SML Movie: Mr. Goodman's Clone!

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hey daddy you want to play the game where you guess your letter and if you guess the wrong letter i gotta draw a stick man up there until he's hanging i mean i can't call it the real name because we might get in trouble and end up on good morning america again no jeffy i don't want to play any games oh come on marvin it'll be fun ah fine all right mommy we got some letter hmm is there an h yup yay i got one right all right daniel darn is there a c yep oh good guess all right mommy hmm is there an i yep all right daddy is there a t yep oh no all right jeffy that's it you're grounded why because you put a bad word up there i didn't put a bad word up there i just put what you call mean ladies oh wow that's it jeffy that's exactly what i thought it was you're grounded do you give up yes i give up because it's a bad word all right the word is witch oh thank god no no jeffy you know what you meant you meant to put the b word what boobies jeffy no no no no you know the b word is spelled the same way with the b boobies no you know b good boobies no baby finish the word for me b no boobies no jeffy you know it it sounds like beach bee boobies you know you're grounded take your little stupid board to your room you're grounded hold on daddy before i go can i tell you i'm something tell you something you're people watching the video what what hold on let me talk to you real quick hey guys it's me jeffy i just wanted to say that i've noticed a lot of people who are watching our videos are not subscribed to the channel so why don't you go ahead and hit the subscribe button down there i'll wait jeffy who are you talking to i'm talking to them dang the fans who haven't subscribed to the channel yet and uh while you're down there go ahead and uh smash the like button while you're at it and uh yeah oh and also don't go in there and start putting comments saying oh i'm not gonna hit the like button i'm not gonna hit the subscribe button all right no one cares jeffy go to your room all right come on i gotta get my board who's at the door i don't know oh hello what goodman what are you doing here guess what i did what come on i want to show you look isn't it gorgeous you bought a ferrari not the ferrari dummy what's in the ferrari well what's in the ferrari ew what is that thing this is my clone i want you to meet him come on your clone yep marvin meet mr goodman too hi i'm mr goodman too why'd you call yourself because i make so much money that i thought if i cloned myself i could make double the money so i cloned myself and i doubled my net worth but bad news for you because you now owe two house payments what's two housemates why well one for me and one for mr goodman too yeah where's your house been well i don't even have one house payment how much does it make two well mr goodman too you want to come inside marvin's house that we're about to repossess sure okay who's at the door marvin someone who's to take our house a tornado what no why would a tornado ring our doorbell because it's a very polite tornado oh my god there's two of them now yes two tornadoes right here goodman two you like this house because we're gonna be repossessing it soon seems nice what they're gonna take the house oh well yeah because i haven't made my house payment you have to give me more time to make two house payments you throw mommy today yeah that's fair goodman two how much time do you think we should give marvin here to make both of his house payments hmm two days come here come here he can leave the country in two days if he can't afford a house payment that he can't afford to leave the country well he can swim to switzerland that would take longer than two days shut up you know what marvin god i hate that name i'm going to give you until tomorrow morning to make both of your house payments or else tomorrow morning i can't make that payment or else what or else this hello it is me dr fingersheets did you forget i was in here cause i helped you with your phone so can i go home now shut up okay so marvin both of your house payments by tomorrow morning or else i'm going to get dr finkel sheets dr finkelshit whatever i'm going to get dr finkle sheets to make a nipple and larger ray to turn your nipples into big pepperonis and then me and mr goodman too are going to eat them one nipple each okay i'll get them by tomorrow all right can i go home now shut up tomorrow morning or yummy your nipples okay okay i don't know what i'm gonna do marvin where are you going to get two house payments by tomorrow i don't know they're both two thousand dollars each so where am i gonna get four thousand dollars in one night hey danny you wanna play again this time i made it easy on you and you only have to guess one letter jeffy stop writing bad words i didn't write bad words daddy yeah jeffy that's a bad word i'm not gonna guess because it's bad you give up yes i give up we're not playing well the word was duck no it wasn't jeffy you're trying to make it seem like it's a bad word then you make it not a bad word it was duck daddy oh look i got my idea all right look tomorrow when goodman shows up for the house payments i'm just not gonna answer the door marvin that's not gonna work yes it's gonna work because what's gonna do break into my house i'll call the cops i'm not gonna answer the door tomorrow when goodman shows up what a good day driving my ferrari to go get marvin's two house payments or else i get to a victim is that a penny so marvin do you think goodman's gonna be coming by today to get the house payment look i don't want to think about it because if i think about i'm gonna get stressed out and i'm just not gonna think about it i'm gonna oh no he's calling are you gonna answer it no i'm not gonna answer it because if i answer it then he'll know i'm home and i'm just not gonna answer it um marvin he's calling again oh no what if i answer it and i tell them i'm swimming in switzerland um i don't think you would have signal out look i'm gonna answer it and tell them i'm not even home so there's no point coming by okay uh hello goodman i can't really hear you right now i have a really bad signal i'm swimming in the ocean marvin open the door right now i need help open the door uh goodman i'm not home i'm swimming to switzerland right now marvin i see your car out front quit playing games open the door someone's trying to kill me but but i'm not home right now i don't have my house payment marvin screw your house payment i need you to open the door right now someone is trying to kill me but really you're not lying just to get money open the door mormon open the door oh okay okay oh i have to uh go open the door what because he's