The MCU Timeline...So Far | Cinematica

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the Marvel Cinematic Universe is certainly a tangled web of event a lot of stuff happens at various different times but each movie's history tends to feel isolated a lot of stuff happens in the past which is only alluded to in certain movies but I will try my best to bring all of these together into a single timeline if I miss something please don't kill me I'm just an average enjoyer who wishes to try his hand at making a timeline for those who don't know the chronology of the series hopefully this will get you ready for the next installments into the MCU welcome to cinematica your new home for all things movies and TV from Doctor Who to Harry Potter we'll be going through all your favorites and favors you didn't even know you had before we begin we publish new videos every week so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified of our latest videos and with that out of the way let's get into the video eternity in the past the celestials begin to exist they're led by the celestial erishem the judge 13.7 billion years in the past the universe starts malekith and the dark elves they're living their best lives in the darkness and these six Infinity Stones come into existence arashem decides to Reign on the dark elves parade by making the first star a cycle begins in which planets are seated with baby celestials the deviants are created by arashem to protect the life forms of a seated planet from predators but then he needs to make the eternals to protect the life on planets from the deviants because the deviants decide they don't want to be tools and want to live too the eternals begin to Aid with the emergencies and bringing about new celestials this continues until their consciences catch up with them on Earth millions of years BC the celestial known as ego is formed he begins to search for more life in the universe and is slowly disappointed in what he finds using a human vessel he begins to conceive children Across the Universe in hopes that he will conceive one that possesses Celestial DNA however only one child is born with it Peter Quill he sends the ravagers led by yandu udanta to deliver them all to serve as a battery for the expansion in which ego attempts to make everything in the universe ego ancient times the demon kathon creates the dark hold after seeing a vision of the future in which the Scarlet Witch rules upon the throne in Mount wundergore 7984 BC various tribes bordering on what would later be known as Kenya Ethiopia Uganda and South Sudan war with each other this war is only ended when a man named bashenga appears on the scene and takes up the title of the first black panther and unites the warring tribes into what would later be known as wakanda 5 000 years ago the kriya began to conquer and go about creating super soldiers to do this they come to Earth and begin creating beings known as Inhumans these Inhumans eventually form a society and move to the Moon where they're ruled by Black Bolt another inhuman though is created named alvious but will later be named Hive Hive would form a fanatical following out of Highly influential people these people would eventually form the organization nation that would end up as part of the Nazi war machine known as Hydra it was also during this time frame that the last recorded convergence occurred in which all nine Realms aligned during this time malekith and the dark elves reclaimed the Aether aka the reality Stone in hopes of returning the universe to complete darkness from this point King Bohr led the Asgardian Army against them and managed to defeat the dark elves and seize the Aether where he hid it away from the world thousands of years in the past agamado discovers the Multiverse and in doing so he also finds the dark dimension and dormammu to combat this agamado would learn to channel energy from the Multiverse to create Mystic energy he would then train others to do so and would form the masters of the Mystic Arts serving as their first sorcerer Supreme at some point the masters of the Mystic Arts find the time Stone and name it the eye of agamado it's also in this slightly vague time frame that King Bohr would die in battle his son Odin would rise to the throne and give birth to his first child hella goddess of death together they would take Asgard from being keepers of the peace to conquerors leading to a conflict that would end with the subjugation of the nine Realms this was to form something known as the Asgardian Empire however while Odin was content with only taking over the Realms of idrisil his daughter hella was not she planned for a grander and bloodier conflict and Odin realized the danger posed by teaching her his warring ways and took the easy way out by sealing her up in hell for thousands of years 956 A.D the frost Giants make their way into midgard or as you know it Earth around the area of tonsburg Norway they plan to lay waste to the planet with the casket of ancient Winters but Odin leads the Asgardian Army against them and defeats the frost Giants causing their leader Lafayette to surrender Odin loses an eye in this battle but he finds a bouncing baby icicle that would later become known as Loki 1800s A.D shuwen Wu a man later known as The Mandarin covers a set of 10 rings that increase his power and offer various abilities such as immortality he would later begin Conquering the world and setting up an army and later a terrorist organization known as the Ten Rings he would eventually become obsessed with finding talo and would instead find a girl empowered by talo's great defender Ying Li they would eventually fall in love however the citizens of talo refused to accept shuwen Wu and so Ying Lee gives up the powers given to her by the great defender and would leave to be with him where she would give birth to two children Shang Chi and xiaoling yingli is then killed by like the Yakuza or something and restarts shuwenwoo's desire for Revenge which causes him to take up his Rings again and turn his son into an assassin of course shuwen Wu's love life and the things thereafter happen in the late 20th century but I added it here so I don't accidentally forget later eleven hundreds A.D and as guardian Berserker who adopted the name Elliot Randolph was sent on a mission to Earth while there he fell in love with its people and decided to stay he would break his staff into many parts and hide them across the world to stop the use of this weapon and its dark magic ability to conjure up all of your previous trauma to increase your strength through rage 1316 A.D the ancient one is born 1546 A.D Elliot Randolph falls in love with a French girl who he proceeds to tell his life story to this French girl in turn tells a priest who writes it down forming the legend of the warrior that stayed 1519 A.D the eternals eradicate all deviants on Earth or so they think 1693 A.D the Salem Witch Trials are going on and Agatha Harkness is put on trial by her coven for stealing the dark hole the study dark magic she denied the allegations but when her mother confirmed it and began the process of execution it proved that Agatha all along had the power to defend herself and strip the coven of their magic and escaped 1853 A.D after hearing about a group of Lords who traveled across the Stars Randolph visited a castle in gloucestershire England to investigate while attending a costume ball he was told by a drunken man wearing an owl costume that there was no space travel but only ritualistic killings Randolph was pleased with this answer and proceeded to enjoy the party but he did not realize that this was false as they had been using the monolith to reach Hive on another planet to provide him with new vessels 1901 A.D Loki and TVA agent Mobius returned back through time where they discovered another variant of Kang named Victor timely Loki mentions the terror of this man though Mobius doesn't seem to understand it 1931 A.D Jonathan Schmidt a member of the organization that would become known as Hydra joins the Third Reich he attempts to join the Sturm abdilang but is rejected and instead joins the should staffel at this time Abraham Erskine is working on the super soldier Serum at around this time Johann Schmidt hears of it and how it will make the superior your man he decides that he must be that superior man and so he forces Erskine to administer the serum to him but in unexpected side effect occurs which results in johann's face melting off if you didn't know which you probably should Johan Schmidt is the Red Skull 1942 A.D Nazi forces invade Norway and Hydra focuses on a Stone Church in tonsburg breaking through he begins questioning the keeper about the jewel of Odin's treasure room when he gets nowhere he begins the search for the stone carving of yidra Sil which he finds at the base of the tree the hidden image of nidhog and presses its eye to reveal a secret compartment that houses the Tesseract which in truth is the infinity stone known as the space Stone he begins to form new technology with it and even kills Ernest Kaufman and absorbs his division into Hydra forming new weapons for the Nazis Aisha najma Salim and fariha also run from the British army during partition and Aisha finds a mysterious Bengal she ends up fleeing to a village where she meets a man named Hassan and the two have a daughter named Sarah Ali together as partition grows worse she convinces her family to leave Pakistan Aisha Witnesses najma and Ali gets away from Hassan Aisha isn't heard from again 1943-1945 A.D the first Stark Expo takes place and Steven Rogers is refused from service once again due to his Frailty however he is approached by Abraham Erskine who approves him under the intention of using him for a top secret military project named project rebirth in which he plans to roll out the perfected super soldier serum Rogers proceeds to join basic training where he's less than impressive however the time comes to try the experiment he's escorted by SSR special agent Peggy Carter hidden in a secret lab behind a storefront Steve is taken to deeper levels where he meets Howard Stark for the first time he is injected in all of his major muscle groups with the serum and is saturated with vita rays which stabilizes the growth however a Hydra agent causes an explosion kills Erskine and attack attempts to escape with the serum he is then intercepted by the newly empowered Steve Rogers and then takes a cyanide capsule hailing Hydra with his last breath after this Steve spends most of his time being both studied by the military and being used to sell war bonds however he craved to serve his country in a more Hands-On fashion Steve would later be entertaining the soldiers of what remained of the 107th Infantry Regiment as part of the Uso but learns that his best friend James Buchanan Bucky Barnes had been captured by the Nazis and so with the help of Howard Stark and Peggy Carter he infiltrates Behind Enemy Lions to rescue them and in doing so meets Johann Schmidt for the first time and helps eradicate a factory and gains Intelligence on other Factory locations using his photographic memory returning to base he surrenders himself for disciplinary action but is Forgiven due to the great deed he had done he shares his information and is allowed to take action given the official rank of Captain the newly christened Captain America leads his specially selected group of soldiers is the Howling Commandos into Enemy Lines but this doesn't go very well for bucky bucky falls out of a moving train into the tundra below where he's captured by arnim Zola and Hydra and is subjected to the Nazi variation of project rebirth creating the Winter Soldier Steve finally finds the hidden base of Hydra and launches a full-scale assault on it with the rest of the American forces