The SML Iceberg

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yup sml iceberg this one was made by at old super context on twitter there were a couple other sml iceberg images i found but this one was the best while also being the most concise you already know what this is if you've seen literally any other iceberg video let's go [Music] haha just kidding [Music] toad's rap career beginning in the video toad is cool toad decides that he'll become a rapper in order to appear cool to people like black yoshi and shrek he partners up with ray cheesy to get this done only for black yoshi and shrek to respond in kind with their own rap song despite this toad actually does go on making rap songs throughout the channel's history milk and cookies being one of the most remembered out of all of these richard goodman richard is one of mr goodman's two sons a lot of people myself included don't like the fact that he's an almost complete copy of goodman but to give credit where credit is due it's really funny that richard looks identical to goodman aside from stuff like how tall he is despite being a kid elena keys well this entry is seemingly spelled wrong hence why i was initially confused about this one but elena keys is a voice actress for logan's videos mainly playing rosalina a lot of people dislike her role as rosalina and i can never tell if it's elena making her annoying or if it's logan's direction elena has been in a bit of drama with lavelle and chili before with chili not wanting to feature her in vlogs for the longest time due to what seems to be jealousy and lavelle having a falling out over some things that i can't talk about i'll just say that it starts with a d and ends in rugs rosalina's relationships rosalina has seemingly had multiple relationships before mario with notable examples being d money and super d say i'm noticing a pattern for some reason or another rosalina has broken off these past relationships then again maybe that's for their sanity lance 30 acre fan mail uh yeah lance does fan mail opening i really don't have much else to say as i've never really watched these except for grabbing footage for this very video cheating drama i made an entire video on what i think about the logan and chili drama frankly i'm indifferent until it starts impacting the channel which it did for a little while to be fair supposedly logan and chile are back together now but i have no clue if there's any truth to that point is i don't want to go over all of that again tito todder titotter is a channel remarkably similar to logan's except he makes videos involving sonic characters primarily instead of mario characters the consensus is still out on whether or not his videos are better than logan's since i've heard varying answers over time the lamborghinis okay so logan used to and kinda still does really like lamborghinis to each their own i suppose the problem would be that logan would say that he's in dire financial straits and then immediately go buy a lamborghini and i'm pretty sure he had at least three that he had purchased at one point why he would buy them when he was also saying he was low on money i have no clue [Music] jacques pierre francois jacques pierre francois is jeffy's biological father oh also he appeared once in a video jacques also had a massive fortune upon his passing leaving all of it to jeffy this led to the events of jeffy's parents where jeffy's mom tries to take jeffy back because she wants the fortune supposedly jeffy will get the fortune when he's 18 and share some of it with mario although side note here how much you want to bet jeffy will spend it all on something stupid and then a laugh track plays jason darullo's affiliation so jason derulo and logan know each other apparently with the most notable example being the collab they did both on tick tock and in an sml video why he's affiliated with logan to begin with i have no clue but good for him i think logan's address so over the course of the channel's history logan has had his address leaked although it wasn't really well known or easy to find until logan moved into his new house so now people just kind of show up at his house yeah cause that's appropriate and in no way weird at all roy gebhard okay i swear that i used to think this was roy get hard like get hard you get it sorry i thought the last name was a joke name for the videos but supposedly this is someone chili got with after breaking up with logan so logan decided to make him a cool character in a few videos who kind of just gets to do what he wants because hey he's roy gephardt sml merch i made an entire video about this as well but to be brief logan decided to make merch of his characters and such this is a bit of a legally gray zone for a few things but i guess it's whatever also the sml merch introduced the puppet monstrosities so that's fun cable 10 cable 10 is well known for making sml parodies apparently some videos have been whether intentionally or otherwise adapted into real sml videos the last time i watched cable 10's videos uh i mean they were okay granted that was well over a year ago at this point so i don't know if things have improved since then glider ytps glider is a person who primarily makes sml ytps and you know what they're really creative and well made but the only problem being that they're rather short deliver us this is not i seriously have to