saying he's saying some weird stuff look if he tries to come in for the house payment i'm just gonna run okay hello marvin where are you down here oh my god what happened to you get me inside quick okay so what happened to you goodman too he's trying to kill me well he is wow he threw a pity in the road and he knows that i'll never hurt money so i swerved to not hit the pity and i crashed my ferrari into a tree you crashed your ferrari yeah but don't worry cause i had the ferrari insured for twice for what it's worth so i'm good there because i'm about to get paid but i hit my face on the steering wheel because i had my airbags taken out to make the ferrari lighter so it would go faster well what happened after you crashed into the tree i was knocked unconscious for eight hours and then i woke up to a pack of wolves eating my pants and the only spare pair of pants i had in my car were my carrot pepper pants oh well why is goodman two trying to kill you i don't know but i need you to figure it out marvin how am i gonna figure that out i don't know just figure it out oh no that might be him at the door you have to figure this out marvin and i'm gonna go hide somewhere in the house i'm gonna answer the door and figure out what's going on okay uh hello hey oh goodman too what are you doing here i'm just here to see if goodman one is hiding in your house no no no goodman's not hiding in my house you better not be lying to me goodman too doesn't like liars oh no no no i'm i'm not lying you can you can check if you want to okay i'll do that okay see look there's no goodman here hmm are you sure are you sure he's not hiding in your house somewhere what no he's not hiding in here baby have you seen goodman in here um no not for the past couple minutes oh really no no no no she doesn't know what she's talking about no no no she sees you now she thinks you're goodman so she thinks that's what she's talking about hmm okay that makes sense why are you looking for goodman anyway i'm gonna kill him but why well because if he's dead then i can take over his company and i can get all his billions of dollars that's how i laugh how about this well since your goodman's clone why don't you just go to the bank they're gonna think you're goodman and you can just take out billions of dollars and leave no because i want all this money well um how about how about no oh wow really i hadn't thought about that yeah you're right well how about this how about if you help me find him you never have to pay me another house payment ever again and i'll give you a million dollars oh million dollars okay yeah sure i'll do it i'll do i'll do it marvin no you could go to jail but it's a million dollars baby no my wife thinks we'll go to jail we're not gonna go to jail what are they gonna arrest me for killing my clone i'll just say he was the evil clone he's evil not me yeah yeah just just don't laugh like that when you say that to them okay let's go find it oh yeah uh baby we're we're not gonna go find him i'm gonna i'm gonna show him the door so he leaves marvin i'm literally standing right here i heard everything that you were saying uh uh actually we're not gonna what is that this is my smashing hammer oh so if you're not gonna go kill him then why do you need that uh uh because the front door is jammed and he's gonna bust the front door down yeah sure i'll do that right after i smash goodman's head with my hands no no no no no baby come on guys look at the million dollars we're not gonna do it okay we're not gonna do it you you hear that we're not gonna do it we're not gonna we're not working we're gonna baby i'm going to show him the front door okay okay come on okay where is goodman at yeah where is he he's in the pantry there he hands up kill him kill him kill him marvin you're helping you yes hit him with your mallet why are you smelling pepper because i just want to smell some pepper you want some no the only reason we found yours because you sneezed oh no please don't let him hurt me marvin oh it's too late he says he's gonna give me a million dollars and he says i'll never own a house payment ever again i thought we were friends marvin no we were never friends you can hit them now i want that million dollars but now marvin i'm disappointed in you hit him harder i'm disappointed in you too marvin wait what what no no he's supposed to kill him give me a million dollars i can't believe that you would choose a million dollars a measly million dollars over our friendship what we're not friends oh yeah clearly but this was all a setup marvin well a setup yep this is just some guy in a suit some kind of yeah clearly it's a guy that suited your clone no take your mask off oh oh man it is hot in there yeah it's still on your chin ah yeah gotta hear in my mouth so wait the guy was you in a suit yeah he paid me 10 grand to do this but what okay you need to explain what's going on okay so this is what happened so i took out a two million dollar insurance policy what in the hell are you doing it was awesome of the year i got hope i got it you good yeah okay can i continue with my story explain what was going on right so i took out a two million dollar policy an insurance policy on my ferrari then when i wrecked it i got paid two million dollars so what i did was i hired dr finkelshitz to make a suit that looked just like me and then i paid him 10 grand to get in it once more continue your story so you put out you wrecked your ferrari for two million dollars yep and then i like i said i had dr finkelshitz make a suit that looked just like me i paid him 10 grand to get in it and then for fun we decided to see if you would choose our friendship over a million dollars which you didn't oh come on you'd kill me for a million dollars i would i wouldn't i i i would i don't know why i lied i just lied straight to your face like that i'm sorry okay so you did so you just admitted that you get insurance fraud and aren't you a cop arrest him well i mean he's gonna give me a cut so i'll look the other way well i want some money ah darn it i guess you're right i guess the best i can do is two months with no house payment and you want some pepper all right all three together now let's [Applause] [Music] go [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 22,330,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, mr goodman, mr goodmans clone, clone, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, joke, comedy, skit, entertainment, show, hilarious, puppet, puppets, brooklyn guy, marvin, logan, lance, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, friends, ferrari, goodman, laugh
Id: 2SciuquHWt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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