The Story of Dragonflight: EVERYTHING We Know

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it's time to talk about the story and this setting of dragonflight you're going to learn a lot today especially if you don't really know how we got here and there's something that i noticed immediately the watchers look like old watchers the titan architecture doesn't look like the modern techy stuff of bfa and onward no it looks more like goldman more like ulduar places a bit more classic to the game's setting so this expansion is going to be taking us back to lore that is rooted in the 2000s and i'm actually really really keen for that so today you're going to learn just about everything and i'm going to kick it off with how the dragon isles actually fit into the timeline and the canon of world of warcraft okay these islands where they come from what's going on there's a lot of unanswered questions but here's the tl dr okay a long long time ago the titan watcher tier noticed that gallacron one of the drakes grew to an enormous size feasting on the other drakes well five other drakes then who would eventually become the original dragon aspects they banded together and with tyr they ended up defeating galakront shortly enough later the titans uplifted them charging them with protecting the world now this is all covered in the book dawn of the aspects from seriously like ages ago i mean alex strasza is mentioned in the manual of warcraft 2. but that dragon novel doesn't mention the dragon isles does it how did this happen well i think the dragons very much could have been uplifted and given their charge on the isles it would make sense given the isles titan tech and i mean it's clearly set up to be the seat of draconic power at the very least after the uplifting happens the dragons then relocate to the isle as their base and from this point many many many many thousands of years likely pass then we get to the war of the ancients when the cinematic says ten thousand years ago that's the time of the war of the ancients now all of that stuff with sargeras was going on around the same time though neltharion deathwing was being twisted by old god whispers so he finishes this project to build the dragon soul and he betrays the rest of the dragons but using the dragon soul damages his body so much that he's forced to retreat very shortly after those events it all goes down at the well of eternity and the sundering happens that's basically when the well of eternity does a big explosion and calendar is split into the continents that we see now that very much seems to be when the cinematic starts so as that happens the dragon isles empty the watchers are powered down they go dormant if i were to speculate here i would say that at this stage in time deathwing had just wreaked havoc on the other dragonflights so they've already taken a large hit they've now seen the world really does need to be protected but they also know that deathwing is super powerful and he is at large perhaps you could say that the risk of helping the world is that they would be spread too thin and that perhaps that would leave their new home the dragon isles well vulnerable and given what's probably on the dragon isles deathwing getting control would almost certainly be a terrible thing so that's likely why they decided to go out and help the world but also to make their isle basically be completely hidden away such that they could not even get to it ten thousand years later deathwing of course has been defeated the old gods have been defeated and azeroth is awakening coronos responds to this by lighting the beacon as alexstrasza had told him and the other watchers to do so now with the way to their home open these dragons realize that once more it's time to take up their charge now the big question here is what actually causes azeroth to awaken that's a good question i think she's slowly been waking up given all the crazy events that have happened to her so we could say that this next stage in her waking up is either a direct result of so val's tomfoolery or it's maybe a downstream effect of what we're going to see in the pre-patch or perhaps in patch 9.2.5 thinking about recent lore then between the doomsayers the zarath mortis oracles and the various old god whispers the awakening of azeroth has been a long time coming it's been obvious it's going to start to happen indeed the awakening of azeroth is really what the titans always wanted to happen eventually the whole point was to make azeroth you know like nurture the planet keep it safe so that eventually azeroth can you know grow up and become a big titan with the rest of them of course that all reinforces the meaning of alex strasse's line you will feel our coming in the waking of the land so quite a few things are waking up we see this blue in the waters watchers and the jardin or these elemental half giant dragon killers between them and the primal incarnates this expansion is going to be reaching very far back to the core of azeroth and that even extends to the races as an example we're going to see primordial trolls now if you think about the canonical descriptions of the well of eternity and then you look at the water that's brimming up in the shores of the dragon isles well that water is a bit well of eternity like and we're going to be getting some primordial trolls and we know night elf lore will be involved perhaps we're even going to find out how the night elves came into being indeed eyes of the earth mother says that elune and azeroth are mother and daughter tyrande is featuring in this expansion the green flight are featuring as well they're going to have a similar story given to rohunda's recent history so i think we can bet that the dragon isles is going to bring all of that lore together so what will precede the cinematic that we all watched a few days ago is the pre-patch in that pre-patch alex strazza is going