recommend you check out his content though since it's actually pretty good jeffy's mom nancy francois who is jeffy's mom is an abusive mother who wants her son solely for the money from his inheritance she's also gone well nothing's more advertiser friendly than bible and behold there met him a woman with the attire of and harlot and harlot and harlot what the f she is loud and stubborn her feet abide not in her house now is she without now in the streets and lieth in weight at every corner huh this bible thing isn't half bad let's see what else is in here oh god what the actual nancy has gone to jail at least once although given how she acts i'd expect that it's far more than just that one [Music] [Music] time filler characters i'm going to guess this is referring not so much to characters that cause filler but rather characters that are there to take up room and not make everything seem empty you can find this especially in the school series the funniest bit about this though is that since no one's acting as them most of the time you can see a bunch of lifeless characters just sitting there that or it's horrifying you'd be the judge of that though re-uploaded videos so there are some people who re-upload logan's videos some of them are re-uploaded because youtube age restricted or outright deleted them such as what i do over on smell re-uploaded while others re-upload them generally in compilations simply to leech views or earn money off of logan's work it's really scummy but logan doesn't seem to do much about it demonetization back near the end of 2017 and going into 2018 logan got his main sml channel demonetized for being inappropriate instead of acting to change this though logan simply continued seeing what he could get away with until later on the super luigi logan channel also got demonetized i made videos on this as well also including what a nightmare stuff like the patreon was which was logan's attempt to shore up some of the damage from losing monetization on his main channel super yoshi logan super yoshi logan is one of logan's alternate channels that wasn't used for very long and only has three videos on the channel this will probably be logan's next stop though should super bowser logan get demonetized as well mama luigi mama luigi is a character from the classic sml era that ended up dying early on into mario luigi's stupid and dumb adventure season 2 mainly because zeke the person who voiced mama luigi had to move away from logan's area there's a whole lot more to get into with mama luigi but instead let's discuss what's happened since then mama luigi did return for a remake of toad's mistake in 2017 and was supposed to appear in the super mario logan movie but who knows if that will ever happen logan has also tried to slide mama luigi cameos in from time to time with the notable example being the big thanksgiving where he can be seen next to shrek despite not having a spoken role in the video sml movie i don't know if this is referring to the super mario logan movie logan's planned feature length film starring virtually all of the characters or simply the title sml movie which is at the beginning of pretty much every sml video title why they're called sml movies uh i actually don't know but i'll give it a shot i'm pretty sure it used to be something that didn't fit into a series with sml shorts being short videos that again didn't fall into a series which was common near the beginning of the channel with sml movies simply being the longer versions of that same concept sometimes this sticks around where series videos don't get the sml movie title such as marion bowser's stupid crazy adventure or luigi's mansion but other times it's still put on anyway such as with the chef pp quits series considering we don't really get series videos anymore the whole thing seems a bit redundant but i guess it makes logan's videos stand out more sml has never died since 2017. okay so i really don't know what this means but i'll try taking a shot in the dark if i had to guess this is about how sml has become a sort of lumbering zombie of a channel that should have realistically either been heavily altered or flat out died years ago but for some reason hasn't yeah that sounds like a good explanation but i have no clue in part due to how it's worded lord shredder lord shredder was lavelle's instagram name for a while as well as the name of his youtube channel before it got terminated i believe lavelle used this as his rapping name as well but i don't keep up with what lavell does much so i don't know sml itunes logan used to post primarily toad's rap songs on itunes i believe he also posted jeffy's rap songs on there as well personally i never bothered getting them on itunes so i can't say much beyond that so i don't know if they're higher quality or feature something additional that i don't know about maybe album art but that's all i can think of smell reacts sml reacts with logan and usually one or two other crew members he would get reacting to his older videos i've only watched a couple and they were okay enough i guess yeah i really don't have anything else to add they were logan's own reaction videos that's it jeffy's tantrum jeffy's tantrum was an overall rather meh video in its own right but i'm pretty sure we all know the reason for this being on the iceberg that's because in the video logan has jeffy make a noose for