God Is Going To Restore You | Bishop Orrin Pullings Sr. & Dr. Medina Pullings

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we're getting ready to get into the Word of God bishop was going to share some of what we've been going into on the lot and this is gonna move forward well well I think the thing with understand is that God will never put you back into the place that you fell off at some people think restoration is just to go right back where you were and to continue from that point on but when people are restored by God it's not just restoration its restoration compensation and reparations so so so so the reparations we talk about that reparation because the reparations is the payment for the penalty of the pain the payment for the penalty the the payment for the suffering it's the compensation for being setback or put in his position so that's why I job could not go back to being the same job he was before the Lord allowed the enemy to attack him and his family but the compensation package is gonna outweigh anything that's ever happened during the time of terror or during the time of your setback right so God will not put you in the same place you fell off but God is actually putting his people in a higher place a greater position so it's restoration compensation reparations and all those together is going to give us an accelerated speed of the recovery process yes that it will it's gonna take five years for others but the church and people that believe God have faith in God are gonna see things done instantly like it happened that way because of the working of God the Holy Spirit yes there is a difference there was a difference between man's excellence and man's skill yes and man's intelligence when power hits man and indeed the d and influences your your your your workings and you are unction by the unction Aiza it brings a supernatural result so this recoveries not just you're so smart you're so intelligent or you gotta cook up with somebody it's the kind of result that don't make no sense you know it it doesn't it doesn't add me mouth it does not add up it's Kingdom addicts yes King that's why I like that it's a Kingdom medical certainty yes you know a guy gives his word that I'm going to restore you I'm gonna restore you it's a kingdom ethical certainty the numbers are not man's numbers God can make it be whatever he wants it to be so we can't go into man's wisdom we got to go into what God's wisdom to say man's wisdom just says okay we were taught one plus one is two but when you talk about what God could do God is the God that takes five littles two fishes feeds over 5000 women plus men and children one of the things that that that a lot of leadership within the ministry and the church are concerned about is well my church ever recover will my church ever get back will people be afraid to come to church will people be afraid to you know be around other people would they be afraid for crowds again doubted about church opened in California mo Texas the state of Texas Church sees four thousand people Texas reopened he had about four hundred people in a four thousand Seeta Church which normally keeps ten thousand people a week so you know the people the people a little bit concerned right now because there's no vaccine there's no no cure to this problem the the the this thing is spreading and it seems like even our greatest health officials don't have it under control but the Lord told me the prophesied come on and in in this prophetic word is going to be from Haggai chapter 2 verse 9 he says the glory of this latter house yes shall be greater than the former see God cannot take away and allow the glory to fall off and not come back better so the glory of the latter house the glory of the future house in in in we can't define what glory looks like we can't define what the new reality and the restoration and the and the putback looks like we can't define that right but we can without with without a doubt with 100% certainty that the glory of the church the former glory of the church cannot compare to the future glory of the church right right because he says he takes us some glory to glory to glory yes and so every round in every situation in every season God takes us to a greater level and so maybe it's not what we normally would expect right but God is doing things in a usual way he's doing he's doing things in an uncommon way and why would we want the same when our God wants something different come on now mind you the word doesn't change he hid his his truth doesn't change his strength empowering Authority never changes but these times were God's methods to doing things right does change and so we've got to be so synchronized with Holy Spirit that were able to adjust and to maneuver correctly so that we don't fall off because remember God doesn't change get out - check yeah and get our data and get phased out or discontinued come on any church that's not flowing under the power of the Holy Spirit will be discontinued and you don't want to be discontinued because you know when either of the stories continue they use it in with the 88 cents or 97 cents or 93 cents some odd number so so so don't look odd during the time that God is moving in a spirit don't don't do don't don't look odd be synchronizing the spirit so that time doesn't pass you by right and that's even with your business in your life don't be so caught up into what happened yesterday and the way things were I smoked about it the other night about name and he wanted he want his healing from leprosy to be a certain kind of way and he'll I just say go wash yourself in the in the Jordan he was like man I want to go down to Jordan I never seen you healed oh my god so what you've never seen God heal nobody like that before he can use whatever he wants he's God he can do it whatever way