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Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie (2010)

Action, Animation, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller [USA:R, 1 h 16 min]
Terence Stamp, John Hurt, Sean Pertwee, Steven Waddington
Director: Martyn Pick

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ 5.7/10 (5,230 votes)

Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie is a 2010 science fiction CGI film set in Games Workshop's fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe and based on the Ultramarines Chapter of the Space Marines. Terence Stamp, Sean Pertwee, and John Hurt head the cast of voice actors, and the screenplay was written by Black Library author Dan Abnett. (Wikipedia)

Critical reception:

Advanced preview screenings of Ultramarines: The Movie received generally favourable responses from a pool of selected viewers. The film itself has received mixed reviews, however, with the CGI and animations considered sub par by some. The CGI makes the Ultramarines seem "tall" and "thin", whilst much of the "set" of the film is conveniently shrouded in dust. This may have been intentional, as Space Marines in Warhammer 40,000 canon average 7–8 feet in height. Another complaint has been that, given the detail and creativity put into Warhammer artwork, the film looks and feels cheap, rushed, and simple. (Wikipedia)

More info at IMDb, Wikipedia, Rotten Tomatoes, Netflix, Wikidata.
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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] relic [Music] it is the 41st millennium in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war the emperor of mankind wages a constant battle to protect humanity from the horrors of space on the fringes of the imperium alien races lurk and plot and chaos demons leak into our reality from the torment of the warp all that stands in their way are the mighty space marines they are more than mortal they are steel and they are doomed they are the champions of mankind and the greatest of them all are the ultramarines [Music] from nature [Music] chaos breaks men's souls chaos brings the pestilence of demons every time we march from our beloved fortress home on mccrag and banish it do you think you're ready to do that proteus yes captain i do do you yell to me captain severus remove your help yield to me you fight well protests victory is mine proteus we never yield [Music] you mustn't be steel you must be doomed you must use everything you've got chaos has no honor close in no more drills no more practice you are about to receive the honor of going into combat for the first time as ultramarines brother pythal captain severus [Music] this will make your battle pledges upon this sacred warhammer this hallowed weapon has fought in the hands of our greatest veterans it has slain alien beasts and demons alike one day you may be worthy enough to wield it until then you may kneel before it [Music] we march from a crag so fish sergeant cruster look to your battle gear and it will protect you we guard it with our lives as your armor guards your life as it has my fallen brethren honor the craft of death we serve only the emperor honor the battle gear of the dead we ask only to serve um great so a shooting war you think a real one this time maybe vernon if the emperor is smiling on us pray that he is my belly growls for a taste of actual combat any word of the draft probably just another false alarm brother high backs like elgo alcohol that wasn't even a scrap of glory for us there so eager to die glory is a two-edged blade are you shy away from combat python oh proteus you novices are all alike and i'm the one who has to put you back together it isn't combat i resent brother it's the thirst for glory that gets men cut to ribbons look at you you all look so very fine and i do not doubt the fire in your hearts but you do not yet know war as i do well with respect that is why we are here we do not want to go back to mccrag empty-handed i know just don't be in such a hurry death will find you soon enough war is not about glory war is about victory looks like you're gonna get your fight after all with sacred oil i required to experience i will serve the golden throne of terror for the wings of aquila will shield me for the emperor protects pre-launch position descent window 8440 this backwater is called mithral there is only one significant site on this planet an imperial shrine guarded by a detachment of space marines from our fellow chapter the imperial fists captain severus do they respond to our astropyths no high packs they do not however an emergency beacon is still transmitting well then someone's still alive captain the beacon brother proteus may be on auto cycle what size was the imperial first contingent captain data says 100 battle brothers a full company and we are just a dozen strong the nearest fighting unit is six weeks away python this one belongs to us blood will be mine in your dreams if i get there first there will be no blood left for you two to spill if you get there first still so eager to be heroes someone has to be apothecary i heard you turn the job down beacon signal located 30 kilometers [Music] site visual show me [Music] that weather pattern is directly above the shrine captain set us down here we march from a crag is deploy deploy proteus right sweep verna lift cover the angles full scale the upper protects but it does no harm to double check yes captain [Music] not natural captain weather expert now python no captain ultima squad former pilot extraction here in two hours keep a good spread you see something no just got a feeling something wrong can you hear that high packs you want voices in the wind just vox distortion proteus is hearing voices probably that smack to the head wait here [Music] so it is just cognizant is right it's just copper bail fire the weather's doing it it is a bad omen it's what it is think silently python simply reflection captain a bad omen just bail fire python i thought you were the weather expert this is impetuous we do not know what we're walking into do we ever we're the emperors chosen my friend of course captain captain go ahead we have reached the edge of the storm anything to report scopes are blind visibility is shut right down do you want us to advance negative hold your position acknowledged something's wrong what you really don't hear that there oh ceasefire cease fire who was that very norm proteus discharged his weapon captain brother proteus report there's something here captain something's shadowing us i ran an all-spec sweep captain there is nothing i saw something what i'll tell you what the effects of first time nerves on the trigger finger that's what i saw something captain captain false alarm crosstalk pull yourself together there will be plenty to shoot at soon enough when command is mine i will not tolerate weak links he will be ready when it counts ultima squad box test call off like us hi warrior spy [Music] is so captain captain severus great terror [Music] imperial fists fifth company the shrine guard dead decayed nothing left to save this is desecration this is wild as a crisis this is the handiwork of chaos continuing with this mission would not be an act of valor it would be a waste of this squad in your opinion apothecary we have an obligation to warn the chapter house your courageous recommendation is noted python crushed off scout ahead yes captain do we still have the fix on that beacon fix is still clean captain that beacon may lead us to someone who can [Music] explain um there was no valor in this end they gave their lives in the service of the emperor that is valor enough for me captain crash doors halted captain crusher like us report vernor advance