All play, no work... | Gumball 1-Hour Compilation | Cartoon Network

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don't worry you'll never see me best friends best friends friends best friends best friends best friends best friends [Music] best for a very long time I've watched you from afar punched in your closet or strapped beneath your car I treasured all the stories the three of us share wherever you are I'll always be there when you were alone I was there too behind the shower girl that you never knew I dressed in your clothes and wa in your air I washed your both sleep and nozzled your hair it helps that your bedroom has places to hide and the windows don't lock so I can get inside I've waited so long to be a part of your life and one day one of you will call me his [Music] wife [Applause] I think we need to have a reasonable conversation with this young lady where is she we've been looking for 2 hours now oh not you okay Mr small why are you looking at that painting like that oh thank Mother Earth you can see it too did you see that see [Music] what Sarah [Music] wait Sarah listen I know what you're going to say I'm sorry about the hair what what what hair is is there something wrong with my hair no Sarah this whole thing isn't really working out yeah it's not you it's us by which we mean it's you wait don't you want to see what's inside my locker is this another one of your tricks why would we want to see inside your locker because this is the part of the story where you realize maybe I do all this because I'm lonely no Sarah this is the part of the story where you realize there is no story and you leave us alone oh yeah sure dude look at this the first people who spoke to me at Elmore Junior High and this the coolest kids in school Gumball and Darwin the only people who really know me are you thinking what I'm thinking I know right I'm definitely taller than you and if my eyes were that close together I'd be a cyclop no she really cares about us and we just pushed her away look at this the amazing ing Adventures of Gumball Darwin and Sarah oh man all she ever wanted was to be included this this is today here's us at lunchtime yeah look at that hand it's like a big thumb well hands are difficult to draw here's us watching a video and here's Sarah walking off just a second ago I wonder what happens next well whatever it is hope she goes to Art School no you say we're her only friends we have to do whatever it takes to make her happy we're only friends we have to do whatever it takes to make her happy right how do we do it it's all right here Sarah you shall not be alone it's all right guys you don't have to do this yes I do Sarah I have been touched by the beauty of your art and now I think I love you no you cannot love her for I love her more she's beautiful and yellow and runny and funny see where he hides all his nuts okay and it worked a little too well okay don't move okay I've got to run now why to compete why cuz I have to fight why because I have to be the best why so people will like me but lots of people already like you really like who it's 2:00 already I'm too late I've got to go home empty-handed not quite empty-handed you have a nut happy nut what would you do if you were me if I had done everything you've done sleep till I'm 40 I mean what should I do with my life maybe start living [Music] it [Music] [Music] actually you know what I wouldn't change a [Laughter] thing F fight oh no little man this is a food [Music] War a manifest on how I will gain the power of I need to cge Elmore Junior High of its greatest problem what is this for real you better read it to become School president I might need to work a little on my appearance the more serious a leader looks the more seriously he will be taken the next step is to alter my voice lowering it to give it a little more gravitas maybe not that low and then just a hint of an accent for approachability then I'll need to develop my strategic mind a leader must be thinking at least two steps ahead check made you see people are a lot like Pawns in a chess game and you need to know how to influence them hey you're right it's a great idea you should apply it what little old me but I'm just a simple country boy from the sticks now what would I know about them their politics n you'd make a great school president the best way to achieve your goals is to make people think it was their idea uh who are you talking to that is not something you need to worry about okay well all I was saying is that you would make a great school president Alan that's a good idea it is not my idea so all I'm saying is that Alan would make a great school president you see people just love to take credit for other people's ideas Alan would make you grade school president Allan would make a great school president Allan would make a great school president H surely once you're done shaking it it should be called a milk shook but sadly not every Pawn on the chessboard can be used the next step is to motivate people to react nothing brings about change more quickly than a [Music] crisis great tax your grades will be tax to provide better grades for the less academically gifted what the what dude you would totally benefit from that system tax is like shared food at a picnic I'm not bringing the ham if everyone else is bringing the salad no you're more likely to bring the Wasps I am not going to stand for it so you've got a legal and plausible alternative no I'm just going to fire this is terrible I'm