Every Era of Star Wars FULLY EXPLAINED

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Star Wars is expanding in a big way later this year when the acolyte Premier is on Disney plus it'll be the first liveaction Star Wars project that takes place outside of the 70-year portion of the timeline that encompasses the Skywalker Saga not only that but we've got two movies on the way that will introduce brand new eras to Star Wars no not those kinds of eras today I'm going to explain every era of Star Wars history the dawn of the Jedi era takes place around 25,000 years before the events of Star Wars and New Hope or possibly even earlier we don't have exact dates for this era because it's the part of the timeline we know the least about I would guess that it lasts for about 5,000 years bringing us to 20,000 years before the Battle of Yavin when the Old Republic begins to take shape as the name suggests this era surrounds the creation of the Jedi Order which we currently know very little about fortunately that story is on the way in the form of a film by James mangled for now there are a couple of events we know happened for sure Professor Huang the Droid most recently seen in Ahsoka was activated around this time so he is old it's likely the first Jedi temples were constructed like the one scen on octo and that brings us to the prime Jedi who is said to be the founder of the order but they could be a mythical or metaphorical figure as the Jedi Order grew in size connected organizations like the U aspectu were created out of their philosophies seen in the Dr afer Comics the aspectu became a rival of sorts to the Jedi leading to conflict since this era is a part of the Star Wars timeline I can't imagine the creation of the Jedi Order will be completely peaceful and without struggle Star Wars Legends had a handful of stories covering this era most notably with the novel dawn of the Jedi into the void and the dawn of the Jedi comics the basics are that some mysterious ancient Starships called Thor picked up four sensitives across the Galaxy and delivered them to the planet tython where they started something called the Jedi Order of course conflict broke out and the light side users prevailed transitioning into the Jedi Order a group of conquering aliens called the ricot were also involved their home World ricotta Prime as well as tython are both Canon planets but I really doubt any of those story elements will be brought into James mangold's film I would expect the Canon dawn of the Jedi to be a fresh start the Old Republic era starts about 20,000 years before the events of A New Hope but right now that's unconfirmed so it could start later those are the dates we know that an alliance was first formed between the planets corusant corellia alderon and more which created the foundation for what would become the Republic this is also around the time that hyperspace travel wasn't necessarily first discovered but it at least became more widespread this era goes all the way until 500 years before the Battle of Yavin so it's easily one of the longest eras on the timeline it's during this time that we see the creation of the Sith order and their ongoing war with the Jedi that begins around 5,000 years BBY when the Sith splinter out of the Jedi during a Time called The hundred-year Darkness the Galaxy sees the rise of the Sith Empire and leaders like Darth Revan and Darth Bane the Sith Wars last for 4,000 years until the Darksiders are nearly destroyed and thought to be extinct in the midst of that the Jedi also come across mandalorians Who start a war of Their Own a Mandalorian Jedi named tar vizla constructs the dark saber and the Jedi build their primary temple on corusant when the wars come to an end the Old Republic is reorganized into the galactic Republic this era of Star Wars has been almost entirely shaped by Legend Stories We Know of certain events thanks to reference books and mentions and Other Stories but there have been no Canon stories set in this era yet I believe that's because the Old Republic MMO is still receiving updates it along with the Knights of the Old Republic video games are not canon but I think Lucas film is staying out of that era for now to avoid confusion the high Republic era begins 500 years before the events of the Star Wars films and lasts for four centuries it's seen as a golden age for the Republic and the Jedi Order who were both at the height of their power and idealism with the threat of the Sith gone the Galaxy is largely at peace so the Republic expands its influence deeper into the outer rim sharing resources and prosperity with new planets when conflicts do arise the Republic and the Jedi both seek peace and negotiation as seen on the Waring neighbor worlds of ir and Dono but a group of marauders called Nile opposed the expansion of light and life into their territory they wage war against the Republic in a corner of the outer rim unleashing a nameless terrifying weapon that has the power to petrify Jedi and any Force users the ongoing High Republic Books and Comics first shaped this era taking place four to 200 years before the events of the Skywalker Saga but we will soon see the high Republic era in live action when the acolyte Premier that series is said to take place in the final days of the high Republic so it should be around one century or so before the Battle of Gavin we can break the high Republic down even further into three distinct phases quest of the Jedi starts at 500 BBY and lasts 118 