Amazing Grace | Pastor Hart Ramsey | Righteousness Revealed

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and fortunately I want to give honor to the man and women of God of this house you Apostle it's one of the most yeah yeah it's good to honor him honor him listen I said this before and I mean it T's he's one of the most intentionally loving people that I've met and in the many years I've been in the church I wasn't raised in church and and when I met him his kindness is super big hard he has a great heart and to be so gifted and to be so prolific in this hour he's a very humble man and um he we were endeared to each other when we met what a man of God I don't take this moment lightly um I want to say this to my church I know some of you are streaming in the service to put your phone away listen to the word in the house you know that's what my folk I know what they're doing this streaming to see where I am but what I want today to continue where I left off and and can I can you allow me to be random in this service do I don't just have the ticket can I just talk and not okay I want to begin here in Romans chapter 1 verse 16 you know it because Apostle appreciate Paul says I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to the Jew first and into the Gentile right then but in verse 17 assists for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith and I want to I want to talk about that just for a minute for therein is the righteousness of God revealed sitting sitting outlaw said for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith I won't tell you what that means now the Bible says the gospel what's unique about the gospel what makes it powerful is that in the gospel of Jesus Christ is revealed not when the body talking about the righteousness of God is a little it's literally the way God makes us right with himself we always preach until people get right with God but it was never the intention of God for us to get right with him we don't know how to the old church used to say um I cried and cried I prayed I prayed til I found the Lord whether the truth of the matter is we didn't find the Lord because we didn't know what to look he found us he found you God found you in the midst of consequences God found you in the mists of rebellion God found you doing what you normally do he knew exactly where you were what you were into and he found you and this is important because I ended the last service by talking about the fact that the Bible says that there's only one curse in the New Covenant and the Old Covenant there were several curses mentioned or it took it took close to fifty three verses of Deuteronomy 28 to mention all the curses I mean all kinds of curses curses and your sickness I mean in your body curses arm and your finances curses in your home of your mind it talked about losing your mind there's a curse but in the New Covenant there's only one purse document it and that curses on anyone who preaches any other gospel but the gospel of grace literally says this it says it says if any man come preaching any other gospel but the gospel we preach let him be accursed that's what it says a posse I want to say it again if any man or even an angel coming come preaching another gospel but the one we preached what gospel is that it's the gospel of grace and so what I want to do is I want to read this to you or normally at my church up I have a scripture on the screen for people to see so they could be freaked out when they read what's actually in the Bible but I want to deal it featured a lot of people out but I want to read I want to read three scriptures to you before I even move to the next part it's important as a Grace Church because you are a grace place and let me tell you what's unique about all nations to me is that when your apostle approached me he said you know what he said is it hard you know he says my treasure is a greatest place he said we're doing what you're teaching but we don't really teach it and so how's that possible so I watched you I came to your conference the world changers conference and I just watched your watch everything you do and I said my god I'm saying I'm beholding the grace of God what an amazing Church you have so many people here from different backgrounds you came from different places how many of you were raised in the church put your hand up or raised in the church but you had out how many of you how many you were not raised in the church how many you were raising the club on the street okay so you say you have an amalgamation a mixture of different people where we hook how are you still in the club your answer that there's grace for you alright so I would I'm gonna read a bunch of scriptures and I'm just explain them okay and I'm gonna give you permission if you have a crazy question just holla just let me just take your timing okay now I'm read this to you in second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 the Bible says for God made Christ who never sinned to be the offering for our sin so that we could be made right with God through Christ now I want to explain this it's a simple premise the simple premise is this is that Jesus never sinned but God made him to be sin in the same way when the Bible talks about the righteousness of God the gospel reveals the righteousness of God it reveals that washes Jesus had no sin but God made him to be sin and you had no righteousness but God made you to be righteous it's called us that is the great exchange the great exchange is Jesus did nothing wrong but God called him wrong to make us right we did nothing right but God called us right you got it everything we did was wrong but God called us right it's not what we do is how God declares us to be and you have to get accustomed to saying about yourself what God says about you that is the reality okay now that's one scripture now in in Acts chapter 14 I'm reading a lot of this because