THE SECRETS OF MEN by Steve Hill (The Brownsvillle Revival Sept 19th 1998)

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everyone pray with me right now the pray with the prayer we've been praying since father's day everyone pray out loud those of you in the chapel pray with me those of you that hate me that hate God you hate this place I want you to pray to God haters witches warlocks whoever you are your lover or a God hater we want everyone to pray right now out loud dear Jesus speak to my heart change my life in your precious name Amen you may be seated tonight's message will not take long it is a.m. it's a direct word from the Lord the messages this week have been tender they've been loving last night I spoke to you on not yet why we hesitate on coming to Jesus all the reasons people won't come to the Lord why they won't turn their lives over to Jesus and I listed about 12 of them if you want to get those you can get the tape with a video but the Lord is dealing with them folks tonight I know he is he loves you he cares about you that baptismal testimony service was an example of his love friend there's nothing like those baptismal --zz I cry all the way through him I cry all the way through him someone asked me tonight a reporter asked me tonight when I was weeping sharing a story with the reporter just in private and he's asking me about that very thing about to tears a friend I've been delivered from so much I've been sent so free and nothing else matters to me in life than to see change lives nothing see the only thing we can take with us will we die when it's all over is people that's all you can take with you everything else remains the only thing you can take with you is people so whatever you're doing that doesn't have to do with people making it to heaven is basically a waste I'm talking about even you make a living is you can be making a living you can be providing for the family but why so you can raise your kids up in the admonition of the Lord it should all have that one purpose to get your kids to heaven the purpose shouldn't be so your son doesn't have to suffer like you the purpose should be so your son makes it to heaven that's what matters more than anything else to me one particular testimony well there's about 25 of them tonight that struck me but one particular one that confirmed tonight's message was a young man who was there with his brother that said he was raised in church he went to church sang the songs did the thing the religious thing but nobody knew what was going on inside his heart how many remember that it's full of lust a foul mouth and only God knows what kind of thoughts were rampant and free to flow through his mind when a young man says lust was his problem that's a cesspool it's quiet in here because that's a major problem for millions of people around the world but he said that nobody knew then he said but God knew heaven he believed God knows everything if you don't believe that I want you to turn with me to chop the Luke chapter 12 I'm going to read several scriptures short ones and then I want to speak to you on the secrets of men the secrets of men some of you are cringing it's okay God loves you let me tell you what conviction is friend conviction is wonderful it is wonderful absolutely wonderful now if you're not guilty of anything you won't fall under conviction if you're fine you're going to be okay but if there's something there thank God he's going to speak to you thank the Lord I remember back before I've got saved I was a partier and a drug addict and I hung out with the blacks in the city of Huntsville Alabama for the last couple years before I got saved most all my friends were black and I was in this black bar and that particular night I went out and got in a fight with somebody and and woke up in jail didn't know how I got in jail to this day I can't remember how I got in jail I just woke up in jail with a with it's a cut on my face and staying dry blood on my face and I asked everybody in the jail what happened to me how did I get here they said no they just brought you in from some brawl some fight that broke out and I got out of jail and as I was going home I was picked up by the police and it took me back up to jail and sat me down in an interrogation room and they said this tell me everything you know about the murder I said I don't know anything about a murder yes you do I don't know anything about a murder they mentioned a lady who was a very high up in society in Huntsville Alabama very well-known real estate she owned a lot of real estate loan to may own a major business was killed that night by a black man and a white man and so they took me in my partner as the number-one suspects and brought me in there and I mean drilled me and drilled me and drilled me how did you do it how did you plant it I said I don't know what you're talking about we're talking about and they named the lady they named the murder tell us how did you plant it why did you do it and I said I didn't do it and I'll never forget the cop looked down at me he looked up at the investigating officer he goes this man did not do it you can go I mean he was positive he was right I was free for a night there wasn't a convicting bone in my body because I did not commit a murder I don't know I didn't commit a murder I know I didn't do all the things that they said I did and I just said there's an that would me Bubba that was somebody else that did it but wasn't me now it's been a whole different story if I had done it I'd have been nervous and I relate that to these services when we speak about sin and things in our lives that are wrong and the Lord speaks to you your heart begins doing this it's called conviction the Bible says that the Holy Spirit was sent to convict us of sin it's wonderful friend it's total freedom I use this illustration quite often I was on a plane trip with Mike we had a private plane coming down from Montgomery