The Nightborne Rebellion [Lore]

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Hello everyone! Patch 7.1 brought us the continuation of the Suramar campaign. It’s been a while so a quick refresher, Elisande and her Nightborne were given an ultimatum by Gul’dan and the Legion. Either join them or be taken over by force and after much consideration, Elisande saw no other course but to lower their shield and allow the Legion into Suramar. Thalyssra did not agree with this decision, did her best to put a stop to it, but found herself stabbed in the back and cast out of the city. When a nightborn is disconnected from their nightwell they first turn into a nightfallen and will desperately need to find some sort of mana source before they hit the final stage, being a withered. From there, there’s no going back but thankfully Khadgar found her distress signal and send us out to help the rebellion. We gathered allies, we build a happy little mana tree called the Arcan’dor which cured the nightfallen from their addiction and brings them back to their nightborne state while we also spend some time training the withered and getting our troops ready. Elisande and the Legion still have a firm grip on the city and our actions have not gone unnoticed... Let’s begin shall we?! Week 1: Thalyssra invites us over since there is a situation in the city that needs our attention, but first we can offer some hope to the refugees in our base. The arcan’dor is truly amazing, giving people the opportunity to free themselves from the Nightwell, but the fruit only grows so fast. Each week we can offer 1 piece to a refugee and after doing so it’s time to get to business. There is a troubling silence from suramar city this day. Oculeth just informed her that the teleporter to the waning crescent has gone dark. He is not able to reach Vanthir, nor is she. They’re hesitant to believe something dire has happened, but it does require some investigation so Oculeth teleports us in. “No need to delay. Onto the pad with you.” “I will get you as close to the Crescent as I can. We will be in touch.” “Hmph. Not as close as I’d like, but it will have to do. Be careful.” Silgryn: “There you are! Over here!” “Elisande knows about Vanthir’s involvement in the rebellion. He is gone.” The streets are littered with corpses as Elisande and her demonic allies are lashing out. So many lives lost just to send a message. This is what happens to those who dare to defy the magistrix and we must answer her. We must show her that she cannot slay her people without retribution so go about killing some of Elisande’s forces while also letting people know that there’s no reason to stay in the waning crescent. We rescue Enea’s family who’s wife is dead but the children are thankfully hiding upstairs. We save Thorvos and his son Valanth who’s been injured in the chaos. We save the scarlet girls although it seems like scarleth can handle herself and we save master Devlyn who’s straggling behind trying to find his masters vase. Every moment we spend here places the people in danger of ELisande’s forces retaliating so we need to move. We need to find a place to regroup and recover. “I hope she sees this...” Shoots flare into the sky “This way! Everyone into the boat!” “Excellent timing as usual, Deline.” Ride the Gondola “We need a foothold, somewhere we can keep an eye on things.” “Ahh...The Terrace. It will have to do for now. Take us as close as you can, Deline.” “See that these people escape the city, Deline. Outlander, stay with me.” “This way!” Use teleporter “Now all we need is to make contact with ---“ “Outlander, can you hear me? Outlander? I am going to teleport a beacon your way!” The Evermoon Terrace will be the spot for our new hang out and Oculeth is even kind enough to send in a new beacon, providing us with a way back to base. There we’re informed about someone who has shown up at Shal’aran while we were in the city and they asked for us specifically. “Do you remember me, outlander? My brother rests here. My name is Arluelle.” Arluin sacrificed himself in order to buy a future for the rest of the refugees. It was because of his heroics that the Arcan’dor came to fruition. His last will was for us to bring a fruit to his sister who was very close to becoming a withered and now she joins us to avenge her brother’s death and repay the others for their kindness. “It is an honor to finally meet you, First Arcanist.” “You must be Arluin’s sister. We owe him a great debt. His sacrifice was not in vain. What brings you to Shal’Aran in this dark hour?” “The fruit from this tree plucked me from the jaws of madness. I am whole now, and I wish to fight.” “So be it. I will send you to Sylgrynn. With his training you will serve us well.” Another recruit joins the rebellion and our spy on the inside, Ly’leth who we’ve placed in the position of advisor, sends over a weekly report: First message from image of Ly’leth Lunastre: No movement just yet. I suspect Elisande is quite comfortable with the current climate in the city. It is quiet. Perhaps our people are too afraid to cry out after the atrocity at the Waning Crescent... I have not been able to locate Vanthir. His name is conspicuously absent from our discussions. As an amusing piece of trivia, Elisande is the least punctual person I have ever had the misfortune