The Single Most Disturbing Movie Ever Created - The Cat in the Hat [Theory]

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today i've decided to finally digest the entirety of a well-known horror film known as the cat in the hat from what i've heard this deranged film was mistakenly aired to a multitude of children in the early 2000s and its ill effects have rippled through society to this very day i'm going to recap exactly what happens here and then i will explain the meaning behind it and why it has done what it has done to whom it has done it too hello i'm the theorizer and i'm gonna write this as i watch this is in fact a sort of reaction slash theory slash recap slash review because that format works best for content such as this this movie seems to begin with a rhythmic narration as we zoom into a small town named anvil which appears to be situated in a biome not dissimilar to the switzerland alps blah blah blah this is when the horror begins the entire town is immediately shown to be fake the possibly demented narrator explains the sorts of comings and goings of this town a real estate agent named joan works out of a horribly designed building with bathrooms containing signs like employees must constantly wash hands it's my immediate impression that this town and everyone inside of it is strange and not real almost like some sort of fake world or maybe a bizarre experimental utopian test run everything looks to be almost cardboard something like an alternate future diverging from a much more intense 1950s the head real estate agent barely shakes another man's hand and freaks out fires him insanitizes it's like he's paranoid about an unspoken disease afflicting this little isolated population it's like he is i'm not saying by any means that that's the case he fires anyone who isn't perfectly clean or perfectly perfect at all really it's not ocd it's most certainly a rigorous system designed to create a perfect isolated world and the world is very surreal but the film stars jones children order and chaos portrayed by none other than coraline and curtis the elf respectively order in particular is quite obsessive and chaos is quite chaotic i would expect nothing less it seems as though chaos is depicted here as a male and order is a female contrary to the taoist symbolism which is otherwise quite present order is a fixated little thing who writes up her own will and plans graduate schooling self-aware irony is the central theme of this terrifying experience which makes its intentions even more dubious is it possible that this is a comedy in disguise chaos destroys its environment to the chagrin of joan the caretaker and in comes no joke the boss baby what an all-star cast that's a pre-emptive reference coraline in particular here seems to know a thing or two about the real world's constitutional monarchy suggesting that this universe does indeed have real locations outside of this town they even show a military academy eight hours away that looks fairly realistic and thus this is a fake utopia not an entirely surrealist earth it's just this town so boss baby hates taoism surprise surprise order has a superiority complex and in other news the sky is blue the caretaker of taoism disowns chaos in front of order which fragments reality and summons austin powers yes mike myers himself plays the cat in the hat hence my referential shrekening smash mouth is in this film too i think but back to that in a minute feeling bad the caretaker joan puts in charge what might best be described as a liberal arts edna mode we see them watching tv which contains more proof of a real earth outside of this controlled experiment more proof of this is the clouds that instantly rush in but now back to the results of this fight between joan and her son order and chaos meet basically austin powers dressed as a cat and it's the most horrifying thing imaginable it's completely out of place and likely the main purpose of whatever sort of experiment is going on here he is ironic and extremely aware of the environment he's in the question instantly must be asked is this the father of the two children dressed up i say this because it's creepy and it feels like it almost makes sense and because the boss baby alec baldwin is not their dad but their dad was already mentioned maybe they moved here to get away from him at this point it's getting creepy enough on its own without my symbolic embellishment so i'm going to refer to the film's elements by their given terms from here on out i'm too dazed and confused writing this and i'm actually blurring the lines for myself so i have to stop it the cat says he drove here from his place and that he's lactose intolerant okay but the strange part is that he causes weird voices and music and metaphysical manifestations to appear which seems to be counter-intuitive to the idea that he's sally and conrad's father if he is their dad then he should be human just like them he's basically using magic so this is where i start to question what is or is not their imagination and what is causing it all assuming it is some sort of experiment or beta utopia that could be a part of it a population controlling hallucinogenic but i continue to be inclined to say that this is their father trying to spend time with them sort of like a mrs doubtfire scenario because the next thing the cat does is steal a picture of