The Story of Shadows of Argus, Patch 7.3 - Full Version [Lore]

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[Music] hello everyone the heroes of Azeroth have assaulted the tomb of Sargeras use the pillars of creation the seal of that gateway created by golden well Illidan he uses our Garrett Keystone to tear a massive rift in reality show in the world what he had always known to truly stop the Legion we'll have to take the battle to them we have to take a force to Argos the ancestor home at the Draenei now turns into the homeworld of the Burning Legion seeing Argos in the sky it's quite a shock for a lot of people as some of the citizens of Dalaran they force their concerns and they try to get possessions out of the bank before it's too late the Draenei are walking around trying to calm everyone down and they're looking forward to go home again what a doomsayers quite validate its they speak about the end of the world as they always do handing out pamphlets to anyone willing to listen some believe they're bowing down and surrendering to Sargeras who is done nothing wrong by the way that is the way to go others like gallywix and belladonna prentices they try to make a bit of coin at a situation while one message did standouts and Emerald Sun dawns in the vault of the heavens but it caused no shadow most likely Argos in the sky the world lifts her voice in terror but only one can hear her cries the titan spirit within Azeroth we've Magni Bronzebeard acting as her speaker having us help him with calming down her dreams and also confirming that we have to go to Argos that the dark Titan is on his way and our destiny would be found on the Lita's home worlds from this space that is everywhere know where the crooked serpent feast on stars it has no eyes to see but it dreams of infinite endings and beginnings hard to say what this one is specifically talking about it could be related to the void Lords in the great dark beyond or perhaps it's hinting at nosov waiting for us down below a story for another day right now we have the Legion to focus on and it's the Draenei that have worked on getting us there so both factions travel to Azure mist isle at long lost the vessel that will usher us to Argos is complete make way to Stormwind harbor at once the time has come to bring an end to this war we will soon see if the Horde heeds bail-ins call those savages lack any sense of honour but they do know how to fight we must find the army of the light with them fighting alongside us the Legion will fall we must find your mother and father yet live Parador I am sure of it but for now stay focused on the fight to come prophet velen will be pleased that you answered his call Weedle and i have long awaited this day the Legion has run rampant on Azeroth for too long it is time to see this done looks like they showed up after all I see the Alliance answered the call is well very says there's no love for the hordes despite our forces now teaming up against the Legion not after they took Aronian from her well editor desperately wants to find his parents Alleria and Turalyon let's learn more about the history later on since Valen is waiting for us I've never seen the Draenei assemble a force of this magnitude Argos is our ancestral home we will not see it in the legions hands any longer then my parents can finally return a.load Rinnai champions of Azeroth the time has come to invade Argos we will save our world and put a stop to the Burning Legion once and for all the Legion grows desperate we should strike now while their attention remains focused on Azeroth you are right Illidan this may be our best chance to gain the upper hand despite the exit our supposedly being repaired as mentioned in felon short story that is not the vessel they were going to use to get to Argos instead they focus the efforts on a brand new vessel cult of indycar forces like Illidan Vallon Romeu low fraction cap Muradin efis silken auditory saliĆ³ drain Boros light hearts troops from the hand of argus and of course the champions of answer of all of them board ship and take it into the very heart of the legion all forces are on board and accounted for and the vin de car will be ready to depart shortly after we reach Argos we will meet with the army of the light and begin how I envisioned [Music] does he understand what you're truly asking of him do any of them we follow the path of the light no matter where it leads your faith when your closest allies fell to darkness you didn't stop them when the Legion is wept over your world and took your people he didn't make a stand all you did was watch convinced you are following the lights we'll the truth is you failed your people their blood is on your hands you understand what I did to save my peeps the light is holding you back it's time to forge your own path love it we are ready proceed [Music] where is your army of the light [Music] the top [Applause] [Music] something is wrong [Music] [Music] the Legion will fire again soon what are your orders profit we make our stand the last battle for Argos has begun [Music] illidan believes that the light is holding felon back and how cool was its the seed a moment in which Segura showed up in Argos and he offered them a spot within the Legion our command was already on board with the dark Titan and kil Jaeden quickly followed only Vanna realized that this was not the way for the people and we've the aid of the Naaru they ran away from their home we saw chief engineer ishka of the on Tauron High Command who aims their weapon at the generator the vessel of the army of the lights now there's no more running the time has come to make a stance will be shut down next if we don't act soon so a bunker is quickly deployed in a vanguard moves out to establish a fronts the trenni are shocked to see what the Legion has done with their world what of them actually died on arrival imagine being on the run for thousands of years finally to come home only to die we can mourn for the Fallen later right now we have some work to do as the lease is devastators they're bombarding our forces preventing us from getting any further but it's throwing the anchors that keep their shields up the vendor car is able to cleanse it with the holy lights but we also kill a whole bunch of the leta forces on the battlefield we encounter Chiefs Anatsui whose people have been enslaved by the Legion and they're in need of aid they are ones who stay behind anarchists when villain and Adreno floods and they've been dealing with the Legion ever since so as you might imagine is not the easiest life to have we help them outs by healing and saving some of his people and then we focus on destroying their siege weapon there are no guards this close to their weapon something is wrong this is no mere siege weapon pretty much stand together or azeroth the senators fall shall not have been in vain hold fast champion the Goliath who wavers look out whatever that thing was I doubt that was the only one in Sargeras his arsenal soon the entire Legion will descend upon us we will hold our ground I only pray that our survivors among the army of the light we won't be able to sustain another attack from one of those creatures we must bolster our forces The Crow cool slave spread somewhere further down the ridge as they were freed they could not have gone far they could be valuable allies in our fight you assume much of their loyalties risk your life if you must I will prepare our forces for the inevitable counter-attack as you wish come here oh I can feel their presence not far from here be on your guard champion the legion is skilled at deception we may well be walking into a trap stay close we are being watched this hovel feels familiar prepare yourself champion we are surrounded show yourselves verlan at long last you return to the home you abandoned that voice her to who how did you survive this hell for so long we changed just as our caste it we endured what choice did we have I have no wish to fight you a tune but I cannot allow your bitterness to impede our war against the Legion you turned your back on your people prophet your world such betrayal should be answered with death but you'll ever save many of us from the legions grasp perhaps you have changed enough what's interesting about her tune and the crow coo also known as the broken is that the broken that we know they come from a very specific mixture of magic found on Draenor as the Horde was fine in their ward when I go Dan and a shadow Council they had crafted a special weapon for the siege of chef Rev which was the lost city they still needed to take the warlocks have melded a magics with the red pox and the red box is a disease amongst the orcs with its origin in the curse of sefa you might remember suffer as the storyline with the arakoa on Draenor so they then tossed a special weapon at the Draenei and the red mist a burnt dry skin and it shook the breath on their lungs but those that actually survived they found themselves slowly devolved into the broken their connection to the light capitis Evarts no Bindo what's the first amongst a broken amongst the Drina even to find his way to shamanism and here on Argos wave huh tune in The Crow cool we see a very similar transformation and also a possible connection to shamanism perhaps the Leeson took the knowledge of cool Dan's weapon and applied it here in arcs as well or perhaps it was arcs itself to push the crow cool into a similar D evolution all the same we can use all the allies that we can get an Argus and those that have been around for thousands of years they will definitely be able to help we also finally meets aurelion face-to-face for the first time who has survives a crash under shanidar but Tunes people saved me from this doors fall many others were not so fortunate they hold the ground around the crash site fighting for their lives there's much to be done before this nightmare can ends but we need to regroup before we draw more attention from the Legion sir LEM hands over a signal crystal which we use to call down a light forge beacon to establish a link to our ship terellian I am pleased you continued to thwart the legions best efforts to kill you what of Illyria is she the last time I saw her was on the senator she was still under God Illyria is out there somewhere old friend I know it and other survivors as well but thousands of demons stand between us and our allies we must Finn the legions ranks to have any hope of reaching the Senate are alive the dirt is what we will do Hayek shocked the human terellian and his beloved Alleria Windrunner the High Elf they met up as the Alliance of Lordaeron was forced to fight the hordes during their first invasion of Azeroth the Alliance were able to win that war but the Horde would come back for a second round forcing the sons of LOFAR to step through dark portal to take the battle to the hordes Illyria left behind her two sisters Felicia and Sylvanas Windrunner but both of them set for well to the Sun era toll it would eventually forced to shut down the dark portal on Draenor sides as the planet turned into Outland as we know it today and for the longest time nobody knew what had happened to them we couldn't find him not even when the dark portal reopened with the Burning Crusade not even kept guard was able to tell us what was going on with his friends but that knowledge has a stop Meritor from searching he constantly has a repeating dream one in which a crimson skyline envelops him as Legion numbering beyond comprehension they battle in the distance he kneels before the body of a man presumably his father and he wits as he's gasping for air his body wholly crushed he whispers something despite every efforts he's unable to hear what he's trying to tell him over the years as expenses went on many hints were dropped about hilarious relyon now with Legion we finally make contact again as the army of light they send Oh for lightheart Azeroth to bring a message and here he tells us that the army of light has been fighting the leader for millennia of course it's hard to say if they were founding members of the army of lights or it's a joint later on but some dialogue throughout our adventures it does seem to confirm that they've been fighting for thousands of years but on the regular timeline they've only been missing for around 35 the reason for that is explained in the hunter artifact quest line in which we discovered that this deep in the nether time flows unpredictably was she here for days years centuries the mage was right time has little meaning in this place it does leave the question as to how they survived for so very long especially terellian as a regular human but for now the reason I'd give it is that the light has been keeping him going but I haven't found a clear answer yet now together it's relyon we help out her two minutes people by slaying the demons Indian island pits but also setting those have been taken captive free freeing them from a life of labor torture and ultimately death meanwhile to renting a car support to a ganar Slayer the leader of the pits who's there bones you might remember seeing in Outlands whatever happens we stand together together we fight the mighty pit Lords but Sorelli and his cause will be screaming to keep us attention until a ganar he's done playing around and holds us down well it fell puppy slowly moving to devour us Illyria perfect timing there's always thankfully Alleria Windrunner shows up just in time to save her butts and together we bring the mighty demon down are you all right - Allegan I am in no small part thanks to our friend here but Illyria there's something else when the ship from Azeroth arrived I sensed his presence I would know it anywhere even after all the years