The Story of The Rogue Order Hall Campaign [Lore]

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Hello everyone! When watching the events unfold during the assault on the broken shore, did you ever wonder to yourself...why are we attacking at this time? Why was Varian so certain that they could make it out of there. Why did the alliance and horde walk blindly into this obvious death trap? Didn’t they have scouts to inform them and warn them about the situation? Well as it turns out, the rogue campaign fills in some of the blanks so that’s what we’re going to talk about today! Let’s begin shall we?! “For the alliance” After Khadgar and the Kirin Tor Teleport Dalaran to the broken isles, a ravenholdt courier shows up with an urgent message from none other than Jorach Ravenholdt: Lord Jorach Ravenholdt: “Your presence is requested in the Hall of Shadows at once. Enter the Glorius Goods storefront and utter “the raven calls” to Red. He will show you the way. Come alone, and ensure you are not followed. The eyes of the Uncrowned are upon you.” Jorach Ravenholdt is the leader of the Ravenholdt assassin organization who could be found within their headquarters called Ravenholdt manor, located in the Hillsbrad Foothills. They were the rivals of another rogue faction called the syndicate and before the cataclysm, not a lot of action was seen at the manor. Rogues used to go there to learn how to detect traps, there was a sunken temple questline with Jorach and reaching exalted with Ravenholdt was part of the Insane in the Membrane achievements. With the cataclysm we found the black dragon Wrathion taken to the manor while still in his egg, he hatched and recruited rogues for his legendary quest to arm them with some beautiful daggers and help him with taking on his corrupted black dragonflight family. When order halls were anounced, a lot of rogues were hoping for a spot in the manor but blizzard decided to give them a base in the sewers of Dalaran. At least they get a little bit of Ravenholdt as he’s leading the Uncrowned. Tethys: “Ah! There’s our final member. Welcome to the crew!” Taoshi: “Don’t worry, they’re friendlier than they look. Jorach: “I’m pleased you chose to heed our call. We’ve discussed inviting you into our ranks for some time.” He’s not the only member of course, those present om the halls of the uncrowned are Fleet Admiral Tethys of the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Princess Tess Greymane, daughter of Genn Greymane. Valeera Sanguinar, former arena group member of Varian and Broll. Taoshi, one of the best among the Shado-Pan and Garona Halforcen, the half orc, half draenei who was forced to murder Varian’s father, gave birth to Med’an and worked against Cho’gall and the twilight hammer during the Cataclysm. All of them are gathered here as the slayers of kings, the downfall of empires, the unseen blades that write the true history of this world. Seated before us are the Shadows, the council which aims the blades of the Uncrowned wherever their will demands. They have brought us here today with an offer: “We’re offering you a seat at our table. Take it, and your questions will be answered. You have but to sit.” “Smart choice.” “We are the Shadows, leaders of the uncrowned.” “We employ a variety of methods to ensure the safety of Azeroth....and to secure our rightful place within it.” “Not the least of these methods is secrecy. As our titles suggest, we prefer to stay in the shadows. But the events at the Broken Shore have forced our hand. We haven’t the time for subtlety. We invite you to this table because we are confident you have the skills it takes to face this threat directly....and to prevail.” “Settle in, then we can discuss the details.” “Good to have a new face at the table! I was getting tired of Tethys’s ugly mug...No offense, Tethys. “None long as you don’t insult me face!” “I’ve heard many tales of your accomplishments. I can’t imagine half of them could be true.” As a welcome gift we get the Uncrowned Insignia, carried by all members of the uncrowned at all times since there’s no other way to be sure that you are who you say you are since you know, nobody can murder you, steal it, and pretend to be you. “That insignia marks you as one of us. Carry it with you always.” They’ve been looking for someone who can operate outside their halls and we’re the answer to that search. We will be their blade in the dark that vanquishes their foes, but in order to do so, we’ll first need a powerful artifact to wield in the war against the Legion. The members have 3 plans ready to go, we pick which artifact we want to pursuit and upon returning to base, we celebrate with a little toast. “Cling cling, hear hear! I’d like to propose a toast. Today, Randomi secured the legendary Dreadblades, and in doing so has enabled us to strike at the Legion directly.” “Join me in raising a glass not only to our newest Shadow, but