SEASON 1 BEST BITS! Part 4 | Clarence Compilation | Cartoon Network

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where is he come on you got to be in here somewhere whoa Sumo look you found him no something [Music] better there must be a million dollars in here or even less we can do anything with this think about it buy some horns or buy a piñata or get you a new outfit or or do a dollar hunt or buy some horns yeah or once more around the block please sorry that's all 10 bucks will get you what now wait a minute think about it Sumo all the great stuff today the free chips the free money the horse and buggy ride it was all because of from chasing that lizard he led us to Good Fortune like a genie exactly so that means we should catch him put him in a lamp and rub it yeah bson I know you can hear me in there and I mean it give me a turn or I'm walking out this door right now last chance bson there is no one Crossing this line fine have a nice game okay I was bluffing let's start [Applause] over it's okay lizard we don't want to hurt you we just want to catch you and put you in a lamp so you'll give us wishes I got him here I come with the lamp here I come with the lizard no I I can't do it Sumo lizards belong on the street not in a lamp we can't let them go we won't get our wishes this is my wish sumo mine [Music] too I'm glad we didn't put that lizard in a l me too we should probably get off this roof anyway I'm really trying here bson I don't know what else you want from me I trimmed your nails I alphabetized your wardrobe I sanitized your toilets well I would have done that anyway but I need this you have to let me play you have to please please let me play okay I'm just going to pop this out and put this in and slide this guy offere there and give me a turn it's all mine [Music] that gazebo's a little [Music] small no Jeff Jeff look we got a new Lizard we named him Jeff because we missed you we had the best day he led us to the tips and then we got quarters and then I bought a little parachute for him we're going to take him base jumping up my roof we also got some pictures taken you want to see oh well I had a really great day too bson and I just hung out all day check it out we took a bunch of selfies me and bells and playing the cereus breach it was it was a lot of fun I want I call after Sumo well actually I really got to beat this part first okay let's put a nice 10t house right over here right next to the fire hydrant with its little dog house okay perfect gazebo okay let's make the town hall oh I am just having so much fun all right you have fun we're going to wait right here let's leave I could just play this all day wow oh boy okay everyone let's quiet down okay quiet please okay I'm sure you're all waiting to see the results of your placement test now just remember it doesn't matter if you're in the advanced group uh quill group uh or the um other uh group crayon right Crown uh so everyone has their own path their own learning style uh some people have different um you know Special World all okay look if you have a cray on your page you're with Miss sh and if you have a quill you're with me mhm a cool we're get to be cran Brothers ah yep still got it all right so we're not starting our new groups until tomorrow so today Miss Baker may I speak with you please uh right now yes please right now it's it's just that I mean it's funny really and I didn't want to embarrass you in front of everyone but you seem to have put me in the wrong group see this is a crayon card not a quill card it's okay Mrs Baker we all make mistakes sometimes uh no Jeff this is not a mistake you tested into the crayon group no no no no no that can't be right you probably got my test mixed up with someone else's this is a mixup right no Jeff this is your name this this is your test right here I I don't understand Oh I thought you'd be happy don't you want to be with your friends no I want my life to be better than theirs Jeff I want you to think about what you just said according to Aristotle active intellect can take any information and turn it into knowledge whereas passive in intellect takes it all for face value you that's right B not according to St Thomas or quess oh [Music] Chelsea I can't believe I was lucky enough to find all these delicious trees exclaimed Tanya the taper then Tanya ate all the leaves and berries she could Yum Yum Yum tapers love leaves suumo tapers love leaves [Music] uh Jeff what is this open it uh looks like $2 a pack of gum and a moist tallet it's all yours I'm willing to negotiate a deal here I'll retake the test as long as you make sure to Value mhm H everyone has their price Jeff but mine's a little higher than this well what is it oh I don't know find me a date with someone who's not a total creep deal wait Jeff I was I was just kidding oh I'm sorry Jeff my hands are tied this is a district initiative well I'm sorry but I'm not leaving until you put me in your class what am I not allowed to cry [Music] you got nothing come on all right basically we're learning about history and science we're going to Stage a battle between the Vikings and astronauts it's a struggle all his time you just got to pick which team you're on this class is a travesty yeah it's pretty great hey Jeff you should join the astronauts they got eras their bombs my parents took me on a on a trip to Biz something bit my arm and this rolled up so bad so I had to go to the hospital but it wasn't just a bite something laid eggs in my arm and the doctor reached in with its cold tweezers and and and I pull out a worm and it wiggled also I did not pass out so you had a botfly removed yeah that's pretty gross until you've seen a bunch of Internet videos like I have come give it to I'm so unhappy that image is in my head and I can't get it out I know Jeff this is what the guy scraper was built for come on Jeff you must have a million stories