International Intercessory Virtual Fellowship - Thursday Night

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every day with jesus is sweeter than the day before every day with jesus i love him more and more every day with jesus he's the one i'm living for every day with jesus is sweeter than the day before [Music] every day with jesus he's sweeter than the day before every day with my jesus i love him every day with jesus he's the one that i adore [Music] every day with jesus is sweeter than the day before jesus knew what i needed most he's sweeter than the day before he filled me with the holy ghost i love him more and more every day with jesus he's the one that i adore every day with jesus it's sweeter than the day before listen jesus keeps me he supplies my knees sweeter than the day before he leads and he guides me i love him more and more every [Applause] [Music] he's the one that i adore [Music] every day where jesus is sweeter than the day [Music] come on put those hands together let's give god [Music] i love to talk with him yeah i love to spend time [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's sweeter than the honey the honey in the heart yeah i love to talk with him i love to spend time with jesus [Music] every day with jesus gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by god bless you you are watching the international intercessory virtual fellowship i am pastor kimberly ray gavin and it is with great joy and great love that we welcome you to times of prayer of ministry of the word of god i want to ask you to prepare to receive from the lord and first and foremost we want to give honor to our lord and our savior jesus christ it is in him that we live that we move and that we have our being we are so grateful to god to each and every one of you we honor him for each of you that's taken the time to be a part of this virtual time for those of you that don't know i have three natural sisters that work in ministry together and i would like to introduce them to you tonight i first want to say that god has blessed us to have been raised by an a wonderful woman of god um and our father our mother's name was dr angie ray amen and she was our natural mother all four of us as well as our father his name was harry ray and we are just so thankful to god that the lord has allowed us to come together and to work in ministry together and i honor god for my sisters i consider them treasures because of their investment of time commitment service love to the kingdom of god so tonight those of you that are watching for the very first time i want to introduce you to my eldest sister she's the number one ray sister of the family i want you all to be blessed at this time this is cheryl ray won't you be blessed by cheryl god bless you thank you so much for tuning in tonight we are absolutely honored that you would take time out of your busy schedules and share some time to praise god with us and so pull your chair up you've got a few minutes call your prayer partners call your families and friends tell them to tune in you can go to angie ray ministries on facebook and also on youtube we um can't wait for the lord to bless you on tonight amen amen i would also like to praise god for those of you watching right now before i introduce my sister i want you to know that you can dial 708 503 1140 throughout the duration of this time that we are live to receive personal prayer and intercession we are here for you god loves you and he cares and we want you to connect with us those of you that desire prayer and intercession the next sister that i would like to introduce to those of you that are watching and again we want to welcome every state every city we also want to thank god for the different countries the nations that are being represented by your calling in and by viewing us tonight we want to thank god for each and every one of you but the next person i want to introduce to you serves as the assistant pastor of angie ray ministries she is a prayer warrior powerful woman of god she's also a lady delightful in every way and we celebrate her tonight welcome my sister jay denise ray praise the lord god is so good and i loose the love of jesus upon each one of you that are out there today watching and listening those of you that have gathered together with your families and you've decided to spend some time with the ray sisters and angie ray ministries we love you with the love of the lord i want you to know that god is still god and we're looking for miracles signs and wonders doing this fellowship if you need anything from the lord we're touching and agreeing with you and we want you to know that the power of god will touch you right where you are i thank god for you all today you all write us come on the phones and call 708 503 1140 if you like prayer let us know that you're there from whatever city state country continent we are excited about what god is going to do for you and guess what these sisters on this uh uh media platform on this weekend we are believing god for immediate manifestations of the power of god so when we touch and agree with you let us know that it is done in jesus name jesus name bless the lord well we came on with our baby sister sister tanya singing every day with jesus is sweeter than the day before and so i want to introduce you to our baby sister she's a psalmist she's also an evangelist a minister of the lord jesus christ faithful and dedicated to the work of the kingdom will you welcome tanya ray praise the lord god bless you thank you pastor kim we're so grateful to be with you tonight i want to ask all of our facebook friends those of you that are watching on youtube to share like post um to let your family and friends know that we're live right now on youtube and facebook for the international intercessory virtual fellowship and we want you to get your family uh get get around the couch sit at the kitchen table get your ipad your computer whatever you need to do there is so much that we have to share with you on tonight and we have a powerful preacher that is going to be sharing the word of god that's going to bless your life i'm glad to be here with pastor kim pastor denise and gerald tonight the prayer intercessors are here in the church at the church on the rock waiting to pray for you you can call any time throughout this time of ministry and they will stand in agreement with you in prayer we're grateful for what god is about to do we're usually at a prayer conference this time of year but we're grateful that we have this virtual platform to share with you so that we can fellowship together in the name of jesus god bless you tonight hallelujah the bible says in the book of matthew 5 and 16 to let your light so shine before men that they will see your good works and glorify the father which is in heaven i want you to know that our desire is to spend time in fellowship we want to worship together praise together clap our hands together lift our voices together listen we want to extend the love of god those of you that are members of various churches we want to just say we know that we've not been able to travel and have fellowships and different churches but won't you just consider that this is a time of virtual fellowship and we extend to you tonight the pure agape love of jesus christ and we pray that during this time that the lord will bless you in a tremendous way praise the name of the lord is it the lord wonderful racist hallelujah i want to ask one of the girls either of you can uh share at this moment what does fellowship mean to you what just in general what what comes to mind when it when you talk about fellowship okay jd you can go first well you know a lot of times i hear people talk about friendship and fellowship pastor kim yeah and i believe that fellowship is a time that we strengthen one another the bible says that iron sharpeneth iron and it's nothing like a sweet fellowship when you get together with people that you love even if it's virtually so we're together tonight in the name of jesus christ wherever you are we're connecting with you in this fellowship and i have four beautiful sisters and so well three sisters there's four of us together right and the funny thing about it is that we have fellowship with one another for so long you know we pray together sing together laugh together wherever you are we want to encourage families to really be encouraged to continue to fellowship in the lord what a fellowship yes what a joy divine leaning on the everlasting arms of our lord and our savior jesus christ so to me fellowship means family and the love of god amen amen either of you praise the lord well pastor uh we know fellowship is a time of gathering to share the love of christ just to be together and i just want to say that we have family watching and friends watching from bermuda from san diego from florida from north carolina new york virginia chicago aurora illinois detroit michigan all over the country and other nations and and continents of the world and we want you to know that you're welcome and come on we're going to fellowship for an hour or so tonight and it's going to bless your life amen amen amen well we're again so thankful to all of you that's watching us live at this present time and we're going to hear a song a song of victory that will just is sure to lift