How Not To Become A Victim Of Your Circumstances

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remember we talked about last week about how it's possible that what's around you is not what's within you and I want to speak to you just is that main major three areas it's the body it's your health it's not just your body could be your mind then it's it's also your finances and that's a big issue especially if you were starting from behind the eight-ball or money has always been a challenge in your family or for you maybe you surpass that in finish school or or just no qualify for a good job you've always worked for the the least amount of pay and it's a financial struggle you just just money is a big deal to you or number three your relationships are always in some kind of flux and it's always chaotic this word is for you the Bible says in first John that in God is light and in him there's no I said a fact says God is light and in him there's no darkness whatsoever there's no darkness and God everyone said there's no darkness and God so what does God do when he finds himself surrounded by darkness what do you do when you're surrounded by something that's not what's in you it's not doing you like it you don't like the conditions your circumstances do not testify who you really are if you wanted to succeed you want to win but you're surrounded by losing you're surrounded by by failure you're surrounded by by just the mistakes and bad decisions you've made it just the world that you're in is not the world that you want what do you do I want to show you where the enemy can really mess up our minds because where the challenge comes is that sometimes you come to church you feel the Spirit of God moving you even hear a good word and you will you feel like your world is changing and you go back out into the same darkness I want you to pay attention to a couple of things it's gonna bless your world the Bible says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth now between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 we don't know how much time passed that's the first thing you need to settle Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 and Genesis chapter 1 verse - are not they're not speaking about the same time in space so it says God created the heavens in the earth but then something happened between chapter 1 verse 1 and chapter 1 verse 2 and the Bible says look at verse 2 this says the earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the face of the I mean cover the deep water give me King James I'm quoting King Jane and reading New Living Translation and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep so what you see is the God who does not identify with darkness nothing about him says darkness he is in a situation where he's looking at chaos when he's a God of order he's looking at something that's void he's a God that fills all in all and he's looking at a situation where the darkness is on everything but there's no darkness ending what do you do when what's out there what you weren't what's in your house was in your world is not who you are the Bible says that here's what makes it worse the Spirit of God is moving that's one thing is one thing rushes now from my world to being a mess and God is nowhere around but what do I do when I know God is moving I mean he I sense him I when I pray I feel him I mean when I read the word I get revelation but my world isn't changing what happens when God is moving but your world is not changing so the Bible says here the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and notice the Spirit of God is moving upon the face of the waters but nothing is happening and then verse 3 says and God said and God said and when God said let there be light watch the Bible says now things begin to change could it be that the change that you're looking for your life will not come just because God is moving maybe it won't come just because you wanted to what did the change you're looking for in your life is voice-activated notice Lee the change didn't begin until God said see garden and what God said was not boy it sure is go back to verse 2 God never said man the earth it is know is with our full there's no form here God never said man this is so void he didn't say it sure is dark in here he never described what he saw he surveyed it considered it while his spirit is moving on the face of the deep and conflicts that the whole thing washes now and God in his creative genius considers what that void should look like and out of his mouth what would that light come from it's in him the whole time he speaks it out and it becomes what he calls it it becomes what he and you say pastor I just I'm sorry I heard people talk about this before but I'm just not into that well you know what his how it works I'm gonna prove to you from Scripture today that God can't change your world without you well if something in the Bible is done by faith it requires your permission and it requires your participation you got to give God permission to move in your situation you gotta give God permission to dismiss some folk some other come you got to give God permission watch this now there's some time work to the situation just so let's just so you could learn the ropes give God's permission to require of you to give to him first so he can have a justifiable cause to give back to you you have to give God permission cause it's now to move on your body progressively and in process however he wants to move so you could benefit from the outcome it has to be by your permission by a participation how many you want to hear the rest of this I think is gonna help you know the Bible says here and it's critical that anything that God wanted