The Case of Mick Philpott

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This case is heartbreaking.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kindergoat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh my god, this is one of those cases that I will go down a rabbit hole in for days at a time. Cases with men like this fascinate me, thanks for the video Mike!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tonkerss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hey everyone .. just saw this one . Lol Mike Your Intro was grand .. this guy was a real piece of no work work huh ?! I mean and the women .. gees I guess public assistance cheats are everywhere there is public assistance ( not all are that use it just are some seemingly everywhere)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Silent-Steph πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How did he keep getting women? I don’t get it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jacko3105 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video we're going to know of england uh [ __ ] i need to stop doing accidents like immediately we're talking about mick philpop he was sort of a local celebrity you might see him coming to pub and slugging a few points or well maybe slugging something else he had 17 kids by a number of women what a guy keeping active good to see it what's not good to see though is what happened in 2012 alright that's it that's the intro let's go mick was born in 1956 in derby england obviously with uh 17 kids he was busy with the women so let's start there when kim hill was 15 years old she met mick who was four years older she fell head over heels he was her first boyfriend and she thought she'd nabbed a good one she was wrong over time his behaviors started to change he became controlling violent even the first time he hit her she didn't even know what had happened until of course he started ball and asking her not to tell her dad about it as her dad would well probably beat the piss out of him she kept that one to herself but to nobody's surprise probably not even kim's she should have uh nipped that one in the bud that became the norm from private beatings to public ones even one in a pub quote he got the thick end of a pool cue and whacked it straight across my mouth in front of a pub a load of blokes and not one of them did anything my mouth just burst open bleeding he made me sit and not one bloke said a word to him so [ __ ] those guys also she tried to leave him and uh well you can imagine how that went he broke her arm he fractured her kneecap with a hammer mick was a member of the british army right and every time he would come back from a posting he would accuse her of having an affair cheating on him and then just uh well beat the [ __ ] out of her to cover for him she would regularly tell school that she'd been in a fight in order for them to tell her father and explain away the bruises yeah she was still in school at the time so screw this guy and we're only starting but after two years of abuse kim finally had enough in july 1978 kim sent a letter to mick a breakup letter he then went awol he followed kim home and waited till her father left for his night shift so he was a coward too then he broke in and attacked her while she lay in bed stabbing her 27 times with a 9-inch knife kim's mother was in the house at the time heard screaming and rushed in at which point mick attacked her too with that knife she got stabbed 11 times she luckily made it outside all the while he's chasing her down the stairs with a knife stabbing her in the back before going back to kim he slit her open kim's mother got the neighbors to call 999 and then the paramedics arrived to find mick sitting on the stairs still holding the bloody knife telling the paramedics i wouldn't bother she's a gunner i'd done a good job on her she barely survived as did her mother for this mick was found guilty of attempted murder of kim and grievous bodily harm with intent for kim's mother he was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison though he was let out after tree for good behavior he would write kim all the time in prison i'm so sorry i'm so sorry and then you know he would say when i get out of prison we'll get married everything will be hunky-dory now thankfully when he did get out of prison he went and married another woman in 1986 named pamela lomax so good for kim bad for this pamela he would have three children with pamela all the while doing exactly what he was doing to kim to her pamela was too afraid to report him to police and mick made sure she knew you know exactly what happened to the last woman who tried to leave him so all the while pamela was just praying you know that he would leave her another woman would come along and wounded unfortunately a woman named heather keough heather keough uh poor woman actually sorry let me rephrase that poor child heather was only 14 when mick 37 started a relationship with her so on her 16th birthday she ran away with him she became pregnant with two boys and the abuse guess what didn't stop let me tell you he would even beat the [ __ ] out of her because she had two boys and he wanted a girl she would eventually leave mick having to abandon her children and it would be a lengthy court battle you know until she got them back mick loved kids uh he remember he had 17 all together he even tried to get the kids he had with his previous wife pamela lomax like taken away from her uh that didn't work luckily in 2000 mick met merade duffy a 19 year old single mother who had left a previous abusive relationship shortly after the two of them met she moved in with mick the year after he began his relationship with murray mick also met lisa willis a 16 year old orphan and also a single mother she quickly became his mistress moving in with both mick and moraid he'd also have a caravan parked outside the house it was there so he could have some alone time with his mistress murray and mick married in may 2003 lisa was the bridesmaid he was really uh you know doing the rounds it's insane and remember this is all the backstory to what like the main event in this case is so from 2003 onwards mick murray his mistress lisa and 11 children are all living together in a three-bedroom council house murray and lisa both work mick does he