Superbook - John the Baptist - Season 2 Episode 6 - Full Episode (Official HD Version)

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[Music] repent of your sins and turn to god for the kingdom of heaven is near [Music] john [Music] i ought to be baptized by you why have you come to me for now this is how it should be because we must do all that god wants us to do [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys can you run a test on my hollow nine game helmet it's been real slow since i got it back got it back did you lose it nah i let sam borrow it i see what is wrong chris there are several new games stored in your helmet's memory the odd thing is none of these titles are available for sale sam put stolen games on your player no i'm sure there's a simple explanation hey chris you find the games uh yeah brad huh i just downloaded them from a new bootleg site i found bootleg huh as in stolen relax killjoy it's no big deal um sam i'll i'll call you back joy i gotta i got a nothing chris i don't care what excuses he makes what he did is stealing and if you play the game sam gave you it's like you stole them too isn't it what am i supposed to do as sam's my partner in all the toughest gaming tournaments i mean we're champions because he's so good what are you gonna do chris why do i have to do anything i just won't play the games you mean you're not gonna say anything you're just gonna let him keep doing it even though you know what's wrong [Music] i am taking you to meet a man who spoke the truth to everyone he met even if that meant putting his own life in [Music] [Music] god's coming round prove by the way you live that you've repented of your sins and turned to god don't just say to each other we are safe for we are descendants of abraham that means nothing for i tell you god can create children of abraham from these very stones some say you are the messiah how would you answer i baptize with water those who repent of their sins and turn to god but someone is coming soon who is greater than i am so much greater that i am not worthy even to be his slave and carry his sandals are you referring to me no most definitely not you do know who i am don't you yes and i know what shame you bring to this holy place it is against god's law for you to take your brother's wife this is what the lord told moses and that is why i say what they have done is an act of impurity [Music] [Applause] oh forget them get us out of here now [Applause] [Music] oh are you gonna let him get away with that do you think anyone really listens to him herodias there is nothing to be concerned teacher what have you done i told the truth to a man who sinned that man is herod antipas a powerful ruler he will not change his ways then he will be judged by the ruler of heaven and pay a price much greater than any we can imagine [Music] salami the servants have left the throne room your father is alone now herod is not my father just do what we rehearsed no how can you just sit there how can you let him do this to me him who john the baptist he humiliated me in public didn't he sell me oh yes the whole city is a buzz now now herodias no one cares about the ramblings of a madman fine don't defend me i'm only your wife defend yourself every speech john makes about his god undermines your authority hmm yes i see all right i'll have the guards arrest the baptizer will that satisfy you for now and that's when we decided to follow john everyone in the crowd who we've camped with these past few weeks has a story just like yours but weren't you even a little scared of them at first i mean with all that hair and the animal skins and the preaching you have been in the wilderness with us long enough do you not agree that john knows how to get our attention he wants us to hear the truth even when we do not want to listen sound familiar you should meet john for yourselves okay but first i got a question about that thing he does dunking people down in the river oh that is a baptism those people are turning from sin and accepting god's forgiveness i know that part is have you made our new guests feel welcome i hope so teacher perhaps you would like something to eat that would be awesome what's that honey and locusts and you eat them yes even here in the wilderness the lord provides for us [Music] sure why not [Music] um [Music] teacher the man you met on the other side of the jordan river the one you identified as the messiah is also baptizing people and everybody is going to him instead of coming to us you yourselves know how plainly i told you i am not the messiah i'm only here to prepare the way for him therefore i'm filled with joy in his success but teacher he must increase and i must decrease [Music] there they are spread out find the baptizer [Music] what should we do hide in the reeds by the river go oh come on [Music] what are we gonna do we have to help john too late [Music] it appears that superbook has carried us several months forward in time oh no we got to find out what's happened to john we have just come from him children he is being held prisoner and his sister below herod's palace [Music] john the baptizer sent us to ask are you the messiah we've been expecting or should we keep looking for someone else go back to john and tell him what you have heard and seen the blind sea the lame walk the lepers are cured the deaf hear the dead are raised to life and the good news is being preached to the poor and tell him god blesses those who do not turn away because of me come on guys we gotta see what we can do to help john john the baptizer is in the dungeon isn't that enough no it is not enough in fact now that he's here herod even visits with him seems to be glad to listen to him talking about sin and salvation yet herod does nothing but we can do something [Music] once just once i would like to go someplace and walk through a door like normal people keep it down will you we can't afford to get caught i'm not a big hug after them [Music] which way did he go i think he headed to the west tower john are you who is there john john it's me chris come to see john the baptizer now john the prisoner did you don't say that there has to be a way to get you out of here the scriptures told of a messenger someone shouting clear a path in the desert make a straight road for the lord our god i am the messenger jesus is the lord now he must increase and i must decrease no i don't get it but you can explain it after i get you out of here in there oh know what he's doing [Music] we must [Music] wonderful [Applause] ask for anything and it's yours i swear that i will give you as much as half of my kingdom if you wanted what do you think i should ask for right now on a platter i want the head of john the baptizer [Music] i know i cannot break a promise i have made in front of my guests captain go to the prison and cut off john's head come on we gotta find chris no joy i found john it's too late chris they are going to cut off his head what no [Music] come on movement stick with your feet come on come on [Music] why does it have to end like this chris superbook not now [Music] did what i think just happened happen did john john always told the truth no matter what the consequences were [Music] oh hey chris you like those new games i told gizmo to delete them what you had no right to do that [Music] no you had no right sam you know what stealing is wrong whether you download a bootleg or walk in a store and stuff a copy in your pocket i can be your friend but i won't be your game partner if you're gonna steal and cheat and that's the truth hey maybe what i did wasn't truthful but i got the best games in school before anyone else ha you know i think i am starting to understand why john the baptizer needed to shout so loud sometimes yeah that could be what it takes to get through to some people but for now let's just give sam some time to figure this out on his own [Music] what kind of person did you go into the desert to see in the scriptures god says about him i am sending my messenger ahead of you to get things ready for you i tell you that no one ever born on this earth is greater than john the baptizer yet even the least person in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he is [Music] jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost forgive me now of all my sins [Music] change my change life life [Music] jesus you died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost forgive me now of all my sin come be my savior [Music] to live for you change my life and make it new [Music] [Applause] and foreign it new help me lord to live for you change my life and make it make it new and help me [Music] it's the new super book bible ass packed with games activities and super book episodes that you can watch for free [Music] there's trivia a fun daily devotional and answers to your bible questions plus an easy to understand bible the whole family will enjoy you can even create your own super book character it's the new super book bible app free downloads on itunes google play and you amazon i just imagine what can happen traveling through history [Music] wisdom that's so [Music] the story that's forever true [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 2,431,351
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Keywords: john the baptist for kids, john the baptist baptizing jesus, john the baptist superbook, john the baptist story, john the baptist animated bible story, baptism, john the baptizer, john the baptist, john the baptist superbook full episode, john the baptist jesus of Nazereth, john the baptist story in the bible, locusts and honey, locusts and wild honey, john the revelator, john the baptist movie, john the baptist death, jesus baptism, jesus baptism in jordan river
Id: 9R0FQgGei4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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