The Star Wars Timeline...So Far | Cinematica

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Star Wars is a large world or worlds rather all of the places and events that happen make it feel as large as they say and beyond that we have quite a few different eras to choose from from the Clone Wars to the Galactic Civil War to the rise of the first order the players may change but the board Remains the Same in honor of a series that's so beloved by all we want to cover the events within the Canon Series so get into your most meditative stance my young padawans let's dive into the history of Star Wars but one quick explanation before we do though for those who don't yet know the Star Wars Universe uses its own type of calendar don't worry the amount of days remain the same but they do count years a little differently while on our calendars we tend to count years using BCE and A.D Star Wars uses the Battle of Yavin that is the explosion of the first Death Star in A New Hope as their marker that being said the terms they use are BBY which means before the Battle of Yavin and ABY which means after the battle of Yavin this quick explanation should help you keep track of the timeline so let's get into it um I don't I honestly don't know if this is a complete timeline there's there's so much Star Wars so this is this is a Star Wars timeline also I'm gonna mispronounce some stuff it's Star Wars so apologies in advance there's again there's a lot pre-history eons BBY the universe is formed during this formation a certain galaxy far far away is formed a supermassive black hole at its Center stars begin to orbit around the supermassive black hole creating what we know and love as the Star Wars Galaxy midichlorians are also created through the Wellspring of life to connect the living Force generated by all living things to the cosmic force that bound the universe together these midichlorians would form a symbolic relationship with all living things in an attempt to guide them according to the will of the force the father son and daughter would be born and come to rule over the realm known as mortis ilum would also begin the process of forming crystals that would later come to be used by Jedi to focus the blades of their lightsabers these crystals would become known as kyber crystals and would eventually also be corrupted by the dark side to form the focusing crystals in their lightsabers as well through the bleeding process Dagobah is also covered in lava as the formation process which would form Mount dagger nonsense in life would form on the planet of Dagobah thereafter it would also begin to form on the planet's Braves crawl and abineto these species would eventually become the pervasians crow Loot and avenetto respectively one hundred thousand BBY the first levels of Coruscant are under construction slowly turning the planet into it it it EQ monopolis a city encompassing an entire planet or Moon I did not know that word EQ monopolis I think is how it's pronounced 57 000 BBY the planet urapow is settled by colonialists who would later become what we all know as the utai and the powens during this age there was no hyperspace travel by sentient species and most spaceflight was achieved by taking the long way it's during this age that Batu was colonized after thousands of years since the great cataclysm which caused the planet's massive trees to be petrified it's also during this time that an ancient race having studied the pergil a space-faring species of animal that can utilize hyperspace travel develop hyperdrives for their own vessels to allow travel at light speed and Beyond this still predates the nav computer though so moving through space at these speeds was rather dangerous and accidents that had you traveling into a star through a supernova were common the practice of dropping beacons was often used to create guide posts between two jump points to allow for safe jumps in straight lines though flying through a pot of pergil was still a hazard thirty thousand BBY the devaronians became Adept Scouts who leave their home planet of deveron and began exploring the Galaxy developing hyperdrives in independently for their own use during this era the planted banditage in the outer rim is abandoned 27 000 BBY the planet Felucia is colonized by Gotham cordovers and human civilization as developed on Empress Tata the era of the Old Republic 25 000 BBY the galactic Republic is formed by 22 founding core planets these planets include but are obviously not limited to Alderaan chandrilla corellia Coruscant Enduro the dibendu a precursor to the Jedi Order also start their existence and become the first known users of holocrons in the hopes of preserving peace in the Galaxy a being known only as the prime Jedi founds what would be known as the Jedi Order on OCT 2 the prime Jedi would later have a vision and write a prophecy of a chosen one who would rise and bring balance to the force during the same period of time a Jedi Scout would discover the planet ilum through force-assisted hyperspace travel for those of you who want to know what that means it means he used no nav computer or Beacon and just jumped randomly in accordance to what direction the force led him this is how they discovered illum the first Jedi Temple is built on an island on octo thereafter a village is also formed to hold the Jedi who would live there during the expansionist period the corellian Run helps to form the corellia system the corellian trade spine and prelimian trade route are also founded jira's explorers find and settle nemoidia and kedo neymoidia and would then join the galactic Republic the era between 22 000 BBY and 5000 BBY an unspecified amount of time before the Galactic Civil War the comet kinro is predicted