Star Wars: The Original Trilogy - 120 of the Biggest Questions ANSWERED (Compilation)

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after nearly 10 years of explaining Star Wars online I've come across the same questions again and again today I'm posting a compilation video answering well over 100 of the most frequently asked questions I've seen about the original Star Wars Trilogy several Transmissions were beamed to the ship by Rebel spies how did Darth Vader Star Destroyer follow the rebel Blockade Runner through hyperspace if hyperspace tracking hadn't been invented yet the answer is found in the book from a certain point of view in the story RIS by Gary witda who was one of the writers of Rogue one according to the story The Tanta V4 was docked in Admiral rus' Ship at the Battle of scariff because its hyperdrive was in need of repairs by the time they made their escape the ship was barely able to make the jump to light speed the malfunctioning hyperdrive motivator Left Behind what one officer on the Blockade Runner called an abnormal hyperspace wake Captain RIS Antilles compared it to a leaky oil pan leaving behind a residual energy signature that was unique and traceable hold your fire there's no life fors why didn't the Imperials shoot the Escape pod containing R2-D2 and C3PO Gunnery Captain bolvin ordered Lieutenant hea to hold his fire because there were no life forms aboard he made that order because according to the book from a certain point of view Fleet bureaucrats had issued a new policy that tied Gunnery officers promotions to their kill ratios that policy was created because of Rebel propaganda that showed Imperials to be poor shots so firing upon what bolvin thought was an empty Escape pod would have damaged his ratio potentially hurting his chances at a promotion what do Jawas look like under their hoods we don't know for sure but one person has given us firsthand details pyoo called them furry quite furry Great furry that actually does line up with a description of Jawas given in the novelization for Star Wars by alen Dean Foster it described them as rodent-like and compared them to De evolved humans visual dictionaries and other reference books since then have said they had remarkably ugly rodent-like faces all right shut up I'll take this shut Why didn't Uncle Owen recognized C3PO when he purchased the Droid from the Jawas didn't he own 3PO for several years before the Clone Wars I can think of several answers for this first C3PO doesn't introduce himself by name in the movie he just confirms he is a protocol Droid that can speak botchy and 3PO isn't a unique Droid that model was mass-produced and seen throughout the Galaxy Owen probably remembers owning a protocol Droid in the past but he has no reason to think he's about to buy the exact same one especially because the last time he saw 3PO the Droid wasn't covered in gold plating maybe he could have recognized 3po's voice but Owen is very dismissive of the Droid telling him to shut up he just wants the transaction to be over so he can pass the droids off to Luke Owen isn't actually listening to 3PO because he simply doesn't care it makes complete sense to me that he would not recognize the Droid who is she I'm afraid I'm not quite sure does C3PO not know who Princess Leia is in a New Hope when Luke asks who she is he says I'm afraid I'm not quite sure I think she was a passenger on our last Voyage a person of some importance I believe shouldn't he know who Leia is after serving her family for nearly two decades in reality he does according to an interview of George Lucas from 1977 which you can find in the making of Star Wars he says that C3PO was specifically programmed not to mention having any knowledge of Princess Leia he knew all about her but was programmed not to say so his supposed ignorance of her identity with Luke was simply programming to protect Leia that wizard is just a crazy old man why does Uncle Owen hate Obi-Wan Kenobi so much as Yoda tells Anakin in the Phantom Min the root of hate is fear Owen Lars was simply afraid for his nephew just like Anakin was afraid of losing Padme Owen was afraid Luke would wind up like his father dead or worse now we can view Owen's fears as foreshadowing to the true identity of Darth Vader but back when George Lucas was riding the film the line from the third draft was that boy is going to get himself killed he's just like his father the the Obi-Wan Kenobi series reinforces the idea that Owen believes Anakin died during the Clone Wars and he blames Obi-Wan for that we also see that he loves Luke as his own son and is afraid any contact with Kenobi will lead to the same fate and if these new Droids do work out I want to transmit my application to the academy this year why does Luke want to go to the Imperial Academy he seems pretty excited about 3po's stories of the rebellion and tells Obi-Wan he hates the Empire so why would he join their Academy at the start of the movie Luke is far more a political a deleted scene with Big's darklighter explores this further but Luke's friend warns him that the Empire will eventually take more and more control of taten Luke is no fan of the galactic government but he's stuck on a Backwater planet with no future he craves adventure and excitement and a chance to see the galaxy outside of his moisture Farm the Imperial Academy may have been his only option to do so that's exactly how bigs got off Tatooine and then he defected to the Rebellion that was a path taken by many members of the Rebel Alliance including Antilles and Sabine Ren I'm Luke Skywalker I'm here to rescue you why didn't Yoda Obi-Wan Owen baru or anyone think to change Luke's last name to better hide him from the Sith there are a couple of reasons for that at the time it was thought that Darth Vader had died on Mustafar Obi-Wan didn't know Anakin had survived until 10 years after their duel it's unclear if the emperor knew Padme was pregnant and even if he did her funeral was staged to make it appear that she was still with child so the danger of anyone looking for the Skywalker twins was already low in addition stories like thron ascendency chaos Rising have stated that Skywalker was a somewhat common name in the Galaxy obviously we haven't encountered anyone else with that last name because that would be confusing to the audience but I assume the name was common enough that the Lars family wouldn't want to change it not to mention Owen and baru may have wanted to honor Luke's relationship with Shmi who was a beloved member of their family I'm getting too old for this sort of thing why did Uncle Owen aunt baru and obiwan Kenobi age so much in the 19 years between revenge of the Sith and A New Hope obviously the real answer is that they were played by different actors I know but there is an in Universe answer as well the novelis sooka by EK Johnston has an interlude about Obi-Wan which takes place only a year after he settled on Tatooine he notes how much the desert climate had affected him in such a short amount of time the fact of the matter is sun damage will cause you to age so think about living in a desert and now think about living in a desert with two sons it would almost certainly accelerate the aging process hello there why doesn't Obi-Wan Kenobi recognize R2-D2 in a new hope they shared So Many Adventures Together well Obi-Wan never says he has never met R2 he says he can't remember owning a Droid Alec Guinness's smirk while delivering that line can also be interpreted as a playful Lie by Omission obviously none of that was intentional I don't think George Lucas thought Obi-Wan and daru knew one another back when he was making Star Wars but a young reader adaptation of the movie called The Princess the scoundrel and the farm boy includes a nice scene between the two characters that confirms Obi-Wan never forgot about R2 after Kenobi feels the destruction of alderon through the force R2-D2 quote moved to bide as if it were his faithful pet an image that was further reinforced by the old man stroking a hand over its domed head it's good to fly with you again my old friend the old man said so softly Han wasn't sure he had heard him right so Obi-Wan remembered R2-D2 he just decided to keep that Knowledge from Luke don't seem to remember ever owning a dve wait but hold on why did Obi-Wan say he can't remember owning a Droid in A New Hope did he forget about R4 p17 he flew with her throughout the entirety of the Clone Wars from Attack of the Clones all the way until Revenge of the Sith where she was destroyed I would argue that Obi-Wan never owned R4 she was simply the Droid that was assigned to him by the Jedi Council I also think we have to remember that Obi-Wan never had the same kind of relationship that Anakin or Luke Skywalker developed with R2-D2 when R2 went missing in the Clone Wars episode downfall of a Droid Kenobi tells Anakin well our two units are a dime a dozen I'm sure you'll find a suitable replacement so even though R4 Faithfully served Obi-Wan for 3 years it might be possible that he did let her memory Fade Away General Kenobi years ago you served my father in the Clone War why does Princess Leia address Obi-Wan so formally in her holographic message did she forget about their adventure together 9 years earlier no of course Leia didn't forget the very meaningful friendship they formed in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series but the message she was sending her old friend was part of a secret mission even though Leia's attempts to to convince Darth Vader in the Empire she was on a diplomatic Mission were obvious lies I'm sure she would still be trying to do everything she could to protect her family if that hologram were intercepted it would have been terrible for her to say hey Ben remember 9 years ago when you rescued me and we were chased by inquisitors and Darth Vader almost killed you and remember how my family has known exactly where you were hiding for the past 19 years well I need a favor now no that would have been terrible it's far safer for Leia to act as if she and the orgas hadn't had any contact with Kenobi since the Clone Wars not that it did alderon any good in the end Vader release him why does Darth Vader take orders from Grand MF Tarkin there are several reasons for this first Vader isn't part of the Imperial Navy or military at this point he doesn't receive command of the Imperial Fleet until the time in between a New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back at this point he reports directly to the emperor but if his master orders him to go to the Death Star and do whatever Tarkin says he will obey the Death Star was under tarkin's command especially after the death of Orson krennic at the Battle of scariff we see that Vader has some free reign especially when he starts choking Admiral miti without consequence but he will ultimately follow tarkin's instructions we also know that Anakin Skywalker had respect for the grand moth back during the Clone Wars thanks to the rescue mission on LOL Las saou and we know that mutual respect for one another only grew in stories like the novel Tarkin and the Darth Vader comic by Charles Soul you my friend are all that's left of their religion did Grand MAF Tarin no Darth Vader was Anakin sky Walker yes or at the very least he had a strong suspicion the novel Tarkin says very early on in their partnership soon after both had been introduced to the secret mobile battle station Tarkin grew convinced that Vader knew him much better than he let on and that behind the bulging lenses of his face mask whatever remained of Vader's human eyes regarded him with clear recognition more than anything else it was those initial feelings that had provided Tarkin with his first suspicion as to Vader's identity later observing the Rapport the dark lord shared with the Stormtroopers who supported him and the technique he displayed in wielding his Crimson lightsaber Tarkin grew more and more convinced that his suspicions were right Vader might very well be Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker whom Tarkin had fought beside during the Clone Wars and for whom he had developed a grudging appreciation did Boba Fett kill Owen and baru this is a fan Theory that's popped up thanks to Darth Vader's command of the bounty hunter in The Empire Strikes Back no disintegrations was he reprimanding Boba Fett for the disintegration of Owen and Buu no he wasn't the book from a certain point of view has a story about the Bounty Hunter and while he was involved in the search for C3PO and R2-D2 he came across the bodies of Owen and baru well after their deaths so it's safe to say he wasn't responsible the story also points out that he had previously disintegrated some Rebels on corusant and the Empire refused to pay him without their bodies as proof of death so that's why Vader had to call him out in episode 5 we don't serve their kind here why weren't droids allowed in the Moss Eisley Cantina in a new hope they are multiple answers to this question first and this was likely the answer back when the movie was made is that droids aren't paying customers so they would just be taking up space in the bar that could be occupied by an organic being that would order drinks