EVERY Single Jedi That Survived Order 66 (All 114 Survivors) [2023 CANON & LEGENDS]

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[Music] how many Jedi really survived Order 66 the great Jedi Purge and the siege of Nightfall largely eradicated the Jedi order as it was known slashing their numbers by the thousands in one Fell Swoop during the Clone Wars there were an estimated 10,000 Jedi Knights patrolling the Galaxy as keepers of peace and Generals Paragons of light or so they thought after the Jedi Purge again however the number was dwindled down by upwards of 99% of the overall order where 10,000 Knights once were there now only a fraction statistically this would leave roughly a 100 Jedi Knights alive following the rise of the empire but this number has never been officially verified though Vader and his Imperial forces would continue hunting down a significant number of these survivors as well as throughout the Imperial age doesn't survive the initial Onslaught and many Jedi live for years beyond the order's execution many perished under the shadow of the Empire some survived to see it fall and many collaborated with one another 100 Jedi were believed to have survived Order 66 but today we have found 114 now students of the force welcome to today's holocron and let's identify as many Order 66 survivors as we could find figure out how long they each survived and talk a little bit about each of these survivors there are a few things that we need to clarify though before we begin first this list does swing between Canon and Legend's continuity so it's possible some of these survivors May no longer be official Canon it's also possible that there are Jedi survivors who have yet to be revealed who we do not know of yet finally we are only counting Jedi who were in an active or former part of the Jedi Order during the age of the Republic and we will not be counting any Jedi who took up their training after the Republic fell therefore Jedi like Luke and Ezra for example will not be counted since they did not train with the Republic Jedi some characters however like Ahsoka and Dagen Gara were former members of the order who left or retired before Order 66 and these characters will be counted so now let's begin with getting some of the most obvious ones out of the way perhaps the two most iconic survivors of the order are Obi-Wan Kenobi and Grandmaster Yoda and their Journeys following the destruction of the Republic are arguably the most well documented of any Jedi we got to see how each of these Jedi survived Order 66 in Revenge of the Sith on udow and kashik respectively and later how the Jedi were able to train Luke Skywalker to nigh Hood thus ultimately leading to the downfall of the Empire and the Redemption of Anakin Skywalker living out much of their remaining lives on Tatooine and DEA respectively they seldom showed their Jedi nature to anyone ensuring that they remain hidden until Luke and Leia matured the next most influential Jedi Survivor is AR arguably Ahsoka Tana who survived her attackers following the siege of Mandalore Ahsoka survived due to Anakin's intense training regimen which was showcased in Tales of the Jedi Ahsoka was able to fight off her clones more effectively than most Jedi free reck from his inhibitor chip and escaped before ultimately joining the ranks of the Rebel Alliance as fulcrum once the dust settled and the Jedi were driven to ground she found her new home on the world of the besca located on the outer rim for the duration of the following year Ahsoka now going by the name ashla lived a relatively quiet life on the remote world but on the first anniversary of the rise of the empire Ahsoka felt the winds begin to change yet again and she was eventually driven off the world throughout her late teens Ahsoka skipped around from planet to planet making allies and showing small signs of resistance to the Empire never staying in one place for too long until she was eventually reunited with borana of alderon in 18 BBY just before her her 19th birthday Bale offered her a place among the earliest founders of the rebellion and she began conducting missions for the Rebel Alliance officially during the height of the Empire Ahsoka worked closely with fellow Order 66 Survivor Kanan jarus and the rebel Squadron known as the ghost crew Kanan who previously went by the name Caleb Doom was a Padawan under master DEA balava when Order 66 was issued and Caleb only survived due to the intervention of the bad batch Caleb now Canan grew grew up under a new name in hiding but was much more open about his Jedi nature after embracing the young Ezra as his Padawan he and Ezra both brandished their lightsabers on several occasions and Kanan became unafraid to show off his Force prowess when pushed to a last resort Kanan found a new sense of purpose and promise after taking on the young Ezra Bridger after joining together the two fought side by side as Jedi Knights in a new era where they were ferociously hunted by inquisitors and later Lord Vader one significant Arc between the two Jedi saw them infiltrating an imperial prison known as the Spire hoping to free former Jedi Master Lum Manara unduli who they believed had been taken captive by the Empire while they would ultimately uncover the horrifying sight of Uli's body which had been used by The Imperials as bait to lure in prospective Jedi Rescuers luminara did in fact survive the initial Order 66 attack luminara was also on kashik when the order commenced and unduli was able to surv survived the onslaught of her clone forces but was eventually taken into official custody by the Empire one of the few Jedi that were not killed on sight after being taken prisoner unduli survived as live bait for an unspecified amount of time eventually though the council member was killed in the presence of the grand Inquisitor making it that much easier to use her to lure in Jedi without the prospect of her escape this leads us neatly into the inquisitors themselves as many of them had previous affiliation with the Jedi Order so let's discuss the roster of the inquisitorius that were once Jedi the grand Inquisitor for instance was a Jedi Temple guard and we know that he changed his allegiances after being empowered by baras offi speech during her trial the grand Inquisitor left the order and after the Empire Rose found himself a place alongside Vader as his primary enforcer one of his most prestigious missions was the capturing of four sensitive children from an orphanage on the world of gatin but his effort were eventually discovered and thwarted by fellow Order 66 Survivor known as Kira vanala though little else is known about vanala and where she currently is now the grand Inquisitor though is not the only Inquisitor to come from the Jedi Order as most of the inquisitors had previous allegiances to the Jedi the seventh sister and fifth brother both occupied positions within the Jedi that we know and can confirm though little is known about their previous lives before the rise of the empire we know that the seventh sister hails from the world murial and alludes to her training under master Yoda indicating that she was at least part of the initiate class of Jedi younglings likewise the fifth brother of essium alludes to his time under the Jedi but doesn't give any confirmation as to his specific role or who his master may have been the sixth brother however was once known as a Jedi by the name of Bill Valen though the exact status of historian Canon is currently unknown we say this because in Legends before tales of the Jedi was released this was The Inquisitor that Ahsoka killed in order to obtain her white lightsabers Ahsoka was able to purify these corrupted crystals and return them to a neutral State though The Inquisitor from Tales of the Jedi