to the dawn of a new era for the uncrowned.” *sip* “well done!” “Somethin’s off about this here brew...” ‘Vanessa...?” “Did you really think I died in the Deadmines? My elixir brought me just close enough to death to fool your weakened mind.” “Did you know that I was favored to become the final shadow? Yet despite their assurances, every single one of them put their lot in with you instead. It’s a pity, really, Jorach did so much for me. He won’t be happy when he comes to and finds you dead. Let’s see how long you last.” “It’s nothing personal. This is purely business. Come on, show me the “legendary fighter” I’ve heard so much about!” Vanessa van Cleef, Daughter of Edwin van Cleef who was murdered by adventurers during Classic and by doing so, they orphaned poor Vanessa. She spend her life learning, training, she was never very good at hand-to-hand combat, not like her father, but she did become very good at poisons. During the cataclysm, we saw her revive the Defias Brotherhood, turn the people against Stormwind and lead assaults upon Razor Hill. Once more we ventured into the deadmines, took down her crew and Vanessa, but apparently she was able to fool us all and make it out alive. “Stop! Stop! No more!” “Oh, my head...Valeera, you okey?” “VanCleef, the Uncrowned still have a use for you. You have a and serve as Randomi’s agent ... or die where you stand.” “Shockingly, I’d prefer to live.” “Then it’s settled. Congratulations. VanCleef is one of our best as you’ve witnessed firsthand. I trust you will be true to your word, Vanessa. I’d hate to imagine your father being disappointed in you.” “Perhaps the others were right.” After putting Vanessa in her place, we meet up with Marin Noggenfogger who recently completed a project which should allow us to increase the strength of our weapons. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Is that the new Shadow I see walkin’ into my vault? Un-freaking’- believable!” This goblin with his pile of riches and his own personal sweat regulators has earned his fortune from a very popular potion called the Noggenfogger Elixir. I haven’t seen it been used much recently, but back in the day everybody was dropping their money to buy his wares which earned him a pretty penny. He even became the baron of gadgetstan and now he got his hand s on a rare venom from an uncharted island deep in the south seas. They captured as much as they could, his boys build a device that can inject the venom into our weapons and by doing so, greatly empower it. There’s just one catch, he wants a wopping 100 gold for his services, but hey, we have these legendary blades in our hands, what good are they if not to threaten a greedy goblin. “hey hey hey hoooo, hey I don’t want no trouble. Go right ahead, geez!” After upgrading our weapon we talk with Nikki the Gossip standing next to the bulleting board, we select our first point of attack on the broken isles and start our adventures. After gaining some experience, killing some enemies and making some allies, we return to Dalaran. where Valeera is looking for us. Valeera: “psst, come closer. I have something to tell you.” “Lord Ravenholdt has something important to discuss with you.” “He’s asking that you return to the Chamber of Shadows immediately” The Uncrowned work behind the scenes, pulling strings here, snipping others there. It’s a matter of making the right choices at the right time in the most elegant manner possible. They’ve all decided tha twe need to recruit some Shadows to send out on our most important missions. People that we can trust, or at least that we can trust to get the job done. Vanessa van Cleef is one of them who’s absoluty shocked that after all that, we still want her as a champion and we recruit Garona, who’s game as long as there’s a challenge to the kill. “Good choice, just don’t call me ‘champion. Ever.” To assist our champions, I mean...sorry Garona don’t hurt me...To assist our followers? we need some bandits to accompany them and the best one to train them is Lonika Stillblade. She’s been running a rogue academy at the World’s End Tavern in Shattrath city but we’ll make her an offer she can’t refuse know...give her a legit job and a nicer location for her rogue academy. Our followers travel to Outland to bring her back to base and now we have the ability to recruit some bandits. They’re not the healthiest looking bunch, but I’m sure they’ll do in a pinch so let’s put them to work and find Winstone Wolfe. You’ve heard of Winstone Wolfe, right? of course you have. Who hasn’t? “You’re jimmy right? This is your house? Sure is. I’m winston wolf, i solve problems.” Jorache suggested that we send our new merry gang of bandits off to have a little chat with the Wolf at Ravenholdt Manor. Just make sure they’re nice and civil, or that’s the last we’ll see of them. Winstone Wolfe is part of the Ravenholdt’s crew back at the Manor and is a reference to