where he attempts to stop Johann Schmidt from using the Tesseract to decimate major American cities after a battle Johann Schmidt is teleported Away by the Tesseract and Steve finds that the only way to stop the attack is by plowing the plane into the tundra below there he rests in suspended animation for years 1946 A.D the events of the Peggy Carter series occur in which Peggy continues to work for the SSR despite the sexism of the time and goes on various secret missions to stop Leviathan as well as Emma Frost from getting their hands on weapons of mass destruction not too long after this Peggy Carter would join Howard Stark in forming Shield becoming the organization's for his director at some point in time she would reunite with Steve who had traveled back in time to spend his life with her 1948 A.D Peggy's dream come true her man is so loyal that he literally travels back through time just to have that last dance with Peggy and probably do some other stuff this guy is a 105 year old virgin I think he's waited long enough 1960s to 1990s A.D Carol Danvers is born and ends up joining the Air Force where she's placed on Project Pegasus with a Wendy Lawson who was secretly a Cree scientist known as Marvel however Marvel was killed when the project failed and Danvers was exposed to Tesseract energy wiping her memory she restarted her life as part of the pre-military working with yanrah the cree soldier who was sent to kill Marvel eventually Danvers attempts to remember who she was and uncovers the truth of her past as well as the truth of the skrull forces who live in secret on Earth she ends up meeting Phil Coulson Nick Fury and shield it's also during this time that Fury loses an eye to an alien that take in the form of a cat it's also in 1988 that Peter Quill loses his mother and is then abducted by yondu udanta who upon learning what ego is doing to the children he's delivering refuses to deliver quill to him and instead makes the boy a ravager in the 70s and 80s Hank Pym works at shield on various missions alongside his wife as the duo known as Ant-Man and the wasp in 1989 Pym quits Shield it's also during the 90s that Howard Stark is assassinated by the Winter Soldier as per hydra's orders in the 1970s Tony Stark comes back in time to take the Tesseract from Camp lahai Captain America would later come back to return it they also steal some Pym particles don't tell anyone 2000 A.D Tony Stark is at a New Year's Eve party celebrating the turn of the century so technically the event starts in 1999 and continues into 2000 pardon me while at this party Tony meets Maya Henson who he proceeds to have an affair with and the disabled scientist Aldrich Killian both of whom are working on a project for a secret serum known as extra Miss he says he'll meet Killian on the roof but fails to and blows him off however he continues to work with Maya Henson and helps solve the issue preventing them from beginning human experimentation 2010 A.D Tony Stark visits kunar Afghanistan to Showcase his newly created Jericho missile when his Caravan is ambushed by the terrorist organization known as the Ten Rings Tony is attacked with his own weapons which results in various shrapnel being lodged in his body he's then taken to a cave where his life is saved by Dr yinsen who installs an electromagnet into Tony's chest Tony quickly replaces this with a miniature Arc Reactor he's then approached by Raza the leader of the operation who demands that Stark build him a Jericho missile however Tony takes his time to build a weaponized suit he activates the suit and proceeds to escape carving a path for Yin sen however Yin sen is fatally wounded Stark then single-handedly eradicates the entire encampment before escaping with the rockets in his suit's feet this however leads to the suit's destruction and abandonment in the desert Stark is rescued and taken home by the military where he has a sudden change of heart after seeing the effects of the weapons his company has created he announces that Stark Industries will stop making weapons and Obadiah stain quickly walks back the remarks at his home Workshop Stark Spends months working on a newer version of the suit he used to escape the 10 Rings facility Tony then gets informed that various Stark Industries weapons were delivered to the 10 Rings including the Jericho missile and that these weapons are being used to attack gomira yinsen's home Village Tony then Dons his armor and sets it to right this wrong this is the debut of the armored hero Iron Man he attempts to use pepper to prove that Obadiah stain has been selling weapons to terrorists but not only does she find that she finds that stain has been building his own weaponized armored suit the Iron Monger she contacts Phil Coulson of shield and they attempt to apprehend stain but instead they initiate an attack Stark would go out to fight the Iron Monger and would take advantage of the ice issue that occurs at high altitudes and uses it to send the Iron Monger crashing down the battle eventually ends when Stark instructs pepper pods to overload The Arc Reactor and Fry everything on the roof including himself Health he miraculously survives but stain isn't so lucky in the end Shield asks Stark to read a prepared statement but he foregoes this in favor of just saying I am Iron Man cue the Black Sabbath song as credits roll 2011 A.D dealing with the news that Tony Stark is Iron Man this information makes its way to Russia where Anton vanco a former worker at Stark Industries watches this as he nears his death his son Ivan vanco appears upon being called to care for him but Witnesses his death which harshly affects him he blames his father's death on the Stark family who had them sent back to Russia after Anton was accused of selling weapons on the black market he begins to form his own weapons using the blueprints to the Arc Reactor meanwhile Tony Stark is enjoying the newly recreated Stark Expo he's then given a summons called before a congressional hearing due to his new weapon the Iron Man armor there Justin Hammer the CEO of hammer Industries proceeds to make a case of why the armor is dangerous and should be turned over to the military by showing various images of other countries create getting similar weapons Tony however uses his hacking prowess to display videos proving that these countries have all had their weapons fail and further shows a video of Justin Hammer testing a suit the suit mortally wounds its user but Hammer states that the pilot survives due to this Tony manages to walk free and Justin Hammer's contractor license is suspended for a while As Time continues to pass Stark becomes painfully aware that his Arc Reactor is killing him and he becomes self-destructive this leads to him racing in Monaco where he encounters Ivan vanco this sends ripples through the Congressional hearings as it proves this Tech is out there Stark holds a party for his birthday and gets drunk and begins to use his suit as a party trick this leads to a fight with his best friend Colonel James Rhodes Rhodes takes a suit and uses it to beat Tony's ass and escapes with it Hammer then outfits the suit with more weapons forming the armor known as War Machine through use of the newly sprung Ivan vanco Hammer forms drones which he displays at Stark Expo however vanco takes remote control of this and uses it to attack Tony Stark who had just then managed to fix the problem with his Arc Reactor together with war machine Iron Man puts the threat to bed kills vanco and sends Hammer to prison Iron Man is then officially recruited by Shield as an Avenger with Stark himself serving as liaison after this the events of the Incredible Hulk take place Bruce Banner attempting to recreate the super soldier serum ends up transforming himself into a raging monster known as the Hulk he goes on the Run being chased by the US military British Special Ops agent Emil Blonsky is sent to track banner and faces him twice blonski becomes obsessive and takes in Banner's blood and becomes the monster known as the Abomination Abomination attacks Harlem in an attempt to lure out Banner which results in a battle between the two Blonsky is defeated and captured after this Blonsky is taken to a cryo cell in Alaska where he's held for a while Ross considered adding Blonsky to The Avengers due to being a decorated war hero however Phil Coulson Jasper sitwell and Tony Stark disagreed with it because of his unpredictable nature and Bruce Banner was considered for the position instead one month after the events of the movie Stark makes contact with Banner in the same year the Asgardian Prince Thor odinson is being groomed to become the next king of Asgard but Loki ruins it by inviting Frost Giants to the party Thor is upset and so he goes to yotenheim to confront them and nearly starts a war due to this Odin Exiles Thor to midgard there he's struck by the van of Jane Foster and hospitalized he's eventually released and goes on a quest to reclaim his hammer mjolnir which is under Shield's watch Clint Hawkeye Barton is ready to kill Thor but Colson stops him Thor fails to pull the hammer and turns depressed he accepts his place on Earth and slowly becomes happy once more however at this time Odin has fallen into sleep and so Loki invites Lafayette in to kill him but betrays Lafayette in an effort to make himself look heroic and take the throne for himself he also sends the Destroyer armor to ensure Thor never comes home but Thor suddenly becomes worthy again through humbleness and love and manages to reclaim his hammer and destroy is the Destroyer he then travels back to Asgard to stop Loki who plans to use the bifrost to destroy yotenheim Thor stops him by destroying the bridge Loki and Thor are hanging off the bridge when Odin appears to save them Loki screams that he did it for his father but Odin tells him no Loki then attempts to commit suicide but instead ends up being found by Thanos Thor then laments that he cannot return to Jane 2012 A.D Steve Rogers is found by shield in the Arctic he's then recruited to The Avengers Loki appears at a hidden base to reclaim the Tesseract and initiates a meltdown which is barely escaped by Shield staff they then call in The Avengers starting with Bruce Banner who Natasha Romanov is sent to recruit due to his expertise in gamma radiation which the Tesseract puts off Loki ends up in Germany where he attempts to get more items required to build a portal to allow thanos's chittari Army to make it to Earth Loki ends up making an ass of himself in front of everyone and Captain America Likens him to a Hitler he had punched on several occasions Iron Man also who appears and the two battle Loki and capture him however he is sprung by Thor Thor Captain America and Iron Man would fight but in the end they reach a consensus and the three make their way to the Helicarrier however Hawkeye and his forces break Loki out and Loki kills Phil Coulson The Avengers rally and head to New York where they face off against Loki and his army however they managed to destroy the invading army with a nuclear warhead and close the portal also The Avengers secretly come back in time to get the Tesseract at this point however they fail and lose it to Loki causing a branch in the timeline which the time variance Authority doesn't really take a liking to also Captain America fights himself which is all levels of paradoxical still cool though and we get a nice nod to the secret Empire Comic Book when Captain America gets Loki's scepter AKA The Mind Stone from rumlo and sitwell by uttering hail Hydra he later returns with the Mind Stone to replace it where it should have been shwarma time later that year the events of Iron Man 3 happen Stark deals with post-traumatic stress from the Battle of New York he feels like something greater will happen and that he'll fail The