The Story of Clarence | Clarence 60-Minute Compilation | Cartoon Network

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oh no we're going the wrong way this is for you oh thanks little man um is there any more that Clarence can you take the trash out back please yes [Music] sir yep everything was going pretty slick at my new job oh yeah except one day this guy came in he was a real hotthead he probably just broke out of jail and was looking for some bad blood can I help you haircut so what kind of haircut hold on there I'll take these so what's your name sweetie gunar okay gunar and uh what kind of haircut are we getting today the ah yes the back all right H now you don't want us cutting off this nice ponytail though right uh no h that's what I thought let's see what we can do here perfect she tamed the wild beast and his hair my mom was the best that guy left the salon even more butt kicking than [Music] ever mom was a real hero at the [Music] salon but some beasts could not be tamed sandy sandy sandy I think her name was Sandy she started coming in all the time sometimes she didn't even get a haircut she just coming to make my mom give her a shampoo she was so old I think she was a half robot even maybe that's why it comes to be so mean cuz she's a robot all righty then just where's the blonde I demand to see the block one I only speak with the block a child working in a salon a r hey that's lot that's my son Clarence who was uh just playing with Mommy's broom but is going to leave our friend Sandy alone now and sit down like a good boy right but what about the Dy why don't you just take a little break for a bit all right a oh so so sorry about that Sandy right this way we'll get you taken care of my mom and all haircut friends at my mom's work would always be so nice to Sandy but she was so mean to them all summer every single time she got meaner and meaner and meaner don't [Music] work next time it better look right and I expect a good bargain good day [Applause] [Music] day well howdy my name's Willie and this may sound silly but I sell chilly who wants a sample o I do here you go Sport and now time for a Dilly first you have the beans and then you have the greens and mix that's it I don't know how you put up with this I just the Kevin wait coupon good for one free shampoo Okay sandy right this way why don't we just ask someone cuz I know where we are so why are we walking down this hallway for the third time cuz it's my favorite hallway I'm asking for help waste of time excuse me excuse excuse me stop well what is it hurry up I'm in the middle of something I uh was looking for my friend bellson bellson who we got a lot of bellson bellson Arturo bellson Nelson bellson can you imagine having that name you got a last name uh noes bson noes oh here he is I see you take the elevator to four go right left down the step through the quad left left and uh you're there okay thank you no problem wait you forgot another Perfect Day in Paradise Bodie I may even smile hey Bon I'm going to try out my blow hole now [Music] morning bson hold on the water pillow is leaking all over the place who let you in here again oh I got my Twix oh that's nice I think he said floor 10 then we get off and take a love what was that I know elevator's stuck great party uh yeah isn't this party a blast everybody's here hey Jeff hi I'm Jeff I'm I'm afraid of dirt looking sharp Sumo you ain't so bad yourself so Chelsea is that a new hair oh thank you I just screw it I wish I had hair that's okay Sumo at least you're not a clumsy bag of bones like bson here I'm not clumsy your Skylight was broken Skylight what do you mean Skylight bson is there something you're not telling me um isn't this supposed to be a party yes it is party woohoo woohoo wooho party Sumo get us out of here oh all right here's the problem oh maybe not come on everybody let's sing one more song shut up stop it be quiet just be quiet I didn't get hit by a car I was pranking you it was me Dustin and Nathan I was going to change your TV channels through the Skylight I had to buy a remote on clickers Wiz cuz your TV is so old and now back to hearts and hydrants extinguishing the Flames of Love but your loser Skylight broke and made me slide off your loser roof what he was so young I don't get it how is that a prank because I was going to change the channel and you were going to miss the end of your show and that's what you consider a prank yeah and awesome prank H so if I take your spoon is that a prank no that's not a prank can water be a prank uh well sure I guess what are you doing pranking no no no wait wait and then they said that I could have my own room but I said no thank you oh Jeff you worry too much just relax and take a tip from chimney over here when life tosses you a fbe then you you you catch it come on Jeff Catch It Go Get It [Music] Jeff help hello Chef Guys I think I'm stuck where's chimney what I don't know help me okay okay calm down I got this under control ah I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish ow what are you doing don't worry buddy I'll get you no wait wait no don't do it something nice one Clarence don't worry guys I'm coming to get you cool Sumo well you shouldn't have fallen in the first place well you were the one who threw the Frisbee hey it's clarence's Flying Saucer this is all his fault guys guys hold on a sec you're forgetting