Big City Greens Season 4 Premiere Full Episode! 🌽| S4 E1 | Truck Stopped / Jingled | @disneychannel

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[theme music playing] [Tilly]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> It was the city-est of times,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>it was the countriest of times.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Ever since Mama moved to the country,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>life has never been better for the Green family.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Mama spends her days farming crops in Smalton,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>and Papa sells those crops at our stand in the city.</i></font> Who's ready to buy some corn?! -[crowd cheers] -Corn! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Gloria's still living with us at home in the city.</i></font> Ham thief! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>She's helping run the cafΓ© next door with Gramma.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>They've been killing it lately!</i></font> I'm exhausted. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>As for Cricket and I,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>we're having adventures all over the place!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>We're city folk</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>and country folk,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>all rolled up into one</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>happy little meatball.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Twice the adventures,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>twice the amount of food.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>We figured out how to make it work.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>But living in two places does have its downsides.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>For one, our family spends a lot of time on the road,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>traveling back and forth. And traveling some more.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And more...</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>and more... and more.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Fortunately, there exists a place</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>for weary travelers like us to gain respite.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Truckee's Truck Stop.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>This magical place is known for its gasoline, unique food,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>and its tastefully designed architecture.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Which brings us to you, lone trucker.</i></font> -Hmm? -[Tilly] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Our hero on the road.</i></font> Hold on, now. Were you talkin' to me this whole time? [Pa] Tilly! Don't wander! Bye, Mr. Trucker! How will my story end? All right, family! Kludge is almost full and then we're back on the road. Papa, we just got off the road. I've been sittin' for too long! I need to let out some pent up energy, Dad! [Cricket inhales deeply] [screeches loudly] -Okay, I'm good. -[Grandma] C'mon, let's shake a leg. Just a sec, Ma. Look, kids. I told your Mom we'd be there at 3 o'clock on the dot! I respect your passion for punctuality, Papa. But with a long ride ahead of us, could Cricket and I grab a snack before we depart? Yeah, can we? We've never actually been inside of a Truckee's, but I hear they've got the best road trip food ever! I don't know... Mm, pwweeease? Okay. Okay. Tilly's face is too cute to refuse. Mine too, right Dad? Anyway, here's five bucks for a snack! I got it, Dad. Whenever it's up to me and Tilly to make a decision, I always make it. I'm the chooser! The decider! The-- Cricket, Tilley asked first, so I want her to decide. Ugh. Fine... A five-dollar bill. Papa. I vow to use this power to choose the perfect road trip snack! Sure, sure. Just choose it fast! Snack. Snack. Snack. -Faster than that! -Snack, snack, snack. [Tilly crashes] Honk honk! Welcome to Truckee's! [Cricket and Tilly sigh] -[Tilly] Weeee! -[Cricket laughs] Wow, Truckee's, your snack reputation does not disappoint. [Tilly gasps] My gracious... What a selection... Hey! They got Sourballs! And Dorks! and Taffy Bombs! Oh-oh-oh! Let's get Flibby Flabs, Tilly! -Everyone loves Flibby Flabs. -Halt, brother. Unlike you, I like to take my time and weigh my options before deciding. That's great and all, but Dad did say -we need to -Just grab something! -Hmmm... -Ya pick somethin' yet? [Cricket] Now? How bout now? [sighs] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I cannot make a decision with Cricket in my ear.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I must do something about this... A-ha!