to send us to older man and between that and what we've seen thus far i think it's very clear that the titan story is going to be expanded [Music] one of the things i liked the most initially was kouronos the titan watcher just looked so authentically titanic he looked like the earliest constructs we saw in older man all those years ago like straight out of vanilla i think it's very telling that dragon flight begins with the first titan dungeon that world of warcraft ever had and the story of alderman pretty much goes down like this so we've got lokan the mad titan keeper from the halls of lightning who was you know old god corrupted all that stuff from world war he usurped tears position as the head keeper loken then tried to kill all of the uncorrupted keepers with yogg-saron's minions then archdaius he escaped with the disc of norgannon which basically is just a titan data bank he fled to ulduman which basically was just a stasis chamber for failed titan experiments many thousands of years later the dwarves would discover old man and they'd really go in there to try to work out what was going on because they were trying to basically work out their own origins and what's intriguing is that the pre-patch old man is going to have some previously undiscovered chambers so who are we going to find who are we going to fight big questions and i imagine we're going to learn more about tyr because well tyr's cool he's he's just a character i think this always came off quite well and for all of this to happen with the discus of norcannon tyr who also we must remember is the instigator of the dragon lore because it was him who basically banded together with the dragon aspects when they were still basically kind of like proto-drake looking dudes and you know he really created the dragon lore and he ended up sacrificing himself to uh defeat yogg-saron's servants of course dying in a place known as terrace fall yeah that's what that is named after so architecturally this is all extremely classic warcraft and this kind of ties back this expansion's lower ties back to uh some of the oldest stuff in warcraft as i said alex traza was even in the warcraft 2 manual and when we look at this it's like older man wow's first titan dungeon to me that sets i think a pretty good tone for where the lore could go but okay enough of this history stuff we've got some more modern events to talk about [Music] the dragon isles have always been in the background of the game it's something that we players have speculated on for a long time we've seen the very early concept art of the dragon isles from vanilla even the old development drawings of where where it could be on the map though where part of our story today starts is actually 12 years ago in the badlands where the red dragon rhea was experimenting on some black dragon eggs she was able to cleanse one of these eggs avoid corruption that egg hatched into baratheon ria of course died protecting that egg and after a rather disastrous attempt to ready azeroth for the incoming burning legion uh invasion but funny enough in a way where rathian's actions actually directly led to the legion invasion happening because he kicked off the whole time travel plan whoops he then turned his attention to locating the dragon isles using his network of agents and then in bfa us to chase down some leads and it turns out the dragons weren't just being secretive they literally did not know the way home and that tells us a few things i mean titan magic is wild it can shape worlds so perhaps the isles reappeared in a different place i mean you'd imagine a dragon would be able to remember the way home so whatever way this was sealed away from them was extremely hardcore so that's how wrathion comes into this story and some of the modern attempts to locate these isles so let's talk a bit about what could be going on okay so dragons have got a really deep history and we're going to go into the most modern version of all that we know in the next few months on this channel but for now the two most important aspects to think about are the cataclysm and the dragon's connection to azeroth so neltharion aka deathwing caused the cataclysm and that was all in nazot's name of course we defeated him and the dragons then decided that they had fulfilled their purpose and they ended their charge which honestly was a strange move at the time because apparently their purpose was to stop one of their own after he got corrupted by old gods but that only could have happened if they were uplifted in the first place so yeah um the end of cataclysm's lore was considered to be weird at the time and it still is kind of weird i'm glad they're stepping it back and bringing the dragons back now with that their connection to azeroth is going to be so much more important at the end of cataclysm we had no idea that azeroth had a world soul we thought it was just an important planet the titans had been to it's crazy how much things have changed since cataclysm and that means we're going to learn a hell of a lot about the dragons per chronicle the dragons are actually descended from elementals now elementals come from the world itself and the world certainly seems to power the isles steve even tells us that the dragon's hope elemental power will return one day and that's kind of interesting since primal elemental dragons who follow galakrond are our very first antagonists i mean as an example of just one thing the reason why the elements were so crazy and out of balance in azeroth is because azeroth absorbed the element of of spirit part of her being a world soul and all of that so that even makes you think about what this relationship between all of these different dragons are i mean we know that there are dragons who basically don't want to follow the titans could they have a more complex view of azeroth given how she absorbed the element of spirit and that threw all