The Story of Zandalar Forever! - Horde 8.0.1 Ending [Lore]

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Hello everyone! Despite our best effort of trying to stop the threats that worried princes Talanji so much that she sought the aid of the Horde, we’ve been unable to secure the land for the Zandalari. Mythrax the unravalater has been released in Vol’dun, Prophet Zul is still out there serving his master G’huun and their forces are giving it their all to invade Zuldazar and destroy the final seal that’s keeping the blood god locked away. Zul’s treachery cuts deep as his rebellion has practically depleted Rastakhan’s army. Thankfully he has the horde to assist him as at the borders of his kingdom we take on the massive swarms of blood trolls that are pooring in from nazmir. We use antidotes to save the wounded and we clear the way for Princess Talanji and Rokhan to meet up with our main forces. Yet the enemies numbers seem to be endless and without the Loa Rezan to empower him, keep him alive...Rastakhan is desperate.... Cutscene: Uho, look at all them fallen trolls. SO many lost in the war against blood So many lost... Awww sad dino I know...I miss Rezan too. Oh, Tzena. What do we do now? Ahh but a father’s love for his child, it can make great things happen. Great...terrible things... The dust of bones... for the Loa of death. ARE YA....REAAAAADYYYYYYY Well...this is a surprise. You looking pretty good. Your majesty. So why have you come to see me? I need your aid. I see. Hahaha, you want to make a deal with me Go on, go on. Become my Loa. Grant me the power to recover my kingdom and I will elevate you above all loa. Yes yes so you get your kingdom back all very nice. But soon you’ll tire of old Bwonsamdi. Youll go back to the living loa. The ones who bring the rain. Makes the crops grow...not wither and die. need more... than just your word. If you do this for me...I will bind my bloodline to you. Uhoooooo All who succeed you will keep this bargain? To serve min life...and in death? Forever. WEEEELP, We got a deal! Shake my hand, won’t you shake... a poor sinners hand....? You are a fool rastakhan, but a fathers love... Father...I felt something a moment ago. Has something happened? Do not worry my daughter. I’ve taken care of everything... For his kingdom and for his daughter Rastakhan makes a bargain with Bwonsamdi tying his entire bloodline to the loa of death. “Won’t you shake a poor sinners hand?” Some of you asked if bwonsamdi has made more deals like this and he has bargained before. Even during our own questing experience in Nazmir we can see other spirits that have signed up with Bwonsamdi, he makes a bargain with us to gain his aid against the blood trolls, but also with Vol’jin to retake the echo isles and bring back the human tyrathan kort... And now the old king of the Zandalari has shaken his hand for the sake of his kingdom and his beloved daughter...lets see if we can make it worth it as Zul’s ready to make his final move. Though our warchief may balk at further delays, we are honor-bound to assist the zandalari. This is about more than gaining an ally in wartime. The horde was founded on the idea of aiding those facing their hour of need. Just as thrall once came ot the defense of the tauren, so we must help save zandalar. CUtscene: G’huun: Now. Shatter the final seal. Chargeee my blood trolls, go and take that seal Gather your forces and mount old K’zlotec “The blood gate is overrun. QUickly, we must crush as many of these invaders as we can before they reach the city. Destroy the blood trolls with this mighty t-rex, Old K’zlotec <Wrath of Rezan> “A gift for old bwonsamdi.” “Die invaders!” “Too many are getting past us. Make for the bridge to Darar’alor. We cna force them into a choke point.” Ride Pa’ku to the Zocalo “Go, Little King. I shall swallow any who try to follow you.” “Rastakhan! The snakes of Vol’dun siege your western border. Do something about it.” “Talanji, take the horde champion and muster our forces there. I Will work with Krag’wa to secure the Sliver.” “Something drives the sethrak to attack. They are swarming like never before.” “This champion tells us that Mythrax the Unraveller has arisen. “ “Well...that is...inconvenient...” AKunda zapping the troops “Form ranks! Warbows at the ready.” “Rakera, assuming command of our forces, i see.” “Ah Talanji, riding loa into the battle i see.” “Dark times call for great deeds. How do things