himself it's rather stupid in the context of the video but supposedly some kid decided to do this in real life i personally think this is highly exaggerated since even logan has admitted that tying a noose is incredibly difficult if you don't know what you're doing and a kid can't just do that on a whim especially since jeffy doesn't even show it being tied in the video [Music] swatting situation you know given how long logan's address was out there i'm actually kind of amazed it took this long for someone to swap them supposedly there was proof of who did this but i don't remember if that's true or if so who it was swanning is really stupid and scummy since either logan or anyone else living there at the time or even chili's dogs could have gotten harmed in the process that and it wastes time and resources of the swat team good morning america good morning america ran two segments about youtubers one of them was almost entirely devoted to sml while the other just happened to mention sml in there i made an entire video about this but needless to say the segments came across like you'd expect them to a bunch of boomers not understanding how the internet works to a point where they probably have to sound out the word and in hindsight kind of feels like it's a last dying gasp on the part of traditional tv to say hey look internet bad am i right it's going to destroy the children and then a while later showing off 10 year old drag kids yup those two segments were in fact run by the same program shelby shelby is bowser's ex-wife who apparently had junior as well as several other kids that are supposedly bowsers we only saw her for one video before she bailed taking bowser's car with her and leaving the koopalings with bowser which was supposed to be the setup to a series which never happened and i'm pretty sure was just kind of ratconned out of existence confirmed character development once again the wording here is kind of vague my guess has to be how logan has said that he'll be developing and adding more characters before but then that kinda never happens there has been some character development between videos but more often than not the videos just reset each time jeffy's backstory i get the feeling jeffy's backstory is a rather simple one that has been needlessly stretched out to see more deep than it actually is jeffy's a kid who was abused and ultimately abandoned by his mother and he is heir to a huge fortune what else is there to say a lot of people look into the relatively few times where he apologizes for what he's done way too seriously when it's almost never followed up and jeffy just ends up acting dumb again the very next video best comment wins a free video game okay now this one is interesting so for the longest time logan said that the funniest comment for each video wins a free video game the problem is that i don't think logan's followed up on much of any of these the excuse a couple years ago was that you had to check your messages on youtube where logan would send you a message in fact he even made a joke about this at the end of evil chef pp the problem however is that youtube messages have been discontinued since sometime in so how does logan get in contact with these people and how do we know which one is the funniest comment i know sometimes logan pins or hearts comments he personally likes but how does he know where or how to get in contact with these fans maybe instagram or twitter but then people would have to provide that in advance to be fair he did a console giveaway a while back which did end up being sent but i'm not so sure about the video games as i'm not sure anyone has actually received this in years marathon videos okay this could be referring to one of two things either the marathon videos you'll find on youtube which is just a bunch of sml videos spliced together think the re-uploaded videos people would do simply to steal from logan except worse the other option might be the times where logan would do an sml short week though i'm not sure i would call that a marathon phoebe isn't completely killed off of sml i mean despite the fact we saw phoebe get run over by no less than an entire truck and the fact that she isn't around anymore uh yeah i've got nothing for this i'm pretty sure the only existence of phoebe left on the channel is that she exists in jeffy's presumably guilty mind which is kind of dark [Music] leaked drama videos as someone who didn't keep up with the drama too much i have no clue what this means is this stuff like when lavell started going off on an instagram live stream or that time chile posted a video from inside logan's house this could be any number of things honestly joseph's last name as a joke in a video joseph was named joseph his friend from school because joseph was junior's friend from school and the name just kinda stuck as to his real last name i have no clue pablo's twitter public disturbances my best guess is that this has to do with stuff like what chile called sml jeffy con which took place in new york and ended with logan having to be escorted out by the police yeah that really got out of hand huh other than that i have no idea what this could be jeffy's red helmet i what jeffy's red helmet is like is this like the inverse of bart's blue shirt or something i checked and couldn't find a single thing on this but uh wait hold on oh look guys i found