Avengers being the only one to survive as the end takes place around him he can't sleep so he works on his armors it's then that the U.S Airwaves are hijacked by the ten Rings a man who claims to be the Mandarin begins to speak declaring that he will teach America another lesson Tony begins to investigate when his valet happy Hogan is mortally wounded he issues a challenge to the Mandarin which results in his home being destroyed by a helicopter attack Tony manages to escape though he is in hiding and still investigating he discovers that advanced idea mechanics aim for short the company owned by Aldrich Killian is behind the attacks and that the terrorist attacks are not terrorism but misfires when people utilizing extremists got too hot and explode he used this information and attempts to stop him but ends up captured meanwhile the president is captured by Killian's forces who plan to kill him on live television as an attack by the 10 Rings however this was merely to get the Vice President in his pocket who would inherit the presidency out from under the president however star shows up with his army of suits and begins to fight he manages to kill Killian and save the president with the help of Rhodey who is using the newly christened Iron Patriot armor Tony then proceeds to use a new surgery to remove the shrapnel from his body and remove the Arc Reactor as well 2013 A.D it's after the Iron Man movie that most of the first season of Agents of Shield takes place in the span between 2012 and 2013 Phil Coulson is brought back to life using a Cree corpse with which the blood is used to synthesize a drug that increases regeneration and was used to revive the agent they spend most of their time hunting the mysterious Clairvoyant not yet knowing of the danger they're in as this happens the nine Realms are in a state of war and Thor is trying to restore peace all while Loki is brought before Odin for judgment while all of this is going on Rocket Raccoon and fat Thor appear to take Aether from Jane Foster as well as sealing mjolner Captain America later arrives and returns both items to their rightful places Loki is placed in prison for the rest of his life Jane Foster eventually comes into contact with the Aether and ends up poisoned by it she's taken to Asgard to be healed but they can't do it the dark elves then attack Asgard and kill queen Friga Thor and Jane witnessed the funeral for the dead as Guardians and they then set off on a quest to find the Dark World in doing so they managed to cure Jane but give malekith exactly what he wants Loki seemingly dies in this battle but you know it's not true malekith sets up shop in Greenwich England the center of the convergence and there he attempts to turn up the lights on a universal scale but Thor appears and hammers him the Aether is then delivered to the collector to protect it as it's too dangerous to keep two Infinity Stones so close together after the events of the convergence coulson's team investigates and encounters Elliot Randolph and manages to stop a group of pagans from using as guardian Tech to become overly powerful Coulson then follows the trails in an attempt to find the true Clairvoyant and then they suddenly receive an ominous transmission out of the darkness and into the light this leads us into the events of Captain America the Winter Soldier cap is on a mission to save Shield Personnel from an oil tanker which is secretly a launch platform for a satellite meant to Aid with the new project in sight however Nick Fury is nearly assassinated by a legendary Soldier known as the Winter Soldier it's then revealed that the Winter Soldier has a weapon used to alter the world's systems and that there was more than one Hydra had multiple Winter Soldiers created Fury makes his way to Steve's apartment and delivers a thumb drive that contains all the info he'll need to solve this mystery Fury then fakes his own death it's revealed that the secretary of the world Security Council Alexander Pierce was a member of Hydra it's also revealed that council member Gideon Malik was a Hydra member too they plan to use project insight to simultaneously assassinate everyone in the world who will oppose their rule however with the help of Steve Rogers Sam Falcon Wilson and Natasha Romanov they managed to not only stop Insight but bring down shield and by extension most of Hydra at around the same time the Guardians of the Galaxy Story begins when Peter Quill takes a job meant to be yondu's and locates an ancient artifact known as the orb of course nebula and War Machine show up from the future to take it first it's returned to Morag later on by Captain America in this alternate timeline Thanos also travels to the Future after discovering the truth through future nebula anyway back to the original timeline Peter he heads to zandar to deliver the object to the broker but upon learning that Peter stole the object from Ronan the accuser's forces he refuses to do business with him on top of all that Thanos who is ronan's benefactor sends his daughter Gamora after Peter to take the orb yondu also puts a bounty on Peter's head which Rocket Raccoon and Groot take however they all cause a disturbance which ends up with them being placed in prison in the Kiln here they meet a man with a grudge named Drax the Destroyer who wishes to kill Gamora but is convinced not to by Star-Lord who tells him that it's really Ronin that he wants the group sets aside their differences to sell off the orb to The Collector they managed to escape the Kiln before ronan's forces take over the prison they make it to Nowhere where they attempt to sell the orb to The Collector who explains to them that it is an infinity stone an object used in the past by many but only capable of being truly wielded by a Celestial or a being of Incredible strength however Drax forces a message to be sent to Ronan the Accuser Ronan appears and Drax fails to kill him this leads to both Star-Lord and Gamora being captured by ravagers they prepare to execute them as the captain's gotta teach stuff however they wiggle their way out of it in time and offer to get the orb back to yondu and so yondu spares Peter for the time being and they head to zandar where they plan to help the Nova Corps stop Ronan from killing them this leads to a battle between the Allied ravager Nova forces and Ronin sakharan forces they managed to bring ronan's warship down but this costs Groot his life Ronan manages to survive but is distracted by Star-Lord who challenges him to a dance-off this gives rocket enough time to get a cannon up and running rocket destroys the Hammer with which Ronan is utilizing the Power Stone and Peter catches it bare-handed for a moment he Witnesses the other side but is stabilized by sharing the power between all the Guardians of the Galaxy a along with his Celestial DNA together they use the power to destroy Ronin their hailed as Heroes double cross yondu again and have the Milana replaced by zandarians who also wiped their criminal records as thanks the Guardians go on to become bounty hunters one of their next missions involving protecting these sovereign's batteries from a monster that attempts to devour them they succeed but rocket steals the batteries the sovereigns only catch on later and they hire yandu's crew who have been freshly cut out of the ravagers by Sylvester Stallone or I guess stikara gord it isn't long after though that taserface forces a mutiny however yondu single-handedly eradicates his mutinous crew and escapes on a small vessel elsewhere Peter Quill is contacted by his father ego who invites him to his planet or his body I guess they get there and ego begins to explain things Gamora doesn't like this but Peter doesn't accept her feelings and begins to believe that it's best to stay with him that is until ego reveals that it was he who would intentionally cause Peter's mother to die this causes Peter to attack ego however ego decides instead to use Peter as a battery to continue his expansion and bring it to fruition Peter is saved by his friends though when they proceed to the planet's core where rocket places a bomb that destroys ego's brain and kills him the entire planet begins to collapse yondu sacrifices himself to save Peter which earns him being buried with full ravager honors well not exactly buried space dusted I miss yondu 2015 A.D The Avengers are now focusing on finishing off Hydra when they end up encountering the maximoff twins who seek Vengeance against Tony Stark for his weapons which killed their parents however they back off and baron strucker is captured the Avengers managed to take Loki's scepter back and both Bruce and Tony discovered that they can use it to finish their AI project Ultron they keep attempting to do so with what limited time they have with the scepter but nothing seems to work that is until suddenly it dies Ultron is created with the soul directive to protect Humanity no matter what then Jarvis makes the mistake of letting Ultron look at Twitter and suddenly Ultron believes that Humanity should perish instead robot James Spader then marches into the living room and declares all of the Avengers as killers and in an attempt to prove him wrong they hit him with a hammer The Avengers aren't very happy with Tony and Bruce and Ultron ends up recruiting Wanda and Pietro maximoff to his side and together they begin to head to Africa to search for vibranium this leads them to Ulysses claw who Ultron accidentally cuts the hand off of The Avengers attempt to stop him but Wanda maximoff hypnotizes Bruce Banner and causes him to Hulk out Iron Man Dawns his Hulkbuster armor to face Banner but it hardly worked only after dropping a skyscraper on him does he manage to calm down a little The Avengers decide to lay low for a while by going to Hawkeye's house Ultron attempts to use vibranium and the mind Stone to create his next iteration a biological Android who he names Vision however this is interrupted by The Avengers who steal ultron's Vision however instead of destroying it Tony takes it into his own hands to complete using Jarvis as a template they fight this but the vision is completed and awakens he ends up as a new Avenger Tony isn't always wrong Ultron heads to the maximob's home of sokovia where he turns the entire freaking City into a weapon and attempts to end the entire planet The Avengers managed to stop this however and vision manages to kill Ultron by turning off the Wi-Fi relatable after this comes the Ant-Man movies events Scott Lang is a prisoner on patrol he accidentally ends up stealing technology from Hank Pym he's then recruited by Hank Pym to destroy the Yellow Jacket suit due to how Darren cross had betrayed him and continued to work on and replicate the pin particle Lang is sent to an old storage house where he hopes to find the yellowjacket suit but to his horror it's an Avengers compound now this leads to laying facing off against Falcon and disabling his suit he ends up going to pimp Technologies to steal the Yellow Jacket suit but Darren cross is using it the two fight and it ends up taking them to Scott's daughter's house the only hope Scott feels that he can defeat Darren is to go subatomic and fit between the armor plating and enjoy the regulator this succeeds and kills Darren but it also results in Scott being lost in the quantum realm however Scott manages to escape which Hank said should be impossible 2016 A.D in the next movie Captain America's Civil War or as it should be known Avengers 2.5 family issues Captain America is tracking Brock rumlow AKA crossbones a Hydra agent who's attempting to steal a biological weapon from Nigeria he ends up trying to commit suicide with a bomb vest but Wanda maximoff attempts to stop him by putting him in the air away from people sadly she gets him too close to a building which results