Big City Greens Full Episode | S2 E13 | Tilly Style / I, Farmbot | @disneychannel

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[theme song plays] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ One, two One, two, three, four ♪</i></font> [vocalizing] [chicken clucks] [Nancy] Hm. [grunts] Hm... Sweetie, would you pass me the 5/8ths plug wrench? Sure. Is that the one that I put the ice cream stickers on, or the one I put the googly eyes on? -Googly eyes. -Here ya go! Mama, thank you for letting me watch you work today. What? Of course! Thanks for helping me out. You're growing up so fast, I figured you can handle some grease. -Speaking of... Hey, Greasy. -Uh, heya, Nance. Greasy, I told you I'd call when your bike's ready. Ah, well, I just thought it'd be worth a-- Whoa! What's a baby doing in the bike shop? A baby? Where? No, I mean you, you, the little baby. -You're a talking baby! -Uh... Hey, Greasy, why don't you come back later? Come on, I mean, look, she's wearing a doll's dress. Ow! Ah! Frankly, I can get this kind of treatment at the pool hall. That's not a back door, that's a toilet. -[door locks] -Don't listen to Greasy, Till. I've seen a motorcycle drive over his head. [sighs] Maybe I do look too young. Aw, sweetie, I think you look great. But, you know, you are a little older now. -I am a pre-tweenager. -Yeah! So how about you and I go to the mall and update your look? -Really? -Absolutely! We'll have some fun! -Thanks, Mama. -Oh, just gotta let your Dad know we'll be missing lunch. [Bill] Oh, hi, Nancy. Sure, no problem. [laughs] Yeah. Zucchini again. -Ew! -Okay. Bye. Well, that's a shame. Your sister won't be able to-- This lunch is a shame! We've been eating zucchini every meal for six days in a row! Too much zucchini! Cricket, you know that I grew too many zukes this month. We have to eat the surplus as a family. We Greens do not waste food. Dad, I'll eat anything other than zucchini! Come on, Gramma, help me out here. Forget it, boy. It's best to just give in. -[slurping] -She's right. I'm merciless. -So eat. -I can't do it. Watch! Ahh... [groaning] -Cricket. -Quiet. I'm trying to eat. [groaning] Well, I just can't! You're gonna have to, I'm enacting father law. You are not allowed out of that chair until you eat your zucchini. [groans] Well, then I guess I live in a chair! [Till] Where are we headed, Mama? If you want the respectable look of a mature young woman, then this is the place to shop. -According to a magazine I read. -[gasps] -[dance music plays] -[Tilly] Wow. Was this the kind of store you used to shop at? Uh... not exactly. Back in my day, when I wanted to fit in, I went and got my first tattoo. [gasps] Your first tattoo? Show me, show me, show me, show me, show me, show me-- No way, sweetheart. That one is way too embarrassing. Besides, we're not getting you a tattoo. But how about that? -[Tilly] Ear piercing? -Wait, I changed my mind! -Continue. -Hmm... too subtle. I don't think people would notice it. Katie, listen. One, I love you. Two, I love your look. Three, I love our bracelets that together say "I am a thunderstorm." But most of all, I love finally feeling like a real woman! Gasp, exclamation point. Watch out, world. Tilly Green is on the scene! Yes, you are! You look mature, brilliant, and slightly blinding. Ain't it great? People are sure to respect me now! -Oh! -LADY Watch where you're going, kid! Sorry, Mr. President, there was a youth in my way. She still called me a kid. Not woman, lady, or even madam. That can only mean one thing. I may look more grown up, but not grown up enough. Ow. [grunting] Whoo! That's the most stubborn weed I've ever pulled. Almost as stubborn as my son. [laughs] I should go check on him. Son, I hope you've eaten all your-- -[Cricket laughing]A -[growling] Darn it, Cricket. I told you not to leave your... chair? -Hey, Dad! -What the heck are you doing? I'm living my best life. And if that life has to be in a chair, then so be it. -[beeps] -Hang on. [grunting] Cricket, come on! What, you're gonna live in a chair the rest of your life? [grunts] Yes! When you take away my choice of food, you take away my dignity! And I'd rather live confined to a dining room chair for the rest of my life than sacrifice even a shred of my dignity! -[grunting] -Well, son, it seems you've chosen the low road. And if that's the path you wanna take... [laughs] well... I guess I'll just have to meet ya there. Don't get me wrong, you look fabulous. But are you sure this is what you want? [Tilly] Yes, Mother. Bear witness... to my "bidness." Whoa! Didn't know the CEO of all business was in this mall! -Much regards, Mother. -Whoo-hoo! Go