to serve. I will report in again as soon as I can. Take care, Thalyssra. Week 2: Another week, another fruit to hand out and after doing so we’re told that even Elisande’s forces are fleeing before her insanity. A defector has risen from the ranks and seeks to join our cause so we meed up with Silgryn at the Evermoon Terrace to make sure that Victoire, the duskwatch deserter is well received. “We have been discovered!” “Stand down Arluelle. We are expecting her.” “... As you say.” “Not an undeserved reaction. Ordinarily I would be obliged to slay you both.” Our new friends brings us some disturbing information. Large numbers of citizens are dragged away in chains and worse yet, the area is now overrun with demons. We need to find out where these people went while also finding others who are willing to join our side. The massacre at the waning crescent has made it clear that Elisande no longer serves the nightborne, she only serves herself. By showing the symbol of the dusk lily, we’re able to convince several of switching sides while those who remain loyal are shown exactly how foolish that is. Upon the body of a slain demon we find a Legion Communicator which tells us where the prisoners are being taken: Aargoss: “Tichar! Your attention! The nightborne have agreed to cast off their unwanted. The passage to Felsoul Hold is open. See that our prisoners reach their destination. The soul engine will consume! Kar Dan’Ashj!” “Felsoul Hold...of all the ways she has betrayed us, this is surely the worst.” “This should shock me, but it does not. Not after the Waning Crescent. We must put an end to this.” Their own people are being sacrificed to the Legion and the only way to intercept a transport is by playing the part of a captive. We willingly join the line of captured citizens as they’re being transported to Felsoul Hold but thankfully Silgryn and his crew are right behind us and make sure to keep us safe. Now we know where the Legion is operating from so it’s time to put a stop to this. Victoire: “We will hold the perimeter!” “Make sure you teach that demon a lesson.” “Work quickly, my friend.” Not only do we slay Aargos and severely slow down their operations here, we’re even able to save Maribeth the innkeeper and several other captives from being turned into fuel for the fel. “Everyone into the boat! It will be a tight fit.” “Still no sign of Vanthir...” “We will find him, Silgryn. I am certain of it.” “Perhaps. The First Arcanist will know how to proceed. Let us get these people to Shal’Aran.” Another message from Ly’leth to end the week: Second message: As you requested, I have inquired about the Felsoul Hold situation. It appears that your efforts have slowed the trafficking significantly. I regret to say that it will likely not stop without further intervention. There is some talk of a sweep for deserters after the events of Astravar Harbor. Advise your people to keep an eye out. More defectors may be coming your way. In lighter news, there is a new fashion trend sweeping the palace. There is an obsession with placing ornamental orange birds on their heads. Baffling, truly. As ever, I continue to seek our mutual friend. As soon as I know more I will reach out to you directly. Stay strong, First Arcanist. Week 3: Another piece of fruit is handed out and afterwards we’re informed about a message from Ly’leth who may have a lead on Vanthir, who’s long overdue for his fruity gift. “I have urgent news, Thalyssra. The portal to my estate is secure. You will want to hear this in person.” “Come. I do not want to keep her waiting.” “Welcome home, First Arcanist. Thank you for coming on such short notice.” “Thank you, Advisor. What news?” “I have heard terrible rumors about our friend Vanthir. He is to be made an example for all to see.” “How much time do we have?” “I do not know. I only hope we are not too late.” “I will find him. Preferably without being seen.” “Be safe, Thalyssra. I must return to the palace.” Thalyssra can track Vanthir but she needs to find places where his arcane essence is strongest. This will not be easy in a city this old but with any, there are a few places important enough to him that he has left a little bit of himself behind. Shimmershade garden essence: “This garden likely gave him many hours of respite. His essence is strong and bright, here.” “I can feel him! He is still alive, at least.” Promenade essence: “This must be where he took many meals...” “There it is. We are coming, Vanthir.” Evermoon bazaar essence: “One of his suppliers must have served him here. Reminders of a simpler time.” “Perfect. This will be enough to find him.” “Thalyssra?!” “Keep your voice down, Silgryn. It is good to see you too.” Now that we’ve identified his essence, we might be able to pinpoint his exact location. A similar spell like the one we’ve used while diving into Theryn’s mind is now used to find our missing tavernkeeper. Hopefull there will be less screaming this time. “The moment he was taken from the Waning Crescent he felt such terrible fear...but not for himself. Fear for those that he sheltered, those he sacrificed for.” Dispell echo “He was taken somewhere dark and isolated. He began to feel hunger setting its roots in his gut. Hunger that did not pass, but grew... Until he could think of nothing else!” Dispell echo “He is near to