unhappy with something but I don't know what it is so I'm just going to smash everything up their argument is sound boo but we weren't even going to tax their grades oh yeah counter Riot you do realize we're just reading his journal and none of this is real yeah but this is exactly how would happen if it was happening okay the next step is to stand as a candidate myself and offer a solution the people have awoken we must all stand together let me be your voice and and tell those in charge that we have had [Applause] enough let us think for one moment and realize it is time for change we must March forward look to the Future and see that the time for celebration is now and if I don't deliver that for you you may strike me down bothe for me the next step is a subtle advertising campaign will help me stand out for my competitors don't let Elmore slip up boycut Banana Joe what the don't let the evil take root protect the youth what the dude chill out it's only a game you don't understand man I've never got this far before look how much I'm sweating stop it you electrocute yourself round complete h I can't beat the final boss man I'm weak you're not weak you just lack upper body strength lower body strength and mental strength slap me harder ow softer okay maybe somewhere in between that was exactly right come on you can win this by the power of Buton [Music] mhine you win dude what's the point in learning all these combos if all you need is button mashing who cares top score oh man it's only three letters in the top score what do I go with gum or ball maybe go with the least stum sounding you're right let's go with ball no wait why don't you use your real name instead of your nickname great idea wait what is it what do you mean what is it what kind of guy doesn't know his own name you to know what either do you then this shall be my quest I will find out that name I will stop at nothing I will leave no stone unturn I will climb the highest mountain explore every island search every cave I will question every man woman and animal fight a bear if I have to I'll wear shorts I'll milk a fish I'll shave a baby time a rainbow no that would be ridiculous but I will like an owl I will wrestle a senior citizen in jello I'll kick a crap in the face I'll steal a watch from a ghost I'll eat a beard I'll marinate a plumber and when they write about me in history books they will say you did what had to be done to find out his real name your real name it's Zach Zack Zach z z z z z z z z z who's Zach I am oh Gumball's called Zack now so yeah good point hey Coach G game must not you're not in the team water C go out more [Applause] dugs hey Carrie I think we really nailed that song last night we're totally going to win the Battle of the Bands man you're not in a band I'm not in a band I bet you can even give me the name of a band yeah like [Music] Germany hey that's my cousin tou down Watch Out World there's a new cat in town and he's go school's over already yeah and you spent the whole day with one eyebrow ra behaving like a horrible Jack are you all right oh Zach is fine are you sure kazak is kind of digesting part of an apple kid's face right now that's cuz Zach do does what he wants sorry but who exactly is this Zach I thought it'd be like Gumball but with a shorter name no Gumball's a loser Zach is the man Zach doesn't ask he takes dude what are you doing Zach doesn't have to explain himself because he smells so good Zach listen to me Zach doesn't listen he hears that's the same thing oh wait what was that I'm afraid I can't listen you what walk with me see Zach doesn't wait for doors to open he punches right through them metaphorically of course see here's another example Zach doesn't waste his time he goes straight to the point Make Way losers I'm more important than you so if Penny didn't do it who did H it must have been you I said it was him why me well yesterday you were wanding around when Suddenly at the age of 27 you realized your youth was behind you oh then all your hair fell out bummer when you saw principal Brown's lustrous hair a Cod you were overcome with jealousy and acting on impulse you attacked you frantically plugged out all of his hair DED at the right color and used it to cover your balding shame then planning to mislead any investigation you painted principal ground wrapped him in toilet paper and stuffed him into my locker the perfect crown save for one thing when you stuck the new hair on your body there wasn't quite enough which explains this Bal spot on your hand dude you've got it all wrong I got this Bal spot when I was cleaning yesterday you see I spilled some really strong chemicals on my hand and it burnt off the hair see if that's the case how come I can just pull your hair right off stop no oh okay then I guess it wasn't you who could it be all this is Spence is making me sweaty why don't you just wipe your brow with that toilet paper suspiciously stuck to the bottom of your shoe I can't believe I'm about to say this buddy but it was you yes yes I did it I'm a monster a monster just locked me up I'm a minister to [Music] society take me away I rest my case but Darwin couldn't have done it really we all saw you on the bus when we went home then how do you explain the toilet paper you've had it on your feet all day dude didn't you notice nope don't remember any toilet paper so it wasn't Penny it wasn't Rocky and it wasn't Darwin which leaves us with only one suspect the only person who knew the combination to the locker Principal