does not seem to be the Jedi that was formerly known as a vein because of this we cannot be certain as to whether or not bill vein's story is still Canon but we warranted mention nonetheless the 10th brother however otherwise known as pret dibs is much more wellknown despite being blind he was specifically chosen by mace Wu to be a part of a cover operation team at the onset of the Clone War himself Kit Fisto and Risa Mano sought to uncover more information about the separatist forces which had recently declared war on the Republic as the war escalated the Jedi Master began to call out several members of the order for their hypocrisy and blatant disregard for collateral damage during the times of War becoming frustrated very early on Master dibs even went as far as to physically assault m Windu when their conflict grew and this resulted in a lightsaber duel in which Master dibs was incapacitated and later put on trial for his crime his philosophy wasn't outright malicious in fact the Jedi believed that the order had a duty to rehabilitate those who strayed from the light and at the time before his fall to the dark side had a more noble outlook on how to use the force when the Empire Rose in place of the Republic he found a new home alongside Vader's inquisitors being one of the few Jedi Masters to become an Inquisitor we also know that the 13th sister formerly known as iscat acarus was one of a group to survive Order 66 before ultimately becoming an Inquisitor herself in the novel Inquisitor rise of the red blade we learned that her master a Jedi by the name of clef and Opus was accompanying two other Knights charlin PLA and an unidentified zeltron Jedi Master when the order was ultimately initiated shortly beforehand however they received orders from the Jedi Council to return to corusant and they were actively in transit when the order was given so they were not in the vicinity of Clone Troopers nor were they in active war zone like many other Jedi were the group was able to survive the initial attack but within 5 years they were hunted and executed by their former friend and now Inquisitor acarus acarus who had given her allegiance to the inquisitorius and was among the hunters to claim the life of eth coth but more on that in just a moment alongside acarus in this Crusade was fellow Inquisitor and close friend Talon Yuna who was also a Padawan during Order 66 throughout the two of their tenures as inquisitors the two would become rather close and even question their allegiances to Lord Vader and the Empire eventually the two inquisitors decided to even launch an assassination attempt against their Master Vader although they would come short and now we come to the ninth sister also known as masana tide who also fell victim to the Allure of the inquisitorius and much like the second sister she was pushed into the dark side by extreme torture at the behest of cyas here the ninth sister aided in the hunt for Jedi fugitives calus and faren bar and underwent training from both the grand Inquisitor and Lord Vader directly and now we come to the second sister featured prominently in Jedi Survivor and Reva from Kenobi the second sister otherwise known as Trilla suuri was a Padawan under Jedi Master Shar junda and was known for her brilliant intellect even as a Padawan she showed a particular affinity for Creative problem solving which impressed her master both her and junda did in fact survive the initial days of Order 66 after enduring the primary attack they lived on the run for a few years before being captured where junda would eventually die in the year 9 BBY upon being taken prisoner the second sister was subjected to extreme torture torture which allowed snorri's hatred and anger to Bubble violently to the surface after Awakening her darkest Force Powers she was inducted into the ranks of the inquisitorius and tasked with the hunting of Jedi survivors becoming one of the Empire's more fearsome and aggressive Predators Reva on the other hand seems to have been too young to have a master of her own as we see her in what appears to be General Studies when the order begins while Reva worked as an Inquisitor for the duration of the next decade her morals are up in the air as of right now not only did Reva survive a second attack by Darth Vader but she appears to have renounced her Dark Side ways and she's currently in the wind it is unknown when we might expect to see Reva again but it may not be as an Inquisitor at all the final Inquisitor to mention in this line is the eighth brother the terellian Jango jumper later turned Dark Side acolyte under Palpatine for years these inquisitors were the premier Jedi executioners responsible for the deaths of dozens of remaining Jedi Knights on one particular Quest they were able to uncover an enclave of four Jedi survivors who had continued to stick together after the fall of the Republic these friends Jedi kns condra muso zubani aaroni and NJ found refuge on anoat after the Republic collapsed after Escaping The order they found the remains of an old Jedi Shrine and set up camp for an undetermined amount of time before eventually being found by the inquisitors when the Empire showed up musil stayed behind in order to allow her friends the opportunity to escape forming a Last Stand while KRA and NJ were able to get away the inquisitors quickly Tracked Down zuban aaroni who died on matau as a result of the ensuing battle condra and NJ however were able to flee to the bour and KH where kindra's faith in the Jedi Order and sense of identity as a Jedi began to crumble they continued to forge for basic survival resources before the inquisitors finally tracked them down as well slaying both Jedi at the chromium mine near wickid and their belongings were taken by the inquisitors as trophies to place in their Hall many of these Jedi were able to survive by being away from the battle when the order was inactive but while virtually any Battleground during Order 66 immediately became deadly for Jedi the epicenter of the attack lay in the Jedi Temple itself here a newly Christen Darth Vader marched on the remaining Jedi on corusant although in the temple on that fateful night however the youngling grou and Jedi Knight Keller and Beck both of whom were able to make it out of the siege and avoid any direct confrontation with Vader as the Jedi formerly known as Anakin marched through the halls of the temple Beck was able to smuggle grou to some of his contacts who boarded him onto a nabo starf fighter and took him off world while we know that grou survived long past the reign of the Empire and will likely continue to live on for hundreds of years we don't currently know the whereabouts of Master Beck since he was able to get off corant it's likely he was able to survive at least through the early days of the Empire but his fate is not fully known as of now also in the temple that dreaded Knight was the youngling known by Vaso tamas tamas who used the sewer system to escape onto the streets of corusant unbeknownst to the clone troopers unable to get off world however he was captured by the corusant guard and one of their early inquisitors but here something strange happened The Inquisitor did not execute the young Jedi intrigued by the young Padawan potential The Inquisitor kept toas from being captured and began to teach him in the ways and methods of the dark side some Jedi however were not so lucky and many were unable to survive for more than a few years once again in the Kenobi series we were introduced to a Jedi by the name of nari who had been living in Exile searching for a Jedi master since the fall of the Republic while little is known about nari we do know that he was able to identify General Kenobi and he remained optimistic about the Return of the Jedi it was however