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Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] somebody in the house stop putting your hands together and give God a powerful brain thank you for your breakthrough thank you for your beautiful thank you Joe together [Music] father we honor you today and we thank you Lord because you are God and beside you there is none other Lord as we come together again we come with hearts of gratitude we come to say we love you today and we praise you we thank you for bringing us the long way thank you for every rough healing mountain for for every valley that you brought us through God because it was through our suffering that we came to know your voice Lord we thank you for those that I hear today lord I pray for families I I pray for husbands and wives and I pray for the young people today Lord breathe upon and revive your church in the name of Jesus Oh God we need you like never before and we're not too proud to say help us Lord we humble ourselves in your presence and we ask that you will breathe on us like never before Lord renown us the former rain and the latter rain God I want you to renew within us God every right spirit and renew within us the spirit of joy the joy of our salvation oh god I want to ask you to touch us like you did in the Old Testament Lord touch just like you did Moses and Lord touch you touch just like you did Joseph's father renew our dreams and renew our visions o God in the name of Jesus Oh God touches like you did Elijah and then touch just like you did Elijah Oh God you gave him a double portion we cry out to you like never before in the name of Jesus don't revive I said Lord take us over again breathe on us like never before just like you did I say uh touches like your dear Jeremiah Oh God touches like your didiji keola let that your bones in the valium let it begin to live again revive us for your glory in the name of Jesus of brittleness like you did David O God we call your neighbor you said call on me and I will be here and show your greed and money things that you owe us today touches like you did Zechariah Oh God just today move on us again give us give us our power back give us back our tongue jump renew our spirit in the name of Jesus God we pray today we pray like Mary shallowest in the name of Jesus we want a visitation of your glory Oh [Laughter] shame to give you the praise to give you the honor to give you the glory we bless you now with rage Jehovah Jireh all the tips cannot shake the fire to over feels just silver you've been there all the time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] of Jesus Christ let the church say Amen amen before you all take you see please jump up on your feet please do this for me and just hug two people and tell them God loves you what I love you today I feel the Holy Ghost how many y'all got the Holy Ghost feel the holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] stuffing annoying Tigger I feel the power of the Holy Ghost glory to God ask your neighbor ask Irwin did you get filled when you asked the when did you get filled with do they remember if you really got it the old-fashioned when you are to remember when you got here with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost hallelujah won't I feel a shout coming on I just want to know how many of y'all grateful for being saved you have to be sanctified glad to be filled with the Holy Ghost have a relationship with God can we give God a praise break right now lift your hands come on get him drink grace mercy and peace be on to you [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody put your hands together and give God another great hallelujah bless His Holy Name I want to amen time to go on but I feel something I'm trying to go on but but I feel something needed to be revived and then the Lord can come in touch you have you ever been down in God just come and lift you shake it you can touch your body get somebody giving praise for just being hallelujah 30 volts seconds give him a hot brave come on I can't move to a given flooring I sellotape move to be given close I feel a breakthrough in this place Oh Fila travail happen in a travail the first thing I'll do spirits of Prayer he's the first thing I'll show pray Almighty he's been doing the spider he's rich doing prayer language [Music] those of you that's on your feet can you just tell somebody why you're praising God just tell the person that's new say honey I'm standing up here praising God because God brought me out he brought me through he set me free he broke the chain he broke me young I was about money delivered me I was sad but he gave me joy I was sick get some real intercessors in the house I give the intercessors coming alive in here I feel fine about the fall on the prayer leaders at the quarry at the interceptors let me get one give them afraid [Music] [Music] I want you to give God a sacrificial praise right now for the son that's getting ready to get saved for the daughter that's coming back from Swift she's been outdoors come on somebody for your children [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh all right [Music] [Music] [Music] look at somebody that's Anu you're telling everything it's going to be alright [Music] don't look like I wanna have Church in California [Music] the site razors in California Poppy always a shop [Music] [Music] right hallelujah god bless you hallelujah did you shout God is with you he's concerned about you you may have your seat in the presence of God you see when I came up in the church as a little girl I got saved and I was ten and my sister Tonya and I were at the church and see when we would have a revival