never shut down our churches you okay good you go there maskless and you do what you do y'all uh heard immunity thing go do that but i'm tell you i'mma speak to the black church for the for the people of god who understand what god is doing oh lord let me fix this i'm talking about the churches that believe god it's not just black church i just happen to be black and i'm speaking to the uss okay what i'm saying to you is when we come back in the house of god ain't gonna just be fake no no no no no listen no it's gonna be i believe the igniting that's gonna happen we're gonna see all kinds of stuff break out of these church buildings no more four walls it can't contain it why because something has to happen we are being compressed to the point where right now we're in a situation where we are contents under pressure and you get continents in the pressure under the right heat i think will blow up and i think that's what's going to happen to us when we come back together we'll see that we all individually have sustained some type of growth in our lives last scripture i'm doing matter of fact two more i'm doing romans chapter 15 verse 17 real quickly i won't explain this real long uh paul is writing he says i have reason to be enthusiastic about all christ is done through me in my service to god verse 18 he said yeah i dare not boast about anything except what christ has done through me bringing the gentiles to god by by way i'm sorry by my message and by the way i worked among them um verse nine what's that verse 19 that's my verse yes they were convinced watches now they were convinced not by my knowledge no he said they were convinced by the power of miraculous signs and wonders and by the power of god's spirit god's spirit many of us don't even know the holy spirit he's your dance partner for many of us he's just i'm gonna clown you real quick you are so you're so churchy and i put this on my timeline the other day that during the inauguration jennifer lopez switched she's bilingual switched to spanish and y'all went up you quickly in your living room you listen and i'm not i'm not knocking it what i'm saying to you is we are so hungry for knowledge of the holy spirit that we don't have we've had all these experiences but no knowledge of the holy spirit and paul says what's going on he said what's going to change the world it's not our knowledge it's it's not our social media our church of social media because it's not even our streams we're going to change the world he said what convinced you he's telling the romans was the power of miraculous signs and wonders and by the power of god's spirit he said in this way i fully presented the good news of christ you we cannot fully present the gospel to people without the holy spirit without the power of the holy spirit and that's what we need not not we don't need knowledge anymore thank god for knowledge i have a lot of it but we need power you don't need to know everything you need to you need power and then this last scripture this last scripture is one of my favorites it's uh it's i wish i had time to explain to you it's in zechariah chapter four verse one then the angel who had been talking with me return and woke me up as though i'd been asleep this is the prophet zechariah he says jesus asked what do you see now i answered i see a solid gold lamp stand with a bowl of oil on top of it around the bowl i see seven lamps each having seven spouts with wicks and i see two olive trees one on each side of the bowl now this is interesting because what he actually saw was the lamp standards in the tabernacle of the temple but this one was different he had a bowl on top of it he had tubes coming from the bowl and two olive trees on the side of it and while in the oh under the um sacrificial system um the priests were responsible for getting the olives crushing the olives getting the oil pointed all um for light to come from the lampstand he saw that god had set up some type of system in a vision he saw there were olive trees where they were literally giving olive oil to this bowl and the bowl was feeding the the lamp and light was always perpetually burning he said then i asked the angel what are these my lord this he wants knowledge what are these my lord what do they mean verse five he said do you not know you see you don't know how are you god's man of faith and power you don't know nicodemus came to jesus by night jesus said how you're teaching israel and you don't no there's a lot of things that god you could be called to office that's why these titles that you're grabbing prophet is soul some the right reverend it's wonderful there's no power in them you could have knowledge you have uh titles and don't know what makes a difference is the power he says he said don't you know he says no my lord and the angel said to him this is what the lord is saying to zerubbabel he was the governor of jerusalem at the time given the task of rebuilding get give me king james god i need the king james i'm old school right here i need i need king james thank you jesus the angel that talked with me he answered and spoke to me saying this is what the word of the lord understand not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the lord now let me explain to you this might and power that the hebrew word hail means basically human resources he says not by human might it's not by human means not by human money manpower strength force or influence this is none of that he says not by that at all um he said of the word power here is a word that means brute force or strength the word of the lord is aruba bill was force can't fix what you're facing force your force your stubbornness your willpower your discipline and determination can't fix what you're facing you can't will it away no he says you can't work it away he says what you're in right now he says you're gonna have to you're gonna need a constant supply of spirit power coming into your life um it's going to give you strategies it's going to give you strength it's going to give you stamina he says you need the power of the holy spirit what i want to i'll leave you with today is this once you shift your prayers [Music] not stop asking god right in this season for knowledge once you ask him to experience the holy spirit like you've never experienced the holy spirit before to experience the power of the holy spirit don't tell him don't tell him how tell me you won't experience the power that that uh dr ramsey was talking about today i want to experience that power i i want this power in my life and what you do is you start you start spending time with god even doing this fast a minute of fasting what are you what am i fasting for i want power power i want the power of the holy spirit to be expressed through me to be expressed within me there's some things i don't need to know but i do need the power of the holy spirit father i pray today that this word landed on the ears and hearts of your people in a way that god it changes the way we approach you it changes our emphasis on knowledge i i need to understand i need god to identify and and to recognize i need for information i need for the behind the scenes and our focus shifts to i will i've received power from on high i have this power and god many of us are like gideon we're hiding out in our situations we're we're quietly resenting that you put us in the situation but you're allowed to come to pass and we don't realize that there's a potential power there's this might within us that if we just went forth in that might we will deliver and save many people around us with even lord deliver and save things in our own lives that are dying we look to you god i pray for healing power pray for miraculous powerful pray for strength pray for even the revelation that comes that is greater than knowledge the things that were being revealed to your men and women of god i pray god that even the babies among us will begin with god like god babies to do to rise in power according to the level of experience and what people see is a church that's authentic a church that has your mark a church the demons tremble because they know we wear a name we wear an identity i pray in the name of jesus god that by the words of my mouth today your people and even me myself or god will experience a power we've never experienced before not to so much to do but to be and through us oh god comes this authority to put the enemy to flight and stop him in his tracks is our prayer in jesus name amen and amen all right i kept you about 13 minutes long but listen we got to receive our offering this morning um the information is on the screen um listen i i i i want to do a teaching on giving but not today i just want i want to say this to you when you are generous with god he's generous with you so into the kingdom if nothing else um is continuing your life your sowing has to continue to be on um your strategy for future harvest you have got to continue to make the lord the lord of your income so you can govern the outcome of your life that's what i do that's that's my game plan i always tell my wife as i said we always go if god can get us through us he'll get it to us and we're always receiving we're always on the receiving end because we are big givers we are surpluses we are store houses that god uses for his kingdom for his glory so gordon saw there five wish to give on the screen you can uh go online to nccfamily.org or download download the app and you need to get the app anyway you can give to the app you can utilize our push base system by texting the code ncc family to 77977 if you're in alabama at one or one of the cities that we are are located in you can go to um safe harbor montgomery or the dome and dothan and drop your offering off or you can just mail it in and the address is on the screen listen but you got to show you got to give if you're not a member of ncc listen you're welcome to sow into ncc as well but listen i want to say this to you give your tithe to your church send the offering this way you say pastor do i have to do both you know you don't have to do both you get to do both we all get to give to god it's not something you have to do something you get to do when you change your mindset about it the power of god is released upon it okay god bless you um enjoy the week be faithful in your fast and the lord bless you i'll see you next [Music] week
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 5,672
Rating: 4.9553075 out of 5
Id: _LvJXeH5BrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 14sec (4754 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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