withering. His thoughts are jumbled, frantic, I just need to...Focus! There!” Dispell echo “He is being held at the Terrace of Order! It must be time for the display...” “That took more out of me than I thought it would. You will have to free Vanthir without me. I am sorry.” “Fear not, First Arcanist. I will see to it that our friend here comes to no harm. I am sadly familiar with Vanthir’s captor.” “Thank you, Silgryn. Be careful.” Vanthir needs to get this fruit in his system as soon as possible and now we know where they’re keeping him. His captor is one that Thalyssra is familiar with since he’s one of Aluriel’s lieutenants and a skilled spell fencer at that. We will need some help with overpowering this nightborne, get the key and set Vanthir free. “Stay your blade, THoramir!” “How good of you to join us, Silgryn. Alluriel sends her regards!” “I have a conscience. I serve the people of Suramar.” “yet you raise your blade against us! Accept your fate, Silgryn. You are outmatched!” “Perhaps, but I am not alone.” In come Victoire and Arluele. “She was right about you... “ I know.” “We should not linger. Let us see to Vanthir now.” “Lay still, my friend. We will get you out.” “He will be fine. The fruit will bring him back.” Vanthir gets up, eats some delicious fruit, hoera, the day is saved! “ last...” “Aran’ethil...The nightmare is over!” “Welcome back, old friend.” Thankfully we got to Vanthir in time, he’s going to need some time to rest but he’ll be better then ever. Elisande’s plans of making an example of him have turned against her as the sigil of the dusk lily is proudly displayed above his cage. We do not abandon our own and the flames of the shal’dorei have ignited better than we ever could by ourselves. To show the people that there is still hope and to keep the campaign against Elisande and the Legion going, we go out to complete 10 world quests and after which Ly’leth makes another report: Third message: I am so glad Vanthir is safe. Give him my best! I hope to see him in person soon. Things are...growing tense. The Dusk Lily display really rattled the nobility. They are not in agreement of how to handle the situation but violence is most assuredly an option. I worry for those still trapped in the city. I have caught wind of some movement in the Promenade – they may be reinforcing the area. Something worth keeping an eye on. I will report in when I have more information. Week 4: Having Vanthir around has lifted the spirit of the people and as usual, we hand out another piece of fruit and set another person free. We have an important meeting to attend today since Khadgar wants to meet up at the entrance of the city as soon as possible. Thallysra wants us to accompany her since she has the strangest feeling that he will not be alone...and she’s right. Khadgar has put out the call to anyone willing to send troops to support this army so not only does the kirin tor show up, we also have the Night Elves lead by Tyrande Whisperwind. The High Elves lead by Vereesa Windrunner and the Blood Elves lead by Lady Ladrin and Grand Magister Rommath. Apparently there’s a big fued going on between the blood elves and the night elves, one that makes even the fued between the alliance and horde seem almost paltry. The elves keep pulling pranks on each other so the kirin tor is doing their best to make sure things don’t turn to violence. Alliance: “Thank you for coming. We are here to discuss our mutual interests.” “Arcanist THalyssra. I remember where your order stood in the War of the Ancients. How do we know you won’t betray us and become the next Elisande...the next Azshara?” “We do not intend to be slaves to the nightwell. We seek to drive the Legion from Suramar and put an end to ELisande’s oppression.” “The kaldorei will fight to see the Legion defeated and the Nightwell destroyed. Beyond that...we shall see where Elune’s wisdom guides us.” Tyrande is not that friendly towards Thallysra. It’s hard for her to, after 10.000 years, once again walk in Suramar. The last time she felt this grass of this land, they were fleeing from the burning legion. Liadrin and the blood elves are bit more more friendly since they’ve walked a similar road as the Nightfallen. Horde: “Thank you for coming. We are here to discuss our mutual interests.” “I understand the struggles of the Nightfallen echo our own. First Arcanist, Addiction...Betrayal...” “There is a cure for our addiction, but it will take time to administer it to all our people. First we must depose Elisande and cleanse Suramar of the Legion’s filth.” “Cleanse it we shall. The sin’dorei bring righteous fury upon our enemies.” “And the shal’dorei are stronger than you expect. When the time comes, we will fight beside you.” “Thalyssra, your knowledge of the enemy will be crucial in the battle ahead. We shall call on you as needed.” The blood elves were also addicted to the powers of a well only for them it was the sunwell and their leader Kael’thas Sunstrider also betrayed his people to the Legion. The blood elves were eventually saved by the grace of a new sunwell, restored by Velen the prophet, but the nightfallen are not that far yet. They still have a rebellion in front of them, a leader to overthrow and today is the day to prepare for the invasion. First things first, we must set up our camp. We don’t have the