</i></font> You know, brother. Maybe we should consider a different snack altogether. Perhaps a soda... [chime] [Cricket gasps] Liquid sure is a peculiar thing. Countless drops, intertwined together. Drip-dropping along. Drip, drop. Drip, drop. Tilly, for some strange reason, I suddenly have to use the restroom. But when I get back, you better have something picked out! [sighs] I can now decide unencumbered... Mr. Truckee! Well, hello, valued guest! [Tilly straining] Show me your entire snack inventory, please! Uhhh... O-o-o-kay... Honk! Honk! Nance, I have some terrible news... We're running about 6 minutes late! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>That's no problem, Bill!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I'll see ya when I see ya.</i></font> She's furious. You're the only one who's worried about being late! C'mon... Where are the kids? Say, what the heck is wrong with that guy's bumper? [sighs] It's one of those funny novelty bumpers called a... truck butt. A truck butt? [laughing] Why do they make those out of chrome?! That's bright. [groans] Oh, uh, kids? Oh, good! You're back! We can finally get on the road. [balloon kid coughs] [suspenseful music] Okay... You've seen every snack. But did I really see their snack hearts and snack souls? Another lap, please. Uh... [strains] Mr. Truckee's going on break. Uh, honk honk... [sighs] Why does this choice elude me so? I'll tell ya why, Tilly... it's because you're too ding-dang indecisive! What?! I'm not indecisive! I am being deliberate. We only get one shot at this, brother. But if you don't pick soon, Dad's gonna make us leave empty-handed! Just choose something! Not without careful consideration. I didn't want to have to do this, Tilly. But you force my hand. Pick something now, or else I'll open this bag of chips, and then we'll have to buy it! But... that's a novelty flavor! Horseradish and Cough Syrup! That's right. Two flavors that nobody likes. But at least it'd be something! Hold on, brother. Let's not do anything rash. I'll do it, man. I'm crazy! Gimme the money, Tilly! -Gimme the money! -[sighs] -Fine. -Why, thank you. Sorry, Tilly, but Dad's probably about to blow a gasket waitin' for us. [car pulls away] Well, we made up the time we lost at Truckee's. Y'all say I get too worked up. But I never lose sight of what's truly important punctuality. Isn't that right, kids? Uh, kids? Hmm. The kids aren't here... Must have left them at the gas station... I left the kids at the gas station! [car screeching] [dramatic music] C'mon, Tilly. I know you wanted to be the one to pick our snack, but isn't getting something better than not getting -anything at all? -I suppose... [cashier] Next! [patron] So, what do you think of my new hat? Love it! Great choice! Thanks! I'm glad I didn't make the wrong decision. It'd be a permanent reminder of a lost opportunity. A failure that would haunt my dreams for all eternity. Yeah, good thing you didn't screw it up. Eenie, meenie, miney, moe. I guess I'll take a pack of this... Donkey Gum! [gasps] Sorry, Cricket, but I'm choosing the snack! What?! Tilly, no! Come back here! [engine revving] How could this happen? You and your dang obsession with being on time! We are not stopping until we get to the kids! [siren blares] [suspenseful music] [siren blares] [brakes screech] [tapping on glass] Sir, do you know how fast you were-- Go ahead! Take me away! Ah, never mind. I'm too awful to be put in your nice jail! I'm the worst! [sobbing] He left his kids at a gas station. [sobbing] I'm a monster! -[Bill] [sobbing] -Despicable. I know! [sobs] But for the sake of those kids, let's get you back there. Follow me. I'll give you an escort. Ah, thank you so much! But then I'm giving you a ticket. Ha! [suspenseful music] Tilly, gimme that money! -No! -Ya better wash your back! [grunting] Ha! Missed me, brother! Did I? You didn't know that was gonna happen-- Heh-heh, gotcha! Come to papa! [smack] Woah! Oof! [laughs] Hang tight while I pick a snack, Cricket! [electrical static] [groans] It's my choice. Just let me buy the snack, Tilly! You'll never make a decision! Yes, I will! I just need six hours to look at every snack that's ever been made! Listen to yourself! You've gone insane! [climbing efforts] Gimme that money or I'll scream like a weirdo! I'll scream weirder! [screaming weirdly] [screaming weirdly] [tearing] [Cricket] Whoa! -[Cricket and Tilly moaning] -[Tilly gasps] -Cricket, the money! -Don't worry, I think we can still tape it back together! [breeze blows] [suspenseful music] [suspenseful music] Okay, I think it's gone. [sighs] You were right, Cricket. I'm no good at deciding anything. Honk honk! Kids, why the long face? Mr. Truckee, this magical place has so many snack options, it's overwhelming. How was I suppose to pick the perfect snack? Sounds like you've got "choice paralysis." Chu-pa wha-pa-da? What's choice paralysis? It's something I deal with all the time! You see, as a mascot, I have to