we did a rally up there together and on the way down we were just talking about ministry around the world and a brother's name came up and and I I knew the brother well I knew his work and I cut him down just it took me about you know it doesn't take long to cut somebody down it took me a couple lines to cut him down and as soon as I cut the man down with my tongue and I didn't slander and bad I just you know I didn't lift him up as soon as I said that conviction hit coming to know what I'm talking about I felt horrible and I turned to Mike and I said Mike forgive me man you remember that don't you brother I said forgive me that's wonderful conviction like that is marvelous friend it'll keep you clean it'll keep you pure it'll keep you holy and the Bible says we have an advocate with the father when we sin just say Jesus wash me I don't know where that came from but it ain't coming out no more forgive me Jesus Luke chapter 12 you don't need to turn to all these scriptures there's only going to be about six of them I believe Luke 12 verse 2 but there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed and hidden that will not be known this is in red so that means jesus said this accordingly whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light and what you have whispered in the inner rooms shall be proclaimed upon the housetops I need a sound man somewhere please Matthew 1026 says the same thing if you're taking notes just not jot these down remember for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed neither hid that shall not be known Matthew 10 26 says for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed and hid that shall not be made known mark 4 22 says for there is nothing hid which shall not be manifested neither was anything kept secret but that it should come abroad Luke 8 17 says for nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest neither anything hid that will not be known and come abroad numbers 32:23 says be sure your sin will find you out these are fun scriptures aren't they they're playing they're wonderful friend here's the problem that we deal with in America I mean it's not a barrel this is a problem we deal with in America friend we have been loved to sleep we heard all about the love of Jesus we've all heard about the grace of Jesus of mercy of Jesus and it's all wonderful but a loving Savior will one day be a severe judge according to the words of Jesus we in America who have heard the word of God over and over again will be held accountable and he said to people like that it would be better for Sodom and Gomorrah than it will be for you because of what you heard what you've learned and you still live in disobedience let's look at a couple more Romans 2 everybody happy to be here hallelujah I love that brother on the day verse 16 this is the last Scripture I believe on the day when according to my gospel God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus the secrets of men can I speak to you just for a few minutes a secret is something that is separated that's actually what the word means a secret is something that is concealed from the notice or knowledge of all persons except the individual or individuals concerned the young man in the baptismal pool said I was doing something and nobody else knew anything about it most adulterous affairs start like that and then after a while maybe the kids find out about it maybe someone else finds out about it but it's usually secret for a while something that is private is a secret it is also a word that refers to something not yet discovered can I say that again it's also a word that refers to something not yet discovered and therefore it's unknown job chapter 15 says this has thou heard the secret of God Leonard Ravenhill used to say to me all the time and I know he said it to you Mike he would say Steve God's got a secret and he wants to share it with you God's looking for a few people that he can share his secrets with how many love to know God's secrets he wants to share him with your friend but he's looking for somebody who is faithful many of us in this room have areas that we have concealed from others you've all heard the terminology secrets in these are those sins executed behind closed doors in the darkness if you will without the apparent presence of anyone else now the Lord gave me this this morning friend and if he's going to wake me up early in the morning to give me a message you're gonna listen to it alright we've concealed this thing from others the problem is this there are always say that with me always three witnesses the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost everything that's done every act of masturbation is seen by God everything that goes on in the backseat of the car up on Lovers Lane is seen by God he sees everything that's why it's so important young people to develop a fear of God that he's always there my kids are developing that the fear of God they know God sees everything they know God talks to Daddy they know daddy spanks boy it's called the fear of God it's best not to do wrong because God's watching everything you do I remember a particular drug trial that I went to I was participating in it because I was the one being busted thought I'd show up I walked in there and I had me a highfalutin lawyer the Perry Mason of Madison County Alabama as a matter of fact my mama had put up major money her house to get this lawyer to handle my case and I walked into the courtroom and it was sales of narcotics it was a major felony walked into the courtroom and we have already gone through this with my lawyer and we'd found a way of escape we'd found some technicalities and he basically said Steve I can get you off with probation no sweat so we went in there and I told him my story the lawyer my story and so that's what he had to work with my story but he would he came to that courtroom and was shocked beyond belief when the