second despite the Clone Wars ending 19 years earlier there were still heavy anti-d Droid sentiments in some parts of the Galaxy people weren't quick to forget the horrors inflicted on them by the separatist droid army and third the bartender wooer was especially against having droids in the bar he had an encounter with battle droids in which they killed his parents during the Clone Wars according to his story in the book from a certain point of view he personally installed the Droid detector in the doorway of the [Music] Cantina why does Ponda Baba's arm bleed shouldn't the lightsaber cauterize the wound this is absolutely a case of the rules about how lightsabers worked not being established until later movies but to retroactively account for Ponda Baba's bloody wound reference material stated that his species blood did not cauterize by heat it's as simple as that it's a ship that made the Castle Run in less than 12 parex Han Solo boasts that the Millennium Falcon made the Castle Run in less than 12 parex but isn't a parseek a unit of distance not time yes that is correct interviews with George Lucas from all the way back in 1977 which you can read in the book The Making of Star Wars show that Lucas was aware of that fact and Han was boasting about how his ship was able to travel through hyperspace in the shortest amount of distance not time however the script for the film also notes Obi-Wan's reaction to Solo's stupid attempt to impress him with obvious misinformation solo a Star Wars story and other reference materials have solidified Han's claims kind of they have at least confirmed that Han was bragging about the distance in which he made the castle run but I personally always loved the idea that Han was just spouting out nonsense and Obi-Wan could see right through it who really shot first Han or greo a question for the ages since 1997 there's actually not one true answer for this obviously the most recent editions and bi accounts George Lucas's preferred additions show greo shooting first but stories that have come out since 1997 like the book from a certain point of view tell conflicting stories and I've come to believe that's kind of the point if Star Wars is to be treated like a modern-day myth we can pretend that these stories are being passed down through generations as if they're being told around a campfire different storytellers will put their own spin on things or in the case of from a certain point of view different witnesses to the event will recall different details so who shot first it depends on who's telling the story what we know for sure is that Han and greo sat down together in a bar and only Han walked away so just go with your own preferred version I personally prefer Han killing greo before the Bounty Hunter could get a shot off I think it makes his character Arc more dramatic but if you prefer greo shooting first it's really not that big of a deal I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board why does Princess Leia have a British accent only when she's talking to Grand Moff Tarkin Carrie Fisher is told the behind the scen story about how she was simply nervous to be acting with Peter Cushing and that anxiety manifested in mimicking his accent but the book bloodline by Claudia gray gave us an in-universe answer as well Leia meets another character who she notes had the same sort of aristocratic accent grandoff Tarin had spoken in the one so many senior Imperial officers affected the one she had mocked when she and Tarkin last stood face to face so the 19-year-old Leia Orana was simply mirroring The Grand mooff in an attempt to get under his skin look good against remotes is one thing good against the living that's something else why did Han Solo of all people have a Jedi training remote on the Millennium Falcon a couple years before the events of A New Hope Han and chewy were hired by Jabba the Hut to recover a mysterious n several other parties were interested including a man masquerading as hans's long-lost father oen the man's true identity was corvis Tyra a notorious criminal and Thief after betraying Han corbus used a marksman H training remote to attack the young Smuggler and steal the N but Han eventually defeated corbus and the training remote became his property likely Gathering dust on the Falcon ever [Music] since why was there a dianoga in the death Stars trash compactor it was placed there intentionally by the Empire where it fed on any of the organic matter thrown into the garbage Masher that's why you would often see dionas in places like junkyards or sewers for example the one we see on the planet braa in the bad batch or the several seen on the planet anoit in dark Forces originally from the planet vodran the dianoga from A New Hope was named Omi the creatures were at least semi-sentient and able to feel and even listen to the force omi's story in the book from a certain point of view tells us of her capture from her home World relocation to the death Stars trash compactor and existence until the Space Station's destruction I think we took a wrong turn why are there massive pits and bridges with no safety rails built within the Death Star in Truth at the time of the making of a new hope it was just a design choice because George Lucas wanted a scene where the hero and the princess would swing across a massive Chasm but over two decades later we learned that the Death Star was designed and partially constructed by geonosians a flying insect-like species it's possible they used the pits to travel throughout the station during construction they had no need for safety rails and the Empire didn't care about the well-being of its Personnel so they were never added into the final design this isn't an official answer by any means but it's a fun one that works how does gravity work on the Death Star is it straight down from the North Pole to the South or does gravity flip at the equator or maybe it's like a planet and all the levels are spherical I think the easiest illustration of the answer is provided by Lego Star Wars and the movie 2 but I think the Lego Death Star set is accurate I believe artificial gravity pulls everyone towards the South Pole of the station at least on the inside it's possible the outside has a completely different set of rules with turbo lasers oriented along the surface but the true answer is that this is the kind of thing in Star Wars that doesn't really matter and is of and ignored I've been waiting for you obiwan we meet again at last why is Obi-Wan's duel with Darth Vader in a new hope so much slower than their fights in the prequels or the Obi-Wan Kenobi Series this is a question I get all the time people are always looking for an in Universe reason for these two Titans of the force to have a relatively toned Down fight when compared to every other lightsaber duel and we can make up reasons like Obi-Wan was simply older and Vader was toying with him or Obi-Wan was buying time for Luke and the others to escape I do think those are valid points but the truth is it was the very first lightsaber fight ever filmed the props themselves were a work in progress you can see cables running into Alec Guinness's sleeve because the Hope was that they would be able to generate a glow during filming and not have to be done in post- production there were a lot of unknowns behind the scenes that affected how lightsabers were presented in this movie what happened to Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber after his death we don't currently know but there are a few options I personally think the most likely scenario is that it would have been left on the Death Star to explode I don't think Darth Vader had any reason to keep the weapon in his pocket or something especially when he hopped in a TIE fighter but it's possible in Star Wars Legends Vader kept the hilt as a trophy at his castle on the planet vune where it was eventually recovered by Han and Leia's son Anakin solo so maybe the same could be true in Canon maybe Vader did hold on to the lightsaber or stick it in his TIE fighter or pay for overnight shipping to Mustafar where the weapon of Obi-Wan Kenobi could still remain waiting for someone to find it you're sure the herming beacon is secure aboard their ship why did Leia go back to Yavin 4 if she knew the Millennium Falcon was being tracked this is a question we have to speculate on but I think the truth is that Leia didn't want to put any innocent lives In Harm's Way She personally witnessed the Death Star firing on Scarff and of course alderon she knows the Empire isn't afraid to use their Planet Killer and it's likely that any Planet they traveled to would be in danger of Destruction we also know the plans are too big to transmit without the use of a massive satellite dish like the one we saw on the Citadel on scarif I think luring the Death Star to attempting Target in the form of the rebel base was the alliance's best chance at destroying the super [Music] weapon what is this Rebel Sentry doing on Yavin 4 he is manually scanning any ships on approach to the hidden rebel base one of the benefits of setting up the secret base near Yavin was the fact that the gas giant created a lot of electromagnetic noise which was was able to hide base one from any passive Imperial sensor scans basically that meant it would be hard for the Empire to just stumble upon the base they would have to make a purposeful scan of the planet to find it the downside of that electromagnetic noise was that it meant the rebellion's passive scans were also useless so centuries were required to keep guard to inspect any incoming ships you're safe when we heard about alderan we feared the worst where was mon mothma during the death stars attack on Yavin 4 the last time we saw her in Rogue one she was at the rebel base the simple and confirmed answer is that she evacuated almost immediately after hearing that princess Leo was on her way with the stolen Deathstar plans she didn't want to evacuate but General janad insisted it was necessary in the likely event their attack on the super weapon failed she alone would be able to restart the Rebellion against the empire so she was taken away from yavan for and during the assault she considered several possible futures for the alliance and none of them were hopeful but Against All Odds the Death Star was destroyed and she rejoined the rebels shortly after that's impossible even for a computer who is this pilot in a new hope this is an interesting question because it has multiple answers first and foremost I would say this is wedge Antilles Dennis Lawson is most recognized as playing the character but Colin Higgins played wedge first he struggled during his only day on set and was later replaced by Lawson then both actors had their lines dubbed by David anram so that was absolutely meant to be wedge Antilles and some fans took to calling Higgins version of the character fake wedge when the book from certain point of view came out author Jason fry wrote the short story duty roster from fake wedges perspective establishing him as a new and separate character named called Tac Brite who was actually called fake wedge by the other Pilots much to his displeasure he was present for the Battle of Yavin but was left on the ground due to a shortage of star Fighters so who is this character wedge Antilles is an acceptable answer but Co tacb is more fun the moon with the rebel base will be in range in 30 minutes why didn't the Death Star come out of hyperspace closer to Yavin for because hyperspace doesn't work quite like that you don't get to choose exactly where in a star system you come out of hyperspace the safest way to travel at light speed is through the use of known Uncharted hyperspace Lanes like H explains earlier in the movie precise calculations are needed to make sure a vessel doesn't fly through a star or run into some other Interstellar object so the Imperials took the Death Star as close as they safely could to yaven 4 it's possible they could have then attempted a micro jump basically a very fast and short trip through hyperspace but even that kind of travel could a ship across thousands of kilometers it's possible micro jumping something as big of the Death Star would have been even more difficult Grand mof Tarkin probably thought it was just as easy to wait the 30 minutes to orbit Yavin okay well that brings us to our next question why didn't the Death Star just blow up Yavin to get to its Moon the super laser was one of the final components installed in the Planet Killer thanks to gayen erso's absence from the project it took years to complete it had the power to destroy planets but it wasn't perfectly efficient the first death stars super laser took 24 hours to charge destroying Yavin to get to Yavin 4 would have meant an entire day's wait it made more sense to Simply wait the half hour to orbit the planet and destroy the moon I also wonder what would have happened if the Death Star fired on a gas giant we've only ever seen it blow up terrestrial planets but a gas giant may have had unpredictable potentially even more disastrous results I think Tarkin thought it was safer to just wait you sure you can handle this ship Sir Luke is the best Bush pilot in the utter Rim territory how did