to pass through the core worlds devastating the Republic the Jedi Order would band together and will the comet apart this however costs many Jedi their lives and Sanity to execute 22 000 BBY mamoidia joins the galactic Republic as an independent World 21 032 BBY the blood monarchy is established on fispius the site of many battles during the Great manifest period fifteen thousand BBY rojia officially joins the galactic Republic during this same time the nemoidian people and the jurors people's physical distinctions become really clear twelve thousand BBY settlers from corellia colonize a planet that becomes an Ordnance Regional Depot known as ORD mantel the Jedi moved their Cultural Center to osis which becomes a near-mandatory pilgrimage site for all Jedi the ice Moon mezules shattered the first Grand zegoth of udupau krinbald kir dies an unspecified amount of time between 12 000 BBY and the Clone Wars the Temple of the kyber is formed on the desert planet of Jeddah hilaman lightbringer is born and would later be bludgeoned to death by a chair disproving the legend that he could not be killed by mortal means the Jedi Knights defeat the zagarian slave Empire a dark Jedi seeking more power convinces other Jedi to embrace the dark side of the force causing a split within the Jedi Order known as The Hundred Year Darkness these dark Jedi form a rival order known as the 5th but are defeated and exiled into unknown space leading to the discovery of the planet moriband which would become the home to the Sith they build temples and tombs for their greatest warriors and a place called The Valley of the dark Lords they await the time that they can take their Revenge using slave labor they go to war against the Jedi using super weapons powered by kyber crystals Darth moment is then born and trained by The Sith Lord Darth Shah he would go on to kill her and hone his craft as he wanders the Galaxy moment would later go on to destroy a city with a super weapon but he and his acolytes are defeated by a pair of Jedi and the Sith then deemed Darth moment a heretic and suppress any knowledge of him whatsoever however moment Spirit remains residing within his mask before the time of the galactic Republic the lushly forced that planet Mustafar is inhabited by off-worlder lady korvax who lives in harmony with the native mustafarians along with her husband the latter dies as a result of an attack on Mustafar leading to korvax's theft of the most sacred mustafarian Relic the bright star in an attempt to use it in a ritual to resurrect or love the ritual fails instead the bright star's energies pushes Mustafar into a new orbit reducing the world to an unbalanced chaotic State a volcanic Wasteland is created as Tiny Mustafar is torn between gas giants lofrani and Justified thus Sith seeking the secrets of eternal life are attracted to the world radaki during this time leaves the Jedi Order believing that it's wrong to force people to sever ties to attachments with people and their wealth radaki would then proceed to fall to the dark side and be named Darth crawl Sith victory at Battle of Wasted Years this would be attributed to Darth crawl who would also be remembered for taming the nightmare conjunction and as one of the lost 20. the urduous spectu is formed led by Roar and related to the masasi the Jedi Splinter Group comes into contact with Jedi Orthodoxy with their experiments on immortality beginning the intruvia conflict a dating system based on the signing of the demencian Accord is used around this time the conflict is ended with a Jedi or to a spec to peace treaty by the treaty's terms Jedi inspectors arrive at the Citadel of Rohr and believing they intended to deactivate him on artificial intelligence made of Aurora's knowledge seizes control of the citadel's droids and Slaughters its inhabitants Roar sacrifices himself to deactivate the machine hyperspace jumping the Citadel across the Galaxy in an event that would become known as the Doom of the order or do you expect to the Corsair Wars begin in the aftermath of the war Jedi Master uh breaks Jedi Doctrine and helps develop the far killer sniper rifle a weapon that utilizes the same technology as a lightsaber to work the Carbonite minds of empress Tata system are conquered by the crath a sentient species creates a gate that forms a wormhole through space and time that allows them their Exodus from The Wider Galaxy 9991 BBY the Mandalorian people begin to originate from their Homeworld of Mandalore and form a culture centered around war and honor this is the way vodan 7977 BBY the CRC dating system is adopted 6000 BBY the civilization of bardota begins when the frangal cult rules over a militant Society 5500 BBY a Super Hyper route is formed and named the Rima trade route fall of the Old Republic 5000 BBY at the end of the empress Tata unification Wars the great hyperspace War takes place in which the Sith Empire invades Empress Tata the Republic wages war against the Sith Empire and through the help of the Jedi Order the Sith Lord nagasada was pushed back and the Sith forces scatter across the Galaxy however while the inhabitants of empress Tata take this hyperspace Wars fact The Wider Galaxy speculates the validity of the claims due to the lack of archaeological proof the Sith do wage a war during this era however against both the Jedi Order and the Republic during this war the capital of the galactic Republic Coruscant falls to the Sith Empire they build the shrine on the surface to exude the dark side but the Jedi invade and manage to repel the Sith and reclaim the capital the Jedi library is formed on the planet osis as the physical embodiment of Jedi knowledge the masasi build the Great temple on Yavin IV the era between 5000 BBY and 