Cotton Candy Walls! | Clarence 40-Minute Compilation | Cartoon Network

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oh my God guys I found something the house walls are full of cotton candy actually Clarance it's called insulation wait no Clarence don't touch that it's full of [Music] fiberglass oh no nobody's supposed to get hurt oh my gosh my parents are going to kill me I'm dead I'm so dead pull yourself together [Music] man well that was exciting okay he's fine would you just look at the water pressure makes you glad to be alive huh and we had the tiles imported all the way from Morocco I got to get out of here Chad Chad oh I hear Clarence Chad Chad where are you going Chad what are you doing all the way down here here I just came to see what's up that's great Chad Theo the mar [Music] thanks wow all right my turn maybe later little man wow you could probably beat up my dad Thanks kid say Chad when do you think my messes will start coming in next year uh yeah probably can't rush him though cool all right I think we explored everything down here where to next we could go explore Breen's bedroom or Breen's parents bedroom we can go anywhere you guys want as long as it's not the attic attic we got to go to that attic yeah we got it guys I just said my parents don't want anyone going up there what do you think they're hiding some n y or a dead body and then it turned into a dead ghost I'm scared but I still want to go you guys know my parents will kill meenen Breen Breen Breen your parents are going to kill you anyway now don't you want to find out what's up there before they do uh Chad what do you think uh Walt oh yeah I said we go to the attic but then Walt wanted his pin stripes and we both thought about desert rose boy that would have been a mistake can you imagine no I can't um you know when I was painting clarence's room I spent so much actually Mary we're still talking about our wallpaper here so if you could just keep the chatter down that'd be great thanks where are you Chad come on come on wow go go go I'm so excit look to go it's just a teddy bear over there oh it's just a mannequin a rainbow wig a pair of trousers and two rakes hm maybe the ghosts are hiding better look around e hey it's my game player I thought I lost this I love this thing hey look at these cool old magazines this the biggest building I ever saw okay but I think we're done up here and we should head downstairs a man but I still wonder what Green's parents were hiding whoa did you guys hear that hello ghosts are you there I'm just a friendly boy just be my friend okay clearance look out back to our floor Oh Lordy well guess we know what he didn't want us to go in the Attic Chad are you okay why'd you do that that come on come [Music] on that was a whole world back [Music] here banana peel a banana peel banana peel banana peel banana peel banana going to [Applause] peel missed me hello hey Sumo hey man uh is that your grandma I don't know I think she think some hamburgers what are you doing in that kitty seat Well my mom Banned Me from leaving after the last time wa what happened last time long story what are you doing here well I was going to hang with de but Mom says I got to get groceries first I hate shopping you know they do got some stuff to do here if you know where to look wow really get the jelly beans fall down here they're free so now all these ones free I guess they I yeah pretty much assistant manager by now I have more key and everything you can hold it if you want hey get it out get it out okay now it's your turn okay let me just oops up all five pretty sure of the secret world back [Music] we did it all right yay all right 50% off o 70% off hello a dollar for two Don't Mind If I [Music] Do savings H you know I wonder where clearance is with that [Music] milk clean up an all five yeah just clean up an all five I'll show [Music] you okay you again time Sumo they're free yes these are our coconut macaron cookies made with Organic [Music] this is actually really fun this is it one whole month of coupons mom look out what coupons coupons coupons coupons no no my C my C no there's a dollar hidden in the yard and whoever finds it gets to keep it any questions where's my mom oh um bus or home nobody knows the true worth of a man Clarence these kids look like they might sue us we should have them sign waivers n these kids have kind faces the kind that I trust for no good reason besides this is the best turnout we've had in years but the clearance group has never done this before ladies and gentlemen start your engines if we find the money who gets to keep it you do why cuz it's fun life is but a dance of Triumph and tragedy Sir You Can Dance Let the dollar hunt begin there volume knob this thing I turn it off do I turn off come on to sit on it let our hunt begin huh no get get [Music] no oh yeah sumo's in charge of creating obstacles he you're okay buddy just just breathe six St for tyranus oh please lost bus that's right buddy just keep looking for that dollar Clarence come on don't forget I'm making casserole for my book club tonight mom look the dollar Hunt is a huge success everyone's having a great time give it to me yep Clarance hello I'm leaving to get my hair done now do you still have that $20 bill I gave you for groceries way ahead of here Mom I got the list right here and the $20 right here all right that's good sweetheart I'm depending on you love you bye I got to go love you bye a jeez Jeff yeah you remember that $ bill that I said I buried what did you do well I might have sort of buried a $20 bill instead you mean the one your mom gave you to buy groceries to make a casserole for a book club tonight while she's getting her hair done yep that's the one don't tell anyone we can still switch it back don't