something what what that we got the coolest most braest dog in all the whole land in the world chimy chimy come on girl get us out of here come onim [Music] jimney [Music] did chimy go get help I'm not sure I can't see him I F watch it what's going on I can't see you guys I see him he's he's right there looks like he's biting his butt oh now he's sniffing a bug oh he ate the bug now he's is laying on his side a he's so tired we had a busy day H jimy what but that's not how this kind of thing he's supposed to work the dog is supposed to save the day chimy bad dog now go get help I think he actually is leaving to get help no wait now he's coming back he's got something and then Santa Claus couldn't eat a single cookie cuz he sold his teeth for another toy for a kid the end that story doesn't make any sense he's trying to look on the bright side I liked his story why did he bring us so many sticks what do we need sticks for well R life gives you sticks you just make stick a A or how about stick in eggs yeah like stick in the wait or or when life gives you sticks you you stick them in the mud or like like a like a stick of of butter like like a stick of butter and and and when life gives us sticks we could decorate the well with stickers or build a ladder yeah a lad lad just give me your guys' shoelaces shoelaces oh mine are velcro oh and I don't ever even wear shoes oh but I always keep a bunch of extra shoelaces in my pocket just in case I got to tie something up ooh I'll take the glitter ones here's one here I'll get more [Applause] sticks we're free free we're free we're free we're free we're free we're free we're free I got it hey I was fixing up a railing at that bellson lady's place again there's this flower painting upstairs $20,000 can you believe that yeah I had a job you know last last year and then rich people will pay anything for art doesn't even have to be good heck I can make a bunch of these and sell them for a million bucks wow that's beautiful that's like a trash angel or a sunset made of garbage who that's a great idea man let's do it nah I was just messing around no no come on we we rent a space open a sculpture shop and it's on you think yeah you just got to believe man like this soda Chad sour cream and onion soda I had an idea I believed and now it's here okay I mean that's you know that's a secret to all the Chad products from Chad Industries Chad sour cream and onion ice cream Chad sour cream and onion keyboard cleaner Chad sour cream and onion bug repellent yep I mean it's only a matter of time before Chad is a household name so how about it yeah yeah we could do it and we'll be rich rich yeah yeah okay take it easy man what do you guys think million dooll idea right if you raise some cash you can invest and get in on the ground floor oh we're going to be rolling in it yeah I'm sure okay sure man rolling in it we have a chance to invest in our dads can't miss business but as the saying goes you got to make money to spend money so here's how we got to do it as you can see plan a is to make money as this craft shows the plan will work if it works as you can see if plan a fails we'll get another better plan or Plan B this chart shows pies are delicious if Plan B fails we walk away no questions asked any questions yeah what why don't we just sell that laser pointer oh cuz this is Jeff's laser pointer who would want to buy Jeff's laser pointer hello Madam of the house we are wondering if you might be interested in the oper hey my laser pointer how'd you get that plan B Plan B we got to have restrooms right um journals or trough o and we should have a fire door oh oh like a safety door in case there's a fire no a door made of fire a fire door but how would people get inside oh oh I'm stupid you're right that's that's a terrible idea that's terrible don't just scratch that out no no no no no no it it could work it could totally work where is the [Music] toilet we are singing to you senior now give us to5 to $20 Plan B I guess b stands for bust maybe I'm not like Chad or Sumo dad maybe I'm not opposed to be a business guy maybe I'm just supposed to get paid for doing nothing like a statue or a senator maybe I should just go to sleep to the sweet sweet Cricket lullab or maybe my new name is Clarence Moneybags kaching to the Clarence mobile [Music] hell hey hot hi Clarence hary flat fo hi Clarence morning milk delivery guy how do you do Clarance hi Amy saser extra extra what's the news of the world old chap I don't know why don't you read it and find out H oh h let's see here hey watch where you're going kid look [Music] out it's 5 to one that's a [Music] living [Music] [Music] [Music] oh boy e [Applause] oops one free goldfish my good sir hold on there squirt I could give you the Goldfish right now no questions asked whoo there I could give you the Goldfish eal now let me finish I could give it to [Music] you [Music] say what's a big idea but you don't have any of the accessories you need we carry reasonably priced filtration systems aquarium gravel pirate ships skeletons fish food and vitamins oh no thanks I have my own tank was filling up at [Music] home bye thank you give away free fish this is the worst idea you've ever had oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] yay [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey that's my [Music] [Applause] [Music] water but when she does wake up