prosecuting attorney came out with a stack of papers legal-sized I can still see them they must have been about a half an inch thick and he stood before the judge and he began reading these papers and it said something like this on October the 2nd 1972 at 6 o'clock a.m. Steve left his house in a blue Volkswagen missing two hubcaps and drove to the duck winn-dixie shopping center parking lot he parked his Volkswagen next to a Dipsy dumpster and waited for 30 minutes when a black van pulled up with two male white males and as they were reading this my heart began to do this why every word of it was true everything that they said was right on the money every detail was right on and they talked about the time that we exchanged some money and the drugs and everything else that went on when I went back to my house when I did a week after that going to someone else's how to drug a drug Haven dealing more drugs everywhere I went when I went out of town they knew that they had been watching me friend and after about three or four pages of reading that my lawyer turns to me and says we need to talk and he went up to the judge and went Sweeney to recess and he chewed me out friend in the back room he said don't you ever expect me to handle your case if you're not going to be honest with me you did it didn't you Steve you're guilty aren't you Steve so yeah man I did it you making me look like a fool do you understand I know the law I know how to work with the law I know how to deal with the attorneys I know how to deal with the prosecuting attorneys but I have to know the facts I want to know the truth so I poured it all out to him but I learned in that incident friend how someone was always watching me those of you that are on drugs in this place and you think no one knows about you ha ha huh you got to sit around the cops table sometime listen to him talk you think you're so sly and slick they're going what do you think when you want to bust them this Friday night or next Saturday night when you want to bust him now let's let them just party out there for a month or so let him get a little they know what's going on with you buddy they see what you're doing oh friend please keep in mind that Jesus sees everything you do the Father things sees everything you do and the Holy Ghost is a witness to everything that we do remember how surprised Nathaniel was when Jesus said to him behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile Nathaniel said unto Him whence knowest thou me how did you know me jesus said before Philip called you I saw you under the fig tree I saw you there Nathanael and Nathanael goes rabbi thou art the Son of God thou art the king of Israel why because Jesus nailed him he knew where he was he knew what he was doing it was a revelation that's why Slade II came up to me the other night a reporter that was here doing an article she left out I can talk about her now she was here last night she came up to me for an interview she goes I'm not getting anywhere with this story I said why she cuz you're talkin to me all night long from a secular newspaper I said I'm not talking here I'm talking to everybody she goes no everything you're saying is for me I'm not even getting my story I said lady I said lady that's the story well tonight we're going to take these scriptures and move them to a more contemporary setting I want you to bear with me critics those of you that are here that that just love deep things you have no idea how deep it is in this place buddy but the secrets of men probably the most accurate useable illustration for a night like tonight would be what's been going on in England over the last month or so we received a fax from London today and someone said this is a major corporation wrote us his fax we got friends there she said we have we have been through a dreadful time after the death of Diana the Princess of Wales the day of her funeral was something like that of which I suspect we will never see again I haven't met anyone in all of England who did not spend the day in tears the whole event was almost physically painful however there were some wonderful moments like the fact that people completely unprompted yet with one mind through flowers in front of the hearse and applauded it as it made its way to her family home and I'm sure you saw the whole thing on television of course the debate rages on about the press but every day brings amazing new revelations about the accident and also reactions from the royal family which again we have never experienced before these are indeed interesting times most of us would agree that that was an incredibly impactful event it impacted the world and I rarely use events that are going on in the world in my messages I'll use them light but I rarely use him I do not ever use him as sermon titles but most of this when it first came out started everybody talking about the cameramen what were their names paparazzi is that it everybody was talking about them as a matter of fact when this happened I was in Atlanta I'm sorry I'm ignorant I'd never heard the name paparazzi and I walked I was over at a residence in and I looked up at the man behind the counter and I saw the newspaper there died is dead and I looked up in him I said she died I said who killed her he said the paparazzi and I said who's that the Mafia most of you thought the same thing when you first heard him Papa Razzi what's that he goes a cameraman then we're chasing her down the highway then he told me the whole story it was all about one of these little things I think we might have one with us no I want the big one this camera right here see this paparazzi [Applause] it's all about a camera all the commotion was about these people taking pictures they sneak up on you and take a picture with you when you're lying nude on the beach that's the kind of pictures they're taken they wait for hours to get that half a million dollar shot to catch uneconomic