his altruism that ultimately led to him exposing his Jedi powers to the inquisitors who had occupied tatto and ultimately led to his untimely death before Kenobi's very eyes in fact though the Kenobi series gave us a much closer look at not only nari but two other Jedi survivors who were only alluded to while on the world of mapo Kenobi uncovers a secret underground Network known as the hidden path the path was designed to smuggle four sensitive individuals out of Imperial reach and here he finds a collection of names which all appear to be four sensitive individuals or order 66 survivors thanks to these carvings we know that quinland Vos Akira Zander Drake loogan and ROM Kota were smuggled through this path quinin Voss the Jedi Renegade was known for having a loose affiliation with the council and their rules much like Qui-Gon Jin quinin was unafraid to do what he felt was morally right over what the Jedi Code had dictated also on kashik when Order 66 was issued Voss was ambushed and wounded by his clone forces though he was able to strike down the Clone Commander Fay before getting off world to seek immediate medical attention having been trapped on the jungle world for weeks in Canon we know that quinland aided in the creation and the functionality of the Hidden path quinland was here yeah he helps known again and was likely responsible for saving countless four sensitive individuals including potentially Zander Akira Drake Logan and of course Ron Kota not much is known about these names however although we do know that the name ROM Kota is a reference to Star Wars the Force Unleash and the Order 66 Survivor from that game while the Force Unleashed is no longer Cannon it takes place between episodes 3 and four and since kota's signature can be found carved into the wall of mapo in the year 9 BBY we can confirm that Kota did in fact survive in Legends and Cannon continuity similarly Akira only has a limited appearance showing up first in the Kenobi series and subsequently in reversal of Fortune where it was revealed that she had every intention of abandoning her Jedi Heritage in in order to live out the rest of her life in peace with that said though it is currently unknown the whereabouts of this Jedi Zander and Drake Logan have very little additional material to their name in Legends or Canon and seem to be creation specifically for the show but the hidden path is not the only underground railroad system for Jedi Knights to use after Order 66 on corusant an individual by the name of Jack's paven engineered one of the most advanced hidden maglev train systems in the galaxy in order to very political officials and persons of great importance across corusant these individuals had in some way or another incurred the Wrath of the Empire and needed to get off world as soon as possible but paven however was one of the many Jedi who had been living and hiding since the outbreak of The Purge as the former Padawan under Evan Peele and a close friend of Anakin Skywalker paven survived by taking on the job of a private investigator which allowed him to get close to targets closely affiliated with the Empire and thus allowed him to know much more about their inner workings than the average citizen he used these skills to join an organization known as Whiplash and began doing missions for the Rebellion before becoming one of the few people in the galaxy to deduce Darth Vader's true identity discovering that he was the former Jedi Anakin Skywalker of all the people that paven helped several were former Jedi including Lara Tarak and nicku Tac the twac Knight was on corusant when Order 66 was enacted and the two ran into one another amidst the chaos of the order as they attempted to deduce what was going on they used each other's skills to survive and Escape under ground while the temple before them burned under the weight of Vader Siege rosu on the other hand was a native of the world of Haron call and one of the most prolific missions was the rescue and extraction of Mace Wu Wu who had been taken captive on his home world with the aid of Master balaba the two were able to fight off the local militia and get Windu to safety rastu the 44th division throughout the age of the rebellion and led these brave Soldiers across the Galaxy during the war to liberate it playing a key role in their resistance from the very early days of the Rebellion next let's discuss the story of two survivors NOA Na and her close friend Master Kai hudora when Order 66 occurred the duo alongside Naas Master Sims found themselves on the world known as Tula here Master Sims gave her life to offer Na and hudora the opportunity to escape the for forces of the Empire their fatal mistake though was their decision to return to corant despite being actively hunted by the Clones in order to remain in hiding not cut her hair to appear as male and was advised by Master hudora to change her demeanor and behavior in order to Blendon with corusant when they arrived on the capital World they encountered Jedi Knights Kofi Arana shatty pokin and dos janir the surviving Jedi intercepted the two of them and warned them not to return to the temple after they all managed to get off world Arana and pokin would go on to join the conclave of Kastle but more on them in just a moment meanwhile Jedi Survivor dos janir ventured far into the jungle finding Refuge with the narian who offered him a job and a place to stay safe under Order 66 survivors were able to sway entire worlds to their cause and one particular Jedi by the name of Chona Ben was at the Forefront of one such Rebellion after escaping to Vulcan with two other unnamed Jedi he led the people in an upright ing against the forces of the Empire it was here however that he would not only confront Vader but would be spared by him as well Vader walking away from the duel rather than dying as a martyr and causing the world of Vulcan to become more sympathetic to the cause of the Jedi Darth Vader elected to let Ben live as a failure in the eyes of the people that followed him this actually turned the morale of the world against the Jedi and led to them renouncing the ways of the Republic and embracing the Empire one similar Jedi who graduated to a leadership position after the war was Jedi Master aoos brand the former Padawan of Jedi Master yattle bran graduated to Knighthood after the battle of nabo and spent much of the next decade in service of the Jedi Order as a talented pilot he fought during the First Battle of Geonosis and led his troops to victory in the Battle of bodoro before Order 66 was commenced shortly after the rise of the empire Vader shot down brand ship over the moon of narad where bran crash landed and was subsequently presumed dead by the Empire despite being severely injured the Jedi was rescued by the ganthan people who fitted him with the prosthetic body and he soon became known as the king of Ghana the Jedi survived to see the dying days of the Empire and even began to hear rumors of a new Jedi Academy led by the son of Skywalker who he sought out and eventually would meet the Jedi known as NAA sendor however had a much deeper tie to not only the Premier Jedi Order but the cult of Revan as a knight in the Clone Wars NAA sendor was sent to her home world of deis in the last year of the war and it would be here that she discovered her family's connection to the cult of Revan infatuated with the power that was promised she killed her own master and joined the cult a cult which was still active in secret unbeknownst to the rest of the Galaxy after Order 66 was executed she fled from her home world upon realizing that she would soon be no match for Vader and his might fleeing to the world of dantoine where she met a scientist by the name of Aaron Jaron and the two settled down and eventually