The Spongebob Pearl Theory

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Pearl has been a main character in SpongeBob since the show started but the fact is anyone who was older than 8 years old would have always questioned how come Pearl a whale is somehow the daughter of a crab and the reason is frankly because she isn't actually his daughter there have always been a lot of theories floating around on the origins of Pearl and how she ended up with Mr Crabs and today we're going to explore some of these theories and give each of them a serious look why does it have to be this way it's for the best the first thing I would like to point out is that it was actually intentional by the creator of the show Steven hillenberg that the cast of main characters were to be unique case closed right not really I mean it would be easy to point out that SpongeBob is consistently inconsistent and brushed at this fatherdaughter relationship as just another inconsistent part of the show but the fact remains that Pearl being Mr crabs' daughter is one of the biggest secrets of the show that was never talked about in detail hillenberg did State an interviews that questions surrounding crabs and her were the most asked questions submitted by fans so how did a crab end up with a whale daughter well the first thing I want to look at is Whale of a Birthday where Mr Krabs is planning a birthday party for Pearl and he utters the phrase Pearl takes after her mother now most fans default to the idea that Mr Krabs was talking about Pearl being a whale and that that's why she takes her mother's traits right but no that is not What's Happening Here Mr Krabs is referring to Pearl's love for money and shopping to be just like her mother not her whale characteristics this leads me to conclude that Pearl was actually adopted by the CRA family but where are her parents okay let's start by addressing Mr Krabs if there is something everyone knows about Mr Krabs I mean besides him being a crab of course is that he is one of the greediest people in bikini bottom and his love for money surpasses almost everything in anyone so why would someone who is this greedy get married for God's sakes the guy showers in money see I believe that the reason the show never showed Mrs Krabs is because she actually never existed think about it we've seen Mr Krabs at the Crusty Krab his house on vacation and many many flashbacks where where he's always alone there ain't nothing fancy about that word you mean yes that one now the story of what happened to perl's biological mother is not explicitly stated in the series but there is a fan Theory by John Negron of what happened to pe's mother which seems to be the most accepted one the story pretty much goes that the mother and daughter pair were swimming along when suddenly Pear's mother gets trapped by a hook from Whale hunters unable to swim away she just continues bleeding and then she passes away while holding her little baby whale Pearl now this is where Mr Krabs just happens to be walking down when he spots this giant sperm whale trapped and tries to save her unable to do so though he feels like a failure until he realizes that there's actually a baby whale unharmed and scared Mr Krabs hesitates due to the implications of raising her but then decides it's his duty to take care of this little girl and decides to adopt her great rting H pit of Dave Jones locker but can we find any evidence of this actually happening in the series well when SpongeBob Dr and Patrick play with fishing hooks Mr Krabs becomes obsessed with stopping them and even as a kid watching this I always thought to myself why I mean clearly he seems to be the only one in the show who surprisingly was very terrified of these hooks almost like he had some kind of pass with them they're back they're back I tell you I saw with my own eyes oh so maybe J's fan Theory might actually be a real thing okay but let's see I'm reaching there's another theory where maybe Mrs Puff could help us find out who Pros mother is see in the episode doing time SpongeBob repeatedly fails his driver's license exam leading to chaos in the city hey what do you got against the melons he eventually drives off an unfinished bridge and the police just follow him they land on a truck caring fruit punch and caus it to Spill and flood at a rest home Mrs Puff who was supervising SpongeBob is sent to prison for gross negligence and this is where we have our first encounter with a blue whale as one of the female prisoners that Mrs Puff calls her her people and considering we really don't know anything about this whale we can kind of assume that she had a difficult upbringing and that she probably got involved in some kind of troubled activities which ultimately led to her incarceration but what if there was more to the story where this whale could actually be Pearl's mother and when she found out about her pregnancy and realized she couldn't provide a stable environment for her child she was forced to put her up for adoption no no baby no more crying this might seem like a stretch of imagination but this whale does appear in other episodes of SpongeBob as well and being that she's the only other female whale that we see in the series this leads me to believe that there is more to her story I somehow just realize what's happening so did I now I have seen this Theory floating around but my biggest doubt about this Theory comes from the fact that she is a blue whale while Pearl is a sperm whale and yeah sure Pearl could have taken all of her traits from her father but I think this blue whales role in the series is a little deeper and yet less subtle that I want to explore more at the end of this video but what about PR's father well in the episode jailbreak we find plankton in prison Gathering support from fellow fellow prisoners in order to escape and steal the formula of the Krabby Patty One inmate in particular caught my attention a gray sperm whale that happened to be the only other character that matches Pearl's traits exactly to a T he is even happy helping Plankton which begs the question could this guy be Pro's father and is just seeking revenge on Mr Krabs by helping Plankton hurt crabs where it hurts him the most his business again we don't have enough background information on this whale to determine whether or not he is the father of pearl but I know what you're thinking why would you bring up this story or the other inmates into this conversation and we can't make any meaningful conclusion because there seems to be a larger idea brewing in my mind about Pearl whales and the world of SpongeBob growing up watching the series and seeing the world of Bikini Bottom it always struck me the fact that so many different sea creatures were shown yet whales were very rare in fact since 1999 when SpongeBob first aired there have been only a handful of episodes where whales other than Pearl are shown and then again when we do encounter these whales in the story line these whales are often incarcerated which begs the question are whales supposed to be a lower Society class in Bikini Bottom it almost seems to be a subtle way for the creators of the show to let the audience draw these conclusions based on their choices of why whales are always impr prison in the show what if Pearl is the exception to the rule and happens to be the only whale in good standings with the law I mean Pearl loves to go on shopping spree but that is easy to do when your father is literally foot in the bill you buy me a boat Bo did I mean they did so maybe Pearl would be a criminal as well if Mr Krabs couldn't pay for a lavish lifestyle that is a question that we probably really would never know but apparently there was a plan to make a two episode long origin story of Pearl and finally let us see Mrs Krabs however Steven hillenberg shelved it as he wanted to save it and make sure that it was perfect cuz he didn't want to get started until he had the story approved now hillenberg secrecy about per and her mother were unfortunately taken to his grave as he passed away in 2018 and with his passing also the origin story that was never told my little girl is finally a star it is possible that one day we will learn what SpongeBob's creators had in mind for Mr Krabs and Pearl possibly letting us see Mrs Krabs but as of right now it's something that we can only think about in our imagination regardless I believe it is safe to say that Pearl wasn't adopted but actually just found like the fan Theory art I showed earlier cuz Mr Krabs is way too greedy to even pay for adoption fees make cour gr come out me no but anyways this is the last message I want to leave you guys off with that even when someone like Mr Krabs with major flaws like being greedy can be warmed to the idea of helping others like raising a whole whale even if it goes against their typical way of life daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy and he does love her I mean after all the sign of the Crusty Crab is a clamshell the same place where pearls come from but anyways that's going to be it for today's video smash like smash subscribe thank you for watching
Channel: MustardPregnancy
Views: 417,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3wFJPPmMqm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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