jeffy's red helmet he was hiding in plain sight or is something curb stomp curb stomp was a channel not too dissimilar to the comparison between logan's channel and tito's curb stomp made videos revolving around kirby kinda this channel was made by anthony who ended up leaving the sml cast unfortunately then again having three plus channels all filming in the same house seems like nothing short of insane curb stomp still seems to upload but somewhat infrequently creepypastas and theories yup there are creepypastas of sml out there but let's talk about the theories instead since that's more interesting i know there are sml theory videos out there such as the ones by math dominus and they're actually fairly interesting hate to burst your bubble here though but a large portion of these turn out not to be the case since logan usually doesn't think about these things as some grand plan or story in mind remember to hype to the secret door where people thought mama luigi would be in there only to find out it was does bad things guy i'm sorry but that ending still bothered me what a lazy ending the reveal of what was behind the door was okay but does bad things go that was just so stupid oh that's real nice um right anyways if you're gonna stick to theories i'd recommend going for things that logan hasn't touched in a long while you're less likely to be underwhelmed by the result if logan doesn't even make the result to begin with shark puppet shark puppet collaborated with logan on a video a while back for some reason it's kind of a shame since shark puppet is actually pretty good and logan just kind of wasted that opportunity not much more to say honestly abandoned facebook and twitter i could see where people are coming from with this but i don't think either is abandoned but they're definitely not used very often why i have no clue then again i'm not really sure what logan would post on there on a regular basis that would be any different from his instagram which mainly consists of telling people to watch the latest video strip club pictures so there were some pictures that someone presumably logan took of tito at a strip club during the drama at one point he shared them in a group chat a lot of people said this was bad but to be fair i don't think anything explicit was shown unless small tops count as explicit in which case i guess don't go to the beach or out for a walk or anywhere for that matter on for the love of god don't play a shantae game in that case the mug shots there are mug shots of more than a couple people associated with logan with the most notable being lavelle who was arrested for possession of drugs and adriana who was arrested for attempting to assault logan the patreon made a video on this as well but to make a long story short logan made a patreon after his main account got demonetized most of the rewards on here went unfulfilled for months and some just flat out never got filled such as some shout outs which were a hundred dollars per month and no that doesn't mean getting a shout out every single time you paid a hundred dollars you could pay 300 and only get one shout out despite paying for three months or i remember someone who paid 600 dollars and simply never got one even though logan said that even though he shut down his patreon everyone would still get their shoutouts so yeah it was a borderline scam seadusk sea dusk is someone who especially as of late is most well known for the videos he made on logan and chili's drama notably with logan supposedly actively trying to avoid him and lie about his whereabouts to him and overall being uncomfortable with talking to seadusk while i could kind of understand logan being uneasy with cdusk randomly showing up to find logan in the middle of filming if it's true logan did all these things intentionally despite being warden in advance and agreeing to be interviewed by cdusk it's a bit scummy on logan's part to say the least super browser logan fakers there are fake accounts of super bowser logan usually in the comments trying to get people to click on scam links although from time to time they'll just flat out re-upload logan's videos with the slight title change because yeah that isn't scummy at all skip dip wow another one i made a video on to sum up skip dip was one of the leaders of a group that didn't like what logan was doing and wanted him to change which is why the most rational thing for them to do was to try to cause irreparable damage to the channel by mass flagging it what a way to show you're a true fan huh crowd killer no clue like literally none supposedly this is someone chilly hooked up with i don't know and until i went through this iceberg i don't think i'd ever heard the name tito and lavelle doxxed each other i know at least one of these is true since i remember seeing screenshots of tito doxxing lavelle unfortunately it's once again in the screenshot folder and i'm not digging that out for this video why they did this i have no clue maybe because they're incredibly petty actually you know what that makes way too much sense melissa and doug melissa and doug are the designers of many of the older puppets in sml such as goodman chef pp or brooklyn guy hence why they're of relatively higher quality these puppets seem to be far more common than just sml though which is why you can see stuff like goodman bowling in an aqua teen hunger force