What They Don't Tell You About The Abyss - D&D

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unlike the nine hells which has a set and defined number of layers and locations the abyss is infinite a never ending realm of chaos and demons it is the most inhospitable place in the entirety of the multiverse but what are its secrets why and how is it infinite what truly lies in the deepest nether regions of this abyssal land is the more gorgon truly its ruler or is there something else that governs from the shadows a primordial force from times long past today we will uncover the beginnings of the abyss its history its legacy and what lies deep at the heart of this infinite landscape of doom but before we do that i am incredibly happy to announce a project that i have been finally able to complete this here is a pdf that i have personally written called what they don't tell you about dragon hordes it took me months to get this thing here ready for you guys but i am extremely happy with how it came out the art is gorgeous and i managed to put into writing so many ideas the dinosaurs and dragons just was not simply giving us you guys know me i care a lot about creature biology and one of the biggest asks for a fist bank's treasury of dragons which is a dragon book coming out soon was to have dragon harvesting but they of course would not give us that and so that's what i did i did a ton of research and i managed to put together a chapter that would help you guys figure out how to properly harvest and utilize the magical properties of a dragon's body dragon blood for example is extremely potent and can be used for some really wild magical rituals in fact you can even drink dragonblood and it is supposed to give you tons of benefits in the pdf here we have rituals that utilize the brains of dragons their eyes bones and even their draconic fundamentum which is an organ that creates their elemental properties hey look dnd wouldn't give this to you so i had to and we obviously have tons of stuff too on dragon scales and how much you need in order for you to create armor we also have a chapter for draconic magical items from things that you can create with dragon parts to stuff used to kill dragons to another feature that is completely left out of current dungeons and dragons books which is magic items that are meant for dragons to use it's always weird when you fight dragons then they have like 30 magical items on their horde yet for some whatever reason they just never use any of them and they just fight you with their claws and teeth like that is just silly and the thing is there's a lot of really cool dragon items in the lore so i wanted to go back and recreate them and bring them here for fifth edition just so that you guys could use them there's some really cool legendary ones and an artifact weapon as well i also made some draconic related subclasses that i know you guys would love like for example oh god bro we have been asking for another worldly patron for warlocks for dragons and we were hoping that dunes and dragons would give us that on fist banks and they literally didn't so i went and created one that i think is one of the coolest things that i have ever created otherworldly patron the great worm it's actually sick you get to turn into a half dragon at the end of it following a ritual where you bathe in dragon blood which is a real thing by the way in dnd lore you can find the pdf right here it should be just right below the video that you're watching right now you can click this here and it'll take you to the teespring store where you can buy it it is a digital download so they will send you the pdf through your email when you purchase it it'll of course mean the world to me if you check it out and buy it it really does help the channel a lot and i would greatly appreciate it but now on to the video the politics and intricate fractional differences between the inhabitants of the lower realms can be lost on many adventurers devils and demons are vastly different creatures devils are creatures of law who inhabit the nine hells they are strict organized and rule-abiding fiends demons on the other hand are creatures of chaos they are instinctual decentralized power hungry themes the devils are governed by strict hierarchies demons are ruled by strength these distinctions are the first things any good and studious planner theorist will learn but things get a bit more complicated than that see the word demon is most often used to describe the race of creatures which live in the abyss but see demon is not actually a race if anything it might be best used as a nationality of sorts if you live in the abyss you are a demon if you're molded and influenced by the abyss you are demonic but within this spectrum lies already a vast number of different creatures which belong to different groups there are demons that used to be angels for example and those who used to be devils by far the most populous kind of demons that exist are the ones we call tenari because tanari are the demons that are born from humanoid souls when a human soul finds its way into the abyss it turns into a larva which eventually turns into a mane or into another kind of tanari demon these are the demons you know the baelors the barguras the marylands those are all ternary demons because they come from humanoid souls but within all those demons you know there are some that are a bit more different demons that are unique demons that are older than most other demons