10 Unbelievable Star Wars Facts That Are Somehow True

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have you ever caught yourself wondering what on Earth inspired the design of the trade federation's B1 battle droids in Canon pondered the question of how many l were present on a certain iconic spaceship or even just questioned what happened to those younglings and padawans who didn't graduate Jedi school well you are in luck this list is about to provide you with the pretty darn unbelievable answers to those rather specific questions and more because I am Gareth this is what culture Star Wars and there are 10 unbelievable Star Wars facts that are somehow true number 10 B1 battle droids were designed to resemble gean oceans ever since the day they debuted in the Star Wars Universe during 1999's episode 1 The Phantom Menace folks have no doubt been wondering what in the hell went into the designing of these little battle droid nuisances it was ultimately shown in episode 2 attack of the Clones that the B1 battle droids were manufactured on the planet Geonosis and it turns out that they were actually designed to to resemble the flying alien creatures found on that Sandy Planet according to the Star Wars character Encyclopedia updated and expanded Cannon reference book now that is a mouthful these Droids were also ridiculously cheap to produce hence why the separatists were never that bothered about waves of the little mechanical menaces being wiped out during the Clone Wars the resemblance between the Gein oceans and the increasingly comical Droid soldiers they designed has honestly been staring you in the face for decades I mean just look at him side by side and elsewhere droiders were designed by the colicoid species an insectoid race that also opted to make their droids look somewhat like themselves again look at them they look just alike because why the hell not a number nine Owen L's Brother played Obi-Wan stable it is well known at this point that one of Joel edon's first high-profile roles came during the Star Wars prequel trilogy with the eventual Superstar playing the part of Owen L Luke Skywalker's eventual uncle in both episodes 2 and three but what you may not have realized is that Joel wasn't actually the only Editon to Grace a Star Wars set during the making of attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith it turns out that Joel's brother Nash was the stunt double for none other than the mighty Obi-Wan Kenobi himself y McGregor and that isn't the only well-known project Nash has thrown himself into over the years either with the Editon man popping up in the likes of the Matrix Mulan Rouge and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood too though all of those other Productions likely had their cool moments during shooting you can bet nothing quite compared to walking around set of flailing a lightsaber as one of the most iconic Jedi of all time number eight there is another lightsaber resistant metal and while on the subject of the legendary weapon of the Jedi and Sith it's generally accepted that these laser swords can cut through the majority of materials found in the Star Wars Universe except for bescar of course the ridiculously strong alloy used to create Mandalorian armor but that isn't the only metal capable of giving lightsaber wielders a headache as seen in the likes of episode three Revenge of the Sith and the Clone Wars animated series the magn guards often found beside General Grievous boasted an electro staff made of freak one of the other materials out there that could withstand the heat of a lightsaber swipe though it is worth noting that they weren't completely invulnerable to the weapons and the dart lord of the Sith himself she palatin was also quite the fan of this durable material using it when building his own red bladed lightsabers that he'd ultimately swing at the likes of Mace Windu and Yoda in Legends the messel was also o used to create the intimidating dark Troopers too but simply bascar wasn't the only way to counter the coolest weapon in the Galaxy but do you know of any of the other lightsaber resistant Metals out there in the galaxy far far away will you drop them in the comment section down below do it number seven Mace Windu nearly showed up in the original trilogy decades before he showed up in the worlds of Star Wars as one of the most respected and badass Jedi Masters of all time mace windy was actually on the verge of appearing in the original Trilogy back when George Lucas was putting together the script for what would become 1977's first Star Wars picture the Mind behind the force included a character by the name of Mace Wu in early drafts for the flake Wu originally acted as the narrator of the film but the character then ultimately went through a few different incarnations in various drafts being the brother of Princess Leia or Luke Skywalker's friend before Lucas eventually decided mace didn't need to be present in these particular movies at all and if one unbelievable fact wasn't enough for you you know that legendary purple lightsaber Samu L Jackson is seen igniting throughout the prequels that wasn't actually always wind's color of choice those who rushed out to grab themselves their very own mace action figure back when episode 1 The Phantom Menace was released in 1999 discovered that this Jedi initially opted for a blue lightsaber with Jackson then later nudging Lucas to give him a purple blade so he could spot himself in the Battle of Geonosis during episode two attack of the Clones number six ithorians possess four throats the Star Wars franchise is home to some of the most bizarre quirky and intriguing alien species ever to appear on screen and perhaps the most fascinating of the lot can be seen in the likes of the book of Boba Fett the Clone Wars animated series and even as far back as in the first ever Star Wars feature ithorians or the alien with a head shaped like a giant L as you likely know it have made their presence felt throughout the Galaxy some have gone on to use the force and become Jedi others took a different path in turned to bounty hunting and then there were those who simply enjoyed a spot of gardening also on top of boasting a whopping two different mouths and stomachs these Hammerheads also possessed a staggering four throats all that in the Machinery resulted in a ridiculously low rumbling voice but one that wasn't able to utter the galactic basic standard language spoken by much of the Galaxy that's why these folks can often be found speaking the language folks on Earth know as English via things like translator colors so there you have it these comp comping ithorians are so much more than just a bunch of pretty faces cheers for tapping on this what culture Star Wars video today we love having you here and if you like what you see then hit that subscribe button down below number five