we've spent apart arataura he's here every day for a thousand years and thought about what I wanted to say to him now though words fail me I know my love I feel the same but once we see our son our hearts will speak for us what couldn't you have reached out to us to your people to me arataura not a day passed that your mother and I didn't every choice we made was to keep you safe it broke our hearts to be apart from you they put a lot of emphasis on the family dynamic here while arathor II was never really mentioned in the lore until he came up with him for the Burning Crusade I wonder what the reason for that is if the dream of this is actually going to become a reality but only time will tell I suppose for now we check out the vendor card to familiarize ourselves with the ship artifice of shelana she's standing with the metal light crucible I preach to see Shanna leader of the Aldo is offering her services an innkeeper and sell this Rimbaud not he's come to the portal back to belladonna all seems to be in working order time to continue our journey and get back to Argos any survivors of the army of the light they should still be near the crash site of the shanidar and they'll need our help if there is to be any hope of victory we must rally them together and also rescue the prime Naru Sara who's still stuck within the shanidar we didn't come son there is so much more we have to say but our allies at the Zen Adar will soon be overrun you must go to their aid Turalyon I will scout behind enemy lines and provide a distraction we will return soon eret our I understand light be with you both stay safe we will gather the others and prepare for the battle to come it pains me to see them go and for Issa I could not bear to lose them now not after waiting all these years how patient serrator it may take time but your family will be whole again I know it no doubt my mother will soon asked about Sylvanas what are you going to tell her it is a conversation I know we must have but the thought of it fills me with dread how can I explain to Illyria what our sister has become the truth will break her heart my scouts found the remains of aguilar we are in your debt IX ark and your cycle plunder the Legion will only fall if we stand together chieftain and right now we have friends facing grave peril there is a way we will use what power we have to help you a tunnel so this is how you are survived we have hidden we have adapted there you know or our of need this land still listens to our pleas I will go on ahead and clear a path the bridge leading to the senador seems to be the least guarded light be with us Donald's mates that is how he survives the Rafah Sagaris and Allegiant a all new world just opened up for our man terellian you're not going anywhere champion the master has plans for you the light prevails Faria you survived you know that I refused to die while the Legion still stands high exact follow me we've set up a perimeter the army of the light is filled with badasses like Captain Faria who just one shot at our fish like it wasn't thing they have light forts warframes to empower them in combats their eyes are glowing with the blessing of the lights and no demon is going to stand in the way of their objective they need us to pick up some argonite crystals use to power the defense and weapons we destroyed allegiance all covers to set the fallen comrades free free to join the lights and while we go rounds we also slay as many demons as we can all of them tell us to keep an eye out for your Mara who was separated from them and will surely need our help turns out that she needs us to shoot a bunch of the frenzied play Quinn's dominating the sky after which she points us to Brad the longshots who's been trying to get into the center dad but the entries been blocked we'll need a bigger gun to clear order rubble they have a gun perfect for the job caught lights judgments but it's still attached to the brokerage and a dad luckily for us it does come with a security feature to prevent it from falling into enemy hands we can activate this recall mechanism which then teleports it back to a vessel and with the Genna dad out of commission it would sell a port to our Finn the car isn't that lucky so we protect the weapon for a bit as the Rico procedure goes on making sure that the gun does not end up in the hands of the Legion that should be it just activate the console one last time to complete the transfer I will handle the rest [Music] [Music] lights judgments is operational and in our hands with its holy retribution we cleared away into the janitor just in time for training in Elyria to show up again might guys since Sarah in the central chamber thank the light we are not too late and what then I was locked in a cell for delving into the void against her wishes will she make me a prisoner again or worse Zira will see that you risked your life to save her her faith in you will be restored I know it sir Elian is pretty relaxed about situation considering that is beloved Illyria she was put under lock and key for going against Aris wishes Zira don't worry you are safe now come champion help me guide her to the vendor car then we can get out of here he is convinced that the prime now who will forgive her as we place free teleportation crystals around a room making ready to get out of here we didn't our troops will finish securing the Senna da though we retrieved its most precious cargo we cannot let the vessel fall into the legions hands place the beacon at my location we're coming home light be praised this was a dark day indeed the army of the light nearly lost everything but it will ensure the child of light and shadow has been brought to the light mother and her prophecy will be fulfilled all is as it was meant to be [Music] [Music] [Music] we are blessed to be in your presence once war zero [Music] Turalyon you have found the chosen one [Music] illidan from the light in your eyes held such promise for the future I sacrificed that birthright long ago do you not wish to reclaim what was lost to be whole again the legions end is all ice much [Music] you've given so much for so little your true potential your redemption lies before let go of your shattered form and embrace the lights power have traded my freedom for power before the prophecy must be fulfilled [Music] might afford you a this is not yours to take is your destiny your faith has blinded you there can be no chosen one [Music] to save ourselves Zehra didn't take no for an answer as Illidan just flat-out rejects the prophecy the lights it leaves sir aliens eyes and the seeing wield the broken blade of envelo far is so freakin cool some wondered if the light was actually controlling him but considering how he acts from this point on I don't believe that to be true I personally think that it's more him gazing upon the light mother but there will be some moments where the light has definite blinded him we'll get to that later on now these moments it's probably one of the most interesting ones so far as it puts the Naru in a different perspective they usually described as these holy beings that can't do anything wrong but here we see that on a cosmic scale they don't really care about the will of the individual in the grand scheme of things they're willing to enforce their will for the greater good which is relatable to what Sargeras is trying to do he wants to save the universe from the corruption of the void Lords by destroying it so that they can't take over the slumbering Titan spirits which is said to mean the end for the universe in his mind's life has taken root before perhaps after scouting it's life will be reborn again good or evil it's all a matter of perspective but at the end of the day I personally still sign up for team Naru as their plan is not to destroy so they just want to make sure that the void Lords do not win and day or more specifically dis prime arrow she doesn't really care about individuals not even velan expect his heir to act like this and it kind of shakes his faith when it comes to numero they've always followed their words they've made great sacrifices because of its but was that for the benefit of the Draenei or was it for the ultimate goals of the Naru definitely some interesting developments with a lot of room for debate and discussion but right now the prophecies been shattered as Illidan believes that there can't be a chosen one and we can only save ourselves though she is fallen Sarah's presence is still around us and the light within our hearts it can still be a source of strength for our cause we pick up a couple of her pieces and place it within a metal light crucible but the light alone will not be enough without balance there could be no harmony another source is needed but it is a very good first step our light does not die with the prime Naru it shines within each of us we still have our purpose we still have a world to save we must press on you are right prophet the mission still stands the mission still stands before us the battle for Argos is far from over as we take the VIN the car to another part of the planets the untrodden wastes from which we can hopefully assault their seat of power the burning throne I the light what have they done to my world first of all the business is setting up a light force beacon so that we could quickly access and reinforce our troops down below we also check in with Illidan who lets us know that a direct assault and notorious debt would simply be folly the leisure forces vastly outnumber ours and they're replacing fallen soldiers and unnatural speed some of these are even strong enough to slow him down ever so slightly so breaching their strongholds that would require a different plan while we strategize on what to do next Magni Bronzebeard he summons us to krakow Havel as he has found something that he believes could help us overcome the legions infinite armies the stones whispers steady my people's hurts it is curious that you hear them as well outsider it's fainter than the breath of the wind but it feels so familiar to me it's like Azeroth Skol only it ain't her he's been hearing whispers ever since we arrived in Argos and he's convinced that this planet has it's heightened as well similar to how as our office one it's trying to reach out to us tell us something and a broken they possess a relic a secret stone which they hear whispers from and it might have some sort of link to Argos itself when Azeroth spirit speaks to me it's like a song there's beauty in it even when our message ain't exactly clear Argos is soul ain't like that he's tormented broken careful or has pain all overwhelm you place your hand upon the stone when you're ready he he needs us to see something what is your bidding master the circle those who will not serve shall be destroyed it is the only way a groom are once that shorter shorter with Sargeras as they fought against the evil of the universe imprison the demons on the planet of Mardin yes Sargeras discovered that the void lords wanted to corrupt a slumbering titan spirits turn it to their dark will to which the old gods were sent into the physical universe to make it so if they would succeed it would awaken as an unspeakably dark creature no power in creation not even a pantheon could stand against its in time the warp Titan would consume all matter and energy in the universe bring every mode of existence under the void lords will Sargeras could not let this happen so he went to Marr doom he set Dimas free and he went about creating his Burning Legion in his mind's only by burning away all of creation could they stand a chance of stopping the void Lords ultimate goal even a lifeless universe that was better no one dominated by the voids life had taken routes in the cosmos once before perhaps after the physical universe was scoured of corruption life would take root once again the rest of the pantheon the titans they did not agree with his mindset they did not believe that this was the right way to go and with answer off they had imprisoned the old gods and given the world that slumbering titans soul a chance to mature one day it could possibly even be more powerful than Sargeras was and stand with them against the darkness of the void Lords so they tried to reason with Sargeras but the dark Titan he'd already made up his mind despite already having fought with Sargeras and sharing his blade in the process aggramar still believed that there was something noble still lingering deep within the former champions hearts as a last resort he laid down his arms and he approached the Fallen titan aggramar recounted tales of their glorious battle against demons remaining Sargeras of the sacred oaths that they had sworn to protect creation but Sargeras he was send in his ways nothing that the pantheon could say nothing even his cherished Protege could say would ever change his minds with a howl of rage and sorrow Sargeras struck a grammar down his ruin'd fell blade nearly cleaving the tightening to the rest of the pantheon then also engaged sir garrison battle but as they were weak to fell they were defeated as well just before striking the final blow they did manage to send their spirits back to answer off the house between the keepers that they had created which Sagaris had no idea about he fought that he had won and he now knew of a world so called ass roll its whereabouts they were still a mystery but he knew that in time he would find his soul that's the story never learned her Chronicles vol 1 but here we have a grim our serve in the dark Titan that raises a couple of questions the questions that they asked Ian Houser cost us during Gamescom who explained their pieces of the Titans so essence they still remains Sargeras had a whole lot of