The Story of Tiragarde Sound - Battle for Azeroth [Lore]

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Hello everyone! The Alliance sails with Jaina proudmoore to Kul Tiras with the quest of having them rejoin the alliance. Events of the past make that a bit difficult and Katherine Proudmoore tells her long time friend Priscilla Ashvane to do with us what she wants. Jaina disapears while we’re thrown into Tol Dagor a prison complex owned by the ashvane company. Thankfully we do have some friends in kul tiras. Cyrus Crestfall, once one of daelin proudmoore’s most trusted knights and currently the harbormaster has Flynn Fairwind and Taelia break us out and during our escape we find a new form of gun power. Ashvane has been working hard at weaponizing azerite which might be the ticket to exposing her dirty deeds. “All right flynn. What’s this big lead of yours? Something about Ashvane having a new gunpowder?” “Hmpf, how is that a lead? THey’re making new weapons all the time” “Not like this, they aren’t. Emmisary! Mind giving our skeptical colleagues here a demonstration?” PEW EXPLOSION “What was THAT?!” “Ashvane’s dirty secret. And that was just a pinch! Imagine how much damage they can do with more of this stuff.” “Flynn, I have another job for you. Help our new ally track down the source of this powder.” “You got it.” “Taelia prepare to make your rounds again. Tell the city guard t be on the look out for unusual weapons being smuggled into boralus.” “Aye sir.” Ashvane is up to something and we need to find out what it is and gather proof to confront her. First step of that plan is a quick visit to the Ashvane foundry where Priscilla is pushing her workers day and night, upped the security and even has children working for her. “Faithfull employees! Effective immediately, all shifts are doubled. We do not ask this of you lightly. Your hard work ensures the safety of Kul Tiras in these uncertain times! Regarding increased company presence on site: Rest aswsured, thy are here for your safety. Given the rumors of foreing invaders and spies among us, we can never be too careful. Obey their instructions to avoid any unseemly incidents. Kindly direct inquiries to mister farthing or mister williams. Note to taskmaster williams: “Suffer no insolence from the soot-smeared rabble. Make examples if you must. All that matters is that our clients get their supplies on time and burn this note after reading it you buffoon!” Note to forgemaster farthing: “I don’t care how you do it. I want those forges running day and night! The chemists are producing excellent powder. You WILL keep them supplied with refined Azerite, or I’ll find someone who can.” Weapons are scattered across the compound, each and everyone infused with powerful Azerite but they were smart enough not to put their destination on the crates. We know that it’s not being shipped through Cagney’s Ferry so they must be passing through Bridgeport. A garrison of proudmoore mariners protects the port. Ashvane has a lot of nerve moving illegal weapons right under their noses, lets check out what we can find. “Cagney, get these kids on a ferry back to town. Taelia will make sure they get placed into a shelter. Mate, i’ll see you up ahead.” At bridgeport we see the ashvane company hard at work and a chemist’s note tells us that they’ve been able to find a suitable base and produced a stable compound. In this state they can store it, transport it or even introduce it into the mixing process to infuse a terrible potent black powder! They’re so confident in its stability that intiial samples were sent to boralus suspended inside a necklace. A lot of asked when Priscilla made her appearance if she too has a heart of Azeroth around her neck, but nope, that’s just the sample they send over. They’re not done yet, new applications are worked on with the most promising one so far being a pistol which will also make a suitable gift for priscilla. After picking up the notes and a raw Azerite sample, flynn thinks he found our next lead. The ship in the docks in one he’s familiar with. Lets just say he and the captain have a little bit of history with eachother as its a well known smuggling vessel. He’d bet his coat that that’s where our illegal weapons are kept and he loves this coat. “I’ll follow your lead. Remember; the key to going anywhere