time or resources for a prolonged siege and it’s like we can starve them out. They’re drawing up their battle lines within the city, but could attack us while we’re setting up our defenses so we go in to discover their weaknesses and slay a fair few of their troops. Next to that, Thalyssra also wants to save as many people as she can before the attack begins so those willing to join us are informed that now is the time to make their escape. We also need to learn more about the enemy, what exactly they’re capable of and both sides have send in their own scouts to infiltrate the promenade and assess the defenses. Both are long past due for reporting back to us so we make sure to find them and help them out. Sentinel Moonshade has found a portal which is a huge problem. With it they can summon countless reserves but 4 crystals seem to be powering the gate so we destroy those to set them back significantly while also slaying Overseer Ingre who’s controlling the portal itself. “No! The portal...” Magus – Sendath is trying to deal with the magus in charge of the defenses here, but he’s powerful, perhaps too strong even for the both of us. Fortunately, the sin’dorei known a thing or two about magic and the mage was foolish enough to leave a staff with enough energy to power another set of defense portals, to leave it out of his sight. We collect it and Sendath does his magic, turning it into a weapon which disables arch shaper thorendis’ shield and leaves him vulnerable. ”My defenses...were perfect...” With the portal shut down and the archshaper out of the way, we’ve established a stronger foothold for when the main force arrives. The nightborne are not giving up their city without a fight though and the arcanists loyal to elisande have reactivated the arm of the magistrix. This construct is the most powerful one they ever attempted, it even raged out of control and decimated an entire district before they were able to disable it. They must be truly desperate to turn it against us so we make sure to put it down before it reaches full power and stops the invasion before it can even begin. We’ve done some good work today and Ly’leth lets us know what’s going on on the inside: Fourth message: Your new allies have not gone unnoticed. I do not know where you found such a band but I had to hide my pleasure at their progress infiltrating the Promenade. The mood here is increasingly disturbed. The nobles no longer have any illusion that they can avoid a fight. Elisande will not allow them to stand idly by while Suramar is overrun by Outlanders. I would not assume victory just yet, my friend. Be cautious, and be strong. I will see you soon. Week 5: Another refugee is liberated from their slavish depence on the nightwell with a fruit of the arcan’dor and although the tree is their salvation, it does not bear enough fruit right now to cure everyone. We have rescued many refugees and now have more mouths to feed, more mana is required to keep them from withering. Thankfull Valtrois has come up with a plan. Now that she’s no longer starving, she had some time to study ley lines in new regions and has detected a current of mana in Azsuna. She’ll have to visit the ley line in person in order to properly redirect the energy to Shal’aran and as we’ve proven to be such great assistants in the past, we get to join her as Oculeth teleports us to our destination. “Next stop, sunny Azsuna! At was sunny last time I checked. Which was only a few thousand years ago. There we are! I am more or less locked on to the location you requested. Off you go!” “Wait...what do you—“ “Ugh, good help is so hard to find.” “You sought to hide, Nightfallen? I could sense your teleportation signatures from Azurewing!” “Wait! This isn’t what it looks like! We simply need to tap the...Oh...I guess it is what it looks like...” “Our champion’s presence is the only thing staying my hand. Speak quickly.” Stellagosa, the blue dragon who we partied with during our adventures in Azsuna has agreed to supervise our operation here and just like that, a new ship sets sail. “By placing the taps on key points of the ley line, I can direct its flow.” “If you are going to poke at a ley line, at least make sure it’s the right spot. Try a little bit to the right.” “I am not ‘poking’ it, I am tepping – Hmmph I suppose it could work there...” “Anyway, moving along!” “The next tap should go here.” “Are you sure about that placement? It would be better here.” “I have spent millennia studying ley lines. I am certainly capable of finding one right beneath my feet!” “But I can see the line and the focus of the conduit. You want to put it there.” “Fine! We can do it your way. But if this entire cave ends up exploding with arcane energy, it will be on your head.” “This final tap will allow me to steer the flow of energy, like the rudder of a ship. Right around here should do the trick.” “You can do that? Perhaps you know a thing or two after all.” “My goodness. Was that a compliment?” First beacon ritual: “The ritual demans my full concentration. Please ensure I am not interrupted.” “Allow me to aid you. This form is ill-suited for fighting in such quarters, and we are accompanied by a capable champion.” “You may help me find the ley lines, if you must. Just try not to get in my way.” Second beacon ritual: “The currents are chaotic...this