The Entire Star Wars Saga (so far) Explained in 20 Minutes!

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you a Jedi Master named qui-gon jinn and his apprentice obi-wan Kenobi are given orders to discuss a trade dispute with the Galactic Trade Federation however things go haywire and Bo Jedi are forced to flee the Trade Federation ship and they land on a nearby planet of Naboo qui-gon makes the biggest mistake in the entire franchise it accidentally saved a Gungan named Jar Jar Binks and some other boring stuff happens so we'll just kind of skip that so qui-gon obi-wan and Jar Jar head to the capital of Naboo a city called feed the Jedi soon realized the Trade Federation launched an assault on that bill and they step in to save the queen however the Queen turns out to be a fourteen-year-old girl named Padme Amidala so together qui-gon obi-wan Padme Jar Jar and a joy named r2d2 escape the Naboo invasion in order to warn the Republic however their hyperdrive is damaged and they are forced to land on the desert planet of Tatooine obi-wan stays in the ship because of reasons and qui-gon Padme and Jar Jar head to the nearest town to find a new hyperdrive however they meet a young slave boy named Anakin Skywalker Anakin soon forms a bond with his new friends and qui-gon learns that Anakin doesn't have a father for his essentially space Jesus so kawaai God makes a deal with Watteau that if Anakin is able to win the podrace qui-gon gets not only a new hyperdrive but he also gets to take Anakin with him and it can winds the podrace and leaves with qui-gon but before he does he gives his mother one last hug goodbye promising he would be back one day to free her from slavery upon qui-gon and Anakin's returned to the ship they are ambushed by a Sith assassin named Darth Maul but luckily qui-gon is able to hold the SIF back long enough to allow him and his ship to escape on board the ship Anakin Skywalker finally meets obi-wan Kenobi and the beginning of their long lasting relationship is forged the crew then arrive on Khorasan which is a capital planet of the Republic as well as the home base of the Jedi Order Anakin is tested by the Jedi Council however he fails and he is rejected by the council to the dismay of qui-gon jinn Padme is coaxed by the Naboo senator named sheev Palpatine into enacting a vote of no confidence in Chancellor valorum the Senate agrees and Palpatine becomes the new chancellor after this Padme decides to return to Naboo and fight the Trade Federation qui-gon and obi-wan are by Master Yoda and the council to go with the Queen and find the Sith assassin that attacked them before and Anakin being under qui-gon scare tags along and the whole crew returns the Naboo on Naboo Jar Jar leads a Gungan defense against the Trade Federation battle droids Padme goes on a hunt to capture nute Gunray also known as the leader of the Trade Federation qui-gon and obi-wan combat Maul and Anakin accidentally takes the Naboo ship for a test drive Skywalker ends up blowing up the Trade Federation command ship over Naboo causing the battle droids to die allowing Jar Jar and his fellow Gungans to claim victory over the droids while the Jedi are fighting Maul qui-gon is stabbed through the abdomen by the Sith assassin luckily Kenobi using his Jedi training as well as a dash of luck is able to defeat Darth Maul with quaggans dying wish he begs Kenobi to train Anakin later on Kenobi is made into a Jedi Knight for defeating such a powerful foe and Master Yoda gives him permission to train Anakin Skywalker and then Naboo has a big celebration for defeating the bad guys and winning a day our story takes place 10 years after episode 1 on Khorasan an assassination attempt was made on padme's life but luckily she survives soon after Padme has given Jedi bodyguards in the form of obi-wan Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker that night the assassin strikes again however obi-wan and anakin apprehend her well before they can get more information from her she is shot by a poison dart and she is killed from there the story progresses with Kenobi looking for where the poison dart was made and Anakin is instructed to go back to Naboo with Padme and protect her Kenobi eventually finds the planet of Kamino and he learns that a clone army was being forged for the Republic to fight the upcoming separatist threat Kenobi finds the bounty hunter Jango Fett and discovers that he was the one who hired the assassin in the first place then later shot her with the poison dart so she couldn't reveal the truth to the Jedi obi-wan and Jango then engage in combat however Jango manages to escape with his son boba and Kenobi follows them off planet then pretty much Padme Anakin fall in love on Naboo because story so we'll skip all that sappy stuff and they soon head to Tatooine to find Anakin's mother on