The Story of The Demon Hunter Order Hall Campaign [Lore]

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Hello everyone! The Illidari, Illidan’s personal fighting force was send to the planet of Mardum to collect the Sargerite Keystone while their lord stayed behind to focus on the defense of the black the temple. They were succesfull in their mission, were even able to capture a legion ship called the Fel Hammer, but upon returning home they found that Illidan was not so succesfull. He had lost the battle with Maiev, her wardens and the so called heroes of Azeroth. “Take them to the vault. There they shall be with the betrayer, forever” For years the demon hunters were imprisoned within the vault of the wardens, while the rest of their forces stayed behind on Marduum securing their position and waiting for the day on which they could fullfill their ultimate goal, bringing the legion to its knees. A couple of years later and an oppertunity like that presented itself. Gul’dan opened a gateway at the tomb of sargeras letting the Legion in for another invasion of Azeroth. They assaulted the Vault and claimed lord Illidan’s body for some unknown reason and Maiv realised that they needed help, they needed the help of the Illidari. Despite her hatred for them, the defense of Azeroth, her charge was more important and the demon hunters accepted this opportunity to fullfill the mission they started so long ago. “ oyu belong to the Legion.” “Cordana! YOu will answer to the High Council for this.” “Judge me all you like sister, but you cannot stop us.” “You are too late warden. This vault will be your tomb.” “Demon hunters, you have to survive. Find the one named archmage khadgar. You can trust him.” “Illidan is still my charge!” They even obtained powerful warglaives from either Caria or Varedis and these artifacts carry a piece of the power of Kil’jaeden. Matron Mother Malevolence has already utilized the ship’s warp systems to transport the bulk of their forces aboard, but doing so greatly taxed what little power remains .With our weapons, we should be able to use them to open a permanent gateway to the fel hammer. All we need to do is give the command and use the captured demon souls to power it up. “These demon souls will power the gateway. On your mark” Give order to slay the demon prisoners “Your souls are forfeit!” “Ready when you are dear.” Open gate “There we are! Lovely work as always.” Enter illidari gateway to board the fel hammer in mardum “Illidari! The gateway is open. To the Fel hammer! See you soon handsome.” “Welcome to our new home.” The citadel was on the legion’s most valuable assets and It will serve us well. Although our forces have dutifully held this citadel since our departure, they’ve been unable to access most of its resources – the fel hammer can only be fully activated by those bearing the mark of a legion lord. Thankfully, our blades carry that very mark. “Ive been waiting for this day.” Activate console “Follow me. We must address the others.” “Behold the power of the Twinblades of the Deceiver. The Fell Hammer is ours!” “The Ashtongue will fight beside you.” “You may call upon the Coilskar as well.” “Our mission is not yet complete. We are all yours to command.” “We are the blades that will strike down the legion. We are the chosen warriors of lord illidan. WE ARE ILLIDARI!” As we go through the order hall campaign, keep in mind that there are some minor differences connected to the choices you made during the assault on Mardum. In this scenario I’ve chosen Kayn to be at my side while you have might have chosen for Altruis. After fully activating the fel hammer, we follow Battlelord Gaardoun to the true prize of our conquest, an ancient Nathrezim forge used to create many of the Legion’s most powerful weapons. With it we’ll be able to further empower our artifact and after doing so, Jace and Allari have something to show through the nether crucible. The souls of the hundreds of slain demons in Mardum have provided us with enough power to directly observe the legion on Azeroth. Allari: “Gaze into the nether crucible. It will show you what we have seen” See the tomb of sargeras “Behold the Legion’s primary gateway into Azeroth...the Tomb of Sargeras.” “The situation is more dire than we knew. The demons have already infested the surrounding isles.” “We must act now, or I fear the situation will become...unsalvageable.” We must seal the Tomb of Sargeras at all costs or the flow of demons will never cease. Until then, we must do what we can on the ground to alleviate their foothold before it grows even