The Disappearance of Allison Baden-Clay

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/smattson10909 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this all video we're gonna talk about what happened to Alison fade and clay who went missing in Queensland Australia in 2012 mother and wife Alison Baden clay disappeared from her home one night and a frantic search began to try and find her and maybe they did find her and maybe just maybe this story will take a turn that's just all too common in these cases you'll see what I mean and I just want to let you guys know that this video is sponsored by Hunter Killer the murder mystery investigation subscription service we'll talk a little bit more about that later but honestly it is just so much fun but for now we got some hunter killer ring to do for ourselves so let's get into what happened to Alison Baden clay [Music] Allisyn Dickey oh dear was born in 1968 in Queensland Australia gonna be biting my tongue here trying not to do my usual [ __ ] accents Alison grew up in a tight community of family and friends in Ipswich 40 miles east of Brisbane she grew up excelling in ballet even traveling around to do the dance is that what it's called as a ballerina she was really good at it but she was eventually dropped from the ballet school at age 15 she then spent a couple years travelling the worlds and teaching English she could speak six languages I can barely speak one and she eventually got a degree in psychology in 1990 Alison was working on Heron Island where she met Ian Drayton a soldier turned scuba instructor and they fell in love Alison was also crowned Miss Brisbane in 1993 so she decided to give it a go for the Kraken well I guess she was pretty good Alison and Ian eventually moved to Brisbane where Alison took a job with Flight Center a travel agency Ian began working in real estate by the way everybody in this story works in real estate for some reason a lot of houses in Australia they got engaged bought a house together and split up five years later it wasn't because of a big argument or [ __ ] like that they just eventually drifted apart as people do and so who enters the picture but only Jarrod Baden clay who had his eyes on one thing her hand in marriage of course fun fact Jarrod was actually the great-grandson of scouts founder Lord baden-powell scouting is a global organization which has its core fundamental in doing unto others as you'd have done unto you and leaving the world a better place than you found it I don't know what you're gonna do with that information but I guess if you ever find yourself soaked at a party let's move on Jared wooed this [ __ ] at Mollison and she would eventually fall deeply in love with him but this is gonna sound very familiar but Alison's friends and family they were not for me he's up for me Alison Dicky became Alison Baden clay in 1997 which let's be honest it's a step up for Vickie together they would go in to have goddammit tree children beginning in 2001 in 2003 jared became a real estate agent he'd gotten laid off from flight center and he was keen to get back on the money train and so he started up his own agency not long after while Alison stayed at home with the kids however as the years went on jared was always at work and Alison she was home with the kids she was a stay-at-home mother their relationship became strange and fractured they would eventually have marriage counseling and during one session Jared would even admit he was considering ending it the marriage that is Jared was under a lot of pressure at work he was David the company was struggling financially and he was even cooking the books which means no good he had to let go of some of his own employees including one by the name of Tony McHugh Alison then started helping out in the office on Thursday April 19 to 2012 Alison left the office after a day at work she went to go get her hair did she had a big conference to attend the next day Jared he went home by himself and then yeah after getting her hair done Alison men returned home to the house she arrived home put the kids to bed now Alison and Jared then stayed up talking that night about marriage issues and then Jared he went to bed at about 10:00 p.m. at last he saw his wife Alison was her watching TV by herself as he got some should I the next morning Jared woke up at about 6 a.m. Allison was gone he started looking around a house couldn't see her anywhere I don't know what that was I'm then so he he thought maybe she'd gone out for a walk but no dices she had a conference to attend that day he texted her nothing he called her nothing and what happened to Allison and the hunt for the killer would begin did I just did I just spoil some don't look it up and speaking of hunting a killer this video is sponsored by Kentucky ler hunter killer is a subscription service based on a fictional crime every month they send you a box of evidence with the goal being to eliminate suspects and find out what really happened if you're into true crime and I presume you at least have a passing interest if you watch videos on my channel then you're gonna love it it really does make you feel like a detective it's awesome it gets amazing reviews for very good reasons I love that as I said they sent me a season it was it was genuinely so much fun playing it for errors at a time hell even Charlie loved it they send you evidence pictures videos audio recordings reports and you've done you don't put these pieces together you saw codes and you've genuinely actual have to think outside the box a lot of time as well like you use real-world knowledge to help solve the crime and catch the killer behind this everything just looks really really cool it's all really high quality genuinely I couldn't recommend it more if you think you'd be interested please check out Hunter Killer comm slash that chapter and you can get 20% off your first box by using code chapter also part of the proceeds go to the cold-case foundation an organization that works to bring justice and restoration to cold cases pretty relevant to the things we talk about here once again that's hunter-killer comm slash that chapter and use code chapter at checkout for 20% off your first box thank you so much to hunt a killer for making a really original awesome product and for helping to support the channel alright let's go back to hunting our own killer in this video an hour after he noticed his wife was nowhere to be found he dialed zero zero zero nine only one in Australian I don't want to be Allah with my wife at the time I know I don't know where she is okay when did you my see it this last night when we were to this bed and I got up this morning and cheap she's walking there and that's not unusual she she often goes through a walk in the morning yep I've texted her and called her a number of times I think she has her phone with her yeah morning