amen it wouldn't take but one church mother to holla and if the church mother would haul out one time all she had to Halle was jeez and look like that fine you start getting all in your hands Oh God anybody got the fire of God today Oh bless his name I love him I love the Lord today and I feel this presence in the house glory to God I feel I'm having its way in your soul way down in your soul in your mind your will your emotions let him bless you on today praise the name of the Lord God bless you all amen one more time clap your hands for Jesus he's reviving somebody isn't it a wonderful feeling to be revived and to be restored amen god bless you all I love you all with the love of Jesus Christ and again it is an honor and I mean that with with all of my heart a sincere honor to be here to share with you the word of the Lord today Amen I just want to take a moment and celebrate the leader the prolific one who has such an anointing to preach the gospel he has traveled the span of the globe sharing the Word of God I know that he's absent at this moment but can we all take a moment and honor the man of God the visionary of the City of Refuge I need those of you that love your Bishop and pastor to clap your hands for Bishop Noel Jones ah god bless and bless him Lord bless him right now in the name of Jesus and to his awesome staff I'm telling you they are amazing amen I thank the Lord for all of the leaders here at the City of Refuge all of you that have been working even with hospitality they are absolutely a tremendous blessing and again I am simply honored to be here today I'd also like to mention that someone asked me at the book table where are you from so I want to make sure that I mentioned that our church is called the AR M Church on the rock we are in Mattson Illinois right outside of Chicago and the Lord has blessed us to have an internationally viewed telecast that airs every Monday night on the word network if you're ever up at 9 p.m. here in the California area it would mean so much to a man hear from you and to know that you're there watching I also want to just take a moment and I have a testimony regarding something that the Lord used Bishop Noel Jones to do on a particular day I want to mention that our ministry was founded by our late mother dr. Angie ray she was a legendary awesome decent honorable woman of God amen that God used to bring great deliverance into the lives of God's people and it was in 2005 that our mother made her transition I heard elder Terry say earlier that someone's mother had passed and it's something different I don't know if you all have experienced it but it's a different kind of pain when you lose your mother amen and we were grieving so I'm telling you in 2005 after our mom passed away and I thank God again for brother Patrick bolt and he invited us to come in here Bishop when he was in our area and after Bishop got through preaching I'm telling you all God has anointed him to preach so until Reach's joy back into the soul amen and the Lord used him to preach and bless us that night but we were on our way out the door and Bishop said to my sister and I as we were passing by the book table he said two words that strengthened me he literally just said be strong after the death of our mother and I'm telling you I don't know if you've ever experienced when someone says something to you that resonates in your spirit amen I thank God that he has strengthened us to carry on a Ministry of deliverance and intercession since 2005 can we give God the glory for that I honor him and I give God the praise amen again I've been sharing a little earlier about the heart and I'm telling you all I've just been studying and studying the Word of God concerning the heart and one thing I want to talk about today is that no matter who you are there is a place in your heart that only God can deliver amen I know you've been saved I know you're trying to walk right but there is a place in our lives where we need the Lord to come and to wash and cleanse us of Jeremiah said it like this he said that the heart is desperately wicked and it's deceitful who can know the heart but God and so since we understand that the heart is the seat of the soul the heart is Amen where men's morale being emanates from it's a place of our thoughts our conduct our speech all of that emanates from the heart and I want to talk again about the heart amen this afternoon and I want to tell you that sometimes you don't even know yourself what's in your heart until someone pushes you further than you want to go can I get a Amen in the church I want to tell you that sometimes people say things and you look at them and wonder where did that come from it came out of their heart do you know that much truth is even spoken and just when people say I'm just joking I'm just kidding I'm just playing but the truth of the matter is whatever is in their heart is going to come out the Bible says from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and so today let us let the Lord deal with our hearts how many of you want God to search him how many of you want him to try you amen if there be any wicked way in you you want the Lord to take it out amen as I was praying and seeking the Lord concerning today he just kept giving me to share this verse of these verses of Scripture with you all and we're going to Psalm 51 Amen and we're going to share a bit of the penitential Psalm that David pinned after the sin that he committed with Bathsheba and as we go into the word of the Lord I know that many of you are very familiar with the story already but one thing I want to say is is that David loved God David was anointed amen he was a gifted psalmist he