1000 BBY takes place during the fall of the great Republic the Mandalorian Jedi War takes place during this time the mandalorians launched something known as the Mandalorian Crusades it was during this war that mandalorians were faced with the strange powers of the Jedi that they didn't understand and so they began to add more and more gadgets and Technology to their armor specifically designed to be able to capture and harm even a Jedi due to this the mandalorians began winning many battles and the technology added became a Mainstay of their armor during the Crusades they invaded the planet uduria where they're heavily offended by what they claim to be cowardly Behavior this leads to them laying waste to the planet the Jedi managed to push the mandalorians back though and follow them all the way back to Mandalore where the battle becomes so intense that the planet of Mandalore is reduced to a scorched desert Wasteland too inhospitable for life this causes the Mandalorian people to build domes around their cities in an effort to make their home capable of sustaining them four thousand BBY explorers from grismal alt discover Naboo and the native gungans Retreat into their swamps after a long war with the humans sometime within this time frame the chiss ascendancy wages war with an unknown enemy which forces them to utilize the star Flash the chiss ascendancy wins the war but the result of the star Flash's usage results in irreparable harm to their son which forces the chis to leave their Homeworld of Scylla in 1019 BBY furthermore and 4000 bby's time frame the gungans are united under boss gallo and begin building their capital city of otogunga at around the same time that the gungans are unifying the humans who had come to call themselves The Naboo were splitting into warring factions marking the beginning of the era known as the time of suffering sometime during 4000 BBY it's said that the planet of osis which served as the Homeworld of the Jedi Order at the time was devastated by the KRON Supernova supposedly caused by Naga Naga Shadow during this time four Jedi Masters moved to the planet Coruscant which had an abundance of force energy the issue with this is that there was a Sith Shrine there corrupting the flow of the force so what's a Jedi master to do they dump concrete on it and build a new Jedi Temple over top of it this is the formation of the Jedi Order on Coruscant and the four Masters who would later be venerated as statues protecting the Temple's entrance known as the four Founders 3966 BBY by this point Galactic Travelers navigate hyperspace using hyperspace sextants Sith accounts describing the kyber weapon rebuilt by Darth Tannis within the Sith temple on malachor are made this is around the time that the massive battle station is discovered by the Jedi who invade malachor in an event known as the scourge of malachor all participants are petrified by the super weapon leaving it Barren with only a single holocron possessing a Consciousness known only as the presence is Left Behind all information on the planet is suppressed until Yoda informs Ezra Bridger of its location during the Galactic Civil War where Darth Maul had recently located it 3277 BBY the lothal calendar is formed 1050 BBY the Jedi tare vizla forms his legendary weapon the darksaber which would go on to be veered for generations to come as the symbol of Mandalorian strength one thousand BBY the galactic Republic Falls beginning an era known as the Dark Age during this era the Sith are once more at war with the Republic and the Jedi Order the army of light faces off against the Brotherhood of Darkness of which Darth Bane is apart the army of light is Victorious though the cost is incredibly High the Sith which once had many thousands of members are reduced to the point that their belief to finally be extinct Bane escapes and begins developing the rule of two in which the Sith will later have their Revenge through a single master and Apprentice Bane would later be overthrown by his Apprentice Darth Zannah she would bury him in the Valley of the dark Lords on moriband making Bane the last Sith to be buried there the war between the Jedi and Sith officially reaches its end though the threat of the Sith is merely thought to be gone in truth it's become more dangerous now than ever during this time frame the galactic Republic reforms and the time of the Dark Age and the Old Republic is officially considered over the official calendars of that time start anew and the Grand Army of the Republic is officially disbanded Tarsus valorum is elected the first supreme Chancellor of the Republic's New Era the Jedi Temple on Elum is formed 965 BBY the die bendu Monastery is built on kojimi 896 BBY Yoda is born and this one we actually are allowed to call baby Yoda 867 BBY mabu officially joins the galactic Republic 832 BBY General jafan ends naboo's long-standing time of suffering and restores peace to the planet feed is founded and the feed Royal Palace is constructed in the same year under the direction of King jafon uniter and ruler of all the Naboo jafon becomes the first ruler of the great time of Peace 797 BBY Yoda begins to train to become a Jedi 501 BBY the armor that would one day belong to Sabine rendez forged 350 BBY the Trade Federation is founded by the name odians 257 BBY the Jedi orders T1 shuttle sees action in The eram irono Crisis philthar Jedi Master Cemex is killed in a ship crash leaving his Padawan comac Vitus conflicted over the Jedi ways of non-attachment Vitus nevertheless resolved the crisis alongside Master Laird's overall and her Padawan the umbrin or lagereni 232 BBY the coruscant-based Republic Chancellor Lena Soh envisions a galaxy of great works that range from infrastructure to