episode which then brings up this bizarre connection between sml and aqua teen that makes my brain hurt and i don't want to think about it so let's move on bowser is bisexual this one makes a bit too much sense since while bowser has had kids and seems to like girls he's also strangely interested in chef pee pee in particular sometimes and when cody switches bodies with chef pee pee once bowser seems to have enjoyed his time with chef pp so yeah this one makes a lot of sense actually the jj incident the jj incident was an incident where jj faked selling a watch logan's grandfather had given to him with the end result being logan punching jj some still like to say that the whole thing was staged which is very much possible but the reasons for why are things like the fact that logan's swings looked really weak but logan's really weak in general so that doesn't make as much sense i wouldn't be surprised if it was fake or real logan was under a lot of stress at the time and logan seemed genuinely upset it could have been fake though since jj hardly seemed hurt by the end of things chili's real name chili claims that her name is actually chili which i always assumed was a nickname some people say her name is something else but okay seriously does this really matter just call her chili for crying out loud that's supposedly what it says on her driver's license anyway super peach logan super peach logan used to be the channel where logan would primarily post videos of his cats and his younger sister eventually though it was changed to chili's channel in fact typing in super peach logan will still redirect to chili's channel old playthroughs i'm not sure if this is referring to the old playthroughs from super bowser logan or the old playthroughs from the beginning of sml where logan filmed his tv like everyone else did back in 2007 and 2008 i know some of them even try to tie in with main series videos which is actually really interesting and i almost wish logan would have kept doing that schizophrenia case study this video was a project for lance during medical school which actually uses a couple characters from the main sml videos such as goodman and brooklyn guy it's actually pretty funny especially considering it's a school project also it's apparently not related in any way to the main sml videos but don't let them get to you it totally is felipe was turned into a hot pocket cancelled website i don't know what this means is this talking about the super mario logan website which now links to literally nothing or is this a website that never existed in the first place we may never know but speaking of the original super mario logan website which is actually in the sml theme song it's such a giant story that it frankly deserves its own video at some point three abandoned channels there are two channels you're probably aware of those being sml and sll since they were demonetized but there's another one that logan used to use that was abandoned long ago all crimes are inconsequential i'm going to discuss this as if this is talking about crimes done by characters in actual sml videos and yeah honestly a lot of criminals don't get much of a punishment in the sml universe i mean how many times has just black yoshi alone been out of prison despite how much he steals things it's a bit dumb but it does make sense given how most decimal videos simply reset after each one adriana death threats if i had to venture a guess i'd say this has to do with adriana assaulting logan a little while back that or has to do with adriana receiving death threats from others because she assaulted logan but i'm not caught up on this stuff and it seems info is actually rather spotty froggy company okay so for some stupid reason a bunch of people made up a bunch of random myths several years ago that logan drove froggy company to suicide or something and that in general logan and froggy company were on simply awful terms while i think that for a while they weren't on good terms i don't think they ever hated each other to that degree logan did catch up with froggy company at one point and it seems he's doing well all things considered at mimi underscore cash underscore i don't have a clue what this is talking about supposedly this was one of tia's girlfriends who got fired by logan after taking chili's side in some drama that's pretty much all i know and pretty much all of that is from the sml wiki super mario logan 2. super mario logan 2 was logan's attempt to try to get monetization on his videos by making censored and more monetization appropriate versions of his main videos it didn't last long and i'm pretty sure the channel never even got monetized this channel has since been deleted as far as i can tell but i do remember it existing so no it wasn't just your imagination alternate universes in part due to the introduction of martin luigi's stupid adult adventure season 3 there are alternate universes of sml where different characters play different roles or some don't even exist at all it's convoluted and stupid and frankly just a way to needlessly pat out something that didn't need to be continued season 2 ended on a perfectly good note but yeah this also hypothetically means mario could be in any one of a theoretically infinite amount of universes which makes season 3 really stupid scrapped videos there are so many scrapped videos i could go over some of