choose which customers to greet. But there's just no time to greet everyone! That's when I use my window blinders. They limit my view. So, I can focus only on the people directly in front of me. Mr. Truckee! Where's the exit? I'm lost! Is there someone talking right now? I wouldn't know! Puttin' up... my blinders... [gasps] Ooh, she's got a good one! Cricket, I know how to decide on a snack! That's great to hear, but our money just became truck food. How are we gonna buy anything? Kids! Ah! Don't worry! Duh! Daddy's here! [gasps] They're fine, Bill, let 'em breathe. Uh... good to see you too? Are you kids okay?! Well, to be honest, it's been a disappointing day Let me make it up to you! Anything you want! Uh, can we get another five bucks? [cash register chimes] Of course! C'mon, Cricket, we got work to do! [laughing] Maybe we should wait here for them. I know, I know! Dang, look at all the options! What do you need me for? It's your decision! First, I need to narrow my focus. Brother, pick out any three snacks. On it! Okay, what now? Hmmm... let's see. Cotton candy is sweet, but not filling enough. Spicy chocolate makes your tummy hurt. While Truck Nuggets are savory, crispy, sweet, and... [gasps] The perfect snack! -[cash register rings] -[Tilly gasps] Snack! You got off lucky. Yes, Sir. I gotta hand it to you, Tilly. This was a great choice! Thanks, brother. I might have been hard on your speedy decision-making. But without it, I never would have made such a good selection. And I learned that at the end of the day, you should never lie just to impress someone else. [munches] Cricket, that doesn't have to do with anything from today! Look, we've been on a lot of adventures, I can't keep 'em all straight. How 'bout from now on, we make our decisions together? Sister, you got yourself a deal. Are you two doin' better now? -Yeah! -Woo-hoo! What a relief! I thought you two would hate me forever for leaving you at the gas station. You did what?! [chimes] β™ͺ Oh, we've got cauliflower β™ͺ β™ͺ Cauliflower my favorite farm grown β™ͺ β™ͺ Source of power β™ͺ Fun song, kid. -I'll take some cauliflower! -Me two! Me three! How much do we owe, ya? The smile on your face is all the payment I need. Uh, no! No, we take money! Tilly, honey, Remember, you're singing jingles to sell things! Oh, right! I keep forgetting because jingles are so much fun, and they make people smile! Just don't forget about the commerce. That girl sure can make a mean ear worm. β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Crunchy and orange And sweet! </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Carrots! </i>β™ͺ</font> [crowd applauds] Now that's what I call a jingle! Hello, young lady! I'm Bonny Spark. How would you like to use your talents to sell products at Big Jiggle! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Big Jingle! β™ͺ</i></font> Tilly, this is our ticket to the high life! You gotta say yes! Oh, I don't care about all that. I just like making people smile for fun. That's exactly what I want you to do with me! On your own, you can make this little Farmers' Market smile, but if you work with me, you can make the whole WORLD smile! We love your jingles, Tilly! They make us so happy! Okay, Miss Bonnie, I'm in! Fan-tastic! Let's just have a legally binding handshake and then we're all set! And I also accept! As Tilly's talent agent! What's going on? Should I stop this? Your kids are makin' moves, Billy Boy. All right, friends! Welcome... Big Jingle! -[Tilly] It's magnificent. -[Cricket] Wow! We only employ the top jingle talent. If you do well enough, you may become the next Rick Razzle! You might not have heard his name, but you've definitely heard his jingles. BigTech, Overhalls, Donkey Gum. He even penned the Kludge Truck classic: β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Forged of steel, A workhorse on wheels... </i>β™ͺ</font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Kludge don't budge! β™ͺ</i></font> Wow. Think of all the joy that one jingle brought to the world... Follow me! I'll take you to your office. Now, we're talkin'! Jinglin' sounds like the best job ever! [piano plays] Augh! [bangs keys] Jingling is the worst job ever! [sobbing] What? You call this an office? No bean bag chairs? No chocolate fountain? Where are all the perks?! Never mind that, brother, who are these fine folks? This is our in-house test audience. We assign them to all new jingle writers to measure their success. You'll know your jingle's good if it makes us smile. Consider us a blank slate. And what a beautiful blank slate you are. -I hope I'm up to the task. -Not so fast! Girlfriend, if you want the goods, you gotta give the goods, ya dig? -Whaa-- -Here's a list my client requires. And don't you dare skimp on the cotton candy. Tilly, your first assignment is to help out one of our struggling clients: A clothing company called Odd Apparel. It's strange stuff, so your jingle's gotta be good. Why do these shoes have fingers? Heck if I know. But it's your job to sing about them! I'll leave ya to it! Hmmm... hand walkers... hand walkers... Aha! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Ha-and Walkers, Ha-and Walkers... β™ͺ</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Freedom from your feet And your everyday view... β™ͺ</i></font> Hm. Now we're cookin'. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Winter style to melt your stress β™ͺ</i></font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Scarf-Eaze massagers are the best! </i>β™ͺ</font> Hmm... <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Wear it just above your toes When you're on the road! β™ͺ</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Sneaky snacker β™ͺ</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Is the way to go! Sneaky snacker! β™ͺ</i></font> No one needs to know! [laughs] Oh, wow! Yeah! Now that's makin' me smile. Now, everybody! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Wear it Just above your toes β™ͺ</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ When you're on the road β™ͺ</i></font> - <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Sneaky Snacker. β™ͺ -Huh?</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Is the way to go! β™ͺ</i></font> My office. Now! Howdy! Hey, can I interest you in some local organic-- And they're gone. Business sure has slowed down since Tilly left Why don't you try singin' about veggies like she did? Oh, great idea, Ma! How does Tilly do it? Uh... β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>This is cabbage </i>β™ͺ</font> Um... β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>It is... a cabbage </i>β™ͺ</font> Ugh, that was painful. All right, try again. I'll provide the accompaniment. β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Bee-boop bop bop Ba deet deet-- </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I like cabbage </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>You like... cabbage </i>β™ͺ</font> [singing] Walk faster. [singing] Hey, we got some engagement! It's working! This way, kid. Your agent can sit over there. Woo-hoo! Corner seat! I'll be over here if you need me! I hope I haven't done anything to offend you, Mr. Razzle... I am offended. Offended... how good you are! Oh! That's the opposite of where I thought that was going. You see, I got into this gig because singing made me... β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Happy! </i>β™ͺ</font> [holds note] Especially the long notes. Because jingles are so short, they never have long notes. Which is why I'm passing the torch -and letting you take my place. -[Tilly] [gasps] Wha-- I hereby bequeath to you my jingle jacket and prescription fun glasses! Mr. Razzle, I'm honored-- And I promise to uphold your legacy and spread smiles across the land! Well, you're off to a great start. Look at me smile! I can't remember the last time I felt this happy! I'm free-ee-ee-ee-ee! I can't believe it! I started from the farm stand and now I'm here! Everyone's waiting to see what I make next! Heh heh. That's a... lotta pressure. Congratulations, Tilly! Now that you're the top jingler, you get all the top perks! Free stuff! Now, with Rick gone, I need you to step up and take one of our most important clients: Mama Roni's pizza! The Mama Roni's? Your pitch is at four o'clock. And if they like it, your jingle will be heard around the world. Heard around the world?! How 'bout we celebrate your success with a little cotton candy? Ah! Uh! No! Tilly, you gotta get in here! It's a whole other world. I don't have time for tomfoolery, brother. I'm top jingler now. So, folks are expecting top jingles... And I've only got a couple hours to make something... everyone in the world will love. [playing drum] β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Ooooh! </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Cab-bage, let-tuce, All kinds of legumes </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>All healthy choices for you to consume! </i>β™ͺ</font> In your mouth! Huh? What? Eh, shoulda ended on consume-- but take it away Bill [electric guitar] Daaang! All right, boy! I'm really gettin' the hang of this! Uh hold on, let me try that again. β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Nothing competes-a With Mama Roni's Pizza </i>β™ͺ</font> Ooh, I liked that one! Super catchy! It's trash! Derivative rhyme scheme, an amateur vocal arrangement! Ugh! Back to the drawing board! I need some pizza inspiration! As your manager, I get fifteen percent of that pizza! Whoa, whoa, hold on! How do you stop this thing-- Ah! Brother, please. I must focus. All right, pizza. Show me how to honor you! [swallows pizza] [smacks lips] Oh, oh! Something's coming to me! [burps] Not really into that jingle so much. No! Come on, Tilly! Where's the pepper?! Hey, I think you're being a little hard on yourself. You're doing a good job! I'm the top jingler now! I won't accept work that's just good anymore, I need to be great! And Mama Roni's pitch is in an hour! Correction! You've only got 56 minutes left. So, chop chop! Let's go! [piano keys slam] I'm worried about you, Tilly... you've changed since your early days at the farm stand this morning. You seem miserable! I am miserable, brother... A miserable failure! Ah, I need some air! Tilly, wait! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! [Cricket crashes] -[Cricket moans] -Eh, needs some work... [sighs] Just look at yourself, Tilly. You've got the chance to make the whole world smile... And you can't even make yourself smile. Yo, yo, yooo! It's showtime, folks! [beatboxing] β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Well We got homegrown corn! </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And farm-fresh peas! </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And we even got Some honey </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>From our farm-kept bees! </i>β™ͺ</font> I've never seen Papa and Gramma come up with jingles before. They don't even seem to care if they sell anything or not. They're just... having fun. [optimistic music] Hmm, I think I know what to do! Four o'clock and all is well! Four o'clock? Oh, no! The Mama Roni's pitch! β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Yeah, I know you want a carrot 'Cause they're β™ͺ</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>β™ͺ Good for your eyes You can trust me </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I'm a farmer I ain't tellin' no lies! </i>β™ͺ</font> Keep the change! Whaddya know, Ma. Our song sold produce after all! I told you the people would like my- Phat beets! Uh, apologies for the delay. She'll be here any moment now. -[loud banging] -Sorry. I'm here! Oh! Our top jingler has arrived! Where have you been? Well, Bonnie, I guess you could say I went on a jingle journey of the soul. [clears throat] Ahem! Well, without further ado, uh, Tilly will now present the best Mama Roni's jingle you've ever heard! Thank you, Bonnie. Ladies and Gentlemen, when I first began my career as a jingle writer six hours ago, I had a simple goal. To have fun and make people smile with my catchy little tunes. Get to the jingle. But as I rose to the top of this company, jinglin' lost its fun. I put so much pressure on myself to make everyone else happy, that I forgot I needed to make myself happy. So true! [munches] So, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go back to what makes me smile. Singing ditties about vegetables! [slow clap] Eh? Anyone wanna slow clap? No? Okay. Thank you for the opportunity. I won't be needin' this stuff anymore, because I quit. And I quit too! But I actually will be needing this stuff. Thanks for the goods, girlfriend! Wait! What about your new Mama Roni's jingle? Oh, uh, how about uh... β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Mama Roni's Cheesy pizza goodness? </i>β™ͺ</font> -That's the one. -Best jingle ever. I still got it. Oooh, now they clap! Hey, Tilly? Good on you for taking care of yourself. -How do you feel? -Well, brother, I think this smile speaks for itself. β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Crunchy, and orange And sweet </i>β™ͺ</font> Carrots! [holds note] He really does love singing those long notes. β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I got sweat in my eyes </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Lost a bet </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And got bit </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>By 100 flies </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I fell out a big ol' tree </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Hit every branch </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And scraped up both my knees </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I got chased by dogs </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Bit by a frog Got a rash on my leg </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Dropped a dozen eggs </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>I've got splinters In seven to ten </i>β™ͺ</font> β™ͺ <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And, tomorrow, I'll do it all again </i>β™ͺ</font>
Channel: Disney Channel
Views: 5,572,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney channel, big city greens, big city greens cartoon, cricket green full episode, cricket green, big city greens season 4, big city greens season 4 episode 1, big city greens season 4 premiere, big city greens season 4 full episode, big city greens season 4 episode 1 full episode, big city greens season 4 first episode, big city greens truck stopped, big city greens jingled, big city greens new season, big city greens new episode, big city greens michael bolton
Id: -gZTEWQZ5fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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