Mag'har Allied Race Storyline [Stream Highlight]

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[Music] soleio German on the YouTube welcome as well to this mega recruitments Mario highlights I have just gotten the reputation required to unlock this scenario and I have seen today in my dialogue but I've not seen it played out in game quite yeah let's see what it is all about serve me well and you will be rewarded I've called upon these gathered here to suggest potential allies to fortify our ranks each of them knows what is needed to keep the horde strong you proved it to be a formidable champion I put it to you to choose which course we pursue hear what they have to say and make a decision tell me of your choice and we proceed with our plan to strengthen the Horde the lifeblood of Azeroth belongs to the Horde magar the orc clans Adreno or never drank the demon blood to corrupt its dared distance king proud in defiance they stood united as one tribe dimag are with their unrelenting courage and fierce sense of honour the mag are now fights to claim a new home on Azeroth invokes the power of your ancestors grant to you their power faster mount speed while outdoors Perth health is increased and reduce the duration of all poisons disease and curse effects aren't you in order to unlock th need to reach exalt with the other bounds and Ernie achievements are ready for war oh yeah but I don't really want to talk to them down the ordinace allies this be true but we were fifth place here those we recruit must honor in their hearts but to be worthy of a place here those be recruits must have have honour in their hearts if they like it their presents only diminishes it what do we know about the mag our orcs very strong ah same thing I am the blade of the light what do we know about the NIE born sure Elrond mom I okay our true work is just beginning I have come to fill your wisdom the choice you make today will strengthen the hordes oh hi other people eat ray little friend we have in our possession a fragment of the vision of time to be used back to ours a tougher design or years ago right let me give a little bit of a background information for vitamist undergo his expansion was born strain or once upon a time Garrosh Hellscream was put on trial in Pandaria Cairo's door mu a bronze dragon together with chrome II they used the hourglass of time to show visions of the past and we actually helped out with filling up this hourglass with our adventures on the timeless Isle now unknown to us was that Kairos was working together Fe on he smashed it on the floor created the poor when he busted Garrosh out of there and it took into an alternate reality warlords of draenor could peek in on a sultan 3 a reality it was Kairos and reference plans to have Garrosh make a new horse one that would stand with us against the legion except Gera she had no intention of being controlled by these dragons and instead he formed his own words the iron horde and he was like ha ha let's go claim vengeance this horde never drank the demon blood of ku'Damm as they were born spike Garrosh not to do so quite the opposite they refused to which the pit Lord Mannoroth showed up and yeah things and explosions only later once we you know once the red portal was created once Garrosh used the hourglass of time to connect dead ultimate reality to our Azeroth and we kicked some massive iron horde booty owen later was good am able to offer to demon luck once again and this time the orcs did accepts at least some amongst them like kill Rock Deadeye and they joined good hands fell hordes there's not to say that people like Grommash Hellscream and we also had for else for adoration and his mother a trekker of the Frostwolf clan they stay pure and the idea behind words Draenor was we went not only to an altered reality we also went like 30 35 years in the past right so yeah we partied in all through the day no we left them behind and out of the blue despite starting the whole invasion of Azeroth despite murdering a whole bunch of dren I grow much at the ends he just turned around and was like dad or is free yo and everybody instead of you did this to us seize him instead they were all like yes were free and no real resolution ever came out of that ending but who cared you know warlords had finally come to an end we didn't have to borrow that any or now we're going back we have in our possession of fragments of division of time to be used the character that I know years ago Chiefs elements ocular believes that we can use it to go there once more and collect on our debts with the native orchard that worlds we must be of ocula in Zulu Zaire he awaits our arrival with the fragment in hands value in this plan but I thought the door to that other Draenor had closed I have obtained a fragment of the artifact Garrosh used to travel to that world I believe it can open the way again but I will need help to do it our night born allies possess a particular affinity for teleportation I suggest you draw upon their knowledge to aid you on your journey by your leave Warchief come champion interesting I'm pretty sure during beta times that was data mine information about the bronze dragon flight helping how forward but now it seems that it's the knight bore okay uh well disorders are we go greetings ocular what is our destination it is good to see you I've been in need of an assistant to attune this fragment for some time now wait a shard of the vision of time not depleted I could use it to send you on your way but my specialty is teleportation not chrono man see time magic was the province of our former leader Grob metrics Ellis owns much of her knowledge died with her it is said that Ellis owned