there's something I want to put unto you the Apostle Paul in Acts chapter 14 Luke is writing this and he said the same thing happened and Iconium except the 14 verse 1 I'm re three verses Paul and Barnabas went to the Jewish synagogue and preached with such power that a great number of both Jews and Greeks became believers son of some of the Jews however spurn God's message and poisoned the minds of the Gentiles against Paul and Barnabas listen to this third verse but the Apostles stayed there a long time preaching boldly about the grace of the Lord preaching boldly about the grace of the Lord and the Lord proved their message was true by giving them the power to do miracles and signs and wonders now this is important for you to grasp the when when the Bible talks about preaching the gospel it's talk about preaching the grace of God and the problem with us especially if you're raised in the church is you are programmed to think that a person is what they do and what we do is we label people based on what they do and what you miss is they're in a process some of the people that right now I'm gonna be honest with you I'll tell your story I was in a small church in South of Georgia and we were all in this in this training camp with her with an apostle his name was Leon car and and I was one of his star students and say here I was in this group of young men probably five or seven of us and we all go to a school of the prophets and and there's another brother there I think his name was Wayne and Wayne was a real quiet he'd never talked a whole lot but um I would always have the answers when the questions were asked I would have the answers and we did were there for three years and so after a while I was released to go into pastoral ministry went to Germany to pass the church pastor Church and when I was over there Wayne called me he says hey Hart can I come see you I said sure it was just Wayne I mean it was nothing to him he comes to the house and he sits there and was talking he saw having Bible study and and Wayne begins to break off some word I'm thinking to myself wait a minute he doesn't know how does he know this stuff and he starts talking about stuff I've never heard before and after a while I got offended I got offended that this guy who was not even on the Dean's List in this little group all of a sudden had all his wisdom what if I closed my heart to what he was saying not because what he was saying was wrong but because I could not believe that somehow in the three months it took for us to leave South Georgia and get to Germany and somehow he got a hold of something that I didn't get because I labeled him in our group the loser Iolaus him the guy that guy laid him to slow class but what are you screeching was the grace of God what happened to him was he came to Germany and God single him out whatever he went through Jesus revealed himself the wing when Wayne started talking to me I'd know I my question was how did you learn this and he said I failed he said when I left the church he's I messed up he said when the Lord came to restore me these are the things he taught me you could learn more laying flat on your back from a failure then you can learn studying books and pretending let me tell you something the biggest issue the biggest issue you're gonna struggle with in church it's the things that you think you know they're people around you right now that God wants to using tremendously but you already labeled them as one thing so I want to read some imma keep on reading scripture to you I read this to you to show you the Paul said when we were rejected from teaching in Iconium he said man we stay there for a long time and the only thing we preach to these people was the grace of God what is the grace of God by definition write this down have you taken notes the grace of God by definition is unmerited favor that gives me on earned I'm sorry undeserved access to unearned blessings I must say it again the grace of God is unmerited favor that gives me undeserved access to unearned blessings I must say it again because I want you to remember remember that your grace church everyone say in this grace place we know grace so here's the definition again the grace of God is unmerited favor that gives me undeserved access to unearned blessings listen to it unmerited undeserved on earn say those three words unmerited on keep saying that if you ever can merit it how many of you ever ever part of like the Boy Scouts of the Girl Scouts but you end up you know what a merit badges tell me what a marriage the merit badges how do you get a merit badge you have to work for it I was never in the Boy Scouts but but but if this is the thing Isis seen with their badges I don't say what does that mean he says this is a merit badge in other words I did something watch us now to excel or to distance myself from the crowd I became the star person and I will have a badge to prove it in the things of God if you could merit it grace can't get to you if you deserve if you think you say I deserve better be careful about asking God for what you deserve because if we start saying that what we deserve the day's gonna come well you know I mean you don't want what you deserve I don't want no don't give me what I deserve because I don't always do right so the grace I've got is unmerited favor and what favor is I want to explain a couple of things I'm gonna be random so just bear with me just keep up tell you need to keep up to me keep up let me show you something that's gonna help you so so one of the things that's important is or when the angel came to Mary he said to her hail thou it highly favored you might be called a highly favored so in church we start talking about being highly favored but let me see how you become highly favored you have to be in a community of the favored to be highly favored and here's how it works every person on your roll everyone around you has to be