Spongebob: The Creepy Story Behind Patrick’s Stupidity (Patrick: Part 1) [Theory]

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now there have been theories upon theories upon theories is Patrick Starr a psychopath is he faking his idiocy to get by or perhaps to make others go insane it's something that everyone who's ever watched the show has likely considered especially because of his random bursts of intelligence back in July 2016 at the end of my plankton video I told you all that I would eventually return to prove why Patrick is a psycho since then many theories have cropped up but truly what is the realism in this idea what is Patrick Starr going for is he legitimately unintelligent or is he a master manipulator out to psychologically destroy everyone today in honor of the single most creepy day of the entire year I'm going to meticulously dismantle multiple instances in which he breaks from his farce in order to pinpoint exactly what his motives truly are but perhaps he isn't actually evil but maybe there's another reason don't believe me think it's all just an inconsistent children's show follow me down this insane psychological trip and there's a slight chance I'll have you convinced hello I'm the theorized er and mr. Starr has been demonstrating his psychopathy since the beginning the very beginning his antics with Sponge Bob never cease Sponge Bob is clearly childish he has very little maturity and acts nothing like an adult we see his brain on occasion and some including Loki myself have even gone to theorize that in the episode where Sponge Bob throws out his brains files that's the moment when the entire series shifts and he goes extremely dumb we've seen his brain in other scenarios since then and it's since fallen to an apocalyptic state of ruin it has kept him blissfully ignorant and stupid Patrick on the other hand he's always been a bit off in the episode known as Patrick smart pants we get a pretty good clue as to what may be going on with him his brain is metaphorically shown to be unplugged until the top of his head falls off and spongebob accidentally replaces it with brain coral which plugs him in and gets his gears working although a metaphor his brain is shown to have cobwebs all over it implying that it was once very active but that it hasn't been used in a long while and when his brain reactivates we get a massive glimpse at what may just be Patrick's original self throughout the remainder of the episode we see him taunt sandy and Squidward accusing them of being lower functioning life forms despite the fact that starfish are known to have no brain and squids are some of the most intelligent of the deep-sea kind squirrels too are very methodical and smart seriously though while starfish have no real brain they do have a circular nervous system around themselves and something else that's cool which you most likely already knew is that some starfish can regenerate some can a sexually reproduce when fragmented and because of the way in which they don't have really a brain in certain cases the detached limb will not only grow back but create a whole other starfish as well now how this is all extremely complicated stuff but cailli all we need is this one piece of sort of common knowledge because it's all the creators would use they wouldn't study in depth about the inner mechanisms of a starfish all they would do is make a joke about how some starfish multiply because it's nearly common knowledge I swear I saw him duplicate in an episode but I can't remember which one if you guys know it please tell me maybe it's just my nostalgia or maybe false memory I don't know but what my point is here is that there is a good chance patrick has the ability to multiply based Cheerilee off of how the creators have written patrick i mean clearly they took into account the well-known fact that starfish don't have brains so it's obvious where they tend to lean with all of this and why is this so crucial to a smarts and villainy oh because I have an extremely complicated thought that is very likely untrue but oh god I so badly want to share it with you guys because it is so cool Patrick's mind is as he puts it an enigmatic aliy unfathomable mess of machinations in the episode known as the secret box that's what patrick is trying to say after Sponge Bob asks what's in Patrick's mysterious box Patrick's personality outright changes and he begins to go entranced with huge words he can never ever usually says his whole mood shifts ever so slightly this is all done for comedic effect and I literally burst out laughing the first time I watched this but now I'm looking at it closer after he denies spongebob entrance to his box he says that spongebob is an open book and he tells him that he isn't worthy to know the box's contents and then he says the inner machinations of his mind are enigmatic while he thinks about milk spilling so is this his true smartness perhaps seeping through somehow keep in mind that this all takes place long before the brain coral episode so what is going on at the end of the episode Patrick reveals to spongebob that the only thing inside of the box is a seat String spongebob laughs and leaves but then Patrick mysteriously laughs for a solid 9 seconds as dark and malicious music plays Patrick then reveals to the audience that the string is actually something that pulls open a literal secret compartment revealing an embarrassing image of Spongebob at a Christmas party hmm the inner machinations of his mind does he know that machinations are dark and shifty schemes he knows that right and he's referring to himself in general not this single instance and then he thinks of spilled milk so his Patrick out of his mind is he faking is his true intelligence seeping through I don't quite think so however this is but one of several occasions in which something smart bursts out even briefly in the episode where they do a bunch of painting Patrick says that they must stop acting like cavemen he then maturely says we have technology before pausing and then going totally nuts on the computer it's obviously just the way they've written Patrick and it's comedic genius but the repercussions this has on him as a legitimate character are staggering and this isn't all like I said in my plankton video this show has vicious inconsistencies Plankton's goal is constantly changing this is similar to Patrick this of course could be because SpongeBob SquarePants has no grander plot arc but these consistencies are very easy to keep continued and there's no reason to break them like they constantly do in certain moments Patrick can do things easily and in others he can't do them at all a good example is with reading sometimes he can do it quickly and easily and other times he seriously struggles for no reason at all and then there's the fact that