your heart listen stay tuned and be blessed by this song lion of judah come on [Music] is [Music] you are the great i am my feet [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] oh praise the lord thank you so much for tuning in to this special virtual fellowship it is such an honor to be able to intercede on behalf of god's people i often wonder how the spirit of god falls when it's time for you to pray what is it that you do to you know bring in his spirit to communicate with him to talk to him i'm often reminded of my family when we would get ready to have prayer we would get around mama's knees and daddy would come in and we would begin to sing songs of zion before we would pray and i remember uh sometimes we would be in church service and the church mothers would be around the altar and you could hear them there would be a low moan and you could hear one mother saying thank you jesus thank you jesus and then there was another mother that you would hear she would say oh thank you father and some would be speaking in their heavenly language but then there would be one special mother that would break out and one night i remember being in the back of the church just sitting waiting to move up for further and she began to sing a song and she said shine on [Music] me hallelujah [Music] on me [Music] and then the anointed would begin to engulf the room and she would say glory to god shine on me let's the light from the lighthouse [Music] me and somebody else would pick it up on the other side of the church and say yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes hallelujah yes and so tonight i ask you to join with me all over the world won't you just stop and bow your head with me and just tell god yes there's so much going on across every continent on the globe tonight today whatever time you're tuned in there's trouble and chaos mayhem moving through the streets but tonight we're asking god to let his fire let his power let his spirit begin to move through the atmospheres of asia move through the atmospheres of europe of north and south america over every continent tonight in the name of the lord jesus christ i'm asking god to move throughout the ways of africa and zimbabwe all of those nations we're asking god to move on his behalf i don't know where you're kind enough to tune in but i take take tell you tonight that god is right where you are whether you're in a living room or a hospital room we have power of life and death and i want you to know that god told us jesus said it is written that we can have whatsoever we say we can speak to the mountain we don't have to ask god to give us strength to climb the mountain we can tell the mountain to be removed and cast into the sea and so tonight god in jesus mighty name i asked lord that you would look on every person under the sound of our voices those that are watching live and those that will see the telecast and the replays let them feel your presence let them feel your anointing god i ask that you would move in the midst of your people tonight so many need you so many are standing asking why so many need answers tonight and father we ask that you would do what you do best shine on the souls of your people breathe upon us tonight in jesus mighty name god you said that we could speak to the mountain and the mountains would be removed and so tonight i speak to the mountain of infirmity and i ask that you would let the spirit of healing begin to move over those that are suffering physically in their bodies god i ask that you would touch those that are dealing with mental issues god move in the midst of your people tonight lord i ask that you would move the mountains of depression and oppression and we lose the hope of glory tonight in the name of jesus god move by your power we ask now that you would touch save and sanctify deliver o god in jesus mighty name go across the four corners of the universe lord as only you can we give your name glory for moving now in the mighty name of jesus we apply and appropriate the precious blood of your son jesus let the blood begin to cover everything that's wrong god you can make it right in the mighty name of jesus look on the senior citizens look on the children oh god for your glory we need you like never before oh move by your power in jesus name we pray thank god and amen god bless you stay tuned in jesus name hi everybody it's your sister cici here and i want to encourage you to be a part of the international intercessory virtual fellowship the theme this year is let's shine did you know that we shine the brightest when we all come together on one accord to pray and praise and worship our lord and savior yeah so i want to encourage you to watch participate and be blessed psalms 133 and 1 says behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity so let's fellowship and let's shine praise god we're so thankful for our sister cece winans amen we all love her so very much and we're thankful that god has placed us together she is our sister and we are appreciative of her sharing this time with us we'd also like to give god the glory for the angie ray ministries praise team singing the lion of judah what a blessing and a delightful song that they've sang tonight i also want to appreciate my eldest sister cheryl and the prayer the prayer and the songs amen we so appreciate cheryl and i thank god for you cheryl just taking us back and reminiscing about how the church mothers used to sing and pray and of course that's part of our history part of our legacy is the sound of prayer and we just appreciate god he has been so faithful unto us and we honor him and give him all of the glory i want to ask you those of you that are watching right now i want to ask you will you lift your hands right where you are will you lift your voice and just give god the glory for waking you up this morning for starting you on your right way and just for giving you the activity of your limbs come on let's praise him he's been so merciful he's been so kind he's been a waymaker he's such a great god hallelujah oh i thank him thank you all that men would praise him from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same sun hey marco shanda live god's name is worthy to be praised let's lift him up let's lift up jesus our savior and our keeper bless his holy name hallelujah we honor the lord tonight i pray that you can feel the anointing while we're here with you tonight i pray that wherever you are that you can feel the presence of god the scripture declares that in the presence of the lord is the fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures forevermore bless his name listen i want to have you just be blessed by another one of our beloved friends at this time take a look hey i am pastor cheryl brady and i am so excited tonight just to be able to say hey to pastor kim and to all of you who are a part of the conference that is happening let me tell you something relationships are vital our connection with each other is vital pastor kim when i think about you i think about somebody who prays and if i ever have a real need in my life you are my go-to girl i i love that about you and i know you that's a legacy in your family and i just want to say thank you for all the times that you've prayed and encouraged me and i want to say to all of you that are part of this conference i trust that you will be encouraged in a great way something happens when we come together united in prayer i love you i'm praying for you and in jesus name you all be blessed hallelujah thank you so very much pastor cheryl brady from the potter's house of dallas we thank god for you we are your sisters and we all love you so very much and to bishop brady as well we send our regards praise the name of the lord listen we are receiving um just such great response from so many that are watching in various states and so sister tanya is going to share with us right now virtually as we are receiving so much response come on sister tanya praise the lord pastor we have family and the saints are worshiping and fellowshipping with us from hattiesburg pennsylvania from california marion south carolina atlanta toledo ohio canada is watching many minneapolis yes connecticut savannah georgia all parts of georgia new jersey our texas family is on here philadelphia thank god for those that are watching from tobago and trinidad and the bahamas we bless you tonight in jesus name again share this post on facebook on youtube share and tell your family tell your friends to join in with us we still have a powerful preacher that's going to be sharing the word of god in just a few moments we love you so much and thank you for tuning in to this virtual fellowship praise the lord what a blessing we're having together and thank you all that are being interactive with us tonight we are so thankful we want you to be here with us all weekend amen just want to mention that on friday at 12 noon we'll be back right here again as well as friday night at 7 p.m and then on saturday oh my goodness saturday we're going to have a time all of the services are going to be powerful but saturday will be our international time of intercession oh my all i can tell you is just don't miss it praise the lord again we thank god for all of you tonight and we're preparing in just a few moments to hear the word of the lord and just