to happen he had to say it the Holy Spirit was moving on the face of the deep but he was moving and waiting at the same time you think because God is moving he's not waiting was the Holy Spirit waiting for he was waiting for God to speak now let me show you something write this down in the order of God matter of fact I want to give the Genesis chapter 1 verse 24 I will show you this but God often dialogues with himself like a crazy person before God made madam sterling the scripture God says let us make man when he expelled Adam from the garden is what God said God said now the man has become as one of us to know good and evil who was he talking to himself because in the order of the Godhead the three are one how does that work I don't know if you could explain God he won't be God but here's what there's many things you need to know the father wills it's the son word sits and the spirit works it's write that down put it in your Bible and you don't have Bibles anymore okay I'll put it some on your notes on your phone the father wills it that's the son words it's the Spirit works it that's the order that's the arrangement now in God God does not do anything outside of that arrangement he is the designer he wills it the son is like the general contractor he supervises it with words and the Holy Spirit carries it out with works he's the workman but the thing is you have to know about God is that because of the way God arranges things he can't just do what he wants to do now I will give you a couple of things good good Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 I want to show you this so anything that God wanted to happen he had to say it but God never spoke what was he never described the surroundings he declared the surroundings that he desired so watch this now so you look at your situation and here's what enemy has done you are highly developed in descriptive in description you not to describe something in the minute y'all just sorry ain't no ain't no nobody help me right here I'm in it by myself you go to work y'all don't pay me enough money to be doing all this work everything you go you become a constant complaint that's all you do is talk about what you don't have all you do is talk about how things are all you are you're highly developed in description but what if you went to the doctor with symptoms and the doctor examined you and he said to you yep you're swelling in your leg and your leg is throbbing and it's sensitive you're right okay I'll see you next time what the description do for you this description does nothing but now when he says to you I know exactly what'll fix that here is the prescription description in hell but the prescription now starts me on the path to healing starts me the path to creating something different here's the problem the problem is all you do is describe you never prescribed so there's the question what is the outcome gonna be what is outcome going how is it gonna play out how is it gonna stay dark and you gonna live in the darkness are you gonna adjust to the darkness or you gonna declare something that will push the darkness back there's so much you have to learn in Hebrews chapter one he says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen now this is interesting because in another translation in an amplifier which is extremely long it says now faith is the assurance the confirmation and this last phrase the work the type said it out loud the word faith is the title deed of the things we hope for being the proof of things we do not yet see and the conviction of their reality now I wonder it I'll give you some definitions real fast this will help you a title deed is a legal document constituting evidence of a rights especially to ownership so if I go to the bank and the bank says to me on we can give you the loan but we need to collateral collateralize and you say well um I have a house and they said well okay well let's use the house do they send you back to bring the house talk to me know what they asked for they want to see the deed they're gonna examine the deed if the deed is right if it's authentic then they will they will say you have a house based on knock the house on they don't know how your house look they don't know how you live in the house you can be a bum for later they don't know but what they have in their hand is a title deed and that title deal do you becomes your collateral it says you have a house the Bible says your faith now remember this now faith can only be released by the words of your mouth and the works of your hand faith can only be released by the words of your mouth and the works of your hand so if you're not speaking into the situation if you're not that means you're not releasing faith you said well pastor I believe everything God says here's a reality the Holy Spirit can move on you to the point where you believe but remember there has to be words released for him to be able he is he is bound he is tied there's nothing he could do till you speak nothing he he you've been in church services where the Spirit of God was almost tangible you could feel the Lord and still left out a hair bound and broke busted and disgusted right because the Spirit of God is moving but you not said anything your faith becomes a title did you you've been showing your circumstances this is what is going to be and here's how its set up imma show you in the scripture in a minute that nothing in the earth has the ability to resist you nothing I'm not sure if I don't prove this don't believe anything I'm saying I'm sure you chapter and verse I'm gonna methodically I got I got exactly 19 20 25 minutes to do it I'm gonna show you in a minute so here's what I want to do I want to go through this whole lesson