have masters incantations known only to the bronze dragons perhaps they will be willing to eat your calls huh carriage of time here we come cashed observe where to Chardon completed I could use it to send you on our way about my specialties teleportation Ithaca romancey Daiya magic yeah I just I just said this kind of just set this yeah perhaps they will be willing to aid us meet with Anna Chronos in the capital time and Anna Chronos I believe it's the son of nozdormu if I remember correctly our war chief will not tolerate excuses it seems noble most units in eros my old bones need rests already yes the Horde needs allies ok this is something you already need rest damn dude you sure you don't need to retire or something um poor at the syllabus I guess I mean it could also teleport to old uh low down but I might have to tell a perpetual take the syllabus won't the bronze dragons be pissed at the Horde cuz they have their fragment I imagine that the bronze dragons are gonna say like oh you wanna mess around with the timeline again yeah no that's not what we're about but we're gonna find out it is time for you to visit me already yes I suppose it is then to return these shards at the place you wish to go we must follow some of its history the first location we will visit in the dark port on the Blasted Lands it was there to go then use the piece of the vision of time to travel between realities join me there we already Wow the first location we will visit is the dark port on the blasts well didn't our command send them back the echoes of magic here reverberate through the time waves hello Anna Chronos it was here to go down once travel between worlds with the aid of the vision of time oh no this is merely an echo of this enemy of Azeroth no that deaf at this and these hands will prove quite real and we ever seen you a Yuma form before Anna Chronos I'm pretty sure we did but that's kind of cool buddy hello fishing of go down wait what you'll never relax the end game begin I am so [ __ ] confused right now oh my god do I really have to bring you all the way down no way drink burn from within like my dude surrender I may yet to show mercy it's not like I'm getting my mag or because I'm looking for a challenge or anything no glory oh [ __ ] and gold and eyes the darkness incarnate it cannot end like this we must travel now to the temple of the white tiger go down will not be missed not in this nor any other timeline go there was a pox upon all lands that he set a foot upon his death was well deserved take his skull warlord gsella another name that stains the tongue just to speak it she was instrumental in freeing Garrosh during his shroud when she and a dragon mark Lehner text template the white tiger I'm ashamed to say that the dragon Cairo's the remove was also involved we will speak of this no more the template kun lies summer there's a next destination defeat the echo of ordered gsella at the temple of the white tiger in kun lai summits are you gonna show how's Ella shot Jana potentially owes a la honey distinct of my kin still remains deal with this one quickly so yeah at a temple of the white tiger s Cara's normal bro garrus out of jail we also had warlords a lab with her crew cronies as well as TEM from the drag of flights a second example a fun fact actually killed Jana so my kin in-flight shame upon her name [Music] I have been waiting for a fight alright and then afterwards they retreated and Sayla then started to hang out a Blackrock Mountain where they had like this Idol star before that's coments oh god is that gala bronze girl across I always confuse those names or was just a Rando yeah she hung out in Blackrock Mountain we kicked her out of there it's kind of fun she was also a boss of course the siege of Orgrimmar ah you're actually doing your abilities from the Blackrock Mountain dungeon Oh from you VRS alright that's cool I suppose round baby round round I still wonder if she pooped out a kid for garage yeah but the thing is right oh okay they also move in a park about say like there is not a limited amount of space around it but they actually moving apart I don't know she made like a little baby he'll scream that we never knew about this was also a seat aboard my boss corrects and she rode on a mound called galakras which is like the descendant of galakrond and galakrond was like this big fatty word you [ __ ] rip let us leave this place before it arouses my anger hmm half of the veil lies in ruin he's outside earth have been more destructive somebody's doing the questline it was like what's our final destination handstand great tiger from our final destination will take us to the depths beneath your city of Orgrimmar the way there's bards but I can get us inside meet me outside of the gates of Orgrimmar and we will descend to get off I would not be a leonis task if I did not believe it was important well there we go now we know he believes in his importance I'm ready to seek the echo of garish Garrosh Hellscream such a pity how things turn out in countless potential timelines he was seen as a great hero to his people some called him the hoards greatest war chief well you saw here was one of the worst possible incarnations a waste wow that's a bit harsh a net well to be fair you didn't waste them we just sent it to Draenor to kick off an expansion yeah you're kind of right it was a waste ah I realize people should have taken this world long ago during the first war before the tree ah why did you stop talking oh my people should have taken this world long ago during the first war but they fell to corruption in their weakness they allowed the pitiful races of asaroth to join the horde I will succeed where they have failed and