tell anyone what that I buried a $20 bill instead of a $1 bill oops you didn't hear that $20 H 20 $20 is my destiny 20 wait no everybody stop the hunt stop the hunt unfortunately the rules say the hunt can only stop when the money is found who made these horrible rules oh well that doesn't matter because you know where the money is right um right Clarence yeah senority is a on us eggs feathers don't tell me you can't remember where you hid the money okay I won't eggs Clarance a mother's trust is a secred bond you can't fail her retrace your steps no retrace them in your mind my mind hey hey Clarence have you SE my lipstick no you're a cute little Dickens aren't you salamy me hey Clarence what you doing in there buddy nothing run stop making sense making oh that's it I know where it is now I buried it over by the tree knock it off you are so annoying all right then I'll solve the zoo mystery your way blah blah my name is bson bats bats are dumb I don't care what the answer is that's you no it's not that's not me that's it I'm out of here uh whoa was it night time when we went in there the zoo's closed and I'm trapped inside here with you just perfect I know this is perfect that we have the whole zoo to ourselves we can say good night to all the animals good night monkeys good night giraffes good night dinosaurs leave it to your dumb brain to mistake the worst situation for something fun that's cuz it is fun how can you like everything well how do you not like anything that's not true I like some things really like what none of your business we were here all day and you didn't like a single solitary animal that's because the only ones I wanted to see were the Dolphins and they weren't even here what the heck are you smiling at bson you just told me something you liked yeah so so that's something only buddies do and buddies always help their buddies we're going to track down that dolphin buddy and when we do you're going to look at her we can't the Tank's closed remember that just means that they're somewhere else hm we've been everywhere except there the animal Church of course we'll just get over there and we'll check it out hey what the [Music] heck we got to get out of here before we get caught no time for Dolphin hunting no one stops buddies not even zookeepers I made a buddy promise and I'm going to buddy keep it Zoo pow go power of snake power of [Music] monkey power of [Music] spider power of kangaroo power of sea hotter [Music] wow [Music] Dolphins a baby dolphin it's so cool I know buddy I know wow you want to know why I like everything bson because everything is like a baby dolphin to me yeah but if everything's a baby dolphin then the real baby dolphin isn't as special yeah but what if there was um think about like a whole planet that's just baby dolphins that'd be pretty cool yeah I guess that would be pretty cool buddy step away from the tank he did it I don't know the guy he did everything I didn't want to come here I I am so sorry I promise this will never happen again you guys are in so much trouble well you would be if I hadn't let bie that sandwich what it doesn't matter just please please stay with the group next time I almost had a heart attack I was this close to moving to California infor Baker zebra stole the key Clarence figured it out thanks buddy Z power be hug go oh I can do the work of two normal guys dang it clar if you're not going to help build a boat just get out of here Jeff Sumo hates me now I'm sure he doesn't hate sorry I yelled at you the other day I was just frustrated that's okay so do you want to go to the movies with me and Jeff tomorrow we're going to go see the robo Frog movie yeah I think I got to keep working on my boat I really need to finish my boat are you upstairs Santa Claus oh there you are well Santa I'm just worried about my friends from school Sumo he's just been acting like a really crazy guy he could yelled at me and I think that the boat he's bu building is just driving him crazy so can you make sure that he just finishes it and that we can just be friends [Music] again thanks Santa also can you tell mom to let me go see Robo frog with Jeff tomorrow come on stinking thing what you building there Noah it's a boat you do know you're about 30 to 40 miles from the nearest body of water don't you yeah so well shoot maybe it'll flood and you'll be the only one above water what do you say about that what I don't know well don't catch cold out [Music] here hey buddy you need some help cuz you got some we're going to stay right here and build all night until your dream boat is a real [Music] boat [Music] how are we going to get this thing in the water I'll take you guys but mostly just to watch you sink yeah hi there mies it's time to sail to Seven Seas okay let's go guys I think we should review our boning safety protocol death pirates live dangerously that's why they only got one ey let's B the best dang it come we did it oh my gosh I can't believe we did it Hoist the you did it buddy you did it hoay for Zumo hoay for Sumo I did it yeah that's what we're saying I did it I did it my work the thing I want most in life is a boat you don't need a boat all the time unless you live in it or something but when you're out there in the water a boat will keep you from going [Music] under so I built a boat I don't have a lot of things in our mind sometimes things are really hard for me it's not perfect but it's my boat and I love it Master Level soku puzzle [Music] book hey buddy we're making Point calls you want to join us okay this one's for you ready go oh um is your refrigerator running Prescot Police Department what's your emergency you called the cops uhoh hi sorry this is kind of embarrassing but me and my friends were just doing some uh pranking say that no no everything's