favored you got it we're in a favorite community and in that community when God wants a person to do a specific work he will call them out as I choose you for this work and he lifts you out of that group and it makes you highly favored versus not you didn't merit it either you didn't deserve it you didn't earn that what happened was God just chose you okay why that's important is this God is so believing he believes so much in the finished work of Jesus Christ he believes so much in His grace that God will call you even in your struggle God will call you even while you're still struggling and he will gift you and anoint you to do things versus now that other people don't think you should be qualified to do because they've already labeled you and they call you by your struggle an amazing God knows your sin but he calls you by your name the enemy knows you by your name but cause you buy your sin in it amazing how that works and in church it the same thing happens so this is important to understand it in a favorite community God would choose people that you were saying this person is even qualified none of us do unmerited favor that gives undeserved access the word access is amazing to me because the Bible says in Romans chapter 5 and verse 1 it says that we stand in this place of grace by faith now let me say what it means anything that's by faith means I don't see it faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things the evidence of things we walk by faith not by soe if his faith i can't see it so when the lord says something that i have to receive it by faith it means I have to believe it and accept it before I see it as a woman came to my church and she came because I found out that a woman at the church was in a relationship with her and and of course I'm still I was transitioning through my process of becoming Grace past and I said to the lady I said um you I think that it's irresponsible of you to have this relationship because her daughter found out about the relationship at school on MySpace somebody mention my spaceship yeah yeah since he mentioned she started her so her daughter with the school found out her mother's in relationship with this woman and she was embarrassed and so they came to see me and I said to her I said the responsible thing to do is to break this off and you just can't do this anymore and let me try to get this relationship healed so we started to work on that and what's interesting is that when the ladies using the relationship with her she came to church now this system was like I mean she came to church and she went playing she a big girl she came she sat there she put her hand over the chair and she would stare me down every service and so I told my security guys I said I said I don't know what this lady is I said and women no scare me and my ex thud I said buddy I said buy something on her I said and he said well you mean I said she looked at me crazy I said make sure she got a gun and nothing I mean and so they said okay pastor we got you so every search outcome but it but and you know in ourselves we wanna we wanna just address things you know you throw off and clap back but the only thing I could preach was the love of God the only thing I could push was in love of God about tell you I'm gonna tell you a very transparent for a minute and so some years later I went through when I went through a divorce when I went through a divorce the person that groped me in my inbox was this lady that's what she said to me she's a pastor she's I've been coming to your church for about eight months just watching you she said wasn't mad at you she see you were messing up my thing but here's what she said she said but the more I came and I waited for you she said you would look over at me and I will wait for you to say something and she said oh you all you would never say is how much God loves me how much God wants to be in my life and how much God I'm not a mess and she said that things started do something to my heart and she said here's what she said to me she said heard that you're going through a hard time here she said to me she said please do not quit she said I need you she said I need you to continue sourish spurted I said why and she said because for the first time in my life I have hope fast-forward I'm on sabbatical cuz now I'm in a Grace Church but I mean I went through the books I can't preach so I'm sitting and I'm waiting to get back and she's writing me every day encouraging me that the same person I preach grace to is not preaching grace to me she sent me one day an inbox she said she's a pastor here's what she says she said pastor she said what do you think about this look and she sent me a picture of herself and I said what's going on with you she said she said I finally have decided to live as Who I am and she said I said post the picture here's what she said she said I'm afraid just so why are you afraid is what she told me she said because I let so many people into this lifestyle that night she said they're gonna hate me and I said to her I said I need you I said just like you needed me I need you to post this picture I said I'm gonna walk with you I come back to church I'm I'm back in the Pope and preaching and one day I get this picture again and I was like girl you making moves I'm too much she started look and here's the thing she hit me up and said she said you're not gonna believe this I said what she said I got a boom so so I wish well now I need to know okay my heart is beating up my chest I said we got a boo okay what were we talking about she said she sent me a picture she said she said I met this guy and she said I think I'm in love so I need you to go slow it's kind of new to you new you go slow so so she disappears for a while I've seen her she shows up watches she trends I'm watching Jesus transform her he tracked the transformation was so amazing that even now every once in a while she put