MORT THEORY #2: “All Hail King Julien” is the Most Disturbed Show in HISTORY (Madagascar)

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oh yes I'm really doing this everyone viewing this welcome to part 2 what you are watching right now is the second part to what could possibly end up being a 15 part series and I will link part 1 in the little card above now it's only 10 minutes long and it's a decent establishment video that attempts to organize what is to come it's a prologue and it truly highlights some of the things that Mort has done in the Madagascar franchise that is some people thought I was making outlandish claims about him in that video and not backing it up I want to again inform you those were not my claims those were literally things Mort is in the spin-off show he does have like 12 wives he is a soul sucker he is genetically anomalous I also do have some more news though the mystery series I will be incorporating into this alongside my Du Bois and over the hedge theories might be my eight part series on the lore of Shrek that means the timeline theory for godmother theories to donkey theories in the recent Richie video will all be a part of this huge DreamWorks dissertation we'll see how big this video part 2 ends up being as well and then we'll regroup before we begin I also have updated news on the Madagascar timeline from what I understand Penguins of Madagascar that TV show does come after everything in a timeline because at the end of their movie they meet up with the circus gang again in a post-credits scene I had missed we see Julian and Friends in a Madagascar create during the Penguins TV intro sequence but it's likely a scheme of some sort after breaking up with Sonya so with that said incorporating the shorts and once again excluding the intro scenes of Madagascar 2 and penguins our official timeline stands as all hail King Julian the Christmas caper Madagascar the first merry Madagascar Madagascar of the second medley Madagascar Madagascar the third the penguins movie yes finally the penguins TV show we've finally put a definitive and necessary close on the timeline there seems to be an upcoming prequel show detailing the zoo gang as children and that would be before everything but it's irrelevant to Mort and it's not even here yet so now people do you know what time it is I promise to part two would be me detailing mort's oddness in the Penguins TV show but I just had to watch all hail King Julien I had to and I watched all six seasons of it it consumed the month of May it's why I got no uploads out so we'll do that first and highlight every bit of oddness in this video warning of a lifetime I might need more than just one hello I'm the theorized ER and you can tell it's weird when this show is stranger than all of my other theories combined it's made by different people but it's canon still so this will get interesting it's basically like these writers are literally tempting conspiracy theorists they load in as many offhand weird comments as possible and literally bait you into solving them silver platter granted to me I swear to you it's painfully self-aware what they've done is crazy Mort is like if my patrick Star Theory's all came true I'm not joking he truly is a multi-dimensional identity absorber this is quickly going to devolve into a rapid bullet point format of insanity any qualms I had about him just being delusional this whole time were obliterated with this show from the first moments when he tempts the fusa with a high key dance what this episode does try to explain as the feet Julian rushes in and kicks the predators away with his dance and Mort develops an obsession with his Saviour King Julien and the weapon of his salvation is um feet it might not be the true root of this obsession though we'll see you later it's a red herring or not here Mort has suspicious intentions and seems smart enough to evade death and has love for Julien we already know all of this the show is full of that fast-paced lazy jokes slapstick and yet it's also wildly inappropriate and amusing totally random moments this will also be a review of the show in some ways in episode 2 he continues with the inappropriate references and in episode 3 he authors a best-selling coloring book called 50 shades of King Julien when asked to keep a secret he claims that he has voices that tell him to hide things until it's too late for people to stop him in this episode he also survives being eaten by a carnivorous flower and projectile vomiting way more than his body allows for he is also blown up crushed carried away by a bird and slammed into the ground from hundreds of feet and again the humor it's so adult there is no way kids wouldn't pick up on this it's so constant in the following episode people literally get drunk from partying and in episode 5 the fusa engaged in a proclaimed mating ritual to create a new species it's absolutely crazy there's this evil fan Aloka named Karl who has an intimate relationship with his purring pet cockroach the show is self-aware and moored as always this shows test subject the characters seem to already know