no power in this world can stop me just watch them all at this whoa okay no rolling fees Gary we get blood and thunder [ __ ] off Gary feel my lay on hands nope and a weakness my trap cards you be weakened and unable to hit me with your rovings all right bring all those machines God don't hit me no oh oh god is is awesome come at me Gary [Laughter] even as the reverberation of the past Garrosh was a formidable foe I sense the frets of fate upon you you are indeed worthy of what is to come next had there been any doubts I would never have allowed too short to fall to the wrong hands not again he did no Goudy turn to ocula with the shard restored he could send you to the place you seek why hello yes this forums with power this is precisely what I need it there we go complete the sequence respect magic or it will break you restoring all bonds we must speak to grow much Hellscream I remind him of his debt to us everything rests on this mission I hope your skills our diplomacy are greater than mine beyond your guards we do not know what the specs to the other side very strong this dreams at Simon alt our ever shifting the anchor to the world to seek will be tenuous can you hold the way open long enough for us to bring the orcs as then or through I will send a shard through with you when you are ready it will bring you home go I'll take care not to lose yourself amongst the frets of fates and now I'm in oh I'm ready to go to Draenor formidable efficient brutes elements you mean it no blah blah welcome back to ultimate Renault 30 to 35 years in the future or synced up to our timeline to be more precise what might have happened on this alternate reality nor the time whew I wonder if I could go check out my garrison intruders stay your hands we come in peace to speak to your war chief silence the Overlord will decide your fate find them hey each wreck of a green-skinned disgusting I've heard tales of this corruption but I've never seen it be wary for all we know they're spies sent by the Draenei the Overlord will know what to do hedges bubble it doesn't work okay so we can definitely see that the effects of the odd and horror technology is definitely around here doesn't necessarily seem like they made a whole lot of upgrades with the dough but I guess that what happens we know don't have any goblins left Overlord kageura we have prisoners they are light bounce spies filthy traitors we will see speaking through durs who are you I am each week of the Blackrock clan we come from Azeroth on behalf of war chief there is but one war chief hey you are now Blackrock but let us put your words to the tests we are here to win this war Draenor must be free from the grip of fanatics and tyrants speak quickly there are battles to be won the heart of the mag heart is pure and strong romka speak look ah listen smartypants did you ever stop to think that your time line is the alternate history and the mine is the real one that I just blew your mind you fought a war against the Legion but you didn't think to call us seriously was hanging in the balance but you couldn't be bothered to whatever since I came to town these Orgrimmar orcs seem to stand up straighter some green orc described my eyes as in brawling so I shattered his spine I will hear your words but judge you by your deeds we are here to win this war huh nice touch that they actually gave her blue eyes that is a nice touch Len dresser you left a garrison I didn't say you're allowed to leave Sidra no skies what's wrong don't it huh okay go back to the mines all right ah yeah cool man strength and honor what do you need lok'tar if i nichette joke speak well met you're making me angry oh you wouldn't like me when I'm angry my hobby is killing things that bother me are you sure you want to keep poking me is everyone from Azeroth this annoying from car Zog Zog into Sky box though if I catch any of those light bound traders I will slit their froze well met Draenor will be free strength and honor Zog Zog what do you need from car sleek work you're making me angry you wouldn't like me when I'm angry my hobby is killing things that bother me huh guys are you sure you want to keep honking mind we're not dead yet I suppose that is a good sign this overlords Gojira has a fire inside her and may come to like her if she doesn't kill us balm chicky balm balm we have a one chance you pay homage to the symbol of each clan and I will speak of it show respect sir they will show us the executioner's blade goodbye dear Freddy banners in this camp will be known to any true orc tell me of them or it is the executioner's blade for you both stop shipping for five seconds no never although I already shipped there she's gonna marry for all it's gonna be amazing the Black Rock my own clan we were proud orcs fierce soldiers but we were deceived by Garands fel magic and its terrible things the Warsong clan struggled for generations against the ogres though vastly outnumbered good rumors Hellscream led his people to a great victory over the high mall and and a Frostwolf clan Durotan was chiefed enough to frost wolves never never known a more honorable work he was a true leader who loved his people I'm mrs. Weston wait what you you and Durotan hung out a lot but he was of a different clan and by the time that the that the Horde was formed it was like you hung out with to return Oh neat romka sooo you know of our clans do ya your words stir my heart old one we still honor the history of our cleanse that we stand united as the mag our but you've yet to prove enough I will judge the prisoners for myself since I set eyes upon a green-skinned orc this one at your side is familiar you come from a seraph indeed I meet Rick and this is no