The Story of Zuldazar - Battle for Azeroth [Lore]

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Hello everyone! The Horde sets sail to Zandalar together with Princess Talanji and Prophet Zul after they busted them out of the stockades. At this point in time, I don’t believe they’ve explained how Zul and Talanji ended up together, but we do know that Talanji sought the aid of the Horde. Her father has ruled their kingdom for 200 years now, empowered by their loa rezan, and she believes that he has lost sight of the threats that surround him. His Zanchuli counchil, those that are supposed to advise him, whisper poison in his ears and it will be up to us to uncover if she’s right and what is going on. For the sake of making it easier to explain the main story in this zone, I’m just going to let you in on the big secret reveal. Prophet Zul is up to nooooo good. What? I hear you say. This guy?! This guy looks like a trust worthy individual, but it’s the truth. Still at this point we have no idea and in order of King Rastakan, we’re send out to help the propet at Tal’gurub to deal with a mess of his own making. “You made this mess, my prophet. Now go clean it up.” “As you will it. Only...I have forseen that Vol’jamba will not die by my hand.” “Then take our new speaker with you and be done with it.” “Ahhh yes. They have proven themselves usefull.” One of Zul’s pupils, a witch doctor by the name of Vol’jamba, has taken the Gurubashi enclave as his own and ousted their guards. We need to reclaim the area which offers the perfect oppertunity to give us a little taste of Zul’s power. He’s able to predict exactly what goes down and when it does, information he’s willing to share with us while we go around Tal’Gurub cleaning up the mess. “Call of your dog, Zul. You are making a mistake!” “Visions or not, you wasted Rastakhan’s patience. There are consequences, boy.” Vol’jamba thinks his Sight has surpassed that of Zul and tries to convince us of the visions he has seen. “I am feeling generous. I will hear you out. MY friend here however...” “The visions goes like this: Golden sails mark the final coming. THe manipulator seeks to break the seal.” “Get away! Do not touch it!” “This is important! Listen! Buffeted by a current of lies, the high throne will be unmoved. It, too, will be crushed beneath the wheel.” “Wait!” “Loa above! Just let me finish! Shadows twist the strings of fate, bending the empire to its will. In the end, even the great king will be made to kneel.” “Meddling insect! There is a special place on the Other side for you!” “Betrayel, the doom of an empire, and a threat against the king. Now that is a properly dramatic prophecy” Zul makes it a point to remind us that what ever his student might say, he is desperate to save himself. His truth is distorted by fear and his visions are incomplete. That does not mean there’s no truth to the words as we know that Zul, somewhere, somehow, got in league with the artificially created old god G’huun. This being was created by the titan keepers as they were searching for a cure to the old gods corruption. To contain it they created 3 seals, one in nazmir, one in voldun and 1 still turning within Zuldazar. That’s Zul’s mission, to break that final seal, the highthrone will be unmoved and crushed beneath the wheel. Shadows twist the strings of fate, bending the empire to its will. In the end, even the great king will be made to kneel. In this moment we go liberate the gurubashi mindslaves, take care of zuvembi brewer zekal and get ready to confront the student that can see the future. “Take the seal I have given you and stamp it on the gong. His minions will try to stop you. Stay alert.” “Now set the urn near the archway.” “Hmmm... On second though...move it a little to the left.” ‘Good. Now switch out one of VOl’jamba’s potions with de one I gave you. It will be the first one yo uset your eyes on. No second guessting it, now.” “Come here. It is time.” “I tire of this game. You delivered your message. Now it’s time ot face your fate.” “We both know I will not die by your hand. You cannot stop me.” “YOu are right. I will not. But my friend will.” “You are not ahead of me old mon! It is you who will die here!” Fight fight fight “My chosen! YOur master needs you. BOING” “Get away! I command you!” “You are strong...but my Sight is stronger!” “Dis...dis isn’t happening!” “No! I will not die here! It is not my time!” “How did he...know...” “A pity I was not able to teach him the most important lesson of all. You must plan even for the futures you have