The Lovell Rant

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[Music] lavelle i never thought i'd make a video on him now for the two of you who aren't entirely familiar with who lavelle is you might know him better for characters such as chef pp joseph and bowser now let me say this as an actor lavell is personally my favorite all around though i'd personally have to say pablo or is his name chris now i just mentioned how lavell is my favorite actor however in my humble opinion he's a horrible person personality wise why well there's a lot to cover here so allow me to explain all of lavelle's issues one by one [Music] so quite a bit of this info on the other cast members comes from the sml movie discussion stream from a while ago so lavelle has a varying range of thoughts on the sml cast ranging from them being okay to absolutely hating them so let's talk about logan apparently logan and lavelle commonly get into arguments over things now lavelle is employed by logan talk about biting the hand that feeds you huh and i believe lavelle just does it for the sake of being petty and dumb maybe some of these even revolve around certain other actors people who don't necessarily love all sml content etc there are also times where lavell is just flat out dumb and jumps to conclusions like when he thought near the beginning of the new year 2018 sml had fired him because he hadn't heard from logan for a day wow in fact i'll just let the videos speak for themselves yo what's up guys it's your boy lavelle um i just wanted to make this announcement um just in case you're wondering uh for future references i might not be in any more sml videos um i've been trying to get into contact with logan and he does he hasn't been answering the phone and uh when i tried to get someone to relate a message he i don't know i guess he didn't get it i didn't see anyone answer i don't know so uh i i don't know what it is you might not see me in any more videos don't think it's it you know it's it's me or whatever i would love to be more videos but for some reason there's some void in between communication with um me and him for some reason and i don't know why but yeah i'm sorry guys hey guys i hope you're having a happy new year i want to give you guys a quick update uh first off i'm about to upload jeffy the rapper 2. it's going to be the first video of 2018 i hope you guys are going to like it uh it'll be uploaded in probably about an hour maybe two hours i'm still editing it i filmed this video the day before yesterday and uh just just a quick update lavell was in it i filmed with him the day before yesterday and yesterday i wanted to spend new year's by myself chili's down in disney world i'm at home by myself so all i did yesterday was sit here and sleep and just had the whole day to myself just this just i want a day off i've been you know my videos started getting to monetize and attracted again so i just wanted a day off and he's been saying that he thinks he's fired i don't know what the [ __ ] is wrong with him but i think it's highly inappropriate and immature of him to go on instagram saying he's fired because i don't answer his phone call he's not my girlfriend i don't have to talk to him every day just want to tell you guys that real quick so don't you just love how lavelle jumped to conclusions on that one and by the way did anyone notice how lavell sounds constantly bored or high or something well let's talk about something that kind of involves both of those things but actually one more thing before we get off the topic of logan and lavelle look at this video here right now we're stuck now just look at logan's face here now i don't know if he's just tired or bored or if he's actually annoyed with lavell here but his expression quickly changes when he realizes he's being recorded so i'll let you guys be the judge of what that means elena now i'm not going to lie i don't care for elena she's okay enough she's a slightly above average actress and she seems like an overall alright person to be around now supposedly she does weed casually yeah but apparently atlanta doesn't really do it that much like it's more like inconsequential like what like however you say that word inconsequential that's it whatever that means however lavelle was caught on january 17 2017 with marijuana in his car and was arrested with a thousand dollar bond now supposedly he was again caught on june 2nd of 2017 for the same thing and he began supervision on april 30th 2018 with the supervision ending on april 29th of 2021 also given what logan said in a chili blog it was heavily implied that lavelle went to rehab since he was gone for a while so what does all this have to do with elena well lavelle has such an incredibly petty grudge with elena that he simply refuses to film on the same day as her now not in like the same room as her or something no not even the same day they can't be in the house at the same time without fighting so logan has to go out of his way to schedule elena and lavelle on different filming days if they're both in the same video and the the crew is is not as easy to work with as they used to be based on their schedules based on just the other that i can't talk about and some things you guys can know and some like some guys you probably can assume it's just that the crew you know some people can't film with other people some people don't want to film with other people and this big happy family thing that i created has just that's exactly how i would describe it too and why does lavell hate elena so much well because he has a hunch that elena might have maybe called the police about him having the marijuana on him great now these two problems with one of the other cast members and um oh yeah uh his boss would be one thing but like it or not it wouldn't be such a big deal if it were contained if which means it well isn't [Music] lavelle's bullying of kids now lavelle has bullied quite a few fans in the past for supposedly not liking sml quite enough for his standards so what does he do why he goes out of the way to make instagram posts about them and telling his fans to go harass them sometimes he mentions specific people other times he just says the haters hey hey why so serious why are you guys so sensitive i just don't understand this new generation all you what under 18 months y'all so sensitive bro i mean i ain't gonna say majority of y'all cause i re i i ran across a couple of y'all that