get 'em, Sug! Buy, buy, buy! Then sell the buy! Then buy it back, slap a bow on it, and sell it again! -[elevator dings] -While you're at it, get me the morning numbers for the S&P, the DMV, and the PBJ. Oh, and TGIF. -Yes, that's right. -Hey, check out the business lady. -I think she trades stocks. -No way. For sure she's a CEO. Uh, ma'am? Would you... please look at my resume? I'll be sure to have my assistant take a look. -[all] Ooh! -Thank you. Thank you! This is the respect I've been missing. -[elevator dings] -[all gasp] [all shouting] Don't mind me. Just getting my steps in at the mall. -Gotta stay spry. -Excuse me, ma'am? Is there anything I can do for you? No need, but thank you, deary. Here, have a yogurt. Excuse me! Hello? Business, business, business! Remember, child, an apple a day keeps the doctor, podiatrist, ophthalmologist, and dermatologist away. -[elevator dings] -[all chattering] That's the most respect I've ever seen someone get. [gasps] That's it. -[panting] -Tilly, wait! [grunting] Come, on people, elevator etiquette! [sighs] A Cricket could get used to this life. -[stomach rumbling] -Oh, right. Food. [grunting] Huh. Fruit bowl's empty. Well, I know there's food in the fridge. -Seriously? Ah! -Hi, son. I figured you'd be hungry, so I got you a burger and fries. Oh, I'm glad you finally came to your senses and got me some real food. -I... [gasps] -What do you think? -We've got a zuburger. -[grunts] -Some French frycchini. -[moans] And I couldn't think of a name for the cake, but take a guess what it's made of. Cakecchini, Dad! Zucake! The name options are endless! [crunching] Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of zucchini. [screams] Tilly! Tilly? Oh, dang it, why'd she run off like that? Oh, hey, you're that lady from the elevator! Have any of you seen a girl about this tall, purple dress, likes to speak in riddles? -I'm sorry, dear, no. -Nope. -Never seen 'em. -Okay, thanks, I'll try to-- Wait, Tilly? Did you draw wrinkles on your face? [old woman voice] I'm flattered you think these wrinkles are fake, young lady. [chuckles] Ooh... Here, have a hard candy. 'Kay, first off this is a rock, and you don't need to-- Hey! Get back here! -Okay. Last straw. -Nope! Absolutely NO running in the mall! You can walk as fast as you want, but one foot must maintain contact with the ground at all times. Fine, fine! Tilly! You make a difference, Roy, don't ever forget it. Too much zucchini! My Dad is a meany! -[car honking -Yeah, that guy gets it. Unfair father! Father's unfair! -Hey, what are you protesting? -Injustice. -Sign me up. -[both] Unfair father! Father's unf-- What the heck? Seriously? -It's just zucchini! -Boo! [grunts] It's not about zucchini! It's about you not listening to me! -I can't hear you! -[Cricket] Exactly! [groans] Hang on. Dad, I've eaten zucchini all week. And you will continue to do so. [sighs] You're not listening to me! I've done the best that I can, but I just can't eat it anymore. -Is it really that bad? -Dad, I just don't like it. And I want you to hear that. Hm... six days is a lot of zuke. Oof. Cricket, all this time I thought you were just being kind of a turd. I was being a turd. A turd... about being heard. I appreciate you sticking through it for that long. Son, I hear you and I release you from your zucchini debt. [moaning] You are now free to leave your chair. [screaming, gobbling] Hi, I'm Bill, by the way. [laughs] [growling] -[coughs] -[kids laughing] Hello! No running! Everyone, peel off. I'll handle this! Godspeed, fellow elder! Oh! Barricade! [chuckles] Oh! Hm! Huh? [chuckles, grunts] -Yah! -Oh! [whimpering] I'm losing control! I'm heading right for that ramp! Oh, no, I'm airborne! Oof! My respect... it's all gone. Oh, Tilly. [slurps] Is this permanent marker? -It's dry erase. -That was smart of you. Yeah, and I pruned up my fingers in the fountain. Oh, dang it! Now I gotta come up with a different old lady getup. Till, sweetie, you gotta take it down a notch. Hey, remember that embarrassing tattoo I was telling you about? -Uh-huh. -Look, here. [Tilly] Hey, I thought you said it was embarrassing. It says it right there. This pig is radical. Thanks, sweetie. But I got him for all the wrong reasons. I was trying to prove to other people that I was grown up. -Did it work? -I don't know. Doing stuff like this for other people's benefit stinks. Later I learned that what I thought of myself mattered more than what other people thought of me. Huh. I see. That's when I got this guy. Self respect pig! Anyways, you're the most mature girl I've ever known. So who cares if some people are too dumb to see it? -Thank you, Mama. -So you ready to go home? I'm sure your dad has some zucchini left. Um, can we actually make one more stop on the way out? -[clicking] -[Tilly] Ow. Ow. Thanks again! So, Tilly, how do you feel? Well, I feel... pretty great. Thanks, Mama. You're gonna keep them covered up? Yep, I got 'em for me, not for others. Now, we just gotta wait for Saxon. [clicking] [Tilly] Good lookin' studs, bud. [Cricket] Ugh, we're wasting a really nice day in here! Why do we gotta get new tools anyway? The ones we got at home are perfectly good. Perfectly good? They're not even tools! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Our lawn mower is a goat.</i></font> -I think she's full. -[bleating, burping] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>The Gramma Hammer does not work as intended.</i></font> [shouting] And the scare-gnome actually works a little too well. [tense music plays] We need new tools so we can finish all our chores. Man, I hate chores. I wish I could get rid of chores forever. [woman] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Do you want to get rid of chores forever?</i></font> -What was that?<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -Hi there, customer!</i></font> A hologram! I'll handle this! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>It's just me, Gwendolyn Zapp,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>announcing Big Tech's first foray into modern farming!</i></font> Stay back, Dad. She's invincible. Oh, she's that wacky gizmo lady! She tried to take my truck to Mars. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Let me introduce you to Big Tech's</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>newest creation... FRANK!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Farm Robot Assistant Networ-- k!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Ever since I got my FRANK, I haven't done diddly squat!</i></font> [Gwendolyn] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Every FRANK robot features "Farmers True Grit" programming,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>modeled from the DNA of actual human farmers.</i></font> -Wait, what? -Wow! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>But enough from me! I'll let FRANK say hello!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-Morning, friend. </i> -Dang!</font> If I had known robots could take our jobs, I would have been on board a long time ago. Well, son, I'm just not sure we can afford a FRANK. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Did I mention we have a 30 day free trial?</i></font> How did she know what we were talking about? <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>My tech is definitely not</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>listening in on your conversations.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-Wink. Bye! </i> -Did you hear that?</font> A 30-day free trial! Oh, my... [screams] Dad, can we get one?! Huh, it would allow everyone a little more free time. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I know! It'd be great! Well... why not? Yes! [laughing] So how do we turn it on? Probably by hitting this. [whirring] -Whoa! -Whoa! Technology's amazing. All right, FRANK, it's time to get to work. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Dee da doo doo dee da doo Dee dee doo dah da ♪</i></font> [continues singing] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Success. Tasks complete.</i></font> Hm. I guess FRANK really is perfect. Ha! Chores are done! Free time, here I come! And I guess I'll go... hm. I got a million ideas on how to spend my time today. But first, leaf blower jetpack! Starting countdown! Three, two, one... -Hey, buddy! -Ah! Leaf blower jetpack. Looks fun! [chuckles] What are you doing, Dad? Well, FRANK's really been taking care of things. And I usually spend all day working on the farm, so... -So...? -So... got room for two in that thing? -Uh, it's really meant for one person. -No problem! I'll strap in and carry you! Ah, this brings back some good memories. I remember when you were a cute widdle baby, and I'd fly you around like this! -Where did the time go? -You know what? I bet Gramma could use some company! Let's go see Gramma! [man on TV] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Yeah, so we've got our nice little demon soldier here,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>little harbinger of doom here.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And we're gonna use a little cadmium red</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>just give his face a little splash of gore here.