Tatooine they learn his mother was captured by Tusken Raiders and she dies of her injuries so Anakin goes ballistic killing all the Tusken Raiders and not just the men women and the children too later after they bury Anakin's mother they learned that obi-wan had been captured on the planet of Geonosis so Anakin and Padme go to save him but they fail horribly and are sentenced to death for obi-wan while captive he's proposition to join the separatists by an old retired Jedi qui gonn is former master a man known as Count Dooku but Kenobi declines accounts offer and he too is sentenced to death so all three of our heroes are placed in the Jean Ocean arena to be devoured by beasts however the Jedi Council and a bunch of other Jedi come to help them mace windu a Jedi second to Yoda and strength kills Jango and many Jedi died due to the overwhelming number of battle droids luckily the Clone Army arrives just in the nick of time led by Master Yoda and the few surviving Jedi managed to escape the arena so while the clones and droids precede the battle and a kid no be one go after Dooku believing if they were to defeat him now they could end the war before it even began however Skywalker and Kenobi can bat the old count anakin charges Dooku would underestimate his power and thus gets knocked aside Kenobi also tries to fight Dooku but alone he doesn't stand a chance and he is wounded then Anakin starts a one-on-one with the count and although he is able to hold his own for a little he is soon beaten and his arm cut off well before they are killed Yoda saves them in battles Dooku after a brief but pretty cool fight Dooku retreats and in the end the Clone Wars have officially begun Anakin gets a robotic arm and he and Padme get married Dooku plots with his mysterious master Darth Sidious and Kenobi gets to keep his glorious mullet for a little longer the story takes place three years after Attack of the Clones Anakin and obi-wan have become two of the most famous Jedi to ever live Anakin is no longer a Padawan for he is a Jedi Knight and is regarded as one of the greatest Jedi duelists in the order a battle takes place over Khorasan where we learned that Chancellor Palpatine had been kidnapped by the separatist leaders Count Dooku and the cyborg alien known as General Grievous Anakin and obi-wan arrived just in the nick of time and managed to sneak on board their ship and it can fights Dooku again only this time and it can defeats the old count and rescues the Chancellor three vissa escapes and Anakin will be one deliver Palpatine to the ground safely at the Senate building Anakin is approached by Padme and she tells him she's pregnant and Anakin has overcome with joy later and it can begin having visions of his wife dying like he did with his mother before she died and so anakin vows that he will not lose Padme the way he lost his mother soon after Anakin is given a seat on the Jedi Council however he's not given the rank of Master which is the first time in a thousand years that this has ever happened and Anakin becomes irritated by it then later the Jedi Council asked Anakin to spy on the Chancellor for them which leads to more distrust between Anakin and the Jedi and it can then chats with Palpatine at the Opera and the Chancellor tells Anakin a story about a sith known as Darth Plagueis the wise who could actually keep the ones he cared about from dying and this of course piques Anakin's interest obi-wan is tasked with hunting down General Grievous and Anakin is tasked with keeping an eye on Palpatine these two men who essentially grew up together now must part ways for one last time Kenobi goes to the planet of Buda pal and kills Grievous and an impressive display that proves obi-wan is more than just his lightsaber on Khorasan Anakin learns that Palpatine is actually the true Sith Lord one of the strongest to ever live the one known as Darth Sidious Skywalker tells mace windu of what he has discovered and is instructed to wait for his return however Anakin believes that he must make a choice either let mace Windu and the other Jedi kill Palpatine and his hopes of saving Padme will be lost or stopped the Jedi and thus he can still learn the power he craves so Anakin stops Windu from killing Palpatine which subsequently ends with Mace Windu's death or at least his supposed death because we don't truly know if he is actually dead so yeah so Anakin realizing there is no turning back joins a Sith and what he has to do to save his wife and their unborn child Anakin leaves his clone battalions on to the Jedi Temple killing all the Jedi in their wake Palpatine execute order 66 which is a secret code that turns the clones into machines almost and they turn on their Jedi allies and so across the entire galaxy hundreds of Jedi are betrayed and killed by the ones they once considered friends after the Jedi