was a gifted writer he was you did in every way amen but yet he allowed himself to open the door to sin that affected him and it affected his heart can I share with you all today that today's message is a message to encourage you to evaluate what is going on in your heart one of the ways I can tell you that you can evaluate what's happening in your heart is the way that you treat everybody else that's one of the major evaluations don't tell me how anointed you are don't tell me how gifted you are don't tell me how many abilities you have if you can't treat your fellow man right if you can't speak to anybody if you can't say good morning if you can't just be kind and be gracious and be friendlier I want to tell the church it is to the love of God that souls are one to Christ the Bible says that through love and kindness have i drawn the so to I want to ask you to talk to the Lord for yourself and ask God as we go through these words today Lord I cannot change my own heart but lord I need you to cleanse me and to wash me of every iniquity how many of you all will be honest today and say that I need God to do something for my heart bless the name of the Lord I've been studying and writing and talking about the different kinds of heart and I was studying about the the clean heart and studying about the right heart you see when you've committed a sin and you're sorry for what you've done you ask God to forgive you and you don't just come to God in a proud or an Arab arrogant or egotistical way but when you are sorry for something you've done there is a way that you repent come on y'all you don't just go to God and just say well I'm sorry you know and just walk away no but when you really mean it when you're really sorry for something you've done what do you do there's a passionate desire to repent and say Lord I'm sorry so we're going to Psalm 51 for just so for a few minutes and we're going to share what the Lord is saying unto us today David said to the lord have mercy on me upon me O God according to thy loving-kindness and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies what did he say blot out my transgressions amen wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin I want to pause right there and share with you that many times when you talk about repentant people of God often begin to say well I haven't done any big sins y'all know what I'm talking about but the thing that God wants to come after in the heart is he wants to go after those hidden places he wants to come after that unforgiveness and the bitterness that can get in your heart oh I need to talk for a minute the Bible says when you stand praying forgive or your heavenly Father will I forgive you so when you're asking God Lord block out my iniquity take out my sin Lord show me anything in my heart that's not like you Lord take it out let me get real real with you or some of y'all need to forgive your ex that that hurts you to your bone some of you need to forgive ex relates of the people in your relatives and a mother-in-law's sister-in-laws aunties and cousins people that said things did things to hurt you to your very hard do you know that there are people walking around in the church and they're still hurting because they refused to let go and forgive people for what they did in 1980 in 1999 in 2002 you cannot get a breakthrough unless you forgive you gotta be delivered but you can't get your deliverance until you forgive I hear some of y'all in the spirit saying but I thought I forgave already let me show you how I know you need some ol deliver it is every time somebody bring their name up but you're ready to go into a conversation about how they hurt you how they disappointed you how they let you down there are ways you know you still got some bitterness in there cuz sometimes they come down one aisle and you would prefer to go down the other aisle oh yeah it's something still in there but that's when your ask God Lord come on come on take it out of my heart take it out of my life take it out of my mind I feel God bringing deliverance in here just like he did for David when David said have mercy on me O God according to thy loving-kindness and according to thy multitude of tender mercies of aren't you glad that the new mercies are brand new every day and I feel God extending his hand of Mercy to somebody right now I came to tell you all the way from Illinois no matter what you've done when you ask God to forgive you when you ask God to forgive you of your transgression of your sin of your iniquity I want you to know that he will blot out your sin and as far as the East is from the West he will for other calls your sin to be cast away yeah other folk may might try to go back under the blood and pull out what you've done but you gotta know I've been forgiven oh I feel God forgiving somebody I feel God purging and cleansing in the house of the Lord we were talking a little earlier I need to bring some of you all up to where David was when he started praying this prayer listen he had a loud sinner to get in his heart y'all know the story David was on top and then on the inside of the palace and he looked out the window and sinned a man because he saw a woman by the name of Bathsheba huh you don't know how David took plant he made schemes to get that woman into the palace he asked a question who is this woman they begin to tell Emma don't you know that is Uriah the Hittite wife yeah that is the daughter of Eliam one of your mighty men one of your soldiers are those those that's the daughter of Eliam y'all talk to me in here but let me tell you what happened David took steps and he calls that woman to come to the palace and cause her to become pregnant