The Story of Return to Karazhan [Lore]

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Hello everyone! Patch 7.1 has us return to Karazhan this time not as a full blown raid, but a 5 man dungeon. Before we dive into the story offered in Legion, let’s first talk about the history of the tower and its connection to the guardians and the Burning Legion. Let’s begin shall we? The reason why Karazhan exists in the first place goes back to the guardian Aegwynn around 823 years before the dark portal opened up. The avatar of Sargeras had been summoned upon the world of Azeroth and Aegwyn confronted it within the cold land of Northrend. She had been granted the formiddable powers of the guardian, charged with safeguarding the world against threats like the burning legion and with the Greatstaff Atiesh, she was able defeat the avatar of the dark lord of the Legion. However, this battle would forever change her. Unknwon to all was that a portion of the spirit of Sargeras had transferred into her weakened body. There, a sliver of Sargeras’ undying malevolence would remain lurking within the depths of her soul. Unware of the dark presence hidden deep within her, Aegwynn gathered Sargeras’s colossal, broken form to seal it away where it could harm no one else. She considered many locations to serve as the demon lord’s final resting place. In the end she chose the ancient night elven city of Suramar, some of which had been blasted to the bottom of the sea during the Sundering. We now call it the tomb of sargeras. After their battle in Northrend, Sargeras began twisting Aegwynn’s thoughts. He pushed her to isolate herself from the Council of Tirisfal, the very council that had given her these guardian powers to begin with, turning her against them. Over the next hundred years, Aegwynn’s relationship with the council became more and more strained. Sargeras’s subtle influence made her ever more paranoid about her fellow magi. Her growing unease led her to construct a refuge far from the eyes of the council. Within the barren and remote Deadwind Pass, she forged the grand tower known as Karazhan. Its whereabouts would remain a secret from the council for many years. As you might imagine, the council wasn’t too happy with Aegwynns behavior and decided that if she wouldn’t step down as a guardian and her over her powers to a successor, they would force her to do so. They formed the Tirisgarde, an order of magi girded with relics and armaments that could diminish the Guardian’s incredible powers. After years of training, these resourceful and gifted hunters set out to find Aegwynn and bring her back to Dalaran. The Guardian eluded many of the Tirisgarde with ease. However, the hunters did succeed in finding Karazhan and reporting its location back to the council. With Karazhan no longer safe, Aegwynn magically sealed off the tower from outsiders. She then set out to locate a new refuge – one that neither the council nor the Tirisgarde would ever find. After much consideration, she decided to build this stronghold in the ruins of ancient Suramar, deep beneath the sea. Her dwelling, the Guardian Sanctum, would stay hidden from the Tirisgarde for centuries. 45 years before the dark portal opened, Aegwynn encountered a Tirisgarde by the name of Nielas Aran, one of the most unrelenting Tirisgarde ever. He hounded the Guardian for months and their firece encounters became like a game of wills and wits between them. During their duels, the opponents bantered back and forth, seeking insights into each other’s strengths and weaknesses. To Aegwynn’s surprise, she disocvered that Nielas harbored misgivings about the Council of Tirisfall and Nielas realized that Aegwynn was not the traitorous rebel that the Council of Tirisfal had made her out to be. He began to sympathoize with her plight and sensed that Aegwynn was wrestling with some unseen darkness in her soul. But for all of his brilliance, he would never know that this darkness was actually the lingering presence of Sargeras. Hoping to help her overcome her struggle, Nielas laid down his arms and abandoned his hunt. Before long, an unexpected love blossomed between the two former enemies. They agreed that they would work together to prevent the council of tirisfal from ever having control over another guardian. Knowing she could not maintain her mantle of Guardianship forever, Aegwynn proposed a solution. They would bear a chhild capable of inheriting her Tirisfalen powers, they would transfer her powers to the child and only then could a new Guardian arise free from the Council’s manipulation. Nielas agreed, seeing this plas as a redemptiveact for Aegwynn. In time she gave birth to a child named Medivh, or keeper of secrets in the high elven tongue. She locked her powers away within the boy’s spirit, where they would linger until Medivh reached maturity. There was, however, something much darker in Medivh: the lurking spirit of SArgeras stirred in the child’s soul. Though Aegwynn did not know it, the demon lord had posses the infant while he formed in her womb. A child with the immense guardians powers, an immense responsibility on his shoulders while also having a dark titan inside of you. That can only mean trouble and it