he's indestructible and they send him into dangerous situations constantly Morten thinks Julian has exploded near the end of episode 3 and proclaims that no matter how much Julian waits he will put him back together and live with each other forever a whole new level of disturbed pact with Laura sever the end of the episode seems to reveal that there are certain gods in the sky who respect the denizens of Madagascar this is our first true taste of the supernatural in this show and it might come in handy down the road still were only a few episodes in this is going to drain me in the best way possible but back to episode 4 Mort is behaving and speaking a little more intensely while doing a security check on someone he wears a glove on his head and it transforms him from what I've read on the wiki I'm fairly certain I know what this is adult health more into that later because if i theorize now it'll just be answered later in the time will be wasted basically though Mort spontaneously changes personality accent appearance and still notices that the feet look different today in the fifth episode he claims the feet haunt his dreams with pleasure Mort seems to be lucid no matter how dumb he behaves he has slightly violent tendencies too I've noticed to go along with his indestructibility he says crazy things while self-aware of proclaiming Julian and maurices argument as a mommy and daddy fight but pause on Mort for a second and let's go back to those sky gods the lemurs worship when episode 7 begins they play a boombox and clouds roll in seemingly confirming the existence of those deities but I have to theorize a little bit here bear with me because one episode prior King Julien's bodyguard clover goes on of a and she meets a very strange spiritual guru inner peace guy named sage who when he heads off whistles and a massive bird carries him away into the sky could this little bit of oddness be tied to the sky gods we'll need to see if this sort of thing ever shows up again because sages supernatural aura could tie to these sky gods and Mort can tie to them thereby possibly answering some things because Mort and these deities are the two main supernatural elements of this show from what I've seen so far you know aside from this lizard Oracle this show is chaotic neutral Julian tries to fix his boombox so as to reconnect with Kevin the god of precipitation with the help of a small tenor wreck named Timo who claims Julian's family is inbred inappropriate kids show but there is your single explanation for Julian's behavior inbreeding Timo fixes the boombox with mechanical skills and becomes their scientist he works out of a crash to USSR space pod while he fixes the boombox to reconnect with the sky gods Mort tries to summon rain with a song of his own and flings sticks into the sky he suddenly screams son and then the Styx returns stab him perfectly with maximum force it's possible that he's an enemy of the sky gods and may not even know it when they bring back the boombox to summon Kevin Mort screams that the boombox is undead like a zombie and Penix he had experience with that too Mort in a previous episode we saw mort's x-ray but here a blow-dryer seems to go through his mouth and out his butt real quick so which is it normal Anatomy or anomalous when he invites the local Oracle into his home he has very odd demeanor and offers her a lotion made of his own tears in this episode episode 7 everyone sort of talks to themselves and acts if they have voices and identities but more as usual takes the cake when he gets in the bathtub with the Oracle and claims they'll be sisters forever they borderline portray him as Annie from misery as creepy as maximally self-aware as possible they play the creepiest music as Mort disappears and then reappears with a blonde wig on and treats her like they're sisters something's going on here something tells me this is a soul the wiki had referred to one he absorbed I'm getting ahead of myself next episode Mort bullies Maurice and then joins a monarchy rebellion group who manipulates him into creating good art to convince others of rebelling based off of the things he's drawing I'm quite sure he knows he's being manipulated he flips back and forth eats dog meat and vomits it up he knocks a ton of cacti over on them he knows he's irritating them in episode 9 who's scared then bold then claims he saves cake for his cheap days and then things finally their stride and unravel in the season 1 finale we're going through this quick and I'm taking notes real quick first Maurice claims that he's just a co-star implying he knows he's on a TV show then Mort hits back with the innuendos saying he loved to eat the yummy King Julien but the finales true purpose is what shocks me most of all and answers many of the oddities so far you see there's this Cove of Wonders near their kingdom where tons of stuff washes ashore and they find coffee Julien gives it to the kingdom to improve productivity and more tries chewing the coffee because he's stupid and he screeches about how he has a drinking problem the kingdom starts losing it and then literally