The SML Puppet Problem

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well I feel it's about time I made a separate video on the puppets I'll be discussing why they exist to begin with what I think of each design and the future of the puppets on Logan's channel I'm sure you guys already know at least bits and pieces of this but having all this in one video seems better anyways so let's begin [Music] [Music] back during the human potion Logan showed the puppets for the very first time in a video however Logan later admitted in vlogs that the puppets had been planned out months before Logan EDD said this was because he had known about kapa and all of that stuff that was going to happen to YouTube first of all as I'm sure we all know now I mean I knew it before but that's besides the point kaapa had little effect on YouTube especially if the channel still upload frequently and the whole thing unlike many of YouTube's changes is more or less optional if your videos are borderline just mark them as not for kids and be done with it let's face it capo was a very convenient excuse for Logan to use I think for a while that Logan thought that capo was a big deal well I think that was rather dumb and unrealistic since everyone else seemed to be thinking that way I guess I can't blame him however I believe he had he's made for a couple reasons for starters he thinks rather foolishly than if he uses puppets he can get away with more edgy content why whether they're plushies or puppets makes a difference in this regard I don't know but I realized that a lot of the puppet videos have more risky content than the plush counterparts next he's using the puppets for merch say what you want about Logan and is sometimes lacking decision-making skills even he knows well that he won't be able to sell merch with Nintendo characters on it without Nintendo pouncing on Logan more on Nintendo in a bit by the way personally I feel that if these interesting designs are kept to the merchandise I wouldn't care but they're not speaking of which let's get to the designs so I guess let's start with each individual character first jr. certainly feels like the most time went into him that doesn't say much but you can almost tell that was inspired by the plush it's an OK design but not great it's the best one here but as I've mentioned before that's not saying much here Joseph is probably a tier below junior the design isn't good especially since not much was really taken from the original design besides the green and the hat could be a shell yeah that's a stretch of oh also joseph has by far the creepiest design I mean just look at him is it just me here it's mainly the fact that his teeth are permanently showing and the whole thing gives off a creepy vibe the only thing worse is when he starts talking also he doesn't have any eyebrows which really adds to the creepiness let's move on to the next character mari is debatably better or worse than joseph on the one hand he isn't nearly as creepy but on the other hand a design is about as inspired as a gray wall Mario reeks of generic moderately stressed father say what you want about the other designs we'll get to but Mario's is just generic and in comparison with Joseph's Joseph feels like there was some almost kind of not really inspiration in there yeah Joseph is mostly just generic black kid but Mario's generic stressed father at least Mario doesn't look overly creepy oh god what did they do to Bowser okay okay so Bowser you do realize he's been called Trevor from GTA for a reason right I get it Bowser sometimes gets aggressive or whatever but him having scars just doesn't seem right also I understand Bowser mainly spends his time sitting around watching Charlie but something about this design doesn't seem right at least the horns are there but the way he's dressed and looks in general just doesn't fit Bowser's personality quite right to be fair it's really hard to describe in words but Bowser's never looked right also he has a similar problem to Joseph when it comes to the teeth and whatever but it's not nearly as bad here alright and finally we have Cody oh god no Cody oh no what did they do to poor Cody I've mentioned it before but they turned the nerd meter up to an 11 when realistically they should have stopped around maybe a 5 Cody's almost always the hardest to look at but that's also in part because whenever it's a puppet video Cody usually shows up quite a bit poor Cody even in the introduction video of these puppets jr. and Joseph point out how awful Cody looks now as for more general issues with the designs well let's start by comparing them to much better designs many of the puppets you would see in the videos were by Melissa and Doug these puppets were much better designed for starters the puppets had much more malleable faces allowing for different expressions chef peepee and Brooklyn guy aren't beholden to just one expression chef peepee when he's mad can scrunch up his face the new puppets can't seem to really do that the older puppets also have long arms with the ability to move them around the new human puppets have such small arms that seem to be rather stiff that they can't be manipulated this causes the arms to basically just be dragged along with the character the older puppets however have the ability to actually well point or wave at things heck even the plush characters hands would sometimes be moved around it wasn't always great but there was an attempt there also getting back to expressions some of the characters have designs on their faces as in Cody's eyebrows and eyes are always raised in constant surprise Joseph literally has no eyebrows and his only expression is emotion Bowser constantly looks angry and Mario especially got this bad since he looks constantly stressed he could be super happy in a scene but it'll look stressed or what if he's trying to be angry instead he'll just look stressed and my billion annoyed not angry now I get it the plushies had one expression too but for starters the plushies had much more neutral looking expressions I mean heck Kody's eyes were behind his glasses so he couldn't usually tell what expression he was making leaving that to the imagination and that's where a giant glaring issue comes in with the plushies you weren't able to always get all the information so your brain had to fill in that which didn't get filled in by the plushies moving both the puppets it fills in more than enough information to lose that fill-in-the-blank style the puppets are permanently locked into one facial expression and their mouths aren't malleable enough to be manipulated to even make attempts at different expressions they can't really frown or grimace or be upset they're just locked into whatever expression they were designed with now then as for why they were designed this way I have no idea I get it 2d designs on paper will almost always look better than its 3d counterpart I like Sonic studio signs better than his 3d ones and I think I always will whether it's because adding another dimension leaves less creativity or less to the imagination I have no idea but with that all being said and I can't stress this enough there are much better designs out there for these characters how would they have translated over to 3d puppet designs I don't know but even if we didn't get perfect designs these puppets could have been vastly improved so how is the reception to these puppets well yeah most people hated them of course some people thought they should stay but be redesigned and some thought to just keep them whether they're redesigned or not simply because at the time people were still thinking that the big bad capo was