Brown was found in you oh that's all the proof I need you're coming with me wait you're forgetting one bit of crucial evidence and what's that I'll just go and get it he's not coming back is he no now H workk for the one who catches [Music] [Music] him quick give me something else to throw what ow stop throwing stuff at me I'm [Music] innocent ouch shh leave me alone I'm innocent I would never heard Principal Brown I think I'm feeling a little better and if you really didn't know that then maybe you should read a book I don't know dude this book says he's right apparently nachos aren't fruit what the what you mean we've been in a flame War for 7 hours and we can't even win did he make any spelling mistakes no but he did say who instead of whom call it I think you'll find it's whom W wh cyers pych quick block up before he could respond I love Elm more plus it's like real life but with none of the consequences yeah you get to see what everyone does and how happy they are and how much better their lives are compared to ours let's write more sarcastic comments just got my roots done what do you think I think you should realize this is a public form and put your pop back on upset because of a certain someone they know who they are stop posting mysterious status updates and we have no idea who you're talking [Music] about I don't get this there's always people who give the thumb up to everything like Tobias is getting his appendix out today probably going to have a scar thumbs up from Alan what is he liking about that exactly the fact it wasn't him who was in pain let me handle this you have reached your thumb up limit please walk away from your computer look at yourself in the and give yourself the thumb down let's just block him in fact let's block everyone that annoys us block block block block block block block block block block block block block done we got a message who from I don't know it's blocked dear Gumball and Darwin what's with the voice it says read in a deep scary voice at the top you have wronged me for the last time by the end of the day I will have my revenge and you will be sorry for the way you treated me find your sworn enemo sorry typo I meant enemy what did we do and who sent that message it could be anyone it couldn't just be anyone it has to be someone we've upset yeah you're right it could be anyone oh I know let's apologize to everyone yes that's the only way we can be sure how could you forget what you've done to me hey guys I just wanted to say that you seem really cool and well I think we should hang out what do you say wow that was awkward okay so um we're going to go now but you uh you should stay here okay bye your time will come come on there must be something we've done to you that wor an apology dink yes come on use your pointy brain but J is not angry s he likes you s he likes all the things in the world yeah well I got to apologize for something so I'll apologize for this oh my gosh I'm so sorry but ssy like that too a look [Music] next darn right I'm angry at you tell us about it have you ever noticed that nothing in this world is set up as it should be be like what I should be more important I should be the one with a sidekick and exciting Adventures I'm more handsome richer and more colorful than you guys and yet it's like I'm the supporting character of my own life come on I'm not hugging you we're both in towels come on no get up get up get up get up get up come on just give me a hug leave me alone you weirdos you leave us no choice accept our palish accept it give us look how sorry we are give us a hug okay jeez right that's one less angry friend to deal with hey did I tell you about what my brown crayon ran out don't worry though this story has a happy ending does it involve the main character being slowly run over by a bus no I used felt to pets instead true story which reminds me of another story and the thing is it was my favorite pencil as well feels like we've been walking down this Corridor for half an hour now it's like a a superpower she can Dore time and space using only boredom no I just B the somebody's got to man up and put an end to this so they're like pencils well I mean I guess they're similar to all right girl listen up because Darwin has something he wants to say to you wait what tell her dude you know how you think your stories are you know straight up awful I thought we were both chickening out that was like headbutting a kitten uh he made awful as in they fill us with awe I thought I was boring you for a second no your stories are great it's just maybe they could be um shorter better over he he means they just need a little editing come with us okay so Gumball used this editing software to make your stories more uh to the point uh so yes your name true story yeah just kidding your stories are perfect the way they are oh good I hope you would tell me if I was boring bless you and I woke up that I wasn't in my old bedroom but that I remembered I was on vacation my brain is full every time she says something I have to forget something else to make room for it if she says another word I'm going to forget my parents do you really want that on your conscience whatever your name is I'm sorry I just don't have the heart to hurt her feelings home time at last I mean lunchtime I hate you it's not me it's time I hate you both I guess I just last night I had the craziest dream that my pajamas had pockets and that I woke up and they did have pockets I mean maybe we should just try and