People of God sin will make your plot and plan and scheme I know sin is not a popular subject to talk about some of y'all would rather I talk about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego but before I get to the Hebrew boys I need to tell you God want to deal with your heart he want to deal with what's going on he want to deal with the sin come on somebody whatever is in there that's not like him he wants to take it out and one of my assignments in the earth is to tell people of God that you have power Dominion and authority over the works of the devil but you can't bind the devil until you get that unforgiveness out of your heart you can't pray until you get the bitterness your heart you can't come against the kingdom of darkness if you're stealing fornication if you're stealing adultery if you're stealing sin I know I they go get no help on that but I came to tell you today God is raising up a church that will represent him in the earth God is raising up of people the same God for you our liver and for God I'll die there's some people in this place today that's not playing no games you're saying God search me wash me and deliver me because I want to be right with God somebody clap your hands right there bless the name of the Lord we won't go to revive us in this place today it was David after he sinned after he had Uriah sent to the front of the battle ax they all know that David had Uriah sent to the heat of the battle I tell you it's amazing to me that he would send a letter to the captain and tell Joanna Joab sin' Uriah to the heat of the battle and when you sent him there huh I want you to leave him there right there by himself tell all of the other men to back away and they begin to back up and Uriah was killed but David had plotted he had planned he committed premeditated murder huh oh your leash and Athena he sinned against God but God raised up a prophet of God what was his name his name was Nathan Nathan the Prophet went to David confronted him about his Shanna and told him thou Arthur mana o I love the Word of God then David started repenting he started asking god lord please forgive me O Lord please wash me lord please purge me huh he said god I can't feel your presence I can't feel your anointing I can't hear your music I can't hear my songs Lord I need your help Oh God I want to talk to some people in here today they're gonna charge every Sunday you go to Bible but you find yourself in a place where you can't feel God like you used to you can't feel this anointing like you used to well I'm telling you today God is going to hear the cry of wash me Lord and he is going to wash you and restore you and revive your soul on today somebody clap your hands and tell your neighbor God's gonna restore you bless the name of the Lord I believe in the power of deliverance I believe in the power of breakthrough but it was only when David repented before God that God began to make changes in his life David said Lord I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me he said Lord behold now desirous truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part will you make me to know wisdom in other words I in my hidden part in my heart God make me to know wisdom I want to ask a question how many of you are saying God I want my heart to be right I want my heart to be cleansed I want my heart to be sanctifying God get in my heart so I can treat my neighbor right get in my heart so I can love my neighbor as I love myself get in my heart so I won't be bitter and angry with everybody because of my experience get in my heart so that I can get rid of all jealousy how can I talk about jealousy jealousy gets in the heart y'all wonder why people are locked up in prison because of the heat of jealousy somebody hurt somebody or shot somebody you know why it's because they felt jealous about what somebody else had I wish we could have told them you don't have to be jealous of nobody else because you are one-of-a-kind your fingerprint on the sand tell your neighbor ain't nobody else like you or bless the name of the Lord saints of God we are going to ask God today in pray we're gonna do what David said we're gonna ask God to purge me verse number seven was y'all read it with me purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean he said wash me and I shall be what whiter than snow make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones which thou has broken may rejoice and then hide thy face from my sin block out my iniquity is there anybody in here that won't God to block out some things in your past that you did when you weren't saved do you want him to block out your transgressions to block out your iniquity how many of you in here are willing to admit I won't go to blot it out I want them to blot it out it out the Lord you block out my iniquity then I'm gonna pray the prayer that David said unto God in verse number 10 What did he say read it loud say it again one more time yes Oh God and do what renew a right spirit within me and then he said Lord cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me then they begin to say Lord restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit do you know that when someone is being revived that they're being resuscitated that being made alive again I want to tell you all real quick about my sister her name is Denise and when we were little girls Niecy had a terrible case of asthma and many days when Niecy would get have an asthma attack she would begin to laugh and talk with all of the family and then all of a sudden she couldn't take a breath in and she couldn't take a breath out and I thank God for a praying mother because Niecy would be in distress