further. The citadel that we’re in was created to spearhead Legion invasions on other worlds and we can use its navigation system to plan our assault. We pick our first zone to quest in, go after the pillars of creation, turn the people on the broken isles into allies until we get the message that battlelord Gaardoun has a very important matter that he needs our help with. Our presence is requested back on the Fel Hammer as soon as possible so we meet up with the broken. He together with the Matron Mother and Lady S’theno have been watching us and the rest of the Illidari. They have something of an outsider’s perspective on things and they’ve come to a unanimous recommendation: in order to keep the Illidari from splintering, we must begin to recruit champions. These exalted will aid in projecting our power beyond the confines of the Fel Hammer and their unanimous recommendations for the first two to be selected are Kayn and Asha. Asha: “Thank you. I will not let you down.” Kayn: “You honor me.” Kor’vas mentions that great things are ahead of us while muttering under her breath about not being one of them. I’m sure her moment will come soon enough, but for now we have our first mission to worry about since Gaardoun has offered to recruit more broken warriors for the cause. He just needs a few things first. He said something about the right tool for the job “Tell whoever you’re sending that the sooner Gaardoun has his demonic toys, the sooner we’ll have our new ashtongue warriors.” To train new broken warriors how to deal with the new Burning Legion, Battlelord Gaardoun is requesting that we gather demonic implements, a great first mission for our champions as they ride out to defeat imp mother Virila and return with what Gaardoun needs. “Hey Gaardoun, those new warriors ready yet? “ Train broken: “It went quickly this time. But in the future, it will take longer to recruit more ashtongue” These Ashtongue will be a great asset in supporting our champions and a nice detail on the fel hammer is that if you’ve chosen to sacrifice Sevis Brightflame on marduum, you’ll see his spirt but if you’ve chosen to sacrifice yourself, you’ll see him in the flesh. In my case, I chose to sacrifice him and he mentions that the others can’t see him, but he likes to watch them go about their business. He is stuck here, for all eternity, in the twisting nether. He can never leave and was worth it and he would do it all over again. He would gladly sacrifice himself and willingly stand here as we struck him down in order to fuel the final gateway and summon in our demonc forces. It is what was necessary for the cause. What demon hunter wouldn’t? long live the Illidari... Yeah good luck with your eternal vigil Sevis. So we now have these newly trained Ashtongue, lets put them to work as Belath Dawnblade has given us a strange scouting reports from the Felblaze Ingress in Azsuna. The dreadlord, Razelikh the Defiler has returned to the world. That’s not the odd part, though... The odd part is that he’s sometimes going around killing the other demons and calling himself Loramus! Loramus Thalipedes was part of a quest chain in the blasted lands where he sacrificed himself to bring the Dreadlord down stating that he would resttle with Razelikh in the next world. “Could that really be Loramus Thalipedes? And if it is, do we save him or kill him?” Loramus is brought back alive, but he’s trapped within the body of the dreadlord Razlikh the Defiler! For our own safety, we’ve got him in a demon trap until we know for certain that he doesn’t pose a danger. We go down to talk with Loramus and find out what happened. “Be careful. Half the time he’s down there threatening us in the demonic tongue.” Loramus and Razelikh’s soul ended up within the twisting nether. As happens with many dreadlords, a new body eventually formed since they can only truly be killed within the twisting nether. Within his body, their souls are still entwined in eternal conflict. Loramus, most of the time, is in control, though it is a constant struggle. We demon hunters are accustomed to containing the demon within. The next thing he knew, they were expelled from the Twisting Nether, summoned by the Burning Legion to the invasion of Azeroth. At the Felblaze Ingress, he did his best to disrupt their efforts and the rest of the story...we know. Our champions came and retrieved him, and here he is. He will gladly serve if we’ll have him, he has access to all of Razelikh’s demonic knowledge and with that knowledge, we’ll be able to upgrade the Fel Hammer and improve our order hall. Mother Malevolence