at you that's what the whole scandal is about and all these guys who said hey we just want to get the truth that we want to get these pictures out this is what the lady's doing this is what these people are doing we want to get the pictures and you can talk any way you want to about it friend they're just taking pictures now they do go beyond their limits I would agree I don't want anyone sticking a camera in my bedroom window I got a dog by the way but he's one of those dogs he probably licked you you know go be sure when you sneak over our property fence to kick my dog a bunch of times to get his attention so he'll be mean but let's just talk for a few minutes friend remember the secrets of men and that's what these guys were after some secrets what's really going on behind the scenes what's happening is there a wedding ahead what's going on what are they talking about why are they having dinner what's that ring all about what's going on what I want to tell you friend let's move that story and its history now let's talk about something a little bit more important God's camera God's got a camera and he's been taking pictures pictures of what everything I'm telling you in the balcony everything those of you in the chapel everything you do God's been taking pictures I can prove it he ain't got no camera God ain't got no camera friend you should see his telephoto lens the Bible says the eyes of the Lord are in every place watching the evil and the good God will render Romans 2 6 God will render to every man according to his deeds and for God to know what man has been doing he's got to be taking notes so we're going to say tonight that he's got a camera that means my friend the Lord has been taking inventory of every deed say that with me every deed good or bad Revelation talks about this 2011 and 12 talks about some books that will be open the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works God's photo album yes God's taking pictures friend he's watching everything you do every kind act he sees it when you go down to the rescue mission friend and you work for the Lord and you're honest you're not doing because you're religious you're working because you love Jesus and you want to help people he sees that friend and he focuses down at that soup kitchen and he takes your picture he sees what you're doing he honors that it's a good deed when he sees you given a cup of cold water to someone in need God focuses from heaven he's got his camera out and he takes your picture he sees what you're doing he sees some of you in the chapel you worked and you worked and you worked and you brought somebody to this revival someone you dearly loved and you even spent extra money to get them here it would take anything you would do anything to get to the person here and now they're here God sees you friend and he takes your picture he knows every good thing that you do he's taking notes he's watching what you're doing every kind thing you do friend right now I'm building a tree for it with my son every day I've been building this tree for this is one of those forts and I never had myself you know so you can imagine what it looks like I mean this thing is a palace like 22 feet high lookout tower walkway around it indoor-outdoor carpeting inside it's a neat thing man it's a neat tree fort but you know what God sees God sees me and my boy the busy evangelist he sees me and my boy down there in lily and Alabama building a tree fort and he sees me talking to my son loving on my sons and son you're some kind of man man the way you can drive a nail Ryan would you use a drill can I use the drill I said man screw some of those screws in yourself he's lose/lose boy he loves that much more than a hammer God sees that he sees he avenges I'm not gloating on ourselves friend it's just something that's happening right now he sees it when you do good deeds when you watch over your children when you kiss him at night what when you pray over him God sees the good deeds that you do how many are listening he sees every offering of love he saw some of you tonight when you gave an offering to the mission work he saw that you wrote the check and you weren't griping and grumbling even though he will take your money anyhow but he saw you and he took a picture of you as you were doing that God takes pictures of all the good but he also takes pictures of the bad every evil act every hateful act every wicked deed my next point is this friend this won't take long trust me his photography equipment for excels the finest cameras known to man friend he sees the heart he's got a lens that man would dream of he can go inside the human heart he knows the purpose for why you did what you did he knows the motives behind it he knows that night there may be pastors here that want an anointing but you want it because you want to be special you want God to use you mightily but there's an area of pride there and as soon as he anoints you you be gloated up bloated up prideful and you'll you'll tear the church up because suddenly you're somebody friend of you're a prideful man or a prideful woman get on your face tonight get on your face tonight you do not hate the most about this revival and it's rare when people come up to me and tell me how great they are every once in a while someone come up and go hi my name is Jim hey Jim I'm pastor in Phoenix good Jim 4562 members good Jim you know have a television program goes in 72 states that's interesting Jim 72 states that's an awesome program Jim I remember one man that came as a church of 7,000 members came here just like a puppy elegant well-dressed walked in here like this didn't tell anybody who he was I knew who he was he didn't care that anybody knew who he was he just wanted prayer I remember Leon Pattillo come in one night we have artists that come country artists we have we have stars we've had politicians come from all over the United States this Leon patella how