right after this show jokes about conspiracies of super-intelligent middle-earth government corruption the most actually unexpected leftfield answer to all of this madness emerges from the shadows Mort walks in with a monocle on and a British accent claiming coffee has had a drastic effect on him making him extremely intelligent for as long as it's in his system I believe more being this small and having that much coffee has had this crazy hypermetabolic effect that cranked him way past being hyper and basically acted as a drug unlocking his brain I can't tell if this is just a more intelligent Mort or a new personality altogether but smart more does claim he loves King Julien just as regular Mort does it's soon revealed that the evil Aurel guys set up the coffee to take over the kingdom with caffeine addiction smart Mort helps save the day claiming normal Mort is barely competent he convinces all of Karl's guards that they should be unsatisfied with their current health care plan and that he can help them form a union to negotiate a working wage and retirement plan I am not joking this is like the culmination of every wack Theory I've ever posted on this channel and I'm made for this Karl's workers turn on him and Mort slowly degrades back and forth before becoming obsessed over the feat once again the day is saved and season 1 finishes but the show is not nearly over and my theories are truly truly just now beginning in season 2 Mort keeps being crazy and playing along with jokes including when he spontaneously summons an organ out of thin air and says he won't explain how he did it the second episode is one massive social commentary after another and the third showcases mort's creepiness when his voice deepens it's so romantically disturbed he brings out the blonde wig again and then tries to make a self-aware joke by saying he claims he's been in strange love before or is this a separate wig persona we meet clovers sister crimson and she almost gets married to Julian who objects and claims he's having an affair by loving his kingdom more than her causing her to dip out and team up with Julien's uncle who is trying to reclaim the throne more later on that but the reason for mort's wig here he's the flower girl of the wedding he behaves differently I swear it's not the Mort we're used to by episode 4 things start to get weird again when King Julien is given a pineapple and tricked into believing it contains the knowledge of all Kings prior after he rips apart the beach ball of baby lemurs and tells them to go home and atrophy like normal children what Mort gets jealous of the pineapples closeness to Julian and dreams of mutilating it his worries aren't baseless as Julian claims to spoon the pineapple at night Mort kidnaps the pineapple and ties it to a chair while putting on a villain accent and stroking his tail like a villain would stroke its cat this is almost certainly another persona so now we've got smart Mort the misery Mort this Mort I'll catalogue it later if they all seem to share the same motivations like Mort has influenced them but at their core they are not our Mort Mort hallucinates that the pineapple is sentient and mocking him when approached about his kidnapping of the pineapple his inner monologue panics and then suddenly his face changes and another Mort responds to the inner monologue followed by another and another and then one of them says I thought we were alone in here they are now quite distinctly escalating the voices in his head from joke status to mystery status to escape the confrontation Mort spontaneously vomits excessively before regretting the sadness he's brought to Julien by kidnapping the pineapple he tries returning it and evades some fusa by tempting them with his little dance again the sky gods perform a deus ex machina and strike down the fussa with lightning but Julien seemingly dies in the ensuing madness and appears in limbo where the pineapple some friggin how proves itself to actually be sentient unless this is just a subconscious just before he really can't claim 'he's he looks so peaceful i can have his body riot he says it in the creepiest possible alternate accent who is this now is it really Mort regardless of the pineapples sapiens the episode ends when Mort crushes it with a sledgehammer next episode he makes an intentionally creepy drawing of Julian and to top it off helps introduce money into the kingdom he immediately becomes a loan shark who cons people within seconds I'm not sure if his cleverness is him or another persona he manipulates the entire population of the kingdom and creates devil deal contracts in which people sell him their souls or their babies this isn't my interpretation this is all word-for-word in the show he then promises Julian money if he sells his body to him by having Mort go on a date with his foot what thief everyone starts dying off because he hoards the money as a tycoon culminating when Mort says game over and reveals he thought he was playing Monopoly the whole time next episode sage comes back and we see the huge hawk again who he claims is his spirit animal other