3 Disturbing Children's Drawings with Backstories

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years ago i did a somewhat lighthearted video about the creepiest children's drawings i made jokes about a lot of them but a few on that list did seem like they might have had some sinister backstories over the years i've gotten a handful of kids drawings with backstories emailed to me today i'm going to be compiling a few of those into this video this was the drawing made by a six-year-old boy in 2012. the picture was found in his room by his older sister tracy who sent this to me who was 14 at the time and she showed it to her parents in the picture is the family around the dinner table drawn in a typical six-year-old skill level the reason tracy showed it to her family is because she could recognize all the family members at the dinner table even the family dog and cat who she couldn't recognize was the man sitting on the floor kind of behind the table tracy said in her emails to me that when she was asking her little brother who that man was he kept shrugging his shoulders and saying he's not allowed to tell the man was drawn to be dressed in all black and has reddish brown curly hair as you can see because of her little brother's refusal to explain who that fifth person in the picture was she showed it to her parents explaining that he likely had an imaginary friend or was pretending to be seeing ghosts after the parents confronted the child at dinner asking who the man in the picture was the boy made a pouty face and shrugged his shoulders he did this anytime they asked with the most detailed answer from his mouth being i'm not allowed to tell the parents specifically the dad weren't fazed by it as really a six-year-old could draw anything and create some kind of crazy story in their head behind it tracy would be responsible for watching her brother often when their parents weren't home and one day when she was left in charge of watching him she heard her brother talking to someone in his room upon getting to his room she learned he was just playing with his toy car set on the floor talking to most likely himself as he played tracy asked if he was talking to anyone he looked at her and shrugged his shoulders again pouting his face tracy then noticed some candies on the floor of her brother's room a specific kind of green apple flavored candy that she'd never seen her mother buy before she asked him where he got this and he ignored her going back to playing tracy took the candies and that angered her brother yell and give them back she waited until her parents returned home to ask if either of them had bought the unusual candy since the boy was only six and it was summer break aka receiving the candies at school wasn't even a possibility the random candies appearing in the boys room became a concern even as the boy was scolded and pressed by his parents as to where he got the candies from he still just made his pouty angry face and ignored them the boy was grounded by his father until he would answer the question so he wasn't allowed to leave his room the family checked the closets in his room under the bed even the closets outside of the room the idea that someone was inside of the house was out the window on that same night that he was grounded tracy sat close to her bedroom door instead of on her bed so that she would easily hear if and when her brother in the next room would start talking and sure enough when he did which to note was way past her brother's bedtime she jumped up and ran to his room opened the door and saw her little six-year-old brother standing at his open window talking to a man who looked as though he were about to climb into the room tracy screamed for her mom and dad causing the man at the window to flee and her brother began to cry once tracy told her parents that a man was talking to her brother through his window the police were called the boy still refused to talk at first but with the police there he eventually said that his friend told him not to tell anyone about him or that he couldn't come and play anymore when asked his friend's name and age he said he didn't know when asked what the two of them would do the boy said he would come with snacks and candies for him and just play with toys when asked how they met he said they met in front of the house one day when the man stopped on his bike and gave him some candy after offering to come back with more candies and snacks tracy's brother told him which bedroom window was his and that's when this started submitted to me all the way back in 2015 this was sent by a mother of two children a six-year-old boy and an eight-year-old girl almost every night between the hours of 12 and 5 a.m the boy would come to the parents bedroom crying that he scared because someone or something was in his room at the edge of his bed the boy would claim that every night the person or thing would come out from his closet and move to the same spot at the foot of his bed and just stand there not moving the first few times the parents would check the boy's bedroom just to make him feel better the closet door would always be opened when questioned why the closet door was always open when it was supposed to be shut he would claim that it was because he was telling the truth about the thing in his closet every time the parents would show their son that the closet was empty he would go back to sleep their eight-year-old daughter never had any similar issues to