she she was planning to she had a seminar in the city because she was planning to leave by around 7:00 okay she's not back I'm yeah okay all right and what you might I'm driving the streets most my father come over and to look after my children yeah okay so what was it what's your name festival so um Jared David played and what's your wife's name two cops then rocked up to his house and began speaking with him Jared in relation to your voice movements today what time do you think she got up wet ready did you sleep together last night I say before my donation I'm a asleep snoring I went a bit which car did she got a bed where was she when you last saw her watching with Felicia so she was sitting it allowed Shannon's not what time I don't mean could we ring the office manager to make sure she's not actually in that seminar yeah look I'm not trying to alarm you but at this stage we're probably gonna have to call that our Criminal Investigation bridge just to cover all bases and they may want to speak to you just about your wife's movements and those sort of things but I think at this point we probably just need to ramp it up just to try and locate your wife as quickly as I wanted forever we need to we need to do this well I know just that other police will be coming in five minutes time I'm happy to answer all questions one thing they did notice when talking to him where these cuts on the side of his face he said he'd been shaving and nicked himself what the [ __ ] kind of [ __ ] razor was he using and so the search began but from the start the police had a weird feeling about old Jared he seemed oddly calm for his wife to be missing the house had been recently cleaned like within the last couple of errors cleaned and at one point Jared took a detective aside and said listen guys got some tutorial I have another fear of him finding someone else but my wife and I she knew under D Fair was long over so don't worry about it we didn't have an argument about it that's not why she's gone missing don't be don't be ridiculous come on the police then gave him one of these I decided to label the house a big ol crime scene that same day Jared called a lawyer and refused to give police a formal statement he also told the detective if I'm going to be arrested I would like my sister Olivia to have custody of the children whoa crikey might come in a bit early to concur wasn't he Jame bit early to conclusions well no he actually wasn't in Queensland police are continuing to investigate the disappearance of Brisbane woman Alison Baden clay the search for the missing mum of 3 continued at Brookfield in the surrounding suburbs today mrs. Baden clays husband reported her missing from their home last Friday morning today police spoke to Jared Baden clay and updated him on the investigation excuse me this Gators continued to work with members of the family the search will continue tomorrow during the search the police spoke to neighbors with a few of them telling the police they had heard a short sharp scream the night she was last seen they also heard a car squeal off into the nights but they just thought it was joyriders or whatever and from the beginning people were whispering bet old Jerrod see he came at the Jarrett had been lying about the affair it was still going on who was this affair with well old Tony McHugh his ex-employee he had told his wife about the affair but said it was over it wasn't he had been telling Tony time and time again he would leave Alison and be with her she gave him an ultimatum and he said to Tony that by the first of July he would be a free man and would be with her that also happened to be Alison's birthday the police had another chat with Jarrett and a you know the scratches on his face they were hmm kind of suspicious so they asked him to remove his tough they saw a load of patches on his chest burst veins like he'd pulled off like something had been rubbing against his chests or he had used his muscles in such a way if you were pulling off something heavy he said it was from a caterpillar white boys Escada pillar me bollocks oh wait no [ __ ] this is Australia doctor y'all had a thought two days after Alison went missing police found blood on pieces of Alison's hair in her car and the police called Jared and again they wanted to take more pictures and examine those at wounds on his chests but he never made it he was at a car accident he was driving and he suddenly swerved into a concrete pylon he he was fine but after the accident he was lying on the ground on the road on his chest drying himself away from the car in case it might explode or something but you know dragging himself away from the car he might just happen to scratch his chest against the Harrod concrete of the road [ __ ] guess he can't examine his chest now that sucks under search continued good evening the husband of a woman who mysteriously disappeared from her Kenmore home last Thursday night has broken his silence to 9 news the hunt for Alison Baden clay has intensified with police now searching industrial garbage bins for evidence coming out of his parents home the pain and strain of the last five days was clear to see across Jarrod Baden clay space I'm trying to look after my children at the moment they've got three young girls and we we really trust that the police are doing everything they can to find my wife and we just hope that you come home soon 9news understands mr. Baden clay has hired lawyers and has been in regular contact with detectives spoken to the police about everything and I've had no contact Alison disappeared last Thursday night and hasn't been seen or heard from since her mobile phone is also missing and her bank account has been untouched was she upset before she went away no and and the police tried to help the police as much as I can we all have everything we've got so thank you sorry the family car has been impounded and is undergoing scientific examination but mr. Baden clay was behind the wheel of a friend's car when he lost control of it on Sunday crashing into a pole outside the injured police shopping centre the well-known real estate agents spent time in hospital a little bit but I'm okay the search for Alison has now intensified around Brookfield and expanded to include Kenmore Hills pool in Vail and Bell Barry robbery owners have again been asked to check their own land we've got such great family support my sister and my family here and they're looking after we need to find her the police would even place mannequins around town wearing what Alison had been when she was last seen hoping to jog some memories or someone would see something then ten days after Allison's disappearance on the 30th of April a woman's body was found by a canoeist in the Brisbane River he recognized her by her clothing she was found about eight miles from her home the following day the body was confirmed to be Alison be