in the deaths of many including wakanda relief workers this causes the United Nations to think twice about allowing The Avengers to do as they please and they form the sokovia Accords to regulate the way that the Avengers work but Captain America doesn't like that and becomes a fugitive this fractures The Avengers and leads to Captain America and Iron Man fighting it evolves further when Bucky gets involved and becomes and I thought we were besties issue Iron Man wishes to get revenge on Bucky for killing Howard Stark but Bucky is like nah and cap agrees with Bucky in the end Iron Man is beaten and Bucky is saved but cap gives Iron Man a consolation prize in the form of a cell phone with his telephone number on it immediately after this is the events of the Black Widow movie Natasha Romanov is located by Thunderbolt Ross and chased down by him meanwhile another of the widows Yelena belova who had been undercover with Natasha in America from 93 to 95 is freed from her mind control by another Widow using a special chemical she makes a run for it and sends the chemical to Natasha Natasha gets it but is immediately attacked by Taskmaster she barely escapes with it she tracks down Yelena and the two fight for a while before calling truce and talking it out they're then attacked by other widows the two flee they end up breaking out Alexi shostakov AKA Red Guardian the Soviet Union's answer to Captain America from prison they also track down melanov ostikov and together they decide to bring down the Red Room however Taskmaster appears to capture them but Melina and Natasha switch places in an attempt to escape Natasha confronts drakov while Melena frees the others and brings the Red Room out of the sky Natasha stops smelling things by Smashing her face and attacks drakov but it's revealed that Taskmaster is actually drakov's daughter when Natasha thought she killed years earlier drakov escapes but is killed when his helicopter explodes Natasha and Taskmaster fight but Natasha wins when she frees her from mind control she then commissions the rest of the widows to find their fellow spies and free them something I wish to say though while chronologically this movie comes before infinity war and end game this movie was the last in the MCU to feature William Hurt as he sadly lost his battle to prostate cancer Here's to You William we enjoyed your acting in your movies so much thanks for everything moving on to the Black Panther movies t'challa returns to wakanda to take his place as king but is challenged he wins the ritual combat and claims his place as the king of wakanda after this Ulysses claw attempts to steal a vibranium artifact from the Museum of Great Britain but is stopped by t'challa who hands the thief over to the CIA this doesn't last long though as Eric a soldier who had taken the name killmonger kills claw and delivers his body to wakanda he then challenges t'challa to Ritual combat and beats him however t'challa is given another heart-shaped herb and gets his powers back he then goes back to challenge killmonger who is now wearing the black panther armor and defeats him he offers Mercy to killmonger but killmonger decides that he would rather die than be incarcerated and allows himself to die a free man t'challa then announces that wakanda will no longer hide from the world this was also one of the last movies done by Chadwick Boseman before he lost his private battle with cancer the last movie in the line that he did was Avengers end game it's so sad because so many people are always losing their lives to cancer here's to hoping they find a cure very soon and while it is sad that Chadwick Boseman is gone we will always remember him for bringing us so much joy thanks Chadwick wakanda forever next up is the Spider-Man movie the movie starts out when Peter Parker gets bitten by a radioactive spider and Uncle Ben gets killed by Flint Marca oh wait that's the wrong Spider-Man let's try again the story starts when Peter Parker gets bitten by a spider while at oscore he eventually needs to face the lizard who wants to turn the entirety of New York hold on no this is also the wrong Spider-Man let's try it one more time the story starts when Peter Parker doesn't get bitten by a radioactive spider because we've seen that and Uncle Ben's death so much that we all get the point Peter Parker appeared in Civil War but I forgot to mention him so but after this he's still in contact with Tony Stark who continues to sponsor him as he has a hard time balancing school and superheroing meanwhile damage control agent Adrian tombs is taking shatari weapons from the Battle of New York and is selling them on the black market he's making a lot of money with this and is even pioneering new technology with it as well Spider-Man gets on his tail but eventually this causes Pete to encounter tombs using his vulture gear in the end Pete risks his life to say saved tombs which earns his respect as he ends up in prison after this comes doctor strange but before we begin let's also mention that smart Hulk comes back in time from the future at some point and convinces the ancient one to let him borrow the time stone Steve Rogers then comes back to this time to return it Dr Steven strange is a world-class surgeon who has a perfect record of healing people with his surgeries of course this is generally because he turns away those he doubts he can heal so to say he's egotistical is an understatement sort of reminding me of Tony Stark in that way however he's showing off his car being Reckless and then ends up crashing and when he does so he damages his hand severely damaging his nerve endings which essentially guarantees the end of his career because of that he begins to try everything he possibly can when all else fails he goes into mysticism after a man who claims to have been paralyzed states that he can now walk after visiting a place called kamartaj in Nepal so strange goes to visit but he ends up getting locked out when he insults the Ancient One however he begs long enough that they just feel bad and let him in they begin to teach him about the Mystic Arts but he fails to read the warnings of the Spells he casts leading him to getting a scolding when he screws around with time through the use of the eye of agamado eventually he's led into battle against casilius and the others who have devoted themselves to dormammu in the end they kill the ancient one and Doctor Strange continues to guard the sanctum though later it is destroyed leading to the dark dimensions incursion into this Dimension this causes dormammu to appear but Doctor Strange manages to defeat him when he introduces the concept of time to dormammu's Dimension and uses it to create a temporal Loop this forces dormammu to either be trapped in an endless causal Loop or give in so dormammu gives in Doctor Strange is then named the new sorcerer Supreme 2017 A.D Thor's been trying to learn more about Infinity Stones but he also has been having dreams regarding Ragnarok the event which marks the end of Asgard So to that end he goes to muspelheim to claim the crown of suitor he manages to do so but when he returns to Asgard he realizes that Odin isn't acting like Odin and realizes that it use Loki in Disguise they go to see Odin on Earth in the old folks home Loki left him only to find that home being torn down Loki is then captured by doctor strange and a card is delivered to Thor asking him to visit the sanctum sanctorum Thor does so and Loki is returned to him Doctor Strange sends them to where Odin is located Odin has a nice Heart to Heart where he realizes that he was a sucky ass father three ways to Sunday and probably not the best King either he then passes away by pulling a Master Yoda and then hella is free Thor attempts to attack her but his hammer is destroyed in a panic Loki calls for the bifrost but this allows hella to reach Asgard she forces Thor and Loki out and they land on sakhar Thor ends up getting sent to the gladiatorial pits and Loki manages to sweet talk his way to the grandmaster's side Thor has his hair cut by Stan Lee God rest that man's soul and then ends up fighting the Hulk where Thor technically wins but Hulk officially wins due to grandmaster's interference ah another day another dug Thor wakes up in Hulk's Chambers where Hulk taunts him and makes fun of him him but to a point they share experiences and identify with each other eventually they are saved by Valkyrie Thor tries to escape with the quinjet that Hulk had with him but Hulk ruins it when he doesn't want Thor to leave him however they accidentally activate a clip of Natasha telling Bruce to come back and this causes Hulk to revert to a very terrified Bruce Banner who is trying not to re-halk out they end up finding Loki starting a Revolt hijacking one of grandmaster's ships and escaping through the devil's anus they reach Asgard where Thor ends up going to the throne room which calls hella back he confronts her and the two fight eventually hella cuts out Thor's right eye when Thor is on the ropes he sees a vision of Hannibal Lecter I mean Odin who tells him he's not the god of hammers and awakens Thor's potential which allows him to channel lightning through his body to attack her in the end Thor puts suter's Crown into the Eternal Flame which awakens him and gives him the strength to destroy Asgard yes Thor initiates Ragnarok just to kill his sister and it works tough for them though as they escape their vessel is stopped by Thanos knows 2018 A.D some time before this happened Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff appear from the future and claim the Soul Stone when Natasha sacrifices herself for it Captain America later comes to return it to the Red Skull which I would have paid to see but was cheated out of by the Russo Brothers while all of this is happening the events of Ant-Man and the WASP are occurring which sees Scott Lang and hope Van Dyne attempting to find Janet Van Dyne who was lost in the quantum realm along the way they face off against the ghost Ava star a woman who is quantumly is that a word unstable due to a failed experiment that killed both of her parents when she was little they searched for Janet and manage to find her and once they bring her back Janet gives some of her energy to Ava in hopes of curing her condition which works in the post-credits scene Scott Lang is in the quantum realm doing some experiments when suddenly the line goes dead showing what's going on in the real world we witness that there is now nobody around the Machinery we move into Infinity War which takes off where Thor leaves off Thanos has taken over the ship and seemingly killed everyone there except for Thor and Loki he begins to torture Thor to get Loki to spill the beans on where the Tesseract is Hulk suddenly attacks Thanos but is saved when Heimdall opens the bifrost to send Hulk to Earth Loki then pledges loyalty to the Titan only to then try and stab him but Thanos grips his throat and snaps his neck Thor is left a sob when the ship then explodes Hulk crashes into the sanctum sanctorum he then reveals to Dr Strange and Tony Stark about Thanos and how he was the hidden benefactor when Loki invaded New York with the chitari they suddenly get into a fight with the black order who takes Doctor Strange in his eye of agamaro Spider-Man and Iron Man end up on the black order ship with strange and end up going where they were going Thor is then picked up by the Guardians of the Galaxy they prepare to fight Thanos by helping Thor create a Thanos killing weapon which turns out to be Stormbreaker after they get it from that guy from Elf pixels and Game of Thrones it's also partially made of Groot so that's cool the other half of the Guardians of the Galaxy decide to go where the collector is to get the aether which is really the reality Stone they go there