Luke know how to fly an X-Wing in the Battle of Gavin as big darklighter claims Luke was one of the best Bush pilots in the outer rim even though he'd never left the planet until the events of the movie Luke would pilot his incom t16 skyhopper around the desert flying through Beggar's Canyon and Bullseye wamp rats you can see the air speeder earlier in the film in the background of the Lars garage and it just so happens that the incom corporation also made the X-Wing starf Fighter flown by the rebels in the Battle of Yavin the controls to the X-Wing and the sky Hopper were known to be very similar which gave Luke a head start in learning the new ship lock ass foils in attack position why are x-wings and y-wings named after R alphabet most writing we see in Star Wars uses the arabes alphabet and the letter zesh does not look like an X while arabes was the most common alphabet used in the galaxy far far away it wasn't the only alphabet High Galactic was another form of writing that was an exact match for the English or Latin alphabets we use in the real world so I suppose the manufacturers of X and y- Wings decided to name their ships after the high Galactic letters they resembled why were u- Wings not used in the Battle of Yavin we know the Rebel Alliance had them on Yavin 4 thanks to Rogue one so why not send them to attack the Death Star there are a couple of reasons for this first most of the rebellions u-wings were destroyed during the Battle of scarif they were part of blue Squadron which was sent to the planet's surface during that battle most if not all of their ships were destroyed and they suffered the loss of their flight leader General Merrick even if some y-wings had survived the battle they would not have made sense to use to attack the Death Star uings were primarily transport ships delivering troops into combat zones If part of the battle of Yavin involved dropping soldiers onto the Death Star itself then maybe they would have been useful the game Star Wars squadrons does Show the ship offering support and resupply to fellow starf Fighters as well but I imagine that if any u-wings had been available they would have been deemed impractical for the Battle of Yavin this is gold leader we're starting our attack run where is the Death Star trench it's a common misconception that Rebel Star Fighters flew through the large equatorial trench that houses the Space Station's docking Bays but the trench leading to the thermal exhaust Port is actually closer to the top of the Death Star according to the book The Making of Star Wars it was one of 18 trenches that started about halfway up from the equator and traveled 40 miles to the North Pole of the super weapon what Rebels survived the battle of Yavin besides Luke Skywalker and wedge and tiles we can see a lone y-wing flying away from the Death Star alongside the Millennium Falcon and two x-wings so who was piloting that ship her her name was Avon verlain she was an alanian who went on to help Leia rescue other refugees from her home World immediately after the destruction of the Death Star she served as a leader for those survivors until they could find a new home but she remained a part of the Rebellion joining Starlight Squadron shortly after the battle of hath she survived the Galactic Civil War and became a part of the new Republic defense Fleet in Star Wars Legends we have a different answer to the question back then the Pilot's name was Kean farlander who was created for the X-Wing video game he also survived the Galactic Civil War and became became a Jedi Knight after learning of his Force sensitivity why didn't Chewbacca get a medal for his participation in the Battle of Yavin actually he did the book Smugglers Run and the princess the scoundrel and the farm boy as well as other stories confirm that chewbaca was given a medal we can see the medal itself in the Chewbacca comic so why didn't we see him receive it in the movie the real answer is that the story is not about Chewbacca Luke and Han go through character arcs learning to grow up and be less selfish the medals are simp symbols of their growth first and foremost but even back in 1977 George Lucas realized his oversight in not giving Chewbacca a medal as well in an interview he offered up a different possibility saying Chewbacca wasn't given a medal because medals don't really mean much to Wookies they don't really put too much Credence in them they have different kinds of Ceremonies the wooki chewbaca was in fact given a great prize and honor during a ceremony with his own people the whole contingent from the Rebel Alliance went to dubac's people and participated in a very large celebration it was an honor for the entire wi race but despite that given answer the old Legends Marvel Comics would also show chewy being given a medal of his own in a more private ceremony so the short answer to the question is that Chewbacca got a medal we just didn't see it happen in the movie okay but here's a related question why didn't wedge and tiles get a medal he was more involved in the Battle of Yavin than Han was I think the real reason is because again the movie isn't about wedge some members of the audience probably would have been confused wondering who the extra pilot was up on the stairs especially especially when he was played by two separate actors and spent most of his screen time under a helmet in Universe maybe wedge turned the honor down feeling some level of survivors guilt or it's possible he was given a different medal earlier in the ceremony after all he was part of the Rebel Alliance already whereas Liu Khan and chewaka were not perhaps they were awarded with the medal of Bravery simply because they helped destroy the Death Star despite having no obligation to other than the moral obligation I should say what do BBY and ABY mean in Star Wars those stand for before the Battle of Yavin and after the battle of Yavin respectively that dating system has become the standard for Star Wars it was largely used by fans at first just as a simple way to say whether or not events happened before or after the events of a new hope it's most often used in reference books but it has appeared in actual Star Wars stories as well like the very first episode of Andor season 1 now let's move on to the Empire Strikes Back well the Bounty Hunter we ran into an or Mandel changed my mind who was the Bounty Hunter on or Manel that made Han Solo want to leave the Rebellion we actually haven't seen the full version of that story in Canon but in 1981 a comic appropriately titled the Bounty Hunter of ORD Manel told the Legends tale of score sometime after the events of a new hope he was able to kidnap Luke and Leia hoping to lure Han into a trap so he could collect on Java's Bounty of course the plan failed the rebels escaped and score was arrested by the Empire and sent to the spice mines of kessle he escaped months later and attempted to capture or kill solo on or Manel a second time they strugg over hans's Blaster which went off and killed score that comic isn't strictly Canon but a character resembling score appeared in two episodes of forces of destiny that took place on ORD Manel and The Empire Strikes Back from a certain point of view mentioned the character in the story The Wills strike back it's metal then it couldn't be one of those creatures why is Echo Bas such a mess in some scenes you can see trash lying around and medical droids tending to injured or dead tontons The Empire Strikes Back was originally going to have a sequence where wampas attacked the rebels of echobase the creatures would have run a muck until being trapped in a room that snow troopers would eventually open only to be attacked themselves Al those several of the scenes were filmed the ice monsters never looked quite right and so the wampas were mostly cut from the film but you can still see evidence of their destruction like the medical Droid or the warning sticker on the door that contained them despite those scenes being deleted they have been referenced in several Star Wars stories since like Shadows of the Empire forces of Destiny from a certain point of view and more they don't see you in hell yeah does Hell exist in Star Wars Han Solo rudely tells a fellow Rebel tigran jamiro that he'll see him in Hell before heading out into a blizzard so that would suggest there must be a hell or some similar realm in the galaxy far far away the novelization for a New Hope makes reference to chaos which is another word for Tartarus the Greek mythological version of hell as well as the deity of the same name in Star Wars chaos is also known as the void or Hell in corellian mythology it would appear that different cultures had different interpretations of the realm but none of them seemed Pleasant some followers of the force believed the void was inhabited by the spirits of dead Sith and other Dark Side users how did the Wampa hang Luke upside down I don't know why I get this question so often but I do I'm positive this is one of those pulpy Star Wars things you're not really supposed to think about Luke hanging upside down puts him in extra paral and gives him a chance to show off his new telekinesis skills but it is funny to imagine the Wampa holding Luke up to the ceiling by his legs waiting for them to freeze I imagine the creature had to slobber all over Luke's boots and then stick him up there in hoth's temperatures it probably didn't take long at all also wampas are semi-sentient so it's not unreasonable to think they would have figured out how to keep their meat trapped and fresh as if it were hanging up in a meat locker when did Luke Skywalker learn to use telekinesis through the force the book air of the Jedi takes place shortly after the events of A New Hope and shows us the first time he used the force in that way without Obi-Wan to guide Him Luke largely had to train on his own on a mission with a rebel named nari Kellen she was fascinated with Luke's powers and encouraged him to attempt to move a noodle while they ate together he was successful and although it was a small victory it was proof of Luke's growth in the force other books like the weapon of a Jedi went on to continue the story of his solitary training without a [Music] master why did Obi-Wan wait 3 years to tell Luke to go to DEA I don't think we have an official answer for this but there is an important Factor we need to take into account primarily when the movie was made the three-year time Jump hadn't been established the story needed to get Luke to DEA and so Obi-Wan's Force ghost gave him a little nudge but in Universe I think we can rationalize this a couple of ways it's possible Luke simply wasn't ready to see Kenobi the same way Ben wasn't ready to see Qui-Gon in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series or Luke's near-death experience could have opened the door for de ofex makobi to show up and offer him some guidance we also have to consider that Force ghosts exist outside of space and in time as Illustrated in the from a certain point of view Book for a new hope this starts to get into headache and nose bed territory the more you think about it but the fact of the matter is Obi-Wan's Spirit knows when he will visit Luke again as soon as he dies so he knows when the right times to appear are basically we can just chalk it all up to the cosmic Force knowing what's best and as part of the cosmic Force Obi-Wan aligns himself with its timeline there you will learn from Yoda why did Obi-Wan call Yoda the Jedi Master who trained him did forget about Qui-Gon Jin no of course not obviously at the time of making The Empire Strikes Back I think Yodo was meant to be Obi-Wan's Master the character of Qui-Gon Jin hadn't been created yet but now that we know the full story of the prequels and the fact that Obi-Wan was qui-gon's Padawan we also know that Yoda had a passion for teaching younglings so he had a hand in every Jedi's training not to mention it would have been odd for Obi-Wan to tell Luke to go to daaba to find the Jedi Master that trained him when he was a kid and oh man I wish my real master was still alive but oh well beggar can't be choosers Luke he looks strong enough to pull the ears off a gun dark Han Solo tells Luke he looks strong enough to pull the ears off of a gun dark after recovering from the Wampa attack so what is a gun dark they were large ferocious creatures from the planet vancor they had forearms massive Claws and a mouth full of sharp teeth they were formidable opponents so telling someone they were strong enough to pull the prominent ears off of one would be an impressive feat they first appeared in the Clone Wars episode Dooku captured where they were seen to be trouble for even Obi-Wan and Anakin R2-D2 however handled them fairly well in the episode R2 come home set your course for the Haw system how did Vader get command of the Imperial Fleet in A New Hope Vader was basically the emperor's attack dog and existed outside of the Imperial military but in The Empire Strikes Back he leads the entire Starfleet how did that happen as the sole survivor of the battle of Yavin Emperor Palpatine placed much of the blame for the loss of the Death Star on his Apprentice he also challenged Vader with several Rivals that