look?” “Dire. We are flanked. The loa are doing what they can, but we need to rally any troll that can hold a spear." "Champion, look for any civilians still in the Zocalo and send them to us. We will follow as we are able.” Pretty much anything and everything we’ve partied with while leveling have showed up for the defense of Zandalar. Loa are hopping about displaying their awesome might, royal guards and even the vulpera show up to fight against the mogu, blood trolls and sethek but more are needed. Every civilian we can find is rallied to take up arms and step by step we clear the streets, making our way to Zul and the throne. Kimbul:”The way is clear little ones. Move now. Mythrax is approaching.” Cutscene: Zul: Come mythrax. Come unraveller. The final seal must be broken. Eyyy Mythrax how ya doing buddy, having a good time? Find rastakhan at the entrance of dazar’alor. “Champion, the loa and I will hold off mythrax for as long as possible. Find my father and put an end to zul!” “Too many sided with Zul. There is only one path forward. Bwonsamdi, show yourself!” “Easy now, ya majesty. Bwonsamdi are always helping friend muhahaha. Rise....rise! DOn’t be lazy now. Take up your spears again and FIGHT!” Rastari spirits join the fight, Warlord Kara- na <Bloodsworn of Zul> : “You will never reach the precipice in time.” “Zul has foreseen this day. By fighting the change of destiny, you only prove its inevitable truth!” “Zul...never said...I would lose...” The unraveler is huuuuuge, the size of a temple and in the distance we can see the loa hopping around him. I’m pretty sure even Talanji is down there trying to hold him off while we take on Ma’da Renkala, disciple of g’huun. “Your soul for me master! YOur soul for G’huun!” Cutscene: Owwwww snap everythings on fire and drums of war ragins. Zul laughs evil. You are too late, rastakhan. Rise! Rise Mythrax. Rise. Ooooow snap BWONSAMDI!!! We had a deal. Grant me your POWAR! Caus I got friends on the other siiiiiide. Feel the power of the loa of death ROAAAUAUAUAUAHAHAHAH FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. F him up Rastakhan. OW snap zul can fight pretty well for a prophet. Mythrax. Do it now. Destroy the seal! Ima charging my laster beam KAPOW, PUNCH, SLICE, Get out of here zul, this is my kingdom ahhh but zul doesn’t have to fight anymore. His mission is done, just as he foresaw. SLICE, KAPOW, the final wheel stops turning. FOol. Long may you reign over your empire of ash. THIS IS ZANDALAR And zul vanises in the fire Oehoehhoe look at this. Congratulations your majesty. The kingdom is...ourrrrs.. Uhoooo what has old rastakhan done. We have won the battle, but not the war. Seeing his visions come true with Mythrax charging his laser and destroying the final seal, zul just drops his weapon as he has no need to fight anymore. He has accomplished exactly what they set out to do...release his master G’huun in Uldir. Now Rastakhan is still tied to Bwonsamdi and the theme of family and the realm of death is very prominent on both sides, but only time will tell how that’s going to play out. In this moment, the darkness that has threatened the zandalari since the days of their first king has finally been released. Millenia ago, seeking to udnerstand the nature of their eternal foe, the titans constructed a sprawling underground facility to research and quarantine captured specimens. They hoped that by studying the void energy that bound the Old Gods, probing it for weaknesses and reactions, they could find some way to neutralize it. They were horribly, horribly wrong and accidently created G”huun. The facility was then sealed away so that the horrors within would never be unleashed upon Azeroth. But now those seals have been broken and the Uldir raid awaits. Time for heroes to step up and explore this fallen facility, but that’s a story for the future so for now thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaaaaaaand until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 113,706
Rating: 4.9463191 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Battle for Azeroth, World of Warcraft, Zandalari, Rastakhan, Talanji, Horde, Prophet Zul, Zanchuli Council, Mythrax, Titans, Old Gods, Uldir, G'huun, Azeroth, Loa, Bwonsamdi, Vol'jin, Shadow Hunter, Blood trolls, Nazmir, Voldun, Zuldazar, Seal, Sethrak, Rezzan
Id: x-z_XtfH5tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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