had a son sendor however believed her son to be a Reincarnation of Revan himself and she then joined a new Republic star fighter after the battle of Endor becoming a new Rebel herself next let's discuss the story of Taran malos who like many was attacked by his clones during Order 66 after slipping away however he was able to escape to the world of damir home of the night sisters and birthplace of Darth Maul once he landed on damir he was taken into captivity by the night brothers and ultimately succumbed to his Dark Side urges ultimately he turned to the dark side of the force and began to manipulate the night Brothers against each other until he earned his freedom at which point he attempted to sway calus to the Allure of the dark side as well offering him an apprenticeship role cus himself was a Padawan during the Great Jedi Purge and the though his master General tipal was one of the many Jedi casualties he gave his life to that of cus so that he might live he was able to board an escape pod from his Cruiser and flee into the Galaxy as a fugitive from the Empire doing so at an incredibly young age with no contacts or guidance to Aid him while his Jedi training was largely incomplete he was one of many who sought to train a new generation of knights and in doing so he began to learn about fellow Jedi Survivor Eno Cordova Cordova was able to create a holocron detailing the locations of several force sensitives from across the Galaxy and was one of the architects of the Hidden path the very same underground network of spies and informants that quinland Voss helped to guide ultimately he would meet his end by the hand of yet another order 66 Survivor by the name of bod Akuna after his tenure as a knight Akuna became a bounty hunting Gunslinger during the age of the Empire all but abandoning the way of the Jedi in order to become a rogue Who Bore no resemblance to the Knight that he once was he sat down the way of the Jedi and sold his services to the highest bidder eventually even starting a family funded by his criminal lifestyle bod eventually forged an uneasy pseudo Alliance arrangement with the Empire where he would offer his services on a caseby casee basis this eventually led him into conflict with keesus and Cordova ultimately leading to the death of the latter Cordova however was not the only former Jedi that cus encountered during during his life but the next Survivor falls into a bit of a gray area we are talking of course about DG and Gara who was actually a Jedi during the end of the high Republic era 200 years before the start of the Clone War during the prime of his life Gara developed an obsession with the planet known as tanalur where he wished to create a new Jedi institution of his own design the Council of this age however was not pleased with this idea and after conflict arose between the two Gara eventually left the order and pursued his own interests where the ambiguity comes in however is in the fact that g was sealed in a back to tank for the greater part of two centuries before being freed during the Imperial era he wasn't technically an active part of the Jedi when Order 66 was enacted and hadn't served as a Jedi in almost 200 years with that being said we decided that he falls into the same category as Ahsoka someone who retired left the order or was otherwise inactive when Order 66 was commenced although a so was a part of the Republic she no longer considered herself a Jedi and therefore we decided to count Gara as well if cyas had known about G's existence during the siege of Nightfall he almost certainly would have ordered his execution and for that reason we decided to count him in a similar vein Falls the Jedi known as KNM who also wasn't a formal part of the order when the Republic fell but was more of a retired Jedi in the Years leading up to the start of the Clone Wars he elected to leave the Jedi Order In order to to pursue a family of his own in the early days of the Empire KNM actually came to believe the emperor's propaganda and wondered if the Jedi had truly attempted to Stage a coup though he would later come to learn the truth about his brethren we decided to count him because even though he had retired from the way of the Jedi he was still hunted by and even dueled the grand Inquisitor though he was unable to kill the head of the inquisitorius the former Jedi was able to break his lightsaber and escape with his life he then found him himself a new home on pomba where he would live out the remainder of his life even passing down his robes and lightsaber to his great grandson who later became an avid collector of force related artifacts and stories one additional Jedi who is far older than most was the Jedi known as borian one of the only Hut Jedi to ever be inducted into the order borian was first initiated nearly 400 years before the rise of the empire and in 400 BBY he had his first encounter with with the dark side while on the world of Tela he became avered with the power of the darkness and soon after walked away from the order in pursuit of the way of a dark Jedi his own nefarious goals he would only meet his end in the year 13 ABY in a duel with Leia Orana solo long after the rise and fall of Palpatine and the scourge of Vader while naked was a much more seasoned and experienced Jedi Knight we know that several padawans were able to survive while the Clones targeted their Jedi Masters and among the padawans in the order's final class was gungi one of the very rare wook Jedi that we've seen in the Star Wars Mythos while we only know of gang's whereabouts in the first year or so after the Empire Rose we can confirm that he did in fact survive the siege of Nightfall and the rise of the empire gungi so far as we know though hasn't had a direct run in with Darth Vader otherwise he most certainly would have perished and guni is not the only Jedi Padawan to have survived the perge several younglings were able to escape in a manner of different ways but many were protected from the order thanks to the aid of Jedi Master krook on the world of Bogden 3 Kruk and master jessiel met with a Jedi master by the name of dumon and with the Jedi Master was a group of excited younglings the three Jedi Padawan Chase puru and several younglings were in transit when Order 66 was enacted with the Four Season Jedi immediately leaping into action to protect the young children the Jedi fought to escape the cruiser with Masters man and jessiel giving their lives in the process Kruk and puru however were able to get the four younglings to safety adding six survivors to the list the six of them crashed on a wild unspoiled Moon where they had to regroup and build theirselves into a method of survival the names of the Younglings under the protection of Kruk were as follows Kenan tanzir sidwa jeno and sediri here they came into conflict with the local pirate Colony led by Captain lumbra and and eventually fled to arenia a world where they rued with Jedi Master Zhao Master Zhao took the children under his wing taught them daily sessions as they hid from the Empire and train them in the Jedi Arts while Jedi Master Kruk and Chase Piru focused on their survival and keeping them hidden they even went so far as to create a hidden temple for themselves though Kruk eventually decided it was best to part ways from The Young links so as to not put a Target on their back eventually krook even joined Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order long after the rise and fall of the Empire this makes krook a member of the highly exclusive club that being Order 66 survivors who then went on to Aid in the construction of a new Jedi Order but more on that in just a moment now that we reached the halfway point of our order 66 survivors we'd like to take a moment to show off something