she's going to run right back to the barn we've got to find a place to hide her till after the race someplace she'll stay put all right easy now easy okay bye Jeff good luck what are you talking about am I supposed to stay here all night aw so what should I do if someone catches me um I'll catch you I've done this kind of thing before turn around looking good buddy okay I'm going in clar you don't have to do this yes suo yes I do okay see you after the big race wait so does it mean you have to go we can hang out his name start me butter SC here piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy remember us waa she got really big let me see wow catching her this year is going to be easier than [Music] ever save it for the race come on let's go steal some eggs looks like that Jeff's in for a long cold night now where was I still good morning amdale and welcome to the 35th annual aale Pig Race looks like our contestants are gathering up now shoot I'm J do jley here telling y'all to get ready to yell soon way cuz it's racing time first prize is looking real good this year a family siiz barrel of processed meat good and tail September well well who do we have here haven't seen you around Sumo where you been School you stink like books don't you have a wedding to attend or something not today my wedding's tomorrow in the meantime we've got a pig to catch my that Butter's got to look good and white what' you say all right let's get rolling Randall grease up that pin Rand and remember y'all no forks forks ropes or neets got to catch that pig with your bare hand y'all ready say on your marks get set go go [Applause] go and we got Tammy Ray running close alongside D an old C and buba just look up all in that M and here comes really Johnson but oh just inches away she may be big but that's one fast pit the Riders look not the hammer surrounding that is one czyy pigo Cuda or neck and neck oh what's this looks like old butterscotch just broken out of the pan oh no this race is like a bucket of crickets on Sunday what you folks just sitting around there for get out out there it's a creeper all come we got to you sure are lucky that's not you out there butterscotch butterscotch you run around me I used to be the president of the playground now I'm doing lousy life has lost its color Darkness surrounds me feel like I've lost a brother and nobody's found me another that loves noes now everything seems so ugly so ugly I'm feeling cruddy I miss my little buy now weird stuff is going on I said weird stuff is going on around me I said Weir stuff is going on I don't even recognize [Music] myself hey hey what happened to you you got like cool hey I mean it you're like the new tough guy in school is like totally dead inside uh I heard that and neither of you are cool acting up is not the cool guy thing to do those mathlete kids now that's cool it's called respect it's called discipline seriously when you did that thing with that that was Top Notch hey how'd you like to team up huh how much I Cry oh I got it silent treatment huh got to earn his respect first classic bro don't go too wild not too fast Miss sh Miss remember that one kid the weird one he used to be nice but then he's weird now the one with that who cut his hair there's actually he's trying to this is just a bunch of kids and I think you should uh just come and see come on je hold my little buddy's hand come on hold little buddy hand it's my little hand get that away from me what's wrong with you what the heck is this you you Blow That Whistle and you're making a big [Applause] mistake don't hear me what [Music] that guess you saved the last pants woohoo don't condone [Music] violence I heard he's going to get expelled I heard they're putting him in a stock Piller where everyone will throw tomatoes at him I heard Mrs baker has a special punishment I heard sh go out to class your special punishment is ready hi Clarence Miss Baker oh uh the principal has gone to an uh all principal's conference thing so I'm just keeping a seat warm you know keeping it warm I've noticed you've been having a tough time lately I don't I don't know yeah well you've been getting in a lot of detentions and you know behavioral issues okay well I'm sure you've heard by now we've come up with a special punishment for you but first someone here wants to see you little buddy just daddy misses you so much Boop we know how upset you were when you missed recess that wasn't fair was it no well we think you should get that time back how' you like your very own recess sorry Goose I'm all out no more sandwich see I said I'm all out of food Mr Goose that's all I got now see you later okay Fun's [Music] over [Music] woo I love sports that's great h [Music] oh my good they going to get me pull your stuff together kiddo just a goose there's nothing spooky about a goose just regular old s all lady's nose [Music] just squeaky swings that's a goose but it's a different Goose well looks like I was worried for no [Applause] reason [Music] look up look there goes the with the in you blow our cover T time don't you take another step [Music] fine you and Goose I'm sort of running away from you what do you want from me what do you want from me oh I get it you were just looking for your friend well goodbye goose and you you little troublemaker we're going to get you some food Pronto actually you know what's funny it was probably