up a picture and I take my phone a show that my wife I say here's our girl he knows crazy I almost missed an opportunity cuz when I saw sitting in church she's staring me down and I thought to myself you will not challenge me in this house and I said this is my I know the Lord says this is not your house he said this is my house and she is welcome here there's something about God and the way he sees people you know the problem with us we we want everyone to know our story let me explain we say let me explain but everyone has a story I want to share a couple of things with you about this righteousness of God because because before God demands of us to do anything righteous he demands that we first see Jesus remember I gave you four words last week that begin with me give him back to me come on all nations with so I'm gonna need you to help your neighborhood all everyone can shout together give the word she never real quickly tell them real fast okay you get them bet you're getting there one more time so it's what believe be so his little says nothing happens in your life thing you start to believe do you start to believe you say but I don't see how he didn't say how don't worry about the hell just believe you start to believe that everything that God says about you is what's gonna happen that everything that Jesus did is what's gonna happen I'm gonna blow your mind with some stuff today because we've been so inundated with wrong teaching for years for almost two centuries we've heard nothing but stupid law base grace teaching I'm taking aback by the law based teaching if you mix a law and grace together you lose the benefit of both the law was determined to make us all guilty before God and to reduce us to nothing so that grace could come and scoop us up you got it if I'm mixing law and grace together they both become useless the equation of your Christianity is that Jesus plus something equal nothing but Jesus plus nothing equals everything that's the equation you get it and so this is important the first time after this belief number two after I believe it changes Who I am and I watch this young lady go from believing the love of God you know I didn't preach anything to her about the love of God she start to believe that God loved her she start to believe that God loved the old though she was her broken self although she was a struggling self although she keeps messing up although she keeps making promises the darkness she can't keep she kept believing she started believing it and from there watches before her dressing changed before a doing change her being changed yeah and once your being changed you are you are actually violently thrust into a process of becoming Jesus said follow me and I'll make you to become fishers of men you actually start becoming something and here's that what happens you find yourself in an aura called a will in this crisis you find yourself in a place where what you were is not who you are but what you want to be you're not there yet so you're in the milieu in this middle place of transition and you can't talk to anybody you're old friends can't get off or handle your situation and your new friends don't think you're there yet so you just in this wilderness place guess what the scripture says for it is God who works within you both to will and to do of his good pleasure he that began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ it's not you he's doing something in you and he's gradually picking on different parts of your life he's bringing up different stories he's changing different narratives what is he trying to do he's luring you into his love he's drawing you my becoming is a process that could be painful watch this and then from there he would challenge me to behave better notice as I said last week behaving is not the most important thing with God know the thief on the cross never behaved better that's not what got him in it was believing and when he believed on the cross his being changed and Jesus said he said don't forget me remember me and his law says this day you will be with me in paradise he's become he started to become he won't stop behaving till after he's in new heaven and new earth I'm gonna give you a couple things that I believe will be transformational for you how many of you have ever heard the Scripture in Hebrews 7:25 that says therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him and it says this since he always lives to make intercession for them how many you have ever heard that Jesus is in heaven praying for you put your hand up it's not true I like to do that I'd like to freak people out like that let me connect spin it to you so the disciples were hiding in a room and Jesus rose from the dead and the Bible says when he rose from the dead he came in through the wall and said peace be unto you and the first thing he did is show him his his rooms and they were like Lord but Thomas wasn't there and the Bible says that when Thomas heard from this other disciples that the Lord had come and stood in their midst Thomas said unless I put my hand in those rules unless I put my hand inside out I won't believe couple days later the Lord comes again he walks into the room he's risen from the dead in his new body right but he comes into the room and he says Thomas he says behold he said touch me he starts to show his rooms again and the Bible says that Thomas Bowers on a worshipping the Lord says to him you believe because you see he said blessed are those that have not seen and yet believe so pressor what does I have to do with him being in heaven this statement the only man-made thing in heaven are the wounds of Jesus nothing else why would God allow the wounds to stain his body if God wanted him to be to be the prototype of the new creation why would God it seems to me if I get a new car don't want to scratch on it why would God leave the wounds here's why because Jesus sits in heaven