fine there was a burglar but um we broke his legs oh no you don't need to send an ambulance because because uh because he got on fire ran away he's gone don't send anybody do you think that worked mystery pinata time Piñata oh not for me thank you what why not what are you talking about piñatas are awesome I suppose it's because I've never tried it well je my friend today the day you become a man a Pata a man yeah you got hit the Pata under the blindfold eyes won't peep do it right tie it tight don't cheat now spin around head pined The Ground by the bat that's the action making a sound like whoa whoa whoa whoa get dizzy stand back lift bat get busy with a little flick of the wrist give it a swish don't miss try to hit it into little bits and pieces to release the sweetest candy or otherwise some of the surprise it can be anything the pinata Master fancies a risky mystery but take the chance please hit the pinata hit the pinata we got hit the pinata yeah yeah you got hit the pinata hit the thing harder the pinata made out of paper break the shape of the Don you won't be seeing it later cuz once you attack it make the bat smack it maybe you'll smash it into SMI theine so streams of sweet treats Karine to the carpet the tricky task is to swing a stick in the darkness but try your hardest and tense your back until you strike the Target and make it crack hit the pinata hit the pinata we got hit the pinata yeah yeah you got to hit the Pata hit the thing harder hit the pinata hit the pinata hit the pinata Wing butter hit the pinata yeah yeah you got hit the pinata hit the thing hard hit the [Applause] pinata you guys are going to crack up when you see what's inside this thing all right Jeff you're dizzy enough [Laughter] oh wait a minute what's that sound could it be do you want some honey and your tea Sumo you're going to be very surprised by my mystery pinata hold on I got to change out of my be [Music] suit [Music] hi and the Mystery is please a man that does look like [Music] [Applause] fun open Move we got a call about a robbery fiery homicide I don't know I got it I was fixing up a railing at that bellson lady's place again there's this flower painting upstairs $20,000 can you believe that yeah I had a job you know last last year and then rich people will pay anything for art doesn't even have to be good heck I can make a bunch of these and sell them for a million bucks wow that's beautiful that's like a trash angel or a sunset made of garbage who that's a great idea man let's do it nah I was just messing around no no come on we we rent a space open a sculpture shop and it's on you think yeah you just got to believe man like this soda Chad sour cream and onion soda I had an idea I believed and now it's here okay I mean that's you know that's a secret to all the Chad products from Chad Industries Chad sour cream and onion ice cream Chad sour cream and onion keyboard cleaner Chad sour cream and onion bug repellent yep I mean it's only a matter of time before Chad is a household name so how about it yeah yeah we could do it and we'll be rich rich yeah yeah okay take it easy man what do you guys think million dooll idea right if you raise some cash you can invest and get in on the ground four oh we're going to be rolling in it yeah sure okay sure ma'am rolling in it we have a chance to invest in our dads can't miss business but as the saying goes you got to make money to spend money so here's how we got to do it as you can see plan a is to make money as this craft shows the plan will work if it works as you can see if plan a fails we'll get another better plan or Plan B this chart shows pies are delicious if Plan B fails we walk away no questions asked any questions yeah why don't we just sell that laser pointer oh cuz this is Jeff's laser pointer who would want to buy Jeff's laser pointer hello Madam of the house we are wondering if you might be interested in the oper hey my laser pointer how'd you get that plan B Plan B we got to have restrooms right um journals or trough o and we should have a fire door oh oh like a safety door in case there's a fire no a door made of fire a fire door but how would people get inside oh oh I'm stupid you're right that's that's a terrible idea that's terrible don't just scratch that no no no no no no it it could work it could totally work where is it [Music] toilet we are singing to you senior now give us to5 to $20 Plan B I guess b stands for bust maybe I'm not like Chad or sumo's dad maybe I'm not opposed to be a business guy maybe I'm just supposed to get paid for doing nothing like a statue or a senator maybe I should just go to sleep to the sweet sweet Cricket lullab or maybe my new name is Clarence Moneybags kaching to the Clarence mobile Cynthia hi hey go on your maid oh uh yeah of it's funny story because we usually have a uh Reginal of a butler but he's sick you know so actually that's great that you're offering uh sure I mean that works out fantastic great okay bye oh I can't have a cleaning service come over seeing our house like this look at it it's a mess yeah but is this as a point are they supposed to clean it up well she's technically a guest right oh go I do not need this today Mom you're not really making any sense at all you're right if I'm going to get this place cleaned up before the maid gets here I'm going to need your help all right uh okay yeah sir okay start with the trash then do the dishes oh okay oopsie I don't know what I'm doing oh oh no okay fine it's just so happens there are some things that I'm bad at doing [Music] too this is so boring uhoh what what is it oh I just noticed uh we got some giant snail food over here yeah giant snails you know this stuff they love eating it unless we get rid of it with that wand you got to have the uh we're in big