temples assault Anakin went to the lava planet of mustafar and killed all the remaining separatist leaders effectively putting an end to the Clone Wars obi-wan and Yoda discover Anakin's treachery and Obi one goes to face him while Yoda goes to confront Darth Sidious obi-wan sneaks on the Padme ship and later revealed himself upon moves too far and it can believes Padme brought Kenobi on purpose in order to kill him and in anger begins the force choke Padme obi-wan steps in and the two men begin to battle back on course on Yoda and Sidious fight however Yoda is technically defeated but he does survive now backo moves too far obi-wan and Anakin have an epic clash of good versus evil but in the end Skywalker's arrogance gets the better of him and he is defeated by Kenobi then obi-wan takes Anakin's lightsaber and leads later Padme dies in childbirth and she has a boy named Luke and a girl named Leia Leia is adopted by Senator Bail Organa and is brought to the planet of Alderaan and Obi one takes Luke to Tatooine to be raised by his uncle and aunt the story takes place 19 years after episode 3 a woman named Leia Organa is on her way to deliver plans of a massive super weapon being built by the Empire however an imperial star destroyer catches up to her ship and the evil Darth Vader captures her but before he does Leia gives the super weapon plan to a droid named r2d2 r2 and his droid companion c-3po escaped the captured ship and land on the planet of Tatooine but they are soon captured by Jawas the Jawas later sell the droids to a man named Owen Lars and instructs his nephew a boy named Luke Skywalker to clean the droids Luke does as he's told and discovers Leia's message in the message she asked for a man known as obi-wan Kenobi after a little bit Luke eventually meets it's obi-wan Kenobi who goes by the name Ben Kenobi nowadays Kenobi gives Luke his father's lightsaber and tells Luke about his father and how he and obi-wan were friends however Anakin was struck down by the evil Sith Lord known as Darth Vader they soon come to find out that uncle Owen and aunt Beru were killed by Imperial Stormtroopers who were searching for the droids it's then Luke decides to join the Rebel Alliance and put an end to the Empire so Luke obi-wan r2d2 and c3po head to the town of Mos Eisley it's here they meet a smuggler named han solo and his wookie companion Chewbacca the crew escaped from Tatooine upon solar ship named the Millennium Falcon and everybody gets to know each other a little better also obi-wan gives Luke some Jedi training and around the same time Leia's home planet of Alderaan is blown to smithereens killing everyone she knew and loved on it Luke obi-wan han and chewie soon come across a small moon of source but this was no mere moon this was a massive space station called The Death Star on board Luke and Han poses stormtroopers and go to find the captured Princess Leia and obi-wan goes to shut down the station's tractor beam so they can make a smooth escape so Luke and Han managed to save Leia obi-wan is successful in shutting down the tractor beam and they all head for the Millennium Falcon however near their exit they are met by Darth Vader Vader and Kenobi start to battle with their lightsabers but obi-wan sacrifices himself so Luke and the others could escape from there our heroes head to the moon of Yavin for where the rebels had their main base Luke and the others revealed the Death Star plans and it's discovered that the super weapon had a major flaw and thus the rebels prepare for a full assault on the massive space station after a crazy dogfight with Imperial forces the rebels are successful and Luke launches two torpedoes at the stages exhaust port entering the Death Star and shortly after blowing it up afterwards the rebels celebrate their victory and Luke and Han received medals for their courage and bravery this story takes place three years after episode four Luke Skywalker Han Solo Princess Leia have become a big part of the Rebel Alliance on the ice planet of Hoth Luke is nearly killed by a Yeti creature known as a wampa but he managed to escape its lair shortly after Luke sees a vision of obi-wan obi-wan tells Luke to seek out another Jedi Master on the planet of Dagobah so Lucas sets his mission keeping himself alive long enough for Han Solo to find him and save him at the rebels base on Hoth they prepare for the Imperial assault however Darth Vader and his forces break through the rebels defense and they take the base luckily Luke han and Leia are able to escape Han Leia Chewbacca and c-3po head to the city in the clouds of vespid known as you guessed it Cloud City Luke and are to head to the swamp planet of Dagobah and Luke begins his Jedi training with an old Jedi Master named Yoda back on best Ben hunt is greeted by an old friend Lando Calrissian shortly after Landover