before we begin uh preparing to hear our minister for tonight i want to remind you that we have prayer counselors available right now and and i want you to dial 708 503 11 40 once again 708 503 11 40 as we prepare to receive our speaker for tonight and i just want to just before we go to our speaker i just want to ask my sister denise to just share a word of encouragement to someone that might be low in spirit encourage them to watch and be blessed tonight amen i want to remind you all that the joy of the lord is your strength and to believe what the word of god says we know that there are so many things that could cause you to feel depressed oppressed but we know when you stand on the word of god that it has a a way of turning every situation around because the word of god is true and amen i want you to be encouraged tonight to believe the word prepare yourselves to hear the word of god and to know that god is still god and he's sitting high and he's looking low and the lord is not far from us he said he was nigh us and when you draw night to him he will draw nigh to you will you smile tonight will you let the joy of the lord be a part of your heart and a part of your spirit and i tell you something when you begin to praise the name of jesus a lot of people you know when i go traveling and they'll say there's a lady that says put a praise on it well if you only knew where god had brought me from you'd understand why i praised him so hard i'm telling you when the lord brings you from death when he brings you back to life when he takes good care of you and you know it when he woke you up this morning i don't care what that line devil says god is still who he says that he is so if you can muster up enough strength hallelujah just begin to say thank you jesus hallelujah lord i still love you lord i still praise you as you begin to praise and magnify god there's no way that you can be sad so i loose the joy of the lord in your homes and wherever you are today and let us continue to praise god and listen if you feel like shouting you can do that too hallelujah amen praise the lord we love you all so much praise the name of jesus amen we're going to go now to tanya and tanya is just going to share some of our brothers and sisters in christ that are watching us at this present time come on tanya praise the lord thank god for those that are fellowshipping with the church on the rock tonight all nations house of prayers represented apostle garfield carolyn christ for everyone ministries in chicago heights illinois is represented of the raw ministries dr aretha wilson from new york is represented amen the light church of north carolina we appreciate our fellowship churches the full gospel holy temple of dallas texas is represented we are in virtual fellowship on tonight and so many many others thank you for watching thank you for viewing we're going to have church in jesus name hallelujah amen again we thank god for this time of fellowship and i pray that you can feel the power of god i pray that you will feel lifted and that the anointing of god will destroy and break and shatter any shackles of the enemy in your life tonight in jesus name well we want to share with you that god has favored us and he has granted us so much favor by allowing us to have the guest speaker from across the pond we are so blessed and honored and delighted to have with us tonight the pastor and bishop over the ruach city churches in london england he is our big brother and we were blessed to meet bishop francis years ago and he has just been just down through the years a friend to our family and we honor god for him with great love and with great respect so i want you to before he comes on listen will you text tag tweet tell somebody we have got to watch tonight we've got to hear the word of the lord and listen i want you to stay tuned and be blessed as we go now to london england to bishop john francis bishop john francis is the founder and senior pastor of ruac city church in the uk ruac city church is one of the largest and fastest growing churches in the uk starting from humble beginnings with only 18 faithful members the church has grown rapidly and continues to grow bishop francis is married to his wife penny who has worked alongside him throughout his ministry bishop francis ministry is local national and international bishop francis preaches the unadulterated word of god with power and conviction please join me as we welcome him to share the gospel bishop john francis [Applause] hi this is bishop john anthony francis and guess what i'm live right here in london england at our ruac city church kilburn location and i'm excited to be a part of this international intercessory virtual fellowship i just want to say hello to everyone out there and i want to greet all of you that are watching especially those members of church on the rock god bless you and to the wonderful pastor uh kimberly ray gavin god bless you woman of god to you and your husband and to the assistant pastor denise ray to all the ray sisters and all of the household of faith i'm glad to be a part of this great wonderful move of god today let me just say something i love the word intercession the word inter means between you know you have the word intermission it means between the mission intermission intercessor session means to stop so when we hear the word intercession it means someone is going in between the session when i become an intercessor it means whatever was in the way i come in the gap of whatever it is and whatever demonic thing that was planned to happen i get in between inter session and i stop it i want to decree and declare whatever was about to happen over your life rabbiho decree and declare today we're about to stop it hallelujah somebody give god a praise clap your hands wherever you are or type somebody type hallelujah right there in the chat hallelujah it is good to be here i want to give greetings to you from rec city church and to co-pastor penny we all love you and we thank god for this wonderful opportunity we're going to go into the word of the lord and um the theme today is about china and i want to just stay right there the book of matthew chapter 5 we want to look at this in verse 13. it's a very familiar text jesus is having a conversation he had just finished preaching or teaching the beatitudes and then he turns around and he talks directly to his disciples and he says to them in matthew 5 13 he says ye are the salt of the earth and then he says but if the salt have lost its savor or its flavor wherewith shall it be salted it is thence good for nothing but to be cast out watch this and to be trodden under the foot of men and then he makes another statement he says ye are the light watch this word light of the world he says a city that is set on a hill and that cannot be hid in other words cannot be denied cannot be uh refused and then he goes on to say neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick he puts it on a candlestick and it give it light to give it light onto all that are in the house oh i could preach on that and then he says this let your light so shine before men all right you're not this ain't going to be hidden right it says that they may see your good works that word works means occupation your deed your act and then when they see it they will glorify your father which is in heaven someone shout amen father we thank you for your word give us revelation today let someone be delivered in jesus name someone say amen type amen type amen hallelujah um our god is a god of design when he creates god creates not by accident he was very deliberate in his creation in the book of genuses you call it genesis genuses i call it genuses because it's where the word beginnings come from genes beginnings genesis as some of you call it chapter 1 and verse 26 the bible says that god is about to create man and he says there when he begins to ponder on creating he says let us make man and then he says let us make him in our image watch this after our likeness so god now is very deliberate he's not making man like how he made everything else in his creation he's using the template of himself he says let's make man in our image watch this it says and let them have dominion let them dominate let them rule let they be in control that word dominion is where we get the word kingdom from it's the etymology word king domain let them dominate let them rule a kingdom means sovereign rule over a domain so when we hear this kingdom thing it's nothing new it was the design of god from the beginning that we should be kingdom people and that we should rule and dominate he says now i'm going to give him jurisdiction over the fish there's 26 the sea the fowls of the air and the cattle over the earth watch this and every creeping thing that moves in the earth and very uh clearly he says in verse 27 so god created man in his own image remember resemblance the similitude of god he created male and female so for those of you just thinking there's a man thing here he's very clear we are all made man and woman in the similitude in the resemblance of god male and female created he there then he said i'm going to bless him i'm going to bless them i'm going to bless my creation he says i'm gonna bless them and they will be fruitful that means they will bear fruit they will multiply that means