real fast can I do that so the Bible says here in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 I'll give me new living translation again it reads differently for the faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen so faith is based on hope hope is the greek word Elpis is a picture of my future is an expectation in my heart it is God speaking words that causes me to see a reality that doesn't yet exist when I go to verse three this is an interesting statement it says by faith we understand by faith me what so that I want you to say something many times when God calls upon you to release faith your mind won't understand you won't understand for example God was God's Word will say something about you and he expects you to sit about you although you don't understand how will ever happen it's not your job to understand it's your job to believe what God says and say what he says it's his job got this I wanna show you something it's God's job to begin to move the process ultimately though by faith you will understand certain things in this case it says this by faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command that what we now see did not come from something that can be seen what we see now used to be invisible what happened God spoke man forgive me King James I want to show you something it says it's confused with a true faith we understand that the worlds were what said that what Allah was what the worlds were framed by the Word of God so world's have to be framed and listened framing happens with words you frame your world whether you know it or not how y'all doing we find how's your husband he just idiot how's your wife you mean the old ball-and-chain how's your job I hate it you never say anything good about anything you're to the point now where you greet people with insults you you just saw a customer calling things I just caught it and I see it and it that's all it ever be I'm just keepin it real let's shift that if you don't keep it real then redefine what real is because this life you living that's not real that's not the will of God for you it's not the will of God that you get up on Monday morning you go to work Monday through Friday and you make a little bit of money and you pay bills at the end of the week and they do it again next week and that's all you've ever done for your entire life then you get an Instagram drama everybody success about me no they lying to their are they putting our pictures it's time for you time for you start framing your work the boss is not the worlds were framed by the Word of God so that things which are seen now were not made of things which do appear and what it's simply saying is this is that something is invisible before it's visible they share you're sitting on someone saw this chair in their mind they drew the chair they put a design had a builder to build it and now it becomes a reality everything in your life everything you want has to be seen within force and released without the past is hard for me to believe that we have to fix you believing but it's okay God has to rectify in erroneous beliefs all the time listen to me when God first told me to start a ministry I said I kept going back to God you did yet the right person I think him believe it listen I'm gonna tell you something's funny my father I was raised in the lap of luxury in the 70s when people in the islands didn't know intercoms were we had him in our house there's an intercom my bedroom when I first moved in the house I was like what's this that little thing on the wall there's an intercom what does it mean that dad could talk to you from his bedroom really that wasn't even the Jetsons I didn't sit on the Jetsons but in the house but when I moved out watch it's not when I moved out of the house I went straight to the ghetto and so the ghetto became my reality I ran away from home in fact between 15 and 16 years old I would not to do my own thing and all I knew was ghetto life and so money became a big issue to me when God told me to starting this work I didn't even listen do you know that one of the building over here the lease option that we were given was only $3,000 a month I could not believe for 3,000 a month we'd never ridden we'd never paid anything that was that much money $3,000 a month you might as well say 3 million you know what God had to do he had to acclimate me to the world I was going to live in gaad's last thing was $3,000 there's no money and here's what God does he moves you into that world first when you still the smaller version of yourself he moves into the other world and you begin to act listen and you have two options either you're gonna do it my faith in you will start pretending and then in the back where you weren't but when I start doing God moved into this room I started using my faith I started talking to the people know with me I started I start quoting the Word of God I start praying concerning what God said pointing his promise back to him when the prop was coming in to the mother coming do we have the money I started declaring the promise or not the problem before I'm gonna say what happened I got up in a service or Sunday morning church what do you see I preach the message of my vision that's Sunday for the first time ever in our church eight thousand dollars came in a Sunday morning I like the past out in my office when the accountant told me that the offering was eight thousand dollars before that it was only it was barely twelve hundred how do we get from 1280 by speaking it but out of your mug declaring what God says all we did was say what he said because here's what you need to know the plan is not yours it's not the will of God sent you to the earth with a purpose you're not just here