you think everything's gross no I can't sure you can come on that nog in yours is like a gross computer well there is one story but it's rather disturbing go on I'm not sure where to start how about at the start it was a crisp autumn morning with notes of cinnamon in the year skip ahead I was taking a shower the water temperature pressure and dispersal pattern were perfect then I noticed the drain it was backing up I tried to evade the contaminated water but it kept on Rising and Rising there was no Escape then what happened and then the gross water overflowed the tub and filled up in the house and everyone was barfing all over the place take your time no the train started working and the water went away so basically nothing happened are you not listening I'll start again it was a crisp autum save it I got one time to separate the boys from the girls so this one night I had a dream I fell out a boat and I was stuck in the ocean turns out I threw a bit of my sleep and and you're not smart enough to get it that's my time good night abdale oh wait I got another one and this one's a real doozy so this one time I was walking through a field of uh broccoli and worms and and bugs and all of a sudden I see this uh wolf I mean the werewolf tiger with two heads made of garbage yeah two heads and he goes I'm going to take off my foot and he did and his skin was just full of like mud and Gunk and just jelly and peanut butter and meat fat no good it's time my whole family one RV driving to Florida to visit my grandparents we stopped for lunch at fishy Phil's house of clamy 200 miles from the nearest body of water big mistake and you all got sick so oh yeah well what do you got Fourth of July weekend barbecue in our neighbor's yard they had a brand new trampoline the sweet smell of hickory smoked ribs was in the air the was empty for the first time all day I climbed on and started jumping one simple flip that's all I wanted to do when you tried you broke your arm it was so bad you could see the bone happened to everybody in my family that's why my dad got rid of the trampoline something better my friend was lost on the ice planet and he cut open his weird kangaroo thing that he used to get warm that's a movie one time I ordered chili and there was a rat saw on the news there was a bumblebee H it what type of shark it a it [Music] it what are you looking at yeah what are you smiling about Master Level soku puzzle [Music] book hey buddy we're making Point calls you want to join us okay this one's for you ready go oh um is your refrigerator running pres Police Department what's your emergency you called the cops uhoh hi sorry this is kind of embarrassing but me and my friends were just doing some uh pranking don't say that don't say that no no everything's fine there was a burglar but um we broke his legs oh no you don't need to send an ambulance because because uh because he C on fire ran away he's gone don't send anybody do you think that worked mystery Piñata time pinata oh not for me thank you what why not what are you talking about piñatas are awesome I suppose it's because I've never tried it well je my friend today the day you become a man a pinata a man yeah yeah you got to hit the Pata under the blindfold eyes won't peep do it right tie it tight don't cheat now spin around head pined The Ground by the bat that's the action making a sound like wo whoo whoo whoo get dizzy stand back bat get busy with a little flick of the wrist give it a swish don't miss try to hit it into little bits and pieces to release the sweetest candy or otherwise some of the surprise it can be anything the pinata Master fancies a risky mystery but take the chance please hit the pinata hit the pinata we got hit the pinata yeah yeah you got to hit the pinata hit the thing harder made out of paper break the shape of a donkey you w't be seeing it later cuz once you attack it make the bat smack it maybe you'll smash it into Smither so streams of sweet treats Karine to the carpet the tricky task is to swing a stick in the darkness but try your hardest and tense your back until you strike the Target and make it crack hit the pinata hit the pinata we got hit the pinata yeah yeah you to hit the pinata hit the P harder hit the pinata hit the pinata hit the pinata h the pinata yeah yeah you got hit the pinata hit the thing hard hit the [Applause] pinata you guys are going to crack up when you see what's inside this thing oh right Jeff you're dizzy enough [Laughter] oh wait a minute what's that sound could it be do you want some honey in your tea Sumo you're going to be very surprised by my mystery Pata hold on I got to change out of my be [Music] suit and the Mystery [Music] is be a man that does look like [Music] [Applause] fun nobody move we got a call by robbery fiery homicide I don't know all right Rough Riders Elementary let's hear a big enthusiastic cluck cluck hooray CL cluck hoay [Music] CL I'm proud to say that our merger so far has been a rousing [Music] success something's off here like why did he say Rough Riders Elementary instead of abdale Elementary nonsense Clarence you're starting to sound like you don't believe in team Ruff Riders you've always loved Ruff Riders yeah you're right I'm probably just being paranoid cl cl hooray cl cl welcome to Rough Riders have a CL tacular [Music] day hey Jeff guess what I dreamed last night I dream that you and me was brothers and Sumo you were there too but your head was on a dog's body and when wait y'all aren't Jeff and Sumo you even go [Music] here hey de how come you're not sitting down Jeff do you know where Sumo is I haven't seen him all day Jeff well excuse me Jeff wait Jeff wait don't go hello you guys potato doorknob I like farts [Music] anything wait a second I have a bad feeling about this but I'm just going to ignore it it's a pleasure doing business with you long they're serving his sauce I'm in is that nutmeg