Winston “The Wolf’ from the movie pulp fiction. Our boys are civil enough and he joins us with plans and ides to upgrade our little base in the sewers. Things seem to be running smoothly, but an urgent matter that requires our attention has shown up. The body of a woman with a knife in her back has turned up in the sewers. Normally, such a matter would be less than newsworthy...but this isn’t your average cutthroat. It’s an SI:7 operative... non eother then Amber Kearnen. She has been with the alliance since the classic days working with Mathias Shaw against the Defias brotherhood. She then got a massive part during the events of Mists of Pandaria where she joined the initial strike force into undiscovered lands. Now she’s dead, assassinated in our own backyard. An SI:7 missive is found in her hands but it’s encrypted and we have no way of decoding it right now. Not only that, but if the SI:7 links us to the murder, that would simply be bad for business. We’ll need to get to the bottom of this sooner rather than later... “Find out what SI:7 is up to. We can ill afford to have unknown variables at this stage of the game.” SI:7 is the espionage and intel branch of the Alliance. They are based out of Stormwind City and headed up by Master Mathias Shaw. As of late, they have been acting peculiar so we send some our people out to assess the situation. It might be nothing, but If we are going to win this war against the Burning Legion, the last thing we need is for something wholly unexpected to occur. Our spies come back with the knowledge that shaw has been stepping up the number of agents they have within Horde territory. We must keep a close and watchful eye on this situation and we need to find out who is behind the assassination of Amber Kearnen. It won’t be long before SI:7 realizes that their agents is MIA and comes sniffing around the Hall of Shadows. With a pair of stylish spy glasses, set to scan for traces of hemoglobin, we can track Amber’s blood trail back to the culprits. We’re told to stay out of sight, but these glasses are so stylish that they make quite a few heads turn in Dalaran. One even says Damn, Daniel, back at it again with the sweet shades! Nice! ... Member that? I member.... Agent Smith: “How much longer is this going to take?” Agent Jones: “These dropboxes are tricky...I’ve almost got it. Amber Kearned was one of our own...I still can’t believe we had to kill her.” “When the orders come from Master Shad himself... you don’t ask questions. You sure you got her, right? We can’t afford to mess this up!” “I told you already...I never miss.” “We should have killed her back in Citrine Bay. Doing the hit in Dalaran was too risky! We can’t afford witnesses....” The Burning Legion invades Azeroth, and SI:7 is wasting valuable resources hunting down and assassinating one of their top agents? Something isn’t adding up... We need to find out how deep this goes. Why was Amber Kearned being hunted by her own organization? The encrypted letter she was carrying may hold the clues...but we need more information. The SI:7 assassins mentioned Cintrine Bay so that’s where we’ll search for clues while we figure out a way of getting his letter decrypted. Tethys: “I be knowin’ Citrine Bay. I be knowin’ it well. “i’ll be off on ahead ‘n search fer clues. I’ll way fer ye tharrrrr!” “Them ships belong to th’ Red Blade! Thar be no doubt ‘bout it...” It be no conicidence that we be in Citrine bay investigating a murder, and we find the band of pirates known as the Red Blade here as well! Time to do so swashbuckling, search for information and while we’re at it, score some sweet rum for Tethys. “I, Master Mathias Shaw, hereby authorize The Red Blade to hunt down the rogue agent Amber Kearnen. Bring me her head, and the Red Blade will have full access to Stormwind Bay and a royal pardon for past crimes committed.” “SI:7 be sailin’ wit’ th’ Red Blade? ‘tis be not jolly news...” Whatever Amber Kearnen knew, Matthias Shaw didn’t want it getting out...Aye, this be dirty business indeed, hiring the Red Blade at such a price...just to hunt down and kill one of their own! We’d best get back to the Hall of Shadows and let Lord Ravenholdt know what we found. Whatever the SI:7 be up to, it be going deeper than we first imagined... “These be not th’ Red Blade’s waters...who send ye, laddie?” I”ll...I’ll never tell ye!” “Do ye know who I be, laddie?” “Now that you mention does look somewhat familiar.” “Tethys ‘o the Blood Sail Buccaneers!” “Oh god no! I’ve heard of you...please don’t kill me.” “Now I’ll only ask ye one more the hour...who sent ye?” “It was SI:7! They offered us the riches of Stormwind in exchange for Amber Kearnen!” “We’ve got what we be needin’ here. Ye be off to Dalaran, I’ll catch up!” “I think....I just soiled myself! Please...don’t kill me!” Return to base: “Aye, this letter be writ’in in no ordinary code. This here code be t’work o’ a true master!” “Translation please? I cannot understand his incessant pirate gibberish.’ “Ye best watch yer tongue lass or ye’ll be makin’ a trip t’t’plank! “T’t’... t’ plank? “Enough!” This is a dangerous mystery we’ve stumbled upon and it would not be fair for Jorach to stand idly by as we risk our lives to uncover this corruption. After all, without honor and brotherhood among thieves, none of us will stand to profit! From this point on, he’ll pledge his personal services against the threat of the Burning legion and the dark mystery we are unraveling as he becomes one of our followers. Next to Jorach’s support, Tethys also believes it’s long overdue to get some pirate blood into our ranks so he wants us to send our followers out to go and round up Yancey Grillsen. He’s an old salt down Stranglethorn way and hopefully he’ll keep an better eye out as to who he’s recruiting since in the past he allowed adventurers who were actually working for booty bay into the bloodsail buccaneers causing all kinds of problems. “Tell him that if he can’t convince enough sealdogs t’ join up, he should break out th’ belayin’ pin for a good, old press gang.” With the additional pirates filling up our sewer, Fleet Admiral Tethys decides that our time together has been like being on the poop deck in the early morning when the salty ocean rum splashes you wide awake. That’s pirate for he likes us and becomes another follower ready to be send out on adventures. Now the threat of the SI:7 discovering what we’re up to is a big one so we must make sure that they’re too busy to be paying attention to our real plans. Valeera has set up some missions to do just that. In Dalaran we start with some false intrigue on our very own Archmage Khadgar, oelalala. In Stormheim Lady sylvans windrunner has disappeared and we’re going to let the SI:7 think we are hot on her trail. We areof course, but we will assign a decoy agent for SI:7 to notice. In Azsuna we have a deep contact on the ground. He goes by many names, including Mr. Shackle. Some of our people are send down there to ínterfere’ with him. In Highmountain the tribes are outstanding warriors, hunters and shaman. What they are not is stealthy. We setup surveillance of each tribe’s camps. I’m not sure how that would keep the SI:7 busy, perhaps them checking on our surveillance? Either way, the last one is in Suramar where there is something with the nightborne. Unfortunately, their city has too much protection, but still we should let the SI:7 see us trying. “I am going to look into something, in the meantime let us make certain that SI:7 does not catch on to what we’re really up to” While our followers are busy with that, Winstone wolfe makes a request. He says that he needs a rather large amount of demon blood. He was not specific what for, and they did not ask. The Wolf rarely asks for anything, so when he does, we jump He gets results, one-hundred percent of the time and then some. We should show him the same professional courtesy and bring him 50 fel blood. Noggenfogger also makes a reasonable request, but for him we’re not that jumpy. He’s blackmailing us, saying that if we do not meet his ‘very reasonable requisition request’, he is going to close off access to the crucible. Marin’s asking for a hefty amount of Aethril. He said something about us recently holding a blade to his throat and that he’s simply returning the favor. 20 Aethril it is and you might wonder if the response is different if you actually pay him the 100gold, but according to WoWhead comments...that’s sadly not the case. “next time you hold a blade to someone’s throat, consider who you’re dealin’ with. Now we’re square. Business as usual goin’ forward. Feel free to use the crucible as much as you like” Our scouts diversions are working perfectly and as an added bonus, some of Valeera’s suspicions about a particular item which will prove useful in deciphering the SI:7 letter, have come to light in Stormheim. There is a legend about a magical jewel the vrykul created long before the time of man. The jewel was said to be able to decypher anything, but she doesn’t walk about it just yet, not until we have proof. The only way we are going to get that proof is by taking an etching of the Raven’s Eye Tablet in the Maw of Souls on the Naglfar...the ship of the dead. “I do not know how you are going to get onto the Naglfar...the vrykul ship of the dead. But, if we are to confirm my suspicions about the item, you are going to have to find a way to do so. Preferably without dying if you can manage it.” Before entering Helya’s domain, let’s first linger in the land of the living for a bit longer and have some fun with Noggenfogger. Word has it that Trade Prince Gallywix recently acquired a priceless, one-of-a-kind love potion. There’s only one goblin who can replicate it and of course that one goblin is none other then Noggenfogger himself. If we get him that potion , he