but find that Thanos has already taken the stone Mora is then captured by Thanos and used as a sacrifice to get the Soul Stone back on Earth the black order attacks Wanda and vision who are sort of a cute couple now trying to steal vision's mind Stone however they're saved by Black Widow Falcon and Captain America they Retreat to The Avengers facility after defeating the black order back at the facility The Avengers begin to contemplate a plan to deal with all this they realize that they may inevitably need to destroy the Mind Stone to keep Thanos away but they know that they could possibly save Vision by having the stone removed with the technology available in wakanda Stark strange and Parker managed to defeat ebony Ma and take over the ship but instead of returning to Earth they continue on to Titan once they reach there they're ambushed by the Guardians of the Galaxy they eventually make friends though and attempt to work together to beat Thanos and to their credit they nearly do it through brains over Brawn methods but when Thanos provokes Peter Quill not Parker by telling him that he killed Gamora Star-Lord see I didn't make the mistake again attacks Thanos waking him from Doctor Strange's sleep spell this causes Thanos to gain the upper hand and take the time Stone from from them leaving the Guardians plus 3 on Titan alone as he goes to face off in wakanda against the remaining Avengers back on wakanda the battle is set as shuri quickly attempts to remove the Stone from vision's head sadly this doesn't work and vision is forced into battle as well Wanda With Tears In Her Eyes musters the will to destroy the stone killing Vision as well however Thanos uses the time Stone to reverse time and take the stone manually marking Vision as the only Avenger to die twice in the same movie poor Wanda She Gotta watch her man die not once but twice no wonder she goes coconuts and commandeers a whole town to LARP her dream life Thanos takes the last infinity stone and proceeds to snap becoming the ultimate thrifter by getting the entirety of civilization half off then the movie ends on a sad note however before the year ends everyone continues to search for a way to fix what was wronged Stark and nebula returned to Earth with the help of Carol Danvers they eventually detect another snap on a distant planet and traveled there to find Thanos undefended they try to take the stones from him to undo the damage but it's revealed that the stones were destroyed Thor then kills Thanos for the hell of it 2023 A.D five years passed since the snap everyone's trying to cope with the fact that everything sucks now you know what doesn't suck the fact that Tony Stark finally marries Pepper Potts and has a baby with her that's awesome don't expect it to last long then suddenly a rat saves the universe by bringing Scott Lang back from the quantum realm with his expertise he helps him get away back in time to find a way to stop Thanos this is actually the Time Heist and if you've been paying attention you'll realize that we already covered this they return to the Future except for Black Widow because she's dead and have Hulk snap everyone back into existence it isn't long though until alternate pass Thanos arrives and does his you've come back to me speech that is so memed on and they all fight a massive battle thanos's forces are crippled by Captain Marvel who probably could have done this all by herself Thanos attempts to use the stones to end existence so he can begin a new one that is grateful for what he did honestly I don't see how any of this makes a difference in like 20 years the universe would have been back to the same issue that is if we survive it many species would go extinct from the inbound balance in the natural order either way thanos's plan was stupid and he was a terrible villain not to see that anyway Tony says I am Iron Man snaps his finger and makes me the saddest guy to watch the movie with an Iron Man t-shirt and previewing shaved start goatee I was such a devastated Fanboy probably cried a little and don't you dare judge we then see the funeral and then after the heartbreaking love you 3000 scene they send cap back and he doesn't come back as they expect my question is how he came back at all considering I mean seriously I thought the point was that timelines don't cross over which is why they couldn't just kill baby Thanos and yet cap just ages back to the present after going back in time I'm not a physicist but I suppose the russos and Kevin feige aren't either I would love to know what kind of answer they have for this because while this scene has the warm and fuzzies it basically makes the entire plot of the movie null and void if cap really did just re-age back to the present the events of One Division then take place Wanda kinda loses their mind and so she proceeds to cast a hex around the town of West View altering reality to the point where everything and everyone is set up like an old sitcom moving up Through the Ages Agatha also shows up here and reintroduces the dark hold which Wanda takes after defeating her and sentencing her to a life of sitcom 2024 A.D Falcon and the Winter Soldier the story centers around Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes after end game the US government has decided to pass the mantle of Captain America off to John Walker who along with the help of his sidekick Battle Star attempts to investigate the anti-nationalist group the flag Smashers along the way they discover that all of the flag Smashers are enhanced with the super soldier serum and learn that it is being reproduced to help with this Bucky and Sam spring Baron Zemo from the cling to get his help with the serum and learn more about it they track down the scientist who made it and Zemo kills him and begins to destroy the vials of serum however John Walker stops him from destroying the last vial and takes it himself they continue to confront their group until in a rage he kills one of the anti-nationalists this causes John Walker to lose his Rank and mantle as Captain America and he's stripped of The Shield by Bucky and Sam they then head to the GRC to stop in a attack and managed to do so with Sharon Carter's help in the end though it's discovered that the flag Smashers were upset because the GRC were going to relocate people displaced by the blip which is such a terrible name for the event and so Sam decides to try to convince them through peaceful manners not to do so and instead Aid them directly after this is Shang Chi and the ten rings I already detailed a good bit of shangchi's biography during the earlier section about the Mandarin so I'll continue on Shang Chi you're just Sean as his friends know him is just a regular dude when all of a sudden a guy with a big razor blade for an arm tries to take his necklace the guy succeeds but Sean Saves the people on the bus fearing for his sister he hits the Macaw where he finds his sister and shusha Ling runs an underground fight club now funny enough a scene here actually crosses over with She-Hulk as we witness Blonsky in his Abomination form facing off against Wong and we later learn in She-Hulk that this event is detrimental to blonsky's parole hearing but Wong clears it up later they're then attacked by 10 Rings ninja because it wouldn't be an awesome Kung Fu action adventure without them they end up surrounded though and the Mandarin walks in and Embraces his children taking them back to their compound where he explains talo to them however upon hearing that their father plans to raise the village if they don't resurrect Ying Lee his children turn against him and he's put in prison there they find Trevor Slattery who played the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 locked up for impersonating him however he wasn't executed because he's a funny guy so shusha Ling insists that he's basically the Mandarin's Court Jester now they managed to escape and beat their father to talo where they learn of the dweller in the darkness beyond the gate they prepare for war and War comes Shang Chi engages his father in battle but fails to stop him from breaching the gate however shuwenwoo sacrifices himself to save Shang Chi after realizing he was right and Gifts him the ten Rings Shang Chi takes it and with the help of the great Guardian Dragon manages to kill the dweller in the darkness Wong then recruits them to talk about what the 10 rings are and after that they all go out to karaoke in Singh Hotel California Wong is becoming my favorite character after this is the events of the eternals at this point everything is okay that is until a sudden worldwide earthquake occurs this causes some ice to melt in Alaska revealing that some deviant still exists Icarus reveals that he will not betray erisham like Ajax wants to do and so he allows her to be killed by the deviants he then heads to London to save Cersei and Sprite they then head out to find ajak although Icarus knows he already killed her to find her dead they then seek out Kinko best character in the movie as well as Gilgamesh other best character in the movie who feeds them spit beer and takes care of thina who's Gone Bananas because she's so old they go to find druig who has started a cult and inform him not only of Ajax death but also that all eternals are biological robots that arashem destroys most sentient planet and that Earth is seated with the yet to be born Celestial named Tim at the communicator the deviants attack the eternals and the one that killed and absorbed Ajax Powers because I can't remember his name I'm just going to call him perfect cells since it's the same concept kills Gilgamesh and takes his powers too Fina vows to kill him the eternals then recruit fastos who seems to be rather content not helping them and they all travel to Babylon where their ship is waiting they plan to make a big machine to create a Yuna mind that allows druig to put you went back to sleep but Icarus and Sprite turned coat and reveal their allegiance remains with arisham they fight but in the end both are defeated and Tiamat is transmuted into stone Full Metal Alchemist Style with his half head sticking out the movie ends when arashem appears before the Earth and takes the eternals remaining on the planet and says he will search their memories and decide if Earth is worth saving before passing his judgment after this movie is Spider-Man far from home in which Peter is just being Peter and then all of a sudden boom multiversal Collision or so it seems he helps a guy named Mysterio fight against these Elemental Monsters but it's revealed that he simply wanted to steal Stark Tech and begins to use it to attack Peter in the end Mysterio is killed but before he dies he edits the footage of his death and leaks into the Daily Bugle making Spider-Man a killer and then revealing Spider-Man to be Peter Parker this movie immediately transitions into no way home in which Peter is trying to hide but his cover is blown and he's on trial for murder Matt Murdoch decides to represent him and seemingly takes care of the legal side but this doesn't change that everyone knows him now and so Peter goes to Doctor Strange for help where he asks him to make everyone forget that he's Spider-Man however as Doctor Strange does this Pete keeps making requests for people not to include and completely messes up the spell causing Doctor Strange to accidentally call everyone who knows a Peter Parker to their Dimension and that includes characters from bully McGuire and Andrew Garfield universes as well they all team up to deal with characters including but not limited to Sandman Green Goblin the lizard and Electro they all fight on the Statue of Liberty and make the shield fall off which is okay with me I thought it was stupid anyway after defeating them Dr Strange manages to work on a new spell to make anyone