culture in an effort to expand the Republic's reaches Pan the Republic reaches better connect the peoples of the Galaxy and bring inspiration and peace for all citizens efforts are made to negotiate a new peace treaty between the Quran and mon calamari as well as to mass-produce bhakta a miracle substance primarily made of a barley originally cultivated from ciphera that was intended to replace juven in the hopes of revolutionizing medicine as part of Chancellor so's pledge to maintain the Republic's hold on the hard to navigate out Rim Outreach programs are established in the rim in the galactic Frontier where order and Justice is maintained by the Knights of the Jedi Order who at independently operated outposts such as the Jedi Temple outpost on karagon Viner work closely with the Republic without direct assistance from the Coruscant Jedi Temple The Starlight Beacon space station is constructed as part of the series of Outreach programs launched in 232 BBY it features a large Jedi Temple designed by Paolo hidala and is placed in the center of dark zones in the rim to guide Travelers and boost the Region's transmission times intended to be the first beacon of a new Galactic Communications relay Network a conclave between the Jedi Order and the Republic involving Jedi Master avar Chris and Admiral Pebble kroner of the Republic defense Coalition is held at the Starlight Beacon The Strain from the Jedi mission to zetuine leads to Des Ryden to request a transfer to the Starlight Beacon with the Jedi in the Republic Starlight program infringing on its territory and coupled with his family's past conflicts against the Jedi marchion Rowe instigates the great hyperspace disaster in hyperspace the Legacy run a can of yards class a modular Freight transport of the bind Guild encounters a night Hill ship and is destroyed Starships across the Galaxy are abruptly knocked out of hyperspace by missiles of debris from the Legacy run which also threatened to destroy Space Station's moons as well as planets the Republic turns to the Jedi for help in saving lives and ending the crisis and Jedi activity sees a significant increase due to being delayed at the Starlight Beacon Master avar Chris and Admiral Pebble cronara become the first to respond to the disaster in the nearby hetzal system coordinating efforts to save citizens from aboard the third Horizon Ernesto Rowe having been the Padawan of stellengios is made a Jedi Knight at the age of 16 becoming one of the youngest Knights of the Jedi Order in a generation varnesh for Rowe is stranded on a jungle moon with several other individuals including Avon staros of the staros clan when their transport ship the steady Wing is sabotaged by the nigh Hill the Jedi wayseeker orlejarani Jedi Knight Des Ryden Jedi Padawan wraith Silas and Jedi Master comic Vitus as well as the cargo ship vessel's captain captain leox gassy co-pilot Affy Hollow and the Navigator geode are ripped out of hyperspace as a result of the great disaster they take refuge in a seemingly abandoned a Maxine space station aboard the amaxian station the Jedi passengers of the vessel are disturbed by dark Visions believing that a set of four binding statues contained to the dark side influence the Jedi take away the force artifact for purification in the Sith Shrine located beneath the Coruscant Jedi Temple however they're proven wrong and realize that the statues had contained something else a series of emergencies come to threaten star systems across the Galaxy following the first emergence in the Abdallah system the night Hill attack and evacuation Convoy belonging to gorillo Technologies the nihil attacked trimen 4 as the trimen 4 disaster occurs zimralla joins Lula talisola's group of Jedi padawans in defending bralanak City from hyperspace debris and Raiders led by the eye of the night Hill marquian Roe the santeka clan having risen from a family of hyperspace Prospectors in the outer reaches of the Galaxy to a dynasty privy to Leading technology that allows Chancellor so's Republic to continue expanding safely to new areas about a century ago operates alongside the galactic government as it responds to the great disaster while restoring the statues aboard the amaxine station the Jedi are attacked by the nigh Hill to defend themselves against overwhelming forces the Jedi are forced to destroy the statues to unleash what it contained a group of drenger who were put into stasis by The Sith Through The Binding statues long ago are thus awakened from their Slumber while the vessel's crew escapes amidst the chaos several drangir are released into open space in the process the tragic poet Omar barenko is reputed by residing at the verakino artist Retreat on Naboo centuries before the year 22 BBY the controversial barenko was kidnapped from a Scenic balcony overlooking the Lakes after pending the disturbing and Visionary epic poem titled defense of Naboo in the room of morning Mists the Jedi High Council convenes to discuss the threat of the nihil and after a contested debate between Grand Master LaRue and Jedi Masters such as gariel poof ranikant Opa rancisis Keaton murug atalikaro and the stand-in of Grandmaster Yoda who was on sabbatical from Council Affairs efru Shin approves a joint effort between the Jedi and the Republic in a mission against the nihil as proposed by councilor so the nihil conductor raid on alfrona capturing Jedi Master Loden great storm and farmer odoblive Marky and Roe executes the farmer intending to keep great storm for future plans the Battle of Kur occurs Marky and Rose sends kassef's Tempest to death in the core nebula intending to trick the Jedi and the Republic that they had destroyed the nihil the transition Jedi Master skier loses his left arm and blames