has heard a rumor that we’re going to attempt to make contact with Illidan’s immortal demon soul in the twisting nether. It’s the first time that I hear about it, but oke let’s not question it. She informs us that we’ll need many magical things if we’re going to perform such a feat and she has taken the luxury of putting together a potential list and since we’re the ones in charge, our champions get to go and find the stuff required. While they do that, we go out and collect 100 fel blood from the demons on the broken isles to fuel the spellwork. If this is not enough demon blood, no amount will be so lets see if we can make contact with Illidan’s spirit in the twisting nether. Cinematic: “I have been expecting you. Ah good...Kayn Sunfury... My lord...There is little time, listen closely. I entrusted the duplicitous Akama with planning the campaign against the Legion. He alone knows every detail. You’ll need his counsel if you are to succeed. You must also regain the Sargerite Keystone to invade the Legion’s worlds. Find out where the Wardens hid it away. We have attracted attention. I must move. You will not be able to contact me like this again. The Illidari are now yours.” If you picked Altruis, then Illidan won’t say Ah good...instead he says that he didn’t expect to see the traitor with us. That’s because Altruis defected from the Illidari before our fall at the black temple, in fact he played a big part in the defeat by doing his part in the karabor attunement quest. Despite stepping away, he was imprisoned all the same and for some the perfect champion to have at their side. “I wil lsee you up top. We will break the news together.” We must prepare. There is much to do. Illidan has officially placed us in charge and the illidari are now ours to command where as previously they just humored us. “We have consulted with the Master’s soul and gained wisdom. Illidari, salute our new leader!” Getting into the Black Temple and to Akama is going to be tricky. Following the break in by the council of the black harvest, warlocks broke in to the black temple during the green fire questline, in response Akama had his Sha’tari priests erect a holy barrier. It prevents herteleportation. However, she might know a way to bypass those protections and take us directly to the Temple Summit. Long ago she had a with a certain high elf wizard named Lan’dalock. He would later join the Kirin Tor and she’s sure that if we were to ask him very nicely, and drop her name, he would help. “Do give Lan’dalock my love.” We sure do and the archmage’s face goes red as he chokes out a cough and look around surreptitisouly. Anything for Malevolence, he has just the thing to bypass the holy barrier and enable her teleport, a grimoire of arcane ways but as he tries to hand it over, he finds out someone else already took it. “Demon hunter, that imp just stole the grimoire. Catch it!’ “An imp? What’s going on here?” “Do you think we don’t know what you’re up to? “ “The Illidari believes themselves untouchable. They will soon learn better.” “That sneaky imp! It headed southeast and then turned invisible. Quickly, use your spectral sight and see if you can spot it.” “I’ll burn your kneecaps off.” After quite a chase through Dalaran, we finally pick up the grimoire. Belath will make sure to give it to Malevelonce, while we have some black temple scounting to do and by we, I mean our champions. The last thing we want is to teleport into a trap. We must discern their force structure, patrol schedule, new defenses, and what akama eats for breakfast. Our broken warriors can blend in with the rest of Akama’s ashtongue forces inside the temple while our champions can scout outside the temple. “Make sure the Ashtongue understand that the other broken at the Black Temple are not to be trusted.” Scouting the temple gives Malevolence the time to study the grimoire and upon collecting all the information, we’re ready to make our grand entrance. “The gateway will be open momentarily, my dear. ‘ “There. The Black Temple and Akama await your leisure.” Enter the BT, back at temple summit “Malevolence, make certain that no one gets through that door. Remember, we are here to convince Akama to join us by any means necesarry.” “I know not why you have returned Illidari, but it is a grave mistake. This time, there will be no prison in the end...only death.” “If we cannot go over, we will go through. Get it open.” “I See you will not be deterred. Come then, Illidari. Face your destiny.” Here’s another difference when it comes to the choices made. If you have Altruis, you’re able