would. Nielas became a conjurer of Stormwind’s royal court where he would raise their son and Aegwynn left medivh in his fathers care. Nielas’ roll as official court conjurer meant that the young Medivh was also a part of the royal court. As the boy grew older, he spent much of his time in the company of two other notable children: Anduin Lothar, a descendant of the Arathi bloodline, and Llane Wrynn, the prince of Stormwind. Medivh cherished his friendship with Anduin and Llane, for their activities were often an escape from Nielas’s intensive tutoring. Although Medivh excelled in the arcane arts, his father rarely gave him praise. He was a cold and mirthless mentor, constantly pushing his son to achieve more. Nielas eventually told his son about council of tirisfal, the line of guardians, medivh’s own secret heritage and that one day, the boy would assume the role of GUardian. The fate of the entire world would then rest squarely on his shoulders. The pressures of his destiny and his exhausting studies tormented Medivh’s thoughts. The mounting anxiety led to disatrous consequences when the boy finally came of age. On the eve of his fourteenth birthday, the stress building within Medivh ignited his dormant guardian powers. Fevered dreams assaulted the youth as the tirisfalen energies howled to be unleashed. Nielas struggled desperatly to help his son, but the incredible powers within Medivh lashed out, killing his father and Medivh fell into a deep coma. For many years, he lay unconscious in Stormwind’s Northshire Abbey, tended to by clerics and watched over by his faithful friends Anduin and Llane. When Medivh finally awoke he found the world had changed. Lothar had become a knight in Stormwind’s military and Llane was poised to succeed his father, Barathen, as the king of Stormwind. Not even Medivh himself knew of the dark titan inside him, subtly twisting his every thought and action to a much darker end. The fallen titan had found the perfrect instrument with which to begin the Legion’s next invasion of Azeroth. A corrupted guardian, that which was supposed to keep Azeroth safe from the threat of the Legion, was the perfect tool for the job. This is where the information from the chronicles ends. Since the chronicles is designed to clean up the lore and they’ve already made a fair few changes to the already told story of Karazhan and Medivh... it’s hard to say what direction they’re going to take. They could go with the warcraft movie version or with what we know from the last guardian or a completely new version. That’s impossible to predict, but what we know right now is that Medivh would eventually find his way to the tower of Karazhan and make it his home. Sargeras had him make contact with Gul’dan, open the dark portal and let the orcish horde into azeroth to start their first invasion and weaken the world. The good side of Medivh was still trying to fight against Sargeras, place certain people in the right spots and eventually Medivh’s apprentice Khadgar together with Garona Halforcen, discovered the Guardian’s corruption and got help. Together with Lothar they confronted Medivh, stabbed and decapitated him putting an end to the treat of the corrupted guardian after which they focused on their war against the Horde. Aegwynn had already discovered the big mistakes she had made and tried to confront her corrupted son, but she was unable to defeat him and barely escaped their confrontation. Saving up her powers, she used them to resurrect Medivh, the good Medivh which we saw as the prophet during Warcraft 3, gathering armies to fight against the coming Legion and showing the world that it no longer needed guardians. With the defeat of Archimonde at Mount Hiyal, the tale ended with the legendary words: “And now I will take my place amongst the legends of the past” Medivh left the story for a while while in the warcraft comics we read about Medan, Medivh and Garona’s child finding his way to Karazhan and learning more about his fathers past and eventually taking on the mantle of guardian. For years fans asked what was going on with Medan since he never showed up in the story after the comics, time and time again blizzard held off a clear answer until the latest Q&A at blizzcon 2016: “We’ve danced around this for a long time...How to put this. Certain fiction exists outside of the world of warcraft that we love, but is it necessarily what we would consider canon? So Medan as guardian is it considered canon in the Warcraft lore which is why for the last 5 years you haven’t seen a reference to him so that doesn’t mean that there can’t be a story for Medan it’s just not like it was laid out in the comics. So medans story arc as a guardian in the comics has finally been declared non canon so we can disregard his adventures within Karazhan and move on to the moment where we got to see the tower for the first time, with the Burning Crusade. Lore back then was not a big priority and the details as to what was going on in the tower were not so clear. We were send into the tower at the request of the violet eye, agents of the kirin tor who were keeping an eye on the tower. At some point the tower sealed itself with some of their agents stuck inside and we go about