himself for the death of Master Jorah Mali the medical substance kolto is in common use at this point Jedi Grand Masters Padre Vetter and Yoda join other Jedi and Republic Personnel amongst them Chancellor Lena Stowe the newly minted Jedi Knight Kiev trennis and the newly appointed Marshal of the Starlight Beacon avar Chris aboard the latter station in its dedication ceremony for light and life skier hides a devastating secret that was tearing him apart drawing a private emotional Outburst from him soon after starlight's dedication surik which formed a part of a phrase used by the Jedi skier existed by this point by this point the Hutt Clan is sanctioned from Trading openly in Republic space the drengear abduct children on Cedric minor the night Hill attack a Hut Clan ship in the recently Republic aligned caslin system prompting the Jedi skier Keith trennis and the kotabi bond twins Tarik and Sarah to investigate the resulting wreckage tracing the huttcraft's origin to the surgery system skier and Sarah take a T1 shuttle to Century minor avar Chris and vernestra so take the ataraxia to join trennis aboard the Hutt Craft on surgery minor Sarat is captured by the drengear and Chris Tarik and trennis traveling aboard the ataraxia joined skier on the moon sarad yields to the powerful shadow cast by drenier and joins their Collective mind sharing the same mind with sarit Tarik also succumbs to the drain Gear's influence and becomes crazed while Chris and tranus confront the drengear at their underground dwelling skier despairs that he couldn't help Tarik who was uncontrollable and inconsolable while avar Chris and trennis fear Sarat as well as a local boy from the drengear they're surrounded by more who are accompanied by skier scared had his mind joined with the draengear's collective Consciousness and had grown a Botanical plant-like left arm skier captures Chris's crew and the secret history of the drenger is revealed the Jedi and the Republic Starlight Beacon is threatened by an age-old enemy the drenier hungry for Jedi arrive at a Serene and remote Jedi Outpost that the Jedi Lily Taurasi lived in as a consequence of many years bitterness and unwillingness to accept any change changed the drengear plague of the village squirrel on the planet but two hundred BBY Chewbacca is born 102 BBY Count Dooku was born on Sereno and is brought into the Jedi the same year Master sifo Dias is also born this year 80 BBY Qui-Gon Jinn is born on Coruscant 68 BBY Qui-Gon is apprenticed to master Dooku 65 BBY the feed power generator you remember that weird place in the palace where they fought Darth Maul yeah that place it's built by Outer Rim construction and assembly as a joint venture with damask Holdings for those of us who don't know the CEO of damask Holdings as Hugo damask II this man is a moon like those who ran the banking Clan but you may know Hugo to mask II better by the name of Darth Plagueis the Wise it wasn't too far from this point in time that Plagueis and Palpatine were training and attempting to discover the secret to immortality and how to manipulate the midichlorians to create life they did many tests and actually succeeded Sidious and Plagueis managed to get many creatures pregnant using only the midichlorians and among those who felt the effects of this Grand experiment was a slave woman on Tatooine named shmee Skywalker 58 BBY during the Mandalorian Civil War Jaster Maria leads the true mandalorians against torvizla's death watch in battle on Concord Dawn jaster's men are beaten back and Scatter as Jaster was taken in by a family known as the fats however death watch catches up fast and Jaster fails to save the fets with only their son Django escaping the battle is won by the true mandalorians however with the help of Django who's named an honorary Mandalorian for his Valor years later Django is assigned to be the leader of his own Squad at Battle along with Montrose who leads vertigo Squad and Jaster who leads Head Hunter Squad as the battle intensifies however Montrose disobeys orders and presses attack instead of retreating this forced Jaster to bail out vertigo Squad but Jaster is betrayed and killed Montrose claims Django is dead in an attempt to take the title of Mandalore but Django shows up carrying the body of Jaster and claims the title instead Django then leads the true mandalorians to galadron where deathwatch is being harbored by the governor Django manages to drive them out but the Jedi are called in by the governor they proceed to kill the true mandalorians with only Django remaining the governor sells Django into slavery but Django escapes and settles scores he manages to track down Death Watch and tour of Isla where he kills them all by himself and a family of dire cats 45 BBY Qui-Gon chooses Obi-Wan as his Apprentice 41 BBY after nine months post-sidious and plagues experiment to create life through the force Anakin Skywalker is born to a very confused shmee Skywalker also grogu is born this year too this is the baby Yoda that we're not allowed to call baby Yoda 40 BBY Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are sent to protect sateen Crees during the Mandalorian Civil War it's here that Obi-Wan definitely doesn't fall in love with sateen and definitely doesn't become the father of Corky Crees nah definitely not the father couldn't be him 36 BBY Ashoka Tano is born 33 BBY Caleb Dune AKA Kanan Jairus is born 32 BBY the geonosians begin manufacturing droids under orders of the Trade Federation who were themselves under the influence of Darth Sidious Sidious also oversaw the creation of the clone troopers on kamino a taxation on trade routes is pushed through the Senate by then Chancellor valorum which would then serve as the Catalyst that begins