many know who he is great singer he comes up he's standing right here I hadn't seen Leon in years I've been on the mission field and I looked at him and I said hi where are you from he goes California and I said you want prayer he goes man I want prayer and so I will pray for you laid my hands on you no he didn't look at me and go hey Bubba I'm Leon patella do you realize you're praying for Leon patella man he didn't care that I didn't know who he was well this is sinking into some people he didn't care who I want to tell you something Leon God saw that where's that button he saw that he saw that you didn't care Leon that you just wanted prayer he saw the pastor didn't care he just wanted prayer friends God's got the works since I can't produce God's camera this is the best we can do right here it'll work tonight though well tell you I did a little study on God's photography he doesn't need a tripod to hold the camera steady props it up on a cloud he doesn't need you to hold still freeze doesn't need the proper lighting his pictures never turn out green or too blurry or unrecognizable the heads cut off the feet cut off everybody off to the left everybody off to the right or just a tree and everybody out of the picture totally he takes perfect pictures day in and day out I want the lights out everything friend I'm telling you he sees everything he sees everywhere you are everywhere you go he knows my friend those secret sins that go on in the bedroom at night he knows what you're doing behind closed doors he knows all about it he's got his camera from heaven and he's snapping the picture he knows when you go out when you're not supposed to young person your mama doesn't know about it your daddy doesn't know about it but Jesus knows about it he turned to you and he saw it and he snapped the picture and he's building an album he's building an album of everything you've done every good deed and every evil deed is anyone listening tonight there are some people here that are bothered by this friend it's about time it's about time sir he saw you he saw you he zeroed in on you friend he saw what was going on he knew where you were no one else did but he saw it he saw the magazine cover that she stared at you couldn't get the woman off your mind you lusted over he was focusing in and he saw that he remembers the words of his son if you look upon a woman with lust in your heart you've done it he saw it ma'am he was there maybe you didn't think so but he heard the gossip he heard the slander he focused in on you and he snapped the picture young person he saw everything you did and everything you've done he saw the first drink you ever took he saw the time that you said I'll never go all the way with a guy but you went to the backseat of that car and you got involved in heavy heavy petting and he zeroed in on you and he took the picture he saw the young man that was in church all his life God saw him slip out of church and go on his own way he saw the lustful acts that this man did God from heaven with a grievous heart tears dripping on his camera he looked down and he took the picture he took notice he saw everything that was done he sees everything you do friend he sees a hypocrisy Jesus saw right through it he looked at the Pharisees and he said you whitewashed tomb full of dead men's bones I've got your number he sees everything that you do friend always has and always will he saw every joint of marijuana that Steve Hill stuck in his face he knew what Steve Hill was going to do years before he did it he had his camera propped up ready when I was about to commit the crime and he snapped the shot I want this to sink in tonight in the chapel take notice he sees everything everything that you do everything that you do those of you at home everything that you do every place you go there's not a hidden area to God he sees it all see the problem is friend we are master hypocrites we are master actors but God sees what goes on behind the stage he knows every detail of our lives he knows we can stand in here worshiping God with our hands lifted up and be looking at some girl dancing you're supposed to be worshiping God sir and you're lusting over a young lady you're supposed to be going after God ma'am and you're lusting after another man he looks down with grief in his heart the new night-vision lenses that have been created gods had night vision lenses from the very beginning he sees through the dark all this commotion about the photographers taking pictures of the lady God had taken thousands already there were no secrets never have been never will be everything that's being scooped up about our president everything everyone's dragging up about anybody else God knew it all along he knows everything he's already taking the snapshot and it's already in the archives he knows I want the lights up just a little bit we got box done see this should bother people this should bother you they seize it what hypocrisy what hypocrisy to worship God in a chapel service and then go home and chew out your wife like she's a slave what hypocrisy to show more affection towards other women than you do your own life what hypocrisy ma'am to get up to go to church and dress for the other men in the church rather than dress for your husband he sees it all someone said they liked your perfume you like the compliment so you wear that perfume just to please that other man in the church God saw it he sees it all careful sister that's the beginning of an affair sees everybody here see I found this out friend I thought the narcotics agents were bad friend they don't come close to God now there's coming a day and I'm going to close in just a minute charity's gonna sing mercy-seat there's coming a day when he'll head to the dark room you listening he'll head to the dark room how many know what a dark room is to the photographer it's time for development to the center it's Judgment Day every book will be open