could potentially take his place for the following months the Sith Lord removed his enemies one by one until none were left standing he also worked with the Rogue archaeologist Dr afro to create a personal droid army he could use to overthrow the emperor although that plan fell apart Palpatine was pleased to see his Apprentice following in the footsteps of the Sith of old reaffirmed of Vader's dedication to the dark side cyas gave him command of the Imperial Fleet when was the Superstar Destroyer executive constructed it was completed at kuat Shipyard shortly after the battle of Yavin it was was originally meant to be the flagship of General tag who had survived the destruction of the Death Star after investigating the supposed rebel base on dantoine but an imperial doctor named Silo attempted a coup against the emperor by stealing the massive ship he was stopped by Darth Vader and the Sith Lord's success prompted the emperor to entrust the executive to his Apprentice Vader forced choke General tag shortly after what is Darth Vader's pod on the executive it was a meditation chamber that doubled as a life support system when closed it was pressurized and pumped with oxygen that allowed Vader to safely remove his helmet and suit in the films we only see it on the Superstar Destroyer but it was originally planned to be included on the second death star in Return of the Jedi in a sequence that was removed from the Final Cut in the book Tarkin we also see it moved to Grand Ma tarken ship the carry and Spike so it was able to be moved around to wherever Vader required it the fleet has moved out to flight speed and we're preparing to from how far away can you choke someone is there a limit to the distance in theory I don't think so it's similar to Luke thinking lifting an X-Wing is different from lifting a rock it's only different in his mind we see Vader Force choke ozul over a zoom call which could have been miles away on the executive we've also seen Darth cius Force choke Count Dooku over a hologram from a completely different planet I think a Sith Lord being able to see their target even over a hologram helps significantly but at the end of the day it's just like any other power in the force get over the mental hurdles that tell you something is impossible visualize your goal and believe it can can be done I got to say it feels weird to give a motivational talk about Force choking someone so I'm going to move on you have failed me for the last time Admiral what exactly did Admiral ozul mess up so badly and why was his failure so big that it warranted death in Vader's eyes Darth Vader specifically says Admiral Oswell came out of light speed too close to the system this is related to an earlier line delivered by General reiken with all the meteor activity in this system it's going to be difficult to spot approaching ships basically if ozul had taken the fleet out of hyperspace farther away from Hoth they could have drifted in undetected and bombarded the rebel base before they had a chance to raise their planetary Shields but since ozul instead came out of hyperspace close to Ho the energy surge of several ships exiting hyperspace at once was picked up by Rebel sensors and they got their Shield generator online was Admiral ozul secretly a rebel agent that's a fan Theory I've seen a handful of times basically suggesting that his incompetence was all a ruse to help protect the rebel base he first attempts to discourage Vader from looking into what the probe Droid found on Hoth and later comes out of hyperspace too close to the planet alerting the rebels to the presence of the Imperial Fleet did he nobly sacrifice himself to give the rebels a fighting chance no there's nothing to suggest that kindall osul had a story in The Empire Strikes Back from a certain point of view where author Charles Yu writes about the Admiral's final thoughts he actually brings up Whispers he had heard among his fellow Imperials that he might be a rebel sympathizer but the story makes it clear that osel had chosen to with the Empire and was loyal to them he was simply as clumsy as he was stupid understood good Lu what is Leia's military rank in The Empire Strikes Back by that point she was a general in the Rebel Alliance the Star Wars comic set in between episodes four and five show us the deaths of several of the Rebel leaders seen in a New Hope like generals dodonna and Willard after Luke Han and Leia narrowly escape a massive Imperial attack mon mothma contacts them to inform them of their promotions Luke is given the rank of Commander Han becomes a colonel and Leia is promoted to the rank of General at the age of 20 so by the time of the battle of Hoth she may have been promoted further to Grand general or something but I think it's likely she is still the same rank good our first Catch of the Day why didn't the rebels fly away from Hoth in the opposite direction of the Imperial Fleet I would say it's possible that the Empire had the planet entirely surrounded leaving the rebels with no good options for escape but it does look like the Empire is basically just on one side of Hoth so why are the rebels flying directly into them when trying to prevent escape the Empire would need to focus on blocking the known hyperspace Lanes going in and out of any given system those are the safest ways to travel because they are known to be free of obstructions hyperspace is dangerous to just jump into at random in theory the rebels could have fled into hyperspace in any direction away from Hoth but I think they would have considered that to be even more dangerous than attempting to break through the Imperial Fleet to use a known hyperspace Lane Ro group use your harpoons and toe CA when was Rogue Squadron created about one year after the battle of Yavin during his adventures with the Rebellion Luke traveled to the ashes of jeda where he learned about Jin erso and the other Heroes of Rogue onean who all perished to steal the plans to the Death Star he learned of all the sacrifices that had to be made that allowed him to take that impossible shot months later the entire Rebel Fleet gathered in secret at the makotah shipyards their location was given to the Empire by a traitor and Luke led a desperate and improvised Squadron to buy their allies time to escape inspired by the members of rogue one he quickly named the new group of Pilots Rogue Squadron and they saved as many lives as they possibly could Luke's actions that day helped him earn the rank of Commander how are at-ats deployed onto Hoth the Empire had several options to take their various walkers from space to a planetary surface solo a Star Wars story introduced us to the at huler which delivered an atdt to the Battle of mimin but I imagine an all-terrain armored Walker would have been too large for those to handle Star Wars Rebels and Battlefront front two have actually shown at-ats being delivered to the surface of lothal and nibu by ganti class assault carriers those versatile ships were used for all kinds of jobs throughout the Empire Star Wars Legends also established the Theta class atat barge which could carry two Walkers into battle but the simple answer is that the Empire used drop ships to deliver their massive Machines of War onto the battlefield The Shield will be down in moment what happened to General veers after the battle of Hoth the script and novelization for the film included a scene where a SN beeder crashed into the generals AT-AT killing him that was removed from the film but was written into The Empire Strikes Back from a certain point of view Story the truest Duty however in that story veers is pulled to safety by one of his loyal Pilots TK 7834 whose name was lastto that character is named for the man who runs the Twitter account viers watch who cataloges every appearance of his favorite character general maximilan viers which is just one of the best things ever a person keeping love for a very specific character alive gets to be the the namesake of the character who literally saves him in universe that's perfect we don't know what happened to General V after Hoth despite his near death back in episode 5 Julian Glover was invited back to have V's leading the Battle of indor but was unable to fit Return of the Jedi into his schedule in Star Wars Legends he was seen perishing in the comic dark Empire 2 7 years after the battle of Hoth R2 did Yoda forget R2-D2 of course at the time of the creation of The Empire Strikes Back there would have been no reason for the two characters to know one another but now we know they shared quite an adventure together at the end of the Clone Wars traveling to DEA and the Wellspring of Life Yoda's Story by Jim Zu and The Empire Strikes Back from a certain point of view makes it clear that Yoda recognized R2-D2 he didn't even seem surprised at the cycle of Fate that would have brought Anakin's Droid to Luke's side I think this moment is a lot like Obi-Wan's interactions with R2 in A New Hope yes they knew one another but when Obi-Wan or Yoda didn't divulge that knowledge right away R2-D2 seemed intent to play along maybe the Droid even thought it was funny at least up until Yoda started whacking him with his Cane he probably wasn't crazy about that ground sure feels strange how can everyone walk around inside the space lug without space suits according to sources like The Empire Strikes Back from a certain point of view space slugs or exogorth if you want to be technical could live for billions of years during that time they grew to be so large that they contained entire ecosystems inside of them I suppose that produced some sort of basic at atmosphere as well but the behindth scenes answer from the making of the film is that Star Wars isn't concerned with realism in space in the Star Wars archives book George Lucas is quoted saying in my world there is air in outer space when I want it director of The Empire Strikes Back Irvin kersner has a similar quote in a 1979 interview I'm paraphrasing a bit but he said I consider Star Wars a fairy tale in science fiction you're very concerned about leaving a spaceship on a planet because there may not be oxygen so you must take all that into consideration or it's considered very poor science fiction Star Wars is a fairy tale that's the context that you can literally do anything and if I believe it while I'm doing it the audience tends to believe it too a domain of evil it is what exactly is the dark side cave on DEA it was a virgin in the force a place of powerful Dark Side energies according to the Empire Strikes Back from a certain point of view it was thousands of years old and had seen countless Force users come and go The Virgins fed off of the people who entered it until it started to have an aess of its own learning how to twist their thoughts memories and fears to Sade its hunger Qui-Gon Jin was the first presence the cave ever felt twice and then Yoda became the only living being to return to DEA After experiencing its visions and Yoda visited the cave of evil several times during his stay there continuing to confront and Conquer his fears Star Wars Legends offered a different origin story in which a Jedi named Minch who was the same species as Yoda killed a dark side user on DEA and his Force energy infested the area creating the dark side cave [Music] what does Luke's Vision in the dark side cave mean this is something that can be up for debate as I think it has many interpretations but I'll give my take on the scene Luke beheads Darth Vader and The Mask explodes open to reveal that it's Luke's face inside this could be considered foreshadowing to Luke's familial connection with Vader and the fact that he is the son of one of the most feared and evil men in the Galaxy but even if that weren't the case I think it's a symbol for the darkness within us all earlier Luke told Yoda he wasn't afraid to begin his training as a Jedi and Yoda told him he would be one of the major themes of Star Wars is about the power that each of us have and what we choose to do with that power will we use our gifts and talents to help others or for selfish reasons we all have the potential for both as Luke grows in his own power as a Jedi hoping to become a hero he sees that he could just as easily become a villain how did Boba Fett know where Han was hiding on the Star Destroyer he's just a good intuitive Bounty Hunter he put himself in Solo shoes and while the other bounty hunters left the Imperial Fleet to go on the hunt he stayed behind and found the Millennium Falcon attached to the Star Destroyer Avenger then like Han Solo Fett used his own knowledge of Imperial protocols to his Advantage he faked a coolant leak to gain permission to land on the Avenger the leak made a mess on the hanger deck and he pretended he wasn't on board Imperial protocol demanded The Hanger be cleared before a hyperspace jump and with no other option the Deb crew moved the slave one to waste disposal and there Boba Fett waited to be jettison to follow his Quarry Le how long did Luke train with Yoda on DEA we only get three scenes of Luke actually training and it seems like the entire movie takes place over the course of only a few days DEA mortise octo and other locations that are very strong in the force have