can make us both richer than kings! “This is going to be a heist of a lifetime!” The pleasure palace is located in Azshara and it has been on high alert since the war started. Gallywix isn’t letting anybody in except his personal staff, but he knows a girl on the inside! “Listen up mooks! The pleasure palace is OFF LIMITS! I don’t want ANYBODY setting foot on my property! Now, I’m going to hit the sauna for some R& bring me a frozen cocktail and some cocoa butter! Hehehehehehe” We talk to her and Trixyni Rustclamp tells us to hit up Izak the Bartender. He should know how to get the key to the safe. If he won’t talk, we’ll just remind him that he owes her one for ‘the you know what’ in ‘the you know where’... got it? Ooow I got it, wink wink, Today is our lucky day. Even as we speak, Gallywix is enjoying a relaxing stop in his personal sauna allowing us to sneak in, grab the key and get the potion before anyone notices. “Mooks! Where’s my cocoa butter?! What part of COCOA and BUTTER did you not get?!” “’s getting’ hot in here. I think it’s time for a relaxing nap...Wait a of my keys is...SOMEBODY STOLE THE KEY TO MY SAFE! Whoever did this is gonna pay! Mooks! Find them! FIND THEM! Why is this cocoa butter so slippery? GET ME A TOWEL@ Whoever bought the slippery cocoa butter is FIRED!” “We’ll have those love-struck schlubs throwin’ their money at us in no time!” Noggenfogger is going to need some time alone with the potion, but before we give him some privacy, he offers his services to the cause. Without our thieving prowess, he’d be a much poorer goblin than he is today so together we’ll put an end to this burning legion invasion and line our pockets with all the wealth in Azeroth! After a little trip into hell and grabbing an etching of the Raven’s Eye Tablet, we return to Valeera and confirm that she was right, the legends were true, The Raven’s Eye truly exist. She had heard about Lord Ravencrest’s almost perfect espionage team during the War of the Ancients. Now we know how they got their information. The others will not believe it when we tell them. “There is a myth, a fable, that is whispered of in dark corners and back alleys. It is of a jewel so powerful that no one believes it exists. But I assure you it does. Surely everyone here has at one time or another heard the tale of the Raven’s eye?” “The legend is that the gem conveys the power to read any language, follow any map, and most importantly, to decipher any code.” “A merry yarn! But that’s all she be. The Raven’s Eye don’t exist. It never did. It just be some ol’wives’ tale to scare little rogues who are wantin’ to keep their secrets hidden.” “Exactly right. We are talking about the end of secrets. Well, other people’s secrets anyway. But more to the point, the Raven’s Eye will give us the means to unlock the secrets hiding in the SI:7 letter. And, we know where it is.   Or at least she think she does since our next stop takes us to Val’Sharah, the Blackrook Hold. There we unlock some of the ancient chests to find the Raven’s eye, but instead of the eye itself, we find a ledger. The ancient elven tome is musty, yellowed pages detail the day-to-day requisitioning of various items of import. Not exactly what we came here to find, but not all is lost. An entry about the Raven’s Eye says that the last person to have it in their possession was Lord Ravencrest himself. Apperantly nobody knew about this priceless jewel or took it from his body so thankfully the legion resurrected him and we have a chance to confront the lord of blackrook hold and take the jewel from him. “While you are in Black Rook Hold, there is an urgent matter I must attend to. I will meet you back at the Hall of Shadows.” Next to fighting with Ravencrest and the Dreadlord controlling him, we also spend some extra time at the cemetery. All blood elves are descended from high elves, who in turn came from these lands before they were sundered so with all the undead being rissen and disturbed, her ancestors need to put to rest and we get to do that for her. “Use the Raven’s eye. Decipher the code in the SI:7 letter.” With the legendary raven’s eye in our posession, we can finally decipher the knowledge that Amber Kearned died for. Use eye – Cutscene – Amber Kearnen: “We were on the Broken Shore mere hours before the Alliance and Horde fleets arrived. Matthias Shaw led our SI:7 team on a secret recon of the island. We were waiting extraction.” “our evac is almost here. We have to warn the Alliance and Horde.” “They must turn their fleets around. The Broken Shore is a death trap. Anything lieutenant?” “The island is crawling with demons. Far more than we anticip....BLRUH” Detheroc: “So you have uncovered our little secret.” “Let me assure you, your precious fleets will fall into our trap.” “You’ll never get away with it, Detheroc!” “Oh but I will and you mathias shaw, will help us to do it.” “Now I am the leader of SI:7 