who knows a Peter Parker forget who they are and I guess that includes in the other dimensions too Pete then goes to introduce himself to his friends but like he chickens out and decides to walk away like Bill Bixby in The Incredible Hulk show someone please play a lonely man for this boy after this doctor strange and the Multiverse of Madness takes place in which Steven strange continues to deal with the effects of their multiversal tampering which leads him to get help from Wong and Wanda maximoff this leads to him facing off against the Illuminati and for wanted to discover secrets about the dark hole than herself that she previously had no idea about also so I need you to forgive me as this is the only Marvel movie I haven't seen yet and I am super excited to stream it very soon Hawkeye comes next it's Christmas time and a girl named Kate Bishop who had been saved by Hawkeye during the Battle of New York is aragala with her mother and soon to be stepfather Jack decasny while there she sees her old acquaintance Armand and approaches him with Jack Armand reveals the sword and suit of Ronan the name Hawkeye took during the blip when his family got snapped it's actually badass he became a ninja and everything which sort of doesn't make sense because aronen is a samurai without a master not a ninja but it doesn't matter it's awesome at that time the tracksuit Mafia I know weird name bombs the gala and are fought off by Bishop and Jack at this time Clint Barton sees Ronan show up on the news and you know he's curious he tracks her down and reveals who she is and together they begin a quest to take down the tracksuit Mafia as well as Jack decassny who Bishop believes killed through acquaintance Armond she convinces her mother to turn him into the police which she does he claims he was framed and he was they eventually run into yelling at Bulova who Wants Revenge on Barton thinking that he killed Natasha Romanov but she is defeated and sent packing Bulova was working with Maya Lopez who wanted revenge on Ronan for killing her Father William Lopez however it's later revealed that Kingpin hired Ronan to kill William and in the end it all hits the fan and Bulova learns that it was Eleanor Bishop who hired her and was working for Kingpin who had Jack framed Maya then shoots Kingpin in the end Clint returns to his home for Christmas with a shield Rolex for Laura and a Golden Retriever named lucky he brings Bishop with him and decides to help her name herself as a superhero 2025 A.D Moon Knight so Poe Dameron got his brother drowned when they were wee babes and so Poe's mom hates him he makes an alter ego for himself named Steven Grant which is sort of like multiple personality disorder he normally has good control over it until suddenly he doesn't he's at a dig site with his friend Raul Bushman and Abdallah El fouli when Raul gets greedy and kills them all well he tries to anyway Poe makes his way into a tomb to kill himself when he hears the Egyptian moon God tell him to become a superhero and so he does he also goes to Abdullah al-fali's daughter Layla and marries her out of guilt after this Poe's abusive mom dies and he feels sad so sad in fact that Steven Grant shows up to cause trouble Poe wakes up and just goes home two months later Grant wakes up in his apartment and heads to his job at the National Art Gallery where his boss sucks he tries to stay awake but he falls asleep and wakes up in Austria he Witnesses Arthur Harrow talking to his disciples about Emmett and is judging them by its power he then says that Poe stole these Scarab of Emmett and Poe falls asleep causing him to absolutely murder the disciples that attack him later back at the Museum Poe was confronted by Hero who demands the Scarab but Poe runs away Harrow sends jackals after him but Poe hides in a restroom where Mark demands Grant give over his body which he does causing Mark to transform into Moon Knight and kill the Jackal Grant isn't sure that what happened was real so he asks JB the security guard to show him the footage which shows Grant running from nothing and leaving without wearing the suit however he's still fired up he returns home to find a key toy storage unit which he goes to and opens up to find guns passports and the Scarab Spector tells Grant to give him control of the body but Grant decides to take it all to the police he then Witnesses the moon God and runs from it out of fear and is rescued by spec his wife who Grant doesn't know hero then asks Grant to give him the scarabs stating that Emmett judges sins before they're committed and tells him not to trust konshu Grant and Layla are attacked by jackals and Grant jumps out the window and transforms into a fancy variation of Moon Knight but can't defeat the jackals so he gives it over to Specter who does however the moon God isn't happy because hero got the Scarab so he demands Specter hunt down hero or konshu threatens Layla's Freedom they travel to Egypt where they do a lot of killing Specter wakes up stabbing a guy in the heart and asks Grant if he did that which he didn't konshu is then called by the other gods who dictate that Arthur Harrow isn't doing the things that konshu says he is and eventually decide to turn kanju to Stone they managed to roll the Knight back to see what the stars look like on the night that senfu created the cartonage that they found in Amit sarcophagus in the end though konshu is stonified by Osiris removing the Moon Knight powers from Specter they end up going to Emmett's tomb but Hero's men are already there Grant further finds a tomb which turns out to belong to Alexander the Great and grabs amit's ushabti which is kide Hero's plan to bring back Ahmed however as specter talks to Layla and explains everything to her Harrow flat out shoot Specter and kills him the next Acid trip is them in a mental hospital but is a buffer zone between their death and the afterlife there they find out that their hearts aren't balanced and they can't go to the field of reeds Grant also learned that he is the alter ego and not Specter Grant then sacrifices himself respecter and specter's heart balances allowing him to go to the field of breeds however he can't rest because Harrow and Emmett are killing a lot of people Layla is then sent by tolerate to retrieve konshu which she does who works to bring Specter back to life returning back Specter finds statue Grant and hugs him bringing him back to life and the two are then revived by Khan Shu hero with Emma tellb kills the enids and then breaks amit's ushabti which fully releases her Layla meets with the dying Enid selim who tells her how to kill Amit they must bind her to a human body and kill both bodies Specter and Grant then make a new deal with konshu and decide that if they fulfill this bargain by binding Emmett and hero they can go free konshu agrees Layla is given Powers by taloret who turns her into the Scarlet Scarab together they fight Khan 2 can't beat Emmett and Specter can't beat Harrow however Specter passes out and wakes up having won knowing that Grant didn't do it they bind Emmett to Harrow but Specter refuses to kill him knowing he fulfilled his end of the bargain konshu frees them from service however when Harrow is to leave the mental hospital konshu introduces hero to his new friend Jake lockley who is revealed to be the third Persona of Grant and Specter who then kills hero the events of She-Hulk then take place the story revolves around Jennifer Walters who accidentally gets some of Bruce Banner's blood into her body when they have a car crash involving a sakharan spacecraft she Masters it quickly enough though and attempts to balance her life only to find out most people are more interested in her She-Hulk Persona except for her client Emil blonski and his self-help group however it's revealed that there are a group of haters out there who may or may not steal some of her blood depending on your interpretation of these comedies strange canon in which case fourth wall breaks actually lead you into Marvel Studios to force a rewrite she also starts her relationship with Daredevil that and it's revealed that Banner Hulk now has a son scar so that's cool then we experienced the Miss Marvel storyline Captain Marvel superfan and Aisha's great granddaughter Kamala Khan meets with Bruno Corelli and Nakia bahadir at school Corelli and Kamala think of a plan to ask her strict parents if she could go to New Jersey Adventure con Khan is then called to her teacher's office her teacher tells her that she needs to start thinking about college Kamala returns home and finds a package from her grandmother Sana Ali the package contains a bangle later at dinner Kamala asks her parents about Avenger con but they immediately turn her down Kamala talks in her room with her brother Amir who agrees to talk to her parents after Amir talked with them they decided that they would let her go they gave Kamala the good news but on the condition that she goes with her father Yusuf and wears a Hulk costume this angers Kamala which prompts her disappointed father to say that she cannot go after all that night Kamala talks to Corelli about how she felt bad however she still thought of a plan to sneak out meanwhile Corelli gets her Captain Marvel costume ready for the cosplay competition he tells her that she needs a bit of herself in the costume to make it stand out Kamala chooses the bangle she successfully sneaks out of her house and the two arrive at the event Camp lahai before the cosplay event Kamala goes to the restroom to get dressed however she forgets her gloves that are made to look like Captain Marvel's Photon blasts she decides to put under bangle instead upon wearing it she sees a different world she brushes this off and gets on stage during her presentation she gets blinded by the camera flashes which sets off a blast of hard light energy from the bangle the energy hits a giant mjolnir prop which sends it flying into kamala's classmate Zoe Kimmer Kamala reaches out and the bangle generates a hard light fist that catches Zimmer after the commotion Kamala returns home to see her mother waiting for her muniba gives Kamala a talk before leaving Kamala then sits back in her bed marveling at her new power meanwhile the United States Department of damage control sees the event at Adventure con agent Cleary and Sadie Deaver take on the case the following day Zimmer has gained a new following after uploading videos of the new hero she coins the hero's name as NightLight but nobody knows that it was Kamala after school Corelli and Kamala test out her powers in train Kamala is able to walk on her hard light structures curly tests her DNA and finds out that it's different than human DNA later that night Kamala and really go to Zimmer's party that she's holding after her near-death experience they meet a new student comrade who Kamala immediately clicks with they go out on a date the following day at dinner Kamala listens to Yusuf tell the story of how Ali followed the stars back to her father Kamala then has a vision of a woman pointing at her meanwhile Zimmer is brought into the dodc and interrogated by Cleary Zimmer reveals that NightLight was Middle Eastern Cleary sends agents to look at every mosque during Eid Mubarak a kid is taking selfies on a window ledge when he falls out of it hanging by a curtain Kamala quickly puts on her Captain Marvel costume and walks on her hard light until she is under the boy to catch him she instructs the boy Hamid to step on the structure with her as they walk to the edge Kamala gets another Vision causing her to lose focus Hamid Falls but she catches him right before he hits the ground Kamala then runs into the alley where she's attacked by Stark Industries combat drones she runs away from them but a car shows up comrad tells her to get in she thanks him but is