he wants he's got he can use the Jordan if he wants to you can use the ax head if he wants to he can use the Red Sea the boat if he wants to the Red Sea if he wants to he's got and that's the thing we was talking about recovering you're saying you know God is gonna restore you but it's gonna be great and it's gonna be better than before it's all about his power touching it it's about his power influencing the results his power causing something supernatural to take place in our lives and all the things and things we just made Jordan read see what else we said oceans where the action acts head all those things would be nothing without the power of God that's right the rod in Moses has the rod would be nothing without the power that's right so so we can't go that's what he wants to do yes and he switches it up cuz you know what man does man has a tendency if God uses this phone God uses this phone to bring you out yeah yeah yeah cool hold up the phone the phone it breaks it open and you walk through town to the phone man will start bowing down to the phone old song seriously so God in His infinite wisdom switches this up and says let me move from the phone to use an iPad mmm because man is so quick to start idolizing stuff yes when he wants us direct recognized I am the I am that I am I am that I am and I will be what I will be I am I'm self existent I use whatever I want together he uses whatever tools he wants to use he uses a donkey okay yes a donkey he uses whoever and whatever he wants for his agenda but you said something just a few moments ago and I would have just just touched that just a little bit you said some people are afraid of what is it gonna look like it and that's not just in church was the business gonna be okay what is the family room I was the community gonna look like what his social life is gonna look like what is it yeah but first thing that comes to mind as the scripture says how many times be not afraid yes so if we line up with the word in the scripture tells us to be not afraid I'm not gonna be afraid so then what are we gonna be expected expected now you touched on it you just said to us that God said that the the latter house is not gonna be able the the latter house is gonna be greater than the former house yes okay we take that we believe that we go from glory to glory to glory we've heard you teach that and we know that so now we got a channel our mind and conditioned our mind to not look for what was mmm so he says listen remember not the form of things why would you recount everything that why would you recount their experience of the Red Sea how you took the wheels off the chariot how you brought them through on dry ground just say forget that he says forget that because you're gonna be so stuck on me doing it that way that you're not open to the new thing well so the church should be expected this is exciting this is relational you gotta hold this and you got to spend time with him you got to talk to him you got to ask him questions you're doing cry of him you got to seek Him see you can't go by the playbook I've been doing this got this our old playbook is phased out pastors the old strategy PlayBook is faint played out there's nothing on the PlayBook that told us any of our forefathers that from the time we've existed told us nothing about this to put it on our playbook there is no playbook to it right meaning old strategies that means out this is all to Holy Spirit yeah that that is the only playbook we have there's never displayed but he's gonna he's gonna give he's gonna give I mean you just had me going because certain things that you just said just has me just ignited on the inside like you know like you're looking to see what was its so some people think they can't have Church unless they have their two songs then they know what's coming next then if we listen somebody think the church is gonna shrinking it's gonna be smaller it's gonna be greater or it's gonna be more it's gonna be more numerous oh yeah oh yeah it's yeah pastor there's gonna be more people than your building can fit think about this and they are beyond the bill hmm they're beyond the building and we've seen it already yes I read you just for outdoor Church driving church people hanging around standing around over there cars stop in looking just watching trying to see what are we doing outside having Church in the cars so get ready for the unconventional way yes not prospering his church yes in spiritual things as well as natural things because God is gonna prosper in your business God is gonna prosper your education and everything concerning you but don't expect the common way expect the uncommon in this time come on yes yeah uncommon miracles uncommon breakthroughs people like I've never heard of that before what made you think of that ready he said I will cause you to to have witty inventions this is gonna be the hour of witty and venture I prophesied this to you right now this is gonna be the hour of Woody inventions God is gonna cause you to invent something that's never been thought of before you thought that Amazon was it you thought that uber was the greatest but right inside of you right now lies the success and the power to change a generation to change the world you are a world changer you are a world shaker you are a mold breaker God has given you that inspiration by His Holy Spirit to do what's never been done before so don't expect the usual expect God to use you in the uncommon way uncomfortable come on this is my week for the uncommon Wow this season begins the uncommon yes glory to God made it on a whole new activated on a whole new level new level and that's what it is it's the air oh you'll love somebody said well I've seen uncommon things but not on this level know about it not not in this grade not on this level you can see you can