tune our house okay by there was this explosion of interest in my stab collection that and I did a backflip and then the pancakes were done I saw murder of crows there was a tsunami of homework end of the world and I was like it's not the end of the world if you run out of barer that's how we went to the store hold on dude if we keep doing this to our brains we might do some real damage how many fingers am I holding you're going to have to look down I can't move anything below the neck 311 I'm glad we stopped before us too late favorite sentence is not for me I'm allergic and I was in the kitchen making toast my dad smelled the toast and he ate it true story did I tell you about my birthday party I didn't have one but I'm sorry dude but she's got to go I'm going to push her in front of Jamie no wait what if we you know pass the ball I don't care about the game I'm talking about Molly so am I I I just thought it was a good analogy on theme with the you know dodgeball and doesn't matter what I meant was hey guys have you heard Molly stories and I'm afraid there is only one way to ensure we never have to hear another I think if anyone else [Music] there [Music] [Applause] that's it no I'm sorry but this is who I am huh I don't feel any different do I look okay potato potato potato potato potato potato H nice to see you glad to have you back with us but we have things we need to tell you if too much fun we really can't forgive you when you CAU us into pieces we wish you had an EAS and all our nephews and our nieces smashed them baked them fried and roasted saut boed and grilled and toasted peed up all our skin dug out all our rice D us into wedes and you slce us into price we are glad we came to see your one more thing we must discuss the final thing we need to say is please will you stop [Music] us uh you okay buddy that's it I need to do this on my own I'm going to lock myself in my room until I beat this thing uh Mr small Darwin just skipped out on the rest of the school day don't look at me rot we did it we did it dar's given up eating potatoes I knew you'd be pleased but I didn't realize you'd get so emotional I'm not you just shut my hand in the locker oh sorry so what was that about Darwin he's gone home and locked himself in his room to quit eting potatoes because it was upsetting you why would I be upset I'm not the same potatoes as he eat in the canteen are you saying that all potatoes look the same uh say no no h I'm going to go see Darwin so it looks like everything worked out well in the end I don't think you understand what just happened Darwin is struggling to battle his potato cravings and you just let Idaho the potato go off and see him so we're good we sure is hot I better put some sunscreen [Music] on well plow my furl this ain't sunscreen it's tan and oil look at me getting all crispy okay one more time so Idaho has gone to see Darwin remember Darin is struggling to resist eating potatoes if I have a serious expression and Nod really slowly it'll look like I'm listening to every word she saying Gumble what you do realize you said all of that out loud quick think of a good excuse and [Music] that hey what do you think you're doing I'm salting the roads for ice but it's like 90° out here and it's you I'm so fired okay so here's a model of the block you live on I'm sorry I didn't have time to build it to scale so here's Darwin Sarah we don't have time for this I've just realized that Idaho is on his way to see the potato starve Darwin and Idaho is a [Music] potato oh no the truck is out of control oh I guess it's all right Darwin Darwin [Music] Darwin Darwin Darwin Darwin Darwin Darwin don't do it open up open up oh thanks Darwin no oh Mom stop embarrassing me oh it burns my eyes what was that uh I don't know paint my hair what was that chlorine from the pool what was that a fertilizer oh I guess it's all right then but that's still two hours of detention for potentially damaging my beautiful face really Principal Brown you need to be firmer than that oh okay 4 hours detention 8 hours good see you in detention Waton mom you're not [Music] helping the Nerds think you look like a do DEA dork with your mom at school what does that mean it's a 12-sided dork honey mom you're not helping Mom you're not helping come on honey open the tunnel for the choo choo train M you're not helping no the Tina thing was kind of helpful but this has gone too far wait a minute thanks now seriously I need you to stop meddling with my life I'm not meddling I'm helping helping by meddling you're just a big meddler I'm not a medler I'm your mother and a medler hey isn't that the girl you like Mom no excuse me Penny have you got a second sure but you guys will need to be quick the cheerleader tryouts are about to start mom if you love me please don't do this oh come on Gummy puss don't be shy my baby has something to say to you no I don't he'd like to take you out on a date that's not true he loves you really no I don't I don't love penny and I never will Gumball well thanks for being honest with me no wait I meant I'll never love peanuts no ponies see what you did you upset Penny how am I supposed to get her back well you know I could help you that's enough okay that's enough I'm My Own man now I make my own decisions and I Don't Need You Bing me any M any thanks now just go home okay oh come on we all had a great time didn't we Darwin to be honest I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life why are you smiling then well at first I was trying