The Badab War EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal war is a bit of a funny thing isn't it it's fun exciting and enjoyed by billions across the globe as long as it's not actually occurring right now how many world war two video games and movies have been made for our entertainment no one bats an eye because it isn't happening right now imagine if during world war ii cod world war came out people probably wouldn't be too stoked about that one i mean i'd totally get around call of duty zelinski if that was activision's next release but i'm a bit of a weirdo so my perspective doesn't really reflect that of many other people but i'm getting really off topic the bad dab war the largest astartes versus studies conflict since the horus heresy two opposing sides not loyalists versus trader no just a lot of stubbornness and immaturity the astral claws had a point they also needed to learn when to let the point go the imperium didn't really have a point but the imperium doesn't need a point to absolutely wreck some titties 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guys around unlike the siege of racks which started with a misguided cardinal and ended with a lord inquisitor leading a squad of grey knights to slay a greater demon of corn the bad dab war had no chaotic influence or taint until pretty much the end when the astral claws officially lost they were still the astral claws and they only became the chaos warband the red corsairs some time after now to set the scene the astral claws are an incredibly noble and powerful space marine chapter proving themselves time and time again as the best of the best as such they were assigned as the wardens of the maelstrom a prestigious position which was tasked with keeping all the [ __ ] [ __ ] in the more low-key little brother version of the eye of terror away from imperial trade routes a big difference between the maelstrom and the eye of terror is that chaos seemed to have little influence in the maelstrom it was full of xenos orcs and raiders but it had next to no cast marines or demons in it well at least until after the bad dab war the astral claws performed their duties diligently however their newly appointed chapter master huron realized that with enough reinforcements and supplies the maelstrom could be genuinely purged of all hostile forces a major win for the imperium however the imperium didn't see it like that they saw the maelstrom as a low-level threat ironically due to the great efforts of the astral clause hence the imperium didn't want to commit a bunch of resources to try pacify it it's funny how avoiding a small problem now to save a small bit of money will often result in a big problem emerging that costs 10 times more to fix literally the bad tab wore in a nutshell euron got very pissed off by the imperium's decision and he said [ __ ] it i'll do it myself deciding to increase his chapter numbers dramatically as well as improve their weaponry to do this he stopped paying his required taxes of resources and gene seed opting to keep it to himself to grow his chapter this set off red flags from the nearby systems who were waiting to receive these shipments hence they sent their own ships to collect what they were owed instead all they collected was a big ass land strike which annihilated the collection fleet killing over 20 000 people huron really wasn't taking anyone's [ __ ] a few more fleets were sent out and each one coincidentally went missing and by missing i mean blown up by huron huron was sick of all this tax [ __ ] why should he give resources to a lesser system when he needed to hold the line against the literal tear in reality as such he wrote up a letter which basically declared that he exempted himself from paying taxes the letter was co-signed by the lamenters and mantis warrior chapters who had fought alongside the astral clause in recent times not many people actually argued against this or took issue with it because it was kind of fair enough however the nearby sector who was getting shafted by this called the cathargo sector were not happy at all and they wanted to declare war but a random sector of humans wanting to declare war on a massive space marine chapter is like a bunch of armless russians trying to take on the mayor of keiv in a boxing match this is not going to go too late fortunately for the carthans they were friends with a few of their own astarte chapters hence they called for aid the firehawks responded and if you know the fire hawks you know these guys don't [ __ ] about the firehawks went to investigate and they ended up having a vicious void battle with the mantis warriors after the hawks entered their system and both sides started telling the other that they [ __ ] their mums but yeah like one fire hawk ship versus a mantas warrior fleet didn't go so well for the fire hawks with the loss of a firehawk ship the entire chapter was enraged and they prepared for war they did end up getting their prisoners back from the mantis warriors but it was too little too late all the man-children's testosterone had been turned up to 11 and there was blood to spill the fire hawks backed up by the carthan mortal armies invaded the systems of the astral claw and mantis warriors despite some initial wins they were ambushed cut off and driven back suffering a decisive defeat that knocked them on their arse the firehawks called in the marines errant whilst the astro claws called in the lamenters to