Firearms exist in this galaxy EV Obi-Wan Kenobi felt Star Wars blasters were so uncivilized you can only imagine what the wise Jedi Master would have thought of this far more familiar alternative to that fantasy Blaster bolt firer when you think of your average Rebel Clone Trooper Stormtrooper battle droid or shooting at whatever enemy was heading their way a bright shot of light erupting out the end of an awesome looking rifle pistol of sorts typically Springs to mind however that's not to say that the sort of weapon folks on our own Planet would use on the battlefield doesn't exist in the galaxy far far away too Firearms are very much present in Star Wars although they typically go by the name of slugthrowers firing Out quote unquote slugs also known as solid projectiles from pistols rifles and scatter guns that last explosive weapon has popped up in places like the Star Wars Battlefront video games over the years and slugthrowers are said to be a right pain in the ass for Jedi in particular largely due to the fact they can't simply deflect the Slugs as they would a blaster bolt instead the Slugs just melt after connecting with a lightsaber blade leading to Hot Metal shooting all over the place middel what a nightmare number four one Clone Trooper survived all the way to the sequels while it is widely known that one iconic member of the 501st Legion of Clone Troopers did survive all the way to the end of the Galactic Civil War as a certain little green Legend once put it there is another in fact said other not called Captain Rex didn't just manage to keep from being blown to bits in both the Clone and Galactic Civil Wars meaning they survived the prequel and original trilogy this good soldier made it all the way to the time of the sequels the Clone medic known as kicks was actually one of the first people to discover the inhibitor chip hidden within every single Trooper was was part of Chancellor Palpatine's plan to rid the galaxy of the Jedi once and for all but after learning of this horrifying truth he was frozen in stasis before the transport he was being carried on was brought down and crash landed on ponama Terminal then 50 years on from that event sidon ethano the red bloke seen in masz konata's Castle in episode 7 the force awakens and the rest of his pirate mates unfroze the Clone after finding him on that world from here he learned of all the madness that had occurred during his long sleep and eventually join their squad oh and his armor of choice going forward a cool as hell blue and red version of The Phase One clone trooper armor naturally as seen in the tales of villain the Crimson Corsair and the Crim Lords of the baron Rim comic story number three Hanan chewy share the one bathroom on the Millennium Falcon here's one that's probably and quite understandably never crossed your mind the bestest of space Pals known as Han Solo and chewaka spent years soaring across the Galaxy in their equally iconic Millennium Falcon and with all that time blasting through hyperspace and just generally existing on that YT 1300 light freighter naturally the pair would have needed somewhere to you know do their business and this is where the rather Unbelievable Truth comes in the bloke from corellia and the mountain of fur from kashik shared the very same bathroom on the Falcon AKA a refresher in this galaxy far far away no not the sweet as seen in Solo a Star Wars story Wookies certainly are fond of a shower so you can bet Hans SP more than a few mornings having to pluck out his Pal's unmistakable hair or using the crapper in the wake of nature calling for chewy that's assuming the big guy poops like your average humanoid of course admittedly installing a second bathroom may have taken up a little too much space in the old bird but in additional refresher surely would have made both crew members lives that little bit easier right number two lightsabers have charging ports in case you didn't know your average lightsaber is primarily powered by a diatium power cell and while these generally didn't need to be plugged into a power source to recharge due to the cell's natural recharging abilities according to Legends law some did actually come fitted with their own charging ports for those rare occasions when they were running a little low on juice in fact the legendary Qui-Gon jyn's own laser sword actually boasted one offs said ports towards the bottom of his Jedi weapon as spotted by one eagley fan on Reddit it's also worth noting that the energy SL magnetic field which held in the plasma beam being emitted from the lightsaber also helped recycled that energy back into the diatium power cell during those moments it wasn't clashing with another lightsaber or being used to cut through a solid object in other words when it wasn't being used to fight or cut on the regular the detian power cell was super efficient and wouldn't require any additional charging battling through the Clone Wars or frequently cutting through giant metal doors though you're probably going to need a USB lead number one what happened to younglings and padawans who failed their training largely because it's hardly touched on during the Star Wars War Skywalker Saga promising younglings and padawans failing their training and their trials was actually a more common occurrence than you realized but rather than just booting these potential Jedi out of the temple doors and welcoming in the next batch of new four sensitive Souls the order had those who still wanted to do their part to help join the Jedi Service Corp this group still serve the galactic Republic either due to the fact they simply wanted to help or had abilities that made them useful but they weren't lightsaber wielders though when the Clone Wars kicked off it didn't take long for the service core to militarize and within the service core were four separate branches the agricultural core a group focused on researching plans from around the Galaxy the exploration core a team that discovered many of the Galaxy's lost secrets and mapped out many a hyperspace route the medical core those who assisted in the healing of folks and the education core teachers who passed on their knowledge to the Next Generation not everyone who wased out of the academy opted to join of course with some understandably packing their bags and leaving the life of the Jedi behind for good after failing their training however for those who weren't ready to just walk away from such a massive part of their life the Jedi service core was a sort of second chance at making a difference in this galaxy far far away which is kind of cool really
Channel: WhatCulture Star Wars
Views: 95,105
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Id: QqitEJ1xrwo
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Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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