time to work with them and what we see here is not actually the Titan agram are the real thing we'll probably step on us like an ends in stats it's kind of similar to the Avatar so Garris the being that we saw within the tomb of Sargeras so this one would be the avatar of aggramar infused with the power of his soul and corrupted by Sargeras we're also talking about some sort of rebirth that we must not disturb but I want to save that information for later on for the final part of the series as it does go into spoilers so we know about agram our serve in the dark tights and who a warning from the world soul of Argos and we have to bring this new strallan but before we do that let's first party little bit to croak ooh who could use our help they ride the crack skeleton battle and they need them to even take on the smallest of the Legion forces so we wrangle free of them and we bring them back to base Salwa camp and Farah they roam the area but the balance has been disrupted and depend for bridge continent sell back to extinction we give nature a little bit of her hands by putting down a few of the Penta Farah and as we do we pick up a scroll called birth of the aru it contains a dark spell which steals the souls from The Crow cool to create a whole new demon known as the jewel and as bad as it looks we can't let the Legion just keep on doing this so we murder some of the Ritualist and also lady shadow sets as a side notes the croco they have a little shrine going on where to keep relics mementos of their old way of life it symbolizes all that they've lost and serve as a reminder of what they're fighting for inside we find a helm of the Berner protector which was taken from a fel emblazoned demon Lords which they are brought down as they were searching for Viper's after the legion made a mark on this worlds there's also an alliance shekel reminding him of the time when we drink slaves of the Nile and Pitt's they held the crowns in the rebellious effort to free the people and then there's a damaged site this one is crafted by an ancient coke Will Smith it's markings revealing extraneous history a battle between the Burning Legion and the crow ku coincidentally this is also a weapon used by someone a broker from Draenor you might remember seeing a pair in the hands of a comma now probably the most interesting memento that we could find in this cave that is the shrine of the great warrior long after the emerald flame took her home the Legion took to open a gate to a new worlds never had they lusted for any conquest as much as this lush primitive lands just as their army set forth a green-skinned warrior step through the gates he wielded a single blade and roared a single cry for battle mountains of flesh and bone crew as he car through the demas ranks his defiance drew the attention of the dark one who came to see his end the warrior struck but one blow before he fell but it was never forgotten this shrine is for the badass orc broke cigar went back in time to the period of the work the ancients and he lay down his life to hold of Sargeras to give them enough time to shut down the portal on a stroll the blade the exertion Arius that eventually found his way back to our world and is now in the hands of nice food but Brooke sugar he was impaled upon the broken blade of Sargeras so definitely an interesting spot to check out now Jarek he's kind enough to offer us one of their forces Craig scalars to take us back to Chiefs not soon he needs us to send out our followers to pick up some of their supplies that they had to leave behind as they ran from one hovel to the next Sood tools weapons they're out there waiting to be picked up so our followers do just that Annie return the crow cool rich stalkers it will help our forces navigate who arcus the automation that they have that takes our followers into enough Razak's holes where one of two faiths awaits the croco prisoners they either consumed a fell and become a willing soldier in an infinite army or they're mutated into the demonic worship while the army of light has a detention this is the perfect opportunity to go in and save some other people so as our followers go on about emissions we report back to terellian and inform him about what we've learned that aggramar has been sir sir Garrett's walk-ins heighten the Legion must have harnessed the power of its soul to regenerate its armies in the nether if we can destroy it the infinite army would become finite taking away the legions advantage would give us our best chance to save Azeroth I will meet you at our staging ground near north Raxus the Vindico be ready to help us secure the hold at a moment's notice I assume that what they mean is that they can regenerate the armies quicker rotted and the demons can only regenerate because of the power of the Titans soul it wouldn't make any sense with knowing that demons can only die within it we've seen that error but either way we have secured a piece of land near enough rocks holds one of the legions chief military fortifications on the planets if we strike it now and we strike it hard we may be able to tip the scales in our favor and buy us a time that we needs to prepare a full assault on on torus I won't risk our forces on the spire without that warframe backing us it will be ready Hayek's ark you have my word we need that badass lights warframe up and running to have a chance at taking a hold and to fix it Romo needs us to collect a few parts from the battlefield remains a battles past velan has is looking out for our fallen warriors sanctifying the corpses that we finds well Illidan he wants us to disrupt their numbers by killing a whole bunch of their forces and one never seen pain Lord's already their ranks crumble we must press the attack with the parts gathered the warframe is almost operational but it needs a good jolt to revitalize its systems warlocks in the pools down below they use pieces of Argus infuse Rafael energy to create living siege weapons if we can collect one of their fel course there would be just a finger we need to get this vehicle flight going meanwhile Illidan he has his focus on the spires of woe it's a cleared away for our troops well Illyria she wants us to take out two of the Shahadah priestesses who are part of Sargeras inner circle he's chosen never leave the walls of on Flores so this is a great opportunity to take them out you dare set foot in the sake pools do you not see the shadow will prevail our crusade is the only path to redemption all will be reborn by the Masters flame that might be lady erotica but the fellow wants to kill us all the same and we have to find another way without the Shahada bolstering their strength we might just stand a chance and with the final component get hurts it's time to jump into the warframe we will advance on the Citadel on the ground while you clear the way ahead expect heavy resistance now axis will not go down without a fight rendezvous in the central courtyard once he has fallen good luck we take the lead as we fly it's enough no sex holes clearing away to Lourdes narro sucks many demon troops they've gathered sand reinforcements are constantly pouring in from the rifts but we shut them down every kill a whole bunch of the demons until only the rule of the holt remains he obtained his title as thanks for his role of delivering Argus to the Legion so let's pay him a visit and thank you personally you allow yourselves with the treacherous runner and their light if it leaves you so with my death the day is ours we await you outside champion [Music] [Music] [Music] so what Magni saw was true Agrabah lives once more than the service of Sargeras the power at their command is immeasurable the vendor car cannot withstand their assault the titans soul of Argos is the key to breaking the legion our defenses must hold long enough to destroy it our Sargeras wings we I have given our plight much thought as it currently stands we will be destroyed if we challenge and Taurus there is one hope one treasure that may give us the edge we need we called it the crown of the triumvirate a lifetime ago my brothers and I crafted a relic designed to bring prosperity to all I still possess 1/3 of the whole I carry it with me always this is the eye of prophecy the remaining fragments may still be here on Argos we must go to Macari when my brothers and I once ruled we've met knees warning confirms they realized that we need more to stand against the Legion we must hold out long enough to destroy the soul of Argos to break the Legion and defeat Sargeras to Macari we go the jewel of Argos where Velan and his family once lifts where many of the Draenei have their roots this is the place where they build up such a grown civilization that it drew the attention of Sargeras the prophet himself joins us down below as he stares at exodus points lost in his memories not all who Tolga is turned against us No it cannot end like this take the others and go left we will buy you time her phone you do not have to do this please keep my family safe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you across the stars traitor here we see a memory of the past the moments in which villain and his people they escape from the planet they escape serving Sargeras this did not come without its price though as several of their people including her tomb they stay behind the bite of some time some of you wondered why Hatsune was so hostile toward felon when they first met up again but I imagine that fighting the legion for thousands upon thousands of years that changed the person and their mindsets we also didn't see a reunion with the family that Vela was supposed to keep safe so it's possible that they have fallen as the Draenei were on the run a nice detail in the cinematic is that we actually see the autumn all crystal an ancient artifact gifted to the editor by the holy Naru this is the same relic that showed Valen they're teaming up with Sargeras that it was a very bad idea and we see it split up into several different crystals this was not actually described in detail between the Chronicles but it was part of the novel right of the hoards he felt a whisper in his mind the crystals where there was one there are seven recover them for you will need them funny enough some of these crystals actually ended up in the hands of the orcs which supported them in the war against the trenni with the recent events you have to wonder if the Naru knew that that was going to happen and that it was needed for the Draenei it's be where they are today it was also truly optimal crystal a gift from the Naru that Vallon learned that he should not Li himself with a legion interesting stuff to be sure wait something stirs spirits of all those who died that day I can still hear the naaru song of war there was one who held the way open for us she fell behind I can feel her presence even now but her song his bitter distorted Laura these echoes of the past have been reliving the same Baro for who knows how long quite a long time and it seems like they were unable to activate the defenses perhaps if we finish the mission we can bring them rest so we pick up free stolen pylon cores to activate the agent pylons were also taking down Casa Duman he's a hulking beast who has shared the arcanite matrix that powers this part of Macari so many were left behind they linger forced to relive their final moments over and over again perhaps the only way to end their torment is to finish what I started so very long ago we must let these spirits finally realize their escape and so we do by fixing up the shattered remains of the arcanite matrix these spirits or echo to the past they could finally end their long battle my people will never know how I mourned for them the depths of my regret as Argos grew smaller and smaller in the distance I begged the Naro to go back that is not your path they told me is this what they intended we must unite it's time to forge our own paths my friend Belen is questioning his faith the choices that he made it's easy to look back in doubts but it's so much harder to press forward and continue that is smoke mustard Oh to get her hands on the sigil of awakening the fragments for a crown it was once held by our commands understood I have just the person for the job you men archmagi mara joins us on this mission she joins us at the conservatory of the arcane but the construct that supply provide information to help us locate the siege oh that one is currently offline we need to restore some of his power so we not only stabilized some of the erratic power conduits we also get her partially digested Arcana from the pan Farah in the area to devour the energy to survive I had hoped that would work the lights are on but no one is home I am going to need your help just a little bit won't you I am restored oh no I know that voice exile Ameri why have you returned we need to conservatory resources are not available to one of your status of all people to become gatekeeper perhaps you had better do the talking inside these constructs rest the spirits of an editor one who was once upon a time the keeper of the conservatories Keys custodian to all of his locks and gates to halt the ravages of time he placed his soul inside the constructs enabling him to watch over the place for all eternity but sadly it did nothing to improve his attitude apparently there is some history between coram and you Mira she was exiled for something but the details are not known all the same we have to prove ourselves worthy of going after residual by going through free trials one is the tester cunning by matching different colors to create the right schedule and open the way up as we could see the echoes or spirits of this place they're playing some sort of medical