the other elements into chaos i don't know point is we're going to learn a hell of a lot because our understanding of azeroth has developed so much since the last time we had super major dragon lore and really today's video has been a crash course in the most important lore for you to know as we have this new expansion announcement but we do have some more immediate questions so wrathion right he wants to reestablish his flight he wants to well probably take up his father's role as aspect but you know do things right and not go crazy but steve actually questions that in an interview suggesting another may be more worthy who i mean ebonhorn i couldn't see him challenging wrathion will we maybe find a group of uncorrupted black dragons on the isles who is this challenger going to be certainly something is going to go down there another thing in patch 9.2.5 and i'm super excited about this actually we're getting some blood health quests with salandria who you probably don't know but back during orphans week which i think came in in the burning crusade or at least it was the tbc iteration of that uh bronze dragons attack because we quest with solandria as a child bronze dragons actually kind of try to attack her if if she's brought to the caverns of time but they're stopped by zelda dormu who basically says things she might or might fail to do in the future you know we can't attack her for that so with salandria being brought back into the story in patch 9.2.5 [Music] this could very much be whatever villain she either becomes or fails to stop an interesting connection from the burning crusade to the dragon isles then we have the biggest question who's the big bad of this expansion i mean that salandria thing is happening with time dragons that makes us think of a certain other group of time dragons i mean to me it's it's it's refreshing not knowing the big villain you know it's just a big old adventure but they've told us we'll discover our enemy through this expansion now what we know is we're starting with the primal incarnates these are basically these proto-drake leaders who followed galakrond i mean maybe literally or maybe after his death and maybe you could say that these are like you know primal or elemental drakes in certain parts of the titan cosmology chart maybe gallicron was like the one of them for like death and decay who knows but maybe gallicon could end up being the big leader i mean attempts to resurrect gallicron have happened the lich king tried it alternatively though we do have morsant who is the time-twisted version of nos dumu who of course founded the infinite dragonflight so he was actually the end boss of the end time dungeon but that was his future self in our timeline morrison has yet to exist he's an invader from the future so the story always has been that void whispers caused normal to go a bit mad canon promising a way to subvert his own demise well he's not lost his marbles yet has he and the old gods are dead i mean ish for now so how's that going to make sense it's interesting legacy i suppose is just a massive part of this expansion but for the big bad and what we're going to be doing i think it's going to be a bit different uh steve denuzer told us in a recent interview with warcraft radio that we are going to discover our greatest adversary through learning about the history of the dragonflights and that means there's a lot to find out about them and what i hope i've been able to do in this video is explain how the dragonflights fit in and perhaps spark some of your imagination as to the big big questions i mean if morrison is powerful enough to change the timeline could she not say that could actually make him one of the most dangerous villains in warcraft who knows but i think there's a lot of interesting things to answer now i'd be remiss to say or to leave out that after shadowlands i'm a little bit rattled with the lore now the amount of times developers have used the word grounded that they've talked about returning to a core azeroth story going back to high fantasy and kind of a bit away from the tone and direction that they'd maybe been to in shadow lands even that chromie time is being extended to level 60 such that shadowlands isn't actually even part of the new player questing experience i have a duality i have you know a few wolves fighting inside me one of the wolves is pissed after shadowlands and what i feel was a mistreatment of the canon the others are kind of saying well hey they're making all these good noises so i think the best i can say is we'll have to see how it's uh i'll have to see how it goes hey if we all have a fun time teeing them up for a big hit discussing all this fun lore and all the fun uh possibilities then well you know we can end up being disappointed or it could actually end up being great lore a return to form i really do hope it is the latter because so much of this expansion does seem to be trying to be a return to form i mean borrowed powers gone forever it seems that obviously means they know things went wrong perhaps that'll happen in the lore perhaps that's why they're being so keen to tell us that this is a it's weird to say a grounded high fantasy story but in the context of warcraft i think we know what that means let me know what you think then and what your theories are for who the big bad could be with that i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Bellular Warcraft
Views: 376,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, warcraft, wow, bellular, bellulargaming, bellular news, dragonflight, dragonflight lore, dragonflight story, dragonflight expansion, wow dragons, wow dragon lore, wow dragonflight, wow alexstrasza lore, wow dragons lore, wow deathwing lore, wow lore story, wow story, wow lore, bellular dragonflight
Id: P2pGiVe5N74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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