years until 382 BBY at this point the Republic has become stable enough after the Sith Wars that they begin using Pathfinder teams to create new hyperspace Lanes into the outer rim a cult called the path of the Open Hand Rises to power opposing all Force users including the Jedi believing manipulating the force even to save lives is evil their hostility comes to a head in the battles of Jetta and dalna where the nameless are first witnessed by the Jedi Order before disappearing there's a 150e gap before the next phase called light of the Jedi which begins in the year 252 BBY and goes 23 years to 229 BBY in that Gap the path of the Open Hand transforms themselves into the more aggressive Nile Marauders who once again use the name list to attack the Jedi and destroy a republic space station called Starlight Beacon the third phase is called Trials of the Jedi lasting nine more years from 229 BBY to 220 the books and com are currently covering that time period so we don't know everything about it but it's centered around the corner of the Galaxy the Nile have taken by force I assume by the end of that phase the Nile threat will be dealt with and then we will have another 100 years or so gap before the events of the acolyte take place which we will learn more about later this year now we're reaching the point in the timeline where every other era combined takes place in less time than the high Republic alone the fall of the Jedi era begins about 100 years before the events of A New Hope and lasts until the end of of the clone wars in the year 19 BBY during this time the long-forgotten Sith order begins to secretly rise in power once again the events of the high Republic era changed the Jedi and the Republic leaving them more and more open to manipulation and Corruption the Jedi decommissioned the several outposts they had across the outer rim and become more isolated and centralized on corusant bureaucrats and greedy politicians multiply inside the galactic Senate the Sith Lord Darth cius Maneuvers his way into the position of supreme Chancellor and orchestrates several crises that pushed the Galaxy into fullscale war the Jedi are put on the front lines of the conflict and are eventually wiped out by their own troops with no one left to oppose his rule cidus turns the Republic into the first Galactic Empire and Liberty dies with thunderous Applause as emperor of the Galaxy he takes on a new Sith Apprentice the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker turned Darth Vader but Skywalker's two children are taken into hiding by two surviving Jedi Masters this part of the timeline is of course defined by the prequel trilogy films and the Clone Wars animated series the reign of the Empire Era lasts 19 years taking us from the end of the Clone Wars all the way to the battle of scarif the few surviving Jedi of the Galaxy go into hiding but many are hunted down by Darth Vader and his inquisitors the Empire grows unchecked expanding its borders and Military might in secret it constructs a massive space station called the Death Star which has the power to destroy entire planets the Empire and its Sith leader rule through fear above all else but the Sparks of rebellion spread across the Galaxy regular citizens create a Network called The Hidden path to smuggle Jedi and other Force sensitive people to safety small Rebel cells form on numerous planets working independently until a senator named mon mothma publicly denounces the emperor and organizes them into a unified movement called The Rebel Alliance as the rebels take Boulder action Imperial leadership tightens its grip on the Galaxy seeking to crush any hope of defiance when the alliance learns of the existence of the Death Star the Rebellion strikes out in its First Act of open war against the empire to steal the plans for the super weapon this part of the timeline includes stories like Rogue one solo a Star Wars story Obi-Wan Kenobi Andor the bad batch Star Wars Rebels and the Star Wars Jedi video games the age of rebellion era begins with the leadup to the Battle of Gavin the destruction of the Death Star and takes us through the Battle of Jau and the end of the Galactic Civil War 5 years later making this the shortest era of the timeline but that doesn't stop it from having more stories than any other era after the destruction of alderon and the rebel victory at the Battle of Yavin more star systems rise up against the empire Luke Skywalker and Leia Orana the children of Darth Vader rise to prominence during this time Leia cements herself as a primary leader of the Rebel Alliance and a symbol of Hope Luke learns the ways of the force becoming a full-fledged Jedi Knight after confronting his father bringing Anakin Skywalker back to the light side of the force Darth cidus and his Empire are both defeated in the Battle of indor Imperial leadership lashes out in vicious attacks across the Galaxy in what they call operation Cinder their Devastation continues for an entire year until the Empire finally officially surrenders at the battle of jaku however some Governors and Warlords refuse to give up carving off pieces of the Galaxy as their own territory this part of the timeline is of course defined by the original Star Wars Trilogy as well as the many books comics and video games that take place in between those films the new Republic era begins after the Rebel Alliance transitioned into an official government called the new Republic and lasts for over two decades although the Galactic