The Snapped Case of Lois Riess

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hey you and welcome my name's mike and in this l video we're talking about um as you may be you know hazard i guess from the title we're talking about a kind lovely old granny named lois reese of blooming prairie minnesota she was just a just a sweetheart you know until she wasn't see she loved a roll in the dice she loved it like a lot like a lot a lot so much soda it would lead to the facade of the kindly old jolly granny that would disappear and she would go on the run that's the short and sweet of it anyway let's get into the long and sour of it let's go so lois reese of blooming prairie she's quite a character lois had a husband dave reese and they were married for 35 years by the time our story begins in 2018 technically begin then because we gotta you know get to what led to dave reese was born in 1963 in rochester minnesota after he finished high school he joined the navy and when stationed in san diego that's where he married lois swift a fellow rochester eonian in 1982 the pair would eventually move back to rochester and have three kids dave would work in a warehouse for many years before opening his own bait and tackle shop lois ran a daycare out of the reese home so that's life you know i guess for many years um until 2005 rolled around you know the kids were all grown up they were starting to have kids of their own and so lois and dave moved to blooming prairie a tent of about 1900 people small little friendly community and see dave dave was a man with a dream big dreams big dreams and he thought you know what gosh darn it it's time i followed those dreams and so we did and he opened a wax worm shop delicious said the fish so they were known as a nice kind friendly couple you know around town as they always are in these stories the waxworm shop would become quite successful one friend would say it was like a license to print cash and the reese's would have a number of employees whom dave treated with kindness lois ran another daycare out of the house and her children would have children who in turn would be spoiled by lois and dave lois you know she was active she had her friends they she joined a bowling league they they would travel around you know an excuse to get hammered with the gals no doubt lois and dave would often eat dinner at the blooming prairies servicemen's club where dave helped out as well so you know they would be pretty decent participants in the local community and it would be on march 23rd 2018 that the police would be called to check on dave reese nobody had seen nor heard from him in almost two weeks he hadn't shown up at work he hadn't called he even missed a fishing trip and he he loved his old fishing who will bring to waxworms the last time he was seen by his friends was when he was at the at the pub on march the 8th of 2018. now dave had responded two texts a friend's employees would get texts from dave's phone but and this is a big booty when dave would text people text employees text friends whatever he would usually text via dictation to his phone meaning you know he would talk to his phone and it would type out what he was saying and then he would just say send right but that would mean that when people got text messages from dave's phone the sentences and words would oftentimes run together and all his texts looked like that that was just how he texted didn't use his tongues i don't know but now the text messages they were getting from dave's phone between march the 8th and march to 23rd the texts had punctuation lois had been seen on the day before the police called to check on dave she was last seen on march 22nd getting into dave's car and getting the hell out of dodge no one knew where she went and so a pair of officers rocked up to the reese house on the outskirts of town and seeing a light on inside the house and peering in the window they saw what looked like a body under a blanket in the bathroom upon entering the house they found dave on the floor he had been shot twice with a 22 handgun once in the chest and once in the back it looked like he'd been dead for at least a week and a half he was in quite a state of decomposition two whole weeks later and 1700 miles away all the way down in fort myers beach florida a woman named pam hutchinson was staying at a place called marina beach it was like these kind of fancy condos in fort myers beach on april 6th she'd already been there for three days that day she called the front desk and asked them to book her in for another three days then pam went and withdrew five grand from her bank account then she got into her car drove 90 miles upstate and checked in at the hilton hotel then after withdrawing another fifteen hundred dollars from her bank account she went to kushada casino resort in the town of kinder louisiana where she began to gamble away now the only problem with that with all that was that pam hutchinson was dead so what happened to lois reese well that's that's a question that's that's a good one that would bother the authorities for six weeks it won't bother us for that long though let's get into the secrets of lois reese lois and dave would make frequent trips to diamond joe casino in iowa about 40 minutes away dave wasn't so much into gambling but lois sure as [ __ ] was in fact it was becoming quite a problem in their marriage had been growing for years and years getting steadily worse and worse she was becoming well white the addict and her methods for fueling her addiction were getting um well they weren't getting better she had embezzled money from employees when she asked them to chip in for a golf cart for dave she may have pissed away money that was meant for the internment of her father's remains and a half million dollar inheritance also from lois's father that half a million dollars ended up in the house's pocket because guess what it don't lose one of the worst things lois did to feed her addiction was when lois's sister kim who had a mental breakdown after a failing marriage she went to live with lois and dave to to help get better lois then claimed that her sister was well basically unable to make decisions needed caring and was also get this kim was also a compulsive liar and so lois applied to be her legal guardian that was granted and what was also granted was lois access to kim's portion of her dad's inheritance which by that stage was two hundred thousand dollars lois was quote licking her chops when she saw that and as you can