to convince Akama to rejoin the Illidari, but since we have Kayn things turn out a little bit different. While we want Akama as an advisor, it does not sound like he is willing to be reasonable. Allari and Kayn have formulated a contingency plan just in case. “We are only here to talk, Akama.” “Even here I have heard your name spoken. But I am not impressed. Let us see if I can impress you. Shall we finish this like being of honor? Can you manage that much, demon hunter?” Fight fight fight “You show some skill, but not as much as OPEN THE SKIES.” “Tell me demon hunter, how did it feel being locked up for all of those years?” “This is impossible.” “Kill that mongrel. No ... wait, I have a better idea...” Akama will never aid us as he thinks we’re no better than the demons we consort with. He sees no difference. The legion and our master Illidan destroy his beautiful temple and one day, Akama will have his revenge. We can go twist in the nether for all he cares. That means he leaves us no choice. One way or another, he WILL help us to defeat the Legion. “Just kill me and be done with it.” “Oh, I think not. Allari. Do what you do best.” “It will be my pleasure” Rip shade of akama out of akama “I live again!” “No....” “Matron Mother get up here. We are returning to the fel hammer.” “Of course, my dear. One gateway coming up.” Akama gets left behind while we take his shade with us. This shade was ripped out of him before by Illidan and it reflects all of Akama’s wickedness and evil that resides within the Broken. It was also a tool that kept him check which is why during out assault on the black temple, we confronted the shade and liberated Akama. Now the shade is put to good use again and it’s important that the others see him treated as one of us, rather than an outsider so we put on a show to welcome him into our ranks while also finally promoting Korvas Bloodthorn. Shade of Akama: “I know everything Akama knowns, and more. I look forward to us working together to destroy the Legion." Kor’vas Bloodthorn: “What took you so long? I should have been your first champion.” Just as things seem to be going our way, party crashers show up to spoil the moment. Caria: “How touching. A few more champions. As if that will help in any way.” Varedis: “Quite the ragtag bunch you have here. I would have thought you could do better. But enough with the pleasantries. Our lord Kil’jaeden has sent us to let you know that you and your Illidari will soon be joining the Burning Legion. “ Caria: “And to prove that you are not safe, not even here on the Fel Hammer.” Varedis: “Hear me Illidari. All present are welcome into the embrace of the Legion.” Caria: “Great power will be imbued into those who join us. Painful agony awaits those who do not.” Varedis: “I for one hope that you refuse. Then, those warglaives will once again return to their rightful owner.” Caria: “Tsk, tsk, Varedis. Fair is fair. Until we meet again in the flesh.” If you wanted these warglaives so badly Varedis then maybe you shouldn’t have dropped them on the floor for no reason. Ah well, with their word still echoing through the fel hammer, we focus our attention on the second part of the mission given by Illidan. We must reclaim the Sargerite keystone. As much as we might not like it, for this we’ll need the aid of the wardens since they were the ones who took it when we were all imprisoned within the vault. With Maiev missing, their current leader is Sira Moonwarden who made us a deal. We’ll help the wardens with tracking down some of the more powerful creatures that escaped from the Vault and in return, she will direct us to where we need to go to get the Keystone. “It might leave a bad taste in our mouths, but working with the Wardens will get us what we need. We’ve made worse sacrifices.” We send our champions out to do the hard work by tracking down Jade Darkhaven, Skul’vrax, Mellok, Son of Torok, Fathnyr and Mal’Dreth the corruptor. At the same time, Malevolence reports that there has been increased demonic activity below on Mardum. There are still demons leftover down there from when we first invaded so to eliminate any threat to the fel hammer, it’s time that they were destroyed. Another mission our followers get to complete, but as they do, they discovered that for all these years on of our Illidari presumed to be dead, has survived and been brought back on to the ship. “Ariana’s just about the best trainer around. Who knows, maybe she’ll even be able to teach them the Metamorphosis?” Can you imagine spending all those years alone on Mardum, surrounded by nothing but