not seen.” “Let old Rastakhan know I will return in my own time. Oh, and thanks for all your help.” Zul was able to predict every move of the encounter and his students spirit ends up in an urn. The kings will have been carried out and this false prophet is no more. It might be wise to share Vol’jamba’s prophecy with the king, but Zul cannot say if it will change anything at all. “All is as my prophet said. PErhaps now you can see why i keep him at my side.” In order of the king, we’re doing zul’s dirty work and not just once either as in the harbor we have Zolani blade of the king, one actually loyal to Rastakhan talking with Yazma and Vol’kaal who are in league with zul. “Do not concern yourself with a few petty crimes. We have far more important matters to adress.” Talanji has convinced the king to permit outsiders in their port. For the first time in centuries, they have allowed non trolls to set foot on their shores and peddle their wares. And now trolls of lesser tribes seem to think they can take advantage of these merchance. While Zolani investigates why the merchants are not protected, we go through the bazaar and slay any thugs we can find. Here in the port we discover that some trolls are actually practicing blood magic, a small taste of what’s waiting for us in Nazmir and a small taste of how far zul’s influence is spreading. Other troll tribes, amani, gurubashi, sandfury, even a dark troll can be found in the area, they’ve set up camp in the harbor. We see them represented despite getting their asses kicked time and time again. Like the time around the cataclysm where prophet zul went around uniting the trolls tribes to try and regain the glory of their former empire or the time in mists of pandaria where they allied themselves with the mogu and the thunderking. Prophet Zul was part of the ritual that resurrected lei-shen the thunder king in order to try and claim the land of pandaria as they believed the cataclysm had destroyed their lands. Zul had seen this in his visions and athough the cataclysm definatly did some damage to their lands, Nazmir for example was turned into a swamp, it wasn’t as catastrophic as zul thought it was going to be. This is also mentioned by Dockmaster cobo as we go around spreading the Word of Zul. Faithful servant. I have returned, as promised. The time has come to recall our brothers and sisters that sailed with me into exile during the Cataclysm. The time has come to once again unite the Zandalari under a single banner. You each have your tasks, see to them. Your prophet, Zul. Oh, and as for you hero, know that I forsaw you reading this. We learned from lorewalker cho during mists of pandaria that zul’s visions of the cataclysm eventually earned him a fleet from Rastakhan too which he set out to unite the troll tribes. It’s interesting that he mentions being exiled as in a later quest Talanji lets us know that at de time, Zul’s visions of a grand troll empire was very tempting to her father. This suggests that he was in on Zul’s plans and like Cho told us, gave him the fleet, so I wonder when exactly he was exiled. Doomsayer Volkini mentions that it was years ago that he returned from exile with their fleet so there’s definatly a story to be told there, also to explain how he got to hang out with Talanji and came into contact with G’huun and even Queen azshara. A small side quest involving the loa shark Gral makes mention of a dark soul that has infiltrated the zanchuli council seeking an accord with queen azshara. Her motives are hidden behind a vast darkness, but we do know that she’s in league with the old god n’zoth. Someway, somehow she and zul are working together. 2018-08-26 16-43-06 Still quite a bit of story to be told, but right now, by spreading the word of zul we’re shooting ourselves in the foot. Nokali the Scarred, master of messages has been saving a messenger beast ever since the thunder king rose. It would seems its day has finally arived as Nalu’kana is send out with a message. “My king, you are in great peril. I see encoaching enemies claming the throne for themselves. They near Warport Rastari as I speak. We should retreat to Zanchul while it is still an option.” “Habutu, Zolani, take the speaker of the horde and ensure the warport is safe. Today is not the final day of my reign.” It’s not hard to predict the future when you manipulate like Zul does. Our messenger bird has let the Mogu, now allies of Zul know that the is right to attack. They’ve infiltrated the port and while we join Bladeguard Habutu and Zolani, do our best to