going to destroy YouTube but after most people realized that wasn't happening most people who hadn't already turned on the puppets and frankly even Logan has admitted that he doesn't like the puppets anymore and most people in general will if you say you like the puppet and you're above the age of mm-hmm 5 or 10 look at you like you're insane that's not to say that you aren't allowed to like the puppets you'll be looked at like that one guy who thinks the Virtual Boy was one of Nintendo's greatest consoles the consensus is more or less objective at this point that these puppets are terrible like I said even Logan doesn't like them that or the people who are saying they like them are just doing it to be contrarian or something because I really don't know why they would do that but just in case you're watching this video and for some reason loved the puppet designs and think they're far superior to plushies I'm not going to call you stupid for doing so you're entitled to your opinion even if most people disagree and so that was the end of the puppets wait except not really but before we get to that let's discuss the Nintendo angle here - - surprise oh probably no one Nintendo doesn't care about Logan's content and trust me Nintendo knows about the content it's hard to miss when Logan has several million subscribers maybe when he had less than a million subscribers he would have been able to fly under the radar but now he's definitely been noticed in fact people who are particularly fond of Logan's content have tried getting Nintendo to shut down his channel before by emailing Nintendo about it trust me they're well aware of Logan's existence the reason they don't care is because well they're plush videos sure he happens to be making money quite a bit in fact off of said videos but Nintendo doesn't care about that Logan isn't pretending to be Nintendo or anything they don't care what Logan does with these plushies or what he posts on YouTube appropriate or otherwise Plus how would it look on Nintendo's end going after some guy who plays with Nintendo plushies on the Internet then again I guess they've gone after less before I think a big problem is that it would set a precedent of you're not allowed to film our plushies and then post it on the internet which would be nearly impossible for Nintendo to enforce so the point here is that Nintendo knows about Logan so long as he keeps to his lane as it were by not trying to make merchandise of the characters they don't seem to care and remember this is Nintendo if Nintendo finds something they don't like they're not going to twiddle their thumbs and wait around no they try to take their cut or just flat-out shut the whole thing down immediately [Music] so wired the puppets still around why didn't the puppets stay stuck as an awful memory of 2019 well according to Logan he has a contract which forces him to make one puppet video a month but why my only guess is that he signed this contract before he even knew whether or not the puppet would be received well or not or he thought that Copple would force him to use the puppets because the plushies were Nintendo and so on but like I said I still think capo was just a really convenient excuse for him though I could be wrong as for the details of the contract though well aside from having to use the puppets at least once a month we don't know what else is in it but I can do the next best thing I can hypothesize what do I think is in the contract well I'm pretty sure Logan got the puppets at a discount potentially a heavy discount with the catch being he has to use the puppets a certain amount of times and or once every so often in this case once a month this makes sense except for one problem who is this really benefiting from just this description the problem remains that the actual creators aren't really getting a sort of shout out or what-have-you from any of this they don't gain any publicity from it and even if they did I'm pretty sure these horrid things wouldn't be something you'd want as some of your finest work no there's one piece I think we're missing the merchandise sales the sales from puppets are probably split up somehow so that the designers get some money from the whole thing whether it's a 50/50 split forty sixty etc between Logan and the designers respectively this all makes a bit too much sense frankly Logan is probably making these videos as well to try and finally get rid of the remaining stock of puppets even if only a certain amount were made well they still have to be sold or gotten rid of somehow and just how many have been sold anyways well I found something out with each puppet comes a tag with a QR code the QR code leads to an unlisted video with each puppet thanking you for purchasing the the quality uh well let's just say it varies however we can take the view counts and get a rough estimate of how many people have bought the puppets now this is only a rough estimate since some people might not have even bought the puppets and yet been able to find these videos like me but let's take the Cody puppet Oh God for example the video has what we'll call roughly 1600 views after accounting for a margin of error doesn't sound like a whole lot right but that means that there are potentially sixteen hundred Cody puppets out there in the wild all of which had to be bought Cody's on sale bundle price is a roughly 36 or 37 dollars but let's be even more generous and say that at one point Cody was on sale for as low as $30 multiply that by 1600 and he get $48,000 even splitting that 50/50 each party still gets $24,000 and that's just the Cody puppet so Logan isn't going to just scrap the rest of the puppets which in my opinion is fair now the question is how long will Logan have to keep up his end of the contract until all the puppets are sold until his debt as it were is paid off or something different well I honestly don't know but that's why the puppets are still somehow kicking around as of now now for my conclusion this will be the part where I actually discuss how the puppets aren't really that bad and we should be more optimistic right no that's wishful thinking let's face it these puppets are awful they were awfully designed and I get the feeling more and more that Logan just wants to get rid of them the only way to do that however is for him to sell them which will hopefully and his portion of the contract it sucks that we're stuck with these puppets for a while but better once a month then all the time I suppose yet another consequence of Logan's poor decision-making though if you don't like looking at the puppets I don't blame you just listen to the audio for the videos that the puppets are in and try not to think of how much wasted potential there is just by the puppets being there also try not to look at Joseph too much especially it will try to eat your soul hopefully this puppet nonsense will end soon but I guess we'll have to wait and see well thank you all for watching and take care you so I'm pretty sure there's at least one person out there who's thought this entire time we've been complaining about every puppet that's been in an SML video ever and has been very confused about it I admit I kind of got a little angry did you kill him what kind of [ __ ] animal do you take me for no I didn't kill him oh but I didn't kidnap right Oh [Music]
Channel: dabhdude
Views: 169,490
Rating: 4.629777 out of 5
Keywords: dabhdude, SML, SuperMarioLogan, potato, Chef PeePee, AHHHHHH, Rev, SML Reviewer, livestream, update, review, video, the, sml, puppet, problem
Id: hGMFFZ3v_qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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