they will increase they will excel they will enlarge their territory they will replenish the earth that means to fill the earth okay they will subdue and that means to conquer and to subject anything that's in the earth i want you to understand that when god made us he made us uh with a designed in his mind that we are to conquer to rule and to dominate to dominate to prevail over things it says that over the fish of the sea the fowls of the air every living thing that moveth upon the earth so god's design was that we should be in charge and i want to talk to christians out there because there's a lot of us right now we have been hitting a season of this terrible pandemic this worldwide virus where we have all had to deal with a lot of changes and in this process if you're not careful we would forget who we are jesus is making it very clear now when he talks to his disciples he's explaining to them and he uses a symbolism a different terminology to explain who they are he says to them first of all ye are the salt of the earth you are the salt of the earth he uses the terminology of salt uh in biblical time salt was used for several things it was a important commodity in fact salt was used for payment salt is where we get the word salary from uh the word salt there he says you are the salt of the earth and as we know salt is used number one for food to enhance the taste of food and he makes it very clear and uses this terminology he says you are the salt of the earth but if the salt has lost its flavor remember salt is used for enhancement he says it's have no use it's good for nothing salt also was used in biblical times and even uh people still use it in some country for to preserve stuff it's a preservative salt was used as a preservative uh for food and different things salt also was used uh to preserve to stop the decay of a thing to stop the corruption of a thing somebody say salt type salt salt salt so salt was used not only for that but salt was used uh when there was kind of any kind of wounds in the flesh it was used as a a a kind of medicine and it was used to be placed in the womb so it would take out the infection it would use as almost uh like an antibiotic to cleanse a wound yeah somebody say salt and so when we hear the word salt we got to understand what exactly was jesus saying when he says ye are the salt of the earth that is packed with so many different revelations you are the salt of the earth he's saying here in other words you have the power watch this to bring flavor to a situation to bring enhancement to a situation you have the power to preserve a situation that is about to decay you have the power watch this to heal a situation remember i told you salt is it has healing uh commodities in it it brings healing and it pulls out infection it it's it it's like an antibiotic he says you have the power no matter what is stenching whatever is decaying whatever is dying you have the power to heal it you are the salt of the earth salt salt somebody say salt yeah type i am the salt of the earth now he says however if the the salt watch this loses its saltness its ability to bring flavor if it loses its potency watch what happens it is therefore good for nothing other than to be thrown out watch this and to be trampled under the foot of men what he's actually saying here if you refuse to be salt if you have not got the ability to bring flavor to bring preservation to bring healing watch this you then become what we call something that is worthless and the only thing we can do is throw you out and change you from the commodity that becomes sand in other words all people will do is to do is step on you all people will do in your life is walk all over you lord have mercy in here so he's saying i want you to understand who you are you are salt you are salt you are salt somebody say salt oh my god salt salt salt salt so i'm trying to get somewhere then the next thing he says i want you to get this this is amazing he says not only you are salt he uses another terminology he says you are now the light of the world it's interesting he uses the word salt and then he moves to light light everybody say light light is where we get the word illumination and we get the word revelation for example you are seeing me because i have what we call lights right now that is projecting me in a room that could be full of darkness yeah what light does illuminates me it brings to light that which was hidden in the dark let me explain this if you were to turn off all the lights in your house you wouldn't see me or you wouldn't see the person in your house you wouldn't see the furnitures in your house and if someone was in your house they wouldn't see you you wouldn't see them it doesn't mean they're not there what it means is they have not been revealed and they can only be revealed i'm trying to preach and it's too early uh until illumination and revelation comes upon the image so jesus now is saying you are the light watch this you are the light i got i got to look at it again this is powerful he says you are the light of the world it then suggests to me the world has no revelation has no illumination until you turn up uh see one of the problems we have is that is a lot of christians are looking to people to bring revelation people are saying you know uh this pandemic um what's gonna happen bishop what's gonna happen and people are asking other christians i don't know what do you think the lord is saying that's our polite way of saying we don't know what's going on and so we go and turn around so what do you think the lord is saying in this season hold on a minute let me just explain to you what the lord has been saying is what he's already been saying see what you've got to understand is that light can only show up when there is a black background yeah so in order for us to be illuminated in this season everything has to be black yeah all right i'm going too ahead of myself all right let's get back to where we're going he says let he says he says uh you are the light of the world sorry uh you're a city oh my god he used the word city that's that's loaded i don't think i've got time to deal with this you're a city a cities where you have transactions it's where business is done a city is where you go to uh uh to do transactions it's it's the place where all the commerce is in other words you are not a town he didn't say you are town he says you're a city you're a city watch this not only a city but you're set on a hill that means visibility people have to notice you and you cannot lord jesus be hit in other words this is the season where you will stand out uh somebody better type that right now say i'm about to stand out i'm about to stand out now you see we preach in church oh the favor of god is going to be on my life i can feel the favor of god but you don't understand what favor is all about and and when we talk about favor you're like well bishop all hell's breaking loose it's supposed to break loose all hell is supposed to happen in your life if the favor of god is on your life why because you need the negative so the positive can come out in other words if everything's going good you don't need favor what god does is make the thing so bad that when his favor comes on you people ain't questioning if it's god or not they will know that god has put his favor what does favor mean god leaning in your direction giving you something you don't deserve oh god have you i feel this thing oh my god somebody scream in your house say i'm about to get it this year i'm about to get it this year some of you think this is the worst time i come to i come to shut the mouth of the enemy i'm telling you whenever there is a darkness it's an opportunity for light to shine oh lord have mercy some of you don't realize you're about to accelerate in this season things about to happen to you that never happened before you think it's the worst time of your life it's the best time of our life somebody shout hallelujah all right let me go let me go let me go uh it says now he says he says when a man knows he has light watch this remember what i said light is illumination and revelation revelation means to take the cover up it's the it's the greek word apocalypse it means to take the cover off and reveal that which was hidden he says when you have light you are able to reveal all right let me explain this when you have revelation you are not confused about what's happening i'm trying to help somebody this ain't the season for the church to be confused did you hear what i'm saying this ain't the season for you to be traumatized by what god what is happening around us god is not traumatized by our situation in fact god said i'm waiting for the sons and daughters to arise i'm waiting for you to emerge i'm waiting for you to shine oh by cash under the oh glory to your holy name he says you are the light of the world you cannot be heard you are set on a hill and cannot be hid he says but men who has light men who have revelation men who knows who they are guess what they don't put their light under a bushel but they put it on a candlestick you see those days they had candlesticks as light and they would uh they would have lanterns some of them would have uh uh weeks and and they put this uh cover on so that the light would be illuminated it would put it up on a stick a candlestick a