special that we've been working on and thank today's sponsor Ona saber so please enjoy f we hope you all enjoyed and now let's get back to the survivors Luke's Academy also crossed paths with a Jedi master by the name of aquinos who led a legion known as the iron knights in the Clone Wars Master ainos was labeled as a heretic for his unruly blend of technology and traditional Jedi practices his Iron Knight Legion augmented their own physical bodies with Droid EXO suits much like General Grievous did the council however found this to be egregious and banished the Jedi from the order allowing him to take refuge from Order 66 and ultimately survive past the rise of the empire this makes Master ainos one of the very few to ever survive in all three generations of the main Star Wars timeline making him yet another member of this exclusive group in fact there are quite a few individuals that survived not only the rise of the empire but its fall of as well some of these Jedi are known for being hundreds or even thousands of years old so let's discuss a few of these members the first Jedi was one of M Windu's former Masters by the name of teras sa Master sa is one of the most long-lived Jedi Knights of the order and due to her Netty physiology she perceived time much differently than most Jedi despite her long lifespan however she developed an attraction to fellow Jedi Master th and the two sought to develop a relationship with one another during the Clone War conflict on Nar Shada when the order was enactive they were able to flee to the world of kashik in order to build a life together though th would soon meet his end not long after the rise of the empire sa did survive the initial onslaught of Order 66 and th did as well which warrants him being mentioned here today terasa however would go on to assist Luke Skywalker in building his new Jedi Academy and Wouldn't Die until the year 138 AB long after even Luke himself had passed into the force one further Jedi who had lived an incredibly long life was Master vimma daota who was already 10,000 years old when the Great Jedi Purge commenced Master debota lived an extremely illustrious life facing down her own daughter who had turned to the dark side and even cross paths with some of the most famous Jedi of the modern era she helped Grant Obi-Wan Kenobi and the infant Luke Skywalker safe passage to Tatooine after all of Kenobi's resources had been Stripped Away by the empire after The Purge the Jedi Master hid away on the densely populated world of Narada which helped to conceal her presence in the forest over the years she cross paed with Han Solo who was held prisoner on kessle and even passed down her lightsaber to Lea Orana solo perhaps one of the most significant years of DB's life were spent after the Empire itself fell after she went a great distance to help the Skywalker family find their foothold in a newly liberated Galaxy and now we have reached one of of my favorite survivors in Luke's Battle Master Moren thar Master thar was a particularly aggressive Knight who ascended to the rank of Master near the onset of the clone wars in the year 22 BBY during the outer imim sieges Master thar found himself on zigris and found its murky swamp lands to be advantageous to his survival much like Master Yoda did with DEA Master thar was able to hide himself and his forc presence among such a particularly powerful planet in fact he didn't didn't even know the Empire had fallen until the year 10 ABY and when the Jedi Master did eventually come out of hiding he was welcomed into Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order Master thar ascended again to the rank of Battlemaster under Luke's leadership and taught the new recruits popper light saer technique interestingly when thar joined Luke's New Order he found that several of his peers from back in the day had also become founding members one such founder went by the name of xanis Baron who was not only the next direct successor to the title of grand Master after Luke but was th's Apprentice back in the day after Luke died at the end of the Imperial Sith War Baron ascended to the rank of Grandmaster and took control of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars he passed the Jedi trials and graduated to Knighthood and was stationed on wal this to oversee the Jedi Academy with fellow Knight and close friend Don wrath Remer when Order 66 was issued the Clone forces eviscerated the academy with an AT-AT walker killing everyone inside and presuming that Baron and Remer to be among the casualties due to Wald this's remote nature the Empire never took any particular interest in the planet allowing both Baron and Remer to remain there for the duration of the Imperial regime another one of thar's personal friends was Tai nante who graduated to nigh Hood just two years ahead of thar and Anakin what makes Damonte interesting however was his distrust for clone troopers who had failed to protect his apprentice and who had died during the Clone Wars much like the Jedi romoda this Jedi elected to work with the militias and local militaries rather than with the Troopers which of course greatly aided in his survival when Order 66 was enacted when the Empire eventually fell they were welcomed into Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order alongside several other founding members including Crow sedun and vanar noden Crow sadun was a fellow founding member of the new Jedi Order and would secede Baron as Grandmaster after his death in the year 41 AB taken and trained as a Jedi initiate until the age of 12 cadun found an apprenticeship under Jedi Master Roth Del masona within just a few short years of the invasion of nabo after the outbreak of the Clone Wars he was designated as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic though he only graduated Knighthood during the last year of the Clone Wars when the chancellor was abducted however sidon's Master Del mosana lost his life attempting to defend Palpatine and sedun was driven to ground shortly thereafter at the time vanar noden was still a Jedi p on and was training at the Academy on Hall Roth noden was consistently bullied by his peers at the Academy and on one fateful day their insults got so bad that noted had to actively flee into the forest in order to compose himself after pulling himself together he returned to find the academy in utter ruins having fallen victim to the events of Order 66 his classmates had all but perished leaving noden as the sole survivor of the academy with no way of getting off world he instead elected to live as a Hermit in the woods feeding off of the local wildlife and abstaining from social contact for more than two decades long before this however Vader spent his life hunting and butchering the Jedi who even aspired to make it to this point one of Vader's most iconic battles was with Jedi Survivor eth cth who spent his life training as a Jedi guardian and serving in the Clone Wars as a friend of Skywalker in the aftermath of the war Etho retired away from the Jedi Order and even settled down with his wife named Mir for going the Jedi path the two had a child and cth himself found a new profession as a priest in the outer rim world eoth lived in relative peace while the shadow of the Empire loomed large being one of the few Jedi Council Members to escape along with Yoda and Kenobi when Etho was ultimately Tracked Down by Darth Vader and a team of inquisitors he pleaded with the dark lord to spare his life he claimed that he was a Jedi no longer and asked Vader to be merciful Vader of course did not o LOD and following a ferocious duel that eviscerated the Town Square eth coth met his end by Vader's blade after putting up a formidable and highly admirable fight shortly after the execution of the