actually increase in wisdom you can increase in favor and now you just said listen you're gonna see God in an uncommon way on a whole new look what does that look like mmm what is that you got a memory that looks like failure ridiculous ridiculous favor the NIV version says in a 66 book with 66 Isaiah 66 the NIV version says it very clearly he says do I bring to the moment of birth do I bring to the moment of birth and not deliver says the Lord do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery says the Lord no he says rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her all you who love her rejoice greatly with her all you who mourn over her for you will nurse and be satisfied at her comforting breast you will drink deeply and delight in her overflow in abundance overflowing abundance is what God is getting ready to do for his church rejoice people that was trying to be critical of the church like why didn't you all know about this problem why they couldn't y'all prophesied well what are you gonna do now oh you haven't seen the greatest version of God's people and and in the church yet the greatest of us has not yet been revealed but the hour is coming that God is getting ready to reveal his church in higher dimensions on higher levels way to glory create a glory hallelujah great a favour because we were at the point of birth then the pandemic happened and God is saying no I won't bring you to the point of birth right and cause the atmosphere around you to stop what I am producing come on and what I am bringing forth and out of the church oh yes so don't don't worry about what's happening in the delivery room you shall deliver yes don't worry about was happening in your atmosphere you shall bring forth I'm worried about all the demographics and and things that are going on in their particular and the logistics around you God says I'm gonna give you the powers to bring forth what I prize yeah this is a birthing season actually you're getting rid of birth dreams hallelujah that you that you didn't even imagine that you would bring forth you can even make connections in areas that you had no inch in in the previous years of months before this but now God is sparking new interests and you've never thought about this field says the Lord but God says I'm gonna open up new fields new territory Halloween new things are coming your way new hallelujah things are happening that you known that of and that you knew not of previously God said this is me that's doing it and step in it even if it's not your hobby even if it's not your place of interest because God is sparking your interest says the spirit that been to get ready for new interests yes step into it new interest oh yes all of a sudden you're interested in it so you don't know why you're interested in it yes well you know what sparking gosh I'm sparking new revelation in you come on I'm sparking new ideas in you I'm birthing new dreams in yes and I'm bringing forth out of you new levels of manifestation and don't be worried about it don't be concerned about it because God said it is me that is doing it that's the Spirit of God glory to God hallelujah the manifestation and this these divine occurrences that are taking place it puts me in mind of Luke the fifth chapter in how you see a try I tried and I tried basically that's what I call it when the fisherman with Simon Peter and the fisherman go fishing and catch nothing there it is one word after day allow Jesus to use Peters boat there it is Jesus gives the word says launch out into the deep and there's a different result mmm a results so great that I mean I believe this is what's happening with the supernatural occurrences that take place in the believers life is that it's going to cause something even far more meaning ground take place when it comes to the kingdom and that is they go from with your trade and their skill exhausting doing all and see when you look at try tribe means it tried means that you did your best try means you applied your effort try means you did what you could do to the best that you knew how to do it and that's somebody that's just connected right now you did all that you knew to do you tried and you tried and still didn't get the result you tried with the family thank you try with the finances you tried you tried you tried and it look like that thing wouldn't break but yet you allow Jesus to speak to you you allow them to you you shall vote and just like they went out there the boat of your life they went out there and they saw a supernatural result the result being you go from nothing to Nets breaking to boats about the sink because the catch was so big from nothing your catch is about Nets breaking no catch is about to be cymbal sinking it's gonna draw the attention of neighbors you enjoy the attention of neighbors more watches are getting ready to watch the divine performance in your life this is about God displaying his glory in the window display of your life through your life so that they'll know that he is God what does Peter do he doesn't say well man we don't hit the jackpot we ain't never made this kind of money he had enough sense to know this don't make no sense mm-hmm our best fishing day wouldn't produce this know the best climate wouldn't produce this climate skill all that together this is something else going on here what does Peter do he repents he starts noticing I need to repent I believe that these divine performances that take place in our life this supernatural outbreak this this this this increase that is far greater than anything that we've ever seen is gonna call sinners Wow to say I need to be saved Wow he's using it in your life yeah and say hey there's no way in the world you should have that yes if we know your story we know where you come from how you get that and the Holy Ghost seals it with Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse number 8 says better is the end of a thing than the beginning right oh yes let me say it again better is the end of the thing than the beginning there of the patient the patient's within our spirit to wait until the process is over wait until God's hand shows up and God arranges things that he's already ordained in prearranged because you've been prearranged in for ordained for victory and if you don't know that you're sitting you're waiting for victory to happen when victory has already happened in existence oh yes so is it your victory exists you just have to hit your timelines the finish work it's a finished work the finished work of Jesus Christ finished it's done we we're already restored we've already recovered we've already been set up and God has already given us double-file pain in our afflictions amen it's not God's will for us to walk around his children think about he's a loving father it's not his will for us to walk around blinded and fearful and afraid because we hired you this is this is this is one of the the best time this is the time to display the benefits of the kingdom yes then we have access to to information from on high yes that God is the God that was speaking saying it's gonna rain before it rain God is a God that will let you know check this and you better get ready I'm gonna send water you better dig them ditches God loves to speak like you say and this from the scripture he speaks to the non-existent thing he does that to us in the midst of this pandemic to let us know it's not gonna last all rain it's going you're gonna come out better you're gonna come out on top you're resilient you're built better than that to go away and just be folding in a corner some wind no no we could happen oh I know he's gonna keep us I know he's gonna keep us I know he's gonna sustain us absolutely and you were talking outside I mean lord I was that in your notes he was talking about how God is gonna deal with everything concerning the numbers of your life every number of your life no I knew that was how I was going to present my tea you know my notes I think right well that was how the press yeah that guy's gonna deal with every number in our life all the numbers in our life every area every area of our life every number Gaza need your age the number of your days age number of days your household how many in your household you do your address your phone number Gaza and every number in your life you better receive that oh yes already guy either your medical numbers medical numbers that should come down the Holy Spirit is even your numbers and no that should go up the Holy Spirit is touching your numbers and your doctors are getting ready to be amazed by your numbers somebody say God is not into numbers Jesse is a whole book a whole book called not numbers you better get ready for the numbers y'all that's right a whole book called numbers and every number in that book it represents something every number every number is something and you got a you know you got to realize it that you're at the age that you are at this time for pacifica reason and God is number even the days of your life and numbers number even the hairs on your head God knows specifically the numbers in your life and any number that's out of whack God is gonna fix your numbers even those low numbers in your account guys getting ready to increase your numbers somebody better put that in the box say God's getting ready to increase my numbers somebody your numbers a night love matters I'm talking to you - I'm about to dramatically increase them yeah listen even if you're a millionaire I get ready guys don't step up your status every million is glory baby come into multi Multi multi multi millions in Jesus name oh yes yeah I believe God and that poverty level that number of poverty that poverty-stricken number this is the last season of being poverty-stricken broke for any kind of reason money and success and favorite is gonna be the future of your life and that's what we decree declared today Wow yeah that's working on the numbers and this funny you were saying because he was talking about restoration and so you got to know if he knows the numbers of the hairs on your head he knows how much you lost yes he knows how much you cried he knows how much you suffered and that's why we got to stop seeing ourselves as we are and start seeing ourselves as we shall be what should we shall be stop seeing yourself as you are so seeing yourself the same where God sees you because God knows the outcome from the investment that he's made to keep you alive even to bring you here and that's why you survive that's why you're not dead that's why you woke up this morning because God sees the beginning hallelujah the end right in the beginning in the beginning he can see the end now it's time for our faith to start seeing the end of a thing in the beginning by faith by faith I can start here but at the end I see and I see they come on they end in the beginning David saw the end in the beginning they saw the inner Joseph saw the end in the beginning but David starting in the beginning David spoke to end in the end so as he's walking toward Goliath he spoke to end in the beginning so he says okay you come to me with like this and like that but I come to you in the name of the Lord yeah he said in this day God's gonna deliver you into my hands this day and I'm gonna feed you the files that he was getting ready to eat you up and everything else right he spoke the end in the beginning can you now speak your end in the beginning declare you're in in the beginning right now it's the beginning but declare you're in already declare your victory already don't get into a deal without declaring the end in the beginning come on this feels gonna come through for me yes