Nicole's Best Moments! | Gumball Compilation | Cartoon Network

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[Music] no I didn't get a new haircut no I'm not desperately trying to get notice for waxing my mustache no I haven't had my dentures widened and I don't wear dentures and by the way I can plainly see your old miming so just man up and ask what do we do wrong it might be that a certain someone forgot a certain something uh you're being a bit hypocritical here you can't be angry at someone for forgetting something if you can't even remember their name or what they forgot it's fine no need to make a fuss about it [Music] I got it there must be some secret fuss that I shouldn't know about no there is no fuss no fuss got it no seriously there is no fuss you just said you didn't want to fuss also what is all this fuss about sure you didn't organize any fuss I'm not bluffing there's no fussing oh I wonder who this could be oh a singagram uh hey hello my darling hello my baby this is from the IRS you better pay it they're getting serious your home will be reposessed there you go what a party I knew it [Music] yay even acupuncture couldn't save [Music] him it's a a special day oh get 25% off at Dave skywriting Emporium wait so you really haven't organized anything oh okay it's all right it's quite all right really don't make a fuss okay then something about her body language tells me she doesn't mean that yep pack your bags we're about to go on the round the world guilt trip unless we figure out what we should be making a fuss [Music] about dirty socks and filthy clothes when all I wanted was a sweet red rose and how could it anyone forget or fail to see why I'm upset he made me laugh with things he said but now he can't remember the day we put out the [Music] fire the song finish the song No a certain someone should know why today is important why did you say we shouldn't be making a fuss if we get all angry about it when we don't no need to make a fuss is a thing people say but they obviously don't mean it it's all in the subtext like when someone says I'm only 2 minutes away we should stay in touch or it's fine honey uh okay so are you going to tell us what we should be celebrating don't worry about it sweetheart can we be of assistance in helping you to your vehicle so what does your car look like it's made of metal right I thought it would be okay what else it has a steering wheel okay it's quite long good good that's useful could you be more precise it smells like damp laundry and despair confusing oh it's got a lady on the side selling shampoo and it's usually parked right there it's the bus isn't it sure is and suck you into giving me a lift all right enough with the parking lot let's just find a space any [Music] space [Music] [Music] come [Music] on and when finished there'll be more [Music] than honey come home from the surgery quick I got to call my hot and buttered [Music] please [Music] y oh no look not this [Applause] [Music] time mom slow down you're going to miss the spot hold on to your [Music] heads my friends we have achieved total parking in your face we got SP in your face great job [Music] everybody uh hello I think this thing is broken hey stop help okay you win this one next next up Show's mom in the reflex challenge I think you should give her a warning this feels kind of unfair heads up okay what you probably want to try is shouting before you throw the can good idea heads up dude you should have called from where the can is coming let's just give her a point for surviving this next up tobi's Mom M [Music] strength that's one to me what where' you think I got my muscles from go on kiss it okay I'll kiss you all right Mom they've gone now you can put it [Laughter] [Music] down ah cheating round four agility up like Queen of the Empire nothing's ever going bring it down leave the rest in a Mess by she's never going to be pushed around some kind of mystery she's making history the world her round 32 tolerance she's the best in your best believe it bring it on she take ity secur round 143 [Music] intelligence round dude what's up with the leg strutting I'm just putting the show in The Showdown am I wrong yeah this is how you leg strut round 199 resilience coordination [Applause] [Applause] compassion it no way they can [Music] [Applause] stivity diplomacy reading skills accountancy okay this is the deci the hot sauce challenge Mrs Wilson's up first can she stomach a spoonful oh and it's a refusal what the and Mrs Wilson wins wait a minute did you just wink at your mom Tobias no what did you just cheat and swap the hot sauce with ketchup no have you guys seriously been cheating all this time no do you still think it's necessary to deny it no oh hot sauce oh Mom stop embarrassing me oh it burns my eyes what was that H I don't know paint my hair what was that chlorine from the pool what was that a fertilizer oh I guess it's all right then but that's still two hours of detention for potentially damaging my beautiful face really Principal Brown you need to be firmer than that oh okay 4 hours detention 8 hours good see you in detention Waton mom you're not [Music] helping the Nerds think you look like a do DEA dork with your mom at school what does that mean it's a 12-sided dork honey mom you're not helping mom you're not helping come on honey open the tunnel for the chooo train you're not helping enough the Tina thing was kind of helpful but this is gone too far wait a minute I thanks now seriously I need you to stop meddling with my life I'm not meddling I'm helping helping by meddling you're just a big meddler I'm not a meddler I'm your mother and a medler hey isn't that the girl you like Mom no excuse me Penny have you got a second sure but you guys will need to be quick the cheerleader tryouts are about to start mom if you love me please don't do this oh come on Gummy puss don't be shy my baby has something to say to you no I don't he'd like to take you out on a date that's not true he loves you really no I don't I don't love penny and I never will Gumball well thanks for being honest with me no wait I meant I'll never love peanuts no ponies see what you did you upset Penny how am I supposed to get her back well you know I could help you with that that's enough okay that's enough I'm My Own man now I make my own decisions and I don't need you baming me anym any thanks now just go home okay oh come on we all had a great time didn't we Darwin to be honest I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life why are you smiling then well at first I was trying not to hurt your feelings but now I'm just stuck I beg of you just get out of my life okay I guess I'll just go home then Mom you've got to come back I made my own decision it was a bad one a really really bad one oh thank goodness she's gone I'll Never Smell again Darwin mom you're back yay do you know where your brother is in the changing room thanks Gumball it's me open the door no no I won't what happened oh it's awful I made a decision on my own and it was bad listen whatever it is you've done you need to come out and face it all right all right I'm coming out oh you were going to try and get closer to Penny by joining her chair team but now you feel embarrassed because you have to wear a skirt what no I'm going to beat penny at her own game so she'll realize how awesome and manly I am but then she'll definitely want to date me right so what's the problem the problem is me what if I'm not as good as the other girls what if they laugh at me and this Lear makes me look bat so I put this skirt on the hide my butt
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 170,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrbeast gumball machine, gumball factory tycoon, gumball machine, baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, gumball cartoon network, gumball the night, gumball copycats, gumball movie, amazing world of gumball clown is everywhere, the amazing world of gumball movie, Gumball reboot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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