these are the objects who do not come from humanoid souls they are not devils or angels either so the question is where did they come from well they are the ones that turn the abyss into what it is today and so our story takes us to them and for that we're going to go back far far back to the very dawn of time as we know it in an entirely different multiverse live this group of creatures called the overt they are described as being revolting like the very nature of their existence exudes wrongness they don't have a defined shape and each particular ovary is unique most of them share features similar to that of insects and crustaceans but formed in all the wrong ways to the point that even just gazing at them could make a person go mad over that dominated their multiverse and effectively had caused it to die with the last lights of their worlds diminishing the race started to go extinct and so they planned a way in which to effectively hop into a new dimension so as to conquer it and continue on existing for this they created a shard of pure evil made with the souls and essences of probably billions of their own race this shard had effectively the power to unmake entire realities the power of this shard allowed it to hop dimensions but the shard itself had to be planted by a creature of power on the other side for the ovaries to be able to use it as a portal and so they devised a trap the ovaries using the power of the shard of pure evil enthralled and corrupted a god in our dimension a god who you might actually be acquainted with thyriston it's isn't a myth but he shows up in princes of the apocalypse a thyristor is the real persona of the entity that you might know as the elder elemental evil but regardless back then he was just a god who desired for more and so he fell for the call of the oviritz all thyris dune needed to do was grab the shard of pure evil and plant it in the center of the astral plane this would have activated the power of the shard and corrupted the astral with evil spreading in all directions and corrupting the whole of the multiverse from which the ovaries would then have been able to transport from instead thyriston betrayed the ovaries and attempted to consume the power of the shard for himself and carved his own realm deep within the primordial soup of the elemental chaos by thyrius dune activating the power of the shard it allowed the ovirts to use it as a portal like they had planned but instead of the shard corrupting all of reality its power was fueling a god and so the average found themselves fighting this god for control over the shard the corrupting powers of the artifact had been used on the elemental chaos and now creating plane after plane after plane with it at its center and so was the primordial abyss formed even though things were not going according to plan the overthrow dimension was collapsing and so they had no choice but to completely abandon their worlds and move on to this new dimension even if it meant fighting this all-power hungry god for it eventually after eons of combat the ovaries were proving victorious in their conquest and from the hordes of demons one managed to collect the shard the one who would become the very first demon prince the over its name was obox ob as he obtained the shard he collected unparalleled power from it and so the plan continued to plant the shard of pure evil into the heart of the astral plane for if he succeeded he would be able to control all of reality and become the overlord of this dimension but demons do as demons do and one thing that you will learn from this story is that generally a demon's greatest threat is not those from without but instead those from within demons fight demons and that started with the overts as well many opposed obox of from leaving the abyss and planting the shard into the astral power hungry demons that they are they wanted the power for themselves hordes of demons and primordials battled against obox orb until they managed to fling him and the shard right into the vortex from which the abyss had been spawned this vortex however did not lead any more into the original dimension of the ovaries since that reality had already collapsed by this point and so instead the vortex created a massive fissure into reality the shard fell into this vortex further and further down creating what we call the grand abyss many of the most powerful ovrits and primordials dove down into the vortex to claim the shard but the farther down they went the weaker they became eventually demon lord after demon lord would stop going down into the ground abyss fearing for their lives as their energies were being drained and since that moment even the most powerful of demon lord had stopped the search for the shard of pure evil in fears of what they may find at the deepest bottom of the vortex and the shard simply burrowed ever so deep into the deepest foundations of chaos to give you an idea of just how powerful this shard is asmodius the now lord and ruler of the nine hells has a single powerful magical artifact the ruby rod which you of course know it is believed that the ruby on the rod has a very small fragment of the shard of pure evil in it and this shard gave him the power he needed to oust the last ruler of the nine hells kill him and erased its memory from existence and further now he uses the rod with a fragment in there to basically control all other devils in any case life settled on the abyss and the ovaries reigned supreme most of the darker