been confirmed by reference materials to have their own time in the Clone Wars Anakin and his friends go on an entire Adventure in mortise that lasts three episodes but when they return to their own realm a matter of seconds have gone by Luke probably experienced a similar passage of time on DEA we also don't know exactly how long it took Han and Leia to reach Cloud City traveling at sublight speeds it seems fast in the movie but the trip could have taken a week or maybe several the overall timeline of The Empire Strikes Back is a little hard to piece together a storian from a certain point of view tells us that the rebel Fleet waited at the rendevu point for at least 6 days but that's all we can say for sure even though we don't have a solid answer I think Luke was easily there for longer than it seems in the movie getting a master class from one of the greatest Jedi of all time and we the audience only saw his three most important lessons in the movie the closest thing we have to an official answer is from Legends and the West End games writers guide which guessed Luke experienced 6 months worth of [Music] training what is Cloud City Han says it's a tabana gas mine but what is that and what is tabanag gas the city floated in orbit above the planet bespin which was a gas giant the city was constructed to harvest Tiana gas from the atmosphere where it was processed and frozen in carbonite Tiana had many uses throughout the Galaxy it could be used as fuel or as a coolant or it could help power hyperdrives turbo lasers and Repulsor lifts some alien species like the mcaren even breathed toana so it was a highly sought-after resource what's more is cloud city was small enough to fall outside of the notice of the Empire or the mining Guild which was also Under the Umbrella of the empire of course the events of episode 5 changed all that icha how rude what does ich chuta mean unfortunately we don't have an answer to that there may have been a decision to never translate it and just leave the amount of rudeness up to the audience's imagination which I think is funny the book how not to get eaten by Ewoks and other Galactic survival skills says that a chuta is a friendly hes greeting but e chuta means something impossibly rude bin Bert who created the phrase said it wasn't appropriate to translate in his Legends scol itic phrase book and travel guide and the young reader adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back called so you want to be a Jedi says it is absolutely not appropriate to translate maybe when you're older euda has popped up in several Star Wars stories and I don't think we'll ever find out what it really means but I think Fu or F off or maybe even something worse makes sense pick your favorite four-letter word and go with that why doesn't lobot talk what is his deal he actually used to talk as we can see in the excellent Lando comic by Charles soul in that story we learned that he was given the cybernetic implants by the Empire to analyze battle statistics but he got away from the Empire and became close friends with Lando Calrissian lobot was able to mentally fight the implants from completely taking over his personality until one fateful job they were hired to steal some artifacts from a ship which turned out to belong to none other than Emperor Palpatine lobot was injured by a royal guard during the mission and later the ship was set to self-destruct to save his friends lobot had to allow the the implants to take over his mind so they could activate the Escape Pods at the expense of his personality Lando continued to keep lobot by his side as he searched for a cure but the reason for lot's silence in the movie is that he sacrificed what made him who he was to save his friend there is another who was the other Yoda spoke of did George Lucas always intend for it to be Leia the short answer is no he didn't at least not during the creation of The Empire Strikes Back or else he probably wouldn't have had them kiss the longer answer is that according to the making of Star Wars George did have the idea to make Luke and Leia twins as far back as 1975 he decided not to go that direction in A New Hope and stuck with the luk Han Le a love triangle in The Empire Strikes Back but Yoda's line there is another was still meant to foreshadow Luke meeting his sister in future movies producer Gary Curts claimed it would have happened in episode 8 the plan was for her to be a completely new character basically being trained as a Jedi on the other side of the universe so she and Luke would be be two individual Heroes ready to rise up against the empire but when Return of the Jedi rolled around and Lucas decided he would only finish this Trilogy and then the prequels he decided to combine the sister character with Leia a decision he admitted in the making of Return of the Jedi was a real challenge to make sincere and believable is that ig88 in Cloud City in Star Wars Legends the answer is definitely yes the book Tales of the bounty hunters said that five models of ig88 were activated and 88b had a runin with Boba Fett on Cloud City during the hunt for the Millennium Falcon he was defeated and left for scrap as we can see in the movie technically there is a Canon reference book that mentions this story but that specific book ultimate Star Wars has several errors in it the war of the bounty hunters Comics show ig88 confronting and being defeated by Boba Fett on tattoo wean not Cloud City so I would consider that the Canon version of the story the Droid remains in Cloud City are likely just another random IG model the same way there are also the remains of an LOM series protocol Droid that isn't for LOM that said this is just my own opinion and preference there could absolutely be an argument for ig88 losing a fight on Cloud City and then being reactivated to face him again on Tatooine or that could be another ig88 copy or something we would be honored if you would join us how did The Empire beat the Millennium Falcon to Cloud City a bounty hunter as skilled as Boba Fett would have been able to deduce exactly where Han would have headed after the asteroid field they had limited range thanks to their broken hyperdrive and surely Fett would have known that Lando Calrissian was an ally to the scoundrel he definitely knew of their history in Star Wars Legends once he figured out cloud city was their destination he contacted the Empire and they were able to jump ahead to bpin through hyperspace while the Falcon limped along at sublight speeds that gave Darth Vader plenty of time to be extra dramatic setting up a little dinner party and everything speaking of that dinner did Darth Vader actually have dinner with everyone on Cloud City obviously since the scene isn't shown everything everything is left up to the audience's interpretation but I personally think that it's likely a meal was at least served according to the annotated screenplay of The Empire Strikes Back the story treatment did feature a scene where the whole group sat down to eat but Lando was the only one with an appetite during the meal Vader would have divulged his whole plan to use Han and Leia as bait for Luke but it was decided that leaving the scene up to the imagination behind closed doors made Vader and the scene more menacing I will also point out that there is a story in The Empire Strikes Back from a certain point of view all about the chef that prepared the food for that meal but it ends before we get to see if it's ever served or if anyone takes a bite and I would also regret not including Robot Chickens version of the scene as well we only use this facility for carbon freezing you put him in there it might kill him shouldn't Darth Vader know Carbon freezing wasn't lethal in the Clone Wars we see Anakin Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Ahsoka Tano and several clones freeze themselves in carbonite to smuggle themselves past sensor scans to infiltrate a separatist prison and nobody dies in The Empire Strikes Back Vader is not the one to bring up any concerns about the process instead it's Lando Vader simply admits that the carbon freezing facility is crude Cloud City hovering in the outer rim above bespin likely had far worse equipment than the galactic Republic would have on corusant so Darth Vader knew a person could survive being frozen in carbonite as long as the Machinery was in working order that's why they tested the process on Han Solo first to make sure it wouldn't be malfunctioning in any way why did Darth Vader stop Boba Fett from shooting Chewbacca there are a few potential answers for this first his entire goal in that scene is to test the carbon freezing chamber on a living person if Boba Fett starts blasting a stray bolt could hit Han or Leia or damage the Machinery not to mention if all of his captives were dead Luke would have no reason to fall into Vader's trap there was no practical reason to let things escalate especially with Boba Fett around who the film earlier establishes as a bit of a loose cannon Vader is luring Luke to Cloud City by causing pain in his friends and Chewbacca's pain at losing Han would be immense the Darth Vader Comics by Greg Pac also show that Vader wanted to continue dangling a threat of Hope in front of Luke he wanted Luke to believe he and their friends continued to survive because of the strength of their bond when in reality at least in Vader's eyes he was manipulating them all the time so basically killing chewbaca was not a part of Vader's vision for this trap so he stopped Boba Fett from opening fire what is in Will Rose Hood ice cream maker I mean his Camp too we don't currently know exactly but we do know it was something valuable it's kind of like how we don't know what's in the brief case in Pulp Fiction the from a certain point of view story do on Batu gives us some of the details hoping to One Day become his own boss wiro was interested in becoming a Smuggler so he got a job from a friend of his in the business named Fen he was given a 10,000 credit advance to deliver whatever was in the camp to know to someone on b 2 in 10 days if he pulled it off he would receive 40,000 additional credits his Escape happened to coincide with the evacuation of cloud city and as he fled he bumped into Fen who attempted to take the camp too back and in their struggle they broke whatever was inside Fen abandoned the item and Willow escaped the city with a pilot friend deciding to go anywhere in the Galaxy except for Batu I am your father did George Lucas always know Darth Vader was going to be Luke's father Lucas himself has told contradictory stories about this but I think the likeliest answer is no especially when you look at the development of a new hope the second and third drafts of the film included death scenes for Vader the third draft included memories Luke had of his father before he died recordings from 1975 suggest that there is more to Vader's identity but also talk about showing the battle in which Luke's father is killed in the prequels the making of The Empire Strikes Back talks about a meeting where the identity of Luke's father was discussed and changed as the story developed story ideas as late as 1978 thought to bring in Anakin's Force ghost alongside obiwan WS to reveal that Luke had a sister it appears that the second draft of the script written in that same year was the first time Lucas had settled on Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker being the same character why did Darth Vader let Admiral pet live at the end of The Empire Strikes Back he had no problem killing off Admiral ozul or Captain Nita so why was pet spared the character wasn't originally meant to appear in Return of the Jedi but according to actor Kenneth collie fan mail supporting his return convinced G Lucas to bring him back I imagine pet likely was going to be presumed dead and killed offscreen in between episodes 5 and six but since he was brought back for Return of the Jedi why did Vader Let Him Live the Darth Vader Comics by Greg Pac basically show the immediate aftermath of The Empire Strikes Back and the Sith Lord seems to be completely preoccupied with thoughts of his past which came back to the surface after revealing his identity to Luke he directed his rage at the emperor Obi-Wan the Lars family and everyone else who kept his son's existence a secret leaving immediately on a new Mission Pet was just an insignificant footnote for Vader on that day which was lucky for him what did the rest of the Rebellion do while Luke and the others were gone Wedge's story in The Empire Strikes Back from a certain point of view tells us that the fleet waited for Luke and Leia for at least 6 days they had no idea where either had run off to if they had been captured or Worse killed but they refused to give up hope a nearby pirate group began ambushing Rebel Supply ships and it became a grown concern that the Pirates would discover and sell the fleet's location wedge Antilles was promoted to flight commander in Luke dead and he quickly assembled and trained a new Squadron to destroy the Pirates and keep their location a secret so they could continue to wait for Luke and Leia's return those events took 6 days we don't know how long the fleet waited beyond that time why