not to hurt your feelings but now I'm just stuck I beg of you just get out of my life okay okay I guess I'll just go home then Mom you've got to come back I made my own decision it was a bad one a really really bad one oh thank goodness she's gone I'll Never Smell again Darwin mom you're back yay do you know where your brother is in the changing room thanks Gumball it's me open the door no no I won't what happened oh it's awful I made a decision on my own and it was bad listen whatever it is you've done you need to come out and face it all right all right I'm coming out oh oh you were going to try and get closer to Penny by joining her chair team but now you feel embarrassed because you have to wear a skirt what no I'm going to beat Penny out her own game so she'll realize how awesome and manly I am then she'll definitely want to date me right so what's the problem the problem is me what if I'm not as good as the other girls what if they laugh at me and this Lear makes me look fat my put this skirt on to hide my butt help we can't get out please help we're locked in please let us out it's no use Darwin we're going to be stuck in here forever it's the last time I come in here to whistle for you but if you don't whistle I can't go I never thought it would end like this stuck in a bathroom Forever at least we've had some pretty good times and some crummy ones too look Darwin if we don't get out of here there's something I need to tell you remember that time they found a creepy picture in your school book and you said you didn't do [Music] it well that was me what had to go to counseling for that I lost my whole summer I'm sorry dude Mr small put me in an isolation tank well let's not dwell on the past Gumball there's something I haven't told you too and it's probably going to shock you what is it really bad or something it's pretty bad yeah last week oh man I'm so glad it's you I thought this place was haunted by a couple of screaming girls we're sa how long have we been here about 3 minutes oh uh wait what were you going to say back there by the way huh you were going to say something remember oh don't worry about that now we're [Music] free I love this game that's so much fun yep hey you know what else was fun when we were stuck in the bathroom and you were going to tell me that secret yeah that was fun just out of curiosity what was that little secret it's better you don't know sure but I told you mine therefore I think it's better you tell me yours nah let's just play instead yeah let's just play look at him standing there knowing his secret I'll get it out of him if it's the last thing I do wow you're pretty good at this end it Gumball win there you go old pal what's the occasion can't the guy just make a meal for his best buddy this hasn't got anything to do with the secret has it secret no what secret H you're giving me this food so I'll tell you the secret aren't you am I aren't [Music] you did you do something to this food I don't know did I sorry excuse me tap a little tight hey looks like we're all out of drinks oh wait what's this you want it what's the secret oh [Music] well oh man thanks Gumball you're welcome remind me again exactly why we're at school on a Saturday are you kidding me it's Club day it's the only day of the week when I get to hang out with people I really like what uh got to go okay see you all back here at 5 but wait I don't have a club to go to well mom looks like it's your lucky day I'm coming with you to your and your management club oh that's sweet gumball but behind this door I'm a very different person trust me you don't want to see this hello Nicole Welcome Back could you guys keep it down a little you keep it down hey annaise what club are you in physics Club well today's your lucky day because I'm let me stop you right there you know there are different types of intelligence yeah I don't think you have any of them I don't get it exactly oh come on oh let me in don't be a club hog fine dad can I join your fantasy club who be there it's me gumball be you work no be you dwarf no I'm your son be you better saer snacks for the elders what no then be gone what's up man there's got to be a club for me somewhere you could always join my club what is it synchronized swimming [Music] H you're good but I can do better here comes the Swan Dive of Eternal [Music] Beauty so how graceful was that dude you can't swim Fair Point uh has anyone seen my trunks yeah touchdown slam D yeah uh Hey guys is this the football club yeah well uh did I miss the game no it's going on right up there why aren't you playing cuz we're at the reserve team cool so can I join I don't know are you man enough me I'm at least 50% man well in that case here's your towel thanks so do you guys ever get to play n we just hang out here and act kind of sporty you guys just take showers hang around in towels and high five each other there's a little bit more to than [Music] that ow okay okay okay [Music] okay hey Hector is the game over yeah we lost uhoh [Music] what oh why doesn't anyone want me in their Club it can't have anything to do with me my talent my intelligence or my general awesomeness you know what too bad for you jealous people cuz I'm starting my own club and you are not invited okay I'd like to welcome everyone to Gumball's Club of Gumball first order of business attendance hm pretty good now it seems like recently we've been let down by certain family members so I propose a little exercise in trust okay don't worry Gumball Just