I'm gonna be have the winning bid I'm gonna be the one to possess that property declare the end of the beginning I'm the owner of that house I am the owner of that apartment complex I'm the owner of that commercial storefront building I'm the owner of that shop declare the end in the beginning don't sign a contract don't get in contract if you can't declare the end in the beginning glory to God declare the end of your family now declare the end of your children now my father declared the end of our children and the beginning of our marriage my father declared the end of it didn't they get it yes yes I see a lot of kids coming for this matter if you look at him like huh we sure did we like what you're talking about we three talking about it mr. Jane Pullman's were we talking about please it I see I see a lot of kids Mac we hit a loss is mine my family was like this yeah but right and all of a sudden here we got five kids that's right that's right you have the power to speak the end in the beginning you have the power to because he gives us you know because you even though you are a bishop and and you and you are apostolic what you're flowing in today is very prophetic and they're giving you know the word of knowledge he speaks his word no matter what you are dealing with right now yes you're coming out greater yes this thing is not gonna overtake you I know what you lost mm but what you gain is gonna be so great yes that you won't even remember Tory you won't remember what he's birthing in your life is so great it's so great that you'll remember about it the stage you also forgot about the pain of it he named when his children after the fact that she also named none of his children after the fact that God caused him to forget all the pain he spent in it of course it's not a pain from prison a pit prison then come on then I mean being falsely accused right I mean think about that think about sitting in jail no way if you didn't do what they said you did yeah in your Jail are you in jail yeah that really happened to Joseph but the blessing was so big so big cause in the figure it caused me forget it you're gonna forget that abuse you're gonna figure you had no what happened but you let me get the forget about the penis the thing of it is we will be removed God is moving this thing out of your life this thing of your past this thing of your situation this thing of the altercation yeah yeah this thing of it guys are moving because they stone they stole I get overly gonna say somebody they stole it from me mmm what God has for you is so great and that's so important because God told me to announce four things vindication reparations restoration and compensation vindication God told me he's there to vindicate you divinely vindicates you for the things that you've been mistreated in things that people have said about you he's gonna vindicate your name he's gonna bring value back to your name he's gonna bring the integrity back to your name so vindication then reparations he's gonna cause you to receive the blessing because of the because of the hit that you took so the enemy's got to pay a penalty now because of what you went through he's got to pay a price now now he's got to give you what you would have normally gotten because of what was done so reparations are coming and then restoration that means I'm going to restore even what you lost I'm gonna put it back and then define compensation you're getting ready to be blessed so much in this tower that this is gonna be the hour that you'll always remember because it's through this situation that God's gonna cause you to live on for the rest of your life in peace and favor and an abundance of cash flow and blessings come on decree and declare the abundance of cash flow different wealth channels are opening up to you supernatural doors are opening up to you because God is vindicating you God is giving you reparations guys give you a restoration and supernaturally divinely compensating you the lady that that lost her husband that her two children were getting ready be taken as bond servants at the end of the day as ever she obeyed the Prophet she used what she had the Prophet took it and caused that old not to stop flowing they wasn't sold all the oil she paid off her debt the Bible says paid of all that her husband told and the Bible says she lived from the rest I'm time to tell you somebody's getting ready happened for you in this hour that's gonna be so big then not only will you be debt-free but you get ready live off of Hallelujah just just the residuals you can relive off just a small of the effectiveness of this time the thing that affected you that God has caused and about to happen and now God's gonna compensate you as a result and you're gonna be divinely compensated for the rest of your days I decree and declare it you ain't gonna do about welfare you are no special check you know special this or that you're gonna forget you gotta figure out people that either old you money that's how much money's coming that you're getting to forget about people that old you man you're gonna see the old ideas and you guys that make you forget about everything that's ever hurt you or ever hallelujah done how do you ever put pain into your life because this is the season that guys encourage you to reign and abundance in favor and glory and it's gonna be so big that's gonna outdo anything has ever been done before for this is a record-breaking season don't expect to get what you ever got before on the levels you got it before because greater levels greater heights greater increase it's coming into your life in a supernatural way and nothing that enemy can do to stop what God is getting ready releasing your life and what's getting ready to be released in your life it's something that's never been done in your life before so get ready