obtaining a key and gaining entry. Inside we find Keanna’s log, an agent send into the tower and the log confirms their suspicion of a demonic presence atop Karazhan. It’s a very important place, it is a portal into the nether, a beacon shining into other worlds. The possible repercussions of it falling into the wrong hands is unthinkable. The demonic intrusion had to be stopped and we were the only ones with a key so we got the job of cleaning up the tower. Inside we found spirits like nielas aran, undead like moroes and atuman the huntsman, demons, dragons, ethereals, titan was pretty much a mixture of what ever which made for a really cool raid, but a story that was all over the place. In was karazhan...magical and mysterious and at the end of the raid was prince Malchezaar. All realities were open to him, he even dropped the weapon Gorehowl which would later be granted to Garrosh so possibly obtained from a different reality, but not even Malchezaar was powerful enough to stand in our way and we brought him down, saving the tower from the demonic incursion. For many year Karazhan stood within Deadwind pass and with the expansion Legion its doors finally re-open which brings us to the current story. During the Legion’s pre-event, we joined Khadgar as he went into the tower to search for answers, to find out more about the pillars of creation. Even back then we saw Legion forces lead by Thar’zul trying to claim the tower. Sargeras knew that we we’re after the location of the Pillars, but despite his forces doing their very best, we we’re able to turn the defenses of the tower against them and claim the knowledge that we came for. Khadgar stayed behind to try and bolster Karazhan’s defenses while we delivered the book but it seems like he didn’t do a very good job since the Legion has claimed the tower once again. “Moroes cinematic” The people of Azeroth don’t have a fancy cinematic to let them know what’s going to happen in the next patch. Our first lead to trouble at Karazhan comes from god king Skovald. Our scouts send troubling reports that Skovald has received a new directive from Gol’dan and in response, his forces have stepped up their attacks. They don’t call him god king for nothing since several quests before this moment has us already take him out, but regardless we must travel into the halls of valor once more, this time on mythic difficulty, best him in combat and find out what his legion masters have demanded of him. Clutched in Skovald’s hand, we find a shattered remnant of fel crystal still glowing with demonic power. It seems the god-king didn’t want it found, but if anyone can glean the meaning of the broken crystal, it will be khadgar so we bring it back to him in Dalaran. It seems like the Legion has gone through extra trouble to conceal their plan from us and we need an intact crystal, or atleast enough fragments so that we can reassemble them into one and determine the Legion’s target. We do just that by collecting the Fragment of Spite from Blackrook Hold, the fragment of Power from the violet hold and the fragment of torment from the vault of the wardens. With all these fragments collected, Khadgar puts them together and figured out what’s going on: “Now to combine the fragments you recovered.” Cast spell – combine fragments into one – examines the fragment. “No! I was so distracted by our efforts on the Broken Isles that I neglected the defenses I put in place...” “The Legion has taken Karazhan! We must get it back!” In his haste to retrieve information on the pillars of creation, the defenses put in place to protect the tower were ramshackle at best and the legion was quick to find a weakness. Thanks to the time Sargeras spent controlling Medivh, he knows the tower's secrets as well as Khadgar does. Whatever the Dark Titan's plan is, we must do everything in our power to stop it. “We need to travel to Karazhan at once and discover what the Legion is after. I’ll conjure a portal.” Cast portal “Archmage Karlain, we could use your assistance.” Karlain was part of the Dark Riders comics in which he joined their group into the tower and faced the Dark Riders. Now he’s a member of the council of six and his experience with the tower will be of valieu. He wants us to recover an essence of corrupted soil and an essence of corrupted water from the caverns beneath which he can study to unravel the Legion’s scheme. Khadgar wants us to close some of the portals that are bringing in reinforcements, kill a few of the demons and secture the easter and western ley line beneath Karazhan. Ley lines are lines of power and the location where Karazhan stands is a point where these lines cross eachother, they come togeter allowing for a great pool of power. By securing the ley lines, we cut them from that source of power and giving us a chance of retaking the tower. With that done, Khadgar wants us to reclaim the ramparts by placing wards at key locations to bolster our defenses and secure the area while Karlain is going to study the samples we brought him while he wants us to go and interrogate a captured demon. The wyrmtongue called Rezzle tells us that he’s our friend, he was only following his mistress orders of gathering samples of magic. Her master, in