DESPICABLE ME: The Theory of Vector Perkins’ International Syndicate

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so many ideas have been rattling around my head but I can't seem to get a grip on any of them I have iCarly Meet the Robinsons nine a series of unfortunate events and many more but I've lately been unable to stretch my concepts into any meaningful video thankfully I found some solace in Despicable Me once again for those unaware illumination entertainment is packed with bizarre consistency in regards to story something noticeable in their Lorax adaptation and mainly of course the despicable Me films things flow so well whenever you try to take a look at why things happen in the story questions like what is miss Hattie's backstory or how did GRU meet Nefario they all have answers they are quite literally just sitting there waiting to be discussed not presented overtly but covertly stories told in sticky notes solved with basic inference so I skipped around through the film again to see if one line matches another somewhere else or you know something like that of course I found more this time regarding a most interesting subject the bank of evil this time I will present my findings in a sane manner because when I present the conclusion before the explanation like with Miss hatty nobody initially believes me and that impression sticks with them no matter how interesting it gets this is why I spent a few weeks a while ago testing it with crazy theories presentation is everything and I can't flub this bank of evil when I'm so close to the brink of conspiratorial solution every little offhand Theory I've had in past Despicable Me theories this is where they all come together hello I'm the theorized ER and for those who still await the next leg of my Madagascar Mort verse theory give it time Despicable Me is our target today more specifically vector mr. Perkins and the influence they have exerted so what do we know about the bank of evil the bank is an extremely wealthy criminal organization that functions as the center of global crime because they reel in villains and trap them financially they feel like an ancient syndicate of sorts given how powerful they are so as to hide in plain sight fronted by nothing more than a tiny normal Bank it likely isn't secrecy keeping them from defeat however its power they have dirt on all the villains and yet all the villains need them this puts them in an ideal position where their continued existence actually prevents catastrophe sneaky gambit and very likely - based on how they operate in broad daylight the company or at least this branch is managed by mr. Perkins it says the bank was formerly the Lehman Brothers implying this was the result of that real-world company's 2008 bankruptcy does i theorize that this organization became significantly richer around that time and perhaps that they are the cause of said bankruptcy the first film takes place probably in either 2010 or 2012 as I discussed in my Miss hatty video I told you it would come in handy all these little points and theories I've been plotting are coming together here anyways mr. Perkins implies he's been with GRU for long enough to consider him antiquated which I guarantee isn't just four years an impression that someone is outdated like this that takes time and those GRU has been with this company longer meaning the bank of evil wasn't created from the 2008 Lehman bankruptcy but probably significantly benefited from it and likely ceased its assets hence their more recent displeasure of crew as they no longer need his heists so we have its age this all means the bank of evil is indeed a much older organization and given the painting on mr. Perkins wall it's possible that mr. Perkins is related to and that the organization dates back to the era of Napoleon the first as to whether or not this bank is the only one of its kind well I see it more as a facet of a larger criminal syndicate but yes this one seems to be owned and operated by mr. Perkins I also felt like it was ancient and his conversations with crew proved that to be true so gut feelings are not to be merely ignored regarding this shady operation as I also discussed in the Miss hatty theory it's possible that she is the disgruntled bankrupted wife of another character we know with possibilities including her being El macho's wife and yes I'm now also inclined to say mr. Perkins wife I do question if this orphanage is or was also the front of a criminal syndicate now answering some lingering questions from that video but there's not a ton of evidence with that connection despite the weak II also suggesting it without discernible evidence so anyways back to mr. Perkins he is the president of this Bank and is crucial to the likely greater syndicates ties I told you all of these little offhand comments would come in handy eventually because remember what we discussed about another secret and shady organization we had nothing at the time but now we can see a clear connection because it's possible that another facet of this organization is the AVL if you'll recall I previously discussed their nonchalance and intentional failure to catch her villains they also replaced the role of the bank of evil in films 2 & 3 but see my despicable timeline theories for more on that so now that we know the backstory behind the bank we can start applying it and answering questions never before asked mr. Perkins son Victor Perkins aka vector steals the Great Pyramid of Giza in the opening of film 1 my question is how did he logistical II pull this off they never show it happening because it would require mass hypnosis of the guards camera disabling so on so forth or because there's a far far easier answer to what happened here it is simple they did not show it happening and nobody called it out sooner because the pyramid wasn't stolen depending on the longevity of this syndicate I might be inclined to suggest that they were the reptilians responsible for its creation in the first place but more likely the organization this Bank of evil bought it from the Egyptian government as a publicity stunt to promote vectors introduction to the world vector is not a single entity because he's backed by everything and this crime of the century sparks a new world order the news talks about how everyone is hyper defensive of national landmarks now and how fear rules the world so now that we've got the pyramid scheme out of the way this perfectly transitions me into the syndicates next wave of influence of the media there's something strange in the statements made about GRU certain phrases that are associated with him in the newspapers which are then misappropriated and applied elsewhere when we do see the news we briefly bear witness to an MSNBC anchor man who steals Gru's infamy phrases when referencing things about vector where will he strike next sort of thing it's almost like it could be connected and why wouldn't it be syndicates like this need that element of trust and control it's pretty standard the bank paid off the MSNBC anchor to use