demons, looking up in the sky and just wishing to spend 1 warm night aboard with your fellow demon hunters. Ah well, at least Ariana has shown to be a true survivor and her skills can be put to good use, as she will train Illidari adepts. In the meantime our followers are done with the warden missions, yet even though we did everything that Sira asked, that still wasn’t enough. She’s asking for one more thing and she wants us to deal with it personally. You’d think that the wardens would owe use for all of those years we were imprisoned. Unfortunately, their new leader doesn’t agree with that assessment. She wants us to go out and kill 3 specific targets, the Devouring Darkness in Highmountain, Hertha Grimdottir in Suramar and Theryssia in Val’Sharah. “I do not care what Sira says...if you want help from your champions while you’re out there, the will come.” Despite the wardens distracting us from the true goal, we now know that we need to go and find the Warden Malace Shade in Stormheim. sShe was the one entrusted with safeguarding the sargerite keystone. Malace was last seen heading toward the Felskorn Warcamp. It is likely that she was captured by the Vrykul that joined the Legion so lets get on a flight and see if we can track her down. “Be careful. The last place she was seen is near the Gates of Valor. Nasty place.” At the Felskorn Warcramp we discover that the Warden was indeed captured, but a cage wasn’t enough to hold her so the vrykul ensorcelled these runestones to make sure she doesn’t escape. Each is powered by a different Felskorn Rune. Unfortunately, they gave the runes to different guardians, who have all scattered to different places around Stormheim. So, if Sira said that we could have your precious keystone back, we’re first going to have to get her out of here. Then, we’ll see.... So of we go to collect the Felskorn Runes, but as we travel through Stormheim we encounter a felsoul Jailor yelling at us that Kil’jaeden has ordered our capture and that we will join the burning legion. This servant of Caria and Varedis, bravely and foolishly tries to take us. You have to give him credit though, at least he doesn’t just threaten us, he actually attacks but of course, despite his threatening words, we bring him down, continieu our quest and set the captive warden free. The whole reason why she came out here to begin with was to capture or kill a fel lord named Lochaber. She’s no longer in a capturing mood yet she also has no desire to go in there and wade through hundreds of demons. One thing she learned while having him imprisoned is that he’s got quite the ego so infront of all the demonic forces she calls out to Lochaber to take her on, to face her unless he’s scared of course. /chicken The demons fears none and his ego truly is his greatest weakness as we complete the wardens mission and as promised she gives us the information we need. <As she begins to stealth away, Malace whispers in our ear> Very well, Illidari, a deal is a deal. Your keystone was always safeguarded within the vault of the wardens next to Illidan’s corpse, hidden within the platform itself. <malace then tells us how to touch the stones of the platform within the vault of the wardens just so in a particular location so that the sargerite keystone will be revealed. Afterwards, she disappears in a puff of smoke and is gone> The next step of our journey takes us back to a dark period, the vault of the wardens where we were imprisoned for so many years. Cordana Felsong, the warden that turned to the darkside during Warlord of Draenor is waiting at the end and from her dead, cold body we loot the Sargerite Keystone. Revenge for all of the demon hunters whom she tempted into becoming Felsworn. Cyana, Tirathon, GLayvianna, Callyn, Illysanna and more. Her death has been a long time coming. We place the Sargerite Keystone, the skeleton key to any and all legion worlds, even argus itself, above the scouting map and look towards the future. All we have to do now is prepare our forces and formulate an invasion plan while also elevate two worthy into the ranks of our champions. This time it’s Belath and Malevolence who have proven themselves to be indispensable. Belath: “You honor me. When we started all of this, I never would have imagined being chosen as one of your select few. I will not fail you.” Malevolence: “I have always been honored to be one of the Servants of Illidan. But, to officially become one of the Illidari...look away, I think I might cry.” Time to prepare for the end game. We have the Sargerite Keystone, we have most of the forces we will