the legion even masters have masters, but her master needs the tower for very big magic and they’re all in the dirt beneath the tower so our next task is clear. With the samples we collected, Karlain transforms us to look like one of the wyrmtongue, allowing us to infiltrate their ranks and find our targets. Viz’aduum: “The mortals must not disrupt the grand design!” Here we get out first glimps of Viz’aduum, the master of Thar’zul and Elux’ara Darkscorn. He is our final target within the tower, but we can’t confront him just yet. We do know that the Legion’s presence is deeply rooted within the tower and it’s time to enter this magical place and confront what ever they have waiting for us inside. Though our primary objective is to liberate the tower from the Legion’s hold, Khadgar has another request. Karazhan is a place where magic and history intertwine. Moments of the past have been known to take physical form, and these forms can possess great power. As we journey through Karazhan, we collect soul fragments, memories of the past that could provide valuable insight into what’s really going on inside the tower. “I think it wise to divide our efforts. I’ll work to circumvent the tower’s magical defenses. You may need to take a more...blunt force approach.” “This goes without saying, but be on your guard. I sense something...a presence I’ve not felt since...” Our first stop is the opera where ghosty residence of the tower are waiting for a show. We can’t go further without finishing the play and Barnes, the stage managed won’t believe us when we tell him that we’re not actually actors. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this evening’s feature presentation” Here we’ll play out 1 of 3 acts. It’s either Wikket a parody of Wicked: Are villains born evil, or do they fall into wickedness due to the influence of others? Perhaps considering this quandary from the hozen point of view will offer enlightenment. Beautiful Beast a parody of Beauty and the Beast: Cursed to take the form of a beastly monster, Brute must find true love before he loses his life to the dark magic that transformed him. Will he learn proper table manners in time to win the heart of the fair Bella? or the one we had, Westfall Story a parody of West Side Story: Amidst the carnage of rival gang battling for the turf of Westfall, two lovers from very different worlds fight for happiness. It is said that love is blind...but does it also need a translator? and considering that we’re dealing with murlocs, that might not be a bad idea. After finishing or surviving the play, we get to move back stage where we find understudies and back up singers but also the cast members of the original plays performed during the Raid version of Karazhan. The wolf, after being pursuaded for a bit, is kind enough to do his famous line: “Run away little away....” Amongst the audience we also find a soul fragment and then we make our way into the guest chambers. I always wondered why the maiden of virtue was inside Karazhan, a random titan watcher seemed so very random and just before her fight, there are a whole bunch of concubines and spirits that want nothing more then to have a good time... In the new version it seems like the maiden is actually making progress. The concubines now do their very best to hold back and they don’t want to disapoint the watcher where as in the past they just wanted to party. That’s why the maiden of virtue is here in Karazhan since the dungeon journal says: Arriving in Karazhan to cleanse the tower of vice and corruption, the titan watcher was infuriated by Medivh's infamous parties and debaucheries. As her crusade for virtue seeks converts to her cause, the Maiden remains committed to purging immorality using all the powers at her disposal. She doesn’t like us much either, but despite her best efforts of purifying, we bring her down. “I will...never....relent...” A soul fragment is found in the guest chambers and also a vision I used earlier as I was talking about Medivh while he was in his coma. We make our way through the grand ballroom into the banquet hall where we find Egona Spangly and Peta Venkner, references to Dr. Egon Spengler and Dokter Peter Venkman from the ghostbusters. Peta: “Auugh! Gross! I feel funky.” Egona: “You are a fortunate individual! Of course, I’ll need a sample of your brain tissue...” Karazhan is full of ghosts and memories of the past so a perfect spot to do some work, but we have our own ghosts to deal with and an undead named Moroes. Moroes: “I don’t believe the master is expecting you” Moroes, the steward of Karazhan, dotes upon his master’s dinner guests within the grand Banquet Hall. Eternally devoted to the care of the tower, he dispatches impolite party crashers with cruel efficiency. The nobles of darkshire standing with him were the ruling class of Darkshire who ventured into Deadwind Pass to investigate the blight that had settled over the region. None who entered the dark tower ever emerged, according to the wow website. Now we’ve seen Moroes getting bored in the cinematic and killing some time by killing Darius, who has come back as a spirit in front of the tower handing out quests. Moroes has left the tower before, like during