you don’t belong is just to walk in lik you own the place.” Bridgeport guard eyes him “Good morning sir.” Enter ship Captain Keelson: “Time table changed boys, get your grogs to go.” “Quick, hide!” “Oh no...I think my barrel has pee in it. Slup. No never mind. It’s ale, we’re good!” “Client wants the stuff right now, we’re shoving off.” Yohooo yohoooo the pirate life for me. Steady as she goes, helmsman. Wait, do you hear that? PReeeettttyy.... Helmsman, steer us away! No, you idiot, THE OTHER AWAY! CRASHHHHHHHHHHH Many poor sailors have fallen to the sirens call as we end up at the wailing tideway. Folks from atleast 4 or 5 shipwrecks have made camp at castaway point banding together just trying to survive. All kinds of different races have found their way here and maybe someone should tell them that they have a flightmaster that could get them out of there. Flynn is missing and while we searching for our partner in crime, we also help out the camp with gathering some food, taking out the most powerful of the siren’s, aid captain Keelson with getting her revenge and even gather some keepsakes to lift their spirits. Hungry sam has lost his trusty lunchbox. Friendly Pete has lost his compass and Handy Bill has lost his toy robot. Stabby Jane would be ever so grateful if we could get them what they’re missing while she herself...oh she lost a locket... Never mind that, it’s too small and we’d never find it. It’s nothing don’t worry about it, but we do and the locket contains a hand-drawn picture of a woman with fiery red bangs. Her arm is around a woman with short-cropped auburn hair, and the two are proudly displaying warm smiles for the artist. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she tenderly opens the locket. They all lost something when they crashed here, some of them more then others, but atleast this loving memory has found its way back to her. Another matter of love needs to be dealt with as our buddy flynn has no chance against the siren’s call so we have no choice but to put the love of his life down. “YOU! You killed the love of my life! HOW COULD YOU!” Hearthbroken he runs off, how could we, but the man will be alright. Atleast he knows where we are and where the ship was heading...we were going to Freehold. “Ugh. Still a bit foggy. Just need a little drink to clear my head. Ahhh, that hits the spot. Let’s get moving. Hic! Now, which way was it...Left? Nope, no. It was DEFINITELY right.” “Watch yourself. Some nasty critters out here.” Gluc gluc gluc “Ahh, we’re getting close. I can feel it.” “Hic! Hey, lizard.” “Ah-ha! THis looks familiar. We <hich> must be going the right way.” “You all done with your side job, are you? Can we get a little <hich> professionlism here?” “Hmm...We went right last it MUST be left! I think my head’s finally clearing up.” “Here we are. Freehold.” Gluc gluc gluc “This is a rough town. Just <hich> let me do the talking.” “Freehold is a free peoples port. Unlike boralus it has no rules or regulations about what vessels are allowed to dock. Privateers, mercenaries. Even pirates are welcome. Naturally, it’s a, uh.. colorful town. I’ve never sen it this busy before, something big must be going down. I’d bet my boots we’ll find more ashvane weapons at the docks. We need to learn who’s buying them. All this legwork we’ve been doing will be for nothing if we can’t show Katherine hard proof linking the ashvane company to the freebooters here in freehold. Ashvane might have been careful to encrypt their books, but Flynn doubts the dockmaster here has any reason to be so secretive. We find the dockmaster’s records, detailed accounts of shipments received from the ashvane company. Hard, solid proof that Priscilla is up to no good. She’s been selling weapons to pirates which is high treason, but where Freehold was once a free town, now it’s under control of the Irontide raiders with their leader Harlan Sweete. They’re locking the place down and turning away anyone who isn’t part of the crew. Fortunately they’re also hiring... “Put the hat on. You can’t be a scurvy sea dog without a hat!” “Looking good. Let’s tell the recruiter we’ve come to volunteer.” “Hmmm...well, ye DID bring yer own hats...” “All right, get in there and report for...orientation...heh.” “Hazing. He means hazing. Don’t worry, we’re skipping that part. I know a place where we