trouble oh really oh yeah you got that wand yeah no pretty soon this whole place is going to be full of uh big hungry [Music] snails must get rid of giant snail food where else where else now over there on the Shelves come on it you're doing a great job hun keep those snails at Bay all right what is this dark trickery a great I need batteries [Music] now it says life meter low is that baded whoops m stop it you can't play my what are you you're going to kill all my oh my gosh all my extra lives did you finish cleaning up the kitchen gummy bear oh not you my son I call him that because when he was a baby he reminded me of a cute little Gummy Bear whoops is that bad not until the kitchen's [Music] cleaned guys come on okay I'm doing the chores you can stop now and the gutters they need to be cleaned out okay okay whatever you want just please [Music] stop all right now let's get back to that quick sand [Music] hey there bud you helping your mom out uh yeah it's important to pitch in I never helped my mom out we haven't spoken in years keep that thought in your pocket huh oh yeah if you worry too much just relax and take a tip from chimney over here when life tosses you a fbe then you you you catch it come on Jeff Catch It Go Get It [Music] Jeff help hello Chef Guys I think I'm stuck where's chimney what I don't know help me okay okay calm down I got this under control ah I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish ow what are you doing don't worry buddy I'll get you no wait wait no don't do it something nice one Clarence don't worry guys I'm coming to get you cool Sumo well you shouldn't have fallen in the first place well you were the one who threw the Frisbee hey it's clarence's Flying Saucer this is all his fault guys guys hold on a sec you're forgetting something what what that we got the coolest most braest dog in all the whole land in the world Chim chimy come on girl get us out of here come on chimy [Music] Chimney [Music] did chimney go get help I'm not sure I can't see him I Fu he watch it what's going on I can't see you guys I see him he's he's right there looks like he's biting his butt oh now he's sniffing a bug oh he ate the bug now he's laying on his side a he's so tired we had a busy day H jimy what but that's not how this kind of thing he's supposed to work the dog is supposed to save the day chimy bad dog now go get help I think he actually is leaving to get help no wait now he's coming back he's got something and then Santa Claus couldn't eat a single cookie cuz he sold his teeth for another toy for a kid the end that story doesn't make any sense he's trying to look on the bright side I liked his story why did he bring us so many sticks what do we need sticks for well would life gives you sticks you just make stick a A or how about stick in eggs yeah like stick in the wait or or when life gives you sticks you you stick them in the mud or like like a like a stick of of butter or like like like a stick of butter and and and when life gives us sticks we could decorate the well with stickers or build a ladder yeah a lad lad just give me your guys' shoelaces shoelaces oh mine are velcro oh and I don't ever even wear shoes oh but I always keep a bunch of extra shoelaces in my pocket just in case I got to tie something up ooh I'll take the glitter ones here's one here I'll get more [Applause] sticks we're free we're free we're free we're free we're free we're free we're free but when she does wake up she's going to run right back to the barn we've got to find a place to hide her till after the race someplace she'll stay put all right easy now easy okay bye Jeff good luck what are you talking about am I supposed to stay here all night a so what should I do if someone catches me um I'll catch you I've done this kind of thing before turn around looking good buddy okay I'm going in clar you don't have to do this yes suumo yes I do okay see you after the big race wait doesn't mean you have to go we can hang out want his name s to see the CL me butter SC here piggy piggy piggy piggy piggy remember us wo she got really big let me see wow catching her this year is going to be easier than [Music] ever save it for the race come on let's go steal some eggs looks like that Jeff's in for a long cold night now where was I still good morning amdale and welcome to the 35th annual aale Pig Race looks like our contestants are gathering up now shoot I'm J do jley here telling yall to get ready to yell soon way cuz it's racing time first prize is looking real good this year a family siiz barrel of processed meat good and tail September well well who do we have here haven't seen you around Sumo where you been School you stink like books don't you have a wedding to attend or something not today my wedding's tomorrow in the meantime we've got a pig to catch love that Butter's got to look good and white did you say all right let's get rolling Randall grease up that pin Rand and remember y'all no forks forks ropes or neets got to catch that pig with your bare hand y'all ready say on your marks get set go go [Applause] go and we got Tammy Ray running close alongside D and an old C and buba just look up all in that M and here comes really Johnson but oh just inches away she may be big but that's one fast pit the Riders look not the hammer surrounding that is one greasy Pig soono Cuda or neck and neck oh what's this looks like old butterscotch is broke it out of the pan oh no this race is like a bucket of crickets on Sunday what you folks just sitting around there for get out out there it's a Freer all come we got to you sure are lucky that's not you out there butterscotch butter scotch
Channel: Clarence
Views: 277,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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