need, we even have a plan. Now we need to locate the felsouls, Caria and Varedis, and prepare for an invasion of whatever demon world they’re hiding out on. Allari, with the aid of our champions, will put her Scythe of Souls to good use and extract the information by any means necessary from the demons that we question. “Let me assure you. I will use everything at my disposal, every bit of power within the Scythe of Souls, to track down the whereabouts of Caria and Varedis.” She’ll first need some demons to interrogate so our champions get send out to scout Felsoul Hold In Suramar. Once there, they are to identify likely capture targets, capture them, and bring them back so Allari can do her thing. While she’s interrogating the demons, we also send them out to improve the weapons used by our forces since not all of them have the luxury of a powerful artifact and they help out Jace with some necessary maintenance on the Fel Hammer. With all of that done, Allari reports the location of the felsouls, we now know that they are hiding away on the demon world known as Niskara. We have a destination, time to wrap up some final business before we fly off . Jace can sense that things don’t look good on the broken isles and they need our help before they’re overwhelmed so we complete 30 world quests. Loramus has offered to improve our armaments and says that he pried a secret out of Razelikh. Apparently, the demon knows how to work a material known as Obliterum. With it he can make their warglaives even deadlier, especially against demons so we pick some up and have him do his thing. Then there’s the situation of getting the fel hammer ready for transportation. Like all legion constructs, the ship is empowered by souls. If we are going to take the command center all the way to Niskara, we are going to need some very powerful souls taken from the bosses found in Legion dungeons. On top of that, its jump engines are non-functional. If we are going to invade a demon world, we’re going to have to make the command center jump-capable. We need some replacement parts and luckily for us, the Legion brought a couple of command centers and soul engines along with them to the broken isles. At Faronaar in Azsuna and at Felsoul Hold in Suramar we go in and collect a few spare part, namely a fel engine injector, a soul configuration matrix, a fel engine ignition and a vile spirit converter. It’s vile the way the ship operates. The whole thing is powered by souls...and you do NOT want to know what happens to them and we don’t have a lot of time to wonder about it since outside we hear something...something big. “That doesn’t sound good at all. Sounds like something very big outside the Fel Hammer to the south.” Go to the balcony, image of Kil’jaeden pops up Kil’jaeden: “Tiny mortal. Your insolence has come to an end. You and your Illidari will join the Burning Legion. You will become Felsworn. You may grovel now, demon hunter.” Toranaar and his Aldrachi Warriors were given a similar oppertunity by Sargeras himself. They refused back then and we, we not only say no, we go full on /rude in the deceivers face. “Very well. You have sealed your fate. Varedis and Caria will deal with you.” We shall see about that Kil’jaeden. All systems are operational and we have plenty of fuel. The Fel Hammer’s jump engines are ready. It’s time to begin the invasion of Niskara, take the fight to Caria and Varedis and finish this once and for all. Activate control console – invasion of niskara “Illidari, prepare for the jump to Niskara!” Powering them engines, warp speed....activate. Woeeeeesj Kayn: “Moving into position above Niskara.” Hello Niskara. The Illidari have arrived. “Everyone up top. Commence bombardment!” “If you bombard the demons below with the Fel Hammer’s artillery, I will get our forces ready. You can use the console here” EY DEMONS, RUN BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM. THIS WILL BE OUR PLANET NOW, PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW Caria: “Don’t just stand there waiting to be killed. Attack .Deploy the devastators!” “Worthless. Prepare the defenses. I will take great pleasure in killing you.” The time is upon us. The invasion of Niskara represents the fulfillment of Illidan’s dream and all of our sacrifices. Give the order, Kayn. Let’s get down there. Kayn: “Illidari, hear me. The time has come. All of our struggles...all of our sacrifices have led to this moment. Shade, you and the others will remain behind to protect the Fel Hammer. You five, come with me and Nobhunter. Niskara awaits!” Varedis: “Yes, fools. Come