the Clone Wars in protest the Trade Federation sets up a blockade over Naboo but this is a ploy and a cover for a secret invasion of the planet Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are sent to force a settlement but are ambushed and escaped to Naboo while there they take the gungan Jar Jar Binks into their party and Escape Naboo with Queen Padme Amidala however their ship is damaged on the way back to Coruscant and are required to stop for repairs on the planet of Tatooine where they encounter Anakin Skywalker after some crafty Qui-Gon big brain moments they managed to free Anakin from slavery and get the parts they need they escape to Coruscant where after being asked to defer an investigation as well as some prodding from Senator shiv Palpatine Queen Amidala calls for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor lorem valorem is removed from office and Senator Palpatine is nominated and confirmed to replace him that night Palpatine invites his mentor higo damask II to a night on the town where he waits for the old Sith Lord to grow drowsy from his drink and proceeds to murder him in his sleep taking the mantle of dark lord of the Sith Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan would then face Darth Maul Maul kills Qui-Gon but Obi-Wan defeats mall by bisecting the Sith Lord Obi-Wan vows to train Anakin Skywalker and peace returns to Naboo by this time Dooku was turned to the dark side and is given the title Darth tyrannus by his master Darth Sidious 28 BBY Padme Amidala steps down following two two-year terms as Queen of Naboo railata defeats Jamila in her campaign to succeed Amidala though Jamila later resigns for four years before being succeeded by niyutney during the Clone Wars 24 BBY the separatist crisis begins as thousands of star systems leave the Republic to join the Confederacy breaking the Republican too the separatist Senate forms 23 BBY the Senate debates whether an army should be raised and begins discussion on the military creation Act 22 BBY on her way to an important vote now Senator Padme Amidala returns to Coruscant only for her ship to be destroyed by an assassin killing her body double later the mysterious assassin attempts to kill her once more while she sleeps but is thwarted by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his student Padawan Anakin Skywalker they hunt down the changeling assassin Sam Wessel but Zam is also killed by another assassin using a kamino saber Dart the council sends Anakin to guard Padme back on Naboo Obi-Wan investigates the star system of kamino and there finds a clone army which he reports back to the Jedi Council he then discovers Django Fett who attempts to escape but Obi-Wan is in Hot Pursuit and follows him all the way to Geonosis where Obi-Wan is captured after having a nightmare about his mother Anakin takes Padme to Tatooine where they search for his mother only to find her dead Anakin Slaughters the Tuscan Raiders who were responsible an action that reverberates through the force and is felt by many Jedi including Yoda after this they receive a transmission from Obi-Wan which they patch through to the council Obi-Wan tells them of the Droid Factory and the plans to attack the Republic the Republic votes to create the Army and Yoda goes to kamino to inspect the Clones after being captured Anakin and Pad May escape with Obi-Wan and the help of the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic Jango Fett is killed leaving his armor to his clone son Boba Fett they chase Dooku back to his secret base and duel him but both Anakin and Obi-Wan are wounded and are only saved when Yoda shows up and drives Dooku away Anakin and Padme secretly get married 22 BBY to 19 BBY the Clone Wars take place and culminate with the capture of Chancellor Palpatine Obi-Wan and Anakin are dispatched to save him and manage to kill Count Dooku but failed to destroy General Grievous then they crash land on Coruscant Anakin then learns that Padme is pregnant and is plagued with the nightmares of her death suspicions rise that the dark side surrounds the chancellor and so they LED Anakin onto the council only to act as a double agent against Palpatine which Anakin finds distasteful and discloses to Palpatine however Palpatine reveals himself as Darth Sidious to Anakin and attempts to persuade him to join the Dark Side Anakin tells Mace Windu meanwhile Obi-Wan is sent to udapow along with the 212th attack Battalion to deal with General Grievous Obi-Wan manages to kill the general Mace Windu and various other Jedi confront the Senate I'd mean Palpatine which results in a battle in which all of the Jedi Masters brought by mace including maboy Kit Fisto are killed now why did it have to be kid Fisto F's in the chats for kid Fisto Windu defeats Palpatine soundly in battle but Anakin interrupts and Palpatine manages to kill the Jedi Master consumed with guilt and fear Anakin swears himself to Palpatine and is renamed Darth Vader by The Sith Lord Order 66 is then called and Anakin marches into the temple to kill the Jedi rava is among the Younglings Anakin attempts to kill but she manages to survive and is turned into an Inquisitor who seeks Vengeance against Vader Obi-Wan is attacked by Commander Cody and Ashoka is attacked by Commander Rex yes he was named Commander before the series ended Ashoka saves Rex and the two flee together into hiding Obi-Wan survives the attack and makes his way back to Coruscant where he discovers the truth Obi-Wan and Yoda split up to face Darth Vader and Darth Sidious respectively Yoda fails to kill Sidious and departs for Dagobah for Exile Obi-Wan defeats and maims Vader but fails to kill him Padme gives birth to twins but dies shortly after the twins are split up bail