candle holder holder rather and so it would give light to the house oh god let me talk about that see because light can only uh jesus how do i preach this light has the power to illuminate and change an atmosphere but it depends where you position the light i want to ask a question i want to ask you a question where are you positioned in this season come on where are you where are you positioned where you positioned because some of you have gone undercover because you don't know what's going on and what you don't realize this is not the season for you to go undercover this is the season for you to find your position oh back oh my shonda i feel a praise coming on uh somebody type that find your position find your position find your position and this ain't the season for you to worry about what's going on and trying to work out what's going on god has positioned you to be the head and not the tail he comes out you're above and not beneath you are kingdom do you understand what kingdom means it means you rule you reign you are under the suffering power of the almighty god you dominate things don't control you you control things abba hoshide hallelujah hallelujah i feel a preacher i wish i had to have an organ right now because i if i had my organist with me i would start hooping and hollering right now ah look at someone say i'm about to shut the devil down come on type that i'm about to shut the devil down i the devil should have wished i never was on this uh virtual conference right now he should have wished i wasn't there because somebody right now you've been going through hell but god sent me here to tell you you are light you are about to shine this year hear me when i say this you're about to shine yeah he says here he says put the light on a candlestick so it can give light to the whole house and then he says let your light i'm still on my introduction i'm going to preach in a minute let your light so shine i'm getting happy uh before man before man let your light shine before man uh god wants to put you on display that's that's what you don't understand he said i'm trying to put you on display you're trying to you're trying to work out what's going on and you don't realize the world needs you god says i want you not to hide from men i want you to be illuminated to a place where men will see you i want your light to be shining before men so that they can see let me explain something to you they can't see until you turn up they ain't light you are light so that they may see watch this your occupation see your good deeds see your works see what you're doing oh y'all ain't getting this let me help you what i'm trying to tell you this is the moment watch this for men to see you you've been denied a long time people have been ignoring you ignoring your ministry ignoring you in your workplace some of you've been working overtime and nobody noticed you god says i'm making the situation so bad that now they're noticing your gift they know they seen who you really are and it ain't the time for you to go undercover baby this is the time for you to say i'm here i'm here you've been looking for me i'm here let me tell you something let me tell you something you're about to be somebody better hear me by the holy ghost you're about to be promoted you're about to be accelerated and god says i'm using this season this season for you to shine i want you to shine i want you to be illuminated and i want you to do it before men because this is the time for men to see somebody say it's time for men to see me yeah yeah come on come on type it say they're going to see me this time they're going to see me i've been seeing everybody else but they haven't been seeing me now you think to yourself that's me being proud no no no i'm not i'm i'm telling you you've been quiet too long you've been in the background too long you know you've been playing sweet humble pie this ain't the time now god says show up oh my heart show somebody write that show up it's your time to show up it's your time to show up uh it says it's time for you to shine in other words it's time for you to expose yourself [Music] let me explain something to you darkness is the absence of light that's all it is light is a thing but darkness is not a thing let me say that again oh god light is a thing it is actually a thing that's why light has the power to penetrate darkness but darkness is not a it's not a thing it doesn't have a presence it doesn't have power oh god there's a scripture that talks about and how darkness could not comprehend light let me explain that way it says darkness doesn't understand light that's what comprehend mean when light shows up darknesses say how comes i disappeared it disappeared because it was never a thing oh lord jesus i want to i pastor kimberly i wonder if you can get a hammond to join with me i i didn't bring one maybe you can get someone to play in the background while i'm preaching i'm joking praise god i'm trying to help you darkness somebody say darkness darkness darkness darkness basically is the absence of light and when god said ah go by ashanda i want you to understand who you are watch what he says you are salt and you are light everybody write that down you are salt and you are light now i want to talk about this and i'm going to preach now in a minute my preaching ain't long it's my introduction it takes a while when he says you are salt and you're like i tried to work out why did he use these two commodities he could have said you are salt of the earth and finish it there it salt is well wonderful it's got many many different diverse uh uh symbolism to it so we could have called you know you're the you're the flavor you're the you're the you're the the um the the preservative as i said you you bring healing and all of that but then he uses light and then light brings as i said illumination and revelation but why did he say these two things salt and light and i was thinking about it because salt is something that you used as internal for example if you're going to eat something salt is used normally for an internal thing flavor for what you're going to digest internal light however deals with external are you listening to this so he says you're the salt of the earth you are the light of the world now i'm trying to work out well why what is you know we hear this wonderful terminology salt and light how do i now translate that into 21st century language what does he mean by you assault and light now if i break it down and because of the potency of salt and light because of what it can do i then will have to come to the conclusion because salt changes things and light changes things i then now understand what jesus is saying he's simply saying you are salt and light but he's really saying one thing you have influence that's what he's saying influence because all of these commodities have the power to bring about change someone say influence come on shout influence shall influence influence it's it's the power to affect a person the word influence it's the power to affect a person a thing or a course or an event especially one that operates without any direction it has the power watch this let me repeat again to affect a person or a thing or a course or event in other words when you have influence you have the power to come into an environment and watch this change it affect it in other words if i have influence if i change an environment it means what the environment was it ceased from being it again because i'm there lord i i'm telling you i'm telling you i'm about to get happy you know listen man i'm i'm getting happy on my own message if whether you're shouting yes or no this is blessing me this is just blessing me right now it when you have influence you have power to swear swear sway or affect wealth you have the power to affect people their way of thinking you have a power to affect people to how they operate so when jesus said watch this oh god you are the salt of the earth i'm getting ready to preach and i'm almost done now he's saying you got influence you got influence on so many levels you got influence internally and you got influenced externally oh god have mercy in the air ah yes yes yes somebody type influence influence can i tell you what people are scared of they're scared of people of influence uh let me say this uh i'm gonna try and keep out of this but uh i'm watching your political system in america and i'm watching your leader in america and um i'm watching and hearing at how some people don't agree with the leader however a lot of them won't verbally say publicly that they don't agree simply because they're scared of the power that your leader has i'm talking about the government here that's what i'm talking about i'm not calling no names uh praise the lord i'm british let me stick with my challenges over here but but your leader uh it's it it's it's it's not that he just has power but he has influence now how he got into power was first of all he didn't have to rely on the political system to get there because he built up over the years a certain amount of influence now whether you like him yes or no the man has influence cause when folks would talk bad about him but a moment as they get in his presence they change their attitude it's because he came into an environment influenced the environment changed it and they responded differently