their mother that arouses him i'm certainly not the first to suggest this father idea about any rendition of the cat in the hat this seems to be an almost commonplace idea but let's see just how much proof can be dug up here he calls the curtains a train wreck as if he's had a hand in them in the past i'm more tempted to say that this man is there of his own volition as opposed to being brought in by the mother for entertainment because he actually knows how to make sally laugh already he jumps on the babysitter and then shoves her in the closet which does mean he's there to watch over them there's also evidence that sally is at a breaking point because the cat implies she's one bad day away from arson he also immediately knows that conrad wets his bed and he knows everything about their personalities also i'm mildly delirious doing this whole thing running pitifully low on iron and it's too late for me to see this film differently so we're gonna roll with it apparently the only cure for the kids polar personalities is either painful injections or a musical number again hinting that this is some sort of strange test the cat throws sally at the couch the cat also vomits up a massive ball of hair which is grotesque and evidential of dangerous method acting then we see what in the name of cgi [ __ ] is that so now i'm dead certain that these children are hallucinating i don't know what happened here but we have solid proof that this isolated town is not representative of the rest of the world so this is almost certainly some sort of test involving hallucinogenics sally and conrad maintain their sanity this is all visual alteration but who is this dressed up man and is he a test is he their father or is he something well i don't want to say it in a youtube video but this whole scenario reeks of being extremely disturbing in a a very real sense i mean the babysitter was probably anesthetized too the cat sings a song about neutering kittens which gives him post-traumatic flashbacks implying something severe happened to this man in his childhood this is further evidence for him being part of the experiment for him being their father and yes also for him being damaged and well at risk of demonetization to discuss so what if he's all three a twisted father who's come back to kidnap his children and worse all as an attempt to get back at his ex-wife and her possibly even worse new love interest again this could be seen as extreme but also rather obvious so let's keep digging the hallucinated fish acts as an orderly foil to the chaotic cat reintroducing taoism extremes to dull the severity of the kid's personalities the cat spawns a portal to a bullfighting ring but again all an experiment the fish references mtv and calls out this insane film for what it is maybe the fish is their dad i think he might be from the cat's domain whatever trip that might be like the cat also knows about their homework and such it's clear though why the mother the orderly woman divorced this immature madman then the cat makes them sign a contract with lawyers present implying that this is a waiver of some sort for fun and yes we see some of it this is perfect it'll give us answers to what the hell they're signing over and what this cat is from what i can read it seems to take place in northwest montana and the cat is a paid performance actor we also see a birth certificate which puts the cat's birthday as mike meyer's birthday which would make him 40 during the film aka perfect father age and almost right on target with the mother kelly preston's age the rest of the contract is mostly obscured legal word vomit the cat seems to be self-employed then once they sign the cat starts going full-on crazy and destroys the house with radically inappropriate behavior the spawning of random animals and stuff is most likely the product of again hallucinogens he has this creepy weird laugh when he closes his nostrils sounds kind of like i also think it may be possible that conrad's conscience is the cat and sally's is the fish or vice versa we'll see things get really off the rails here physics break so on but it's all a part of the children's insanity the fish does act like an inner voice to her and even shows her a flashback that isn't her own which is more suspicious perhaps it's an experiment testing controlled hallucinations which is extremely disturbing and thought implantation the cat talks about drunk clowns with hepatitis alec baldwin enters again and the cat vanishes implying it's a vision maybe well baldwin is allergic to cats and starts sneezing so the cat is clearly just hiding but real his suit must be made of real cat hair or maybe alec baldwin is all a part of the experiment as i guess expected at this point this is where the satire goes off the rails and the cat even duplicates himself possibly implying the hallucinogens are causing a time distortion effect or the kids are seeing double the ironic humor is disturbing though and one cat threatens to kill another and make it look like an accident the cats all go oh yeah and shake their hands up and down he calls the other cat wrong stupid and ugly like its mother this is most likely another reference to his ex-wife the kid's mother he chops off his tail and screams son of a [ __ ] no joke nearly as lightly censored as i just did oh my god [Music] oh my god i just figured it out [Music] oh my god