with me captain i know i said stay here protest keep the squad here crusher like us throne of terror take cover [Music] supporting fire [Music] come on the captain ordered us the whole position the captain is in trouble hold fast uh you intact yes captain first blood to you varana so now we know our enemy chaos space marines yes chaos indeed black legion tell me three crosstall unlike us aureus outright yes captain permission to extract their gene seed granted may the emperor bless and protect this sacred legacy say that the strength of these brave warriors may live on in ultramarines yet unborn the abiding honor of our fortress of mccrag in the name of the chapter and the primark to whom we owe all we shall mourn them later if the emperor grants us time who is to carry this now i will captain is that so protest no hypex yes captain you carry that safe i will if anything happens to me you know my wishes captain i do not argue we are dying sergeant crestor is gone and i am not miraculously exempt secure an entry point [Music] can you make that of course i can make that the next one is further and let me show you how it is done come on grab my hand your hand is not required okay blocked you made a kill yes black legion so the captain said hard to believe they were like us once if it is tainted by the warp corrupted by chaos i will kill it the warp is cunning and insidious are you sure you'll recognize it just follow my lead proteus [Music] what i think i saw something i think you saw something captain we have secured away in good vernal standby [Music] keep it tight [Music] oh hostiles [Music] demon today okay get the squad back take the chance captain [Music] [Music] [Music] now we know what is here death and demons we need to get a report back to mccrack pray we live long enough to get back to the transport we are not going back to the transport throne of terror you insane and since when did you make the decisions proteus tell him python tell him my captain was quite clear command should go to proteus i say we go back so so you're brothers the beacon is still sending it's on auto cycle there is a chance it is not that standard catches light you warn me i proteus [Music] so hold your fire in the name of the emperor identify yourself carnac chaplain of the imperial fists how many are you this is neon well nedon can point his weapons somewhere else anymore we're here to get you out not us [Music] [Music] the libra mithras the sacred codex of this shrine the emperor himself entrusted it to us at our chapter's founding countless generations have stood here our purpose to protect it from the abominations of the warp no one touches the relic brother nedon is responsible for carrying and defending the toe [Music] he takes his responsibilities very seriously my apologies how long have you been here chaplain since long before the darkness fell what happened they assaulted the shrine we fought for three weeks all the while transmitting requests for aid then some horror was unleashed a warp gate must have opened and through it vile legions of demonic furys descend you have seen the results how did you survive i have no comforting answer battle brother all i know is that we must get this sacred artifact to safety uh steady my name is vernon it is time to move out [Music] i confess chaplin i was beginning to doubt our mission's purpose everything has a purpose proteus so the emperor ordains those two worry me they've been through a lot too much if you ask me how did the two of them survive i don't like it proteus what are you saying brother how can we know they are not tainted that is a serious accusation we're taught that chaos corrupts each award you from the inside you never know who may fall victim to its touch and they've been cut off in this help it for how long keep your eye on them oh i intend to [Music] so through your jar here they come move ultima transport is waiting pilot prepare for immediate extraction acknowledged he must be happy i'll be happier when we're gone proteus defend in advance only on my command there is higher ground this was planned they'll be expecting us to take that position but i doubt they will be expecting a chaplain i would not be so sure is the emperor protects but having a loaded bolter never hurt either for the emperor uh have you not a weapon one heretics [Music] ultimate squad to the rich line are you hit it is nothing more of them no it needs more time i fear no evil i fear no death well the emperor will protect me good oh uh they're coming in for the kill now captain severus captain [Music] raise the emperor follow the captain follow his lead [Music] captain how how are you alive the emperor protects come on extraction is waiting move out [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] purchase report we're maneuvering to leave orbit captain drive is set to fire in 10 minutes and then a straight voyage back to my crag i can't wait to see the chapter house something else your mind how do you recognize the taint of chaos we have a chaplain with us let him sniff our taint it is the chaplain that i am worried about where is he the armory captain chaplain carnac captain severus a moment please i am a captain of the ultramarines chapter and this is my vessel so put that away this is improper severus indulge me the codex is empty do you see this is what has burdened me i thought it was chaos trickery this is deceit heresy i don't know the purpose or the point but i know evil when i taste it this is your work captain you are making a mistake no mistake demon no you heretic be resolute in the face of heresy deal with it before its demonic force can manifest if the demon is dead why is this still [Music] burning [Music] damon we couldn't have done it without why else would i have left the captain in his luckier life i mean it just started five minutes proteus can you walk what in thrones name we have five minutes to kill your captain or this ship will be delivering a demon directly to your precious mccrag thanks to proteus the demons brother python brother python the captain our captain died on mithran tell me which way did it go the reclusium take this and follow my lead proteus left side knee down with me three minutes then we must destroy this beast now up there [Music] motives draw it out ah come out demon show yourself mccrag fast and then we shall destroy a million dollars i need new flesh to wear i think imagine how they will whisper your name after you walk into your chapter house your precious mccrack in this great trophy aloft think of the glory protests forget glory get up until this peace i can't take it alone uh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so main engine start in one minute one minute protest and your death will have no purpose everything has a purpose the emperor ordains it so you may corrupt the souls of men but i am and i know no fear um how can i ever explain what i've done to the sacred reliquary brother proteus it will be an honor to help explain [Music] close in no more drills then we'll practice you are all about to receive the honor of going into combat for the first time as ultramarines brother verona brother proteus you shall make your battle pledges upon this sacred warhammer this hallowed weapon has fought in the hands of our greatest veterans it has slain alien beasts and demons alike one day you may be worthy enough to wield it until then you may kneel before it we match the mcrag [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Knight Trooper
Views: 1,823,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3fpvOyD5Jr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 44sec (4604 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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