does he [ __ ] all the money goes to him uh you know all the women's earnings straight into mick's pocket man of the house i guess uh and why doesn't mick work well why would he 11 children in the house benefits baby are you having any more babies more kids equal more government benefits he'd probably be worse off if he started working and then when he got both women pregnant right he went to the government to get an even bigger council house to fit his expanding family at this present moment i am on cloud nine i'm buzzing i've just had child number 17 i've soon come to child number 18. there's gonna be a lot of people out there that's gonna say oh look the scum just stranded a shameless mick has done it again well i'll tell you what [ __ ] all of you because at the end of the day my life my wife's life lisa's life we do what we want we don't care what you people think at the end of the day but the council would tell him there's no available properties at this time you're [ __ ] out of luck i think i should be allowed a bigger property because i'm unemployed i should be getting a little bit of help from the castle oh yeah dobson council blah blah blah will help mr philpot as much as possible right what have i got to do to get somebody to actually listen it's not my fault at the end of the day it's down to the castle to be able to sort as that so of course mick turned to tv for help this is when his local celebrity status emerged right i'll kick lisa at my ass and let her move back in property on her own which is going to cost them [ __ ] to watch more money than what it's going to cost me you know you can't win [ __ ] them i'll have some more babies [Music] mcphilpot became shameless mick for example in 2007 he appeared on the jeremy kyle show for those of you who've never heard it it was it was like the jerry springer show cheating spouses benefit cheats you slept with my sister now you're the father of my uncle shock horror now let's bring out the lie detector results you are not the father that kind of daytime shite it was actually cancelled in 2019 after a guest on it killed themselves when they failed a lie detector test so good riddance here is mcphilpot in 2007. today i want to discover the man behind the headlines and uncover the truth about the guy who has been branded britain's biggest scrounger you don't work oh yes i do work yeah i know your argument on this just give it to us you say i look after my kids what's wrong with the man looking after his kids other than a woman that's correct what is wrong with a man looking after his children i mean i'm old-fashioned i believe the man should be at work but unfortunately because the media keeps putting his certain story in a paper i cannot get a job you can't get a job because of what criminal record i said you you do because when it comes to my kids i'm very i've just complimented your kids after i had to go with you i just said that just talk to that pal talk to that you're not working i complimented your kids i complimented your kids and i sat and listened to you and all i was saying was how good they look you have jumped out of your box with one hell of a chip on your shoulder you haven't even had anybody say anything to you so far and you're making signs no no no no you've no reason to do that but i'll tell you something when a grown man who purports to be a good father probably he is sits on national television and does that no wonder you can't get a damn his plan to get the public on his side so he could get a bigger house didn't work shockingly jesse i'm happy i've got my two wives here which i say two wives not one and i've got my kids and i've got my family that's all i care about look notes this is my wife murray hello my road this is going to sound strange this is my second wife lisa hello lisa have you got two wives they don't allow it in this country well no but i clash with two wives i see it's called don't like it this one here is baby number 18. i'll tell you what if the public doesn't like it you can get at the same time you know lisa his mistress was under constant abuse and mick uh it was really weird she was under constant abuse yet mick wanted to marry her and he asked his actual wife at the time raid to divorce him three times so we could marry lisa so this all brings us to february 2012. [Music] lisa had enough she was done with this [ __ ] she told murray she was taking her five children for mix one from a previous relationship she was taking her children swimming however instead she moved in with her sister that was the only way she could get out without a fight lying her way out mick how do you think he reacted he decided to get lisa in trouble by framing her for a crime what's more he even figured out a brilliant idea to uh make himself look like a hero while framing lisa it's a foolproof unfortunately mick was a fool so three months after lisa leaving in may 2012 mick hatched a plan with his wife mirade and a family friend named paul mosley two burn down his own home and frame lisa for it they would do it the day before a custody hearing between lisa and mick obviously mick wanted his kids back think of the benefits he'd get so he decided you know it'd make it he'd make it look like she tried to kill him to avoid mick getting his kids back the plan was that mick and paul moseley would put gasoline in through the mail slot like the fire and then mick would heroically pull his six children out of the fire and be a hero at least that was the plan how well do you think it went michael can you see any flames [Music] on the 11th of may 2012 at 4 am the fire ended up spreading a lot quicker than they had intended five children jade john jack jesse and jaden who had been asleep upstairs all died at the scene while their half-brother dwayne died in hospital two days later all of the debts were caused by excessive smoke inhalation fire investigators said temperatures in the upstairs bedrooms would have reached more than 500 degrees celsius during the blaze and that anyone in those rooms did not stand a chance of survival police confirmed that the fire was started deliberately with petrol underneath the letterbox an active arson stating that initial indications are that it was deliberately set and as a result six children have been unlawfully killed unlawfully killed what's a lawful way part of mixed plan