traces allies and hands them over to Vader han Solo is frozen in carbonite and taken away by the bounty hunter known as Boba Fett's well before he's frozen he and Leia professed their love for each other Lando later regrets his decision to betray his friends and frees Leia and Chewie from their captivity they don't trust him at first but they decide to give him a chance after a short bit of training Luke learns that his friends are in trouble and leaves Dagobah to the dismay of Yoda who wants to teach Luke how to be a powerful Jedi so he can take down Vader Luke arrives at Cloud City and confronts Vader in the very same chamber that Han Solo was frozen Luke begins to fight Vader but it is evident that Skywalker's far outclassed their fight takes them down different corridors and pathways eventually reaching a balcony on this balcony Darth Vader cuts off Luke's hand and he reveals a terrible truth now this is a spoiler for a massive plot point that may just be the biggest plot twist in all of cinema so if you want to check this out I deathly recomm watching the movies to kind of get the full effect of this because I purposely let this fact out in the previous videos so with that said you have been warned now to continue the video Darth Vader reveals that he is actually Luke's father this means Anakin survived on mousse too far and he was placed in a life-support suit to keep him alive so therefore Anakin Skywalker the Fallen Hero of the prequel trilogy is Darth Vader this realization that one of the most evil beings in the entire galaxy was actually Luke's father hurt him more than losing his own hand and sorrow Luke jumped from the balcony in order to kill himself however he was sucked into an exhaust pipe and survived he was later saved by Leia and the others and they escaped cloud city in the end Vader prepares his empire Luke gains his cybernetic arm and Lando vows to save Han the story begins one year after episode 5 Luke Leia Chewbacca and Lando tracked down Han Solo's location on the sand planet of Tatooine at Jabba the Hutt's palace they attempt to rescue Han but they are captured by Jabba Jabba sentences them to death by Sarlacc pit which is the massive creature that lives in the sand luckily Luke manages to save his friends and they all escaped with their lives and both Boba Fett and Jabba the Hutt die Luke then goes to talk to Master Yoda however Yoda succumbs to his old age and dies at the ripe age of 900 well before he dies he tells Luke that there is another Skywalker Luke then talks to Obi Wan's force ghost and Kenobi explains further about why Anakin turn to the dark side he also tells Luke that the other Skywalker Yoda was referring to was Luke's twin sister Leia Organa Leia and Han soon find out there's a new Death Star under construction near the forest moon of Endor they learned that on Endor there's a shield array protecting the massive super weapon and so the rebels form their mission to destroy it Luke Han and Leia go to Endor to bring the shield system down and Lando and his co-pilot 9 dub are given the mission to destroy the Death Star and Darth Vader and his master Darth Sidious await an inevitable confrontation with Luke soon our heroes are captured by little bear creatures known as a walks but c-3po convinces the Ewoks to set everyone free later on Luke reveals to Leia that they are actually brother and sister and the evil Darth Vader is actually their father Darth Vader arrives on Endor and he and Luke begin to chat as they make their way to the Emperor the Deathstar Vader admits that he can feel just how much more powerful Luke has become since the last time they met upon the Death Star Luke finally comes face to face with the Emperor a battle commences on Endor and Han manages to destroy the shield array allowing Lando to make his attack upon the Death Star Luke and Vader begin to fight only Luke isn't out to kill Vader like he was instructed to he was there to save Bainter after a thrilling fight Luke gains the upper hand on Vader and defeats him soon after the emperor instructs Luke to strike his father down the Luke keeps his composure and turns against Sidious then Darth Sidious furious with Luke's decision unleashes a fury of force lightning striking Luke and almost killing him it's then Luke begins calling for his father's help and Vader begins to awake from an evil nightmare a nightmare that has lasted over two decades a nightmare that has caused so much pain and suffering a nightmare that nearly eradicated all the Jedi a nightmare that Vader could finally awake from for inside of Vader there was a great power destroying the darkness in his heart and that power was Anakin Skywalker before Darth Sidious was able to finish Luke off and it can shook control his body once more and he picked up the Emperor in defiance he then threw his former Dark Master down