council member we can see a holographic list of remaining Order 66 survivors that includes the likes of Master Coleman kajar and Oppo ran cissus with this being in Canon both former High council members who were presumed dead during Order 66 alongside these names on The inquisitor's Hit List we can see the names of Jedi veterans such as koni and celra uos but very little is known about either of these Jedi and how they survived Order 66 but what we do know is that they were firmly in Vader's sight at this point in the timeline in the Years leading into 9 BBY however Master Kaja was executed by the inquisitors and his body was left in TB and resin on the moon of Nur in the Mustafar system putting an end to another Jedi Master the fate of Oppo ran cissus however has has never been officially revealed and we are as of yet uncertain when he died due to conflicting accounts but this list hints that he was still alive by the execution of eth coth in the year 14 BBY unlike in Legends when opo ran cissus was killed by the dark Jedi Sora bulk alongside Master Kaja in the resin tomb however was the body of fellow Jedi Masters terara suub and Valerie tide suub first began his adventures as a Jedi during the era of the high Republic and was one of the oldest Jedi Masters during the Clone Wars right now we cannot confirm exactly when or how Master senu died but the placement of his body does give us some Clues regarding the circumstances of his death the resin vessel on Nur acted as a sort of trophy hall for the inquisitors indicating that Master senu had been executed by a member of their ranks and not by the Clones if this is true then it would indicate that he survived the initial Onslaught and was alive for the rise of The Inquisitor forces all we cannot say for certain that he did Sur survive Order 66 the fact that he is in this tomb seems to hint that it's a likely possibility which at least warrants a small mention valer tide also intuned in resin attempted to hide her identity from the Empire as long as she could before being eventually tracked down and located on the world of AO 3 where she was captured and later executed for her previous affiliation with the Jedi among the rest of Vader's victims throughout the purge were the likes of faren bar faren was an Itachi Jedi who took a a far darker approach to Knighthood during his time on the run after the rise of the empire he sought to not only simply overthrow them but to avenge the previous order through violence and bloodshed his methods were far more extreme than the average Jedi as an adviser to the late King leech of the mon calamari he used his political influence to instigate unrest between the mon calamari and the Empire doing so in order to stir conflict and incite further Rebellion he used the mon calamari to send a message message to the Empire's oppressive regime and the rest of the captive Galaxy At Large when the Empire responded however they sent their greatest Jedi executioner that being of course Lord Vader himself and even this Jedi Maverick such as faren bar was unable to contend with Vader's Superior combat prowess he died in battle when Vader arrived and Vader enacted his Vengeance on the mon calamari for their hubris while bar was a notable trophy for Vader to add to his wall one of the most notorious achievements was dominating the conclave on kessle the conclave was an assembly of eight Order 66 survivors led by Jedi Master shade pokin and these eight season survivors elected to confront Darth Vader and attempt to kill him in his early days of Sith Hood the seven Jedi to follow Master potkin on this endeavor were Sue Choy Kofi Arana saon Wes boltar Swan makis shalas roblo darte and jce far while the these Jedi were very powerful this is one of the most notorious Jedi massacres of the entire Imperial era leaking to Vader that Obi-Wan Kenobi would be present there Vader ventured to kessle where he would systematically and one by one ultimately kill and Massacre all eight Jedi survivors nonetheless all of these Jedi managed to escape Order 66 one Jedi Master who was able to give Vader a substantial fight was former Master karak inala as a Jedi inala was known as a master combatant who could contend with the very best duelist of his time before he took what is known as The barash Vow The barash Vow forbade him from interacting with the rest of the order and sent him into Exile as a form of penance this allowed the Jedi to escape execution since he was not in active combat during Order 66 karak andala was one of the very few opponents to actually cause Vader to retreat when he confronted the Dark Lord he threw him from a Cliffside after a fierce duel rendering Vader's suit on almost non-functional despite Vader's injuries and the Damage Done to his life support system he was able to escape in order to make the necessary repairs Upon returning Vader adopted a different tactic massacring the civilians of a nearby Town below in order to capitalize on INF falla's compassion he broke the dam to instigate a flood which preoccupied inala as he attempted to stop the city from enduring the flood's destruction and it was at this point that Vader captured and Fall's lightsaber phys phasically inala is more than a match for Vader at this time but Vader's utter remorseful brought him to his knees where he struck a bargain he begged Vader to take his life in exchange for the innocence and in a fury Vader killed them both using the force to snap in falla's neck in falla's ability to survive a duel with the great Darth Vader is something that not many Jedi can say they've done but one who shares this experience is a Jedi Knight by the name of Ferris Olen much like a few other Ord 66 survivors on this list Olen survived by abandoning the Jedi Order before Order 66 having disagreed with several Knights regarding the strict nature of the Jedi Code as a member of the same graduating class that produced Anakin Olen worked for several years as a loyal Knight before turning his back on his friends and the order after leaving he took up forgery creating fake documents for criminals who needed them and this gave him an immediate leg up in surviving Order 66 and the following Purge now Not only was he not within the vicinity of any clones but he had automatic access to a brand new identity and paperwork to get him off world one fellow friend of his was likewise able to escape was the Jedi Master Garen mool who only received the rank of Master within the last year of the Clone Wars his final assignment as the war was to the world of airin where he was tasked with negotiating a ceasefire when Order 66 was enacted it was these separatist enemies however that helped the Jedi escape the Clone Army who had turned on them both and helped get master Mullen off world Mullen would flee to the world of ilum where he would reconvene with fellow Survivor Fior Anna who told him about the destruction of the Jedi Temple and fall of the council the two Jedi remained here in exile for the first year of the Empire's control before being found by Jedi anen Olen who had informed them that Master Kenobi had also Survived The Purge suffering from malnutrition the group elected to leave ilim in Pursuit of the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi while Olen was extremely intelligent he too was able to survive an encounter with Vader though Wan Falla caused Vader to retreat Olan was not so powerful Ferris Olan barely escaped with his life and he eventually came into contact with Luke's New Jedi Order after going on the run for more than 20 years after meeting Luke though Ferris Olan would again embrace the teachings of the Jedi and become a Jedi master at the Academy we also meet ikrit who is a fellow Order 66 Survivor and one of the oldest Jedi known from all across