sections of the abyss were still far too dangerous for even the ovaries to contend with and so most of them lived in the first layer known as pasunia or the plane of infinite portals it was in here that they formed their cities under massive citadels many of the pits on this layer opened to portals which led deeper into the sections of the abyss and so overage would construct their citadels on this pit in order to control the comings and goings of demons throughout the realm they also underwent a massive project to dig and further open this grand abyss which is the biggest pit where the shard of pure evil fell they built bridges and fortifications throughout the upper sections of the grand abyss in order to control a more of the many portals which open in this section they figured that control over the means of transportation through the lair meant control over the realm which held true for eons the problem was thyriston was not fully defeated and he had a plan there is doon knew that he could not contend with the full might of the ovaries on his own and so he formulated a plan to enlist the help of both primordials and elementals he did this by assuming a new identity one known as the elder elemental evil where he convinced these primordials were already pretty upset at the gods for taking over the multiverse that if they could obtain the shard of pure evil they could potentially defeat the gods and so a massive army of primordials and elementals was formed which inevitably ended up forming into the war which we today know as the dawn war the war between the gods and the primordials this war was pretty massive and most of what transpired in there is not actually part of this video but it is one of the most important historical moments of dungeons dragon's lore the part that interests this video comes when the gods realized who was behind the movement which was thyris dune and so they ended up imprisoning him thing is this did not really fully end the conflict the great war between law and chaos had begun and on the side of chaos the abyss was right in its center after more eons of conflict a particularly important overt started to take center stage the one who would be known as the queen of chaos for she discovered a new truth about reality that was about to change the way this war was fought and would change the abyss forever see mortal life started to form on the material plane and the queen discovered that when these mortals died and their souls made it into the abyss a new type of demon was being created the tanari the queen cultivated this new breed of demons using the overheath flesh warpers to grant them different shapes depending on the need it is believed that the very first tinari demon born was demogorgon who the queen discarded for being deformed and uncontrollable some of the most famous tenari shapes that you know nowadays come from the transformations that the queen of chaos enacted upon these creatures on their nascent days and you can even see that some tanari demons were given shapes similar to that of the ovrids like the glabresus who show crustacean features with this new seemingly endless source of souls which you could turn into demons the queen of chaos was preparing to take the conflict between law and chaos on to the next level she started amassing forces in the millions consolidating power between the ovaries and conquering layer after layer on the abyss in order to do this she delivered a surprise attack onto obox ob the prince of demons who was still very much alive she needed to send a message if you were not with her you were against her and her sudden strike proved to be fortuitous she defeated oboxop and destroyed most of its form leaving only a small and weakened vestige left which scurried into the deepest bowels of the darkness the queen of chaos was very clever now with obox ob out of the picture all the ovaries realized that if she had the power to end such a powerful creature no one could stand against her further she allowed a canary demon that was loyal to her one named miska the wolf spider to absorb the essence and title of prince of demons ensuring the loyalty of alternary demons while simultaneously obtaining a powerful tenant to fight for her the abyss was rallied behind the queen of chaos the armies started to march and what came after almost unraveled creation as the multiverse will have never seen the likes of the war that was about to unfold the battle between law and chaos was about to reach its end with the prince of demons at her side the scale was tipped against a law misca's savage demon hordes brought territory and converts particularly in the material plane and even the gods seemed hard pressed to stop them from taking the astral sea world after world fell and with each loss for law the once immutable rules of the cosmos became fluid and forgotten chaos was ascending the abyss going with it and all seemed lost until a fateful battle at the fields of pash ended the eon long conflict on the material plane world of owerth one rich with magic and possibility in the shadows of the mighty volcano known as the white plume mountain a final battle against the agents of order known as the windows of aqua commenced the battle was said to have spanned at the astral plane but in the end using a powerful artifact called the rod of law the wind dukes imprisoned amiska in the plane of pandemonium causing the forces of chaos to scatter and retreat the demons retreated back to the abyss including