it's a sauce it's a sauce it's a sauce clock clock clock clock and now as is tradition I welcome you Ryan sski to the Rough Riders family stop [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Z suumo we got to get out of here buddy something's terribly [Applause] wrong [Music] them nature Kate Keith Ma breake backburn and dond Deo here's a best we're the best kid you came just in time the Rough Riders showed up and turned out to be alien chickens that take over the school and the world and everything don't worry boys we'll take it from [Music] here yay we did it oh no shock wave and that's why Ruff Riders chicken is my favorite food the end when when we leave if you behave okay come on Clarence no nurse Tacker can I have a piece of candy what does your mother say whatever you want tinia there you go [Music] Angel mom that Tina girl got candy yes she did I don't think that c is an angel at all neither are you got to use a different technique slander isn't getting me anywhere H oh I'll strike a bargain yes mothers love Bargains oh mother what if I were to have one piece now and then one later when we leave no say mom what if I were to trade you one potted plant for one no Mom did you know that no Clarence you have to learn to entertain yourself while you're waiting for something can you do that no what uh I uh probably then do it where's a [Music] sh what's the point of this [Music] thing this is too easy I need a real challenge oh clar oh my sweet [Music] boy doing good go check the map oh yeah come on Clarence you're getting too heavy for this are we going to be here forever it's only been 5 minutes really really come on back to the seat peppermints gum drops jar Breakers wa quietly without moving but if I hear one more wood out of you you are not getting any candy all right you can breathe Clarence okay no noise no moving I can do that just need to sit here and sink yeah no problem no problem at all I can sink can't I no I can't it's too hard I got to say something I got to do something help anybody help Stuart steuart Stuart do something no no look at me wait wait what's going on here my brain it's like a cave hello wow I'm in a creepy cave inside my head that's so cool wait a second I'll just turn my cave into a beast we're outer space wait a second oh man I just got a great [Music] idea oh hello giant gummy friend may I are you lost gummy worm find your way into my mouse look where this chocolate I know we just met candy brain but I think I love you is that okay I hope it's okay it's okay by [Music] me water wow are you made of all ice cream I am the ice cream wait a second I think I remember you I was six you changed my life may I not now I'm here to help you pass the time and here so you can get candy out [Music] there why don't we just ask someone cuz I know where we are so why are we walking down this hallway for the third time cuz it's my favorite hallway I'm asking for help waste of time excuse me excuse excuse me stop well what is it hurry up I'm in the middle of something I uh was looking for my friend bellson bellson who we got a lot of bellson bellson Arturo bellson Nelson bellson can you imagine having that name you got a last name uh NOS bson nolles oh here he is I see you take the elevator to four go right left down the steps through the quad left left and you're there okay thank you no problem wait you forgot the another Perfect Day in Paradise bod I may even smile hey Bon I'm going to try out my blow hole now oh morning bson hold on the water pillow is leaking all over the place who let you in here again oh I got my tricks oh that's nice I think he said floor 10 then we get off and take a [Music] love what was that I don't know elevator's stuck great party uh yeah isn't this party a blast everybody's here hey Jeff hi I'm Jeff um I'm afraid of dirt looking sharp Sumo H you ain't so bad yourself so Chelsea is that a new hair oh thank you I just grew it AR I wish I had hair that's okay Sumo at least you're not a clumsy bag of bones like BS in here I'm not clumsy your Skylight was broken Skylight what do you mean Skylight bson is there something you're not telling me um isn't this supposed to be a party yes it is party woohoo woohoo woohoo party Sumo get us out of here oh all right here's a problem oh maybe not come on everybody let's sing one more song shut up stop it be quiet just be quiet I didn't get hit by a car I was pranking you it was me Dustin and Nathan I was going to change your TV channels through the Skylight I had to buy a remote on clickers Wiz cuz your TV is so old and now back to hearts and hydrants extinguishing the Flames of Love but your loser Skylight broke and made me slide off your loser roof what he was so young I don't get it how is that a prank because I was going to change the channel and you were going to miss the end of your show and that's what you consider a prank yeah an awesome prank hm so if I take your spoon is that a prank no that's not a prank can water be a prank uh well sure I guess what are you doing pranking wait wait and then they said that I could have my own room but I said no thank you I got it I was fixing up a railing at that bellson lady's place again there's this flower painting upstairs $20,000 can you believe that yeah I had a job you know last last year and then rich people will pay anything for our doesn't even have to be good heck I can make a bunch of these and sell them for a million bucks wow that's beautiful that's like a trash angel or a sunset made of garbage W that's a great idea man let's do it nah I was just messing around no no come on we we rent a space over to sculpture shop and it's on you think yeah you just got to believe man like this soda Chad sour cream and onion soda I had an idea I believed and now it's here okay I mean that's you know that's a secret to all the Chad products from Chad Industries Chad sour cream and onion ice cream Chad