sports another is a test of tenacity but going through a structure with deadly laser beams and arcane bombs ready to end our life try not to let the beams touch you mind the stairs quite painful oh you made it wonderful even after passing this trial quorum keeps up his attitude and he doesn't give us a ride back well the final trial is one of Mars 3 one to show our strength we are pitched against what remains of our commands greatest pupils those who once held such power in their own disciplines that the conservatory actually remembers them even now you face jealousy Grand Vizier of the to serve Ettore does that sound familiar - yeah well your Mara she provides some background information on these characters and grant 4zu yeah awesome while being part of the editor he oversaw much of the day-to-day operations within the conservatory now we know better Str exes the name that he took for himself as he joined the Legion there's also our consul falada who worked parallel to the waking her skills she let the consulates in the pursuit of the powers of creation under her tutelage they vastly expanded their ability to summon creatures of the arcane and when she joined the Legion she took on the name of the listener who we saw at the broker Shore and then later during invasions across ass role enough you have proven your worth last but not least we have highway Kiner are gone who got the disposition after his predecessor Tokyo was banished Tokyo is known to warlocks as the skull as a manatee one of the artifacts that they obtains an Oregon he let them deeper into the mysteries of soul binding the constructs that still walk these streets they're his doing and within the legion he became known as our goes to so clever he too showed up at a broker Shore and I later played a part in surah matter where he was delivering prisoners to the soul engine at the fell soul holds I suppose that qualifies us of v3 passenger trials it qualifies us to seek to sigil but a greatest challenge yet still lies before us we must go to the praetorium and facing echo of our command himself only by defeating the master the conservatory will we be worthy of the sigil I cannot step off in the praetorium but you'll know that didn't Joe perhaps I have complete faith in you I will be nearby when you are finished ah yes it has been too long since I have humbled the pupil come face me I must confess these trials do provide endless amusement for me you think yourself clever for getting this far but I know how it will end a worthy tribute to my conservatories teachings you will do Auguste proud claim your prize not even Archimonde himself will stand in a way of obtaining this sigil of awakening it radiates raw power much like Archimonde himself it's far too powerful to keep it out in the open so it returned to live in the car and we secured the sigil Archimonde was disdainful of the sigils limitations without the rest of the crown it gave him little power and power was all he ever crave this disdain is what allowed us to recover the sigil and he anticipated its value to us he most certainly would have destroyed it I do wonder what he hoped to prove with his triumph was the sigil itself the test perhaps we are one step closer to unlocking the Vindi cars true potential all that remains is the crest of knowledge then the crown will once more be whole we have one more piece to collect to finish the crown but we don't focus all of our efforts just on the demons that we find in Arcis the legions fanatical crusade it leaves and spread thin and as they focus their defenses and our salt this creates the perfect opportunity for us to turn to the forces on completely different worlds find their portals and kill the demons on the other side we follow the Legion into worlds dead hardly look familiar to the place to be been like before like the Firelands xanga marche the grizzly hills but still the idea of visiting a whole different planet is kind of cool we're not only dealing some blows to the lesion on their home base we make sure that other planets are liberated from the influence I wouldn't mind seeing a future expansion with different planets like this go into the great dark beyond and find out what other cultures and races are out there I was actually kind of hoping to see some of these influences within the army of the lights but it seems that only the Draenei are amongst their ranks perhaps the rest of the army did have some more diversity once upon a time and was simply wiped out already who knows but besides following the Legion through the gateways we also have a quest that takes us back to Outlands near shadow fields we find the body of a light force courier who carried a very important letter important enough to be murder for the Legion is up to something and our scouts Kara was after two encoded orders held by legion troops to find out more about their plans her partner bray was a code breaker but also slain while trying to get to our lines with a code book that we'll need in order to translate these Legion orders it's up to us to finish what they started so we've retrieved the army of the light code book and we kill a few demons to get our hands on their orders turns out that the lease is planning to free an Inquisitor called Algar a demon from right here in Argus who cannot be killed because of a secret magic that he alone possesses because of his immortality he was kept within the arc trance in the tempest keep a prison where the Naru how some of the most terrifying and dangerous creatures in the universe you might remember part of a millhouse manastorm displays so while we traveled to the arca tries to stop the Legion romeu will study the source of his immortality so that it can be broken high Inquisitor Hrothgar was imprisoned deep inside the arca tries the Legion is already here so be careful the Legion has opened portals to invade the architraves shut them down before you find yourself outflanked we shut down the portals and kill a whole bunch of the Legion in our way we IVA stopped them from draining static s lingering fort magic one of the bosses they used to be here in the arc trance when we finally do reach stasis block Maximus we arrived just in time to see lesser lungset our master free the enemy is upon us Lazzaro my loyal servant stay here and kill these I have much to do it will be done high Inquisitor seekers cover the high end queen or invasion of Argos will fail high Inquisitor Hrothgar will see to that nothing we were too late and now the Legion has the immortal fighter back but Romo has learned much the secrets to now Garcia mortality dead lies within the fell heart of Argos power bow wells mean directly to the core of the planets by bringing down holy fire from above we take out these wells cutting his connection to the fellows and leaving now caribou but we are of course and we take out the high Inquisitor claiming the heart of Argos for ourselves it's there was a bit of power left in its to protect us another special ability that we can add to the vendor car right next to lights judgments in the light force warframe we even add a bonus that if you use the Shroud of arcane echoes you actually be able to open up those special chests found locked on the planets so with that little detour from Argos out of the way let's focus on the main objective again the crown of the triumvirate villain has taken captain for Rihanna forces into the errand or gardens to search for requests picking up the sigil of awakening there was like announcing her presence to all of Argos and the eyes of all Toros are firmly upon us the Legion has come to Macari which means that a forces are most likely in trouble and we have to go down to help them outs Maria status report but auth sent up a signal flare a short time ago he is alive at least I have heard nothing from the other side then let us waste no time we check in with but at Sora for and Salomon who was securing the area for felon when the Legion came down on their heads each is kicking some massive demon booty and we let them know that it's time to regroup with the prophets naturally we also kill plenty of demons and disrupt their forces in the gardens until we find a Prophet's who's having a little moments Valon forgive me my son are you hurt I am unharmed your arrival is timely we must find the crest of knowledge before Talgarth takes it beyond our reach so he is here then I was afraid of this the memories of the past are hurting the prophets he had also spent saga together as many of the people as he could the follow dem offered his doom planets away from cigars his dark bargain punish deaths talk of betrayed him he did not retrieve Valens family as he was asked his wife Nuri and his sand Rakesh they stay behind as vannin let the people away those who have done the lies hard quest line you know that Rakesh was taken by kil jaeden tortured and tormented by Etrigan and Ballack until nothing of his beloved child remains only hatreds burn in his hearts and villain could only hold his child as the light died in his eyes he will escort villains safely to the crest if you cover our retreat we may just see this through lead the way prophet make haste my friends something dark and terrible stirs and it is not tell gas saga was also the one who located the dren eye on Draenor again and he reported it back to kil jaeden he was a very loyal follower and quite busy with corrupting native populations of all kinds of different worlds springing down countless of civilizations he tried to do the same to answer off by forging a pair of nimble Cutlass known as dry plates butter oaks they were able to put a halt to those plans and claim the weapons for the war against the Legion your streams will go through an torus if they escape the army of the lights has apparently also encountered talk of numerous times so here we shut down those leader portals for [ __ ] troops are pouring in and we also slay a fair few of them as we move further up into kil Jaeden terrorists worthless the crest alone is powerless this relics time has passed throw it in the temple with the Naru let them rot together at least we know where it is it is hidden in the seat of the triumvirate then I sense only darkness within as we know kil jaeden was not happy when fella did not agree with the plans they even swore off the head of his statue and they burned out the eyes Velan needs a moment to reflect on the choices he is made the day that will forever separated from his brothers the brothers in blood mind you but brothers all the same swirl royalty to me pledge the hearts of your people to my cause I will transform granting knowledge beyond imagining and might beyond measure together we will become and defeat the hunger avoid that would concern us it is little enough to ask for what he offers us such power and he speaks the truth I had hoped the others would sense the darkness behind sargeras's words but they were blinded by their vanity their hunger for power the atomic crystal zoom showed me the horrible truth what would come to pass if we accepted the Titans offer we transformed not into wise beavers monsters after witnessing the truth vella shared what he had learned with Ark mana kil jaeden but they didn't believe in division that he showed them and they remained convinced that going with Sargeras that was the best plan gently sorrowfully velum detached his fault from theirs now what was in his mind and heart state there he would never again share it with these two who had once been like extensions of his own soul not all my koi are large deal with this myself he's here how unlike you villain to stand your ground a welcome change of pace to be certain tal goth we need not come to blows I offer you one chance stand down still the pacifist I see face me oh how kil jaeden more for you do you know how deeply your departure wounded him I lost a beloved brother that day as well you did not lose him you gave it up all of it your people your planet even your family I have not forgotten your betrayal I only hope they would give you a reason to stay how cold of you leaving without your mate and child silence you dare speak of them struck a nerve today [ __ ] sir you hide behind your allies as usual we will finish this another tau this ends nice is your end if there is a shred of goodness left in you you will help us find the crest of knowledge you are far too late nothing will escape the temple not even the light itself I see safe journey Talgarth the prophet is not taking any prisoners as he smites the one who betrayed him and in his final moments still trying to hurt vellum saga actually gives us something to work with the crest of knowledge is apparently hidden away in the seat of the triumvirate and it's not unguarded if valance suspicions are correct then we may be facing a massive frets in the form of a dark naru we must return to the pinnacle and plan our next steps their town gaffes last words not even the light can escape what did he mean the darkness that lingers in the temple the shadow that looms over all of Macari is laura impossible she is a Naru a being of the light there is much Zera did not want you to know been fighting in the armies of light next to an arrow for a thousand years and never disraeli and find out about the darkest states this can happen when an arrow falls ill or about hand of mortals as we seen with the blood elves who drained the light of the Naaru if you push this far enough then it will turn into a void guards muru for example he turned into entropies there in the Sun well raids but there is a chance to recover dinero dude in the Aqua night Crips spent centuries regaining his lights and priests they use the artifact to restore Sarah from its Floyd caught state named Soraka it's a bit old