imagine it disappeared soon after eventually a social worker caught on lois was removed as guardian but no charges were ever filed against her it would be three years later after that fiasco that dave would be murdered four days after dave reese was last seen alive by friends and 11 days before his body would be discovered on the 12th of march lois popped into the worm firm letting the lads know that dave wouldn't show up for work he was a bit under the weather she'd pop into the the farm a few more times see the employees start yapping away with them ah yeah lads dave's bollocks won't see him for a while and then the next thing they knew on the 22nd of march she got into his car went off to god knows where and the next day the employees dave's friends you know they called the police to check on him silos had been coming and going from the house with dave's dead body rotting in the bathroom what she was doing this entire time was depositing business checks from the worm farm into dave's personal account and then withdrawing the money the day dave's body was found she was once again in diamond joe gambling away this time her hair was bleached white and she was asking about traveling south lois was named a person of interest in the investigation from pretty much get go you know and the investigation wouldn't cover no no you know abuse no affairs just lois's need to feed an addiction and that she eventually snapped it's quite simple but what follows isn't pam hutchinson the real pam hutchinson was in fort myers beach with her friend donna fetro donna's husband had recently passed away and so pam was with donna as donna prepared to spread his ashes in the gulf of mexico pam had also found a condo in the area she was interested in purchasing pam met a woman there and they became fast friends she would go out for dinner drinks and all that but on the night of thursday april 5th when donna texted pam to let her know they would be you know spreading the ashes donna never heard back it would be the next morning that pam quote unquote would call the front desk asked to stay in the condo for another three days would eventually go upstate and into louisiana and start gambling away at kushada casino resort and it would be three days later when you know pam ham was supposed to have left after you know calling and asking to stay on for those extra three days that you know room service would go into the condo to well they presumed she left checked out whatever they would find pam hutchinson's body in the bathroom she was dead on the floor having been shot she had been like that for several days before they found her well about three days inside the bathroom towels had been stuffed against the crack under the door and the thermostat was turned way down and so now we have a second investigation this one began following pam's movements and checking where her credit cards were being used and cctv footage showed a woman who looked very like pam but wasn't pam withdrawing five grand and 1500. so who was that who was you know withdrawing money from pam's account using her identity i wonder yet small it's a small world a woman named tess coster owned five rental units in fort myers beach tess was from blooming prairie and knew the rhesus and a week before pam hutchinson was found tess koster had seen lois reese in fort myers beach tess knew about dave's murder and that lois was wanted and so called the office this is funny police how can i help you hi there's an atv out for a lois reese from blooming prairie minnesota in seal county she she just got out of her car at my florida house okay so she has a warrant is that what you're saying yes for the possible murder of her husband and for sure for embezzling charges they had a goo around but didn't find any sign of her but they did find dave reese's car abandoned in fort myers and so after pam was found found only a couple of blocks from tess's house the police called tess to help identify the woman using pam hutchinson's credit cards while pam hutchinson was dead in the bathroom of a condo and tess was the one who told them that's lois reese and so now an investigation was you know being coordinated between minnesota and florida lois was uh well it looked like she had done both both were shot both were in the bathroom boat were covered in tells both their vehicles and money had been stolen and seemed like lois had killed pam they looked kind of alike she wanted to steal her identity and so a manhunt began for losing streak lois as the authorities would call her search for a woman accused of killing a tourist on fort myers beach now shifting to the border with mexico law enforcement officers now scrambling to see if they can intercept her before she can try to sneak out of our country and into mexico meanwhile we're getting new information about what she did on fort myers beach after cops say she killed a tourist just to steal her identity all right our top story here at 5 30 we have a minnesota woman who's now wanted in connection with her husband's death she is now charged with the death of a florida woman as well now there is a five thousand dollar reward for information leading to reese's arrest this is now turned into a cross-country search authorities say that lois reese may be targeting women who look like her so that she can steal their identity one florida woman who came into contact with reese was killed reece's motive operation is to befriend women who resemble her and steal their identity u.s marshals are actively involved in a national search for this dangerous fugitive reese is considered armed and dangerous and should not be approached if located this is a woman investigators say is a grandmother a gambling addict and a murderer wanted for killing her husband in minnesota in march emptying his personal and business bank accounts and leaving the town they lived in in an escalade heading to fort myers beach investigators say she abandoned that car at bowditch point on fort myers beach befriended pamela hutchinson who was on vacation there and murdered her she can be seen on video at a bar with hutchinson the night before her death investigators say lois reece stole the victim's id credit cards and car you can see her in this surveillance video leaving marina village in the victim's white acura but before leaving the beach reece stopped at a wells fargo bank using the victim's id to withdraw five thousand dollars from her bank account her next stop ocala at a hilton on april 6 where she used the victim's card to