can hide out while we gather information.” “Ahem...AVAST ye bloated barnacle! We’ve come for yer booty!” “I told you Irontide punks to – wait a minute...Flynn?! I thought you were dead! Oh, don’t tell me you’re actually working for those bootlickers!” “It’s ...kind of a long story. How about a drink?” a skull mug. YAR! “There you go. Now, a toast to better days! Ahhh that hits the spot. Say Flynn. Whatever happened ot that woman you were always talking about. You know, the one with hair like raven’s down. Haha!” “Uhm not now Venrik. We’re here on serious business.” Our buddy flynn has a thing for taelia it seems, but no time for that now as we need to get the information gathered to Taelia and Cyrus. A messenger bird flys out but it’s clear that the irontide raiders are bringing the various outlaw crews together for a big job using weapons provided by the ashvane company. While flynn lays low we check around town to see what’s going on and it turns out that the Bilgerat, cutwater corsairs and blacktooth brawlers have all been brought under the sails of the irontide raiders. There’s actually a lot of history between flynn and harlan sweete as once upon a time, Flynn used to captain his own crew with Harlan as his first mate. That all changed when the two of them had a falling out after a messy job and Flynn lost all taste for freebooting. He just disappeared, leaving Harlan to gather the nastiest of their crew and form the Iron Tide raiders. With Ashvane backing him up, he’s now taking control of freehold, having all kinds of rats reporting back to him, reporting that Flynn is in town and they take him for a special audiance to the Ring of booty. “That’s it boys! Work him over good! Things have changed, Flynn. I’m the captain now. And once the Proudmoores are out of the way, we’ll be free to plunder all of kul tiras.” “Ugn...Run!” “Oh ho ho! Our newest ‘recruit’ has arrived! This’ll be fun!” Unty flynn. “Hmm...What to do with a couple of mutinous rats. Why don’t we let the dice decide?!” Rolls triple swords. “Ooooooh! Bad luck for you, haha! Carve em’ up” “Nyahh Fine! Another round!” “What?! No, no no. That’s all wrong.” “That’s better. Did I mention I don’t play fair? Haha!” Canon fire and more pirates to kill “Gah! These dice are cursed! Just get in there!” Ow snap all treasures mean very little for the cheating pirate “Enough! You’re too late anyway. Our attack on Daelin’s gate has already begun. The proudmoores are done for! And when Lady Ashvane takes the throne, I’ll command her fleet! Ten thousand gold to whoever brings me their heads!” “Flynn! Hold on!” Taelia to the rescue woeeeeeeeee “What?! That’s not fair! THAT’S NOT FAIR!” Get us out of here taelia Taelia to the rescue, but our problems are far from over. Daelin’s gate has protected the southern channel for decades. If it falls, the pirate fleet can sail straight into tiragarde sound so we must hurry and help the marines at vigill hill. “We must get to vigil hill. Quick, hop on!” “Hold on tight.” “Ugh...wha? WHA WHAAAAAAA” “Flynn, it’s okay. I’ve got you! Are you alright? Where does it hurt?” “Ugh, everywhere. Harlan...the bastard’s sold out to Ashvane...he’s...UNGH!” “We know. Just rest. He’ll get what’s coming to him.” “Firt we have to hold that gate!” “Oh no... We’re too late.” The gate stood no chance against Azerite and has already fallen but kul tirans don’t just roll over and give up! We rally the militia, take care of the pirates air support and help out the people at vigill hill where ever we can. A medic looks after Flynn while we go and do the hero thing, it’s time to strike back at the pirates. “Hang in there, Flynn...Just don’t die. I will see justice delivered. First to these pirates, and then to the Ashvane Company.” “Such devastations...Daelin’s gate never stood a chance. If Azerite is capable of this kind of destruction, I fear not even the great gate of Boralus could withstand it. Time to fight fire with fire. Let’s search one of their ships for some of those Azerite bombs.” Find bombs “These will do nicely. Lets get clear of the ship and give them a try! Now, let ‘em have it!” “We’ll need a boat to reach the next ship.” EXPLOSIONS Board landing boat, get closer to ship “Ready?! Throw!” EXPLOSIONS!!! “Gah! Maybe that was too close... We should hit the next one from the air. Are you with me?” Jump on