i figured it out oh my god pause pause everything this is fake oh my god it's an act oh my god oh my god it's an act i should probably break from my script for this part it makes total sense this is this is all a movie or more likely a play oh god do you understand i barely do i told you i'm writing this while dazed and confused for god's sake i spent a month on this because my iron was so low i needed a damn blood transfusion i need to revisit this when i'm more lucid in the future but what i do know is that this people this is huge it's a movie it's a movie this is a movie in universe it's a movie in universe these kids are actors in universe this cat is the star of a show on a set it's a set literally in front of an audience it's not some inconsistent experiment it's a stage play we are watching a movie of a live play or a movie of a movie i'm still not sure the reason i say this is because of the absurd number of fourth wall breaks and lapses in logic it feels almost perfectly like a stage play but it is being filmed because my whole basis for this was when the cat is talking to these two kids about a lawsuit and then the camera zooms up on him and he says they'll talk later this was an intermission there was an intermission after he chopped off his tail this is an elaborate stand-up comedy act perhaps some sort of audience test viewing and it's about a disturbed cat that meets two kids and livens up their day the audience is watching and there's a camera filming it all of her posterity or whatever the cat keeps breaking the fourth wall and talking to an audience literally there somewhere i don't know where that's the whole point the cameras don't focus on what's behind them it's a dimension we don't see upon viewing that's what the fourth wall is they even mock this and create a sixth [ __ ] wall during the cooking show segment now as for the in-universe universe i can still theorize on the intricacies of this play such as the intricacy that he is their creepy father in disguise luckily all of the surreal sets and lapses in logic and the subtle realism of the cat are all now explained under the fact that there is a secret lens we're looking through an invisible fifth wall an in-universe audience we can't see a play written by fictional writers who are most certainly truly deranged if it is a stand-up act then it means this is all written by the guy playing the cat which makes utterly perfect sense in every conceivable way oh good lord i have to keep watching this movie the in-universe universe is important too you see gives insight into this actor the cat is incorrect in every way socially politically logically physically supernaturally he says his wife's dress was ruined when she bought it yes this is because he references her like a wife i do wonder if the cat is their dad in real life too like a family of actors of course when i say real life i don't mean real real life but the fact that i have to make that distinction like i'm watching inception or some [ __ ] is unbelievable in itself you know what this means though right considering the writers are fictional it almost gives me free reign to fill in their cannon i'm inclined to say that they actually did set out to create a play about order and chaos in human forms the cat says thing one conrad conrad sally thank you sally conrad i am the cat they say thing two's name alternatively is ben perhaps that's his actor's name the things are manifestations of chaotic children the child actors are smart too conrad points out how cat's crazy dimensional magic is branded with a friggin made in philippines thing one and thing two go off on the house and look it's a suit it's a set look it's a set let me get really real for a second only a second when it comes to the humor in this movie i don't even know how this film exists like when i analyze things such as all hail king julien obviously it's weird and inappropriate and whatever but it can still pass as for kids in some way this movie is so incredibly blatantly hilariously not for kids the cat stares down their pet dog with a garden hoe and says time to die in mike myers dr evil accent it's so random and jarring and then he calls this tool dirty see i don't want to do the youtube algorithm but dirty and you know the tool is he says he loves it and then he tries licking it it's so shocking how does this get past any sensors they even make it look like the cat is hanging by a noose then they think he's a pinata and one kid whacks him right in the neutered area as he screams and sees the light for half a second this movie's too fast for me the cat tries whacking the kid with the bat apparently the babysitter is triggered to wake up with the slightest noise of a phone call but nothing else conditioning much the cat still hates the dog's surprise then the cat consoles sally for not being invited to a party by telling her to live alone and die alone all hail king julien doesn't shock me it may seem that way but it doesn't but this genuinely shocks me how does this get past censors i mean i'm not necessarily against it at all it's freaking hilarious but i know that there are volumes of people who definitely would be and logic dictates that censors would listen to parents maybe maybe that's who the test audience is oh my god it is that's exactly who it is god oh my god the cat also seems to have a normal cool car turns out