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Yep, that is a happy bit of gore right there.</i></font> Ah, Alice, you earned this. Hey, Gramma. Do you mind if Dad hung out here for a little bit? He needs something to do. -It's a free country. -Whoo-hoo! Okay, see ya later Dad! -[laughs] Okay, see ya! -[man on TV] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Now, let's get real loose</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-with those brush strokes. </i> -Wow. I had no idea you were a painter, Ma.</font> -Gee, my Ma, an "arteest." -Mm-hm. I guess before I was so busy farming all day that I had no idea what you were up to. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Just relax, and feel your painting.</i></font> Yeah, well, I guess we all gotta find a way to pass our... time. Bill, what are you doing? Just trying to relax and feel the painting. And I feel like this could use a little yellow sun. Sweetie pie, while I appreciate your help, maybe you should go see what Tilly's doing. Before something happens to you. [Tilly] More tea, Sir Saxon? [slurping noise] [low voice] Do I taste Earl Grey? [regular voice] Why, yes, it is quite sophisticated. Hey, sweetie! Mind if your old man joins ya? Of course not!<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> Entre-vous, </i>Papa!</font> Now with all this free time, your papa's gonna catch up on everybody's lives. [muffled scream] Oh, whoops! Didn't see your cute little dolly there. Miss Clementine! Well, nothing we can't fix. There ya go. Oh, whoops! Let me just-- oh! Whoa! Geez! No! Okay! -[stammering] My tea cups! -Whoops! -Let me clean that up for you. -[farts] -Sweetie, I am so sorry. -Tea party's over. All right, here we go, leaf blower jet pack, no more distractions! -Three, two, one, go! Ah! -Cricket! -Oh, what now? -Papa doesn't know what to do with himself! He's lost his sense of purpose! All because you brought home that battery-powered demon! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Success. All leaves raked.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Farm is... spotless.</i></font> Oh, come on. Dad just doesn't know how to use his free time. -Then you better teach him! -Okay, okay! -I'll show him how it's done. -Thank you. Yeesh. This was supposed to be a chore-free day. I guess it's just you and me, Phoenix. Go on, girl, go get the ball. -Here, I'll help you. -[dog whimpering] -Ain't this fun, Phoenix? -Uh, Dad? Hey! There you are son! Wanna hang? Dad, you need to find something to do with your free time that doesn't stop everyone else from living their lives. -Well, son, I-- -[barking] -Oops, sorry, Phoenix. -Case in point. Tonight, I am gonna show you how to relax. -Relax? -Yeah. Take a seat. -Uh, okay. -No, no, not there! This requires a special seat for maximum relaxation. -Whoa! -Well? -Hm, uh, Cricket this isn't-- -Uh, uh, uh! -Just take a deep breath. -[inhales deeply] Not that much! Just nice, slow breaths. -[exhales] -Shoulders down, lean back. Most importantly we need to get these dang work boots off. Hey, this, uh... [laughs] feels pretty nice. And here, take this. Relaxing ain't complete without a little TV. -[music plays on TV] -Just remember, if you think about doing something, don't! [announcer] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Ten dogs, one dream home.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-Welcome to Terrier House. </i> -Mmm....</font> [clears throat, crows] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>FRANK-a-doodle-doo. FRANK-a-doodle-doo.</i></font> Go time. Yep! Finally. Dad's outta my hair and the city is mine to soar through like a mighty child eagle! Three, two, one, jetpack! [screaming] [moaning, grunting] Ow! [grunts] That was so much fun! Free time is the best! There you are, Cricket! Whatever you did to Bill made things even worse! What? What are you talking about? [music plays on TV] -[crunching] -[dogs growling on TV] [announcer] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>You have been watching for 16 hours.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-Are you still alive? </i> -Wha?! Yes, I'm still alive!</font> [grunting] Dang remote fell! [blows chips] Bingo! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Glad to hear you're still breathing, and now back to your program.