confused he introduces Kamala to his mother najma they bring Kamala to safety and explain to her that they are part of the clandestines a group that included a few others and her great-grandmother najma also explains that Kamala is not human but of the same species as them the clandestines have been trying to get back to their home world the newer Dimension when Kamala returns home muniba tells her that Corelli left a gift Kamala opens it and finds an eye mask meanwhile Corelli does more research and finds out that traveling back to the north Dimension could be dangerous however com tells Cameron that she will help them despite the cautions later Kamala attends her brother's wedding and has a lot of fun suddenly najma and the clandestines arrive saying that they've waited long enough Cameron tries to warn Kamala but he's too late she's chased into the kitchen where she pulls the fire alarm so that people leave she then blocks their attacks Salim goes to punch Kamala but Corelli gets in her way injuring himself kamran gets Kamala and Corelli out but is thrown off a balcony as the two get cornered najma touches the Bengal which leads them to both see a vision of a Karachi train coming at them the dodc arrives and arrests the clandestines including comren but Corelli and Kamala escape with the help of bahadir who feels betrayed that Kamala didn't tell her about the powers Kamala returns home and calls her grandmother regarding the Bengal Ali told her that she saw the train too and Kamala needs to come come to Karachi right away Kamala and muniba then hop on a plane after Kamala insists that they go upon arriving she finally sees her grandmother after many years and also meets her cousins after talking for a bit Kamala goes out into the city where she finds a vigilante who attacks her the two engage in a fight until the man notices the bangle and asks if she is clandestine he then brings her to his residence to ask more questions he introduces himself as Kareem the red dagger which is the title passed down through many warriors including his mentor Walid Walid explains to kamaladi nor Dimension and his dangers as well as teaching Kamala how to control her power meanwhile the clandestines Escape damage controls custody but najma leaves comran who she thinks betrayed her Ali and her daughter muniba talk after a conversation miniva is able to make up with her mother and in turn makes up with Kamala and understands her more the next day Walid Kareem and Kamala are attacked by the clandestines Walid throws a dagger at Celine killing him in retaliation najma kills Walid the two Heroes run until they're cornered red dagger kills Adam during a short battle najma tries to stab Kamala but hits the Bengal which sets off an energy burst that transports Kamala to 1947 7. she looks around and finds Aisha who she sees gets stabbed by najma Kamala tries to help Aisha but it's too late ayushi gives Kamala a picture of her family she then sees a young and lost Ali Kamala sets off a trail of hard light to lead her back to her father Kamala stands in awe as she realizes that she was the person who saved Ali she then travels back to the present and sees that najma has opened up the rift to the newer Dimension fariha touches the rift but gets disintegrated into a skeleton seeing how dangerous it is najma realizes that she could close it but at a cost she calls out to come around before touching the rift which kills her but closes It in America comrade hears najma's whisper which sets off a power inside of him he stands there and creates a hard light fist Ali and muniba find Kamala and realize that she is a hero Kamala gives Ali the picture before departing red dagger gives Kamala his red cloth comrin visits Corelli for help suddenly a dodc drone shoots a comrad he throws hard light energy at it before it explodes the building Corelli and Cameron Escape but Cameron cannot contain the energy surging from within Kamala returns home and hears that Circle Q exploded she calls Corelli but no response muniba gives Kamala a suit that she made the two fugitives go to a mosque where Sheik Abdullah gives them clothes to blend in before sending them on their way they meet with Kamala at the school bahadir Amir and Zimmer arrive as well to help as dodc agents move in the group sets off non-lethal attacks and traps Cleary tells Deaver and tells you to take their men out because it's bad for publicity but Diva doesn't listen and calls for more troops the group gets themselves captured in order for Kamala and Cameron to escape Cameron goes outside where he's shot at by agents Kamala runs in and blocks the attacks but comrin is injured she sees him and says in biggin which allows her powers to form a hard light around her legs and arms making them seem stretchy and big Cameron cannot hold his power much longer and sets off a big wave of energy Kamala puts them into a hard light sphere to protect everyone she then tells him what happened to his mother which calms Cameron down Kamala tells him to go to the harbor while she buys time diva gets a call from an angry Cleary who orders her to remove her agents and fires her in the following days Kamala has a talk with Yusuf who tells her that Kamal means Marvel Kamala is in shock to hear that her her name is like Carol Danvers Yusuf tells her that she was always his little Miss Marvel meanwhile comrade arrives in Pakistan and meets Kareem a week later Corelli tells Kamala that he ran tests on her DNA again and found that she has mutations Kamala returns home but suddenly feels a wave of power she's then sent flying through her door seemingly teleporting Carol Danvers then comes out of her closet having switched places with Kamala she looks around before leaving the house confused next is Thor love and thunder Gore the last of his people spends his days striving to survive on a Barren desert with his daughter he prays to his God rappu for help but his daughter soon dies of starvation just as he begins to hear a voice calling out to him in the distance Gore discovers an oasis where he finds rompu who had killed the latest wielder of an ancient weapon known as all black the necro sword rapu makes fun of Gore for his helplessness and refuses to provide any assistance feeling betrayed Gore claims the necro sword and beheads him and vows for the elimination of all gods Thor continues his adventures with the Guardians of the Galaxy responding to distress calls Across the Universe while working to get back into shape however Thor remains discontent with where he is in life and intends to retire an influx of distress calls regarding Gore emerge one of them being from Sif who had hunted him down Thor and Korg respond to stiff's call parting ways with the Guardians who leave to respond to the others they find a defeated Sif with their arms severed who warns them that Gore will attack new Asgard next meanwhile Dr Jane Foster undergoes treatment for stage 4 cancer efforts to research a cure-proof futile and she begins to lose hope but Foster becomes inspired to travel to new Asgard in hopes that their magic can eliminate the cancer as Thor has unknowingly Enchanted it to protect Foster while they were together mjolnir becomes drawn to her presence fusing itself back together and imbuing her with the powers of the Mighty Thor that night Gore uses the necro sword to swarm new Asgard with Shadow monsters Thor Korg and Sif arrive to confront them as does King Valkyrie and Foster who Thor is surprised to see while they were able to repel the monsters Gore escapes with asgard's children including heimdall's son Axel Thor communicates with Axel and deduces that the children are in the shadow realm knowing that Gore's strength would be at its peak there Thor Mighty Thor Valkyrie and cord travel to omnipotent City to warn Zeus of Gore and ask for an army to help fight them unconvinced that Gore is a threat to omnipotent City Zeus instead has Thor captured forcing the others to intervene and fend off Zeus's men in the scuffle Zeus uses his Thunderbolt to destroy korg's body only his face remains intact although this is enough for him to survive enraged Thor uses the Thunderbolt to impale Zeus in the chest which Valkyrie steals as the group escapes to confront Gore in the shadow realm on the way Thor learns of Foster's cancer diagnosis and the two rekindle their relationship upon arrival they attempt to locate the children only to realize that they had fallen for a trap Gore intended to take Stormbreaker in order to utilize the bifrost bridge to access eternity where he could wish for the extinction of the gods they battle Gore in his shadow monsters once more but are forced to flee back to New Asgard once Valkyrie and Mighty Thor are weakened before a Stormbreaker can be transfer ordered across the bifrost gore steals it Thor is informed that the effects of mjolnir are aggravating Foster's cancer and he urges her to stay behind to recover Valkyrie is also unable to continue fighting leaving the Thunderbolt in Thor's possession so that he can fight Gore again at the center of the universe Gore begins opening eternity's gate with Stormbreaker Thor arrives using Thunderbolt and imbues the children with the power of Thor giving them enough strength to overcome the remaining Shadow monsters Gore gains the upper hand against Thor having sensed his distress Foster decides to wield mjolnir again despite her weakened condition and joins the fight through using valkyrie's winged horse Thor gives Mighty Thor ample time to use mjolnir to shatter the necro sword into pieces dooming herself and Gore Thor recovers Stormbreaker and has the children use it to return home but they could not stop Gore from entering eternity Thor calls out to gore and pleads for him to choose love over death as he rushes to Mighty Thor's side their love reminds him of the love he had for his daughter thus deciding to use his wish to resurrect her foster soon succumbs to the cancer Vanishing into Valhalla Thor accepts Gore's request to take custody of his daughter before he dies from the necrosword's curse in the aftermath a statue of foster as the Mighty Thor was erected in new Asgard Sif and Valkyrie begin training the children in combat while korig's body fully regenerates as he seeks to produce Offspring Thor starts to raise Gore's daughter as his own entrusting her with Stormbreaker while he wields mjolnir into battle the two begin traveling the Galaxy offering assistance to whomever needs it becoming known as love and thunder in the meanwhile Zeus begins to recover from his injuries as he sends out his son Hercules to kill Thor Foster encounters Heimdall in the afterlife who welcomes her to Valhalla after the events of Thor love and thunder come the events of black panther wakanda forever the King t'challa has a mysterious illness which shuri believes can be healed if he could eat a heart-shaped herb but here's the issue killmonger destroyed them all so shuri gets to work attempting to synthetically recreate the herb but sadly she fails to get to the king in time and t'challa dies I do appreciate it that they retired t'challa in the MCU after the tragic death of Chadwick Boseman seems like a good way to honor the late actor 2026 A.D one year after the death of King t'challa wakanda is in a tough spot as the world now enamored by the wonders of vibranium attempts to push wakanda to share its resources with them the queen implores shuri to continue her Research into the heart-shaped Herb in hopes that it may create a new black panther though shuri is reluctant due to her belief that wakanda needs to leave the Black Panther in the past elsewhere Navy Seals and the CIA utilize a vibranium detector to find vibranium in the Atlantic Ocean where they disturb Namor and his people who kill the government agents nemour in Anger goes to wakanda and demands