than that there is still no evidence sage has relations with the sky gods in the seventh episode of season 2 Mort claims he's always off in his own world before his eyes split apart this is in an episode amongst rigorous political innuendo regarding Julien's ancestor Julian the terrible who is layer struck with lightning presumably by the gods before disintegrating a crazy show episode 8 though is top tier disturbed when Mort is so desperate for Julian's love that he convinces him he secretly been his son all along Mort then pretends to be a baby and embraces it to the point that I think it might be yet another personality it's uncanny and bizarre when Julian asks clover to be the mommy she picks up Mort and his accent changes again when he calls her hard and bony you guys were right this show takes two years off your life I feel my soul just leeching away this episode ends up doing crazy stuff including a pageant karin named Tammy who hypnotized her infant son but the moral of this episode is this Mort is actually older than King Julian is we knew this before but I want more explanation of this and I just know I'll be getting some eventually this show overall feels like one of those episodic comedies but the writers have an absolutely phenomenal respect for continuity better than some dramas I've seen this makes it easier and deliberate commendable but then in episode 9 more inhales Julian's aged toenail clippings to track him like a bloodhound you know it's funny many times now I've made a joke when writing notes here and then seconds later it happens in the episode just goes to show how off-the-wall this really is it is as crazy as my craziest theories Mort attacks the guy who kidnapped in this episode and literally tears apart his face until he looks thrice his initial age I just I just don't it can't even in episode 10 Julien reaches down mort's esophagus and pulls out a live butterfly and a skeletonized human arm in the following episode Mort is his usual chaotic self but we also see a monkey from the USSR who crashed on Madagascar from outer space and he's still alive he then returns home where the USSR flags are still in full effect meaning Madagascar might take place in the eighties I need more before solidifying it though in episode 12 Mort tries out to be Julien's a rebound advisor after Maurice leaves Mort pretends to be French then sophisticated and then were really suggestive he licks his finger and sizzles that on his buttock are these more personas well the snazzy one wears the same wig as the misery altar so maybe it's hard to tell as he admits he's faking it in Julien's time of need the pineapples gostrey appears to him still unclear whether it's an advisor from the heavens Julian's conscience or something to do with the sky God's eye I don't know in episode 13 Mort once again pulls the mommy-daddy card on the main characters weird perspective episode 14 is relentlessly rife with religious commentary when the existence of the sky gods is finally questioned suddenly one of the gods appears but it's just a robotic employ by Carl to kill Julian so they build a counter robot and more attacks back will we ever learn the truth of the supernatural this shows having an identity crisis and it thinks it is the leftovers but near the end a massive cloud does fly down and immediately back up after raining and electrocuting proving beyond a shadow of a doubt man these gods do exist in episode 15 Mort becomes the face of Julien's new nightclub Club moist he dances up on stage like a chick from the roaring 20s singing about how Julien's feet make him weak and everyone applauds Mort for being so moist they renamed him to pork because he's tender sweet and smoky he celebrates by raving about how he's a non kosher meat he attracts lemurs from all over the kingdom when he sings about bunions this is another personality I dare you to pull it up on Netflix and watch for yourself Mort wishes to be used words from his own mouth in the season 2 finale Julian thinks he's dying so Mort keeps giving him sponge baths and rectal thermometers onward to season 3 but be warned everybody this is when things start to actually get weird what you've seen so far is literally nothing inappropriate messages abound about selling bodies holes and bloomers the two-part premiere follows everyone saving Julian again who's been kidnapped by pirates this time Mort as per the usual tracks with conviction so intense he eats Julian's footprints he organizes a battle plan as if he's some sort of warlord maybe another persona when they find the ship all of the other pirates recognize Mort as dread pirate Mort the Nemesis of this ship's captain last they met they were fighting for the love of Empress goal area off the jagged coast of Fouch he has a painting of the battle on his wall at home and he screams for goal area before owning the other captain Mort calls the other pirates near children and doesn't object to the notion that he'd kill at least five people a day during his pirating years then he shows off his true supernatural capabilities when clover dangles Julian like a carrot on a