further back the map this was awkward as the marines errant and the lamenters were bros so when they had to fight they were only allowed to slap each other and each marine was allowed three timeouts if it got too rough no i might be making it seem quite low key and chill but the two sides were really killing each other the astral claws took out most of the fire hawks and were actually keen on performing genocide against them altogether whilst over a dozen worlds were viciously taken over the successionists were winning big time especially when another chapter the executioners came to their aid due to an old blood oath by this point the imperium couldn't ignore what was happening anymore over five chapters were murdering the [ __ ] out of each other and it had just gotten way too [ __ ] the inquisition did an investigation and they found that the astral cause most notably huron had way overreached he had stopped paying his taxes declared himself tax exempt expanded his chapter to an unacceptably large size and had taken planets from neighboring sectors not to mention their attempt to genocide the marine's errants and fire hawks for this he was told to surrender to the imperium and await trial hiron immediately told the imperium to get absolutely [ __ ] fair game to the imperium's credit they also punished the [ __ ] out of the cathargo sector for being the ones to instigate the civil war executing most of their ruling class and enslaving billions of their citizens to pay back the debts they were owed to forcibly bring huron to his knees the imperium enlisted the salamanders the red scorpions the raptors fire angels fire hawks and marines aaron chapters to crush successionist forces which was now made up of the lamenters executioners mantis warriors and astral claws for the next few years the war was vicious and bloody void warfare planetary invasions and a couple cheeky war crimes thrown in to keep things spicy the loyalists would win a space battle but then the successionists would successfully raid their rear supply lines neither side was clearly winning so huron decided to call a ceasefire so they could talk about what was happening and hopefully reach a peace agreement well ceasefire talks in warhammer must be cursed or something because they never go well after basically just insulting each other for an hour a fleet of heretics attacked the meeting resulting in the deaths of the red scorpion and mantis warriors chapter masters it's unclear if euron organized the heretic invasion or if the ruinous powers just saw this as a good opportunity to continue the war but it did the trick the ceasefire was called off and the war resumed the loyalists were getting really sick of all this [ __ ] so they called in the howling griffins nova marines and the sons of medusa chapters to back them up now it does seem like the loyalists outnumber the successionists big time and they kinda do but you gotta remember that most of the loyalist chapters aren't deploying your entire chapter on top of that the astral claws have about four chapters worth of marines the successionists were also defending which gives them that advantage another thing to note is that as the war waged on and the various loyalist chapters took heavy casualties they were allowed to drop out of the war to lick their wounds and recover this happened to the howling griffins as well as the marines errant who both lost over 70 of their chapter the war finally began to turn to the loyalist favor when none other than the minotaurs arrived the minotaurs are freakish rumored to be born of iron warrior jean seed this chapter doesn't [ __ ] around their chapter master asterian moloch is considered to be one of the most powerful space marines to ever live and it shows upon joining the war they instantly took over a heavily defended world like it was nothing before tearing successionists asked to shreds on a dozen more worlds to make matters even worse for the secessionists the space sharks and the exorcist chapters joined the fray the space sharks are horrifying and unstoppable whilst the exorcists literally allow themselves to be possessed and then cleansed of a demon as a part of their initiation hardcore as hell the lamenters due to them being cursed and whatnot were picked out by the minotaurs as the first [ __ ] that needed to be clapped their key ship the one that stored all their gear gene seed and other [ __ ] was attacked by the minotaurs the minotaurs tore the ship to shreds massacred the lamenters and stole all their valuable [ __ ] resulting in the lamentas surrendering and officially been taken out of the war the space sharks were feeling left out so they attacked the mantis warrior worlds hoping to take out another successionist chapter and holy [ __ ] did they do that the space sharks took them to the come zone viciously raping each world in order to force the and hit-and-run loving mantis warriors to actually stand and fight even the other loyalist chapters were pretty appalled with how vicious the space sharks were when the mantis warriors finally did their last stan thingo tybros the giga chad chapter master of the space sharks said la mao and he tore through the mantis warriors like they were little more than a cumstain on a horse miniskirt the mantis warriors had been reduced to a small few rendering them ineffective and basically kicking them out of the war at this point the only successionist chapter that was able to stand up to the minotaurs