the trolley I never knew that this could happen especially since it made Illyria she was thrown in prison for dealing with the voids but I guess there was just something that never came up must unite we has no time to celebrate our victory over tear gas Laura's dark song echoes in my mind if the crest of knowledge truly rests within the temple we stand against the void itself light help us without the crest of knowledge we cannot prevail come we must brave the darkness hold profit I have scouted the area the shadows grip Macari more tightly than you know the dark and narrow pulses with void energy it has become a beacon calling those who would use this power for their own ends he's far worse than I feared do we have the strength to face such a foe there may be another way I will require a second set of hands however the Naaru lura that stay behind to by felon in his people enough time to get away from the planets she is turned to a dark States pulsing the void energy which is now drawn the attention of the ethereal x' they are no strangers when it comes to the powers of the void as their homeworld of Kadesh that came under attack by dementia stole devouring he opened up countless gateways into the void and twisting at her all around the planets Haven Kadesh in arcane and dark energies they used every scrap of their advanced technology to crush rock Mexico barriers around their cities but it was only partially successful it did indeed block the dark energies pouring in but the unimpeded flood of arcane energy fits all away the Corporal shells and infused their souls with enough energy so that they could subsist without an actual body they started to bind themselves we've been Sean to strips of cloth to provide their souls with enough structure to survive now this altered states it actually proved to be a blessing disguise is there in hounds minds and magical abilities it allowed the officios to fight the Manchus to a standstill over the years though the Manchus grew so powerful that it was able to summon armies of fellow void creatures which in turn forced the ethereal stiffly into the twisting matter they've showed up several times we even seemed up to take care of the Manchus during our adventures within the Burning Crusade and now here they are drawn to the delicious powers of the voids ready to gather it for our own plans we already saw a similar scheme going down during the mage and priests artifact quest line and speaking of artifacts as we travel to Macari our shadow priest knife waifu zealots of blade of the black Empire she becomes very excited can you taste the sweet nectar of madness ha this place is one with it together with Illyria we go down to the ruins of Oran are to investigate the situation it is as I thought the voids corruption has reached them here I am certain it had helped take a look around call for me if you find anything of interest you must hold fast to your resolve temptation weakens the mind and spirit look inside yourself and see the strength your vigil has cultivated do not let the long dark night break you accept its gift look to the heavens above see the million points of brilliance in the great dark beyond no you are not alone our salvation is out there somewhere I found a survivor come to me we see echoes of oricon trying to keep his people saying well the whispers of the voids they fill their minds there's also a statue that fills our mind with a somber voice you must resist the shadows Poole come to me brothers and sisters be whole within the lights let Ericom show you the way home the rest of the message is car bolts and a nearby broken there knowing on some of the pieces of the statue so we make sure to collect the fragment prayers seeing how our account ride to keep them connected with the lights it seems like their transformation into the broken it was not because of the red mist that special weapon used by the orcs as that will sever your connection to the lights it looks like Argus just had a very similar effect we've devolved em into the broken come on out we mean you no harm a voice Archon has never heard this one before we found your messages yes Archon did call but he was not expecting Otakon is one of the few remaining broken there has not succumbed to the darkness he still remains selfish sanity Illyria could send someone avoid influences nearby and she thinks that dispelling these manifestations that it should help her new friend clearest minds the prayer fragments that we collect it they still some light energy in them so they'll do the trick well Archon himself he wants us to put down a few of his people enveloped by the darkness Archon was it can you tell us what happened to your people Archon knows yes Archon remembers now you remember something that he believes will save us Isilon is calling to him and there we will offer words to the lights the light will banish the darkness so we follow Archon to Isilon Archon remembers Isilon calls to us Isilon will look to the stars again that is not Isilon calling to you wait he's still here he crossed over into the void we may still be able to save him if we hurry who is that watch now as a weak mind gives way to darkness show us please please let me satisfy your curiosity thank you thank you all can finally understands it will all be undone there's nothing but the void you must know the truth resist their call Arcana Archon will make you understand No what you have seen is a lie we're losing him he cannot hear us we must end his suffering you had to learn this way rest now do you feel that something is pulling us back shadows can be an ally locus Walker I see you've met the Viceroy what are your people doing here I am here to find out follow if you can to get away the locus Walker we step into the realm of the void again and we find some information as to what these videos are doing the locus Walker is apparently Illyria teacher the way that she got into the void to begin with and ended up in shackles she surprised to see more of his kind deviling into voids but he had hoped to find more worthy souls on the planets to follow in his footsteps instead Illyria is still his best student all the rest of them they will simply be overtaken in the conquest of spreading the void and plunging Argos into darkness with a recent audio drama we did receive some more details and it turns out that Illyria she was assaulted by the powers of the voids and divisions shown it made a doubt about the power of the lights circumstance pushed her deeper into the voids the protectable of its aurelion to protect a child Anatole and answer all which eventually led to searching for the locust Walker the Legion had spent countless lives trying to capture him and eventually did succeed holding him on the planet of mascara leiria allowed herself to be captured as well and she made a bargain with him his teachings for his freedom but getting out of there did force her to leave behind her beau waiting from Marchman hunters to pick it up eventually the High Elf had the cutters that his shorts and returned to a beloved's using the pouch of the boy to save him but Zehra was not happy for her child wandering of the path of the lights and they placed her in Chains we also learned that you don't want to ask the locust Walker about his real name because he gets pretty pissy about its any video on the vena card he does know about him tamo Church verse 3 knows locust Walker as a disreputable individual who sought him out as a financier of a project the sound of profitable but he's never repaid as investments I need to finish what I started locust Walker can you go with your attachments what are you talking about why you're made of course how does he feel about your choices whether a lien trust me to make hard decisions and I him I am NOT talking about trust how can you expect to embrace the shadow with the light shining so brightly at your side without the light there is no shadow teacher locust Walker has showed us what the affairs are up to and we need to stop them from cultivated avoid calling it Argos we shut down a couple of the Freud harvesters and we kill a few the shadow Guard officials that have tragically succumbed to the call of the void after some consideration he decides to give Illyria this second chance another opportunity to pursue a destiny into the 40 these people are summoning a being of darkness to provide just enough energy for her to start over this specimen will do prepare yourself Illyria your friend here will hold its attention thing it's calling to me focus your mind remember your training eras are two elegan the void shows only half truths trust your instincts curse I won't let you I am not yours to claim I wonder if that half-truth did the show to her is a hint at something happening with rally and possibly connected to a some stream impossible to say I suppose but for now we pick up the hearts of now let's hope for a leery on to devour be gone wretched darkness be sure to collect our prize fleshly I will tend to Illyria the hearts of a demigod this is no mere token Illyria you take it and you will be one step closer to your destiny I understand thank you both of you how do you feel my head is swimming remember so long as your mind is your own you command this power it does not come at you Illyria is drawn to lura well she hands us the remnants of mallets off a core shadow that we use for the nether light crucible and by doing so we bring balance these two forces must coexist and their powers combined it allows us to empower the relics use for our artifacts now do we have all that we need it's time to join an area at the seat of triumph or it's to try and recover the crest of knowledge as well as dealing with your videos and their plans with the void inside we first encounter two Rowdies and its who represents the shadow guard first success at creating a void infuse broken whose mind has not fallen into madness a renowned brawler in his past life sera uses his newfound dark strength to empower his attacks and decimate his foes champions over here the shadow guard is building up its presence near the temple disrupting their efforts would benefit us all also their commander here has a particular item that would be useful to me just give the word heroes and we can begin the assault figure out their motives and put a stop to their efforts whose we shall push you back our mission will not be jeopardized the fish the etherium lord of the shadow guard he's forced to come out and face us directly after we kill a whole bunch of his troops the effort tactical Sarfarosh deploys the forces of the shadow guard we've calculated precision though a skilled commander and strategist sir fish relishes taking a direct hand in battle he turns his foes weaknesses against them leaving his vulnerable adversaries at the mercy of his ferocious pets I did not thank you for removing the obstacles between me and this staff heroes yes this will do nicely you'll find their Viceroy near the entrance to the temple feebly trying to break in eliminating him will give us opportunity to get in ourselves I'll see to opening the way once he's taken care of not sure if handing over the stuff to the locals Walker is a-brewing idea but words for later I suppose next up is the under king of this operation Viceroy Shire well I relish a healthy lust for power this humble like an amateur Viceroy inertia is obsessed with harnessing the power of the voice to serve his own ambitions drawn to decided to triumph or its buddy immense darkness emanating from deep within no jar will stop at nothing to claim it for his own giving the visor experiments and diffusing vessels with the power of shadow the implications of what he might accomplish nargis are dire indeed a chance of getting vengeance for our kin and stopping his plans sounds like a good enough reason to me to put the ethereal down the darkness was twin pain I sense great despair emanating from within Nora yes the Naaru we must get inside Illyria the skills you have learned can open the way understood champions once the door is open clear the way to Laura we will be right behind you the way is open hurry heroes such chaos such anguish I have never sensed anything like it before it is rare that an aru falls into void this way the few cases I know of have occurred when mortals were involved what fascinating implications such musings in wait though this entity must die like I mentioned before Laura was the one who stayed behind to buy the tree at a time to escape kil jaeden then enraged by this betrayal he ordered the wounded Naru to be sealed away in the seat of the triumph or it's over along Melanie repose Laura fell from the lights to the voids her elegant song of courage and hope it became a shadowy dirt of despair luring those seeking to lay claim to her power during battle she calls to the voice becoming immune to all attacks as rifts open up within the chamber but it also creates an opportunity for Illyria as we killed a reef warden seized the power of the portals Illyria it can become your weapon ain't coming she uses her mastery over voids to break the shield around the dark Naru which gives us the perfect opportunity to end her suffering [Music] you survived interesting how do you feel the voices are louder now more insistent but they do not control me you asked me to teach you to use the void as a weapon now that weapon is you it seems my training is complete let's not get ahead of ourselves we need to test the limits of this newfound power come it quite shocked the surprised Illyria is bombarded with the remaining essence of Laura she's become avoid clapping because of its but first she'll have to test the limits of this newfound power oh man this is this is going to be incredible I'm sure