is Lando wearing hans's clothes as he leaves the rebel Fleet Lando fled Cloud City in a hurry with only the cape on his back oh no he didn't even have a Cape poor guy anyway Han Solo made a ton of changes to the Millennium Falcon when he won it from Lando years earlier and I'm sure the cape closet was first to go in its place were probably just rows and rows of shirts and black vests so that's what Lando had to work with the Star Wars comics show that he wasted no time finding some more stylish clothing to fit with his sense of fashion behind the scenes Harrison Ford was unsure if he wanted to return to film a third Star Wars movie and so the story allowed for him to be removed but not dead there were options for the future if Harrison decided not to return Billy D Williams would be available to take his place as The Lovable scoundrel character the costume could have been a way to subconsciously prepare audiences for that possibility what is this galaxy looking object at the end of The Empire Strikes Back the original script and the novelization for Empire described the celestial body outside of the window as a large red star ilm at some points called it a nebula and you can find images of some of their attempts to create a red nebula in behindth scenes sources for the movie for some reason the nebula concept was scrapped in favor of something that resembles a Galaxy probably just because they thought it looked cool but according to lucasfilm story group members it is a Proto star which is basically the early formation of a new star so I would say Luke and Leia are looking at the creation of a new star system but also it doesn't really matter like I said I'm sure the image was chosen because it looked cool and interesting first and foremost but for now the current and official answer is that it's a protostar and not a Galaxy now let's move into Return of the Jedi I assure you Lord Vader my men are working as fast as they can how is the second death star built so fast the first one took 20 years but the second was built in only four the only reason it took so long to build the first death star was because the super Laser Technology hadn't been developed of course constructing the battle station itself was a massive undertaking but the Empire had the resources to do it the book Catalyst by James Lino goes into the difficulties met by Orson krennic and we see the delay caused by gayen erso when he learned his research was being used to create a planet killer his time in hiding stalled development and even when he returned it took several more years to build a functioning weapon the second death star began construction almost immediately after the destruction of the first while it certainly wasn't convenient for the Empire to build another super weapon it still had the resources to do so and this time it didn't have to wait for gayen erso's research so they were able to build an operational Alia incomplete Death Star in only 4 years I tell you this station will be operational as planned how is the second death star different from the first what improvements did MAF Jer gerod make to the design according to Jer jerod's story in Return of the Jedi from a certain point of view the new super weapons design exceeded its predecessor in size power and efficiency Star Wars Legends says the second death star was 25% larger and its super laser was able to recharge in only 3 minutes compared to the first iteration 24hour recharge time but the most important change Jerod made surrounded the thermal exhaust port for obvious reasons thanks to Rogue one we know that gayen AO built a flaw into the death star's main reactor any explosion in any of the reactor modules would set off a chain reaction that would destroy the entire super weapon and maybe the only way for a torpedo to reach a reactor module was through the 2 m wide thermal exhaust port for the second death star Jerod removed the single larger port and replaced it with millions of minuscule tubes that stretched from the core of the station to the surface allowing heat to escape he also built what he referred to as choke points and fail safes into the system to prevent any reaction from reaching the main reactor unfortunately for him none of that would matter if Rebel Pilots could simply fly to the center of the station but I would say the blame for that falls on the Emperor who prioritized the death star's weapon systems over its infrastructure what are the spider-like droids seen wandering around jabas Palace they're known as bowar monks they were organic beings who believed they needed to remove all physical Sensations to achieve enlightenment so they took their brains out of their bodies and placed them in jars which were then attached to those spider Droid things jaa's Palace was originally a monastery for the buar order but since they were just walking brains and jars the building was taken over by a bandit named alcara who was eventually driven out by Jabba after his death it passed to bib Fortuna and then Boba Fett all of the monastery's owners felt no need to force the buar monks out and they were allowed to stay why did Boba Fett seemingly sit around at Java's Palace for an entire year between The Empire Strikes Back and return of the Jedi sure he often worked for the Hut but he didn't have an exclusive contract and was in high demand as a bounty hunter the Star Wars comics said him between episodes 5 and six show us the reemergence of crimson Dawn a rival criminal Syndicate to the Hut Clan they had kind of a grand reopening party surrounding the theft and auction of Han Solo's Carbonite lab orchestrated by Kira her stunt was meant to throw the criminal underworld into chaos and she absolutely succeeded the Hut Council was slaughtered leaving Jaba as the sole survivor and the rest of the syndicates went to war with one another Jaba was nervous and basically hiding on Tatooine so when Boba Fett finally recovered and delivered Han Solo he promised the Bounty Hunter more credits if he stuck around fed correctly guessed that the Hut wanted protection from Crimson Dawn and agreed to stay after being handed a large sum of credits how did Leia get her Bounty Hunter disguise forces of Destiny shows Leia Chewbacca and R2-D2 traveling to or Manel to meet with Maz canata hoping she could help them free Han there they were attacked by the Bounty Hunter bous who they incapacitated Maz suggested the armor was just Leia's size and would be the perfect ruse to gain an audience with Jabba later Leia dawned the armor and posed his Bou in front of the Tran Bounty Hunter Bosque she pretended to kill Lando calisan and publicly staged jy's capture to build up the legitimacy of her claims in Jabba's Palace does Max Rebo have arms I guess it depends on which action figure or Funko Pop you're looking at or rather whether you're talking about Star Wars Cannon or Legends Legend stories and merchandise tend to show Max with two arms and two legs standing inside of his red ball organ but the original design for Max had him sitting on a cushion playing music with his feet that initially got Lost in Translation and so max REO and the rest of his species were presented with four limbs more recently it would seem that Canon stories have made an effort to honor Phil Tippets intent giving the character two legs and no arms that said there still have been moments in Canon where the four- liim version can be seen does Luke Force choke the gorian guards in jabis Palace there is evidence for both yes and no the script for the film doesn't say anything about the guards choking but the novelization does saying that they clutched at their own throats gasping and choking the film itself shows both guards going for their throats as well but you can find mentions of the event in books like the thraw Trilogy Where Luke remembers simply using a mind trick to befuddle the guards so what's going on here my best guess is that the original intent was for Luke to use the dark Dark Side to choke the guards his big character Arc for the movie is ultimately rejecting the dark side to become a Jedi but at the start of the film that's all up in the air as the story developed and George Lucas decided to change the title from Revenge of the Jedi to Return of the Jedi he may have dialed back some of Luke's actions so the force chokes may have turned into some sort of Mind Trick but the choking did still make it into the novelization which included other drop details like Owen originally being Obi-Wan's brother instead of Anakin so I guess I would say that officially Luke does not force choke the guards but I do kind of think that's what was filmed you will bring Captain solo and the wi to me what was the actual full plan to save Han Solo from jav's Palace I've been waiting for the Star Wars comics by Charles soul to answer this more directly but at the time of making this video we're close but not quite there yet so here's my best attempted a guess first the comics show us the cyborg Bounty Hunter Byer Valance removed a massive battle droid from java Security Forces to make rescuing Han a little easier for everyone else I think Lando was sent in undercover to do some Recon C3PO and R2-D2 were then sent in to First give Jaba a chance to do the right thing but also to sneak Luke's lightsaber in then Lao was sent in to try to covertly free Han when that failed Luke entered to once again try to negotiate with Jaba and then he tried to shoot the slug in the face I don't know if they all lucked out being executed on the sail barge where R2 happened to be stationed or maybe some of Lando's time undercover gave them the intelligence to know the sarlac was Jabba's favorite form of execution basically I think the plan was to give Jabba several chances to let Han go but each of the Hut's denials took the group one step closer to the end game I'm sure they knew was likely a full-on battle how did Luke get his green kyber Crystal the Charles Soul Run of Star Wars comics is currently answering that exact question so we don't have the full story yet but this is what we know so far after losing his father's lightsaber Luke Skywalker found a replacement in the form of an old yellow Temple guard lightsaber it eventually became damaged and unreliable so the young Jedi decided it was time to learn to build his own on his quest he met a kyber crystal expert named Dr kuada Who offered Luke two crystals one red and one clear he meditated on the clear crystal formed a bond with it and it turned green although it's not yet fully confirmed I would assume that's the crystal he uses to build his lightsaber as shown in deleted scenes for Return of the Jedi in Star Wars Legends Luke created his green Crystal through instructions found in Obi-Wan Kenobi's Hut that story was told in Shadows of the Empire but synthetic lightsaber crystals have been largely left out of New Cannon stories who survived the sail barge explosion we know from the book of Boba Fett that bib Fortuna and Max REO made it out Return of the Jedi from a certain point of view tells us bib was thrown from the blast into the sand he awoke to find a surviving gamoran guard attempting to give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation maybe that was one of bib's guards also seen in the book of Boba Fett from a certain point of view also tells us that most of the max Rebo Band made it out alive Joe yaa escaped on a spare sand skiff leaving Max to die but Max droopy mol and SC noodles still made it to safety from the explosion I would say that salacious crumb is also a brief survivor of the sail barge the blast tossed him out of a window but he landed in the great pit of Caron so his survival was shortlived and of course Boba Fett made it out of the battle but he was in the sarlac when the explosion happened rise my friend who are the emperor's advisers they were bureaucratic allies of Palpatine that held a number of responsibilities some were purely political and served on the Imperial ruling Council but some seemed fully aware of their leader true identity as Darth cius yup tashu from the aftermath Trilogy of books definitely knew Minister heyen from Star Wars Rebels probably knew as well the six advisers who joined the emperor on the second death star were Janice gadus simlu s pestage ARS dangor kren blista van and pebam meris saor Gus and Aloo were known to search the Galaxy for Sith artifact so they likely knew about Darth cius like tashu and heyen all six of the advisers on the second death star perished in its explosion yup tashu played a major role in the Galactic Empire for the year following the Battle of indor helping to orchestrate the Battle of Jau which nearly saw the annihilation of Imperial and New Republic forces when 900 years old you reach look as good you or not H did Yodo really teach Jedi for 800 years this question has become more prevalent after we met grou who is still a baby at the age of 50 so that timing now seems kind of strange does Yoda's species hit a massive growth spurt at the age of 60 or something maybe we don't know how they age maybe their version of puberty is really intense but they come out the other side very wise and ready to teach but I think it's more likely that Yoda is exaggerating I think it's reasonable