will take time.” “Whatever you plan to do, do it quickly. I sense the approach of something....hungry!” Third beacon ritual: “Almost...there. Just need to hold out a little longer!” “Look out champion! It is here!” “It is done! The flow has been redirected to Shal’Aran.” “I must rest before we make our way back to Shal’Aran. That was more taxing than I expected...” “You have done enough, arcanist. I shall take you both to SHal’Aran. Come with me.” “Your control over such vast energies is impressive. That was no small task.” “You made an excellent assistant. Your inherent knowledge of ley lines is almost as expansive as mine.” “Yes, and I know the convergence of ley lines feeds great power to the Nightwell. Harnessing that much power is perilous, but if she could...” “I know what she would be capable of. That is why we must stop her.” “You go on ahead and inform Thalyssra. I have a few questions for our friend here.” “Yes? What do you want to know? “ “Do you actually visualize the lines, or is it more that you sense them? Is it a constant sensation, or can you turn it on and off?” Shal’Aran will have plenty of mana now as Valtrois and Stellagosa fly off into the distance to make some magic of their own. We turn our attention on our invasion into Suramar where the greatest threat seems to be coming out of our own camps. The elves can’t stop trolling eachother and both armies have been attempting to harass the other with pranks. We need to clean it up and I have to say that the night elves can be quite cruel as they place bottles full of mana with a little note saying “Didn’t want you to get the shakes” referring to the blood elves addiction and also a funny one a crate full of chickens saying “we found your mounts.” The blood elves need to pick up their trolling game though as they just place voodoo masks and troll statues with notes saying “Just wanted you to feel at home mon and “your ancestors” since blood elves come from high elves which come from high borne which were simply night elves sooo...they’re just insulting themselves. “Congratulations, you played yourself.” Besides these trolling pranks, something more serious is going on. The kirin tor has had to break up a few fights between the elves now and Khadgar is worried that someone might be influencing them. Since our disguise which allowed us to walk freely through the city was made by the nightborne, it’s not unreasonable to assume that they can do something similar. With crystal in hand we go through the camp and finally feel what’s it like to say “AN ILLUSION, WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?!” The nightborne infiltrators get a taste what its been like for us for months now and with the camp situation under control, it’s time to whip this rebellion into shape. We’re growing in number, but these rebels have not fought a real war in ages and although Victoire and Silgryn are doing their best, they could use an experienced hand. We take them with us into blackrook hold for some field training with the risen forces of ravencrest while also teleporting out some of the weaponry that’s scattered across the hold and picking up some of tactical books written by Ravencrest. He was a brilliant tactician and this will surely be of great use. We finish up the training and just in time as reports have come in that a pitlord has made its way to Meredil. It’s time to temper these recruit in real battle as we join our forces, engage Rozzeleth and help ensure that this new army of ours is not lost in its first conflict. Sometimes a single victory is enough to bring an army together and with time, these recruits shall train others, and we can grow our army to many times this size. Before we close this week there’s one small thing left to do, a request made by Absolon. His wife Noressa is still inside the city and we need to save her. They had a small house where she’ll probably be during this madness and inside we find her in the company of a felborne sorcerer, one that doesn’t stand for long and we reunite Absolon with his wife. It’s been a long time since these two have been together and he will her their new home and tell her everything that happened, including the loss of their daughter... At least they still have eachother and Ly’leth has a message for us: Fifth message: I do not have long. This report will be regrettably brief. Elisande is furious. She is planning something, but I have no details yet. My eyes and ears are open as ever. As soon as I know what she is up to I will contact you. Be safe. Week 6: Our rebel fighters have been armed and morale is high – even the Alliance and Horde elves have ceased their squabbling and we managed to evacuate nearly all of the civilians between here and Astravar Harbor. We hand out this weeks fruit and then we move out to spread Thalyssra’s plans amongst the elven leaders. Speak to Liadrin: “The rebels are ready for battle? Impressive. Let us see what they can do.” Speak to Tyrande: “So the time has come to march an army upon the city of my birth. May elune grant us a quick end to this conflict.” Speak to Vereesa: “Together we will save Azeroth” Liadrin will lead the first assault followed by Tyrande that will flank the city defenders with the nightborne bringing up the rear and holding the territory that we’ve claimed. Thalyssra managed