which i know of others that i don't some of them are merely theoretical like jeffy's super powers which will likely be a thing due to the jeffy junior law while others actually were filmed and just never happened or are taking forever at the very least with a notable example being the super mario logan movie wh dude dis i'm pretty sure this is referring to the i cry for attention joke and cody's amiibo which uh yeah that was really petty and dumb of logan to do i still don't really get why he did this besides thinking a jab at me would be funny or something black yoshi's family black yoshi's family was supposed to be a follow-up series to black yoshi and the birds which never happened why well logan kept saying that he needed a red yoshi plush of the same brand as the others which he couldn't find until a fan sent him one but then black yoshi's family still never happened then again he was sent this when series videos on the channel were pretty much over jamarcus mitchell oh boy this might get a bit sad jamarcus was someone logan met in the hospital when he was in for his sma surgery jamarcus had cancer but was hoping to get out of the hospital and do great things with his life logan and jamarcus got to know each other well and jamarcus managed to convince logan to begin going back to church and in general fix some things that needed attention in his life logan recovered in the hospital while jamarcus didn't logan attended jamarcus's funeral that's how much he meant to him and for a while tried to do better in life because of what jamarcus told him edp 445 edp 445 was invited by logan to the super bowl and during that time was looking for work logan said he'd bring edp 445 on board but never ended up doing so edp 445 eventually made an entire video about this which is rather sad to see especially since logan seemingly never followed up with him z dude z dude otherwise known as zeke was the voice actor for mama luigi who had to move away during martin luigi's stupid endeavor adventure season 2's production eventually however zeke was brought back to help with the movie a few video ideas and the toad's mistake remake logan promised to bring zeke on board and hey wait a sec this is sounding familiar yeah zeke almost lost his job because logan kept telling him he would bring him on board until eventually he just kinda stopped responding logan's only response even remotely addressing this has been that he paid zeke and not much else zeke has said that even if logan invited him back on he would refuse finally many people don't think it'd be much of a surprise to see mama luigi mostly if not completely absent from the super mario logan movie because logan will removed him from the movie altogether some citing this is why the movie is in development hell mario luigi's stupid and dumb adventure season 2 finale true meaning now this final one is open to several interpretations depending on how deeply you want to analyze it as well as your general outlook on things in life like whether or not you're an optimist so sticking solely to the series itself to begin with the meaning here for an optimist is that mario gets a do-over at everything depending on whether you consider season three canon or just a cheap retcon mario gets to start over completely potentially avoiding critical mistakes such as mama luigi's death to a pessimist mario is doomed for eternity to repeat the same cycle over and over again like a sword of purgatory or if you're really a pessimist and consider season three canon that means that mario is forced to wander a theoretically infinite amount of parallel universes forever and for what when he gets home will he be sent back into a time loop or will he arrive home to everyone he knows and loves still dead next there's a discussion to be had about the meaning for the channel some see the time loop as a new beginning for the channel others such as myself see both the finale as a whole and its relatively dark undertones as well as mario being sent to an alternate universe as him being doomed to wander forever experiencing all the mediocrity that his modern sml first hand i mean you could consider every sml video a slight variation of mario traveling through dimensions if you want he's restarted his life although it's debatably worse than what he was left with before and finally to conclude this video this could be symbolic because of what it was supposed to be logan ended season 2 in a time loop for a reason you see logan was planning that should there be complications with this surgery and he was no longer able to make videos or flat out died everything could just loop forever so depending on how you look at it this is always supposed to be the end of the channel and now the channel is just limping along maybe well this has been the sml iceberg once again this was made by at old supercontext on twitter who posts out of context sml clips i hope you enjoyed watching and tell me what you think about my theories on this iceberg in the comments thank you all for watching and take care [Music] you
Channel: dabhdude
Views: 362,009
Rating: 4.870708 out of 5
Keywords: dabhdude, SML, SuperMarioLogan, potato, Chef PeePee, AHHHHHH, Rev, SML Reviewer, livestream, update, review, video, the, sml, iceberg, explained
Id: 81rt3_lElyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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