we're going to enter this bad air scenario in which she plays around with his new voidform maybe whispers will assault her mind or dark operations of the voids now drawn to her as a moth to the flame and through it all we get to stand at her sides and we get the help of ruit's I can't wait to see that go down so let's quickly grab the finger became here for the crest of knowledge and check in with Valyria at the fin de cam the caterpillar has become butterfly she is Oh apparently she's just standing there and looking like a regular self ah she mentions that she learned to control it off-screen the transformation to be witnessed is now completely on her control I see all right well at least we got the crest of knowledge and velan takes the eye of prophecy out of his weapon so let's see the badass conclusion of finishing the crown [Music] [Music] [Music] the crown is hole once more now we take the fight to the burning throne itself ready yourselves and Taurus awaits I see the FINA car got a shiny new color and Taurus the next raid awaits but not for a few more months and that is where the story of shadows of Argos ends for the moments of course there is still more on its way the story is not finished yet swiftrage still ahead of us but I feel like the breaking point of the storyline it should have been done a little bit better maybe we could have even unlocked flying an Argos in the direction of the VIN the car has now been upgraded with the powers of the crown it's now powerful enough to keep you safe while flying in the sky in my opinion there have been previous Suites I also think that the army of the lights and the story on Argos as a whole it needs some additional storytelling I don't care if it's a short story or comic or even happens in animation something that explains what burned down before we made a way to the planets and at this points I go into a little rants as to how would love to see more details about Illyria through alien low-friction her path into the voids in the relation with Sara but that wish came true with a new audio drama so well done blizzards the only thing I would still like a bit more information on there would be the broken the crow could have a party with why it's a tune so hostile towards velum when they were the ones who volunteered to stay behind what were the millenia dealing with the leads in an arc is like but that's really a minor thing and I'm really really happy with the additional audio drama last week we finished at the main storyline for shadows of Argos but there are a couple of minor things there didn't flow well with the overall storyline cerdos I want to cover today as well as talk a little bit about what's coming up and speculate about the future first things first though under Finn the card we have a couple of conversations going on with people on the ship one thing the fans have been waiting to see for a very long time debt is a Windrunner reunion the moment that's Illyria Steph proved our portal it was pretty emotional and she wanted her sisters to have something to remember her by piranha was charged with bringing her farewell message as well as two specially crafted necklaces she melted down a necklace given to her by her parents and held on to the Emerald one we're giving the Ruby and Sapphire to savannas and Felicia allows happens in a time where she's been gone Sylvanas has gone through a whole other story line which Illyria knows nothing about she stood against Arthas and discouraged the defender kingdom and her people she's been turned into a banshee and I made war chief of the hordes how would someone like Illyria react to seeing her sisters again and this is what we got impossible I refuse to believe she now leads the fort not after all they did to our people during the war there's more I'm I'm not sure how to explain the rest or if this is even the time or place to I must know very sir what fate befell our sister give me a moment I will do my best to explain perhaps we had best discussed the matter in private there's not going to be the end of it I hope anyways and we'll see more with Sylvanas in the future Felicia definitely has reasons to hate the Horde the bombing a fairer more they took away our own in but it's not the same hordes that Illyria fought against they literally have the Horde joined the army of the light in the fight against the Legion surely she realizes that this is not the same you can also check out a pretty fun dialogue with Khadgar Alleria and Turalyon as well as a conversation with a four circuit car and then there's one with leo drain and seal clean so besides these little stay a while and listen conversations a couple of you mentioned seeing a familiar name near the circle of esperance which is a comma and you asked what's up with debts how come his spirit is just sitting here while our Akama is still very much alive I understand the confusion since sometimes the use of term spirits and sometimes use the term echo but I say that this is definitely an echo similar to the echo of Vela and arc mount era quiche and pretty much any and all of these ghostly beings that are walking around these are memories of the past a way to show reflection of what Argos was like before the coming of the Legion a couple of you also ask me what's a Valerius bow why is she using toss Tara but I believe that she does acknowledge March misshape hunters using her bow I would have words with you hunt master the Risa told me you accompanied her on the mission Tunis kara that you risked your own life to rescue me and prevented her from falling into the inquisitors trap it is clear you will pass Dora with skill and finesse you bring honor to the bow and to the memory of those who carried it before you there may come a day when I will have need of my family weapon once again but for now at least I have a different path to follow hold as Dora proudly champion know that you have proven worthy of it from this point forward I'm going to talk about the upcoming raid and I'm going to cover some major spoilers that we know of the ending of leads and ambience so if you don't want to be spoiled and you don't want to know quite yet let me just say thank you very much watching so far and have a fantastic day for those that are sticking around during part two of shadows of Argos we heard Sargeras talk to Agrabah [Music] if we look at the adventure guide and we open up on Taurus the burning throne we could see that aggramar is not the only Titan that sir Garris was able to get his hands on a or nod has been able to hide away but the others I'm Anna foo Gorgon F Cosgrove an organ on there currently being tortured by the coven of Shahada prepare to be reborn as a whole brand-new Pantheon this is one that does not stand against sir Karras and joins him in a mission of scouting the universe of its corruption that is what they're working on that is the rebirth he doesn't want to see disturbs the hour of rebirth draws near are the souls prepared our pen still resists the true path master but they will soon be broken one still is us her essence is needed to ensure the victory of my crusade the livebinder will soon reveal herself she will not escape me master when my new Pantheon rises no power in the universe will stand against the Legion eonar is the last one that he needs the last one to complete the new Pantheon but they haven't been able to capture her yet and we still have time to help her out I remember the awakening how life sprang forth all around us I remember unity until it was shattered by betrayal I remember fleeing to keep him from his prize the time for hiding is over heed me everything so a lot of people wondered how exactly is it possible for cigars to get his hands on their essence on their very souls with agram are you could say okay he was destroyed by the dark tights and so his soul was still around but the others there describes of making away back to Azeroth and entering the keepers this thing caused a domino effects like the corruption of yorkshire on where to keep his new ruler and a dense isolation leading interlace Shen become a defender king and a later on Rafi on devouring his hearts at this points I don't know for sure perhaps he was able to get her some part of their souls left behind when they mated escape and now he's planning to make more little avatars or perhaps when their powers were expanded expanded from the keepers they return to where their journey began and that is where Sagaris picked them up if we try we can give a spin to it without red calling The Chronicles and we are going to do our very best to stop this rebirth stop surgeries from corrupted Pantheon and get their aid in dealing with the dark titans plans that is the main frets and along the way we have a couple of buses standing in a way good Ralphy world breaker constructed deep within the core of Argos and outfitted with an arsenal capable of decimating worlds this war machine has been designed for a single purpose to bring the mortals invasions to its knees it's a foul river with a massive cannon trying to blow us up fel hounds of Sargeras infused with fire and shadow for arc and she took our the prized pets of Sargeras bread for carnage these hounds delight in eviscerated the mass of enemies with the army of the lights and their allies advancing upon a torus the legion prepares to unleash these vicious creatures on through battle fields and put an end to the mortals invasion fire and shadow trying to see it our soul and puppies you do not want to keep next to each other then there is the untoward and high command's long ago in the Golden Age of added our civilization a council was formed to oversee the defense of Argos and maintain peace but after the dark bargain was struck with Sargeras these masked technicians use the military expertise to help orchestrate a burn crusade that ravaged countless of worlds now the full might of the legions army is theirs the commands and they wield this terrible power to annihilate all who oppose the dark titans will they have command parts from which they can fights but they also leave one empty be taken over and for those that want to take revenge for the Zen and are being blown out of the sky chief engineer ishgard one responsible he is part of this encounter Porto keeper has Abell maintains the Nexus through which the Legion has unleashed its insidious armies upon countless of worlds with portals that open to a myriad of strategic locations throughout the great dark beyond ezza Bell is capable of bringing a might of the leaders arsenal to bear upon any who oppose her she will open up a fiery portal to sort off upon Vulcan our shows up a fell portal to Ankara - which lady Dissidia shows up and a shadow portal soon enough Rosa from H Lord Algar shows up zurafa might sound familiar to warlocks out there as that's the world where the infernal dread steeds and Rossi's come from from quorum that's a newly named planets but since lady the Scythian is one of those spider demons step might be their homeworlds is enough Rosa that is the whole world of the naff regime a planet's invaded by Illidan and his demon hunters Durden awful Illidan it was once a world of magic and knowledge but now a twisted landscape from which none escaped possibly because Illidan he made sure to cause so much damage that it suffered the same fate as Draenor turning its Outlands then Ian are the life binder though she was felled by the blade of Sargeras the livebinders essence escaped the cross of the dark Titan after millennia spent hiding in isolation and our sanctuary has been discovered by the Legion should are so fallen to the enemy's hands a owners power of nature and crow will be perverted to make the bird crusade unstoppable the forces of the Legion are going to try and take her out we must defend her and by her enough time to strike back the infamous Iman out of the soul Hunter serves as the leads his bloodhounds capable of tracking prey across the cosmos with a vast array of gadgets and traps as his disposal M&R has yet to lose a bounty and he certainly doesn't intend to sully is perfect records by failing to prefer his latest contracts a bounty hunter recruited to take us out aren't we special now we have kinga ruff the design of every Legion war machine dead stems from the depraved mind of King Gaara obsessed with crafting implements of death Ginga Roth infused his very body into the production machinery so he could more efficiently churn out a never-ending supply of destruction and to behest of the latest Dark Master King groves fever brilliance has developed a new super weapon which he plans to unleash upon the army of the lights he switches between construction and deployments setting out fel Reaver swell the automated defenses of his workshop they rained death upon his enemies an old familiar face is also founded on tortoise very mafias as one of the dreadlords overseeing the Lisa forces during a third war Mary mafias failed to stop the rebellious Lich King he submitted to an ill-fated alliance with Sylvanas Windrunner they made one last bid for power before facing a humiliating defeat in payment for his blunders very muffler's had been tortured by the governor Chavira the vindictive sister stripped away both flesh insanity leaving only a singular desire to inflict suffering upon the mortals who cost him everything that law's bid for power that was during Ralph the Lich King where together with apothecary putress they took over the Undercity and he tried to summon Sargeras the alliance to the hordes they both went in to put a stop to nets and apparently he's been tortured for a very long time the poor guy is not looking so great and he has some interesting stuff to say but we'll get to that later on next we have the coffin of