the reactor shaft and Darth Sidious the Emperor of the Galactic Empire had finally been destroyed however Anakin suit had been damaged by city as his lightning and anakin died being comforted by his son Luke Luke then took his father's body and escaped the Death Star soon after Lando and nine Neb destroyed the new Death Star and the rebels won the war and so the galaxy rejoiced in the fall of the Empire from the Naboo palace to the Khorasan skyline the rebels victory was not only a win for them but a win for the entire galaxy our heroes meet up again on Endor and enjoy their own celebration while Anakin becomes a force goes along with obi-wan Kenobi and Yoda and the galaxy had finally found peace once and for all this movie takes place 30 years after episode 6 on the desert planet of jakku a man named Poe Dameron and his droid companion bb-8 are given a map to find the Jedi named Luke Skywalker however the first order which are essentially the new Empire tracked them down Poe gives the map to bb-8 and shortly after he is captured by a dark Sider called kylo Ren sometime later bb-8 comes across a girl named ray and they become friends kylo interrogate SPO and discovers bb-8 has the map to Luke luckily Poe is able to escape the Star Destroyer with help from a defecting first-order soldier named fn-2187 and Poe gives in the nickname Finn for short however their TIE fighter is shot down and Finn survives but Poe is nowhere to be found finn eventually comes across rey and bb-8 and they are forced to leave jakku by the first order they stumble upon the Millennium Falcon and soon meet han Solo and Chewbacca kylo Ren informs his master named Supreme Commander Snoke about the situation and Snoke tells him that raised with Kyla's father this is where we discovered that kylo Ren's real name is Ben solo and he was actually the son of Han and Leia Han brings them to the planet of Taku Donna where they meet an alien woman named Maz Kanata mozgov's Rey a lightsaber that makes her see vision but it wasn't just any old lightsaber it was Anakin's lightsaber the same lightsaber that later became Luke's Rey refused to take the weapon and later was captured by kylo Ren instead Finn is given the lightsaber for safekeeping while the first order seized Maz castle han Finn and Chewie go to the resistance base where they are met by general Leia Organa they soon learn that a bigger Death Star's being built called Starkiller base and this massive super weapon was able to destroy five separate republic planets at once and so our heroes had to plan to dismantle the base while captured rey uses the force to defeat kylos mind-reading abilities and she later uses her mind trick to escape captivity han Finn and Chewie go to Starkiller base and meet up with Rey as Han and Chewie plant explosive charges around the super weapons weak point han comes face to face with his son Kyle oh but kylo has been convinced by Snoke that the only way to achieve the power he craves is to kill his father and so kylo stabs han with his lightsaber in anger Chewbacca wounds kylo with his bow caster but he does not have the heart to kill the boy he helped raise in excruciating pain and anger kylo chases Finn and Rey kylo and finn fight however finn is defeated and ray then wields Anakin's lightsaber and battles him Poe leads a squad of pilots into star killers weak point and destroys it causing the entire planet to become unstable back with ray after a brief fight ray Victor's over kylo and escaped with Chewbacca taking Finn with them our heroes managed to escape the planet just as it explodes as heroes tend to do and they return to the resistance base although our heroes are sad by Han Solo's death the destruction of Starkiller base was a massive victory against the first order they then placed bb-8 SMAP and r2d2 SMAP together and they were able to discover where Luke Skywalker is Rey and Chewbacca head off to find him and in the end she does so now Rey finally found Luke Finn is in a coma due to his injuries Poe was regarded as one of the best pilots in the resistance and the war continues to be fought another day you
Channel: NET FUN
Views: 4,539,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star wars, movies, the last jedi, The Entire Star Wars Saga (so far) in 20 Minutes!, star wars full saga, anakin, luke, skywalker, darth, vader, kylo ren, rey, snoke, Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars Episode 4 A New Hope, Star Wars Episode 5 Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars Episode 6 Return of the Jedi, Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens, star wars explained, star wars explained in 5 minutes, star wars saga, star wars in 20 minutes, net alliance, sexy star wars
Id: dY0XbdxJpzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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