to suck up air and go work for somebody pay bills you're here with a purpose you are a vessel God has something for you to do you don't make it in the earth you live this long with nothing to do is the past I haven't done it yet you are late bloom I will fix you Abraham was a late bloomer too he was 75 years old and God called him did fulfill the promise till he was 99 100 years old you're not anybody here 100 years old United 85 any penny 80 year olds 75 75 or you been in yours huh let me show you something he said as I just haven't started you don't know what it is God has for you do know I'm sure you this is gonna help you it's going to help you remember there's no a message but you keep that's what you say you keep saying it to happen I'll show you something now how does this work how does framing work let me show you in Genesis chapter 1 verse 24 the Bible says and God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind I'm sure what God is doing but what is going on is that God starts in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 verse 3 and he's looking at the chaos and in this order not he's ordering or framing the world with words and he and the way it works is that God sees something that's lacking and yes so you know it's missing from over there he's a chair you know how we decorate we say in the chair over there that's not what he did his well godwyn chair over there and he goes curtains there change front door room painted he never once said demo curtains I don't like the color the room the door is just that's that's how we do it practice so even when you deal with people not saying what you see but calling it what it's going to be i'ma show you in a minute here's why you see you could look at people and say you know what you cut in the fool now but this brilliance brilliant you there is success coming out of you you brought to be a Jesus this a young guy four years in this church he should walk by me hi four years and I walk by him and Pat him in the church to say you're a leader they're going to saw him his mother said you know all he doesn't get high I'll go Pat a miniature cheerleader and one day he became a man he move away came back with his family and he saw me as a pastor can I talk to you for a minute in the past this my little boy this is my wife he turned his why he said every day pastor would see me he said I used to be high as a kite he said pastor walked by and popped me in the chest and say you early that he said I would go home and say what is he talking about he sent you one day click he said it clicked he's I was in the military watch this I was in the military he said one of my my leader said to me why you always following people when you are a leader he said when he said that all the me years a pastor walking by and popped me in the chest came flooding up and I said to myself I can't be following when I'm so I'll be leading you have to keep saying the thing that's desired i'ma show you how it works the Bible says and God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after his kind and it was so give me New Living Translation go back to 2400 real fast New Living Translation it says this then God said let the earth produce every sort of animal each producing offspring of the same time so I'll make a pair of them and not bother but with it anymore as I said let there be rabbits and I'll go and then tell me just multiply and then there's someone off their own kind knowing that because they're rabbits Audino produces rabbits Sarah works he says now small animals the scleral on the ground and wild animals and this is what what happened whatever God said that's what happened look at verse 25 but the boss has God made all sorts of wild animals livestock small animals each able to produce offspring of the same kind and God started it was what it was working it was good now look at verse 26 and God said let us make human beings worse is not in our image we made everything after its kind we've made nothing after our kind we've made the animal kingdom after the kind we made the kingdom of vegetation of this kind we have angels around us the angelic class who are servant class beings but there are no God class beings nothing is made after our kind so guys god says missus we said let us give me give me a King James we're gonna come back to that he said let us make man in our image after our likeness let them have dominion let them have the let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cabin over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth now give me a New Living Translation is what it says in translation they will reign over the fish in the sea they will reign over the bird in the sky they were irate over the livestock all the wild animals on earth and the small animals the skirt on the ground the Bible says that God made a being after his kind the word kind in the Hebrew this is this it means species it means a group or a classification so man is created in the creative class of God the God class angels aren't they can't create with words angels are servant class beings when an angel speaks the Word of God it will bring change if he speaks his own words that won't change an angel cannot come down and curse anybody Satan cannot speak things into your life and make it happen he needs you singing so what he does he whispered in your ear and make you think it's you he said the state and get a second get you to mess your own world up he was so round your trouble and he will keep reproducing the trouble until you start to speak him until you start to say until it becomes your reality he knows he can't create but you can and whether you know it or not your words creates past I just don't believe that words are