</i></font> -[dogs growling] -[sighs] Wow, Dad got real relaxed. I can't look at him like this! I'm telling ya, Cricket, it's that Farmbot. It stripped your dad of his purpose. Relax, FRANK's fine. I'll get Dad up and at 'em. [grunting, crunching] Uh, hey, Dad. How's your relaxing going? Just great, son. Oh, ooh! Look at that. Skipper's gotten into the kibble. [laughs] What a silly boy! [laughs] He sure is. Hey, with FRANK doing all the chores, what do you say you and I go fishing? Mm... I don't know. Things in the Terrier House are getting pretty good. -[dog snorting] -[laughs] Classic Zippy. Come on, Dad! You can watch this anytime! -The bass are biting. -Eh... nah. -Geez, what's wrong with Dad? -[mower whirring] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Operation Cut the Grass is going splendidly.</i></font> [sighs] I don't want to, but I gotta. Shh... you sleep now, Pop. Ole Crickey's gonna get you back to normal. [dog barking on TV] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Dee da doo doo, dee da do? ♪</i></font> Sorry, FRANK. We had fun while it lasted, but I'd rather have my dad than free time. <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-Does not compute. </i> -Trust me, FRANK. This is for the best.</font> -Goodbye, free time. -[whirring] -What the...?<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -Farmers have grit. Farmers don't quit.</i></font> Ooh, I knew I never should have trusted no metal man! [screaming] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-Cease your struggle. </i> -Never!</font> -[grunting]<font color="#FFFFFF"><i> -Activating defensive measures.</i></font> Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ow, ow, ow! Whoa! Whoa! [grunting] Remember the sun, Papa? You love the sun! Hey, what show is this-- ahh! It's so bright! Well, Bill's lost it. Sweetie, you're in charge of the farm now. -[Cricket yelling] -[Gramma] Cricket! -What are you doing? -Destroying FRANK! It's the only way to get Dad back! Ah! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>-Morning, friend. </i> -[yelling]</font> -We gotta help Cricket. -[both] Yah! Aw, come on, guys, no need to hurt FRANK. Aren't you enjoying your free time? But Papa, all this free time is destroying you! Ah! We don't need this scrap heap! Ah! Dad, if you don't get up and help, the robot's gonna take over the farm! Whoa! [grunting] -Cricket, I-- -[FRANK] <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Ha, ha, ha!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>The human scum have been defeated.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Now this farm is FRANK Farm!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>FRANK Farm! FRANK Farm!</i></font> Ma, Tilly, Cricket! Cricket was right. My purpose in life is built around two things. One... [grunts] working on my farm. -[gasps] -[Bill] And two... He's doing it. ...protecting my family! Dad's back! You're in for it now, tin man! Hey, robot! Get out of the Green Family Farm! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Just try and stop me, flesh being.</i></font> I think I... will! <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Ha, ha! Missed me!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Ooh! Ow!</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Oh, no! Oh, no!</i></font> Oh, yeah! Hi, welcome to Overhauls. How can I help you? We'd like to return this robot on account of it beat me up and tried to take over our farm. And usurped my life's purpose. [laughs] Yeah, that's been happening a lot. So would you like a refund or store credit? <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ I got sweat in my eyes ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Lost a bet and got bit by 100 flies ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ I fell out a big old tree ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Hit every branch and scraped up both my knees ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ I got chased by dogs Bit by a frog ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Got a rash on my legs ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ Dropped a dozen eggs ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ I got splinters ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ In seven of ten ♪</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>♪ And tomorrow I'll do it all again ♪</i></font>
Channel: Disney Channel
Views: 2,263,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney channel, big city greens, big city greens cartoon, cricket green full episode, cricket green, big city greens new episode, big city greens full episode, big city greens season 2 full episode, big city greens tilly, big city greens tilly style, big city greens tilly style full episode, big city greens i farmbot
Id: eWQgnZCd21U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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