to know who created the vibranium detector and threatens wakanda with war if they do not hand over these scientists responsible shuri and Okoye learn from their CIA contact Everett Ross that the detector was the brainchild of an MIT student named Riri Williams and so together they go to the university to speak with their but as they make contact Neymar and his forces arrive and defeat the FBI forces as well as Okoye and kidnap both shuri and Riri taking them back to the underwater Kingdom of talokan where he shows them the society they've built as well as their vast wealth of vibranium he attempts to convince her to have the wakandan's ally with italokani in an upcoming war against the surface dwellers due to their mistreatment of the Maya in the past but shuri refuses and the two escaped killing a guard in the process during this time Queen ramonda strips Okoye of her position as leader of the Dora malahe and instead begins to search for Nakia who has been living in Haiti ever since the events of endgame at this time wakanda is attacked by Namor and the forces of talukan who attempt to take Riri by force and in a moment of self-sacrifice Queen ramonda drowned saving Riri Namor and his forces retreat with nemour vowing to return very soon with the full forces of their army all the while Everett Rost is arrested for revealing government secrets to the wakandans the wakandan people mourn the death of their Queen and surely uses the special herb that granted the people of telecon their powers to recreate the heart-shaped herb where she then travels to the astral plain where she meets killmonger who demands that she take her revenge upon nemour and his people for their attack Sherry dons the New Black Panther armor and proceeds to go to war despite mbaku urging for peace she decides to lead a counter-attack on talocon before they can attack wakanda as they do battle Shiri lures namur to dry a land where she gains the upper hand but before she kills him she sees a vision of her mother the queen and decides to offer peace instead nemour accepts and returns to his people where he tells his cousin namora that this Alliance will be integral to taking over the surface after this shuri goes to Haiti to meet with Nakia who reveals that she and t'challa bore a son whose wakanda name is actually t'challa also Sherry Burns her funeral cloth and finally begins the process of grieving for her brother after this of the events of Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania Janet van dyme is revealed to at some point in the past have come into contact with an extra dimensional traveler whose name is Kang he's later revealed to have been a tyrant and exiled conqueror who then proceeds to use his powers to influence and take over the quantum realm and its underverse meanwhile Scott Lang is now a successful writer who has written an autobiography and settled into a more passive life the same is not true for peanut Cassie Lang ends up going to jail for being a part of a protest turned Riot when a midnight raid was used to flush out homeless people who have nowhere to go she criticizes her father for settling for a life of luxury when he has the power and responsibility to help people a responsibility that she feels he's ignoring the rest of their family does as well including hope Hank and Janet after a dinner at the Pim household it's revealed that Hank and Cassie have been secretly working on projects into the quantum realm and have created a sort of telescope that allows them to see into the quantum Realm by sending a signal Janet hears this and freaks out and demands that they shut it down before he finds them too late he found them a portal opens and sucks them into the quantum realm the Langs and the Pim van ions are separated from each other Cassie and Scott land near a settlement where a group of Warriors capture them and force them to drink the goo from one of their members Cassie implores Scott to drink it even though he doesn't want to after they force it down his throat he finds that he can Now understand their language Cassie and Scott are amazed by the idea that there is a universe hidden below their own with life forms and other creatures living there gentura is distrustful as they both come from the universe above same as the Conqueror all the while the Pym Van Dyne party is making their way through the vegetation where they hide from strange soldiers in weird spaceships hope and Hank begin to demand to know what's going on but Janet continues to hide things they make their way into a society where they disguise themselves and make their way to a bar there she has them also drink goo to understand their language and then they meet with Bill Murray who was once a freedom fighter who sold out to Kang to become a lord in his court he attempts to get Janet to join them but she refuses and instead they fight back stealing Bill Murray's spaceship Janet demands to know what's going on it's then that she details how she met Kang and how she accidentally helped him get his Starship working again that granted him access to his technology but also allowed her to see into his mind at how he had conquered and eradicated entire timelines so she steals his ship's core and causes it to implode upon itself with Pym particles in doing so she stranded Kang there in the quantum realm elsewhere Kang sends his servant modok to capture the Langs it's revealed that modok is actually Darren cross who was stranded in the quantum realm deformed with a massive head and Tiny limbs after Scott broke his regulator in the events of the first film he's found and given new Purpose By Kang they're then taken by cross back to Kang who threatens Cassie's life if Scott doesn't fix his ship's core Which Scott begrudgingly does Kane goes back on his word though and captures Janet seemingly killing Hank who is only saved by his hyper-intelligent ants Scott goes to rescue Janet as Kang attempts to use his core to take his entire Empire with him to the normal world but Scott leads an attack at an uprising where he and Kang do battle in the end Kang is kill that his Empire collapses freeing the underverse they return to their normal lives where Scott has a sudden panic attack at the warning Kang gave him that more of him are coming but then Scott quickly gets over it and proceeds to enjoy Cassie's birthday it's then shown that there is an entire Stadium of kings that have gathered to discuss the death of the Conqueror and their next steps after the events of Ant-Man comes the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. in this volume the Guardians are in their new home base nowhere it's then that Adam Warlock the newest Warrior created by The Sovereign attacks here rocket ends up mortally wounded and despite their best attempts at healing him he continues to grow worse as a kill switch exists within him after his creation by orgocorp who is headed by a scientist named the high evolutionary they decide to go there in an attempt to get the code to save their Fred's life as Rocket lies unconscious he recalls his early days whereas a baby raccoon he was taken by the high evolutionary who wanted to experiment on him and various other animals in hopes of creating a new Society he called counter Earth during his time there rocket friends with other test subjects such as the otter Lila The Walrus thiefs and the rabbit floor during this time rocket grows more and more intelligent until he ends up smarter than the high evolutionary who is angry about this he uses rocket to perfect his Creations before ultimately betraying him rocket attempts to escape with his friends but during the battle Lila is killed and Rocket in a rage attacks the high evolutionary then the rest of Rocket's friends are killed and Rocket alone escapes counter Earth back in the current time the Guardians are found by the ravagers led by Gamora who decides to help them save rocket they infiltrate orcocorp and retrieve Rocket's file but find the code they need has been removed Gamora suggests that it was Thiel who took it and so the group make off for counter Earth to retrieve the code they're followed by Adam and Aisha who were blackmailed into retrieving rocket by their creator the high evolutionary who threatened to kill their entire race if they failed they eventually land on counter Earth and Drax and mantis elect to remain with Gamora and Rocket as Peter nebula and Rocket scout out the aret Laboratories complex mantis is convinced by Drax to follow after Peter's group and Gamora saves rocket from being kidnapped by Adam and his new partner War Pig the high evolutionary and Peter talk and the high evolutionary States is belief that the anime the race rocket is now a part of is a complete failure and so he destroys counter Earth turning the complex into a spaceship that escapes into space Aisha is killed during this though Adam attempted to save her mantis Drax and nebula board the ship to rescue Peter and Groot who themselves had escaped with feels remains to save rocket having gotten the code to stop the kill switch they use the code but instead Rocket's heart stops rocket then sees the other side where his old anime and friends tell him it's not time for him to die yet Peter manages to restart Rocket's heart the kill switch disarming allowing rocket to begin healing Drax nebula and mantis find hundreds of genetically engineered children who they hope to rescue the other Guardians attempt to rescue them as craglin fires on a rat from nowhere the spaceship is doomed but the high evolutionary demands his soldiers keep fighting when they insist on retreating he kills them Drax mantis and nebula manage to save the children via Cosmo these Space Dogs telekinetic Powers allowing them to transport to Nowhere rocket is then determined to save the animals on a ret as well which leads to a battle with the high evolutionary who he spares after a brief confrontation they then save the animals and Peter is saved by Adam who had a change of heart due to Groot saving him after this final mission the Guardians decide to go their separate ways with Peter deciding to return to live with his grandfather on Earth he names rocket the new captain of their group mantis leaves on a journey of her own Gamora returns to the ravagers and Drax helps raise the children with nebula after this rocket is shown forming a new group of Guardians consisting of himself Groot Adam craglin Cosmo and phyla one of the children they rescued and planned their next mission and that is the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline up until this point a very special thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe fandom for helping me keep all this straight there were moments where I couldn't quite remember some of the important events but thanks to their well-kept database I was able to keep it straight thanks for watching did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great videos from cinematica and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: Stan Lee Presents
Views: 319,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MCU, Marvel, Timeline, Explained, Order, Iron Man, Movies, Eternals, 107 Facts, Celestials, Ego, Facts, Captain America, Thor, Cinematica, Channel Frederator, Frederator, The Leaderboard, Cartoon Conspiracy, Series, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Spider Man, Multiverse, Shield, Stark, backstory, Disney plus, Loki, battle, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, moments, The Amagi, Recap, Black Panther, Wakanda, Ancient One, Doctor Strange, Deviant, HYDRA, Avengers, Black Widow, Thanos, Infinity, Stone, Snap, Starlord
Id: yHQCSVx8n4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 15sec (4875 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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