wolf champion of the hordes it's Rick I knew a neat trick who served black hands he was an author Rourke who died in glorious battle Oh ultimately trick died did he well then and ignore Michelle screaming who gave his life to free us from the grip of demons a worthy death well then here we are two old ghosts why have you returned to Draenor after all this time he rose from my world once freed yours from the grip of tyrants now Israel faces two similar threats so we've come to ask for payment of the debts do you think us fools Warchief we cannot pledge her soldier studies offworlders not where we face foes of her own dureth and oda death to these heroes Gazzara same as i you dishonor your father spirit with your outburst still you've given me an idea hello today is looking a bit old grow mush but worthy of a thumbnail dough you Inc so yeah mushara is a dirt ants daughter and for those a little bit familiar with the law you might know that dirt sand in our reality had a child had a son who was named for all so look and behold alternate for all with baby blue eyes and each success Azeroth faces a similar friends heroes from our world once freed you from the grip of tyrants now as raw faces a similar friends so he mentions as Rolf right he does not mention the Alliance Pacific so who is he talking about he means the at the Alliance I mean maybe but considering what's your finest is done well we'll get to that in a moment I suppose so here we have the mag are chillin in the camp oh dude did they expend the real track hell's reach citadel Oh dope they expanded it to train track fun facts back in water so the general beta development I believe they're actually planning to have that train track run across the entirety of core Krantz but apparently didn't work out so that's like the grim rail Depot right but it seems that they've picked up that area that area again that is the beta map that they got rid of oh cool [ __ ] go check your garrison I doubt the table leave let me leave I doubt that that will end well Kizuna has a fiery spirits like her mother perhaps facing a common foe will ease her weariness we subdue the ogre clans long ago but ever so often one of the bravest and stupidest stirs the embers of rebellion today is such a day you a neat trick will join kageura in putting down the over uprising prove yourself in battle you may earn her respects great son of chord goal corps go great son of coracle what's called an ogre - joined us after we did the whole garrison in gorgrond there eat chicken no bow will aid you in putting down the ogre instigator goes you're on I do not need to help with the outsiders but I will do as you command come I don't need no help this uprising is subdue implies slavery no it implies keeping the ogres out of their lands now now's the moment we can kill okay oh my god it's been like last week since I've been in these lands farming like a foundry you are the daughter of turrets and raka I see them both in you are your parents my mother come on Joe garrison integrands my father fell in battle to the light bones deal I bounced enough questions ride discovered the Stonewall Oh curse overlord slow-mo don't want trouble with orc quarter girls in this cave they just give him up what ah I see neat show what you can do alt oh my god what the hell yes speak whoa I don't even have to do anything whatever like okay if you could prove that you could kill these mighty pulses then for the rest of the scenario you don't have to do anything each Rick's got this damn eat Rick chieftain of the coracle clan what up what is the meaning this uprising Court ago you know we must stand together now more than ever you cannot protect your own people daughter of wolves why would we follow you wow you are well spoken for an ogre silence if you will not stand down I will put you down myself the magg are doomed Gojira but I have insured of my clan will endure long after yours have fallen to dust [Music] yo lightbomb come here I want to look at you come here oh you killed already so oka bro allied himself with the light bone unless each trick needs a little nap he ain't no joke it was a female orc pretty sure that's the dren I might Overlord Quezada d'lai bound art second beast watch damn those traitors how great a force they have an ex argh leads them their numbers are considerable good I've been wanting excerpts head upon my wall come outsiders she has feets no tail no hooves yeah I should see a lot are you an orc it is time you explained duties light Bonar I suppose you've earned that much after our commands fall the orc Sandra and I work together to try to lead you from the Renault order those would have good ears Oh howdy miss the fights the dren I became fixated upon two precious lights there Naru mas has compelled him to spread that influence amongst the orcs if you convert it willingly others had the light forced upon them some works even sided with the Jedi against the Khitan even award chief's own son was lost we called his traitors I found I will not stand by body hi ex our Crusades against mag our freedom the tyranny of the light must be ended we will fight with you so yes we've grown much being a war chief that means his son Gary locked our alternates Gary or not really alternate Gary because they said that grow much never had a Gary so alternate Sun joined the lie bones we have to do uprising every few seasons if it is not an uprising augurs or the promise of starvation it is the constant threat of the light pound should the reports prove true this is the closest they have a dared approach our stronghold in quite some time come or stay but make your decision quickly I like you I like you a lot fight with honor dua with glory go