worked by the way kind of lisa and her brother-in-law were brought in for questioning under the assumption that the pair had committed the arson but within hours they were cleared early on into the investigation police had their suspicions but make and married they called the press conference first of all i want to thank my three oldest children because they helping us to cope with what's going off and then there's a young lad called daniel stevenson who tried to get in the arsenal 7's myself and joe across the road than the butler brothers and of course the poor firemen at the police and the ambulances the doctors the nurses literally everybody who's who try to try to help save our children in the country let's give you a minute we've decided that through our son dwayne unfortunately the last one to pass away that we're going to donate his his organs to saving of a child which is what we want because if you say we have a child that makes us happy it takes a bit of pain away and we can't express our gratitude to everybody that's been concerned with the case of what's been going on um i've actually been down to my our our home and what we saw we just could just get off a little bit we grew up in a community that's been had a lot of problems with violence and god knows what else and to see this community to come together like it's just it's just too overwhelming we've had people from america france even the traveling i'm in the traveling community it's just we've been to see him it's just every moment but i say i can't express enough that the police are probably getting the ambulance services because what we feel then poor gentleman from the fire brigade saw what what we're seeing you know my heart goes out to them because it's not just it's up against them as well it's everybody but there's one thing i would request is please please leave my family alone if you've got any questions or anything at all please don't come through me or my family please go to the police because what's happening at the moment you're disrupting what these officers are trying to do so please i beg you leave us alone and let us try angry with peace and quiet that's all i ask thank you this actually just increased the police's suspicions at the conference he flirted with a female police officer inviting her back to his hotel room well she declined but what he didn't invite was a recording device which the police placed there they did this after finding forensic evidence that connected them to committing the crime also there was a ladder at the back of the house that was supposed to be used in the quote rescue which obviously never happened and the recording not a good look they gonna given it's on you and they've got nothing on me nothing tell me what you said to me what you'd say about how many times at least i could almost count how many times what did you say about me trying to get in you tried everything you could to get in that because that's when i wanted to run through the flames not the stairs would you cry when you're saying it not bad not really really bad but i did cry it's my fault that the family's gone it's my fault we've lost our children it's my fault because i still have park children smart popular i should have seen it all coming down that's my problem also in that room mick watched while moraid performed a sex act on paul mosley he you know he mick would acknowledge that she didn't want to do it but was like uh chin up slugger uh it's believed that they did this make got his wife to do this sex act on paul mosley you know to keep theater guy involved on their side unfortunately for them mick philpot and murray were arrested on suspicion of murder on the 28th of may 2012 and two days later they were charged with murder then on the 5th of november 2012 paul moseley was arrested on suspicion of murder after petrol was found on his clothing following further forensic examination in december his charge was downgraded to manslaughter mirade and mixed murder charges would also be downgraded to manslaughter it was proved that the couple didn't intend to kill their children but they wanted to frame lisa for the crime of endangering the family and claim custody over lisa's children and of course it wasn't all for revenge more kids equals more money equals bigger house on april 2nd mick and murray along with paul mosley were each found guilty of the manslaughter of the six children mick was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 15 years to be spent behind bars both murray and paul mosley got 17 years each for which they will have to spend a minimum of eight and a half years in prison i please justice has been achieved for the six children who died in this fire but i have to say that i derive no pleasure from the conviction of mick and marie philpot and paul mosley this has been a shocking case for everyone involved six young children lost their lives needlessly in a fire and all our efforts have been focused on getting justice for those children my thoughts at this time are very much for the friends and relations of the children who have been affected by the events on victory road in derby on may the 11th last year after all the weeks of evidence all the drama in court all the denials now the prison sentence begins [Music] what a horrific crime born out of um greed revenge and a stupid [ __ ] plan that killed six children it's disgusting the entire cases mick is he's he's a monster he was abusive to women abusive to a system that was supposed to help people someone who just saw children as a source of income are you having any more babies and really a killer who definitely saw himself as number one well i guess the message here is don't try to endanger your children with fire to you know to attempt to frame your ex i mean i would have thought that was pretty basic knowledge but hey here we are [Music] thank you so so much for watching i really really appreciate it i will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves [Music] you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 618,210
Rating: 4.926465 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, mick philpott, shameless mick, mick philpott interview, mick philpott jeremy kyle, mick philpott now
Id: 2j03Lg8MZW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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