and we would have to call nah one one but I'm telling you mama starts saying to the REA girls listen Niecy is in trouble and she's not able to breathe she was saying let's call on the name of Jesus and let's pray for Misha until God restores her breathing there were days that she was unconscious and she had to be resuscitated and revived and we would stand there and say the blood of Jesus the blood the blood the blood we were praying for restoration of her breath and praying that God would revive her life again and I remember one day that nice he had lost all consciousness and she was just laying there in the floor and mama walked over to Nisha and said Niecy I command you to come back here I command you to be resuscitated let me tell you what God's doing for the church he's gonna resuscitate the church he's about to breathe new life into you again you see prayer is the oxygen of the church and when you don't pray you lose your ability to be revived but I stopped by the City of Refuge to tell you today that God is gonna give you a clean heart but then he's going to revive you again he's gonna restore you he's gonna resuscitate you y'all ain't saying nothing y'all helped me in here I just thought about a Old Testament scripture in the book of Kings but there was a man huh that had died and Elijah's tomb his suppo qura an as the dead man they were carrying him and they took his bones and threw him in the tomb of Elisha and when they put the bones in there huh the Bible said that that man was revived and stood up on his feet you see let me tell you something about power when you repent when you ask God to forgive you not only will they clean your heart they will they wash you not only when they purge you not only will they purify ya not only will he restore you but you'll revive you huh he'll resuscitate you he'll give you new presa he'll give you new life I feel good in the church today he's giving new life but tell your neighbor God is reviving us again he's restoring us he's washing our hearts he's purifying us again come on somebody I feel the Holy Ghost now clap your hands right there tell the Lord give me a clean heart I want a clean heart yes yes I want to talk to you all as we're sharing out of Psalm 51 I want to tell you guys that sometimes you get to the place that you can't go no further until you get a breakthrough you can't go no further going through the motions doing everything everybody else is doing but sometimes you've got to get to God and you gotta call him with all of your might I want to tell you something you better surround yourself with people that love the Lord you better surround yourself with people that want to be right you better surround yourself with people that want to know God you better surround yourself with people that will love you enough to tell you about yourself oh come on somebody here if you want to be saved if you want to be right if you want to be restored if you want to be revived you don't have to go after God you can't be slaying back and be mediocre but you got to cry with passion when David cried give me a clean heart he wasn't playing with it huh but he was crying out to God he was being passionate about it saying God do it for me again don't take your spirit you can have everything I have but Lord don't take your spirit I came to tell you today let god revive yeah I'll come over here there's no matter what no matter where you go he's gonna be there come on somebody my god he's here he's with us he's here right now and not only is he here angels fear the Lord I've got good news and I've got mercy huh and they're all around me goodness and mercy they follow me all the days of my life and I will the days of my life come on somebody see the Lord the Lord the Bible says lift up your hand in the sanctuary bless the Lord if you want to be revived you're gonna give them praise if you want to be restored you gotta give him glory if you want to be clean you gotta ask the Lord give me a clean heart your hands right [Music] I feel something up here in the water [Music] [Music] but I feel the Holy I'm so glad that I found out that God delights in delivering his people he came here today to bring about deliverance to somebody and to set the captives free can I ask you all right now if you're the person in the room that won't God to give you a clean heart that just start clapping your hands if that's you if that's you if that's you that's you you won't going to give you a cleaner do you want them to search it so say search below say try me look do with me all right spirit from your presence don't take your Holy Spirit from me bless the name of the Lord I'm so glad I know today that God loves his people and he wants to set the captives free I want to ask you a question are you ready to let the Lord purify your heart are you ready to ask him to set chef calls you to be free in every area of your life what you all repeat after me Lord Jesus I thank you for the sermon today create in me a clean heart and renew within me all right spirit father I come before you as humble as I know how and I repent Lord for harbouring holding anything in my life that is not like you lord I ask you to reveal to me what's in my heart Lord only you can show me my heart so I ask you again wash me Lord purify me and cleanse me in the name of Jesus Lord I turn away from sin from transgressions from iniquities and I thank you Lord for purifying me one more time Lord I want to be delivered I want to be free I want to please your Lord so god I ask you to purify me one more time in the name of Jesus search me God try me Lord whatever is there take it out I make a decision at this moment to forgive every person that has hurt