it sucks and it's an acronym that spells out slow he then spells out a phrase that would normally be shortened as a sh this isn't subtle humor how is this film made this is all important because i think the concept of this film being highly inappropriate is the root of the test the test audience the test town this is all a test in audience reactivity and in a very twisted way we are a part of it the cat then describes impulsivity versus conscience in a very basic way but proves he probably isn't a psychopath and not that that needed to be differentiated the cat will spontaneously say things that random people in his life have said for example his mechanic he stares down the cameras and asks when's the last time he's had his brakes checked they see a semi-truck with a rhode island license plate the cat claims his plan was to destroy their house ditch the kids and trick alec baldwin sounds sort of like a horrible resentful family member the cat mocks hippies and says he prefers the term canine american over dog then they enter a phone booth that leads to an austin powers party seemingly honoring the cat the mom doesn't seem to suspect that the father is involved despite alec baldwin ensuring it is the case but i don't know how deep this in-universe universe goes considering these fictional writers are nut jobs in the corners of shots strange happenings happen there's some dude just standing in the middle of town with a persian cat in his arms and nothing is made of it by the way this cgi is clearly being rendered live on the set because of how bad it is for a second i thought alec baldwin was an older version of conrad a version from the future in which he didn't learn discipline then i realized how backwards that would be considering the mom so i dropped it at this point and at this depth i'd not even be phased if they were to flat out explain the hallucinations which by the way they do turns out the cat literally spells out to the kids what's happening when they accidentally unleash the mother of all messes and merge the two worlds into a cgi blob he says this is what happens when you eat bad shellfish so apparently the kids are having a shared fever dream not hallucinogenics then well not in the typical sense so there's her explanation for the in-universe universe's inconsistencies perhaps they truly are just seeing the cat but from what i can tell if he is a vision they're envisioning their father there's too many consistencies he's a representation of their father one way or a damn another get this they jump on the babysitter and ride her around the cat's universe like a roller coaster and when conrad points this out time completely freezes and the cat says you mean like it universal studios cha-ching as he holds up two pamphlets this is the king of all shameless plugs this is the single most shameless shameless plug i've ever seen shamelessly plugged and it so completely proves that there is a test audience sitting right there the fourth wall break to end all fourth wall breaks cinema be damned cat says he loves that new ball smell he then says he manipulated them the entire day and then it was all so they'd learn a lesson they clean up smash mouth even gets a song which the cat references more made in philippines than he leaves so it can't all be fake as alec baldwin is covered in goop afterwards and their mother sees it there's also the fish which is still sapien cgi after the cat leaves in the couch which breaks elasticity physics so again there are pieces of this experiment that aren't hallucinated and of course it's a play as well turns out the cat was the film's narrator and he signs off by asking how the kids got so smart as if he's known them and raised him his whole life so in summary this film is crazy it took me two weeks to watch it because of how exhausting it is the whole town is an experiment of some sort and shellfish poisoning possibly plays into the hallucinated element the cat is likely their creepy father dressed up still trying to parent them in a way or they're visualizing him in a fever dream but it's still their father or a representation of it this is all one massive stage play being shown to test audiences at universal likely children their parents as a sort of inappropriateness quality check utterly whack this is one of the craziest films i've ever stumbled upon and the best way to describe it still is that this whole film is honestly a gateway dark comedy for children it's loaded with unintentional symbolism and randomness and i love it for its self-aware stupidity now i have to get back to mort oh god can this channel really still deepen yes until next time i'm the theorizer [Music] so you
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 681,883
Rating: 4.8760052 out of 5
Keywords: theory, theorizer, the theorizer, clip, scene, scenes, clips, The Cat in the Hat, Cat in the Hat, the cat in the hat theory, cat in the hat theory, the cat in the hat full movie, the theorizer dr seuss, dr seuss, theorizer cat in the hat, the theorizer cat in the hat, cat in the hat movie, cat in the hat meme, the cat in the hat trailer, the cat in the hat movie clips, the cat in the hat movie review, the cat in the hat movie funny parts, cat in the hat movie reaction, sally, conrad
Id: 06FCM81lx9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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