the Galaxy ikrit was a former student under Yoda who put himself in Exile nearly 400 years before the separatist movement and they were able to survive simply because the modern Jedi knew virtually nothing about his existence and many believed ikrit was dead due to his age and historical understanding he was able to Enlighten Luke's New Jedi Order regarding the history of the Galaxy and the previous mistakes of the former order ensuring that Luke's Academy was a far stronger and more well-rounded Network than that of the Republic era Jedi W inala is one of the strongest physical Warriors within the order and perhaps one of the most capable of taking on Vader in single combat Knights like Kret and Olan prioritize intellect and mental fortitude they however are not alone and now we'll move on to order 66 survivors who were extremely intelligent and used this to survive another Jedi of this philosophy was Kasdan partis who Who Loved building machines and was a better mechanic than any other Jedi like many of the knights he was at the temple when the order was given but unlike other Jedi Master Kasdan fled the scene rather than staying and stand his ground to fight this guilt began to plague Kasdan as soon as he arrived on rexis Prime his torment of regret slowly driving him insane in his Insanity he created a full replica of the Jedi Temple and the Jedi Council out of garbage that he found on the world but master kdan was not the only Jedi who fled from the temple that night several Jedi academics were among the most productive survivors and several of them stole knowledge and secrets before they could be destroyed or captured by the Empire such as in Canon immediately after Order 66 Jedi librarian jokasta new and her assistant gar sought to protect the secrets of the Jedi Order jokasta was able to capture a holocron detailing records of four sensitive children from across the Galaxy stopping it from falling falling into the hands of Vader the two were then able to reconstruct a clandestine Jedi Library where Secrets would remain safe from the prying eyes of the Sith while jokasta herself was later executed by Vader gar remained posted in the Hideway for years after the fall of the Empire however one fateful day he decided to detonate the entrance burying himself alongside the secrets of the ancient and lost order but the teachings would not be lost forever in the year 6 AB Luke Skywalker would come across the school using the holocrons to Aid in the Reconstruction of his own New Jedi Order as the years went on there were less and less Jedi and even Vader himself grew close to the end of his life in fact the very last Jedi to be killed by Vader before his duel with obiwan was a Jedi master by the name of Ana curo Jedi Master anuro was a particularly unorthodox yet highly devoted Jedi who developed a tendency to integrate darker practices into her teachings and training channeling her own latent aggression and malicious thoughts into her abilities contrary to popular belief Mace Windu was not the only Jedi to utilize a purple lightsaber during the era of the Republic as Jedi Master Kuro also developed a purple kyber Crystal due to her more aggressive tendencies and harsher practices once Order 66 commenced she escaped to the world of coffering 5 returning to the site where she had previously been imposed on exile a self-imposed exile she had previously spent 12 years in the part of the Galaxy during her Hiatus from the Jedi Order and Ana was intimately familiar with this particular system which allowed her to adapt much more easily to a new environment than most Jedi it was here where she lived as a Hermit for the duration of the galactic Empire's Reign existing in isolation for the greater part of two decades until the emperor's hand Mara Jade was able to track down the age Jedi Master despite Mara Jade locating on yakuro Vader insist insisted on dueling her personally when Vader arrived their lightsabers did not Clash immediately as the two shared a philosophical conversation about the nature of evolution and Extinction and though Ana had largely resigned herself to death she still elected to dual Vader after pinning Kuro beneath the tree following a lengthy engagement Vader executed The Last Jedi that he would kill before his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi aboard the first Death Star bringing an end to the Jedi Purge while Darth Vader was the one to defeat several Jedi survivors the Knight known as ashod head actually found himself defeated by none other than Obi-Wan Kenobi as a native to Tatooine had felt a great Tremor in the force when the order was given and he believed himself to be the sole survivor of the Jedi Asher radet was extremely powerful and was able to defeat all but one of his clone troopers and the final Clone Trooper he kept hostage in order to interrogate with het being one of the few Jedi to fight his his way out of The Purge in the Years following the order het returned to his home world of Tatooine where he joined the ranks of the Tuscan Raiders in his old Heritage as he then began leading pillages across MOS eely and even attacking the Lars Homestead which garnered the attention of the Jedi Master Kenobi when the two Jedi confronted one another it was ultimately Kenobi who came out Victorious by this point in Galactic history very few survivors of the original Jedi Order which reigned during the Republic were left alive Al most were long dead or far beyond their physical limits but now we reach two Jedi and cannon that not only survived the fall of the Empire but lived to see the rise of the first order these two Jedi are named mil alth and ververt stack alth in particular Had A peculiar sensitive perception of empathy through the force and was able to potently feel the emotions of those around her her emotional connection to others had grown so powerful that she actively got nauseous in violent scenarios are while discussing difficult topics for a Time the Jedi attempted to cut herself off from the force in order to alleviate this constant pressure but eventually she found that she could put it to good use as a Jedi medic and spiritual adviser when they were children during the first days of the war their initiate class was scheduled to venture to the world of ilum for the Gathering ceremony and her fellow initiates spoke excitedly about the blades that they'd create and how they'd use them to combat the separatist forces some of the discussion however led alth to feeling queasy and ultimately needing to abandon the trip at the very last minute the rest of her class however went to ilum to complete the Gathering and within three short years the rest of them were all presumed dead as a result of Order 66 likely killed on ilum while she and stag were mere younglings when the order was commenced a Jedi by the name of Master uel was one of the most decorated Jedi Veterans of the era noted for his bravery in combat and affinity for history upon surviving the first wave of the purge master uel became fearful that Palpatine would seek to not only destroy the Jedi as an order but also destroy its histories much like jokasta knew he feared the destruction of several sacred Jedi artifacts and sought to protect as much of the Jedi history is possible for this he turned to The Smuggler by the name of Antron Batch who had done dealings with the Jedi Order before The Purge he entrusted to batch all that he had which included a ship full of Scrolls holocrons lights Sabers and other sacred Jedi artifacts and with this batch went into hiding on the abandoned gean ocean Outpost we don't currently know how long after Order 66 Master uel survived but given his Advanced age and Mastery of the Jedi Arts it's entirely probable that he met his end by natural causes rather than