just that thing like when you're walking around and you keep bumping into the same person and it's just by accident and you're like oh why do I keep bumping into you and they're like I don't know and you really just have to laugh about it oh my God Cynthia hi hey go on your maid oh uh yeah of it's funny story because we usually have a uh Reginal are a butler but he's sick you know so actually that's great that you're offering uh sure I mean that works out fantastic great okay bye oh I can't have a cleaning service come over seeing our house like this look at it it's a mess yeah but is this as a point are they supposed to clean it up well she's technically a guest right oh gosh I do not need us today Mom you're not really making any sense at all you're right if I'm going to get this place cleaned up before the maid gets here I'm going to need your help all right uh okay yeah sir okay start with the trash then do the dishes oh okay oopsie I don't know what I'm doing oh oh no okay fine it just so happens there are some things that I'm bad at doing [Music] too this is so boring uhoh what what is it oh I just noticed uh we got some giant snail food over here yeah giant snails you know this stuff they love eating it unless we get rid of it with that wand you got to have the uh we're in big trouble oh really oh yeah you got that wand yeah no pretty soon this whole place is going to be full of uh big hungry [Music] snails must get rid of giant snail food where else where else now over there on the Shelves come on it you're doing a great job hun keep those snails at Bay all right what is this dark trickery a great I need batteries [Music] now it says life meter low is that baded whoops I'm stop it you can't play my what are you you're going to kill all my go oh my gosh all my extra lives did you finish cleaning up the kitchen gummy bear oh not you my son I call him that because when he was a baby he reminded me of a cute little Gummy Bear whoops is that bad not until the kitchen's [Music] cleaned guys come on okay I'm doing the chores you can stop now and the gutters they need to be cleaned out okay okay whatever you want just please [Music] stop all right now let's get back to that quick sand [Music] hey there bud you helping your mom out uh yeah it's important to pitch in I never helped my mom out we haven't spoken in years keep that thought in your pocket huh all right Rough Riders Elementary let's hear a big enthusiastic cluck cluck hooray clu cluck [Music] hoay I'm proud to say that our merger so far has been a rousing success [Music] y something's off here like why did he say Ru Riders Elementary instead of abdale Elementary nonsense Clarence you're starting to sound like you don't believe in team Ruff Riders you've always loved Rough Riders yeah you're right I'm probably just being paranoid cl cl hooray CL welcome to Rough Riders have a CL tacular [Music] day hey Jeff guess what I dreamed last night I dreamt that you and me was brothers and Sumo you were there too but your head was on a dog's body and when wait y'all aren't Jeff and Sumo do you even go [Music] here hey Jeff how come you're not sitting down Jeff do you know where Sumo is I haven't seen him all day Jeff well excuse me Jeff wait Jeff wait don't go hello you guys potato door knob I like farts [Music] anything wait a second I have a bad feeling about this but I'm just going to ignore it it's a pleasure doing business with you long they're serving his sauce I'm in is that nutmeg it's a sauce it's a sauce it's a sauce clock clock clock clock and now as is tradition I welcome you Ryan sski to the Rough Riders family stop [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Z a suumo we got to get out of here buddy something's terribly [Applause] wrong [Music] them nature Kate Keith Mac break back bur and da IO you're the best we're the best kid you came just in time the Rough Rider showed up and turned out to be alien chickens that take over the school and the world and everything don't worry boys we'll take it from [Music] here yay we did it oh no shock wave and that's why Ruff Riders chicken is my favorite food the end [Music] okay here we go here we go I'm Miss Baker I love to drink coffee I drink so much coffee okay okay I got one Clarence I dare you to put the spoon on your head hello there I am Spoon Man spoon spoon spoon spoon oh that's not even a real dare I dare you to kiss Kimi [Music] [Applause] [Music] o I guess that counts even though it was just on the elbow my turn I dare you to drink this hey and this out of this I don't care I probably drink board s that every day since when is Clarence Mr popular I don't know I think he's kind of funny close your mouth he's not funny I'm funny yeah funny [Laughter] looking all right more darare guys keep them coming I I got a dare you I dare you to eat 500 deviled [Music] eggs well it seems that clarence's little show has come to a close you should have seen his face so what are you guys doing this weekend I'm going to that Clarence kid's eggy dare extal aganza thing what give it tomorrow at clarence's yard bson presents see the amazing Clarence eat 500 eggs hi B the [Music] heck as one of your closest acquaintances I have to advise you that eating this much of anything can be seriously hazardous to your quiet down quiet down it has been foretold that one day a devil just eat the eggs already told you eat chicken out