on the right hand of the Father and the Bible says watch this now though he still bear the wounds in his body the Bible calls him the man Christ Jesus from the thorns the crown of thorns their wounds from the nails their wounds from the sword and aside their wounds from the lashings on the back their wounds on his feet their wounds and he just sits there but the Bible says he ever lives to make intercession how is he in a session it's called receipts how many of you got it who got it how he makes in a session is not by worse than what in a session doesn't mean to speak it means to stand in between and then what he's doing is he sits there and he's sporting his wounds when the angels walk by to minister and he see the scars on him he wears it like a tat and he look at him and it testifies when the father gets frustrated with our slow development and he looks at Jesus he sees the receipts of our salvation the price he paid for us is in the march of the skin the wounds of Jesus heals people from heaven they intercede connects your question connects your question who's being healed from your wounds we say to God make this go away and the Lord is like I cannot allow you to stop feeling the wound of what you went through I will heal you of it but sometimes it will revisit you why I don't ever want you to forget where I found you I brought you from what are they they call receipts innocent whenever someone challenges you and puts you down and labels you I want you to develop this new saying they don't have to know what it means but you know tell them Jesus got the receipts the scars on Jesus's body make in a session for us he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement necessary for peace was upon him and his stripes we are healed the grace of God is not so much about it's not it doesn't give us a chance to just be different that's that stuff that comes with the territory but the grace of God is about you looking at Jesus and realizing this guard since someone to get you you know the word saved you mean rescuer when everyone was running out he was running in and so I wonder I wonder I want to give you something too I want to leave you with his ordination I wish I'd appreciate for three hours and just give you all this stuff but I have to be really careful about about giving you too much of the grace teach anyone setting and confusing a whole bunch of us what has to happen in the grace place is you've got to learn that people will walk through your doors broken and when the Lord saves them you now live your deliverance house I know I know you're a man of God your deliverance house but some things are not delivered they developed some of you still waiting Sam I'll go up the next time to get deliverer from this know there's some things you won't get delivered from you be developed out of watch this the miracle of the deliverance to let you know that you have a powerful God but watch this but but but now the journey of the development helps you to get to know your powerful God here's what the Bible says about the biosensing this about Jesus about us it says we are to grow in grace in the knowledge of Jesus which means you don't you won't know all you won't know all about him now you have to grow in it you have to grow in grace in your understanding of grace you have to listen and the best way to grow in it is to give it grace is not for people who are not messed up we love to receive grace the Bible says in James 2:13 that mercy is the only thing in the earth that can stop the gavel of justice there's nothing else in the earth powerful enough to stop judgment in your life so mercy stands by at the behest of Grace and whenever is a person says I want that one and the Bible says he sends out goodness and mercy and they trail him and they follow you and regardless of what happens goodness is there and mercy is right beside it washes wasn't it was important about this what's important about this is that you have got to learn how mercy works kindness you could be kind to everyone there's no qualification of kindness but only certain few qualify for mercy in order to qualify for mercy you have to have some kind of fault working in you you have to have some type of need in you if you don't have a need what you get is not mercy it's kindness if you're not guilty you don't ask the judge for mercy but when you're guilty you ask for mercy and their people in your life right now that have done you wrong and you what you're wanting to do is exact revenge you wanna you wanna withdraw your love why because they wounded you but wounds have a purpose there by 10 people in this room right now and what you're struggling the most you struggle the most with itself self-inflicted wounds you and flick your self with so many wounds and you can't even forgive you God can't even fix you because you got yourself in bondage and what he's asking you to do is show the same mercy to yourself that you show to others men just say I messed up I got it wrong I messed up I gotta run and listen and God loves me and so I have to love me one of the one of the things that that you have to develop is this thing called empathy everybody says word empathy we need empathy and here's why it's the only way we could understand what people going through and sharing their feelings I had a situation happen at my church and I had to take it before the Lord there are people losing loved ones are going through tragic things and I wasn't able to weep with them they will go through these things and I will come in I'll be very very pastoral and I would do my job and I would I would bury the dead and I would I would I would sit then counsel with them but I couldn't feel anything but when if they came in car with a reporter say pastor hey I got the job or I got the race I will be rejoicing I could feel that but when they were suffering I could empathize with suffering so I start to ask the Lord what's wrong