galeheart. “aim for their powder barrels! HAAAA HA Take that, ya bilge suckers!” EXPLOSIONS “Look they’re withdrawing. We did it...We actually did it! Still they could back and if they bring those guns to bear on boralus...I’ll tell the lieutenant what happend. Meet me in vigils hill when you’re done here.” Their attack has been repelled for now, but Katherine must be warned about Priscilla and that’s not going to be easy. They’re been close friends for years even before they lost their husbands at theramore. “I don’t understand. Why would lady ashvane hire pirates to attack daelin’s gate? Was it simply a test of her new weapons or something more?” “Wait...what’s going on down there? This can’t be good.” Looks like we arived just in time and while Taelia would have prefered to do this in private, we’re out of options. Best to bring some guards with us if we’re going make a scene, time to confront Priscilla with what she’s done. Cutscene: The rumors are true. Dalein’s gate has fallen. A pirate fleet struck the gate with overwhelming force. Pirates? The proudmoores cant even protect us from pirates anymore! For shame! Katherine proudmoore has spend her life doing whats best for kul tiras. But it has not been enough. My dear friend priscilla and i have discussed this. I beleive that what is best for kul tiras is that i step down as lord admiral. I wil lshoulder this heavy burden. I can only hope I will be a worthy succesor. Lady Ashvane has been my rock since those first dark days when we both lost our husbands. Now she will be the kingdom’s rock. Now...she is – A liar! So this was your play all along. Despicable. What is the meaning of this girl? Lady Prisicilla ashvane. YOu are under arrest for trafficing, conspiring with pirates and high treason against the admiralty of kul tiras. And we have evidence! Your company made the weapons that destroyed daelins gate using this! It’s called azerite and the alliance and horde are already at war over it. You hired the pirate fleet, armed them ot the teeth and set them upon your own countryment. And i almost..prisiclla how could you betray the kingdom. How could you betray me? Youre too weak to rule katherine. Your family has always been too weak. The proudmoore legacy of failure dies with you! PEW EXPLOSION Uhoooo she made an escape Priscilla is clever and had a back up plan ready. Her goons set off some kind of smokescreen to cover her escape, we clear out the smoke so the civilians can evacuate and clear out the traitors in the area. “Priscilla’s escaping on horseback! Grab one of our chargers and chase her down!” Jump on a proudmoore charger “Your little stunt meant nothing! I OWN this city!” JUMP “Take this!” JUMP JUMP “Out of the way, chum-for-brains!” “Fresh cabbages! My cabbages!!!!” End of the line Priscilla “It’s over. There’s nowhere left to run. Insolent BRAT. This is far from over!” “Wait. No!” “You 3 get a search party down there and find her! Hero, let’s return to Katherine.” “Lord admiral, perhaps we should get you back to the keep. I can review the evidence against House Ashvane with you there.” “Certainly. And your name is?” “Taelia, ma’ am.” “Taelia...Of course. Our young ward from across the sea. Has it already been so long. You’ve grown into a valiant young woman, Taelia. Your father would be proud.” Priscilla Ashvane is still out there as well as Harlan Sweete and his Irontide raiders, but atleast we’ve been able to prevent Katherine from handing over Kul Tiras and she’s now willing to parley with our leaders. We still have a long road ahead of us if we want to unite the houses of Kul Tiras but that’s a tale for another day. From here we can go either into Drustvar or Stormsong valley, by all means let me know in the comments down below which one you’d like to see first. Thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one....aaaand until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 92,495
Rating: 4.9402299 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Tiragarde Sound, Battle for Azeroth, World of Warcraft, Jaina, Katherine, Daelin, Proudmoore, Ashvane, Azerite, Pirates, Harlan Sweete, Freehold, Daelins gate, Taelia, Plot, Kul Tiras, Alliance, Horde, SIren, Irontide Raiders, Cabages
Id: Kde9ipDnvFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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