well time to put my eggs through my mouse is number one I'll the bucket eat those eggs [Music] it's impossible nobody can eat that many eggs [Music] [Music] 9 oh [Applause] my so uh did you guys finish your Turtle hats project yeah near to die guess I'm going to get my first F I guess I'm going to get another F unless you guys you guys you guys what if we just put together the bestest Turtle Hat's presentation ever right now what do you say sure why not okay here's what we're going to do this weekend you'll be doing a project on Turtle hats oh my gosh morning Melanie I'm looking forward to seeing what interesting assignment you've given your students for Teacher evaluation this year uh teacher evaluation don't mind me I'm just going to sit over here with the rest of the game oh uh right of course great right there uh has its teacher evaluations today and of course I knew it and everyone here knows it so it's good and let's now get to those presentations Okay who wants to go [Music] first Turtle your hat will you ever give it [Music] back I didn't do it oh hey poem by Percy that's all I have so far okay thank you Percy great stuff everyone all right that's all the presentations right it's me and Sumo and Jeff Miss Baker okay sure lights hey no no no the numbers are all wrong the president will not be pleased ding D ding D that's him now Mr President you're looking a little green today I don't need to know what you're talking about these numbers are terrible no Turtle hats this year you hear that the wolves are near hurry to Air Force One ladies and gentlemen of the jury these Turtles are clearly guilty don't my turtles have a right to a fair trial Mr President there has been some speculation that you're a giant turtle how do you respond lies all lies I tell you he's destroying the city no he is saving the city Mr President you may be a giant turtle but you're the greatest President we ever had please giant turtle won't you accept this as a token of our love and [Music] [Applause] admiration guys we pulled off the performance of a lifetime this is not what I was expecting at all I know I know okay I can explain it was just okay it was all a really silly misunderstanding misunderstanding what you may be apologizing for the most creative refreshing example of interdisciplinary curriculum that I've seen in all my years congratulations well done Miss Baker oh well thank you I mean yes yeah uh I just wanted to en encourage independent thinking and yeah uh Turtle hats well my Turtle hats off to everyone in this room this is the kind of stuff we need to implement in everyday learning expect a glowing review H okay great job everyone okay well how about now we put our heads on our desks and take a little nap you're not putting my grades at risk give it back give it back I said give it back Soo Jeff pay attention trust me you'll be sorry you never learn this when you get older okay okay and where was I oh boy Miss Baker needs a coffee break Jaa me Miss Baker Miss Baker okay not now Jeff Clarence what the [Music] uhoh I told them not to do it but does anybody ever listen to me I'm always listening to you Jeff you're lucky I'm switching to contact lenses but this mug was Irreplaceable I got it on bu for T Pusser's third birthday and I'll I'll never get that memory back I'm left with no other option you guys are suspended suspended in disbelief when I learned what you boys did now I called both of your parents already Tanner put that down I swear I'm going to spank your little butt red my phones are ringing off the hook the president is on the phone it's like surround sound but neither of them picked up so you're on the honor System to tell your families that for the next week give give me your hands suspended yeah what does that mean don't be smart with me boys no school for a whole week that's your punishment but I don't understand wouldn't it be a better punishment if we had to do more school actually that might be a good idea no we're really sad Clarance we better go and reflect about our actions and all see you later wait wait wait back up back up back up Sumo Sumo I needed some explanation here so we don't have to go to school for a whole week yeah it's what you call a loophole but what's the catch no catch this is the best thing that's ever happened so uh so uh we can do anything we want the whole [Music] [Laughter] school okay I'm bored yeah what a minute we could do an one the whole world so that's how you fix a leaky pipe so that's how you put out a burning building so that's how all those Staples get there so that's how you apply for a high interest savings account so that's how you take down a Crime Boss so that's how you have a healthy breakup with mutual respect so that's how you protect your house from Aliens let's see Billy has three apples and he's on a train going the same rate as the circumference of Two Wheels Plus Brown how many apples are left uh okay well I guess I'll just have to go with my trusty old SE at least I'm not out there losing my brain cells like the dummy brothers ah so that's how everything is infinitely complex from the smallest atam to the largest galaxy ever expanding and Contracting simultaneously existing and lifeless forever and for only a moment I think we learned too much yeah I kind of miss school yeah I also missed Jeff too thinking me boy is it a boy I haven't seen you in 2 years well don't