Shahadah the one responsible for torturing fatima for us and the pantheon they proven themselves to be the most depraved a fanatical of all of cigars his followers he entrusted a covenant with the unholy task of twisted the minds of the Fallen Titans into an unstoppable dark Pantheon each sister employs her own signature brand of torture eliciting screams which echo through the halls often tourists it is set that night a [ __ ] or demon can refuse the whispers making it only a matter of time before the will of the Titans is broken during a battle will face two of the sisters directly while the other two they are torturing the Titans and forcing their powers to be used against us defeating the tormented operations of the Titans that is the key to defeating the coven itself and freeing the souls of Amon fool Gorgon f Cosgrove an organ on so we're going to free their souls and we're going to move on to one already taken over by Sargeras to aggramar once the noble avenger of the pantheon aggramar was struck down by Sargeras and reborn as a Titan of destruction he now stands at the core of Argos guarding a power that could unmake the universe not even demons are permitted to trance within the Titans halls and any mortals bold enough to trespass they will be reduced to cinders but Agra Mars Burning Blade Tala he actually has a corrupted ages remember the ages of a Grimaldi we had to pick up and this corrupted avatar stands in front of the world soul of Argos the awakening of my brother Argus together our new Pantheon will join the master in breaking your fetid world but you will not live to see it not much is known about the final encounter in the journal but we are going to see Argus Tionne maker bounce broken eons of existence knowing only pain a shattered soul fuelling infinite evil the master beckons rise rise begin the end of all things the speaker mackney he is hurt the anguish whispers of young maker an emerald star calling out from the darkness Illyria also dealt with the spirit of Argos s thoughts during the audio drama but this time it tried to communicate Illyria felt as its roar emotion gave way to something else memories it was sending her its entire lifetime in a single uncontrolled burst in that instant while the corrupted fount of arcane light was upon her her mind was transported elsewhere blink it was energy spilling out into the cosmos click someone's near a son and and around it to protect it as it grew generations of life lived and died upon it it was betrayed it was bound by something powerful hey it hurts so much it's only solace lay within its dream [Music] world they burn the world they used its strength to revive their fallen Souls it hurts so much blink they found another it was much more powerful they wanted to claim it to the legion set their eyes and claim it a final Titan namely Azeroth and with it under their control they would be unstoppable apparently the Legion also used the strength of the Titan of Argos to revive their fallen souls now I usually thought that this meant that he would revive them at a foster Waits since demons always had immortality when killed outside at the twisting nether this was true even during the days that Sargeras was still fighting against them way before he ever made his way to Argos and it's also the reason why he created the prism grow Tamar doom to contain the demons rather than simply have to respond again Argos is one of those places where you can permanently kill a demon but then it does seem like the demon Skilton argost that they actually returned to on Taurus according to Illidan when you do the world quest [ __ ] off - betrayed he thinks that the dwellers punishment in a Taurus will be severe so it's a little bit unclear perhaps Sargeras Watts dead the demons permit if that it's a bit of a weakness for his army and with the Titan Argos under his command he was able to utilize his power and remove that weakness like I said it's a little bit unclear but whatever we need to be able to tighten Argos and the Pantheon is going to help outs there's even a day to mind ability called reap soul which says all players are instantly killed we're not for the Titans all hope will be lost and together aggramar includeds we are going to stand against these impossible odds not a key pitiful encounter shrouded in mystery but the end result is already known matters not we have lost look to the skies Sargeras were soon undo all we have fought for no we will use the last glimmer of Argus's power to light him here the seat of the Pantheon shall become sargeras's prison and ours as well you would condemn yourselves to stop him a sacrifice must be made our world must survive no matter the cost the final act will haunt us the last of Argos is power to imprison Sargeras once and for all return home children of Azeroth protects the final Titans heroes I can signal the Titans to begin once they start the ritual there's no turning back prophet what happened out there Illidan serves as the dark Titans jailer his sacrifice has ended the Legion had long lost the Burning Crusade is over isn't it ironic the powers from Argos the being imprisoned by Sargeras are now turned against him to a prison him at the siege of Pantheon and Illidan imprisoned for 10,000 years he now becomes his jailer I'm sure that my F is very jealous and will miss her Ella Willie greatly but that is the end of Legion as the children of Azeroth they return home so Garris is imprisonment their leaves the window open for the Titans and Illidan to return one day and while the burner Crusades debt for which the Burning Legion was formed to begin with that is indeed over it does not mean the end of all demons they're now free from their enslavement to Sargeras as low-friction put it and free to do whatever they like they might find a planet in festival cards again basking in the power they might conquer new world for themselves or perhaps some will decide to keep going with the mission against the void potentially become allies in the future disguise the limits as always with speculation and keep in mind that the things we're going to talk about next they are indeed speculation I'll do my best the support as much as I can with the information that is data mines and there is no but all of this is not set in stone so before we go away Illidan is going to hand over a couple of farewell messages for his twin brother Mel Furion his beloved Rhonda and one for us you have proven your commitment to Azeroth your dedication your sacrifice rivals my own but more will be asked of you so much more even now enemies gather and the shadows grow darker from this day forward the defense of our world of all we hold dear rests with you now is not the time to ponder personal regrets we must see to healing the world champion the soul of our world is in agony in my lifetime I have twice witnessed a thundering of the world mother moon I pray I do not see a third the Legion is defeated its master imprisoned but in his final spiteful act Sargeras may have doomed us all our world is wounded champion its life essence seeps out into the sands just as Magni foresaw her feelings are jumbled I need to focus let your thoughts flow into our sands soaked in pain rivers rivers of blood skies aflame assort the wound burning Sun Jairus the dark Titan comes this mere drop of Argos blood surges with incredible power the might of a Titan if the blood of Azeroth also proves to be a source of such strength those who seek to rule this world will stop at nothing to possess it the days ahead may be dark indeed for now go to silithus gaze upon the wound in the world with your own eyes we will find a way to save Azeroth I know it alright so something's going to go down with Azeroth and a data minder syllabus that shows us a wound which kind of looks like an eye but more likely it's a garis being able to give one last fu to the children of Azeroth as he tries to hurt the titan spirit he's been lusting for for so very long a broken blade is pushed into the planets and it's recently enough is that when we did the Magnus scenario some outer bound trickery apparently revealed that her beating hearts the location where they keep an eye on her dreams that was also in silithus we can't take that as canon quite yet but it's pretty certain that the dark Titan was able to stab the final Titan and she's hurting the last time this happened was when the Titans ripped the old got your sure ash out of the planets and the keepers were forced to patch the wound from keeping her life essence flooding out creating the well of eternity many many years later this well would become incredibly unstable after were the ancients and his son drink took place this is the first son during that's wrong witnessed then came the Cataclysm with Deathwing breaking through the world's causing the Cataclysm elements an uproar massive changes to the planets and she fears for a third one [Music] [Music] yep it's back to the delicious whispers of the organ off and let's try to decipher them so they're stabbing of the planets that could be her quote on the fur deaf deferred massive events happening to the planets Magni Bronzebeard is the king of diamonds speaking for the titan spirit of Azeroth drawing strength from the earth but a world with a heart is a greater and they have filled it you're in America scenario we heard the beating heart of the planets and darkness had definitely taken over the place forcing us to step in and clean it up a place potentially stabbed by Sir Garrett's but then why is Magne their pawn as he seemingly seems to listen to as ro well remember what exactly he is done he pointed us towards the five pillars of creation which we needed the seal of the Gateway at the tomb of Sargeras get car the Lord of Ravens then used the five keys the five pillars of creation within the tomb of Sargeras but our adventures in a place that lets Illidan opening up a massive rift between as Rolf and Argus which in turn allowed surgeries easy access for stabbing the planets wield a Titan spear in pain be beneficial for the old gods well we really knew that one of the prisons was weakening from zealots off in the Emerald nightmare almost completely gone as if it never existed but the rift is deep and vast and somewhere down there it stirs something has changed the last prison weakens we must prepare so are we just talking about herself here or are the other old girls also coming out to play will we see the rebirth of the black Empire what we do have this line [Music] from The Chronicles we learned that the one responsible for the curse of flesh debt which made the creations of the Titans weaker more vulnerable to corruption and gave them flesh that was yucks wrong we've seen a pokin around you are at the very start of Legion so he's definitely been active the only one that hasn't really done much in the expansion there will be the old guard C'thun who's very close to the wounded silithus and a couple of months ago someone uploaded a picture from the poem on the reddit page in which we can see a circle of stars which has a lot of people speculate that deep home or day spots this is where we're going to drown ourselves perhaps with the Maelstrom but as some have also pointed out that is not the location of news off in 2 chronicles things change of course but let's not forget that we saw a lot of his minions during our questing every year but we can't be certain that he's somewhere beneath the waves of a straw it is of course assuming that the heeded to talk about did this actually news off but you know this one is pretty vague let's move on to the next one yes also one it's a little bit hard to pin down what it's talking about it could be the things seemed fine on the planet of Azeroth but there's actually a lot of darkness down below the surface or perhaps it was hinting at Zara and Anaru and the recent development with the lights that they're not all so fantastic at Holi and they actually have a bit of a dark side the boy King is reference since the black dragon has offered us a fair few lies but I don't remember them having a system of royalty amongst their flights not to mention that he's not even actually deafening some some suggests it's more a son but is anyone really going to listen to what a eight or ten year old has to say not to mention there we go against a lot of character development that they had for Moira during mr. fedora and it would be very left fields I still think that its end win mainly because it's just too much of a coincidence they have cooled and call him boy King as well yeah variance will fall to dust your new Bali King will bow down and serve me as will all of you that means there we saw some lives look forward to which I think the Alliance could definitely use since it's been way too unified ever since the Cataclysm up to the points where it's getting a little bit boring having end win in the role as king trying to fill his father's shoes and failing not being completely honest that leaves a lot of room for character developments a lot of room for drama amongst the Alliance ranks the most recent abroad at the head that was gray main going after silver an assist or mine but that actually had quite a lot of story and reseed go with it so it wasn't that much of a drama and certainly death story line seems to be cut out of Legion there was quite a bit of build-up between these two quite a lot of things that Sylvanas was planning with the wielkie air and hell yeah but in the ends all really got was them going off the towers well the rest of the horde and alliance they focused on the war against the Legion speaking of Sylvanas this brings us back to the interesting stuff too very much for us had to say when we encounter him in a Cell he says