Warlords of Draenor where he showed up in our garrison asking for some cleaning materials and he knows that he gets resurrected time and time against by some unseen force. In life he was steward to Medivh who murdered him and something is not letting him go. It makes him quite the murderous kind of steward, very aggresive about taking our jacket which simply won’t do, so we put him down. “I will just need...a moment...” Another soul fragment wait behind the table and a vision of Medivh’s powers violently coming out, killing his father and puttting him into a coma. We go through the scullery where 2 more ghost busters are busy, we clear the stables until we’re ready to confront attumen the huntman: “Well, well! Another group of thieves trying to steal my horse!” Once charged with hunting game for his master’s feasts, Attumen now set his sights on a very different kind of quarry. Ever wary of those seeking to steal his famed steed, Midnight. Attumen unleashes his well-honed fighting skills against all intruders. His fear is not without reason since the upgraded Midnight is beautiful. “I have become the hunted” Within the servants’ quarters they have a bit of a spider problem and there is a soul fragment to collect so we make our way through until the very end where a portal back to start awaits. Now we can make our way up the tower towards the curator who’s been assimilated into the dalek army since our last encounter. “Welcome to the--- TERMANATE INTRUDERS” The Curator safeguards the Menagerie from unwelcome guests, terminating trespassers who seek to plunder the secrets of Karazhan. Though assembled by Medivh himself, the guardian construct has deteriorated over time, becoming prone to energy overloads and erratic behavior. “” Vision: Medivh makes the Curator Medivh: “Now you’re ready to oversee the tower’s protection in my absence. Curator: “Defense protocols activated.” Medivh: “Hmm, I must remember to shut you down from time to time. Overuse might cause you to become...erratic.” It’s a bit difficult to maintain your constructs when you’re killed which explains why the Curator behaves the way that he does. Behind him awaits a magical portal and as we go through, the tower turns upside down or perhaps we’re the ones upside down. Either way, the roof has become the floor, the library is down below, fel bats and demonic forces are on the assault but we push on through until we find the shade of Medivh. Shade of Medivh: “This is who I am. I was tainted from birth, polluted from before my conception, a bad seed grown to bear bitter fruit.” This used to be the Shade of Arran, Medivh’s father but now it seems like the guardian himself, or atleast a memory of him has taken his spot. “Hello, champions. I’ve been expecting you.” Through out the fight he will use arcane, frost and fire to try and deliver a swift end to our adventures and he also says this: “Burn, just like that dragon” This is a reference to Nightbane, a special boss that you could summon in the old raid and it even came with a special mini event as you completed the quest. Nightbane or Arcanagos, the blue dragon as he was before Medivh was done with him, came to the tower to confront the guardian. His dabbling in the arcane had gone too far. Medivh had even attracted the attention of powers beyond his understanding. He had to leave Karazhan at once, a dark power was seeking to use Medivh. If he would stay, dire days would follow, but of course Arcanagos did not know what was inside of Medivh and found himself greatly outmatched. Medivh cast a spell of great power, weaving his own essence into the magic burning the blue inside out and turning him into Nightbane as we see him today. In the Legion version of Karazhan you can actually fight Nightbane again by basically speedrunning Karazhan and doing the achievement one night in Karazhan, named after the Hearthstone adventure. “Atiesh...will be...splintered...” This final line is kinda cool, Atiesh is the staff of the guardian and it was actually splintered too which adventurers were able to collect the pieces and get this legendary staff for themselves. This is no longer available and since Medan’s adventures from the comics have been declared non canon, it’s hard to say how the staff was put back together and how it ended up in Khadgar’s possession. Who knows, but our adventures in Karazhan are not ove ryet. We go down the rabbit holl and shrink down to teeny tiny little adventurers. We’re in the guardian’s study and it seems like Medivh has some very good taste as the steamy romance novels are prominent amongst his collection and with our reduced size, we now face a whole new world of threats. Mice and spiders and floating books become great adversaries and even the mana wyrm, now so much bigger, is quite the boss fight. Rarely does the sight of a mana wyrm cause a seasoned adventurer concern. These small, simple creatures float about, consuming stray pockets of arcane energy. But in Karazhan, tables are often turned, and what at first glance appears harmless may be revealed as an enormous threat. After bringing the wyrm down we return to normal size, we’re able to collect our loot and check out the study for a bit as well as seeing a new vision. This one