muhahahahahahahaha” “Damn.....” And there it is. What was a near impossible fight from the start turns out to be an actual death trap. Shaw and his crew knew that this was not the day for the alliance and horde to challenge the Legion, but thanks to the Dreadlord Detheroc, they walked in blindly and we all remember how that went down. It’s also interesting that Detheroc has infiltrated the SI:7 and is currently leading them which means that when you went in to stormwind to pick up your artifact, it was actually Detheroc who you were talking with. “Go. Get out of my city before I change my mind” Now he’s whispering in King Anduin’s ears, whispering and manipulation to put the Horde and Alliance against each other and turn their focus away from the Legion. Apperantly Greymane and Sylvanas, that’s not actually the Horde and Alliance fighting eachother, it could be a lot worse so let’s take action. Let’s put our troops to action to reveal this imposter to the new king of Stormwind. If we fail to do so, then the Alliance will surely be eaten alive from within and the Burning Legion will win this war for a certainty. “We must find Mathias Shaw and use him to prove that Detheroc has taken his place.” Our followers are send out to discover where in the world Mathias Shaw is and Valeera believes we work well together, that she brings out the best in us so she becomes another follower. The Broken Shore is the obvious location to begin our search for Shaw. We must determine where the Legion is holding him, but he’s being moved around. Detheroc is a clever dreadlord and the trail leads to Black Rook Hold. Too bad that we did not notice him before when we went in there to collect the eye. By the time our followers get there, Mathias is already gone so the next spot to check is the command center known as the Altar of End Times which floats above Faronaar in Azsuna. They Break in and have a look around, but come up empty. The Burning Legion has a powerful ally in the vrkul God-King Skovald. Perhaps they are holding Mathias Shaw at the Gates of Valor but once again, nothing and we’re running out of leads. It’s time to do the impossible. Time to sneak into SI:7 headquarters and see if Detheroc has left any clues for us and he did! We now know that our SI:7 friend is being held at Felsoul Hold in Suramar. Not sure why we didn’t check there first. After pruning the garden and finishing 30 world quests, it is time to dig up the rotting tree stump in the middle. Put another way, we need to make sure to keep the forces of chaos from overwhelming the Broken Isles. We need to complete any 1 Rare Elite world quest “Choose, but choose wisely. The fate of the Broken isles is in your hands.” I have no idea why, something about defeating the forces of chaos, either way after specificly killing 1 rare elite in the world, it’s time to actually rescue shaw from the felsoul hold. We’re going to need a big distraction and Noggenfogger is placing nice, even donated some bomb to the cause. We get the honor of placing them in position, detonating them and see the legion scramble to check out what the hell is going on. Drop bombs, cutscene – EXPLOSIONS, EXPLOSIONS EVERYWHERE “You cannot hide from me.” “Let us stealth quickly to Mathias Shaw.” “He is in here.” “It’s not far now.” “He’s just down the stairs. Hurry!” Mathias: “The Uncrowned to the rescue. I wouldn’t expect anything less.”   “You keep them off me and I will get SI:7 here out of his cage.” “Here they come!” “Get me out of here so that I can help!” “You’ll get your chance soon enough, Mathias.” “One down, one to go.” “What’s wrong, Toashi?” “I can’t pick the lock. It is up to you.” Lol instant lockpick, taoshi you noob “Thank you.” “I will get Mathias to safety through the sewer tunnels. We will see you back in the chamber of shadows.” The easy part’s done. Now it’s time to do the impossible and Detheroc could not help but gloat. He was careless and Shaw overheard many of his plans while they had him. The fate of azeroth hangs in the balance, but for all of that, he has a simple plan: Get ‘em. “The situation in stormwind is worse than we thought. We have a plan to reveal Detheroc for the imposter that he is. Master shaw?” “First, allow me to express my gratitude that you risked your lives to rescue me. Taoshi is correct. The situation is dire and degrading quickly. The Alliance is about to launch an attack on the Horde. Posing as me, Detheroc is whispering lies about the Horde in the ears of the new king of Stormwind. He must be stopped before it is too late. The plan is simple; sneak into Stormwind, expose Detheroc, and then kill him. Tethys will get us to the harbor by sea. We will have to stealth through to SI:7. We cannot fly in; Detheroc has snipers on the rooftops and wanted posters up with all of our faces.” “Thank you Master Shaw. That’s the plan, Uncrowned. All in favor?” <Cast Deciding Vote, choosing the destiny of the Uncruwned, the alliance, the horde, and the fate of Azeroth.