you're a lion still indoors longer than I expected Lucy has already planted the seeds of its downfall she is patient that one when your Thrones run red with betrayal when your holy places burn and the shattered mask hangs above your hearth only then will you know that it will be too late it matters not you are blind to the true darkness closing in around you [Music] she found me at last set her underlings to finish the job tell me when she seized your throne of hides and bones was your allegiance forced no I'd wager you surrendered it willingly or were convinced you did it matters not you are blind to the darkness in your midst death claims us Oh even this had some speculates and wonder about who did she is some connected it's Jana but I'm going to take it at face value here and believe that he's talking about Savannah's the shadow mask hangs above your heart that is the symbol of the Forsaken and vari muffler's has a lot of history with Savannah's asking if her underlings have come to finish the job of course let's not forget the disavowed they've tortured him into madness so the source is a bit shaky but say that we completely trust him then some sort of storyline we so farness in which he believes she will betray us all our Thrones will run reds and the true darkness is closing in around us when we think back as the house of Anna's seize the throne of heights and bones then we go back to the moments where Vol'jin was poised by the Legion his end was coming and the spirits told him a name spirits say this will claim me soon in the end death claims us all but the Horde will live on I have never trusted you nor would I have ever imagined in our darkest time that's who to one deceive us the spirits have granted me clarity of vision they whisper a Neve mean a will not understand what's the loss tea powder - our doors and [Music] Indians deaf clintus all indeed very mufflers and savannas now sadly her role as war chief that's been uneventful possibly because some of the stories being cutouts now another war chief up on the chopping block like a rush I don't think a lot of people are looking forward to that's not to mention that savannas has a huge fan base they don't want to see the quick go that's not to say that they can't do anything interesting with her character her main objective ever since he tossed herself from the top of ice crown it has been to stay alive to not return to the hell that he saw and at bay and to help worry this she made a bargain at the wielki year who in exchange from being released from overs control they would take a place in hell and would even resurrect more forsaken the shrink from the bulwark against the infinite the small bits that we saw of her in Legion that was making a bargain with hell yeah queen of the underworld in order to obtain some sort of device that allowed her to suffocate tight watch a year and as we saw in the halls of valor a year has the power to create more of the FAL Kia more Valkyr means extra bonus lives and extra manpower to create more Forsaken that's no real change to promoters she still wants to stay alive at all costs what we don't know how much of what she saw how much of what the wielki told her is actually the true why she dropped down from Icecrown she landed on top of cerro Knights and Sarah Knight is the blood of the old guard Joxer on the divisions of Hell shown to her they could be false the Valkyr all they wanted was to be let go of boomers control but what if they really wanted was to join the Banshee Queen and recruiting more troops for the Lich King Icecrown Citadel and the Lich King itself they've also been speculated to be influenced by yorkshire on part of that is because ice crown is build up out of satellites we see a vision of Arthas inside of Joxer ons mines and during Legion we see both over putting the death Knights of Icarus to work sure enough the girls lined up with face in the Legion but at the same time they are resurrecting more deaf knights and several quest lines it shows us that our so-called followers they are dealing with the Lich King on their own rather than have so far as to be a full-blown bad guy have outside forces influence her she wouldn't even be here created more undead was enough for the hell that she saw so perhaps it was actually yoke Chiron pushing her to go on pushing the Lich King to create more forces for them only to have them turn around at the moment and served a true master serve yuck sure Ron could even add a return of Kel'Thuzad if you really wanted bovar trying to go against Joxer on half Gophers and help them out with its team up with ice crown in the Battle of the north what else do they have to work with well we know for Blizzcon that Jaina Proudmoore is featured promptly as the Warcraft representative it's highly likely they were going to see you next expansion announcement during this Blizzcon and we also have data mined armor pieces for cultists if we are going to deal with Ness off an old God set to be beneath the ways of Azeroth then a marine state like culturas that could definitely come in handy last time we saw Jaina she was still not willing to work together with the hordes and she left done because of it and after that she has really made an appearance perhaps she went back to her home of cultists but it does leave the question how well she's received there don't forget that she let her father be killed it is a marine state so a direct line of rulers that's not really a thing nor does she have a whole lot of experience with naval warfare she is however a very talented sorceress with a lot of connections so perhaps she could be the bridge into venturing forth into new contents allowing us to explore more islands and different parts of the planets the Legion wasn't a big enough fret for her to work together with the hordes so perhaps losing and win the boy king serving at the Masters table perhaps that would be something to push her into realizing like okay our world is definitely messed up I just lost one of the last things that I really care about please horts please come join coulter us in a war please help us fight against the old gods or she's actually serving the old gods but I really hope nuts so wave away onto the sea we of course have Queen Azshara and the Nagas that have been served the old gods for a very long time they were dead sets and obtaining the tide stone of kokand aftering Legion trying to flood the land and take control now with the master rising from the sea their time is now could also cease and the lad and King bhrastika perhaps Vol'jin as Aloha warning us that things are not what they seem to be with savannas something to redeem just killing him off like that and not giving him his time to shine as the war chief we in what else we gots what what about the chroma scenario that seems to be kind of out of nowhere and disconnected from the overall Lita storyline someone was trying to kill our crow me with all kinds of different forces like the Boyd and a demons and we had to go to this timeline a timeline that was not meant to be and we had to save her part of being a bronze dragon that is knowing your moment of demise and making sure that time flows as it's supposed to be regardless if that means you're going to die in one instance or perhaps in a future still to come the bronze record no storm ooh he was actually tricked by the old guards into trying to subvert his mortality as a result Nozdormu shared the time waves and he created the infinite drag of lights we are truly going to deal with the old guards and this is still a future supposed to happen and according to the Nozdormu bu Morrison's and being killed by us that is his true moment of demise that means we might see the birth of the infinite dragonfly take place buffoon is located pretty close to the capital time and from mr. Pandaria we still have one potential vision of the future that never came true the demise of sir adore me s Cairo storm watch note that I do say a potential timeline it's not guaranteed to become a reality but the loss of his mates that might be something to push nozdormu into going mad and abusing his powers how cool would be the team up with crow me and Rafi on and figure out who it was that was trying to kill her dive into alternate timelines and see what different universes could be like it's a concept that they use for the novel for all to pilot the aspects and I would love to see a play out in game deal with foon and the birth of the infinite Rekha flights leading into a full circle of Morrison's showing up their catechism and nose door moves to demise as last it has come to pass the moment of my demise the loop is closed my future self will cause no more harm still in time I will fall to madness and you here hos will vanquish me the cycle will repeat so it goes right so just to summarize all of this real quick there is a potential storyline wave Silvana's Joxer on the Lich King and calhfa's ad in the north a potential storyline with C'thun and a bronze / infinite dragon flight in the southwest potential or aligned with news off in the great seas of Azeroth oh sure Ana Naga Jana and Cole Terrace different islands more the world of Azeroth to explore and win serving us free lines and creating some sort of conflict within the Alliance there is more of course we have the videos very interested in the voids Illyria being a weapon of the void but never willing to hurt her son cerulean seeing a similar vision of himself without ordering the audio drama as a Natur has always dreamed of Naya Lofa a realm mentioned by several creatures of the void could this be the domain of the void Lords and after dealing with the problems on our own home worlds will be finally venture forth into the great dark beyond and explore whole different planets speaking of the videos some of you asked me what potential races they could add to this expansion and heave burials with order shiny new models they could definitely be a thing and are heavily connected to dealing with the void the whole reason what it look like The Mummy creatures that we see today that is because of that man she is the oldest ouring so there could be a thing but perhaps better kept for the future expansion as we go into the great dark beyond the other two potential races and that's assuming we're even going to get a new race those Beamer Lux and Naga but both kind of the problem of not being able to wear old armor the origin of the Nagas and their adventures on the de-seed devil flows so very well with the story of myself and merlocks serving them also being beneath the waves what stories they might have to tell that of course more race to pick from but those like my top three now I wouldn't say no to more customization with the current races that we have for example give humans the option to also pick fry COO that we met up with a installed hime OD else good potential night born skin Turin we have the high mountain torrent sup races that adds to the customization in the Department of new classes same deal assume we're going to get a new class we have Illyria pretty much combining a shadow priest with a hunter on paper I think that sounds pretty sweet being able to combine abilities of different classes into one but I don't think it will work out that well in practice we'll keep it a game sum up balance if we are going to get a new class I would like to see it be arranged close maybe that long-awaited mech class the people are speculating about with the addition of the light mechs we see anarchists that could be a thing but it's very hard to say as a final notes some of you wondering if we're going to see a massive time skip on Azeroth considering that time doesn't work the same as we party in the nether we have Alleria and Turalyon fighting with the armies delight for a thousand years but from our point of view they've only been missing for around 35 that's the problem with the time-skip idea it's actually reversed in the matter Rigo faster but as ralph actually goes slower meaning that unless our war Nargis took at least 500 years from our perspective we won't see a massive change on Azeroth I'm actually going to laugh my ass off if they pull another Wallis that I know and be like surprised your father was going to be for it lords didn't yeah nope wrong go party and alternate Argos we have some stuff for you to do there ah that would be awesome but yeah I can't wait to find out what we're going to see a Blizzcon and this is usually one of the most fun times to play around in as in speculation running rampant and the sky is the limits can't wait to find out more but for now I think I've been going on for long enough so thank you very much for sticking with me and I hope you enjoyed all of these videos as much as I enjoyed making them subscribe if you like my videos leave a like if you enjoyed this one and all tracks and guys see ya oh I see them a million million worlds glittering in their perfection one above all others Oh oh we have fallen we must rebuild the final Titan do not forget what are you trying to pull it it is gone I don't remember any of it Oh none of them remember he Huayra knee
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 718,453
Rating: 4.7128425 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Shadows of Argus, Patch 7.3, World of Warcraft, Legion, Army of the Light, Azeroth, Horde, Alliance, Velen, Illidan, Vindicar, Xenedar, Turalyon, Alleria, Arator, Windrunner, Draenei, Broken, Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, Burning Legion, Sargeras, Pantheon, Titans, Demons, Lothraxion
Id: uttOh3QvXzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 42sec (7842 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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