aware this morning about 11:00 a.m. we have had advice to police in relation to a person canoeing along various parts of the Brisbane River and tributes in particular near the Kolo Creek area and man Crosby Road a female person has been located deceased on the banks of the creek in that particular area at this time I can't confirm for that person is the missing person Alison Bowden clay the person is subject to a recovery process and also to confirmation that it is our missing person that we've been extensively looking for over the past 11 days as news of the development rippled through the Brookfield community Jared Baden clays parents lowered their flag to half-mast Olivia how is Jared after yesterday's development as mrs. Baden close family and friends wait for answers it's clear the wider community too is grieving leaving flowers at her home it's sad it's always the kids that do suffer away nothing can bring her back but hopefully something will be done about the horrible person the autopsy report stated that the cause of death could not be determined but it's believed who have been blunt-force trauma and during the autopsy of Allison's body leaves were found in her hair that much leaves found in Allison's garden the tree they came from was found nowhere else on the route from her home to where she was found only in her garden Alison's funeral was held on may 11th on the 13th of June 2012 Jared was formally interviewed at Indooroopilly yeah sure that sounds about right police station and he was charged with Alison's murder and for interfering with her corpse he maintained his innocence the husband of murdered Brisbane woman Alison Baden clay is tonight expected to be charged over her death lawyers for Jarrod Baden clay spoke to the media a short time ago police have indicated an intention to charge my client with murder he is devastated and his intention to figure asleep thank you see as I said the affair wasn't over and he was fully committed to leaving Alison to be with Toni McHugh he was also in tremendous debt he owed about 1 million Australian dollars which is quite a lot of money and so because of that he couldn't really afford a divorce I believe they're kind of expensive but as so often comes up what Alison just happened to have a life insurance policy wouldn't that life insurance policy happened to be worth about 1 million Australian dollars and the day after she was found didn't he try and ring up hey cashing in guys the police also found on his laptop that he was googling minutes before he made that triple zero called the emergency services he was googling his own legal rights he said that he had been watching a legal drama the night before and he just had so happen to be you so Mercer was like oh whenever that and then he said it just happened to reload the search just happened to reload minutes before he called the emergency services well so initially they got back they told their supervisors that there are a bit sauce on this bloke and then I think he was brought in for questioning or someone went out and saw him and almost straight away the scratches on his face were discussed the trial began in Brisbane Supreme Court on the 10th of June 2014 two years after he was arrested Jarrod pled not guilty to all charges as I said he would consistently maintain his innocence shreds entire thing the prosecution claimed he killed her dragged her right through the garden where the leaves got in her hair he then put her in the car and dumped her in a river hoping she'd be washed away on the 15th of July he was found guilty of murdering Alison he was given a life sentence with a non-parole period of 15 years the charge for interfering with a corpse was dropped almost a year later in August 2015 jared appealed his conviction and his conviction was subsequently downgraded to manslaughter on the basis that the evidence at trial was not enough to prove he killed her well just accidentally killed her well Davina he's now convicted of manslaughter so that means he's murder conviction that he was confound guilty on last year has now been changed over to manslaughter so now he will have to be re sentenced we're not sure when that will be likely Justice John Byrne will resentence him in the new year now inside court it was packed with Alison Baden Clay's family and best friends we heard audible gasp of disbelief as that Appeal decision was read out they are due to come outside very shortly but in the meantime the family have released a statement to nine News they've said that they are extremely disappointed with the verdict they are they are awaiting the illegal process to play out in the hope that eventually though justice for Alison will be served you can just imagine how crushed they would be they were hoping this would be the last time that they would be fronting up here to the Supreme Court only to find out that that conviction has been overturned from murder to manslaughter people we're pissed there was a huge amount of air rage because I think it's pretty obvious it was intentional what he did well there is outrage this morning after former Brisbane real estate agent Jarrod Baden clay yesterday had his murder conviction downgraded to manslaughter over the death of his wife Alison in 2012 The Courier Mail probably sums up the feelings of many this morning with that front page the decision was very controversial there were even protests and the appeal it would be appealed the following year in August 2016 more than four years after Alison had died the High Court of Australia restored the original trial murder conviction he was going to be sent to prison for quite a long time in 2014 the Australian Women's Weekly magazine was bombarded with angry comments after it published an 8 page interview on glamorous photoshoot with Toni McHugh who had described herself as astray Lea's Monica Lewinsky and said she plans to run a book about her experience with jared baden clay so she's cashing in I can't I can't be personally held responsible i I know that if if it wasn't me it would have been another woman tragic story it's all about divorce Affairs debts which come up again and again I guess probably best to just get that divorce murdering somebody not something I'd recommend not that it never seems to really work out not that I don't don't look it up thank you so so much for watching I really really appreciate it if you'd like to watch some more of my videos please work away and I will see you as always real soon in the next video thanks again Mike [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,853,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, allison baden clay, allison baden-clay, gerard baden-clay, allison baden clay foundation, allison baden clay case, allison baden clay missing
Id: KbiQwOFf2dA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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