that Yoda could have become a Jedi Knight by the age of 190 or maybe even earlier then he could have taken on a Padawan shortly after marking his first time training a Jedi that gives him 700 plus years of teaching using Han Solo's not if your Roundup rules sure Yoda taught Jedi for 800 years give or take Yoda probably made that number bigger every time he made that claim first it was 500 years then 600 no seven no 800 years when gone am I the last of the Jedi will you be was Luke really The Last Jedi after Yoda's death obviously not since we've learned of other Jedi survivors out in the Galaxy like Ahsoka Tano Balin skull Ezra Bridger and Cal kestus might still be running around somewhere so what gives Yoda why are you lying to Luke like that well Yoda's actual lying is that Luke will be the last of the Jedi not the last in 1983 I absolutely think that's how the line was meant to be interpreted but since then things have changed even George Lucas had plans to bring more Jedi survivors into the story in his proposed sequel movies but still I think the spirit of Yoda's words Rings true first he's simply trying to motivate Luke in his coming fight to save the Galaxy he's not trying to or dump all over him what's more is all those Jedi I mentioned should have an asterisk next to their names on the list of surviving Jedi at the time of Return of the Jedi Ahsoka didn't consider herself a Jedi and says as much in Star Wars Rebels balen skull had fallen to the dark side e r Bridger was missing and we don't know the full story of cestus yet so Luke might as well have been the last [Music] Jedi when did the mon calamari Fleet join the Rebellion Admirals Akbar and rtis were already part of the Rebel Alliance by the time of the battles of scariff and Yavin but the rest of moncal and its shipyards were under Imperial rule for about another year Luke Skywalker and his friends attempted to rescue their King leech who had been imprisoned by the empire for nearly two decades he delivered a stirring speech to his people before passing away which rallied them to rise up against the empire liberating their shipyards and several complete Capital ships shortly after the growing Rebel Fleet gathered in secret at makota but a traitor gave the Empire their location and many of the ships were were destroyed along with several members of Alliance High command so the fleet had to take some time to build back up once again over the course of the following 3 years until the Battle of indor someone must have told him about my little maneuver the Battle of tab what was the Battle of tab we don't have a ton of details in Cannon so I'll use Star Wars Legend sources to answer this one shortly after the destruction of the first Death Star Lando was in the tab system which suffered from regular pirate raids Lando happened to be delivering some cargo at the time and made a bet with some fellow freighter Pilots that he could fight off the Pirates he did so by launching devices called Conor Nets which could short out ship systems when activated Lando caught them by surprise and the small tab Defense Force rallied behind his minor success to destroy or disable the remaining pirate Fleet he won the deed to a brewery in his bet we don't have the full story in Canon yet reference materials still mention the same Pirates but also place the event in between the rescue of Hans Solo in the Battle of indor which seems unlikely to me the Emperors made a critical error on the time for for our attack has come how did the Rebel Alliance find out about the second death star shortly after the events of the Empire Strikes Back the criminal Syndicate Crimson Dawn reemerged in the Galaxy with hopes of taking down Darth cidus their leader and Han Solo's former lover Kira activated several secret Crimson Dawn agents hidden within the Galactic Empire their orders were simply to cause chaos two of them worked on the construction of the second death star and fled the battle station hoping to get word of its existence to the Rebellion they were chased across the Galaxy to corusant where they were rescued by none other than Luke Skywalker who heard their distress call they told Luke what they knew about the new super weapon who passed the information along to mon mothma many bothans died to bring us this information what did the bothan spies really steal there is a major misconception that the bothans were responsible for stealing the plans to the second death star but the dialogue in Return of the Jedi specifically States the bothans gave the rebels four key pieces of information the second death stars EXA location its weapon systems weren't yet operational it was relatively undefended and the fact that the emperor was personally overseeing its completion nothing about the second death star's plans are mentioned in the movie however I should point out that in Star Wars Legends Shadows of the Empire does tell the story of Luke Skywalker Dash rindar and S bothan stealing the plans for the second death star together after they learn of its existence from black sun and I should point out that in both continuities the bothans were allowed to get all of this information by the emperor he want wanted them to know where it was and that he would be there so the rebels would send an All or Nothing attack where they would be trapped by heavy defenses and a fully operational battle station we have stolen a small Imperial shuttle where did the Rebel Alliance get their stolen Imperial shuttle shortly before the events of Return of the Jedi the Rebellion became increasingly worried that the Empire would discover their Fleet gathering around the planet solist Leia offered herself up as a distraction a high priority Target that could keep the Empire busy chasing her instead of searching for the fleet as seen in the book Moving Target she and a handful of rebels bounced around the outer rim until they were briefly captured and taken aboard the Star Destroyer Shield Maiden but allies of leas came to her Aid and attacked her captors allowing her to escape she did so in a stolen Imperial shuttle called tidder Star Wars Legends told two completely different versions of the shuttle theft in two different X-Wing based video games X-Wing Alliance had a mission revolving around stealing tidan from Outpost 327 in the Zar system one year later Rogue Squadron 2 Rogue leader followed wedge Antilles as he stole the shuttle This was later rationalized to say that the Empire had reclaimed the shuttle forcing the rebels to steal it a second time what is thy bidding my master what else is in the emperor's Throne Room located on the second death stars North Pole and standing at 100 stories tall the tower was constructed to resemble Palpatine's seat of power on corusant the Imperial Palace and former Jedi Temple the Spire was divided into four sections one was a simple docking tube for Imperial shuttles or other small smaller vessels on the opposite side of that was a holographic map and tactical room opposite the throne room were Palpatine's living quarters it was a red colored office modeled after his offices as both Chancellor of the Republic and leader of the Empire behind that were sleeping quarters that monitored Palpatine's Health finally the throne room itself was home to a modest chair a massive window and a nearby Vault that housed a wayfinder used to reach the hidden Sith world exigal I do believe they think I am some sort of God why did the Ewoks immediately worshiped c3o in Return of the Jedi was it just because he was gold and shiny well kind of yeah the Ewoks worshiped a god they called the golden one who was responsible for bringing light and therefore life to their moon this was first established in the Return of the Jedi novelization as well as Cannon sources like Tales From Vader's castle and the myths and fables book Return of the Jedi from a certain point of view tells us a story about L gr the Ewok Shaman who struggled to maintain the faith of his people after the Empire arrived and began wreaking havoc on their home the Ewoks feared the golden one had abandoned them so the sudden appearance of a Droid matching the description of their deity was a very welcome sight for the citizens of Bright Tree Village 3PO tell them they must be set free where did the Ewoks get a dress for Leia I think it makes enough sense that someone in brightree Village could have sewn something together quickly someone has to make all their little hoods why can't they just make a dress too but it's also become a fan theory that the dress may have belonged to another human woman at some point the made for TV Ewok movies took place one year before the events of Return of the Jedi and featured the towani family crash landing on the forest Moon of indor they didn't stay there long before escaping or dying but it's possible that Ewoks made a dress for Karan the matriarch of the family the Caravan of Courage and the battle for indor are both considered Star Wars Legends now but many elements of the movies have been brought into Canon and Lego Star Wars the Skywalker Saga even featured a towani family portrait hidden in brigh Tree Village she was very beautiful how does Leia remember her mother at the time of writing Return of the Jedi George Lucas had in his mind that Luke and Leia's mother was still alive after their birth earlier versions of the script state that Obi-Wan sent both Leia and their mother away to better hide them from the emperor but the mother died shortly after and then Leia was adopted by the orgas on alderon of course now we know that Padme died giving birth to Luke and Leia so how do we reconcile this I think it all comes down to the force Leia is strong in the force even if she doesn't know it she has images and feelings not just of her mother's face but of who she was and what she was feeling I would say this is backed up by the memories Obi-Wan says he has of his own family despite being taken to the Jedi Temple when he was very young is the bearded Rebel at the Battle of indor actually the Clone Rex officially I would say no at a screening for the Star Wars Rebel season 2 finale Day filon first suggested the idea that the character originally known as Nick Sant could have been Rex instead the Star Wars Rebel series finale confirmed that Rex did fight at the Battle of indor but in a new interview filon walked back on his speculations saying he didn't want to explicitly replace a previously existing Star Wars character with Rex that said a galaxy of Adventures short on the official Star Wars kids YouTube channel did replace Nick Sant with Rex complete with bits of his clone armor so there is still kind of a link between the two characters I think this is another case of Simply choosing whatever you personally prefer to quote filon one more time he said I did want to lay it down in stone one way or the other if that is Rex is not Rex for some people it's fun to believe it is Rex and some people don't want to believe it's Rex and I'm fine either way with that and I think I left it in a state where you could believe one way or the other standing by why does wedge Antilles report in as red leader instead of Rogue leader what happened to Rogue Squadron after The Empire Strikes Back the answer to this is actually found in the from a certain point of view book for episode five and not six the short story rendevu showed shows what the rebel Fleet did while Luke and Leia were off on their own adventures in their absence wedge was promoted to flight commander and tasked with reforming Rogue Squadron but after losing Zev sesca and hobby cvan in the Battle of Hoth wedge found it too painful to reuse their call sign so quickly instead he decided to go back to using red Squadron and some of the pilots that joined the flight group like Grizz Fricks remained with him until the Battle of Endor but Rogue Squadron didn't fade away they still undertook specialized missions from General Harris and Doula after the battle of Endor as seen in the video game Star Wars squadrons luck ass fils and attack [Music] positions why don't we see b-wings very much during the Battle of indoor according to ilm effects artist Bill George in the book The Making of Return of the Jedi he said the b-wing was originally going to be featured in more shots but its wings were too thin and would disappear against the blue screen so basically the ship was too thin for the limitations of visual effects in the80s there was no Digital model of the b-wing it had to be created as a physical model shot on a blue screen and then composited into the final shot its thin frame apparently made it difficult to capture the footage needed but you can still find some deleted footage of b-wing Pilots that was shot for the film a solisten pilot named a tin num and a mon calamari pilot can both be found in behind the scenes footage why is the b-wing called a b-wing x and y-wings resemble their letters even the a-wing is at least vaguely triangular but the b-wing doesn't look like a b at all during production for Return of the Jedi two new Rebel Fighters were created and simply labeled a fighter and B fighter visual effects artist Bill George had a lot of input on the B fighter and it received the nickname the bill wi Star Wars Legends eventually