that powerful you know then go to your work tomorrow go to your job on Monday and tell your boss I never liked you I think you're sorry and I shouldn't be working for you you should be working with me watch how quickly your situation changes you don't think your word have power you keep us in your situation change in a minute how many of you you got parents that still think that it'll stay with you okay I'm tell you this this is real one day one day my mom was like another I said the mama said mom you need to stop this foolishness see who you talking to you she punched me this was not a decade ago this was last year I grabbed my mother Hannah save you somebody else there'll be cami to jail don't you ever hit me again later on she gave it up so sorry I don't know what happened I just lost I just it was like a reflex you punch me dead in the face now I will tell you something my words did that [Music] your word everybody said my words have power the Bible says life and death and the power of the tongue so you're made in the guard class you are designed to speak in Korea you say I don't believe that what i'ma show you in a minute so that word Dominion though means to exercise authority Dominion means to take control Dominion means to rule in the earth the same way God rules in heaven this is where people get lost when I start teaching this because wait a minute what do you mean the Bible says I'll show you in a minute the Bible says that the Dominion that God has in the heavens you have in the earth on the street from me put the psalm scripture Psalm 150 he will bless them that fear the Lord both small agree the word fear misstep such a respect for God that I don't treat him as common verse 14 says the Lord shall increase you more and more you and your children what did I just say the Lord shall increase you more and more you if God says that what do you say let me help you whenever you scripture like this look what God will do the word shallow means will if we if God wills it then it becomes mine so this is the will of God the Lord shall increase me more and more me and my children I will say what the Lord said now what's this look the verse 16 verse 15 he said you're blessed of the Lord you are blessed of the Lord which makes or which made heaven and earth and verse 16 is lube it it says wash is now the heavens even the heavens are the Lord's but the earth has he given to the children of men and what it means is this God would declare and God will fix things out then the universe but when it comes to the earth he can't do it without you go back and read your Bible historically any time God did anything in the earth he had to find a person in the earth to agree with him God wanted to destroy the earth but he want to save some people alive to start over he could have just done it but he went to north and he says no I need you to build me a boat once it's now he said I needed a billable and fly preserve because the earth he explained the holes in the north and no say I'm your guy God says good good I got shot in favor and for 120 years God would encourage him from hundred twenty years until the rain came when the flood came but my faith knows already in the God put him in the boat close the door and he comes out on the other side God could not have done that without nor God could not God could not done it without North you could find Abraham God found in women in other counties he was worshiping idols and God says leave of the Cowley's and go to a land that will show you and it said I will bless you and the bible says abraham believed god and he went and now god has a man got some we use him as the example and model and the father of faith what faith what does mean faith means it is a part I have a partnership with God it means that God decrees it and I declare it because watch is now the decree of the Lord in the earth needs a man in the earth to declare it that's why God had a class of people called the prophets their entire existence in the earth was to speak what he said he calls us a kingdom of priests and kings we up where the prophets in the earth listen he's a passable my life is such a messed up saying that because you look a mess don't mean you are miss this is like Extreme Makeover life edition have you seen a makeover show where the person going look is looking this homely and just and they come out you are that's not her you have to look really close to the television and they just took her and put her under the I mean I don't know what they did to her head I don't know what I did to face they they scrubs headed or whatever and she come out she even walking different I mean you could tell she kind of gangly in the high heels but she's gonna learn but was she looking what came out is a whole lot better than what went in but God is gonna do for you as you continue to allow this shift to happen in your life so every time something and what God will do something to remind you he allows something to go wrong and poke you to see if you remember to start declaring and not describing he's looking something just went running your life and he got us teaching you how to speak what is okay so here it is here it is so it says let them have dominion that's the way God said the earth God can't move in the earth without a vessel the earth that's willing to declare when he decrees I talked to you about that last week I don't want to go over that again so I won't end here you say you done I saw him so on Wednesday night I did this I'm gonna give you two stories back-to-back Craig an idiot play well I wouldn't know that what I'm doing is not preaching but I'm ending when he starts to plan on ending in Matthew chapter 8 this story stupid stuck with me a reddit Matthew chapter 8 