and space sharks were the executioners because they were part of that small group of loyalist chapters that are just hard as [ __ ] with the successionists on the back foot huron started getting a bit heretical creating a legal combat drugs to augment the mortal armies he had whilst also capturing and tampering with gene seed he had taken off fallen loyalist astartes he was also described as getting progressively more angry and paranoid can't say i blame him if the minotaurs and space sharks were coming after me i'd [ __ ] the bed as well this growing heresy within the astral claws was actually what ended up kicking the executioners out of the war see when the salamanders won a big battle and were heading back to the loyalist space to recover they were ambushed by an astral core and executioner fleet after an intense void battle the executioners told the salamanders to honorably surrender then to allow the executioners to escort them back to imperial space where they must swear to exit the conflict the salamanders agreed as they were all going to die if they didn't and the executioners were known to be men of their word however the astral claws were kind of batshit crazy so when they boarded the salamander ship as a part of the surrender they started killing salamander prisoners and defiling their bodies this sent the executioners into a rage the ultimate breach of honor and trust it was like the red wedding from game of thrones i mean it was literally called the red hour after the hour every single astral claw and their entire crew had been hunted down and decapitated by the executioners the executioners then declared that their blood oath to be finished and they exited the war with their departure and the defeat of both mantis warriors and lamenters huron and his astral claws were now completely alone in response euron declared that the astro claws were no longer part of the imperium basically saying that he was a heretic to prove his own point he then had all ecclesiaki priests executed and he outlawed the worship of the god emperor he basically became a mega dick he was already a dick but like he was a way bigger dick now after a few more epic battles that caused both sides to suffer a shitload more casualties it was time for the final battle the legendary invasion of bad dub itself the loyalists had gained more reinforcements in the shape of the mechanicus as well as the star phantoms chapter another chapter of certified hard [ __ ] damn a lot of heavy hitters in the bad dub war to begin their attack the loyalists threw a [ __ ] star fragment at the astral claw's void defenses this was followed up by intense boarding action full send kind of stuff with hysterian moloch at the helm the void defenses of bandar were taken all that remained was bad dab itself unlike the siege of rax where every meter the loyalists claimed cost them countless lives the siege of bad dab was way more vicious and effective the star phantoms and space sharks landed first and they tore the defenses a new [ __ ] then the mechanicus deployed its titans all that could be heard on the vox network of huron's armies were people [ __ ] themselves and begging for mercy only the palace of thorns remained a heavily defended citadel where huron had gathered the rest of his astral claws for a last stand here is where the loyalists started to struggle the palace had a mega shield on it and a shitload of guns a pretty rough combo for sieging in order to actually breach the palace the space shark's low-key nuked the planet's core destabilizing it and causing massive planet-wide earthquakes and power outs with his palace breached huron was like [ __ ] this and he headed to an escape ship encountering a force of star phantoms the two sides fought with huron getting point blank blasted by a melter gun blowing off harpy's body despite this he was dragged to safety with him and 200 astral claws escaping into the maelstrom the very thing that they had dedicated their lives to containing the bad dab war was over so who won chaos chaos won this wasn't luila's first chaos this was loyalist vs loyalist the lamenters mantis warriors howling griffins knights errant and firehawks were all reduced to ineffective fighting capacity the astral cores were fought off and became heretics now called the red corsairs this warband is actually now almost as powerful as the black legion the result of the bad dub war was thousands of dead loyalist astartes and chaos gaining huron and the red core says the maelstrom also [ __ ] sucks now i mean it sucked before but it didn't have a huge chaos warband in there the lamenters executioners and mantis warriors were all forgiven as long as they survived a 100-year suicidal penitent crusade whilst all the captured astral claws were executed as heretics it's funny to think that if the imperium had only just given the astral cores the reinforcements they needed to cleanse the maelstrom they wouldn't have to have engaged in the most vicious civil war since the horus heresy good work imperium you [ __ ] idiot if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month give you access to some [ __ ] huron would be disgusted at hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more wasteful content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 348,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: -V5hOSmCzJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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