because he was there i'm just using this to explain the situation don't get me i i'm not in i'm not dealing with politics now don't say i said anything about anybody leave me alone i'm british hallelujah what i'm trying to say to you is this that that that that that he has influence and real ah koba chateau i'm a honda real leadership is not a title it's when you can come into a place and change an atmosphere change people's belief system even when they don't like you they will still support you because you got influence oh god almighty i'm trying to help you in here so when jesus said you are the salt of the earth i'm getting ready to finish now he's saying what i'm trying to tell you you got the power to change stuff it means you got the power to change stuff it means salt comes in and when salt comes in and by the way he's talking about salt in a positive light salt comes in and it brings uh uh uh the power of uh of of of preservation when things are supposed to die you turn up and what was supposed to die starts to live oh call my shonda ah salt salt salt ah salt not only preserves but salt oh my god brings healing when you come in no matter how bad the situation is when everything is bleeding when everything is exposed you put the salt in yes it burns but it takes out the infection and it brings healing you are the salt of the earth salt has the power to make the blood begin to curdle so that it develops an enzyme so that it develops a skin that brings healing he says when you come in you bring healing to a situation you are the salt of the earth oh my hey yeah yeah yeah oh i forgot to tell you my topic i got so happy i forgot to tell you what i'm preaching about my message is get in the middle of it get in the middle of it here is it he goes he says now you are the salt of the earth come on let me go in other words you got flavor you brought healing you stopped the decay you brought preservation now you're bringing flavor ah i like salt salt salt doesn't have to say very much salt just gets in the food and changes the food ah you know what i like about salt salt doesn't have to be a chicken salt doesn't have to be the fish so it says i'm not going to even compete with the fish sauce says i'm not going to compete with a chicken sauce says i'm not even going to be the steak or even the beef or even the lamb salt says what i'm going to do hey i'm gonna come in the middle of the chicken and when the chicken thought it didn't have something to offer huh i pull out flavor i pull out taste i pull out stuff that the chicken didn't know it had i pulled out stuff that the fish didn't know he had i pull out flavor that let me tell you something that the state didn't even know it had in other words when he says you are the salt of the earth you are not bringing damnation to a situation you are not trying to be like everybody else but what you do you get in the middle of it you get in the middle of a situation that looks like it's decaying and you stop the decay you get in the middle of a situation and that thing that doesn't have no taste you pull in flavor i come to make the announcement something's about papaya mashallah yeah i'm sorry excuse me but i feel the holy ghost here see i don't i don't just preach to an audience i know how to preach to myself and you gotta understand ladies and gentlemen when you know who you are and whose you are you recognize all you have to do is type it show up come on show up show up ah look at someone say get in the middle of it get in the middle of it get in the middle i'm about to close now and so he says you are salt you have influence and then he says you are the light if i had a hammer now of the world it says you are light light brings illumination and revelation now that means nothing is hidden from you nothing will stop you i don't care what the devil is trying to do this is your season this is your moment somebody say light in other words you have the ability that where there is confusion darkness is symbolic of confusion darkness is chaos when you turn up you dispel all chaos let me tell you something and the kind of influence you have you don't make things worse you make things better and god is saying you are the light of the world i got so much i could preach about i've i've run out of time huh you are light a light of the world and you're a city that's set on a hill you cannot be heard in other words and nobody's going to deny you folks that didn't believe you god says they're getting ready to believe you in this season oh you better in fact somebody better shout right now jump up three times where you are come on one two three and just shout right where you are because i i feel something turning right now in the name of jesus how about shannon hallelujah hallelujah you are light somebody say light light shout out light light light revelation illumination says you are the light of the world and in this season you're set upon a hill you're a city in other words all transactions starts with you all business starts with you anything that's going to happen it doesn't start without you it starts with you you're sitting you're a city you're set up on a hill in other words you're visible for everyone and you cannot be hit i wanted to preach more on isaiah 60. i wanted to talk about that i don't have time if i would had time i would preach on that i'll let you know that it says isaiah 60 verse 1 arise in other words it means establish yourself arise means to establish shine for your light has come in other words the light has come revelation has come and the glory there's a connection between glory oh my god i can't preach about glory now that's for another year the glory of god the cabal of god has risen upon you you shoot forth like being people will not deny you it says watch this and this is what's happening right now in our in this pandemic verse two it says for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness to people so darkness covers the earth and darkness on people two types of darkness the word darkness there's translated as misery and destruction we are in a season of misery we're in a season of darkness can't you see what's happening how many people have been dying and now these police are just killing these young men i i don't even go into all what's happening he says darkness misery destruction shall cover the earth and gross darkness that means gloom over the people but god shall arise upon thee in other words god's light shall illuminate on you and his glory oh god bahashah his glory i wish i had time to preach about glory his glory will be seen his glory will be seen on you in other words your influence is going to be seen i'm going to stop i i live in outside london i live in the country you all know what country is in america uh i live outside the city and uh i love that because sometimes when you're in a city you're dealing with so much traffic and so much situations and i love where i live i just live outside and when i'm leaving from uh church to get to my house i get on the motorway you call it the freeway i'm and then i go into my little road which is a little small country road we don't have no lights on our road and every now and then i i need to get on my road and speed my car up a little bit don't tell no one i like to you know i believe in movement praise god i like movement and so i'm in my car and i'm you know doing movement i have a light on it's ordinary light and it allows me to see so far and it gives me illumination light revelation for where i'm going but it's limited but i have another switch it's called the beam light that light now when i press it a blue light comes on my dashboard saying now i have extra light that goes beyond the normal lights that i use it's called a beam light and it goes further and the the benefit of that is now whereas i could only see her uh a few feet i can now see more than a few feet because the beam light gives me a wider and a longer illumination or revelation so because of that now because i can see better i now can move faster yeah and i love when my beam lights on because i'm just driving and i'm going and my light is not a problem for me the only time that light becomes a problem is for the person who's coming in the opposite direction of me i'm not a problem to that person if they're coming on the same side as me in fact they get the benefit of my revelation when they're driving on the same side as me but when they're coming on the opposite side of me my light becomes a problem because it blinds them ah you're getting the revelation now in other words oh god i got to stop my light brings a revelation but the only person who don't like my revelation is the person that's coming the opposite side of me could it be the reason why some folks don't like you because god's given you revelation and their problem is they're not on the same side as you they're coming from an opposite side of you but god says in this season don't stop being who you are get in the middle of it get in the middle of the confusion get in the middle of the chaos don't back down church did you hear me don't back down don't stop doing what you're doing if you can't do it in the building do it online if you can't do it online do it in the car park whatever way you got to do it do it do it do it huh do it do it do it get in the middle of it stop being outside