to the aid of beasts watch it is the sights of an impeding attack because the dude that showed up was like overlord cause I had a lie bout or a second beast watch ever since we got like the date of my dialogue like what is your motivation [ __ ] are we looking at another Sarah are we looking at this is just what happens when the Draenei are peaceful are we looking at this little happens where the drain outlet by a little ah I cannot wait to find out hello are they like bound a foot they still have crumb fine inner damn cool land thresher reports we're holding the line overlord but the enemy it looks to be mustering for a bigger attack this is not your fight outsider you are free to return to Azeroth I have never walked away from a pedal I do not plan to start today then we fight for blood and honor together with me heroes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what up light bounce are you ready to partay oh [ __ ] lie powder not just light me odors by the way dude what take out those siege engines yo this is so cool metal mates isn't [ __ ] what the [ __ ] hold your ground this land law belongs to the mag are for the Horde I mean wait soon for the Horde again oh this is so dope let's help them out shall we are you ah even here you ha ha even these are guys am I missing anything here what do you need extra light your light is not welcome here oh you walk upon our worlds should you bring corruption here your life will be formed its server dog dinner will be free those who challenge Warchief Hellscream favorite alliance or sage the war cheese right hand there's no braver or content or not nor on your up ssin claim victory chug chug now your blades never we bested the primals we will bring down any foe die well rocked ah ha so interesting it took care of the primals if they might explain why they don't see the big-ass creatures fighting with each other we come to save you from your savagery join us in the night brothers and sisters the time Oh promises hast embrace a new future we can save Draenor together all you have to do is give up your freedom join us in the lights but we need to track down X arc or Alice how the hell did the dren I beat the orc so badly dren I are a little bit advanced when it comes to technology if you remember that little side quest these Shadowmoon Valley on the Alliance site where the dude was [ __ ] around with nature and crystals and [ __ ] like dren I are aliens right aliens with years upon years upon years of the technological advancements it's only because fella never won at war was it that they never went to war right Oh aru no you will never take me alive I am my scars oh [ __ ] they got suits and Naru not again oh what's cease this pointless defiance Magga are stand down and welcome the lights but a treat while you still can you will not force your doctrines upon us Ren I the IX ark orders you to submits or face judgments Lord that I know order to Florida mangar whoa they got an army of the light battle suits wha-what do you need be free oh [ __ ] oh my god the Nadu offers us peace and order you mean subjugation look your idea of joined a church with while you're trying to beam us to death is not gonna work okay give of your hates the light can heal the scars of war our scars are not yours to take this one's fertile land oh [ __ ] what's this one's fertile land is now lifeless dust that's what your hate is done light shower oh this is awesome why should the trend I be mad about primals know primals that planet though right wasn't that the whole reason behind Agra Mars not means the wipeout of the planet but water trying to Catania I or relish Oh God get him eat Rick I mean that's not the same like what the trend I doing here it's completely [ __ ] up right because it is completely [ __ ] up like this is [ __ ] Zetas a 2.0 quotes and all also his armor yeah how about no miss Mr P no oh is that somebody got to come in and steal my kill no not this time yeah little I have failed you you're high XR cannot save you my people will never stop fighting until the Draenor is free come champion of Azeroth we must tell the Warchief of her victory and up the tail my brothers and sisters in every moon holds I'm afraid that there's little we could do to save them now frozen in time it is a blessing of eternity what the unyielding conviction of the light is palpable upon these pages a settlement of the high-tech Sark brothers and sisters decades have passed since the last vestige of the leader were driven from Draenor we could not accomplish this noble undertaking without the aid of the or cleanse excuse me United as the mag our our fondest wishes for all the people at the rena order to remain unified in purpose sadly this dream is not shared by all of those who once stood beside us many noble orcs have embraced the lights X arc Hellscream has been an example for his people to follow oh it is a guy ok yet sadly even his own father resisted true path I believe of all my heart that the Magga are destined to join us in servants of the light but first they must be taught to trust the Naaru as we do the light mother has blessed me with visions I know that one day the army of the lights will march across the great dark beyond and bring order the countless troubled worlds that bold future begins here with us we must make the nor great again oh-ho again I call upon you all to assure the future promised by the light mothers for Filth's purse the infection that prevents drainers heart from being whole the lights will forge a new future for the orcs but first we must save the mayekar from themselves no more division no more defiance in delights we shall be one now here's an interesting question right like he says a