down. Jump to your deaths.” Kayn: “Glad to see you made it.” Kayn: “Illidari, you all have your targets. Attack!” Kil’jaeden: “Know this demon hunters, if you proceed, I will allow Varedis and Caria to destroy you. There will be no forgiveness... no second chance to join me.” We will have to fight through their lieutenants, Carnivore, The Overseer and Soulchaser to get to Caria and Varedis while also shutting down 5 otherworld’s portals and stop reinforcements from flanking us. We do just that, but Kil’jaeden’s threatenings words of Caria and Varedis destroying us, seem to be just that...just words since they’re hiding in their command center like cowards. Caria: “You really think we are going to just let you in? You came all this way for nothing, demon hunters.” A fel barrier stands in our way, but thankfully we have the Fel Hammer at our command and by our order, the Shade of Akama puts it to good use. Kayn: “Shade, move the Fel Hammer into position. Bring down this fel barrier.” Shade of Akama: “My pleasure. Step back” The ship actually moves into position, nice touch. Beam breaks the seal, we can go in. Kayn: “Caria, Varedis, we’re coming for you!” Varedis: “You are all going to die painfully, especially you. Caria: “Die, worm” Kil’jaeden: “I arise! Fight for my pleasure.” Caria: “My lord Kil’jaeden, save me...” Kil’jaeden: “Pathetic.” Varedis: “Kil’jaeden bring me back to life again...” Kil’jaeden: “Very well, Illidari. Your fate is sealed. You will perish with your world.” It is over. The Felsouls are dead and they will not be coming back. You have to wonder why Kil’jaeen didn’t join the battle, I guess we’re beneath him? A mistake we’ll make sure he pays for but for now we are ready we are ready to return to the Fel Hammer, jump back to Mardum and celebrate our victory. “Malevolence, get us out of here.” “Of course, my dears.” Cinematic, fel hammer is out bitches, it’s been fun! “Tylos, jump us back to Mardum. We have won the day! Caria and Varedis are no more, and we have sent a clear message to the Burning Legion that they are vulnerable, even on their own worlds. It is about time that we celebrated, but first it’s well past time to make ALlari and Jace our new champions. The two of them were instrumental in the planning and preparation for the invasion of Niskara. Kayn: “Recruiting Allari and Jace as your champions is long overdue. They have earned it.” Allari: “We have been through so much together. Of course I accept!’ Jace: “I stand ready to represent you and the Illidari. What’s next?” Kayn: “Illidari! Servants of Illidan, hear me! We gather here today to pay tribute to one who has served with both honor and distinction as our indomitable leader. We have regained the Sargerite Keystone. We have defied Kil’jaeden and invaded a Legion world. And, we have vanquished our nemeses, Caria and Varedis Felsoul. For this and countless other successes, we bestow one of our highest honors, the title of Slayer.” All hail Slayer Nobhunter and there is one more thing since they’ve improved the forge and with it we can unlock the true potential of our weapons. “Greetings, Slayer. Throughout the campaign against the Legion, we have witnessed your affinity with the weapon you wield grow stronger. Using the resources you’ve gathered for our cause, we now have the means to awaken the full potential of these ancient blades! Raise your blade before the forge. Watch it infuse the weapon with its might!” “Cinematic, ahaaaaa I have even more power. All hail the slayer. Slayer of what? SLAYER “Let our eternal foe tremble before the fury and destruction you unleash!” And tremble they shall as our war against the Legion contineus and not to forget the search for Lord Illidan. He has prepared his Illidari for this grand mission and although we’ve lead them as best as we can, it was his vision that started it all. The nighthold raid in Suramar and the tomb of sargeras are still waiting to be unlocked, but those are stories for another day. For now I hope you enjoyed the demon hunter campaign and I personally can’t wait to see where the story is going to next. Thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 430,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Demon Hunter, Order Hall, Campaign, Quest, World of Warcraft, Legion, Illidari, Illidan, Burning Legion, Sargeras, Kil'jaeden, Wardens, Maiv, Black Temple, Burning Crusade, Karabor, Akama, Shade of Akama, Niskara, Fel Hammer, Warp speed, Caria, Varedis
Id: z6yO_oqVH34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2016
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