of the situation you're a person of dominance you're a person of influence let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and led to glorify your father which is in heaven i'm here to tell you get in the middle of it yeah don't run from it stop complaining about it stop walking away from it get right in the middle of it get right in the middle of it yeah in the middle of it in the middle of the chaos and shine right in the middle of something that has no flavor and bring savor and favor in the middle of something that's about to die get in the middle of it and bring healing and deliverance god told me to tell someone today you've been walking away because you think it's the end it is not the end it's the season of influence i believe right now if the church of jesus christ would stop playing a fool and stop being like the world being in a place of trauma we are the light of the world we know what's going on we have revelation and in this season of intercession oh come on chanda intercession into get in the middle of it inter means between that's what intercession is about get in the middle of it don't walk away from it you're an intercessor get in the middle of it and begin to cry out to god i'm going to pray because somebody's going to get delivered right now somebody right now under the sound of my voice the holy spirit is speaking to you and as you hear my voice there's a turnaround about to happen hear me when i say this right now a backslider's walked away somebody's saying you know what i can't deal with the church the church is not a building and the church we have made it organizations and and titles the church is you and god told me to tell you he has commanded you to be in the earth to be what salt and light so you can shine so you can have influence father we thank you i've spoken your word somebody needs a breakthrough somebody needs deliverance let this word do something for them right now i bind the plans of the enemy i bind witchcraft i bind every satanic assignment that's trying to stop that man stop that woman and i decree in the name of jesus you're not going to run away from what god puts you in you're not running away from that job you're not running away from that situation i command you in the name of jesus to get in the middle of it get in the middle of it and see the glory of god manifest you will never be the same again in jesus name amen clap your hands wherever you are shout hallelujah come on give god praise give god praise give god praise just before i go i want you to sow a seed i want you to sow a seed uh we still have to do ministry i want you to get in the middle of this situation i don't want you to say well you know this ain't about me right now i want you to sow a seed into this conference they'll give you the information right now but i want you to go right now get a seed offering get something that is tangible get something that you know has influence don't just give now an ordinary offering something of influence i just felt led of the lord i wasn't told to do this but i felt led of the lord to encourage someone to get a seed offering right now get something get something go go to your cash app go to whatever uh uh uh um your bank transfer some money right now it's called a seed of influence because i believe god is about to turn some situations around i have seen god in this crazy season i know it's been bad i'm not denying there's some things that's happened that i ain't been happy about but it's been a season that's been crazy but in the middle of it i've seen god begin to move some things that are happening i could never plan it god says i don't want you to back down john i want you to get in the middle of it this is the season to get in there may the lord bless you may the spirit of the lord encourage you i hope this word helped you i hope it did something for you remember you are salt and light don't hide from your position your person of influence get in the middle of it god bless you bless the name of the lord get in the middle of it we are salt and light and we praise god for illumination and for revelation let us give god the glory hallelujah for bishop john francis and yes for those of you that desire to give desire to sow we want you right now you can go to angie ray ministries and to give by givlify or you can also give by cash app ng ray ministries there are several ways to give so we want you to sow at this time even as bishop has encouraged you to give give and it shall be given unto you pressed down shaken together and running over i want you to know that this is a moment a moment in time you are the light of the world a city that is set upon a hill that cannot be here listen it is our time to sow and our time to give there are some of you watching right now and you've been blessed by angie ray ministries i want you to take the time right now and go to cash app and so right now amen some of you can sow 500 150 whatever the lord has placed on your heart to give during this international intercessory of virtual fellowship bless the name of the lord i want us to have a praise break for a minute and let's praise god for the word of god hallelujah in the name of jesus glory to god thank you lord salt and light thank you for illumination and for revelation thank you lord that we are sitting set on the hill and we shall not be here oh bless the name of the lord jesus glory to god for your higher glory to god bless the name of the lord while we're praising god we want you to praise him in your home if you are a child of the most high god and you know that you are the light of the world i want you to give and to praise at this time bless his holy name listen we have some saints that are reaching out to us as we speak and we want to say hello sister cheryl let us know who's watching amen i want to say god bless you and good evening to dr gail johnson we want to say hello to mother maddy newman we want to say god bless all of the saints from colorado long island new york those that are viewing from st louis missouri wilmington delaware north carolina all of the saints in wisconsin those that are viewing from jamaica those that are viewing from las vegas those saints that are in alabama glory to god those that are in leeton alabama florence alabama sheffield alabama amen god bless our kin folk amen and those that are even watching from the lombard area tonight we say shine shine bright tonight be encouraged to know that god is on your side and even though the gloom and we see the gloom covering the earth the lord has sent word to you wherever you are tonight right now in this moment shine how do i shine sister cheryl i shine like this i give god glory i praise my savior listen go to praising god walk around your house and speak in your heavenly language get up and walk in the living room listen mother may be on the bed of affliction take the phone in there call 708 503 1140 let the intercessor speak life into their ear listen whatever is going on jesus is the answer tonight you can walk in the light and shine shine saying shine in the name of jesus glory to god glory to god i pray that you can feel the joy of the lord we have some more people watching right now come on sister tanya and let us share who's what thank god for those that are on youtube katie jackie kaye lenny tammy jelena melinda dawn simmons our sister in michigan annette davis tandrick uh carolyn pam cheryl gales the church on the rock is watching and viewing angie ray ministries brother collins raquel dale pastor rogers lindsay sister holm sister janie there are so many that are on line viewing this virtual fellowship i want to encourage those of you if you feel like your light has become dim and you heard the word that bishop francis just told us that you are salt and you are light and you want your light to shine that men may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven call the prayer line right now at 708-503-1140 if you need prayer you need a word of encouragement if you want someone to touch and agree with you tonight you can call right now 708-503-1140 you can also go to and leave your prayer requests you can email us and we will stand in the gap and be praying with you in the name of the lord we love you with the love of jesus let your light shine in jesus name praise the lord again we thank god for all of you that's tuned in to this time of life virtual ministry listen all weekend we are going to be here live i want you to call someone tell them you can't miss this this is going to be a blessing and we want you to be a part of it listen tomorrow at 12 noon all i can tell you is that it is going to be extraordinary as we have a guest speaker who will be preaching from zimbabwe africa he's going to represent the whole continent praise the lord we are so honored by god to have this monumental opportunity to hear the man of god on tomorrow at noon we want you to join us to hear bishop tudor bismarck from zimbabwe africa and he has a word from the lord that is sure to lift your heart listen tomorrow night seven o'clock p.m we have bishop michael blue that will be preaching to you and you cannot miss this service tomorrow so listen put it on the calendar set your clock to be a part of this live virtual event listen our goal is to share with you the love of god we want you to feel the spirit of fellowship you know