with me it has what the Lord said he said over the years what you have done is in ministering grace you have closed or put up a shell around your heart to make sure that when people wronged you you don't hurt he said the problem with that is now when you need to feel you can't I said Lord how do I fix this and his widow says he said you have to trust me with your pain management and what does that mean he said I need you to open your heart and your mind to me and when it's time you said there would be times in your life where I was smite a part of you I would literally go go to break it he said you ought to feel it he said when you feel it I want you to repeat I would you come in my presence watch us now and say the exact opposite of what you're feeling and so what I started doing I started go to the Lord and send every tell the people wrong me and betray me and I get in the presence of God I want to ask God to kill him and to get him and I find myself saying I think that when I was the one inflicting pain you did not judge me I deserved hell I didn't merit goodness I didn't earn blessing but you gave him to me and I would say to God I am the recipient of great grace and now although I don't feel like it I give it to others watch this Jesus said to us he says pray for those who despitefully intentionally they did it on purpose pray for them why it's real when you start to do that then the windows begin to open begin to see Jesus the Bible says we're transform separately this 3:18 by seeing Jesus the problem in your life right now you can't see Jesus you can't see Jesus in your struggle you can't see Jesus my brother was testifying about about having to quit his job the law in the Critias job you never have faith to do it until you see Jesus for who he is he sits to the right of the Father right now making intercession for you not saying a word it's over seven million people in the earth right now 7.3 million and he doesn't call anymore he just sits there and everything on his body speaks our name it's for you and for you and he know he knows where you came from he knows where you're going he knows what your tomorrow's gonna be like and he's reaching to the Father just by his wounds can I ask you again who is getting the benefit from your wounding surpass that he broke my heart I know I know and who's benefiting from it who gets help from it I was sitting down with a therapists friend of mine and he said to me is it hard he were talking about this very topic I said I said hey Nick did you know some sonic said yeah I don't know that and he says in that powerful he said and he asked the question I'm asking you he says he said to me he's a heart who's getting healed from your wounds and I said hurts too bad he said you're focusing on the wrong thing no one can get through God's defenses unless God lets them and people sent into your life sometime to remind you that God is still working on you get this give this their times and God will send people into your life because you've buried the real you a part of your experience is buried under so much stuff that God sends them in like heavy equipment to excavate all the stuff that you bear on top and then they lay it bare and the real can damage is fearful you it's revealed and you and you become ashamed and God is like that's the part of me to touch that's the part I need to put my hand on that's the washes now that's the part your church family needs to love he said Oh pastor they knew who I was they wouldn't love me you would be surprised you're selling people short they're people here that have walked the same road you've walked there are people here who have answers you've been looking for in this and I shout in this house in this house Jesus wants access to your pain he wants access to your struggle he wants you to stop promising god you're gonna change and asking God show me Jesus second change you keep telling God I get one more chance much no no youyou don't have it in you I don't have it in me no if we could fix ourselves there will be no need for Jesus to die you keep making promises maybe give me another chance I don't get it right no you can't that thing that's in you let's let's teach you a little bit how much time okay get this there are three types of sin documented in Scripture in Scripture the Bible talks about the fact that Jesus was wounded by liquid - he was his wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities right so that's there's this trespass this transgression and his iniquity trespass transgression iniquity say this with me one more time he's a pastor you know I mean come on bring I know I'm a teacher and then we'll tell you what God does when ever God gets ready to shift to move he sends a teacher listen to me you listen to me on missions the only reason I'm standing here I was here I was here with you last week wasn't in my poopit when when apostle asked me to come back I called my pastors and I said to them I said the man of God needs me back I need you to pray and and give me permission or not to go back the pastor's got together here's what they said there's a pastor we believe that the Lord said this is his will for you to go back and share on the grace of God with them and here's where I know whenever God gets ready to shift or move wash this won't happen mark my words you're about to come under attack because the religious people cannot handle the fact that people could come here and be safe now people could come here and grow no no no no sentiment listen to me I'm telling you listen hear me the reason I'm explaining this to you is because you're gonna have to explain to other people when prophets have their portlet place Apostles have their place and we do all in the kingdom but when God says a teacher he wants you to learn transgression is when I intentionally violate another person I violate the trust that's transgression trespass is normally vertical normally I