for supernatural blessings get ready for new opportunities new connections new breakthroughs and get ready I want you to reimagine realign and reassess your life and understand that what's happening hallelujah is gonna be a god thing it's gonna be a divine blessing that's coming to your house and it's starting right now come on say right now [Music] yes right now my god yeah a flat C sharp D G whatever because because favor is getting ready to come incredible in incredible ways hallelujah because what has been taken is now being come on is now being restored he said I will restore even the thing that I took not away and blessings that have been held up are now being released hallelujah breakthroughs that have been held up are now being released things that you've been praying and praying about for years that's been held up is now being released oh yes how you gonna release it in 2020 maybe 21 maybe 22 no God says and in the same year God will cause the same year famine God will cause blessings to be released glory to God hallelujah yes yes you better get ready oh yes you better get ready you better get ready cause something big is coming your way come on better get ready because something big is breaking through and coming in your behalf something is coming big to your address something that you not know not know something that you've never imagined it's getting ready to happen and it's gonna bless you it's gonna bless your children he has somebody got some lawsuits that's held up and God said I'm getting ready after this pandemic is over I'm getting ready to have them rule in your favor judges are ruling in your favor juries are ruling in your favor who am I talking to the jury is on your side my guys got juries and judges that are on the people of God side yeah God's getting ready to open fill things up that that they prayed about before this even happen God has not forgotten about what he's promised favor favor with decisions favor with magistrate favor with with legislation favor with the Congress favor with the Senate favor with government officials favor hallelujah every place you go you're gonna see favor there's no door that God can't get in there's no body's heart that God can't influence God is the influence of hearts and God is working the hearts of men in your direction God is working on the hearts of men in top positions and working them and causing them to rule in your favor come on declare the ruling shall be in my favor underwriters are getting ready to rule in your favor ha ha ha great presidents are getting ready to rule things are happening in the realm of the rulings and the rulings are going in the people of God's favor yeah come on declare rulings are going in my favor glory to God because what's king rather comes to be better than anything that they'd ever seen before anything we have experienced before is getting ready to be better than that better better better better I decree in the class somebody shot better better better better because the forces that are with us are greater than the ones that are against God alone outweighs everything that comes against you and God together like Lord and Taylor like Lord and Medina and lower than Orin I'm telling you and God you and the Lord together come on come on it overrules a majority in the spirit somebody shout hallelujah y'all better put some hearts out there y'all better send some hearts out there because God is ruling in your favor come on come on come on God it's causing men's hearts to turn in your favor God is causing men's hearts to now rule in your favor I do I believe that oh yes accept it cases are being released that have been delayed cases are being released I have been delayed cases where judges kept pushing off pushing it off God said now after this is over I want to cause in the rule in your favor below already God come on y'all better praise them I need some hearts out there y'all better give God some hearts and say betters coming come on get some hearts out there say God is getting ready to remanufacture in my life come on put some more hearts out there come on say better is coming say God is renovating restoring hallelujah and come on and putting my life back together in a great way greater greater and better is coming glory to God hallelujah be opened a new and improved I come and tell you I come and tell you that trouble happened hallelujah not against you but it happened for you yeah let me say it again what's happened did happen against you but it happened for you why can't it happen for me because all things good things and bad things work together Romans 8:28 for the good to them that who want love God tell your neighbor didn't happen against me it happened for me because God knows how to work what's happen against you make it work for you it even though even though it was meant to go against you and it worked in in your favor it happened for you right somebody better shout hallelujah evil but God meant it for good - what save much people alive I don't know how you got to hear this all this big breakthrough all this big increase all this big promotion all this big real estate portfolio all of this overflow is connected to save much people God's gonna use it someway somehow is big-oh master plan huh so so gonna be safe somebody's gonna be rescued somebody's gonna be delivered glory be to God you gonna be able to shift somebody's life from one place to another because when God spoke to you you trust him and you move it increased your resources and when you had to move somebody from being bound and relocate them physically to a whole nother place you had the power to do it mmm he's giving you honey for your sting he's giving me money with a purpose resources what a partner sweets with the purpose it's about his agenda it's about the listen it's it's about reaching this