the queen of chaos who now found herself with her armies decimated and the alliance left in shambles fortunately for them the power of law is weak in the realm of chaos no angel who values their lives would find themselves in the abyss such would be suicide their power would weaken and their flesh would corrupt no matter the size of the army they would surely find death within the realm of chaos and so the ovaries would find true defeat not from law but from chaos itself the fairy queen of the court of stars morwell sensed weakness within the ranks of the ovaries and decided that now was the time to strike the aladdrian the celestial elves from marvoria went to war being chaotic creatures they were assistant to the detrimental effects of the abyss and send their celestial armies to rain down upon passunia the aladdrian knights devastated the powerful fortresses of the ovrits and systematically decimated them by controlling the first layer which had access to all the portals leading into many of the deeper realms ironically however it was not the aladrin who delivered the final nail in the coffin of the ovaries instead it was the tanari demons who up until this point had been slaves to the power of the ovaries the tanari demons finally sensed it was their time to revel against their masters and in a massive realm wide revolt the tanari finished off most of the remaining overts as they attempted to escape the wrath of the elandrin this was the end for the oviritz the never ending swarm of tanari demons coming from the deepest bowels of the abyss were just too much for even the alladrin to handle and so they were also repelled and for the first time in existence the tanari ruled the abyss the few surviving overts that still exist to this day do so by keeping their real personas secret making sure to hide any and all trace of their ovaries descent others maintain their safety by working directly with tenari demon lords dagon for example a powerful seer gives demogorgon knowledge in exchange for protection others like the pale knight allegedly became a consort to baphomet even if just for a while fasusu allied with the tanari and has been able to keep his descent mostly a secret obox up still lives a fraction of the grand creature he used to be skull king ever so weak like a maggot clinging to life the queen of chaos retreated to the 14th layer of the abyss called the steaming fan where she still plots to this day for a way to free misca and restart the war once again with the ovaries out of the picture the tanari demons quickly fell into infighting as demons always do in a bid to find who amongst them were to become the new prince of demons from the murky shadows of the abyss the first tenari ever born the one discarded by the queen of chaos eons ago had risen into a powerful behemoth demon gorgon would then go on to claim this title and rule over demons even to this day the war between law and chaos would never end however as since the dawn of time the two conflicting principles would seek to end each other until the end of existence from the battle between primordials versus gods to the battles between the ovirts and the celestials to the modern version of this conflict which now takes on the form of the blood war the conflict between the devils and the demons a conflict which will war apnosium and throughout all of this the seed of evil that spawned at the abyss simply cleaves its way through the cosmos steadily increasing the abyss's size even as other forces act against it unseen and unstoppable it's whispers urging demons to destroy promising ultimate power to the one who could conquer all of the abyss something not even the ovirts once came close to doing the few remaining over it have made a secret pact that if any of them ever were to claim the shard they would all work together this time and bring the sharda to the astral and finally lay claim to this reality it is said that if they were to ever seize the shard then not even the alliance of the multiverse's mightiest beings would be able to oppose them as their horrific shapes would resurge and spread across the cosmos once more [Music] thank you guys so much for watching of course make sure to go and check the pdf it's just right there below the video you cannot miss it i would greatly appreciate it if you guys do i would also like to personally thank my patreon supporters barry maskind 5v magic shop morgan johnson rusty rayne dock feeder the great codini omega scales terry colb benjamin boster is faulky 951 or doric prince daylight morning crown sabine korshap solarensis thomas haunt nathan mccomb solas rider lost crusader stelia olaf klepp jd green trev 909 tony harsey famine 52 george fotland sovereign mind trevor hest nato rashura brian camp chadaega john the wicked shane and sam skinner stephen the living guild pack michael walker street blow describe herver johnson the wizard's vault james the perverted shoddycast horrorbound jesse feliziano hillian vantamane munchkin mania and barrack for supporting me on patreon at the 25 level if you would like to support me as well then please please head on over to patreon.comrex to support thank you guys for watching thank you guys for being here thank you for being awesome and i will see you all next week
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 236,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i_Ln4tY8cPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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