Close Your Eyes let yourself fall back and someone will catch you well I'm a bit scared Gumball well that's why it's called a trust exercise size come on dude okay why are you kids not in gym class I got a sick note where is this sick note exactly I think it's in there somewhere how convenient you don't look very sick to me and you look at me in the eye when I'm talking to you uh sure let me just take a step back what the what's going on here you don't seem to be getting any further away oh there you go hi M you can call me coach now get to gym class what's going on I have no idea but it's terrible code red I repeat code red this is not a drill this is exercising somebody do something dude what do we do I can feel myself getting healthier well in circumstances like this I think it's safe to say that now would be the right time to freak out hey Waterston if your sweat reaches me I'm going to invite you to a pain party where the only guests are you me and my fists it's not sweat it's my organs crying come on Waton if you can't manage a simple pushup how are you ever going to do a cartwheel why would I ever want to do a cartwheel because everything you learn in gym class can make a difference in your life one day what possible use could I have for knowing how to do a cartwheel apart from physically replacing the wheel on the cart maybe the day you want to win gold in the 1986 Olympics that's not a cartwheel that's just a photo of you upside down yeah well that still doesn't prove it's useful oh really Jamie you're running being chased by a pack of angry dogs but oh no you've dropped your pen now do you let those dogs have that hard earned pen or do you can't wear your way out of it like a boss statistically that is quite unlikely but in that highly logical and Incredibly specific situation I guess you do have a point but what about that stuff let me paint you a picture you're being chased by another pack of angry dogs you reach the Ravine with only asymmetric bars along you to reach the other side they want your pen what do you do I guess I just turn on my Jetpack fly over the Ravine land in my flying car and drive to space that's completely unrealistic Jamie come here and show Waton how you would do it perfect you remind me of me at your age except for the fact she has a neck bastard that's not how you called in the 96 [Laughter] Olympics with my pants try go faster speed will blur your sh I can't I'm at full speed do something anything hold on I'm going to try and put them back on in three 2 okay so you just been to the mall but suddenly in the car park you see a pack of angry dogs here yeah yeah why don't we just let Jamie show us how to do it and that is how you win three gold medals in trampolining now show me what you got higher higher higher angry dog stay Waterson nil lesson over we need to cover as much of the neighborhood as we can but we can't have for help and we obviously can't be everywhere at the same time all right dudes this is our Target if you see him just pin him down okay ready steady go what have you done with your antons did you lose them all again no there was a bit of an accident I told them to split up to cover more ground so I think they might have taken it too literally it was P side don't beat yourself up these guys are so sweet and obedi that if I told them go jump in a lake they would't even think twice before they stop the mission is orted we're going back home we're going to need a place to hide them when we go to school tomorrow SK tomorrow hello hello oh hi oh hi hey hey gotcha you're coming with me Ant too an who I told you he was the Clone what [Music] clone they're being held captive they're [Music] close don't worry you're safe now until it's time to make a sandwich my name is Anan I was the first kneel before me actually you know what I don't think I care anymore see you later guys ah Anton what you're late for class oh no thanks guys huh since when do we have a mirror here a mirror here oh my gosh this mirror has an echo echo I'll see you guys later thank goodness he's as dumb as the other ones I thought we were busted and he'd find out about the cloning what cloning what the how did you hear me dude just because I'm out of sight doesn't mean I'm out of earshot you made a clone of me how many did you make not that many how many how many uh how many how many enough to have my revenge there can only be one original and it's me quick come with us Anton will protect [Applause] you what do we do there's only one way to fight an army of Anton we need a bigger Army of Anton that's a great idea haven't you learned anything today that you mostly have bad ideas uh yes but more importantly it's bad to play with life this way unless we get out some scientific progress from it I guess and because of us our friend is in danger dude what are you doing go and protect him I'll buy you some time but tell Inon I'm sorry I'm sorry for betraying his friendship and I'm hey sorry dude you were speaking for too long well I might go down but I won't go down alone dude you guys are totally useless in a fight this doesn't feel fair at all I'm going to have to stop no you failed me no I feel the great disturbance in the food chain has as if a thousand sandwiches cried out in Terror and were suddenly silenced okay I think we'll be safe here what's your problem man why are you so mean because once I get rid of him I'll become the only Anton maybe then you'll be my friend Father messed up come back father everything will be perfect