kick the invaders out, rally the defenders and fight all the way to the mogu warship, this is exactly what zul wanted. “I had hoped for a greater challenge.” Vilnak’DOr and Warlord Kao, 2 characters from the novel shadows of the horde brag about how rastakhans end is upon us and we’re at the dawn of the birth of a new troll empire. “NO matter cough cough. Your kings end comes.” “I envy you...witnessing the birth of a new troll empire first hand. A pity rastakhan will not experience the same pleasure.” Cutscene: Rastakhan zul and brute walk up the stairs. Habutu is stabbed ‘No! Habutu! Traitor! Seize her!” STAB You should have listened to Talanji. You have grown stagnant old friend. YOu let our kingdom rot and decay. But i have foreseen the troll empire rising again. No more treaties with outsiders...No more bargains with loa. Blood is our path now... The path of G”HUUN! Ow snap LOA to the rescue! PAKU takes the king outta here Should we go after them? No. In time, they will come to us. Zul plays his hand. Are you shocked and surprised? I know I am! We were able to save the king, something about planning for the futures you have not seen, but with Zul’s plans out in the open, all hell breaks lose. The king needs to be healed, not just his body but also his soul. Bwonsamdi has been longing to claim it for a very long time, yet Rastakhan is still favored by Rezzan who’s not done with him quite yet. “The little king will rise. I am not finished with him.” “BWONSAMDI!” “Ya got a bellow dat would wake da dead! What ya want, man?” “You have taken what is mine. Release him.” “Long time, ya been keepin’ dis one from me. Long, long time. I’ll be denied no further.” “Know your place, loa of graves. Or I will put you in one.” “Comes a time when we all gotta die...even kings. But I be feelin’ generous. Take ya little friend. I’ll be seeing you in good time.” Picks up spirit “Restore his spirit to his body. My priests call me back to my temple. Send Rastakhan to me when he finds his teeth again.” Rastakhan will not be dancing with Bwonsamdi quite yet as we restore his spirit to his body. Zul has send forces out after us which we take care of and on board of Rastakhans ship we find Chronicler To’kini, a zandalari we saw all the way back during Wrath of the Lich King. He was there when the drakari performed their dark ancient rituals of devouring their loa and taking in their powers to hold their ground against the lich king. They made him tell them how exactly the Drakkari did it which means Zuls forces know how to take the powers of a loa for themselves. “That snake” Rumble rumble rumble “My loa cries out! Zul’s heresy knows no limits! Zolani my blade, we must defend the temple. Go!” Information they’re putting to good use at the Temple of Rezan where they’re trying to devour Rezan himself. The king finds his teeth again as we unleash his wrath upon zuls followers and join him in the battle against Vilnak’dor. “Zul foretold yout coming. All proceeds as he predicted.” “The fiend hides behind Rezan’s power! I will steal it back from him!” “You are weak without the loa! Finish him!” “I have part...” “Great one, are you still breathing? LEt me release you from these chains.” “come, little king. Let us bring ruin upon these heretics!” ROAR REZAN SMASH ‘YES! Rezan is teaching them to respect a loa’s might. Come and see!” REZAN SMASH SOME MORE “Hahahaha, such is the fate of those who defy the great king!” REZAN SMASH ALL ‘He is an...enthusiastic predator.” “Rastakhan, your enemies test your borders.” “YOur council challenges your authority. YOur friends try to take your life. There is blood in the waters now. It is time to ask yourself...are you king, or are you prey?” “I have grown soft. Many have tried to warn own daughter among them. I did not listen. But I swear to you, and to this champion of the Horde, that I will not rest until I have Zul’s head. Rezan is saved but the threat of Zul is far from over. Back in the city we find his followers out in force, all those that believe Rastakhan is not the right person to lead them and G’huun is their true god. Not even the loa are safe as we discover in the garden of the loa. Yazma and Vol’kaal have set their eyes on devouring Shadra the Venom Queen. “Vol’kaal. Dispose of dese invaders while I deal with Shadra.” “You are too late. The bood of the loa has been spilled!” “Die Shadra. Die forever! By the old ways, I claim your power as my own!” “Fool! If I had the time I would crush you to what you did to Vol’kaal. Once I harness these new powers you shall witness this