Organa takes Leia and Obi-Wan sends Luke to live with the Lars family on Tatooine the Imperial era 14 BBY the events of Star Wars Jedi Fallen order take place Darth Sidious and Darth Vader undertake a mission to ryloth the free ryloth movement led by Champs in Doula attempts to assassinate the two Sith Lords the deaths of belcourtrey and isoval also occur 10 BBY the events of solo a Star Wars story take place including his legendary Kessel Run 9 BBY the events of Kenobi occur Obi-Wan is sent to rescue Leia Organa and once he does he must Safeguard Luke from rava though he's too late however Owen and baru Lars managed to protect Luke from her for a while before she can kill Luke however she has a change of heart and releases her hatred evader to return to the Light Side 5 BBY the events of Star Wars Rebels occur for BBY Kane and Jairus is captured by the Empire and Ezra bridger's message Echoes out from an imperial relay station with the rescue of Kanan the fire across the Galaxy is set lothal is seized by the Empire three BBY Kane and Ezra and Ashoka travel to malachor where they discover Maul and are chased down by the inquisitors and Vader himself Ezra escapes with the holocron one BBY Phoenix Squadron leads an assault on the Imperial presence on lothal Kanan Jairus is killed saving his team sometime around this year the Knight of a thousand tears takes place on Mandalore in which the Empire massacres the Mandalorian people in response to the bokotan cries taking over leadership of Mandalore after the demise of Tiber Saxon the Mandalorian people are nearly wiped out zero BBY lothal is freezed when Ezra sacrifices himself to take thrawn out with a pot of pergil a group of Brave Rebels from scarif and steal the plans to the Death Star in which Galen urso had put a secret weakness they transmitted the plans to the tantive four which escaped the battle Darth Vader launched off in Hot Pursuit and disabled the ship Leia then sent the plans down to the surface of Tatooine inside of an Astromech droid which would later be purchased by the Lars family Luke removes the restraining bolt and the Droid escapes Luke goes out to find it and while he's gone the Lars Farm is raided by Imperials and Owen and beru are killed Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star Luke decides to go with Obi-Wan to deliver the Droid R2D2 to Alderaan but you know the planet is destroyed and they're captured by the Death Star they escape with Leia but Obi-Wan dies fighting Vader they head to Yavin 4 where they deliver the plans to the Rebellion it's then that the Death Star pops out of hyperspace however the Rebellion scrambles Fighters armed with proton torpedoes that will be able to get into the exhaust vent and set off a chain reaction which will blow the station and thanks to Luke and the Ghost of Old Ben Kenobi the whole thing goes down and then uh you know everyone but Chewbacca gets a medal we all know this he gets one later they give him one later for some reason in uh rise of Skywalker I think 3 ABY the Battle of Hoth occurs Vader leads the charge but the rebels Escape Luke having had a vision of Ben goes to train with Yoda while Hanley and Chewbacca end up in cloud city to be used as bait for Luke Han is frozen and delivered to Jabba the Hut by Boba Fett Luke appears to rescue Leia and Han but is instead forced to face Vader who cuts off his hand and reveals that he is his father Luke would rather die than join Vader but the force saves him and he's rescued by Leia and Chewbacca Luke then receives a new hand from the Rebels for ABY Leia and Chewbacca go to rescue Han but are captured by Jabba Lou goes to flex on Jabba but nobody out pizzas the Hut so he ends up captured too they get taken to the sarlacc to be fed but they escape from Jabba's grasp and kill Jabba and also said Boba Fett up for his own series they managed to get off Tatooine scot-free Luke decides to go back to finish his training with Yoda but by the time he gets there Yoda dies of old age Obi-Wan divulges that Leia is Luke's sister about one movie too late to stop him from kissing her twice and Lucas sides that he must face Vader he returns to the rebels and they discuss the second death star and their plan to destroy it they're sent to Endor where Luke surrenders to Vader while Leia Han and Chewbacca go to destroy the shield generator Luke faces Vader and Emperor Palpatine where he defeats Vader soundly and returns him to the Light Side Vader now Anakin Skywalker once more kills Palpatine before dying himself Luke escapes the Death Star Han Chewie and Leia destroy the shield generator and Lando Calrissian leads them inside the Death Star to destroy it and succeed the Empire begins to fall fall of the Empire 4 ABY to five ABY Sentinel droids are sent out to deliver word of The Emperor's final directive operation Cinder The Empire begins to launch counter-attacks that bring them and their forces to jakku to force a final battle with the rebels which culminates in the Empire's complete destruction era of the new Republic 5 ABY Han Solo and Leia Organa give birth to a child that they named Ben solo Luke Skywalker begins to search for lost lore of the Jedi to rebuild the order Sabine Ren and Ashoka Tano search for Ezra Bridger eight ABY Poe Dameron learns to fly Starships from his mother 9 ABY the Mandalorian comes into contact with a Target named grogu of the same race as Yoda his requisition to deliver him to the Empire's remnants he does so but he has a change of heart din jarin then returns for his Target and saves him betraying the Bounty Hunter's Guild he escapes with the help of his Mandalorian brothers and sisters but as he escapes they're killed Mando meets Ashoka in hopes of returning grogu to his kind din jarin takes