stick above Mort causing him to sprint on the water and drag their boat behind him when Julien's parents return Julian is thrilled but the others are not and Mort suggests they eliminate the parents and make it look like an accident apparently he knows a guy everyone finally just asks more what the hell is wrong with him and he says a lot of stuff before splitting his eyeballs again when they decide to focus on older hobbies Mort claims his favorite hobby is making wigs out of stolen hair looking for maurices only hobby is taking care of Julian who's the closest family he has Mort interrupts and proclaims that he's outlived all of his relatives it's like he's flaunting his earring is at this point he suddenly forgets clover even exists for a moment then we see into Julien's nightmare and the second it popped up I knew what they were doing I just about died from throwing my body into the wall aghast with shattered expectations nope no no no nope oh you gotta be kidding me what you know this actually makes about as much contextual sense as the work it's based on so this is directly parody in Twin Peaks and just when I thought they wouldn't go there they did exactly that by the way I did reverse mort's speech and he basically just says here let's do this from where we come from there's always mangos in the air reference to something that itself makes sense to the subconscious of maybe a sleep paralysis demon from what we've seen I must admit more is the best one for this portrayal a pineapple even flies by once again pulling a leftovers by hiding whether or not this fruit Spirit is just in his dreams or it's really a spiritual mystery box more later obsesses over Julianne having dreamt of him and calls him a lover Julianne hallucinates Mort getting eaten by a shark and Mort somehow is aware of this can he read minds more helps make Maurice cry just to mock his emotions Mort brings up that guy who makes people disappear again on deaf ears at this point we've reached episode 5 of the third season and mort's back at it with that glove that makes him aggressive he sniffs it and laughs evilly presumably knowing that it will summon his altar like last time we are met with more and more fourth wall breaks than ever and Mort severely dislocates his rib and cranks it back into place maniacally by the way to reveal that there's an uprising of sentient Belles that plan to reclaim Madagascar from beneath the ground apparently Mort does have experience with the zombies as we jokingly asked before because in episode 6 he has a tea party with one in Episode seven Mort romanticizes Julianne again and then get some duck aliens after praying to the sky gods psychic lizard lady uses her telepathy and sees it was just some researchers tracking lemurs they bar-coded Mort this proves that the lizard truly is magic though and she can read minds quite clearly so there is some supernatural in this show Mort sips through every personality type we've seen yet while going through this episode maybe they were out researching him for his anomalous psychology they do chip him the following night and everyone rescues him later learning that humans exist in the process so yes this episode is crucial but I question why they wear hazmat suits in Madagascar Mort then eats a bucket of tracking chips of course everyone else hides in the bunker and when the main characters get back and they cannot find anyone they think all of the kingdom raptured to the sky God's heavens the psychic lizard laments about being left behind this show thinks it's the leftovers again in episode 8 Mort pretends to be a butterfly so he can start a war by firing mangoes at innocents from the air turns out the real butterflies are all psychopaths and we're just waiting for a reason to attack so now they have it war happens socio-political commentary that killed the Queen happy ending and then finally finally we get the next true reveal episode sorta Julianne once fast-food for the kingdom Mort helps out he claims he was born five years premature his grandmother left him a huge tank of healthy food he puts on a deep voice that sounds nothing like himself actual anti falsetto head ass it gets crazier way crazier they run out of food and Julia asks more to remember how they can get some more Mort panics and screams he forgets everything his granny told him because it was fifty years ago Julianne screams how old are you and then mort's inner voice himself says come on Mordecai you can remember before he suddenly sees his granny she is the one with the blonde wig from what I can best tell he's pulling some sort of Bates Motel alter he communes with her memory somehow Julianne slaps him and asks who he's talking to Mort into it's the recipe for fast food and loads a bunch of discarded junk into the food tank and creates food again but it becomes a huge metallic black hole of sort that sucks everyone in until clover saves them so we know mort's granny has some answers to the madness I need to see more of her or smart Mort to get some true theories going here Mort wants to eat a scorpion but his mouth won't open wide enough he