shows the moment where Lothar and Khadgar just finished putting a stop to the corrupted guardian, their mentor and friend... “Cinematic” Notice how this cinematic uses the current Khadgar model and not the one from the Burning crusade. When they updated his model with Warlords of Draenor, a lot of people were confused as to what was going on with Khadgar. He was a young mage during his time as an apprentice to Medivh who sucked the youth out of him during their final confrontation and after that he was shown to be a very old man both in game and in the comics. With this cinematic it seems to confirm that nothing has changed with Khadgar, he just looks the way they always wanted him to look from the moment Medivh drained his youth. More fel bats are up ahead as well as the chess event which is now broken and shattered, but the pieces are still magically enchanted and by destroying the other pieces, we gain a window to attack the king and upon his defeat, an unexpected ally shows up. medivh: “I’ve left so many fragment of myself throughout this tower...” Khadgar: “Medivh?” Medivh: “I will open the way. While you battle that fiend, I will sever the tower’s connection to Legion worlds. I suggest we be quick about it!” Medivh opens up the door to the final boss, Viz’aduum the watcher awaits. The all-seeing VIz’aduum was commanded by Kil’jaeden to capture Karazhan and tap into the tendrils of ley energy woven through the tower. Should he succeed in anchoring the structure to the myriad of worlds held by the Legion, the Dark Titan’s army will overrun Azeroth and leave little more than a smoldering husk. “Karazhan’s presence radiates through the Nether...a beacon drawing in the Legion’s might.” “Our Burning Crusade has consumed countless worlds. This tower will serve as a conduit to each of them.” “One battle remains. One final conquest to complete the grand design!” One final conquest, does that mean that Azeroth is truly the last planet standing against the Legion? It’s not the first time that the demons have mentioned this, but only time will tell. For now we fight with the all- seeing as he commands legion ships to shoot fel beams at us, bombardments across the fielt, chaotic shadows, he himself shoots burnings blasts and tries to disintegrate us. From ship to ship we fly, even some demonic forces show up to assist this already powerful foe and near the end, Viz’aduum seems to be ready to play their final card. “Preperations are complete. It is time to begin the end!” “Behold! The doorway opens to oyur doom!” It’s a race against the clock, but we’re able to interupt his spell that would spell doom for this world and even better, we’re able to stop the legion’s second attempt of taking control of the tower of Karazhan. “But the design...was flawless...” Khadgar flies in: Khadgar “The demons have been purged from Karazhan! Thank you, champions. Medivh, you would be a welcome ally in our war against the Legion.” Medivh: “My path leads...elsewhere. Besides, Azeroth has found her Guardian in you, Young Trust.” Khadgar “I have made it clear before...I do not want such power!” Medivh: “YOu have all the power you will ever need, Khadgar. It is your heart, your courage, that makes you this world’s Guardian. And a better one than I ever was.” Khadgar “I...I don’t know what to say, Medivh.” Medivh: “Enough sentiment! Hear these words before I depart. It may be simpler to shut a door than to pass through it. But sometimes a step into the unknown is required to break the bonds of fate.” “There is much that lies ahead for all of us. Farewell.” Khadgar “The bonds of fate...I must consider those words. Until next time, champions.” Some of you asked me if this was the real medivh or a memory of the tower or what not, and I think this is supposed to be the real Medivh since Khadgar asks him for aid in our war against the Legion. It’s never been clear where Medivh went after the events of Warcraft 3 so who knows what he has done with his time or where he is going now... he just showed up for a bit and now flies off into the great dark beyond. Who knows if we’ll see him again and his final words of shutting a door or stepping through are up for interpetation. To me it seems like he’s talking about the Legion gateway at the tomb of sargeras. We’re working on getting the pillars of creation to shut the door, but instead to truly put a stop the legion, we should step through to take the battle to them and end them once and for all. Like I said, it’s up for interpetation, in the case of return to karazhan this is where the story end for today and who knows what the future might bring... As always thank you very much for watching everyone. Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time guys.....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 400,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Return to Karazhan, Patch 7.1, Medivh, Khadgar, Kirin Tor, Aegwynn, Sargeras, Burning Legion, Argus, Azeroth, Legion, World of Warcraft, Raid, Mythic, Curator, Maiden of Virtue, Moroes, Atumen, Library, Steamy romance novels, Warcraft 3, Medan, Guardians
Id: Fg00b_Iy6SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2016
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