to get all 3 to agree on the same thing, a small miracle on its own, time to march into Suramar city and make our way to the city gates. “Sin’dorei and shal’dorei, take the Promenade and hold it against our foes. Once we have that, the kaldorei ride ahead and take the Concourse.” Three forces move in “Champion, come, join my sin’dorei as we crush this vanguard.” Kill bunch of the nightborne,Defeat the promenade defendersDefeat the promenade vanguard. Defeat the ancient shieldguard with nighfallen and blood elves. In comes tyrande and her night elves Defeat concourse defenders. “I have an idea! A mass teleport...but I need help casting it.” “Won’t their wards block your telemancy?” “Not to worry. They’ve ignored my advice to upgrade those wards for centuries now...” Khadgar and oculeth and me mass teleport enemy troops off the bridge. The enemy troops are teleported to their watery graves and we’ve cut a wedge in Elisande’s forces. Oculeth has set up a telemancy beacon to this location and with this as our stating ground, our forces have a clear shot at the city gates. Thalyssra has ordered her rebels to secure our location and cover our rear flank. Now once we have our siege vehicles in place we should be ready to assault the city so in he meantime we’re asked to complete 5 missions from our order hall to guide our class through victory on the Broken Shore and make sure to keep an eye on the big picture. That concludes week 6 , but strangely enough there’s no message from Ly’leth this time... Week 7: Time is short so we quickly hand out our fruit and make our way to the gates of the nighthold. Our combined armies are in front of the palace, ready to strike. Few things brings together an army better than a common enemy and a week ago these elves were at each other’s throats. Now, thanks to our efforts, we’re ready for the final push into the Nighthold itself. Cinematic: oeeee look at our forces slowly marching upon suramar. Elisande: “Behold this motley throng in which the rebels put their faith. Kaldorei? You disgrace a glorious past, hiding in trees and cloaking yourselves in false piety. You have grown as savage as the trolls that skulk about your forests. Quel’dorei? You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves. Sin’dorei? Of all the elves, I thought you might understand the choice I made to save my people. Instead, you ally with misfits and monsters. Each of you has debased your proud lineage. Each of you has forgotten the ancient power that is our birthright. Let this failed rebellion be a lesson to any that would stand against the shal’dorei!” Bawoesssssj, time freeze bitches. “Our allies have suffered the brunt of the enchantment. I can protect us from the residual energies for a time. This temporal magic rivals that of the bronze dragonflight! I must concentrate on maintaining our defenses. Take care! Hostile entities have been drawn to this disruption of time! Alright, lead the way.” Our troops are frozen in time, kill some minor pulsauron...sort of elemental. Alliance: “Tyrande! I will attempt to pull her out, but doing so will require total focus. Be on your guard.” Get tyrande out “That was close! I nearly shattered the flow of time itself...but I think it’s better now. Are you alright?” “I...I am well. What has happened?” “No time for that now. Let me get you somewhere safe!” “I can’t maintain our protection any longer! We need to go.” Horde: “I couldn’t get my shield up in time. What happened?” “No time for that now. Let me get you somewhere safe!” “I can’t maintain our protection any longer! We need to go.” “What Elisande has should have been impossible! The energies required –“ “And why didn’t Ly’leth warn us about this? Surely as one of Elisande’s advisors, she would have heard something!” “There has been no word from her in some time. This cannot be a coincidence.” “Hero, we need to find out what happened to Ly’leth. You can still move freely about the city, correct?” Elisande has used to might of the Nightwell against our forces freezing them in time. Either Tyrande or Liadrin is saved, depending on what faction you play for, and now we need to go out and investigate what’s going on with Ly’leth. However that’s a story we’ll save for next week where we’ll finish up the story of Suramar, siege the Nighthold itself and try to put a stop to Elisande and Gul’dan’s plans. Like I said that will be for next week so for now a huge thanks to Slavic Player for letting me use their recordings for the horde side of things and of course a big thank you to the one and only sharm for providing her voice as Ly’leth. If you’re into beautiful music and you’ve probably heard the Suramar song “Gotta train my withered in suramar” check out her channel, link is down below. As always, thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaand until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 229,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Suramar, Patch 7.1, Legion, World of Warcraft, Burning Legion, Quests, Gul'dan, Elisande, Thalyssra, Oculeth, Khadgar, Dalaran, Tyrande, Liadrin, Vereesa, Horde, Alliance, Rebellion, Fel, Withered, Ly'leth, Spy, Advisor, Prisoners, I don't care, I ship it, Blue Dragon
Id: qVtztaHFv8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2017
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