and verse 8 it says go back to verse 5 for context and it says um and when Jesus entered Capernaum the came on Thema Centurion beseeching him give me New Living Translation if you don't mind I'm a reader arrest in New Living Translation he says Lord my young servant lies in bed paralyzed and in terrible pain and Jesus said no problem I will come and heal him but the officer said listen to this lord I am not worthy to have you come into my home just say the word from where you are and my servant will be healed in the next verse he said I know this because he's telling Jesus it's not what I think I understand how this works you see the problem is you don't understand how Dominion works here i'ma tell you what if you are a rebel at heart this this whole premise of authority and Dominion escapes you because you subjected Newt to nobody so you don't understand how your words to cause things to be subjected to you because nobody is worth me Mina tends to you that's why you have to be under Authority you have to submit to somebody so that you can understand how this works so what's this I know this because he said I'm under authority I understand it my supreme I'm under the authority of my superior officers and I have authority over my soldiers my soldiers are trained he said I only need to say go and they what or I say come and they come and if I say to my slaves do this than they were burgerstein when Jesus heard this he was I'm a translator to her mother he was blown away he said he turned to those farm he said I tell you the truth I haven't seen faith like this in all Israel here's what this was a guy actually said to him he said my train saw your words are like my train soldiers you know is it if I wanted to I could tell one of my soldiers grabbed some medicine and go down to my servants house it gave him medicine he said if I did that my servant would have to go with the medicine the same way you throw the Lord but if you tell your word if you send a healing word it has to go just like my soldiers got to go what what what may Jesus really amazed of this guy is that he understood that our words are like trained soldiers I don't have to fight I send my words for me I don't have to do better with the darkness I send my I said my battalion of words into the darkness I send my words into the darkness and my wars will go in there and disrupt the darkness and create the light that wasn't there before I don't have to know how my friends is working on a good increase all I got to do send my words I don't know how I'm gonna get a raise don't get promoted I don't have the education but I do know one thing doctor send my words into the situation and God will begin to work with me and the situation or - the whole thing shifts and it will continue to work as long as I continue to speak ain't done yet put my thermostat on this fruit on the screen I want to show you something so you walk into your house and it's 80 degrees you know the first thing you say say it so it's hot in here that's the first thing we say when we come into a negative situation show is hot in here say that light is show is what's this so because it's not changing after a while you see minutes hot it's hot so you start stripping now next thing you know your friend comes to visit look at this ain't not gonna do you open the door you and a wife-beater your drawers I'm sorry in your underwear bless the Lord O my soul it's actually drawers okay drawers okay so so you come to door you go hey how you doing man and it said Mac in the business you come on in and it could miss a man is hot in here thank you hot I'm good what's the water you become so comfortable in your discomfort in your situation and your substandard living that now you expect other people to come in and be comfortable to and focus on you this ain't good watch this now so you're in there and so they start telling you it's a man I can't take this way is the thermostat they go over to the thermostat and they look at it and they go man it's set to 80 degrees in here because what they understand is this I'm gonna give you this lesson every time I talk to you about this topic the word on that that thing on the wall has two functions it has two devices in the one box the one is called a thermal meter thermos heat meter is a measurer the thermo meter the thermometer it was a Seuss in English the thermometers job is only to measure the temperature when the doctor there's no thermostat in the doctor's office all he has is a thermal meter he checks to see the temperature of your body whatever the thermometer says that's what it is he works from there you got it but on the wall on the wall there's a thermal meter it measures the air roof and then it gives you another option on the right can you see what is reason above the number 72 what does it say look at it real good what does it say above the number 72 the small settings on the right what does it say said it out loud together it says set 2 and the principle is this you said it to get it [Music] that's gonna say something you real slow your there's a slow climb away for let us think in this there's no classes but you have to set it check and here's how it works so the person goes to the same man I'm just it's hot in here I can't do this they're good they move from 80 down to 72 then they go sit down with you and have the conversation the person is a man she's still kind of hot they look over watches that is crazy it's still a little bit warm but now that the the thermal meter is measuring 70 8 not 80 so it still feels bad so I got a kid say I can't go change it every time the reason rush is now that we declare the decree of the Lord is because we can't decree nothing because we're too emotional let me say about me