pay for a room she was then spotted in the state of louisiana and then again in corpus christi texas but unfortunately the trail went cold see they could trace her for a bit she took palms car left florida went to louisiana to a casino and then kept driving until she was last spotted on a camera south of houston texas on the 8th of april and that was it old mexico way seemed likely when pam hutchinson was discovered her passport and id were nowhere to be found so it was no coincidence that lois killed someone who looked like her so where was she there's an island called south padre island it's at the very tippity of texas right by the border and there a woman named donna showed up she would pay in cash always you'll be gregarious with all the other you know middle-aged women who were traveling alone who were there at the time and although lois reese's face was plastered all over national media no one on south padre island seemed to cop it and the way people would later say lois donna sorry well she was acting you know very similar to how she would have acted towards pam hutchinson probably looking for her next victim it would be over a week after she began staying on the island on the 19th of april that lois went to a restaurant called dirty owls loved to eat the food at dirty house the manager of dirty owls was the one who told he he seen her walk in and he was like to his staff i think apparently he was the only one watching the news apparently because he said to his staff that's the woman who killed that woman all the way over from florida now his staff are like [ __ ] but then the manager went out checked the car she'd arrived in and yeah that's the one uh police are looking for that vehicle he called the cops but by the time the police arrived lois was already gone gone next door because dirty owls was full lois surrendered without a fuss today's a huge win she can't strike again that was our main concern we bring a killer off the streets a multi-state manhunt is over tonight indeed on south padre island she was here and we got the tip and fortunately there was no further incident when we conducted the arrest and we're fortunate for that and we're just happy that we're able to put an end to the spree that was occurring the arrest of lois reese came as a shock to the people of south padre island who knew her as donna but also to the citizens of blooming prairie the kind of town where everyone knew everyone and no one locked their doors it's not common for women to go on the run or on sprees like this and the gambling addictions are not the most common motive for murder either hurting yourself is more common something which lois had attempted in 2015 when she was discovered by dave having overdosed on pain medication and was airlifted to rochester she would later tell the authorities that on march the 11th 2018 uh lois and david attended grandsons basketball game and after they they attended that basketball game lois wanted to stay with the family and dave wanted to go and so they argued all the way home as the argument spread to the bedroom according to lois what happened was this dave took out a loaded handgun and offered a tour saying why don't you just kill yourself maybe you'll get it right this time she took the gun off him and shot him in the heart in december 2019 lois appeared in court she pled guilty to the first degree murder of pam hutchinson to avoid the death penalty seeing a jury recommend the death penalty to mark sivers for the murder of his wife last week could have influenced reese's decision and was sentenced to life without parole just recently in august 2020 in minnesota after initially pleading not guilty she pled guilty to killing her husband and once again received a mandatory life sentence without parole that's right tom caitlin the pre-trial was held here at cass and manorville's performing arts center due to social distancing concerns already convicted of the murder of pam hutchinson in florida just after her husband david's murder reese was extradited to minnesota last month at the time she entered a not guilty plea and has been held in the steele county jail since but today she pled guilty for the first degree murder of her husband in 2018. she also accepted the sentencing of life in prison without possibility of parole reece described today how she and her husband had been arguing after their grandson's basketball game that day in 2018 the argument led to david handing her his gun and telling her to kill herself instead lois fired the 22 caliber gun into her husband's heart david reese's family as well as the couple's children addressed their mother today reece's son stated quote what you did was selfish and left us with a mess he added that while he is forever grateful for his upbringing it will take a lot for him to ever see his mother again lois's daughter stated that she forgives her mother and added that the death of her father was the result of lois's neglected mental health issues lois herself then read a statement saying she feels as if she deserves her punishment of life in prison and she apologizes to her husband's family and friends she concluded by stating her children are her biggest accomplishment and they possess the best traits of their father david after receiving her sentence lois hugged her attorney gave one last look at her children and was led away in police custody she would be able to serve her time in minnesota to be closer to her family in a statement she would tell her children i feel i need to say this i didn't know how much pain i was in until i wasn't anymore and there you have it a tragic story you know of addiction leading to uh what it led to like i said it's rare to come across a story like this and even stranger to to see where it went and i guess you know the only lesson here from a woman who snapped is if you have a gambling problem get help please uh get help and don't don't go on a spree and kill two people and then go on the run stealing somebody's identity um just off to dumb just putting it out there thank you so much for watching i appreciate it uh you know the drill i'll see you real soon in the next one alrighty take care of yourselves mike out you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,386,438
Rating: 4.9203081 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, lois riess, lois reiss, pamela hutchinson, pam hutchinson, dave riess
Id: 10sAasaxiSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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