> We get to cast the deciding vote, choosing the destiny of the uncrowned, the alliance, the horde, and the fate of Azeroth itself. “indobetly” It’s decided. We either expose Detheroc or it’s war between the alliance and horde, and we lose the world to the burning legion. “This is likely a one-way trip. Detheroc is most certainly expecting us. Let me know when you are ready.” “we’ll split up and stealth in. Keep moving. Use the hay bales if you get into trouble.” “See you at SI:7. Good luck!” So we sneak into Stormwind city, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty but the citizens are not so friendly as Detheroc has turned them against us. Through out the town wanted posted can be found. Wanted: Dead! Taoshi and Randomi are hereby wanted dead for conspiracy with the Burning Legion and crimes against the Alliance. A sizable reward will be granted upon proof of death delivered to any SI:7 agent. For the Alliance! For king Anduin! Master: mathias Shaw- Leader of SI:7 This has gone on long enough, lets expose the dreadlord for what he truly is. “They’re upstairs!” “I’m the real Mathias Shaw” “No I am! Kill him.” I was actually hoping to see some kind of kill him, no kill him situation where you’re not certain who the real mathias is and only after beating him halfway senseless do you figure it out, that sadly didn’t happen as the red marked target is truly the demon. “Enough! I need more room.” “My swarm will destroy you. Go to sleep. Forget everything.” “Your alliance and Horde are destined to destroy each other...” “Perhaps, but not any time soon demon.” “It’s over. Speak with me when you’re ready. I’ll get us safely out of stormwind.” “Detheroc is dead and Mathias Shaw is restored to his roll as leader of SI:7. All-out war between the Alliance and Horde has been averted. We can now focus our full attention upon the burning legion. We will destroy them by every means possible. Through treachery and subterfuge. Through guile and assassination. And yes, by laying down our lives if needs be. Let us celebrate the one who made all of this possible, our newest Shadowblade!” Next to our new title, we also gain 2 new followers, Taoshi who is honored beyond words and shaw himself. Of course, he can’t officialy become one of the uncrowned, let alone the council of shadows. he is after all the leader of the SI:7, but when we need his assistance or guidance, we need but ask. We will work together through back channels to ensure that the burning legion is destroyed. One final thing to do, they’ve improved the crucible and with it we can unlock the true potential of our weapon. “In our line of work, we tend to develop a fondness for the tools of our trade. But your affinity for those blades is like nothing we’ve seen before. The resources you’ve gathered across the Broken Isles will allow us to unlock even greater killing potential in your weapons. Raise your weapons before the Crucible of the Uncrowned. Watch as it does its work, infusing your blades with deadly power.” Cutscene: IIII HAVE MORE POWERRRRRRRR May our new weapons serve us well. The uncrowned will do what no other can: finish this war. And there ends the rogue order hall campaign. All in all, I really enjoyed myself with this one. It was great seeing some familiar faces, Valeera taking the stage and most of all get more information as to what went wrong with the assault on the broken isles. One of the first things that came to mind was Varian screaming to Sylvanas, keep going, while all seemed to be lost from the start. Now we have a bit more information as to how that happened, why they were so ill prepared. The big point of critique that I’ve read and fully agree with is that it’s very alliance centric. Can you imagine doing this order hall campaign as a member of the Horde? Sure there’s the threat of both factions going to war, but why not instead of Kearnen have, I don’t know, Shademaster Kiryn for example? or have orgrimmar infiltrated instead of stormwind...something to show a bit of love to the Horde. Ah well, for me it’s still one of the better order halls and I really enjoyed so I hope you enjoyed the story as well. As always, thank you very much for watching everyone. Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one annnnd until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 361,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Rogue, Order Hall, Campaign, Legion, World of Warcraft, Jorach, Ravenholdt, Valeera, Sanguinar, Garona, Halforcen, Tess, Greymane, Tethys, Van Cleef, Edwin, Vanessa, Defias Brotherhood, Pirates, Bandits, Burning Legion, Gul'dan, Broken Isles, Broken Shore, Varian, Sylvanas, Sargeras, Anduin, Sha, SI:7, Alliance, Infiltration, Horde, War, Dreadlord
Id: O0bSrNpon18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2016
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