delight mother and when you when you hear their name light mutter you think it back to Sara right well we blew up Sara however it is ultimate reality so there might be an altered reality Sara however at the same time they have said that twisting error transcends all realities but that might be a little bit too confusing so army of the light is gonna bring the light oh my god this puts such a cool dark spin on the [ __ ] light force though oh my god and yeah alternate Gary which is not really Gary but alterative Gary he has decided to become a light forged [Music] interesting [ __ ] yes I have no time for foolishness these guys just trapped in the it's Aaron C blessing ha interesting hello the dren I attack was thwarted war chief but the high eggs art will not relent phonetics never do we will be ready and one of these heroes from Azeroth were they of ATO they fought with courage i bits i judge you harshly he trick you as well noble now in a matter of the debt that we owe your horde we will sense me along her company of volunteers with your permission war chief you overlords but what if your people's fight here the war chief can hold off the Draenei in those traitorous light bounds the mag R will help you win your war and then our debt will be paid I suspected at once you bond with them in battle you would wish to join these heroes cuz yeah I believe I gave you my blessing you have her fangs no bow prepare to return to war chief an army approaches how many do we face lent reserve all of them right as hard as you can your QC and bring them here Overlord eat Rick hold the line here with me noble head to the top of the tower and reign hell underlie bounds [Music] how many do we face oh did you count them all yes all of them I wonder if there's gonna be a cutscene or like this is the thing that I've been most interested in use the turret at the top of Peace watchtower to defend thee Sophie something well to flee for I am here that's all of them okey-dokey wrong tower a nap dafuq there it is what do I have I had a light seeker lunch and I just start the pedal filled dough Oh dope fire and explosive down onto the battlefield mortally wounding all enemies in a blast oh yeah get out here light bounce I am my scars and I will never join you light fanatics even though I am kind of a paladin but no matter I will never join you my testing used to own little come out here young lady we got words I am very angry at you leave you alone for what 30 35 years of what do you do you start a call to the lights it's not for sick people to embrace the light that's not our general people got to find their own way you remember when they tossed you into the arena into the Coliseum and they forced you oh god they all lined up return the Warchief hell screw you [ __ ] watch oh my god yeah speech let's add our cost are you a shadow moon or what the [ __ ] may the spirits guide your way this is so cool oh Jesus come over look come on it is you ah his long-lost child there's if you're [ __ ] around amateur damn there are too many we cannot hold this line forever we must it is not our fate to fall to this corruption Grommash Hellscream it has been a long time hey exotic a rare honor I have come to offer you one last chance to embrace the lights your people are choking the life of this world do middle and desecration okay you should be so blind hero it is the light that is doomed this world it pains me to lose an old friend chroma but very well we will settle this your way Grommash lowers his voice only damag or can hear you sure I get everyone out of here no questions fordham a guard for dronov lok'tar ogar what up you know Oh No oh boo they they took me out of there for tobacco for Draenor get around quickly we have only one chance no I was that what war Chiefs do not let it sacrifice be in vain we go night now die well Grommash Hellscream get everyone out for damag are for Draenor look door oh God we go now die well Grommash Hellscream I see the little thingy and air goes to batani and I'm sure that there's also saber on around there cute right welcome to Azeroth everybody I will hear your the think of those who just lost it is no it is it is of no use this world is not what I expected it is time for us to meet you war chief there's no need to delay any further we can lick our wounds once we have a roof over our heads well it is done Overlord this is Azeroth mere moments ago we were fighting for our lives in the land order I never thought it would set eyes upon another worlds I felt the same long ago it could be unsettling I will do what I can to help you and your people before I stand the walls of organ of our capital of the Horde there's no time some mourn what was lusts dimag are we'll make a new home here I will go with you naughty trick and have worse with your war chief it's a still to troll that my mother spoke of nope not any longer I'll explain I really really like this recruitment scenario even if fights for challenging like I'm pretty sure certain that they're going to be nerfed into the grounds but those fights were fun Jesus Overlord kahshanna meets lady chiffon has been runners war Draenor maybe lost us but my heart tells me I will see its guys again one day and sisters maybe I changed you will not waste my time I see you brought a new face along with you noble and I will get a mag or a direwolf our mission was successful war chief overlord gay aura has pledged her soldiers to the Horde each egg has told me of your people's strength my trust honor means as much to you as it does to him honor is everything to us we do not make this oath lightly Warchief eat Frigg and your champion proved their courage and nobility if they embody the heart of the Horde