Cruz famous line so as to imply it was GRU who stole it and have him arrested or more likely what they're doing is trying to mock and subdued grew until Vector can take his place as ultimate villain we see it play out in the beginning of despicable me and the bank has clear signs of having plotted against GRU for quite some time to the point where I again assume the AVL and buy that extension possibly scarlet overkill have something to do with it the disdain for GRU is shared by both organizations you see and as for that anchormen know that I am dead serious when I say I think he was manipulated into helping the syndicate because yet a load of this not only does he prefer his own notes to that of the teleprompters but the real evidence there's another connection GRU stole the NBC Jumbotron only months prior around the same time vector started making a name for himself I told you and who funds Gru's heists the bank it makes absolutely no sense they fund a theft of a socially integral news company and then spill the beans to NBC and betray GRU because they're slowly but surely replacing crew and publicly yet subtly dragging his name as they do so mr. Perkins is pretty upfront about this sort of thing GRU is frightening and well-known enough to get away with violating his suburbs HOA regulations and in many ways is sort of perceived as an international mystery villain but this level of mystery is not particularly good either as he is now surreptitiously being replaced with a vector because vector is the son of the syndicate that wants an even more complete grasp on earth now that they have the lehman funds to do so through one organization or another utterly brilliant i hope the new prequel gives me more to work with in this regard and if you somehow still don't believe this random newscaster who's onscreen for like 15 collective seconds is crucial if you somehow still just think I'm exaggerating another random offhand character you're wrong because of this same newscaster is one of the only characters important and focused enough to prove the illumination shared universe by being in the secret life of pets as well based on what we've seen from illumination so far that they mock the concept of what they are if anyone is likely to create a shared universe just for kicks it's not Pixar it's these guys the voice actor of the anchormen is also the same guy who voices grooves informational training video for the minions in the short film orientation date that could be a coincidence he does sound different but what really is or is not off the table at this point and I do believe that there could be even more to him given this newfound investment in Gru's downfall that was highly inclined to do a genealogical analysis of him to see if he might be related to Porkins this though character design is one those elements that illumination doesn't retain consistency in it wouldn't matter anyways this syndicate is explicitly stated to be powerful and has the will and the way to infiltrate the government with ease so is it honestly any stretch but this has just proven my evil AVL theory no stretch just business and if it's proven that then lots more opens up and I'll again repeat how the anchorman even states that global war has been incited from the world landmarks because the goal is annihilation and rebirth destruction of the old world and its symbols common with any evil organization my final statement will go back to miss Hattie because even if she has no familial relations to the Perkins family I'm dead certain that she has some nasty plan up her sleeve and has succumbed to the bank of evil or one of its decoy fronts maybe she is a front the whole subplot with her is bankruptcy she wants rich doctors to adopt as I explained in her dedicated video The Syndicate that the evil behind her is the bank of evil it completely comes together she wants the rich doctors because the economy has siphoned away her funds into vector she needs to start adopting out girls exactly as planned with GRU and remember that other doctor director Easter egg on her desktop well again reinstating its significance in universe renault is a french last name and the Perkins family has quite a history with french royalty being directly related to napoleon the first if they were trying to adopt out children could they know of cruise intimate plans are they spying on him could they have a spy like the only other human around nope can't go there I know it'll be debunked in the rise of GRU but you know in general the bank of evil is part of a global syndicate that's what they are and it should be pretty obvious it's just expected honestly and there are many connections to every corner of disfranchised and prove their influence despicable and on the whole do you see I have mostly maintained complete sanity throughout this video because I have presented it in a non backwards format now I can rattle off my insane statement the 15-second news guy from Despicable Me is a persuaded or long-standing member of an international reptilian syndicate that created the pyramids and is responsible for the 2008 financial crisis that will lead to World War 3 this is why neither I nor any sane person can summarise my videos you watch them in their entirety where you don't watch them at all I could have started this video with that statement and presented it differently but then it would have been branded in the same vein as my Reggie and helicopter pilot theories those were just standard lore theories but i centered them around a character and nobody talks about those making them appear crazy they were tests but if you go back to them now and see them from a forced alternate perspective they are just as legitimate those tests helped me sell the more theories and will continue to do so so there you go a crazy theory that isn't just some logic trail but is proven every way to Sunday speak of the day I'm writing this this took me under 10 minutes to come up within an hour to write which is probably a new record but I was looking for a theory to make for weeks so maybe not with all these connections finally intertwining so beautifully with all this talk of AVL evil banks adoption agencies and scarlet overkill x' master plan maybe herb is vectors dad after all 700,000 subscriber special soon until next time I'm the theorized er [Music] you
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 306,459
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Keywords: despicable me, theory, despicable me theory, despicable me 2, despicable me 3, minions, despicable me 4, gru, minion, theorizer, the theorizer, despicable me song, despicable me full movie, theorizer despicable me, the theorizer despicable me, minions 2 the rise of gru, rise of gru, minions 2, minions 2 trailer, rise of gru trailer, clip, scene, scenes, clips, Mr. Perkins, Vector, despicable me mr perkins, despicable me vector, despicable me bank scene, despicable me bank of evil
Id: Jr8jgmWzEuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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