Civil War has ended undoing the Damage Done by the Empire proves challenging Outer Rim planets fall into law lessness and the Imperial Remnant is allowed to thrive in the distant reaches of the Galaxy New Republic outposts try to warn their leaders of a growing threat but high ranking officials turn a blind eye hoping to avoid Another War instead the responsibility largely falls on citizens of the outer rim like several Mandalorian Clans new Republic soldiers willing to defy orders and a Jedi Survivor named ahsokatano who fails to prevent the return of a brilliant Imperial Grand Admiral named thraw his homecoming will likely unite the Imperial Remnant under his leadership to mount one final campaign aign against the New Republic during this time Luke Skywalker begins a Jedi training academy and takes on his nephew Leia's son bin solo as his first student this section of the timeline is where many of the Star Wars streaming series take place including the Mandalorian the book of Boba Fett Ahsoka and the upcoming series Skeleton Crew the rise of the first order era begins 28 years after the battle of Yavin and takes us through to the Battle of exagol 7 years later although the new Republic survives the Imperial Remnant they still struggle to remain United and free of corruption the spirit of Emperor Palpatine lives on in a clone body from a hidden Sith world in the unknown regions he orchestrates the rise of the first order From the Ashes of his Empire Leia learns of the danger and creates a resistance prepared to fight while the new Republic turns a blind eye but her son Ben Solo Falls to the dark side after a huge misunderstanding with Luke Skywalker he takes up the name kylo Ren and joins the first order with a new super weapon they destroy the new Republic Senate and take control of the Galaxy for one year Leia's resistance fights back with the help of of Palpatine's granddaughter Ry who learns to become a Jedi under both Luke and Leia she and the resistance help Inspire the rest of the Galaxy to stand against oppression and the dark side defeating Darth cidus his forces and the Sith order once and for all this part of the timeline is obviously mostly made up of the sequel Trilogy films and the Animated Series Star Wars resistance the new Jedi Order era is currently the final era that we know of in the Canon Star Wars timeline I imagine it will begin immediately or shortly after the rise and fall of the first order while this was a major era in Star Wars Legends we know next to nothing about it in Canon right now but similar to the dawn of the Jedi era it will be defined by an upcoming movie involving Ry and her efforts to create a new Jedi Order it'll take place 15 years after the battle of exigal and the other events of the rise of Skywalker which is 50 years after the battle of Yavin I expect she will have made some decent strides by then hopefully having some students hopefully Finn will also be a Jedi the only thing we can say about the bigger picture is a quote from director charmino Cho who said the new Jedi Order would be opposed by Rising powers that hope to destroy them which is vague and unsurprising I wonder if those Powers will be made up of just regular people instead of some rival dark side group it would be interesting if some people felt similar to Luke in The Last Jedi that the Jedi Order just causes problems and should be a thing of the past that would give the movie a great opportunity to explore why the Jedi are important but the fact of the matter is this is the era we know the least about right now like I said in Legends the new Jedi Order was a major ER for Star Wars books it was centered around an extra Galactic Invasion by the yuzon vong warrior aliens that devastated the Galaxy and nearly destroyed the new Republic they posed a major challenge for Luke's New Jedi Order and their attack saw the deaths of Chewbacca and hanen Leia's son Anakin solo The War lasted from 25 to 29 years after the battle of Yavin so it was far earlier than Ray's movie will take place I bring this up because fans have been wondering if the yuzon vong will appear in The Next Star Wars film and I doubt it based on what we've heard about opposition to the Jedi specifically instead of a new Galactic threat I doubt the vong will pop up but it is worth noting that they were nearly brought into an arc of the Clone Wars so I wouldn't say it's completely off the table either but that brings us to the end of my speculation for the new Jedi Order so that's where this video ends we'll obviously learn more about the dawn of the Jedi the Old Republic and the new Jedi Order in the future I wouldn't be surprised if we got some more eras thrown into the past at some point but this information should stay pretty current for a while at least until the new Jedi order movie gets here so that's it for today if you haven't already please like this video subscribe to the channel follow us on our socials and consider checking out our patreon page as always thanks for watching and May the force be with you
Channel: Star Wars Explained
Views: 34,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: every era of star wars, star wars eras explained, dawn of the jedi, the old republic, the high republic, fall of the jedi, reign of the empire, age of rebellion, the new republic, rise of the first order, new jedi order, star wars explained
Id: GsEE79imyKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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