wander into territory that belongs to God and so sometimes for judgment when I judge others that's trespassing cuz I'm not the judge God is the judge but watch this now but sometimes I trespass up against other people by by unintentionally hurting them that's why the Bible says if your brother trespass against you forgive him what is me you have to talk to him - when I trespass because 9 times out of 10 he doesn't know he did it he said he just wanted to cross the line he didn't see it you didn't see the no trespassing sign he wanted across the line transgression trust but iniquity is sin that you got generationally it came into you from Jeff from Adam all it found its way into your bloodline and if you trace it it's your uncle in your dad your mom your aren't is somewhere came to you through the blood what's this now God in His wisdom knowing this says to you except your brother why because iniquity is not something we gave ourselves and you have to work have you ever been in a battle with something that's in you and you're pretending and acting to be better than you are but that thing won't let you go and when you make this move it makes that move and next thing you know you it has you to the point where you only want to show up the church because you feel like a hypocrite have you ever been the place where that enemy was winning but you didn't want to say it out loud because the enemy knows something about your internal sin that you don't know he got your iniquity figured out he knows exactly what triggers you and what you need is not to make more promises to God but you listen I got delivered you know what I did to I was addicted to drugs I got delivered but not everything was delivered there's some things in me that had to be developed you know it does it the love of God it's when God uses people to embrace you to wrap his arm around you with the love of Jesus Christ when people start to give you grace when people see who you really are but don't turn away when people don't label you by your struggle when people come to you Russians they will see you and they will love you and you're wondering out the beam for real and they are for real I'll be honest with you until you've defended a person behind their back you have not given them grace [Music] [Applause] Oh in the Book of Ezekiel imma end here in the Book of Ezekiel verse chapter 3 verse 14 I want you to see this so everybody follow this story one got a piano let me show you something and I always asked with a piano in because something it moved me from a teacher into something prophetic um just a grand piano imma show you some that's interesting so the Israelites were sent captives into Babylon and they were there and the Lord had a word for it like the captive because he allowed them to be carried away captive because he wanted in this struggle with other gods where people don't know about the Babylonians is whether they were monotheistic people they worshipped their religion was called Zoroastrianism and Lord the Lord want to show his people that there's a people committed to the wrong God but they committed to one see exile is people in Babylon here they are in captivity but he had a word but for descent of them by the prophet Ezekiel and Ezekiel says in verse 14 of Ezekiel 3 the spirit lifted me up and took me away and here's what he said I went in bitterness and turmoil but the Lord's hold was on me and it was very strong and verse 15 he says then I came to the colony of Judean exiles until Abebe beside the khabar River you know there's a spirit took me right whether people were huddled and he says and I was overwhelmed and sat with them for seven days we show how that applies to what we're talking about the Lord sent them with a message for the people he was grieved that they were in captivity your property you got a word for some people that got us all in trouble your sin got us in trouble so we look I can't wait for God to send me to talk to you he said but when the Spirit of God dropped me and then miss where they were he said when I sacked where they sat and saw what they saw and felt what they felt he said I did not speak a word for seven days concerning you be surprised if you were to learn each other stories where people have been he'd be surprised about the woman who had to endure abuse just to guarantee a place to stay he'd be surprised all through his childhood he was abused by someone but couldn't tell his parents because he knew his parent will kill a person as he internalized it you'd be surprised at the abject poverty the loss of self-worth if you were to learn a precious story how do we fix this priests priests say Cydia the grace of God shows up the box has come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need so what you do so definitely work quickly once you reach over to make up regenerate when your neighbors shoulder will fastest and if you don't know them just introduce yourself for those little doesn't touch a person that's weird [Music] now this in this in a hugging session you will pray for somebody put your hand on Tara or quad up your quarter okay I want you to say these words some disgrace for you notice pray it's a two-person disgrace for you in this house everything is broken God will cover for the purpose of fixing now roses I won't listen to say I am here and I'm broken to help me find my way if you see me slipping help me although it may hurt don't let me fall away don't let me revert to Drew keeping just so I could try to please God remind me that the work is done I'm a work in progress and in the end I would like who I become how many believe that God can do that in this house [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 15,980
Rating: 4.9266057 out of 5
Id: HceBvEfgHGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 43sec (2923 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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