are really school but y'all in the comments that are getting in your feelings about literature about me commenting your feelings get you some more because you're getting on my nerves and you're about to get blocked maybe they're sensitive because you keep yelling at them for being haters and telling people to go harass them now lavelle acts immature enough here as well as that time i'm sure many of you remember that i talked about where he told people to call a young kid to harass and bully him oh but it gets better look let me tell you something i don't know who the [ __ ] kid is all right i don't even give a [ __ ] if you got the balls the audacity uh anything just to sit down and make a post on my mind instagram like that or make some type of negative oh i'm going to clap back at you so don't make a negative comment or else yeah real mature huh oh wait sorry there's more but you think that just because he's a little kid that he oh i'm supposed to be the bigger person oh no i'm a comedian i can clown any [ __ ] i feel like it i climb a fool for you so let me get this straight you're allowed to tell people to harass kids and bully them all because you could care less about being the bigger man lavelle you're an adult i expect this kind of behavior from people like night minor not you then again you also do drugs so maybe never mind but oh wait this all gets even better let's take a look at lavell's most infamous blunder lavelle vs gamecube dude okay i i'm sorry i promise i'm done with those jokes so for those who are unfamiliar with this situation allow me to explain it to you guys lavelle plain and simple threatened to take down gamecube dude's channel why because he wasn't reacting to sml videos positively enough i swear to impress lavelle you might as well bow every time someone says a word in the video lest you think you are disrespecting sml man even some of the jeffy fans aren't this insane it reminds me of a documentary i saw about the ussr during stalin's great purge where people were so afraid they would be next on stalin's hit list they'd applaud for minutes on end until buzzers and bells would ring [Applause] oh better not stop applauding or cheering for that wonderful sml video because who knows lavell might go after you next now i still stand by my comment that gamecube dude should have known that lavelle couldn't actually do anything about gamecube dude's channel at least not without getting in massive trouble with logan and or youtube however at the same time i think looking back gamecube dude quitting wasn't because he was scared of lavelle i think it was more of a straw that broke the camel's back scenario gamecube dude had mentioned that he was getting sick of sml to begin with and his whole ordeal probably just clenched it for him however this doesn't negate what level did especially since we're not anywhere near done after near-constant badgering from lavelle including lavelle calling gamecube dude on the phone logan decided to see if he could call gamecube dude and work things out this failed because logan brought lavella along hoping lavelle would probably apologize and lavelle kind of shouted over both gamecube dude and even logan let me just remind you by the way that logan is lavelle's boss now maybe i'm wrong but i don't think it's ideal to shout over your boss gamecube dude gave up then and there and lavelle got his infamous reputation nice going lovell real proud of you buddy but luckily i think that's all i've got to say about lava hey wait i feel like i'm missing something something important oh yeah lavell's suicide stunt lavelle's suicide stunt was a mockery to all those who have to deal with actual suicidal thoughts and issues in fact so are all suicide stunts it's sickening really now while i don't add the videos of this that lavelle posted on instagram since lavell deleted all of them lavelle basically went on and on for a few days about how he was totally going to kill himself even making a tearful feel bad for me instagram stream and then he said he was going to upload his last song and never talk to anybody again turns out it was all to promote his new song yeah you heard that right he used the suicide stunt to get free attention for promoting his song if that isn't incredibly scummy i don't know what is so let me just repeat it one more time lavelle fate being suicidal so that he could promote a song why probably because he has no actual regard for people who do feel suicidal level you are a total scumbag so despite how many videos i've made on logan and his issues lavell is far worse to give logan credit where it's due he's a real good guy personality wise does he make mistakes involving his channel of course does he even make mistakes personality wise again of course he does but as a person he seems like an actually really nice guy and having talked to him many times he's personally a really great person to talk to but lavelle he's just a jerk and a scumbag plain and simple a very rude very cruel jerk who will try to bully and harass people into submission who hates other crew members and gets infrequent arguments with elena and logan has gotten arrested for drug possession and pulled a suicide stunt for promotion of his new song it wasn't just one problem that made me decide to make this video it was all of these i'm sick of lavelle and his attitude and also just the fact that because he doesn't have a huge spotlight on him he can get away with way worse than logan even some of the worst stuff logan's done like yelling at tito and chili for destroying a jeffy stunt double or not following up on patreon rewards doesn't even hold a candle to what lavell's done unapologetically no less at least logan apologized for the thing with the jeffy puppet but lavelle nope no apologies for blavell maybe it's his ego in any case lavelle if you're watching i think it'd be best to apologize to everyone you've wronged try to make up with logan as well as elena apologize for the suicide stunt etc well that's all for now hopefully lavell can learn from this thank you all for watching and take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: dabhdude
Views: 263,405
Rating: 4.3076591 out of 5
Keywords: dabhdude, SML, SuperMarioLogan, potato, Chef PeePee, AHHHHHH, Rev, SML Reviewer, livestream, update, review, video, the, lovell, rant
Id: AucMCHglSP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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