me that is harm to me that it's disappointed me in life and today Lord as an act of my will I forgive I forgive father I forgive mother's I forgive relatives I forgive the people on my job I forgive co-workers supervisors I forgive people in the church that have disappointed me in any way I let it go today in Jesus mighty name thank you Lord for your reviving power thank you for restoring me thank you for healing me thank you for making me whole in the name of Jesus I praise You Lord for upholding me with our three spirits and for keeping me in your presence amen I want to ask everyone to stand and I want to open the altar just for a few minutes for any person that says pastor Kim I really want God to wash me today I want him to purge me to cleanse me to search me to save me to deliver me whatever your cry is I may I ask you to identify what your cry is is your cry wash me Lord is it help me is it search me is it save me is it deliver me what is your cry may I ask you that question do you have a cry today tell your neighbor what your cry is come on tell them tell them tell them tell them my cry is help me Lord wash me anybody got to search me cry glory to God what is your cry what is the cry that you have in your heart did you tell your neighbor all right but for the next few moments I want to ask anyone that wants to come to the altar I want to ask you to come now come now come come I just want to pray for some people this afternoon and I want to pray for people that's ready to ask God to cleanse your heart now when you come together come with your hands lift it up and you got to come with a cry in your soul unto the Lord I feel deliverance in the house today I feel freedom I feel it in the soul in the name of Jesus come on lift your voice now when you come please remember to cry out to God means to make a verbal sound it's not just inwardly but I need you to express to God what is your cry before we start praying one more time tell your neighbor what is your cry what is it is it search me wash me tell your neighbor what is it what is your cry restore me hallelujah restore me all right lift your hands to the Lord and for the next few moments how many of you want to be saved I feel salvation at the altar - hallelujah all you gotta do is confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe even your heart that God has raised him from the dead and thou shalt be saved and those of you in the audience if you need deliverance if you need God to move in your life for any other reason come to the altar I just want to pray with you guys today come on to the altar are y'all ready to cry at the altar lift your hands to the Lord now you've identified the cry now I need you to come on love I see you to start crying out to the Lord come on whatever it is come on tell them search resort hurts me God restore me come on up I need your hand of deliverance I need your hand of power I need you all that the altar let me hear you let me hear you come on I forgive my father I forgive my mother I forgive I forgive everybody in the name of Jesus come on cry out to him California I need to hear you all at the altar search and search he's under Messina make me over get a rich store me revive me with stormy revive me heal me Lord you might have been through a divorce and you're still hurting on the inside cry out to Allah cry out to God come on yeah Hilma come on California can hear y'all come up cried out to God I feel God restore you he's restored you woman of God he's restore your home brother your dream hallelujah leather restore you today venomous started I need some ministers to beat me at the altar and help me pray for the evil I hear [Applause] she needs something [Music] yeah [Music] take it out take it out take it [Music] [Applause] [Music] cry out to it cry out to my culture shall I make the offer though do it for me a kid over in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus will you sing it one more time Lord make me over Lord make me over the altar [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] god loves you so much woman God loves you so much he's gonna save your grandson here not all of us and bless her Lord lesser God God no you can heal you can work the miracle huh hey landlord work a miracle in the name of Jesus yes God give up hope give us strength give us a glow touch this body touchin me touchin me touchin me touchin me oh hi in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus yes Lord before you leave the altar before you leave the altar I want to ask you to do one monthly I want you to get to the nearest person right next to you come on tell them God has forgiven us come on tell them you can throw your arms around you and around them and tell them God is forgiving us he has hurt us he has heard our cry he is reviving us he's restoring us he's making us whole he is our God come on reach out to that person next to you and tell him I thank the Lord he's restoring unto us the joy of our salvation some of you will never be the same again one more time Lord make me over [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] those of you in the audience can I ask you to just give somebody a high five near you tell them goddess cleanse us today goddess can you encourage somebody that's been faithful encourage somebody that's been a blessing in your life come on encourage somebody walking the love of God in Jesus name you
Channel: Kingdom Minded Ministries with Pastor J.K. Rodgers
Views: 26,311
Rating: 4.8406711 out of 5
Id: kOOWZrstuxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 6sec (3906 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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