he can wire his house so that a SAN TV works somehow something does not make sense he seems to have some kind of mental power and he does unnatural things all in the name of slapstick and comedy but he still does do them so how am I to explain this under the concept of Spongebob Laura either I can't or I can continue with something terrifyingly senseless something that simultaneously seems so out there but also makes some levels of sense Patrick Starr is not even not at all his intelligence just rapidly shifts his personality just rapidly shifts like some very strange very rare unique variation on an identity disorder of some sort formerly known as multiple personality disorder dissociative identity disorder is quite likely to have some level of play in this a variation where the shift in personality is instant or very slightly delayed all in the name of Patrick's own sense of comedy triggered by much else than his will to entertain his friends a variation in which memory gaps are practically non-existent unlike the real MBD we know this because of help Ettrick lost no memories during the brain quarrel episode so what do I have to prove my suspicions well first of all brain coral is a real thing though it looks near nothing like the show displays it and it obviously can't make you smarter even if you are starfish but in spongebob it clearly activated an extremely dormant personality that may even be the original host of Patrick but there's way more than that I don't think Patrick has just two or maybe three personalities I think he has hundred dozens of identities that we have no idea he's switching between as we watch him not even Patrick is aware of this shift his personality changes in a very distinct way however the smarter the version of Patrick the more arrogant and unfunny the Dumber the more kind and hilarious each personality is extremely similar to the last changing ever so slightly as they escalate from an IQ of zero to an IQ of what we see in the brain quarrel episode which is Oh God levels Einstein easily reached probably topping around 160 or maybe even 170 and if we haven't seen all of Patrick yet then there's a chance that he could keep going the highest recorded IQ maxed out at 300 so if Patrick were put into such a situation we could be looking at a maximum of 300 different split personalities inside of his head keeping him constantly dumbfound confused and grounded at the lower end of his spectrum unless the situation pushes him higher it all depends on how he wants to set the tone of quality and based off of the fact that he was unplugged we can assume that the Patrick with an IQ of 165 is the original Patrick the one that grew up until some sort of traumatic incident caused his natural starfish instincts to kick in the ones that split him however since we know all of the splitting is happening in his brain therein lies the possibility that every time his plug falls out a new personality is created and there's even a slim chance that he literally does have hundreds of smaller brains in his head if it is in fact correct that he physically splits to like starfish do though it's far more likely that he's just splitting his mentality across dozens of intelligence quotients he could have if unrestricted by reality Patrick could very well have infinite people in his mind depending on how many times his brain has unplugged over the course of his lifetime each time it does so it cognitively kills him and in death like all starfish it duplicates him as we see he may originally be a smart fish but one cognitive arrest occurred and he sat for years and still today as primarily a dar fish now this could all be a genetic case of severe Huntington's which is slowly dragging him down but it's most likely to be as I said it is that of course is referring to my theory which as a whole I don't really believe I'm just laying out the evidence in providing a semi conclusion to what I think this star could really be doing to explain it using actual logic that the TV series really doesn't have I don't really think this theory probably isn't the case but I want to push it I don't believe any of it though Friday the 13th is worthy of something this Jiri I hope it gives you more insight I do think something is up with Patrick not something evil just something mentally wrong with him I mean we see other starfish in this series who are totally smart Patrick's just a dummy most of the time so here's the best character analysis I could do with what I have to work with Patrick's simply confused and out of his mind once again this show proves that it's a cesspool of insanity all of the characters are based off of the seven deadly sins and that is no coincidence so what do you think is Patrick insane but not evil I mean sure he snaps and freaks out and is frequently randomly rude and mean but those are all branches of his personalities and is commonly attributed with the frustration of having mental disorders there's also a strong chance he has emotional disorders and some neurodegenerative disorders if you do in fact realistically look at his character you have to consider other things too like the big point I've seen dozens of people use to prove he's a psycho they watched the episode known as the card in which Patrick says that his intelligence varies and that they'll never know just how smart he truly is as he likes to mix it up he literally says that what so I was right there are even a couple times one which I remember where Squidward asks Patrick how dumb he is and Patrick tells him that it changes that it depends it's variable depending on on what I don't know but there are dozens of episodes I didn't cover when formulating this theory there's even an episode where Patrick says dumb people are blissfully ignorant to how dumb they really are a smart statement he says right before he totally zones out as he degrades to his stupider intelligence so you guys the comments section you guys always provide the slickest most strangely convincing pieces of evidence even for an outlandish theory like this one but if you can in fact find something else this may actually be very realistic if you can highlight even more times he says smart things that'll do I can't keep going here I'm getting dizzy until next time I'm the theorized ER 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Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 1,538,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spongebob squarepants, spongebob, theory, spongebob theory, theorizer, the theorizer, nickelodeon, skin theory, spongebob patrick, theorizer spongebob, spongebob theories, spongebob patrick smart, spongebob patrick funny moments, the theorizer spongebob
Id: sRQk-ef1ULg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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