slurps it up anyways scorpions crawl out and he consumes them again it's now episode 10 more political commentary this one is really trying hard to make itself obvious not particularly one way or another but the show undoes its own lessons and just mocks literally every aspect of various situations through a lens of lemurs the chokes also have reached the point of being as edgy as total drama island but slightly more veiled in episode 11 Mort claims he had a home school prom with his granny Q to him making out with her in his mind he wakes up and screams what year is this with a wig on he references his grandmother again in episode 12 when he quotes her as saying sick butterfly free and if it gets caught in the spiderweb there's gonna be a whole bunch of spider babies come springtime hee hee then flips upside down with a horrific grin on his face and crawls around the room cackling like an evil spider he's beaten to near death by a huge wildebeest and his spine he explains this claiming he's part starfish and that he can regenerate so well once he grew back his own head they literally just explained part of his seeming invulnerability they did it for me this is once again like if my patrick Star theories came to life if he's a starfish then he almost certainly is also part spider based on what we just saw earlier there he doesn't lie he's serious everything is appallingly true he gets the snazzy voice on again when he says I'll do what you want you don't have to poke me with a stick unless you want to her hair he gets sucked into a reel of tape compressing him into the cassette but he's a starfish so that's fine he's fine obviously clover gets hurt and she appears in the white void where pineapple greets her and brings her one of her deceased relatives clover knows kung-fu like the Panda variety and her grandmother taught her before dying this then clearly is limbo it's not all in Julian's mind as clover never met pie the pineapple is just the random form the Kings spirits decided to take after people joked about it really being the case it truly is supernatural this has ramifications pineapple claims he made an interdimensional bet and he fears he will lose it we later confirmed for good that this is the afterlife and a bunch of fruits rule over it as they watch a cage fight between clovers grandma and the man who killed her this just leveled up I'm sort of blowing all my theories now but I really damn think these fruits are the sky gods or at least what Julian has interpreted as sky gods they call heaven Frank Rolla and this is later revealed to be frank role on the Frankie laws the sky gods heaven etc interpretation finally in the season 3 finale Julian wants to map all of the universe and Mort claims he's from a planet named foetus majora in the far reaches of space he could be pretending not lying but pretending this is after all just to pretend math and Julian says get your own solar system but what if he's not kidding this explains everything and nothing at the same time alien Mort in this finale everyone builds a wall to keep out the other species hmm they launch all of the Madagascar kingdoms out with a catapult and then the various other Kings all rally under a mysterious overseer II that plans a revolution revealed to be none other than Mort Julien in his diaries time of need sees the ghost of pineapple who's in rough shape because he lost his bets and I owes everyone money Julien dismisses his advices greeting card sentiment and walks away Morse doesn't like leading a revolution but I'm pretty sure another personality stepped into the job because he rallies all the Kings to invade him proclaims how everyone has to go for the male's first sell the children end quote the women Oh women we always treat with respect you never know what's him or his alter egos and this is putting me in a tight situation I need to cut it here because this is quite possibly the longest individual theory video I have ever posted it might break my 25 minute limit and I need probably two more yes this is still all only Part two and now it's been split into three sections so I can edit it all in time I'm going to edit the next one now really quick and get it out ASAP so absolutely subscribe and stay tuned because season 4 is easily when things become mort's show all of our questions are seemingly answered and finally my theories can begin to flourish until next time I'm the theorized ER [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 680,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Madagascar, All Hail King Julien, Madagascar Theory, dreamworks, theorizer, the theorizer, mort Madagascar, theory, theorizer madagascar, the theorizer Madagascar, mort Madagascar feet, mort Madagascar wives, king julien Madagascar, clip, clips, scene, scenes, madagascar mort, AHKJ, All Hail King Julien Mort, AHKJ Mort, theorizer all hail king julien, the theorizer all hail king julien, all hail king julien full episodes, all hail king julien exiled, all hail king julien review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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