being hunted to Extinction while we can't be certain as to whether or not master uel lived to see the end of the Empire we do know that the Jedi balen skull certainly did first featured in the Ahsoka trailer newcomer Balin is an original addition to Disney Canon and right now not much is known about him other than the fact that he once knew Anakin Skywalker and of course has abandoned the Jedi way described as an order 66 Survivor who turned to freelance assassin work the full extent of Balin and how he survived is likely to be detailed in the upcoming Ahsoka series his Apprentice though in Shin Haiti doesn't seem to have been a member of the original Jedi Order Shin is likely too young to have been around during the fall of the Republic and it's entirely likely that she was a force sensitive civilian who Balin encountered or even some have theorized that she may be a clone but yet again this remains to be seen also in regards to the Ahsoka series we want to discuss the character of bars offy as of right now bars has not been confirmed to be a survivor of Order 66 and in fact it's widely accepted that she most likely perished during the Jedi Purge there have been Whispers however about her inclusion in the upcoming Ahsoka series But please understand that these are just rumors right now and cannot be verified without a Canon case of her death however it's possible that she did in fact survive the Fateful order but with this we now enter a gray area in the Disney Cannon as in an unreleased comic we see the Jedi Master AA Sakura and shock t AA Sakura's death in particular seemed to be pretty definitive as we saw her being gunned down by her Armada of Clone Troopers in Revenge of the Sith shock T's death has also been confirmed to have occurred at the hand of Anakin Skywalker during operation Nightfall and although it's very likely that the new comic is simply hinting at a vision we at least wanted to mention it here in Legends however shock t would survive Order 66 and would even take on an apprentice of her own by the name of Maris Brood shock t however was hunted down by Star Killer well into the reign of the Empire eventually being killed by him Maris Brood however eventually slipped into the clutches of the dark side before she too was defeated by Star Killer since brood was technically a Padawan of the old order however she counts as an order 66 Survivor another important mention is that the main Jedi Temple on corusant is not the only Jedi Outpost present in the galaxy and it's time to discuss the temple known as the Almas Academy originally formed in the year 119 BBY the almus council was designed to oversee a smaller subsect of students After the Dark Jedi conflict and as it grew instructors began to redesign the academy for their own purposes the academy was founded by Master Nara seiri and later led by the Jedi lenus quber several members of this Academy also survived Order 66 it's important to know that in the time leading up to order 66 they were under sieged by a band of pirates that all but eradicated the monastery however the Pirates did not claim the lives of everyone involved as Master asak Boda for one was a revered member of the Jedi library and was a well-studied academic so someone who survived the purge one of his prized possessions was a holocron once belonging to master Bodo boss and when Order 66 was enacted he ensured the Safeguard of this holocron with his life he would later go on to join forces with other surviving members of the alma Council including the Jedi halad ventor ventor made Headway in the construction of a refugee camp for Jedi trying to establish a safe haven before being captured in Legends by the lead Inquisitor jerck jerck who was a former Jedi Knight who had turned tale after Order 66 within this refugee camp he provided Safe Haven to Jedi such as the Jedi Kai Justice and ven Draco before being captured during bod's interrogation however which ultimately broke him Invader soon set on the trail of these Jedi survivors and the secret conclave of this group only the Jedi Kuran was able to escape Vader's wrath Inquisitor jerik however had his own Legion of seven dark Jedi all of them serving as his personal enforcer one of these dark Jedi ma was a former Jedi Knight who survived the initial events of Order 66 and should also be counted on this list as the shadow of the Empire loomed Dark Forces began to infect the Galaxy and even Vader himself took on a new Apprentice this leads us directly to Star Killer however formerly known as the for sensitive Galen Merrick while Galen himself was not a part of the Jedi Order when Order 66 was enacted his parents most certainly were the Jedi Knights Mali and Kento Merck were loyal Servants of the Jedi before developing feelings for one another feelings which eventually culminated in a relationship much like Anakin and Padme they married in secret and kept their relationship from the Jedi Council before going into self-imposed Exile before Order 66 this allowed them for a time to raise their son on kashik in peace for a time they successfully evaded the empire in order 66 however Mali would later come to be killed by troan slavers in an attempt to protect the wookies that had offered them Sanctuary Kento Merrick was then left to raise their son alone and he would go on to survive 10 years into the reign of the Empire eventually though Merck's luck ran out and Lord Vader conducted an invasion on kashik where Kento was once again forced into action for one final moment he embraced his identity as a Jedi and faced Vader in single combat only to die at the hands of the dark lord Vader who then took Galen on under his wing as his own secret acolyte of the dark side of the force and that leaves us with just two Jedi left our penultimate Jedi is not someone who is often considered when disgusting survivors of Order 66 and that Jedi my friends is Anakin Skywalker shortly preceding the execution of Order 66 Skywalker fully gave into the identity of Lord Vader cementing himself as a harbinger of darkness and an agent of the emperor however Vader's Final Duel with Luke Skywalker in the emperor's Throne Room showed that while Anakin seemed to have been all but gone there was still a sliver of the Jedi Knight still remaining Anakin in his final moments of strength was able to defeat Darth Vader usurp the emperor and bring about an age of peace from a fallen regime to us Anakin Skywalker would also count as a survivor of the order albeit one that lied dormant for decades following the Jedi downfall so then after all these survivors who is left the final Jedi would' like to talk about today is the immortal icon Jedi Bob Jedi Bob has served as a Cornerstone of the Jedi Order for years and the order would cease to exist without his intervention not only is Jedi Bob a survivor of Order 66 but is effectively Immortal what better way to close out this comprehensive list of Order 66 survivors then with one of the most powerful Jedi to have ever lived but anyway my friends what do you think of this list are there any Jedi that we missed in our order 66 survivors if you've made it this far we thank you immensely for visiting our archives thank you so much for this Support also on such a large undertaking and a large holocron as always my friends and acolytes of the force May the force be with you always and I hope that you have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 384,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ahsoka, Star Wars, Star Wars Theory, Star Wars Explained, Order 66 Survivors, Every Order 66 Survivor, Jedi, Baylan, Ahsoka Order 66, Dark Jedi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 32sec (3752 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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