called the ship the blade wi for its sword-like appearance in attack mode the Star Wars Rebels Episode wings of the Masters brought the name into Cannon so we can assume the be stands for blade strike me down with all of your hatred why did Darth Vader stop Luke from killing the emperor didn't he want to rule the galaxy as father and son I think this is open to audience interpret ration maybe Vader was saving Luke's Soul or maybe he was just that loyal to the emperor my guess is the latter the Darth Vader Comics by Greg poac take place in between The Empire Strikes Back in Return of the Jedi and show Vader several attempts to defeat Darth cius of course they all fail no matter what he tries when he tells Luke on indoor that he doesn't know the power of the dark side and that he must obey his master I think he truly believes that I don't think Vader believes the emperor can be defeated and the best outcome for him is to remain a Sith Apprentice so protecting Palpatine in that moment is like him proving his loyalty because he knows he can't beat his master in a fight of course the irony is that brute strength doesn't defeat the emperor an act of compassion for someone else does why do ewoks have a bunch of log traps constructed and ready to go did they build them specifically for atss no they actually built their log traps to fight off a massive creature called the gorax those huge Predators were created in concept art for Return of the Jedi and were fully realized in the Ewoks Caravan of Courage made for TV movie they've since appeared in Canon stories like Tales From Vader's castle and one episode of forces of Destiny showed the Ewoks joining forces with Luke and Leia to defeat a gorax with log traps not long after the battle of indor and the destruction of the second death star so no the traps weren't hastily built to fight the Empire they were just conveniently already made to fight off another kind of giant ob one has taught you well did Darth Vader or the emperor know Luke was trained by Yoda in the Final Cut of the movie I would say the answer is unclear Vader only ever claims that Obi-Wan taught Luke well or that Obi-Wan's failure was complete but jumping into the original novelization there's a scene where the emperor reads Luke's mind and discovers the name Yoda in his thoughts what's interesting is that the emperor seemed to have no clue who this Yoda person was of course we now know the Sith Lord knew the Jedi Grandmaster well during the time of the Clone Wars so Palpatine may have suspected Ed that Yoda was still out there and maybe he thought he helped Luke out but there's nothing to say for sure in the movie [Music] itself could Darth Vader use Force lightning I think this is Up For Debate and expect exactly that to happen in the comments but I would go with yes technically he could use Force lightning should he no that would not be a good idea for someone living in a biomechanical suit in my opinion he would have been able to channel lightning through his cybernetic fingers if he chose to the force is about belief and visualization one of my favorite examples of this is dag andara fighting with both of his hands despite only physically having one arm he can visualize the arm he lost so he still fights like it's there I have no trouble believing that Darth Vader could use Force lightning in theory it would probably be more difficult for him to visualize and believe it could happen and then if he did pull it off it very well might be the last thing he ever did in the Star Wars Legends book Splinter of the Mind's Eye Vader creates a ball of white energy to attack Luke the comic adaptation of the story illustrates the energy as something that definitely appears like Force lightning but I don't think we will ever see Darth Vader use Force lightning in Canon were the blue flames seen during the emperor's death a sign of Sith Alchemy to me this answer is all down to head Cannon personally I think it was just a massive explosion of energy that looked cool and ironically at the time was probably meant to show how super duper definitely dead the emperor was see he exploded it's just like Darth Maul getting cut in half super dead guy right there but we now know that Palpatine lived on in both Canon and Star Wars Legends so I see absolutely no harm in claiming those blue flames as foreshadowing for the return of Darth cius I've never seen anything to suggest a direct Connection in another book or comic or anything but I've also never seen anything to disprove it so if you like that idea I say believe it all you [Applause] want what happened to the debris of the second death star I think robot ch chicken really brought this question to the Forefront but it does make sense that a massive space station might rain down destruction on the Ewoks but don't worry most of the second death star was straight up vaporized some of the debris remained in orbit above the forest Moon as seen in Battlefront 2 but any remaining wreckage that may have posed a danger to the Ewoks was intercepted the rebel Fleet deployed Shields and tractor beams to stop any debris from devastating the moon but I guess nobody bothered to protect the ocean Moon of indoor ke beer since at least one giant chunk landed there and Star Wars Legends Imperial Remnant propaganda tried to claim the rebels simply let the remains of the death star fall but it was well known to be a lie he's my brother how did Han react to learning Luke and Lao were siblings the book The Princess and the scoundrel by Beth Revis has a good scene of Han reflecting over the year he missed Frozen and Carbonite thinking of Luke and how far he'd come from the farm boy he met on Tatooine he recognized the jealousy he once shared of Luke and his connection with Leia he realized how deeply their connection true was and then he remembered what happened between them on Hoth Luke asks Han what he's thinking about and he says just remember that time after the Wampa attack the exact memory came back to Luke as well and the two friends agreed to never speak of that moment again was the Battle of Endor the end of the Galactic Civil War no the official surrender didn't occur until one year later at the Battle of Jau however stories like the rise of Skywalker and Ahsoka have both talked about indor as if it were the final battle I would argue that the battle of Endor was the beginning of the end for sure I could also see the new Republic choosing to celebrate that fight over the Battle of Jau for political propaganda jaku was a ruse meant to destroy both New Republic and Imperial forces in one Fell Swoop it failed in that regard and ended in Imperial defeat but it wasn't as decisive as the Battle of indor which saw the destruction of the second death star and the deaths of the emperor and Darth Vader I could see New Republic history books making a much bigger deal out of indor even if jaku was the official final fin battle what happened to Cloud City after the battle of Endor the end of Return of the Jedi shows a bunch of celebrating but that didn't last long the Imperial Governor adelhard set up what became known as the iron blockade he shut down Communications in the anoit sector that included besin in Cloud City claiming that the destruction of the second death star and the emperor's death were falsified Rebel propaganda several Rebel sympathizers rose up against the empire and were aided by the return of Lando calisan and lobot the iron blockade was eventually broken and Cloud was liberated less than a year after the battle of indor what happened to corusant after the battle of indor the movie shows us celebrations taking place in Monument Plaza as Citizens tear down a statue of the emperor Stormtroopers arrived shortly after and opened fire on the crowd corusant remained under Imperial control for the following year with Mamita serving as a puppet leader imprisoned in the Imperial Palace several young Rebels were able to break Amita out of captivity possibly with the help of an old corusant Diner owner named Dexter Jeter after the Imperial defeat at the Battle of jaku amid was able to address the new Republic and offer His official surrender bringing an end to the Galactic Civil War did the Ewoks eat humans oh 100% we can see they were going to cook Han Solo in honor of c3pio tons of jokes have been made since then about Rebels at the Ewok party wondering what they were eating and some stories like Alysa Wong's Wolf Trap in Return of the Jedi from a certain point of view have explicitly shown know the horror of Imperials who were captured by the Ewoks and waiting to be eaten a forces of Destiny short also shows Leia convincing several Ewoks to not cook and eat Stormtroopers so the Ewoks definitely didn't have a problem eating humans I doubt cooked Stormtrooper was actually served at the celebration at the end of Return of the Jedi though despite all the jokes I think that's an unnecessarily dark spin to put on the rebel Victory why does Anakin Skywalker get to become a Force ghost Revenge of the Sith and the Clone Wars made it clear that retaining your conscious after death was only available to the light side of the force and took specific training that Darth Vader certainly never received well a major part of that training is facing and overcoming the darkest parts of yourself something Anakin Skywalker had very recently done himself but the story Brotherhood by Mike chin and Return of the Jedi from a certain point of view goes into another part of that training surrendering to the force one of Anakin's downfalls was his inability to let go of control in his quest to stop Padme from dying he fell to the dark side and made his Visions come true as Anakin died he felt the urge for his Spirit to remain at any cost once again to control the force to allow him to stay so he could heal all the damage he had caused as Darth Vader but within the cosmic Force Obi-Wan spoke to Anakin and convinced his friend to allow the Next Generation his children to heal the Galaxy Anakin Skywalker finally let go of his need for control he technically did complete the training required of him and his Force ghost manifested alongside Obi-Wan and Yodas okay but why does Anakin's Force ghost get to look younger than Obi-Wan we don't have an official answer for this although Dave filon has teased that George Lucas told him the reason I believe it was Anakin subconsciously manifesting himself in the light side he only ever looked like Sebastian Shaw when he was Darth Vader but Anakin Skywalker looked like Hayden Christensen the story Brotherhood by Mike chin in Return of the Jedi from a certain point of view shows that Anakin didn't choose to appear that way or to wear classic Jedi r it just happened I think it's because deep down that's how Anakin wanted to remember himself that said the book Shadow of the Sith has also presented Anakin's Force ghost looking older so that version of the character after death does still exist I see no reason why Force ghosts couldn't present themselves however they want whenever they want but for Anakin's first time he manifested himself as the last time he saw himself as a hero could Sith become Force Ghosts no at least not in the way that we see Anakin Obi-Wan and Yoda at the end of Return of the Jedi Sith are determined to collect and cling to power however they Define it political status wealth strength or whatever else they value it's their inability to let go and surrender to the force that prevents them from becoming a force ghost after death but we have seen plenty of examples of Sith who either survived mortal wounds through sheer rage and will like Darth Maul or we've seen Sith who have died physical deaths but their Spirits have lingered on within their possessions like Darth mman continuing to inhabit his helmet and being able to influence or even take control of the people who were near it the Sith form of life after death is limited and weak when compared to the freedom Allowed by a Jedi who truly became one with the cosmic force and okay here's one more bonus question because it's my question it's not frequently asked but I need it answered why are there only three dots at the end of the crawl for Return of the Jedi every other Star Wars crawl has four dots why does Return of the Jedi only have three I'm sure it was just an oversight back in 198 three but why can't we fix it if we can add an entire beak to the sarlac pit or put Hayden Christensen in the movie surely we can add an extra dot to the crawl so it matches the other movies I just don't get it and that brings us to the end of the most frequently asked questions I've seen about the original Star Wars Trilogy I'm hard at work on the prequel FAQs right now make sure you catch those by liking this video subscribing to the channel following us on our socials and please consider checking out our patreon page for even more Star Wars talk as always thanks for watching and May the force be with you
Channel: Star Wars Explained
Views: 408,368
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Id: VN9er1XjKVI
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Length: 94min 34sec (5674 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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