then we will gladly fight beside them I accept your loyalty overlord your people are welcome within the gates of Orgrimmar Draenor has fallen but we will make a new home on Azeroth your enemies are now our enemies every like that like during during the times that their dialogue was a hard so hello okay are you done boy like during the times that we just had dated my dialogue he couldn't really catch on the nuances when it comes to the dialogue but Sylvanas oscar like you your people are about on and right like like that each a guy over there and she's like yeah man we're all about honor and then Sylvanas doesn't actually interacts with that she doesn't respond say like oh yes if you if you join my horde we're all about honor no she's just like oh yeah I'll accept your loyalty not even going in there ah that is a nice touch and we are the heart of the Horde of course Sylvanas doesn't give two shits about honor which makes me wonder that if and when something actually does return to the storyline like how would a mag are going to respond to that no secrets but then again what choice do you have like join the Alliance they have freaking light forests in there you can already expect them to join the light Forge of the mag ha is pure and strong the Alliance embraces the dren I and a light for skin then alone is reason to crush their cities to does so with honor war ya know like from their point of view I can definitely understand the defection that dares to ally with the army of the light and the naaru and the light force yeah that is a faction you need kill right it makes perfect sense the mad ha will claim victory war is all we know like she was with honor sky I will see Draenor skies there are an eye on this world Kassadin airs her eyes and not for long die well neat right let's see what that intro cinematic is all about and customize what are we gonna be making a rogue a hunter priests shaman mage or a monk gotta be a priest Elena randomized Oh Zuk Zuk mmm can I be for all can I be Garrosh I'm gonna be garish Garrosh didn't have any air today Gerber's didn't have any facial hair either I there we go hey Gary Gary is not be taking a strength and honor blood and thunder mere words to others but everything to us we are the last survivors of a proud tribe the uncorrupted the unbroken though my god damn girl damn I will follow ultimate for all hell yes I will hello close all speak quickly the mag are facing a future priest Draenor has fallen we cannot know who ever set eyes upon a homeland again but this is not the time to wallow and pause sorrows destinies is ours to decide or gamar is our home now and we must make a mark upon this land show our allies in the Horde what it means to be mag are maybe the Ambassador idea war teach embassy and go for free claimed victories across Azeroth strength and honour carry best name ever may your enemies grovel before you so you know we just did a scenario right where they were like your delights gross but I guess they are able to see the difference between light force and just light wielder similar to how we saw the difference between Burning Legion and warlocks right late master Drona cotta a third of all the burnable a clan we blame us for to free ourselves and our people from the amount of control this may be done with my under remains unsatisfied as you fight the Horde and train our warriors to do so for the whole Rock honor meant to be shadow because of the shadow moon clan yeah that might be a thing so if I will be are peeing I would say what would I say I would say I am no light forged I will kill many alliance and it will be great umm what was my wolf called again mag gar dire wolf there we go and that is amazing to hear minty good oh oh as far as wall-mount goes I don't hate it don't hate it okay she unlike frou seems to be very dren I hating well can you blame her she unlike frou had to deal with the Inquisition of dren I tried to enforce the light whereas thrall has to live under the shame what does people have done to the Draenei it's like hello tops eternal and a nap are you the new one and supposed to welcome you here take this letter blackguard lets out an exasperated sigh ah the young hero comes before me I am told you show great promise let us hope these reports prove true the Horde has many rivals in this world some call us enemies others call us outcasts but we find strength in unity and in defiance of those who would challenge our freedom rest assured I will be taking note of your progress as war chief I expect much of you and I reward those who serve me well enough of these pleasantries you have much to prove hero wherever your path takes you know that you fight for the Horde the orders many rivals so come as enemies others call us outcasts now everybody calls you enemy Sylvanas I'm sorry love hi I'm ambassador black guards Black Guard looks down at the piece of paper in his hands on behalf of the war chief i'm honored to welcome you to organ of our orc glances at you smiles unconvincingly then looks back at the paper as a lifetime of adventure and falls before you be assured that uh you know what I've been reading this same greeting all day enough see enough talk to you emissary and find out where you can adventure run along now victory for Sylvanas did you just call me orc me not the Catterick mate hello mag are this la fille skull ain't it look they're still hunting ah ha ha ha he has an axe ah variant been slain oh my god they were planning it all along it's a score ports and a lazy one thank you very much for the bits right there state your business another world another time this is an age of wonder yeah yeah I'll take I should feel whatever reports a shovel whatever I have