how you go to other churches when we're not in the middle of covet and you sit and you're blessed to hear the word and the singing and the music you know they often extend um a welcome to the saints well we welcome you to participate we don't want you to just sit there we want you to lift your hands lift your heart participate and be a part of this wonderful time of ministry again for those of you that feel led of the lord to sow there are so many people that follow angie ray ministries you have seen us down through the years amen god has been keeping the ministry and we're so thankful remember you can go to angier ministries and you can give by gimplify or there is a simple digital way to give now entitled the cash app and g-ray ministries and again we appreciate we want you to know that giving is a kingdom principle and we believe in the laws of reciprocity if you sow bountifully you'll reap bountifully so prepare to receive in fact i speak increase overflow and abundance upon you now in the name of jesus listen i want you to write to us you can stay in touch by watching viewing our website but also you can write p.o box 1104 in matson illinois 604 443 it is always our joy to hear from the saints is anybody glad to just be saved out there watching today remember we are salt and light and god has given us illumination and revelation once again let's give god another glorious praise for bishop john francis my god he has preached to us tonight thank you so very much man of god listen i believe sister our assistant pastor has one more word to share i just want to tell the saints of god to be that salt wherever you are in your homes wherever you go stay safe remember keep your mask on keep your gloves on and praise god with it amen some of you didn't even realize how beautiful your eyes were until you had to keep your mask on but i tell you today hallelujah that you're still a light shine i command you to shine in jesus name be encouraged in the name of the lord for you are the salt of the earth bless god amen we're getting ready to go and i just want to as we conclude share this last verse of scripture with you as our benediction tonight it says now unto the king eternal immortal and invisible the only wise god be honored hallelujah and glory forever and ever amen first timothy chapter 1 and 17. now may the grace of god and the sweet communion of the holy spirit rest rule and abide upon each of you until we meet again tomorrow praise the name of the lord i want you to know may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord lift up his face and his countenance upon you may the lord give you peace we love you in jesus mighty name one more word from your sister i want to tell those of you if you haven't given your heart to jesus right now is a precious time that you can become that light in the earth that the lord is calling you to be give your heart to jesus acknowledge that you're a sinner believe on the lord jesus christ and confess with your mouth believe in your heart that jesus is the son of god and confess you that you've been a sinner repent of your sins ask god to forgive you ask him to come into your life to turn your life around if you're that backslider that bishop francis was speaking of come on back to jesus give your heart to the lord come on home in the name of the lord jesus christ just ask god to forgive you and wash you all over again in the blood of jesus he's everywhere present at the same time jesus loves you jesus cares about you come on to jesus give your heart to him tonight let us pray for your father in jesus name we thank you for this time of ministry we thank you for the that we are the salt and the light of the earth father we ask tonight now god that you would help every believer that's under the sound of our voices god don't let us lose our savior god calls us to be the light that we're supposed to be god those that are have their lights been dimmed by life circumstances by the pressures of life by pain by sorrow by death god in the name of jesus i ask now that you would cause your holy spirit to stir your people in the mighty name of jesus father let a fresh anointing let fresh fire let your power fall let your power rest upon your sons and daughters in the mighty name of jesus christ god we loose the power of deliverance god we ask that you would save set free and deliver in the mighty name of jesus god break every yoke break every chain break every feta in the name of jesus christ we come against every assignment of satan and we pull it down according to the word of god but whatsoever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven we find the works of the devil we buying the works of the flesh yes and the blood of jesus is against you we apply the blood to every person every child every man woman boy and girl god delivered tonight in the mighty name of jesus lord you are our light god shine on us tonight let your power fall let your anointing come yes that destroys every yoke yeah you destroy the yoke over that woman that's sickened up that man that's laying in the bed god raise them up for your glory raise them up for your honor let your healing virtue flow now yes god heal and deliver in the mighty name of jesus you said in your word that by your stripes we are healed we use the healing virtue and the healing power of god over every person god that is calling out to you yes that's crying out to you god is in the name of jesus touch right now deliver and set free for your glory and for your honor you're a great deliverer you're a mighty battle that's in the town see our good in the name of jesus oh god our father touchdown themselves and pray god we humble ourselves we harmful ourselves in your presence we turn from our wicked ways we seek your face tonight we don't come for your hand tonight we come seek in your face asking for mercy asking for your grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and give god the glory he's touching now he's delivering now [Music] jesus the christ that's not our savior hallelujah hallelujah [Music] bless that man of god bless that family tonight in the name of jesus oh jesus have your way lord let your glory let your glory rest upon your people let the light of the lord let it illuminate on your people and let your presence rest upon them in your name jesus i loose the praises of god i loosen feeling of the holy ghost be ye field be refilled be rejuvenated be restored let the fire of god rekindle in your spirit down on the inside and now in the name of jesus oh jesus oh jesus somebody call them in the living room somebody call them in your family room somebody call them in your kitchen just say jesus thou son of david the seed of abraham jesus oh jesus [Music] [Applause] god we give you the glory lay your hand god lay your hand on that woman lay your hand on that man [Applause] feel like giving up in the name of jesus in the name of jesus stir right now god and we'll give you the glory oh yeah in jesus name jesus in jesus name yes stop hallelujah [Music] in the name of jesus we call in the blessings of the lord upon your people god from the north south east and west do it in your name do it in your name lord we lose your all night anointing in the midnight hours early in the morning let them peel your power let them peel your presence we lose your hallelujah [Music] your loving [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we command that boy we command that girl be healed in the name of jesus rise up in the name of jesus rise up [Music] [Music] be deliberate be set free in the name of jesus and god we glorify you god we glorify you and we bless your name we bless your name glory to god hallelujah glory to the god hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah of the holy ghost hey come you get called now for prayer area told 708 503 11 40. if the line is busy call back in the name of the lord jesus thank you for spending this evening with us tune in again tomorrow at 12 noon central standard time but in the meantime open your mouths right where you are and use the vocal cord god bless you with and give your savior give the holy one of israel a high praise let's go off the air tonight in a high praise thank you for the miracle that's getting ready to take place in your home thank you for the healing that's taking place in your life right now god is doing it god is doing it let your light shine and the darkness have to go let your light shine shine in the praise shine tonight in the name of jesus we love you with the love of jesus christ glory to god glory to god oh bless you bless you hallelujah we love you with the love of jesus thank you for tuning in to this international intercessory virtual fellowship tune in tomorrow at 12 o'clock noon and then again tomorrow night at seven o'clock p.m you'll be blessed with the ministry of bishop tudor bismarck pastor kimberly ray kevin and bishop michael blue we love you in jesus name don't stop praising and be the light that god has called you to be shine in jesus name praise god you
Channel: Angie Ray Ministries - Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin
Views: 14,639
Rating: 4.8879161 out of 5
Id: A_ZxTe4J34c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 25sec (6985 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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