sour cream and onion keyboard cleaner Chad sour cream and onion bug repellent yep I mean it's only a matter of time before Chad is a household name ah a so how about it yeah yeah we could do it and we'll be rich rich yeah yeah okay take it easy man what do you guys think million dooll idea right if you raise some cash you can invest and get in on the ground floor oh we're going to be rolling in it yeah sure okay sure man rolling in it we have a chance to invest in our dads can't miss business but as the saying goes you got to make money to spend money so here's how we got to do it as you can see plan a is to make money as this graft shows the plan will work if it works as you can see if plan a fails we'll get another better plan or Plan B this chart shows pies are delicious if Plan B fails we walk away no questions asked any questions yeah why don't we just sell that laser pointer oh cuz this is Jeff's laser pointer who would want to buy Jeff's laser pointer hello Madam of the house we are wondering if you might be interested in the oper hey my laser pointer how'd you get that plan B Plan B we got to have restrooms right um journals or trough o and we should have a fire door oh oh like a safety door in case there's a fire no a door made of fire a fire door but how would people people get inside oh oh I'm stupid you're right that's that's a terrible idea that's terrible don't just scratch that out no no no no no no it it could work it could totally work where is [Music] toet we are singing to you Senor now give us to5 to $20 Plan B I guess b stands for bust maybe I'm not like Chad or sumo's dad maybe I'm not opposed to be a business guy maybe I'm just supposed to get paid for doing nothing like a statue or a senator maybe I should just go to sleep to the sweet sweet Cricket lullab or maybe my new name is Clarence Moneybags kaching to the Clarence mobile hey hot hi Clarence hary flat hi Clarence Bing milk delivery guy how do you do Clarance hi Amy SAR extra extra what's the news of the world old chap I don't know why don't you read it and find out H oh let's see here hey watch where you're going kid [Music] out it's 5 to one that's a [Music] living [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] boy [Applause] oops one free goldfish my good sir hold on there squirt I could give you the Goldfish right now no questions asked whoa there I could give you the Goldfish now let me finish I could give it to [Music] you say what's a big idea but you don't have any of the accessories you need we carry reasonably price filtration systems aquarium gravel pirate ships skeletons fish food and vitamins oh no thanks I have my own tank was filling up at [Music] home bye thank you get away free fish this is the worst idea you've ever had oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] [Music] Yik [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hey that's my [Music] [Applause] [Music] water Maestro if you please sometimes my life can be a bit on edge when things don't go my way where's that music coming from and all I want to do is hide behind life's hedge or lie down to Decay but all in all when I feel small and want to run away I just think of these key words that brighten up my day at least I'm not as uptight as you you Jeff at least I'm not uptight and don't give up a fight playing with my toys or acting like a chef okay little rude at least I'm not as uptight as you at least I don't fix my hair with glue that was one time take it away Sumo Sumo where'd you come from you hear something I don't think so did you at least I'm not at least I'm not least I'm not out like blah blah blah I like soup blah blah blah let's make food hello Jeff is anyone home anyway I'm just saying to loosen up okay let's just make that food cuz the contest starts in like an hour read that book not today we're going to make it up open that doll hold that bowl hold these things and hit the B look at what you got choose the last than me C cut yum yum we're having lots of fun don't use that thing let me use my tongue looking good punch that chicken punch that chicken now punch that chicken keep punching that chicken punch that chicken roll that to now it's time to get Sten with the Mixon SP make some room you got to use your Fe in this fckery school keep stepping we're almost there oh [Music] yeah there a perfect saffron tagliatelli with Oak Moss Vapor wow I actually did it is that all do it now go change while I throw it into the microwave we can head to the Cook Off cook off cook off cook off thanks for being there for Jeff I knew you'd be the right person to get him to calm down all in a day's work me madams guess I really helped you break a few eggs huh deff ladies looks like we got ourselves a fugitive and the clock is ticking all right people listen up I want you to search every tree house Courthouse hot house mouse house haunted house other kind of house I want you to leave no stone unturned leave no pocket unprotected leave no dingdong UND dongding it's okay Clarence I think I see him right over [Music] there no no no no no no what are you doing say cheese I don't know I'm not sure it's ready all right let's see who you're up against oh no there they are they'll see me what those are just a bunch of nice old ladies what the heck are you scared about no no no that's gaspacho Gil and to her right Betty the boiler rip sniff she's won the past two years and don't even get me started on Annie alliteration joke Jones she's the toughest one of them all Jeff you here those look like nice old normal old regular old ladies I guess you're right wow I've never made it this far they are not quitting Now give me this free Donkey rides for anyone over 69 years old
Channel: Clarence
Views: 385,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 00JDr1d4PME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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