I will go to sleep at night I say you know what it's a little warm in here so I put it there like 71 I get in the bed sometime in the middle that I gave us a man it's cold and I DEP I put in 74 then I get in the morning right I Sandman is it's hot and I put it down to 68 fall asleep again I wake up so oh my god it's winter in here God can he trust me to keep one temperature so the decree has to come from him cause he's gonna put it in one place and he don't keep in the place that's best for me and all I gotta do is say what he says about my situation we done yet i'ma tell you something right now your life is shifting you just ain't saying it I've been preaching this whole time UOP your mother say it is shifting the shifting I forbid you to stay the same I forbid you to remain broke and disappointed and discouraged and depressed is not the will of God for you know Wendy let me say something and the wind i'ma tell you something now the homeless daughter and granddaughter that granddaughter came to 22 weeks and it happened the year before I mean a year and a half ago lost the baby it right at the same time can she go into labor again Ella home would call me he says he was setting me said pastor he said we headed to Birmingham right now he says we rush me they said he said please pray i sat on my bed I said god this can't happen again you never do this your family again just the same time I have not watched TV and info and forever the televisions on I looked right it was Bill Winston I turned television up and he made a statement and when he made a statement of my faith God says that's how I got you where you are you act like you forgot what got you where you are you know I have all this revelation you're talking about what got you where you are I called him on the phone American Cinematheque says what I said I said you'd only say what I tell you to say you gonna speak this word we're gonna declared I called the prayer people we all prayed the same thing and all we did was declare about that showered God has declared about let me tell you something something happened that had never happened and the devil said no same thing about you of cursing no real curse what God is blessed well let me show you what happened she went up there her water broke and said we got we gotta stop the dilation she got the four inches and in the prayer of faith act where the elders push them up spoke the word over her it stopped dilating that doesn't happen and stuff the fourth inches and never went a bit further the water that had broke stopped leaking and we have a collective rest are we waiting and in the wind for hour and two and four and 12 then 24 we made it a day and listen and Ella said he said the more I meditate that word the stronger became my spirit he kept declaring the word of the Lord over her until she got it in her sphere starting to Clint let me tell you something and I'm giving the testimony because it's for someone to know your situations are too far gone [Music] she dilated and a water broke at 122 weeks today makes 24 weeks two weeks after she's still hauling strong we bout to have a baby why because God's Word works rich I say that's what he wants to do for your life wait wait we're almost done we almost done go sit down you don't sit down we're almost done so I want to show you this and I'll be done anybody feel God in the room anybody believe God is speaking to you and Mark chapter 5 mark chapter 5 and verse 20 I think his verse 25 mark 5 verse 25 yes Ezra it says it says a woman in the crowd has suffered for 12 years constant bleeding she has suffered a great deal for many doctors and over the years she has spent everything she had to pay them but she had only gotten worse matter of fact it says go back go back go back go back wind on it says but she had gotten no better in fact she had gotten worse here's the thing you can be pursuing a thing with the wrong methods and they will only get worse he's a pastor it's just getting worse I've been believing God and it's only getting worse yesterday in Atlanta I preached this message and when I was walking out to go greet the people afterwards a system sitting and I said hey how you doing and she said not good I said wait you doing exactly the opposite of what I just presented she said it doesn't work for me my life and she began to read and I walked away from her I went outside I told the Lord I can't spend my life preaching to people they don't listen when she came and I saw her all said chorus I come here she came up to me I said I was standing I was in the theater I was up here she was down there I said come closer come closer I slapped my poor head in Jesus name I said either either something's gonna go in you won't come out today I told her I told her listen I told I said it's not the will of God for you to kill off the promise of God with your tongue and then complain that God is not doing he's supposed to do you got to say the right things unless she started crying she's I'm so depressed as I said don't say that such describing your life listening he says and I prayed I prayed every kind of prayer I prayed for stuff to come up for stuff to go in I start to knock her out eysan to wake up i said back in the shuttle office at turner hard i don't know what to pray i pray everything will get you fixing jesus name it is possible for things to get worse but when the stop gets them getting worse is where hit is what happened look in verse 27 the Bible says no give me King James go back to verse 26 I was take a running start and has suffered many things of many physicians has spent all that she had was nothing better but rather who worse for 27 but was she heard of Jesus she came behind in the press or she came in the press van