the child to a powerful spot in the force where a Jedi might sense him but he's captured by moth Gideon with the help of Boba Fett dengar and seeks grogu and attacks moth Gideon with bokitan cries as help who wishes to reclaim the darksaber from Gideon dinjarin beats Gideon and claims the darksaber for himself and freeze grogu it's then that a Jedi finds them and comes to save grogu that Jedi is Luke Skywalker yeah I was surprised too but I figured it out long before they showed his face Boba Fett then returns to Tatooine and kills bib Fortuna claiming the Throne of Jabba the Hutt he then ends up in a turf war with the Pikes and is double crossed by the other rival crimes indicates in the end he's Victorious and kills I say that in quotation marks because nobody just kills him CAD Bane in the process he then eliminates the pike leadership in Moses but along with the Rival Syndicate leaders meanwhile Luke trains grogu but realizes that his attachment to din jarin is strong and decides to offer the child a choice the path of the Jedi or to be returned to his friend grogu chooses DIN jarin and Luke respects his decision Jaron Works some odd jobs here and there but he learns that he doesn't know Jack about wielding the darksaber this is especially true when he nearly cuts his own leg off with it however one of the survivors who helped him escape with grogu originally POS Vizsla challenges him for the darksaber but denjarin is Victorious however it's revealed that he had removed his helmet and by code of the children of the watch he's no longer Mandalorian and must cleanse himself on Mandalore which is still Barren from the attack launched against it by the empire in one BBY 15 ABY Rey Skywalker yes I know I know we're observing her claim to be a Skywalker because Luke and Leia really told her to take the name just everyone calmed down Rey is born Luke also rebuilds the Jedi Order in this year Ben solo also begins to train with Luke as well 28 ABY Luke senses darkness and Ben solo and begins to fear he nearly kills Ben but thinks better of it his lapse in judgment though was the push that Ben needed and Ben turns to the dark side and destroys Luke's Jedi Order taking the name kylo ran upon himself and begins to train in hopes of becoming more like his grandfather Darth Vader 34 ABY the events of Star Wars resistance and the force awakens take place Rey travels with Solo and Chewbacca to the resistance base to deliver the map to Luke Skywalker but is captured before she can do so she escapes before Ren can make her tell him where Luke is and awakens to the force when she sees Finn nearly killed Han Solo is killed by Ren she scars kylo Ren and escapes Starkiller base on Elum before the planet explodes she then seeks out Luke to train with him later that year as Finn wakes up supreme leader snoke is hot on the tail of the resistance Finn and Rose Tico are sent to cantonica to find the master code breaker who can help them get into snoke's Flagship Rey allows herself to be captured and brought before snoke in hopes that Ben solo can be saved but she underestimates him and watches him kill snoke and claim the role of supreme leader of the first order himself Luke confronts kylo Ren and shows how easy he could beat him but doesn't because he's not really there Luke dies on octo the resistance escapes destruction 35 ABY somehow Palpatine returns and issues his declaration to the Galaxy and the resistance set out to defeat this new threat Ray Po and Finn head to basano where they find a Sith dagger that tells them where the Sith wayfinder is C-3PO can't read it so they take him to kojimi to have his programming changed which results in the loss of his memory until R2D2 can have that memory returned to him they learned that the wayfinder is in the Endor system and there they find the remains of the death star's throne room there Rey has a vision of herself on the throne and is confronted by kylo Ren Leia dies while they battle and this causes Ben Solo's whole set of ideas to change and Rey spares him the Battle of hexagall would then happen and Rey and the reformed Ben would face off against Palpatine and kill him however Rey is about to die and Ben transfers his life Essence over to her saving her at the cost of his own life the galaxy then Rises up against the first order pushing them back Rey officially takes the name of Skywalker buries Luke and Leia's lightsabers in front of the Lars Family Home and creates her own lightsaber the Galaxy then heads into a new era as of yet unknown and that is the complete timeline of Star Wars Canon of course there are a few more things that have happened that we neglected a lot of smaller events but if we listed them here and there we'd probably be here for like 12 hours so a special Thanks goes out to Wikipedia The Star Wars fandom their timeline helped us out a bunch so if you want to see more of the timeline that I fail to add be sure to check it out there I hope you enjoyed this video peace out and May the force be with you always
Channel: Stan Lee Presents
Views: 678,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Short, Shorts, Prequel, Prequels, Trilogy, Movies, A New Hope, 107 Facts, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Facts, Created, Founder, Cinematica, Channel Frederator, Frederator, The Leaderboard, Cartoon Conspiracy, Series, movie, facts, top, clip, clips, scene, backstory, episode, bts, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, moments, timeline, The Amagi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, Jar Jar Binks, Count Dooku, Explained, Recap, Disney Plus, Mandalorian, Andor
Id: ubyYH4DtJuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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