world but see you always have that religious spirit that'll sit there and look and said Oh what are they talking about we're in the midst of a pandemic no no no all of our life is about God that's right this is all about God and if we don't step in and step into what Bishop said to step into it what God is telling us to step into then when God wants to use it we don't have it in our possession mmm you're gonna occupy it the very thing that God told you to trust him for if God says I want to restore you then you don't talk about lack and little you talk about restoration God says I'm giving you more than ever before you don't talk about what everybody else is saying on on the news you say more than before why because God has a purpose in Joseph's possession and positioning and everybody else was about God's big master plan if you didn't hear God and go with God and say occupied the spaces that he told you the truth to occupy then when he wants you to use it he can't use it why cuz it the heathen got it Wow and the heathen it's not going to use it for God no they got the healer is not going to say oh let me sow into God's mission the heathen don't care about God's mission the heathen cares about his own agenda so we just got to just deal with that spirit right there the case is on the timeline and don't and don't you let nobody talk to you out of what God is talking you and reaching you and pushing you into so that he can use it for his Lord if he says the whole block you say the whole block because I'll tell you something he driving some folks out to bring you in bring his people in yeah they would have never given it but situations and circumstances caused them to give it up I'll Drive them out to bring you in some people gonna take over property just did they just once they just take it over take over no downpayment no just just take it over they're gonna transfer the deed they take it over you're gonna take over that real estate you're gonna take over that plot you're gonna take over that land so a bishop is preaching cuz will see while you're ministering I'm sensing up a whole nother spirit here too on this timeline that wants to be like oh they're just talking about the no Widow this is all about God we ain't trying to go back in the world we know ain't nothing out there we're trying to get the people of God to believe what he's saying you know but he's saying if you don't occupy you don't take it when he says take it look all through the stretch where he says I've given you this land yes well he said I'll give you this land what does he what does he want you to do he want you to show up and take you show up take it he's telling you what's already done he's revealed his will he's revealed his will for us and not going around just repeating what everybody else is saying doing the grooming her and you all scared and afraid god no no no no no no no he's giving you his will he's revealing his will to you he's giving us a Rhema word today what you gonna do about it you're just gonna hear it shout a little bit God says he's dealing with every every number concerning your life you gotta go and and meditate with that what does that mean even your social security number your credit come on so he says okay I want to use this I want to use I'm gonna use this he'll prompt you and then a moment's notice you'll go ahead and obey God in whatever way he wants you to use the places or the resources that he has given you yes don't you don't you back down don't you relate don't you don't you shrink back you stand in faith and make God Papa proud the promises are still in progress that's still in progress as a matter of fact the scripture says it's his promises that keeps us going yes why are you moving like that while you plan as I promised his promise yeah promise still stands man of God you please today his promise still stands great is thy faithfulness I was still in his hands yeah that faithfulness his promise still stands yes his promise hasn't changed yeah and that's what we got understand something God is not concerned about this and that gotten do this before he promise you God no God he was were happy that the whole world is yeah but God knew that 2020 what happened before he gave the promise yes he did just like he knew that Joseph's brothers will put him in the pit before he gave Joseph the promise he knew that part of his wife rely on Joseph before he gave Joseph the promise he knew that he Joseph will end up in prison before he gave the promise and that's why you gotta understand God knew 2020 was gonna happen but God also knew that his promise will still stand it's still valid yes Connie like oak oversaw a chain line right he's God his promise still stands great is his faithfulness all great is his faithfulness every morning they're made new great is that faithfulness he's gonna be faithful in spite of it oh yes in spite of what we going through God is faithful glory to God God is so into his word the Bible says that he exalts his word above and his name is huge his character his name is everything that's how serious God is about what he said yeah what he has spoken yes and it's not strength in the Word of God says what minute cast I'll say what there's a lift there there's one thing God is looking at his children his little children his sons and daughters in the earth he wants to see our faith that's right he wants to see that we trust him he wants to see us walking around like God's got us covered we're not saying to be silly and you know and go around do reckless things but talking about in being confident in the God that you heard that word today God come that was awesome
Channel: United Nations Church
Views: 5,074
Rating: 4.9772725 out of 5
Id: 5HsQK6xFdAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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