and touch His garment verse 28 says for she said if I big touch but his clothes I said we made home now that sounds good right go back to verse 26 give me amplified by but one through something the Bible says this and who had endured much suffering under the hands of many physicians and spent all that she had was no better but instead grew worse you said I can do surpasses just give the word stop saying that watch us now verse 27 of she had heard reports concerning Jesus she had faith comes by she heard about Jesus and so she came up behind him in the put in the throng and touched His garment is that enough to healer not morally brother there's a thing here's the kicker right here devices for she kept but she what she said that thermostat and every time she saw because the floor blood she kept saying the blood is flowing river detection effect to touch him what are you saying limit wait why did why did she say that to touch him it when you read the scripture is really pure fine they were telling her that everybody hate touch got hope she understood but by the law he can just come touch her but there was no law against fair listen she'd figured if I touch them if I put touches clothes matter of fact that the little bails on the tip of his garments they were indicators that the person wearing the robe had kept the law and in the imagery of this is I can't keep the law but he keeps the law so I touch what he's done and make me whole if you start seeing the finished work of Jesus Christ as the answer to your dilemma no you can't work you after but he's already done it for you [Music] somebody's got a ship thing somebody started shipping [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's the thing here's the thing God sent you to the earth with a purpose and what tends to happen to us turn me up please but turns to pretends to happen to us is we tend to to measure the will of God by circumstances we end up living our lives as victims [Music] you said semester how powerful is this thing I made a lot of messes in my life but Psalm 107 on the screen I want to show you this I'm not gonna preach this I I got none left but I'll show you something some 107 verse 17 King James says what it says it says fools King James because of the transgression the things they did to people because of the iniquities the thing they did to God they are flip today it affects their circumstances and in verse 18 it says this soul at her birth at Horace I'll manner of meats that means they can't eat food they can't keep food down you can watch them drawing near unto the gates of death you've seen a person waste away it says then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble and he saves them out of their distress how does he do it verse 20 says read verse 20 with me out loud what does it say there's the thing though God to send his word to heal you and to deliver you from your destruction but if you don't declare the decree if you don't say at some point you got to start saying of your life all is not lost God knows why I am he that has begun a good work in me shall perform until the day of Jesus Christ watch this I am more than a conquerer through him that of loving my God shall supply all my need according to his riches and girl all the while you have nothing all the while you broke but just saying about yourself what he says you look at those scriptures you look at the word and you everything that he says you take it to heart are you speaking from your mouth and you start to act this out and after a while you'll find you wouldn't your life changes people will tell you something about you change don't ask them what to say thank you mister you just changing thank you what's happening the word that God spoke over you you took and declare out your mouth it put your life in a shift I speak over your life right now in Jesus name and I say nothing about you stays the same it's about to change some of you is gonna change in an overnight period both of you the process begins your life is shifting the things that happen to you as a child will no longer hold you captive you are free in Jesus name you are free from what happened to you now you're free to declare the life that God has for you every weapon caught in your direction will falter at the point of detonation nothing is going to destroy you God has things for you that never stop that divorce as you just went through is that the end of you it's the beginning of a new you God is gonna show you a different person I speak over your life and I said the temptation that's trying to lead you down the wrong path to destroy you listen it will lose its power over you I break the power of addiction over your life I speak the word of the Lord over you it's the will of God for you that sense has made your decisions you will not be bound to these things as the will of God concerning Christ that you be free somebody shot I'm free yes in Jesus name did you get blessed today hallelujah [Music] Wow yes I see you look good you look good you understand I'm proud to be your pastor there's something happening in you something is happening in you I sense it by the Spirit of God don't don't lose your praise don't lose your worship let someone when that's when they go for it go forth with them the victory has to be retrieved and for God's sake do not go through this battle with your mouth closed [Music] shouting the facelet adding a tell him you got victory and he has to respond to it hallelujah
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 10,982
Rating: 4.7834396 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Hart Ramsey, NCC
Id: OlLuaOcBEm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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