this for a few nights the parents would let him start sleeping in their room on the floor with a blanket eventually though after this had been going on for too long the parents decided to humor him one more time and asked him to draw what the thing at the foot of his bed looked like his drawing sent chills down his parents spines in the drawing was some grudge-like figure that seems like it would be enough to give a grown man nightmares let alone a six-year-old boy there also appears to be something at the window and when questioned about this the boy said that he sees it at the window sometimes too when it's not at the foot of his bed the parent's solution to this was moving their son's bed to the spare bedroom across the hall that didn't have any big closets the mom who submitted this couldn't help but get a little creeped out herself at the drawing and every time he would come crying to their room in the middle of the night this third and last one is little different in that it's a mix of drawings and writing and there's three different pages of it this was found by the new babysitter of an 11 year old boy named rocco in ottawa canada the babysitter who i'll refer to as alyssa was needed while the parents of rocco were away for a week according to alyssa rocco was very quiet and kept to himself most of the time he would stay in his room for a majority of the day and would only come out to get food from the fridge or to go downstairs to play video games alyssa tried to befriend the child the first day but eventually gave up after realizing rocco either didn't like her or was just a very unfriendly creepy kid in general alyssa would spend the majority of her shifts doing schoolwork and watching movies she knew rocco had an obsession with guns because of the amount of toy guns he had they would lay across the house in varying rooms ranging from nerf guns to airsoft guns to varying types of toy guns alyssa had never been in rocko's room yet though but one night when alyssa was having trouble sleeping she heard rocco sneak into her designated bedroom and was just standing by the doorway she sat up in her bed and asked rocco something wrong then she just closed the door quickly and she heard him running back to his room the next day alyssa went into rocco's room for the first time rocco wasn't in there and the light was off this meant he was in the basement playing video games as those were the only two rooms he'd ever be in according to alyssa he didn't even seem to seek hanging out with friends sprawled out on rocco's floor where a bunch of papers the first piece of paper that caught her attention was this drawing of a handgun it wasn't anything really alarming it just further demonstrated his fixation on guns alyssa dug through the papers though and found four pieces of paper stapled together with three different staples they formed what could best be described as a little storybook the first page looked to be the cover page titled the babysitter immediately alyssa assumed this little book was about her but not wanting to get caught reading it she took pictures of each page of the little booklet as well as a picture of the handgun drawing and left the room to go read it on her phone elsewhere these were the pictures she had taken this was the second page rocco wrote on it it was a regular day in the house when mom and dad brought over the babysitter for the first time there's something about her that i hate i think it's how ugly she is she's a huge nerd i don't want her in the house not sure why my mom and dad hired her i think i'm gonna have to kill her the drawing on the page is what's supposed to be alyssa sitting on the couch on her phone and rocco spying on her through the doorway this was the next page it's day three and she's still here parents think i'm a baby or something that needs an annoying ugly babysitter that eats all our food and drinks in this drawing rocco appears to be grabbing a kitchen knife while alyssa's in the fridge the child's disdain for his babysitter becomes increasingly apparent in a disturbing manner but the next and last page is by far the worst it says she caught me sneaking into her room i have to be quieter next time the picture is quite obviously rocco holding a knife behind his back while alyssa lay asleep in her bed the implications of this picture are beyond transparent alyssa returned to rocco's room while he was still in the basement and lo and behold found a small kitchen knife on his bedside nightstand alyssa sent the pictures of the drawings and knifed to rocco's parents and then called them at first the parents tried to convince her he must be joking around but they were apparently easily convinced that rocco could have monstrous intentions they had rocco's grandmother take over that same day alyssa left the house never informing the police or any other authorities she accepted her payment for the two weeks that night and she accepted the parents apologies but not without recommending that they take their son to get some serious help [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 7,360,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: childrens drawings, messed up childrens drawings, creepy kids drawings, kids drawings, creepy drawings, creepy, disturbing, distrubing drawings, messed up, cartoons, scary cartoons, scary kid drawings, drawings
Id: zm5B4IjYlaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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