empire’s fall.” Shadra was not so forturnate as Rezan and Yazma holds her powers. Slaying Volkaal won’t do much as Yazma will use her new found powers to reanimate his corpse, but atleast for the moment he’s out of our way. Things are pretty dire though. Loa and Zandalari alike are feeling the wrath of Zul, yet not all have given up hope quite yet. We rally those few still loyal and make ready to hunt the one who has forseen the future... “Come hero. For this you will want to hold on tight!” “Brothers and sisters of Zandalar, the time has come to cut off the heads of these tratiors who have sworm themselves to zul. Gonk, loa of the hunt, lead your followers to the temple of the prophet and slay any foes you find. Flush our enemies out into the open. Pa’ku, loa of the winds, take to the skies and seek out the heretics. DIvine their goals and meet us at the temple. Rezan, haha, lets go hunting! For Zandalar!” Our army marches on the temple of the prophet where we bring ruin to his forces and also read the world of zul, the word he has spread amongst his followers. Not only does he serve G’huun, he also believes that Rastakhan and Rezan are useless to them and need to be replaced. High atop Mount Mugamba is an ancient city called Atal’Dazer, the sacred resting place of dead kings. There they will find a true king to lead them, Dazar, he who was first. With the power Zul wields, they will return him to his seat of glory as king of Zandalari. Not just as any old king as Zul’s travels to pandaria have thought him not only how to resurrect ancient kings, like Lei- shen the Thunderking, but also how to control them. The final word of zul mentions how he saw the Drakkari fall to the might of the undead scourge and as they fell, they consumed their gods in near forgotten rituals, stealing untold amounts of power to be used for their own purposes. He has learned much in his travels and has had a lot of time to plan this coup. Lets see if we can snuff it out by charging into Atal’Dazar and confront the dark prophet. Rezan roars and opens the way zuls forces are doing the fighting thing, rezan is in a bit of a hurry. Cutscene Your visions had best be right about this. HERETIC! YOu trrespass upon sacred ground. Ah, he arives. The loa of...Hmm... What do we call you now? Mind your tongue, traitor. Rezan, Rezan...Do you not understand? I am not your subject. And you have no place among kinds. ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR CHAAAAAAAAARGE WOEPSIEDAISY, ITS A TRAP REZAN FEELS THE MIGHT OF THE ANCIENT RITUALS The time of the loa is done. ZOMBIES The hour of blood approaches. ROAAAAAAAAAAAAR “Rezan...he...he is gone...That thing is not a loa.” I feel like sombody has ripped the very soul from my body. Time to leave. “Retreat! Live to fight another day.” Get Rastakhan to safety, Run run as fast we can . “Charge brothers and sisters. Stop for nothing!” It’s not easy trying to fight against a foe that can predict the future. Rezan walked right into the trap, empowering zuls plans of resurrection and greatly weakening king rastakhan. Soon old bwonsamdi will come calling so we must defeat Zul before that happens. The king has followed a god of strength, and yet he does not have the strength to face her with his shame. He asks of us to inform her of what happened, yet despite his weakened state, he will follow zul while we have to enter atal’dazar and take care of yazma. She’s trying to buy time and keep us away from the tomb of kings, but that will be a story for another day. For now we can’t really say that our adventures in Zuldazar was quite the victory we had hoped for. Zul is a craft adversary, yet at the same time we have begun proving our worth to the Zandalari and hopefully soon enough we’ll turn them into our allies. Zul and G’huun are threats waiting to be explored, I can’t wait for Uldir to open up this week but for now thank you very much for watching everyone. At this point we can choose to go into either Nazmir or Vol’dun, let me know in the comments which one you’d like to explore first. Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaaaaand until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 84,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Zuldazar, Horde, Zandalar, Zanchuli, Prophet Zul, Yazma, Volkaal, Talanji, Alliance, Loa, Old God, G'huun, Blood trool, Amani, Gurubashi, Sandfury, Darkspear, Baine, Rokhan, Paku, Rezan, Atal'dazar, Nazmir, Voldun, Bwonsamdi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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