just stand there give your nana wendle a hug did you get that card I sent you a card oh I can't remember was it Easter some other holiday M Window oh my goodness who is this Damian you look different your face it looks different it's in a different shape ma no daman's gun this is my boyfriend Chad yeah pleased to meet you Mrs wle Chad oh I was hoping to see Daman he was such a he was such a gentleman and he had well ma we were just about to sit down to dinner uh would you like to join us oh yes that would be lovely I would just absolutely adore a sit down meal with my daughter and Grandson strange man oh look at this this is your home oh even this corner where it doesn't look like you've cleaned I hear mold as a ma issue these days have you ever gotten tested for mold I've been tested well I I said your thought it wasn't up for visiting but I so very desperately wanted to see you and the boy we're not getting any younger and it's hard because he's got his excuse me fibromyalgia and then I've got corns um excuse me how how come you smell like a burnt pennies all the time he check it out okay Clarence and me my dragon sword dragon knife has arrived do this sound do this sound do this sound do this sound do this sound Shing it is now my honor to what is that oh I don't know that's a little extreme for a meatloaf oh it's too sharp you should be wearing gloves maybe you should you should put that down I've got some better utensils in my purse here no no no hold on a second I know I got something in here just wait I got my thesaurus okay there's the the salsa fer ah where did I put it ah there we go it is my my honor to here let me just cut this for you really you let me show you let me show you all right run it out of cold water it's okay oh I can't believe that happened oh my now where am I going to sleep I peaked into clarence's room and I saw his lovely bunk bed that top bunk would be ideal for me okay okay sure yeah uh you could sleep with Clarence all right hun [Music] expion I would love to have one your pictures this one uh you actually can't have any of these because they're part of a storyboard of a movie I'm making ah well then what about this hippo um that's actually a really important thing I need too because I got to keep it cuz that guy's a guy that drives a train that I'm making oh well there's got to be something in here you don't want like a like a please give me that um I have to leave now can I sleep in here with you guys tonight oh come on little man it's just for one night right Mary I don't know Mary you only have liquid soap I can't use liquid soap because it doesn't clean as well as the regular soap but I know I never used this kind of hot soap before I hope it doesn't give you a rash Mary the soap smells just glorious it's like a fantastic smelling soap on a rope I so to just pretend you're asleep she'll go away this is really nice it's better than a jam or a jelly Mary are you even in there ah there you are Mary I was worried I you didn't answer me I thought you I thought you would fallen asleep I'll talk to her in the morning when we leave if you behave okay come on Clarence no nurse Tacker can I have a piece of candy what does your mother say whatever you want tinia there you go [Music] Angel mom that tuna girl got candy yes she did I don't think that c is an angel at all neither are you got use a different technique slander isn't getting me anywhere oh I'll strike a bargain yes mothers love Bargains oh mother what if I were to have one piece now and then one later when we leave no say mom what if I were to trade you one potted plant for one no Mom did you know that CL you have to learn to entertain yourself while you're waiting for something can you do that no what uh I uh probably then do it where's the [Music] s what's the point of this [Music] thing this is too easy I need a real challenge oh Clarence oh my sweet [Music] boys doing good go check the map oh yeah come on Clarence you're getting too heavy for this are we going to going to be here forever it's only been 5 minutes really really come on back to the seat peppermints gum drops jar Breakers wa quietly without moving but M if I hear one more word out of you you are not getting any candy all right you can breathe Clarence okay no noise no moving I can do that that just need to sit here and sink yeah no problem no problem at all I can sink can't I no I can't it's too hard I got to say something I got to do something help anybody help steuart steuart Stuart do something no no look at me wait wait what's going on here my brain it's like a cave hello wow I'm in a creepy cave inside my head that's so cool wait a second I'll just turn my cave into a beach or outer space wait a second oh man I just got a great [Music] idea oh hello giant gummy friend may I are you lost gummy worm find your way into my mouse look where this chocolate I know we just met candy brain but I think I love you is that okay I hope it's okay it's okay by [Music] me water wow are you made of all ice cream I am the ice cream wait a second I think I remember you yeah I was six you changed my life may I not now I'm here to help you pass the time in here so you can get candy out there
Channel: Clarence
Views: 56,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7PlTrTaDUtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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