no lots of new things to cut around here if you know what I mean I mean I like to cut things do you like to cut things maybe we could cut things together one day do not fail the hard now maybe we can and the next I'll add race there will be culture on Slayers on the ladder right I never met go dad but I hear he was a knight married party always trying to spike the punch bowl did you catch that joke by the way champ I hope you did The Laughing Skull clan booed me off the stage at the comedy club with a name like that you'd think they'd have a sense of humor Azeroth goes through war Chiefs like bran or goes through alternate timelines the chiropractor an older ma has to wonder for my back remember when there were videos out there suggested that the mangar might join the alliance and then we finally got their jokes and that was the joke about the chiropractor we've just destroyed that speculation do you know how many times people came into my chair like no ball good the maker join the Alliance like no stay frosty my moves my favorite kind of music black rock and roll of course but a little later later feel like this is a little bit too loud try spending a few decades trapped on a planet with fanatical try and see how you like it my favorite kind of music black rock and roll of course Jesus these jokes though will be I'm gonna black rock your world Oh baby I'm a sensitive guy please don't break my mag heart care to take a walk with me in the shadow moonlight now you're not just good-looking your muck rajae strategies your muck garages my safe word is subs ugh we don't do safe words [ __ ] use your mother of fire elemental because you are smoking hot you must be a frost wolf because you've made tracks to my heart I'm a sensitive guy please don't break my mag heart cross our enemies mop Thorat our time with owner break their lines there we go that sounds better for the Horde come on a little bit more fuzzy a snake for the Horde really for the Horde ok we know you've done like a very long recording session right we just need one more line from you could you read us the line for the hordes for the Horde could you could you give it a little bit more spice like this is the battle cry right disable they'd be screaming on the battlefield for years for the Horde all right I'm hungry anyways let's call it a day well the dance of course is similarity orcs like the dances haven't change this be trained chugga-chugga chugga-chugga chugga-chugga chugga-chugga choo-choo chugga-chugga chugga-chugga chugga-chugga chugga-chugga and this is there it's a bird ish all right why Gary it was fun buddy we're gonna create a new character we're gonna create a mag our ork it's gonna be a female we're gonna customize the crap out of let's take a close look at her face shall we / oh she is beautiful she's gonna be a monk dojust so now and she will be Gary oh my god she's gorgeous the pker stranded to begin your training oh my god yes has so many rules about who you can stab who you can't stab who you can punch who you can't punch you guys need to loosen up drawn or drain or drain or drown or no drain or yes I'm just gonna say I'm from Outland Victor versus an order there was so much discussion and a pronoun she' ation of it even even the developers couldn't get it right enough of this wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey yeah just let me smash stuff i dyed my hair green once Warchief Hellscream was not amused silly you can call me uncorrupted but i prefer to think of myself as an organic or the shattered hand legendary warriors but don't ever ask one of them for a back rub trust me on this one hey aren't you the one who left that abandoned garrison littering up Frostfire yep what happened to it enough of this wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey yeah just let me smash stuff she knows she knows for fall break now just because I'm enjoying your company doesn't mean I don't also want to punch you Oh baby you don't need a dark portal you've already invaded my heart Oh before we go any further I need to know how high is your pain threshold to hit on me learned what hitting on really means a green orc gave me a candy heart that said I fell for you I told him he could keep his demons blood and clobbered him with my mace any idea if sar Fang is single he's got that silver fox thing going on sour fang is way too old for you young lady a bleeding hollow shaman just flirted with me at least I think he did either he was winking suggestively or he had just sacrificed an eye a green orc gave me a candy heart that said I fell for you I told him he could keep his demons blood and clobbered him with my mace chugga-chugga chugga-chugga chugga-chugga chugga-chugga chugga-chugga chugga-chugga choo-choo chugga-chugga them go on for so long juju joy with owner mock Thor a car crush our enemies oh and then I would like you to let me hear your for doh or come on if you sziasztok me now for the heart for the heart better for the heart that is better for the heart for the heart for the heart okay this is slightly better better than a meal version let's put a let out
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 146,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Mag'har, Allied Race, Horde, Battle for Azeroth, Honorboud, Eitrigg, Bronze Dragonflight, Gul'dan, Shard, TImeless Isle, Kairozdormu, Garrosh, Temple of the white tiger, Siege of Orgrimmar, Zaela, Red portal, Draenor, Yrell, Draenei, Lightforged, Naaru, Xera, Grommash, Thrall, Uncorrupted, Mannoroth
Id: X08Lg5s1PQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 34sec (3994 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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