when it's just you me and mother dude I'm not your dad I'm just a dude dude what is that you've been doing it all morning sneezing can't you tell not really you sound like the world's angriest baby what's wrong with you my throat is itchy my breath is Wheezy my eyes are watering a h sounds like worms I think you've got worms just squat over a bowl of milk and whistle till they come out no dude I think I'm allergic to something don't worry my friend whatever it is we will find it and we will not rest until we find you a cure and and you will be rid of this terrible Affliction I promise so when wi what two oh bad well now I guess so the symptoms are a weird empty sensation in my stomach a feeling of lightheadedness and an unusual amount of saliva in my mouth when I think of food I checked on the internet and apparently it might be something called the G virus which can only be cured by cutting off the infected part or the removal of the brain hm I'm going to prescribe two weeks off and a couple of heavy sedatives a day for 6 weeks oh thank you no that's for me what you just described is called being hungry now for the last time please get out of my office so I can curl up under my desk and revise my career choices but I told you I made hi Dar can't stop was here first I was just to some education because how can I help you you right sounds like a simple allergy just hold it in and get back to class oh okay MH you should never hold in a sneeze it's very dangerous you could pop a blood vessel or even worse is she right what she is is a pain in the neck who makes my job a nightmare if you have a pain in the neck you should really consult a medical professional because your ver may have slipped out of alignment which could be a sign of something more serious have a nice day aren't you supposed to take care of kids who are ill have a nice day but we still don't know what he's allergic to have a nice day I feel like you're trying to tell us something have a nice I'll never know what she was going to say now what are we going to do H we're going to need to find an alternative to traditional medicine did I hear someone talk about alternative medicine alternative medicines are often ridiculed for being a bunch of magic baln practiced by a gang of almost criminal boos but look at me you can tell right away it is no laughing matter yeah it's definitely a bit sad So the plan is to clean your energy by absorbing the toxins with the power of this unbreakable Crystal the power of these two unbreakable crystals how does that work I don't know the magazine this came with went bankrupt after two additions I'll just uh do this how does that feel good I think got I'm not okay don't worry I've got a diploma in the ancient art of acupuncture really yeah I bought it on the internet it came with a scuba diving license and a dog breeding permit there well on a pain scale of 1 to 10 this looks like it would score at least uh somebody please finish me off every second of my tragic existence is pure Agony don't worry acupuncture is completely painless you're right I can't feel pain or anything from the neck down yeah I couldn't remember the exact energy points I needed to strike so better safe than sorry but hey at least it worked you haven't sneezed for a I can smell dancing and taste purple are there going to be any more side effect bikini I'm sorry what I meant to say was maybe it won't be so bad I'll just meet Tina in a quiet calm atmosphere and we'll talk things through like civilized people yeah this is a great idea this is a terrible idea what's going on here I'll have no fighting on my watch oh Gumball Waton I must have known oh thank you Miss Simeon oh I was going to find a T-Rex please send me to detention well I suppose I could after my coffee break but miss Simeon coffee break but miss Simeon You're My Last Hope please uhoh yes here here what am I going to do what am I going to do use the Bunny Hop son son son son son dad what are you doing here well I wasn't going to miss the big fight Gumball time to deal with this like a [Music] man gall stop brother dude I have no idea what you're saying [Music] sorry sorry oh [Music] [Music] manam uhhuh D to cat [Music] oh Mr SP please let me in no please let me this go [Music] away would you mind removing your glasses when you're at the table uh yes what happened to you I ran into a door that's not true he's being bullied seriously I did run into a [Music] door Mom calm down I'm perfectly calm I just need a word with Mr Rex honeypie [Applause] gbo sit you guys make up Mr Rex hi Mr Rex we need to talk about your daughter so it's going to be like that is it well that's fine by me your dad is pretty scary so's your mom uh Tina is it true that you're bullying
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 1,137,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gumball reboot, amazing world of gumball, amazing world of gumball clown is everywhere, amazing world of gumball full episodes, baby anais, cartoon network, darwin singing, gumball, gumball and darwin, gumball cartoon network, gumball copycats, gumball factory tycoon, gumball full episodes, gumball machine, gumball movie, gumball the night, mrbeast gumball machine, sing with darwin, the amazing world of elmore, the amazing world of gumball, the amazing world of gumball movie
Id: YFoiu9uIQB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 53sec (3533 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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