everything's recorded he takes the film out of the camera I've got good news for your friend I want the lights up you got a choice he's got the rolls in his hands everything that was done that he saw he's headed into the dark room preparing the stack of papers for Judgment Day don't ever forget friend there's a book this is Bible this is Bible Oh talk to me about the love of Jesus I'm fixing to there's some good news to this God's walking into the black with the dark room to develop the pictures he's got angels on assignment getting the book ready but just as he enters the room he gets it he turns around and it's Jesus and Jesus says to the father hand me the film this that film father that Steve Hills life hand it to me Father he prayed father and he asked me to wash him and that's exactly what I'm doing everything that he's ever done everything he's ever done wrong has just been exposed to the Sun totally washed totally cleanse worthless to a photographer garbage it's over I had a bunch of rolls how about you every one of them every one of them Jesus had hit him over father every time I've used somebody every time I pump the needle in my arm every time I cursed his name every time I did something wrong every time I committed a crime the Lord saw it all he photographed at all he took pictures of everything but on October 28 1975 at 11 o'clock in the morning I went Jesus forgive me Jesus forgive me Jesus forgive me Jesus anyone I forgive you son I forgive you son you are washed you are washed you are washed in the blood of the Lamb [Applause] oh hey Oh hello I don't know where you are Patrick waters but about 14 months ago when you came into this revival and sat up in that balcony a drug at it you set up in that balcony a drug addict a bouncer from a local bar a people hater you love to beat people up you hated people you came to this revival and sat up in the balcony you listened to the message the altar call was given halfway through the message I turn to you Patrick waters and I said Jesus knows all about your drug problem I didn't even know who you were that he you were even up there but the Lord nailed you and at the very end of the altar call one of the members of your family turned to you and said how about it Patrick let's go down together give your life to Jesus you jumped up from your seat Patrick you came running down to this altar and I'll never forget the night right over here you went and you wailed and the more you cried friend along the film came out it just kept going on and on and on and on and on you expire oh the Lord forgave everything everything everything you've ever done you know what friend the beauty and I'm closing the beauty of the cross of the blood of Jesus there's a lot of great things he'll do with your sin the Bible says you'll cast them behind his back Isaiah 38 17 the Bible says he nails him to the cross Colossians 2:13 the Bible Bible says he blots them out Isaiah 44 22 the Bible says he removes him as far as the East is from the West Psalm 103 12 the Bible says he cast them into the depth of the sea the deepest sea is 6.8 miles if you're from Latin America ten point nine kilometers that's how far away your sins are man can never get down there but God does something even greater friend he does something greater than all of that the Bible says in isaiah 43:25 I even I am he that blotted out thy transgressions for my own sake and will never remember your sins God God has the ability to forgive and forget he exposes a role to the son friend so much for the secrets of man God found him out he knew all about him you confessed him at the altar and he took the roll exposed it to the Sun and threw it in the trash heap you're forgiven for him everyone stand what those of you with the chairs and move them to the left and the right if you would no one else moving around I tell you a friend if you're going off into the bathroom right now God's got a camera back there we got speakers in the bathrooms some of you under heavy conviction right now heavy conviction God's dealing with you about some stuff friends this is a love everyone looked this way those of you moving chairs please don't look this way you'll crash but everyone listen in the chapel I want you all standing this is so serious see sin is anything Jesus wouldn't do sin separates you from God and you know exactly what I'm talking about sin separates it's a horrible thing to be separated from God I'm working on a message right now you know we sing about if God be for us who can be against us and God was against me now he's for me and just what that means to have God for you and just what it means to have God against you you know if you have God against you you not only have the supreme ruler of the universe against you you have all the demons of Hell against you you lose it's impossible to win of gods against you you're free game to the devil and his angels his fallen angels are demons of Hell sin is anything Jesus wouldn't do sin separates and tonight friend the Lord is going to wash you he's going to cleanse you he's going to forgive you whatever you've done whatever it is that you might call a secret something that's between you and Jesus something that you've done something that's gone on but you know the Lord has seen it all and you want to be washed you want to be cleanse are you telling me brother Steve if I go down to that altar the Lord will forgive my sins he'll wash me he'll forgive me and he'll wash my sins away that's what I'm telling you friend I've been there I've done that that's what he does every night one of the most amazing thing that the reason these baptisms are so fanatical is because these people have experienced what I'm talking about they come in here carrying this thing they come down to this altar you can't do it in the pew trust me it won't happen in the pew they come down to this altar and the Lord washes them clean well I'll tell you why it won't work in the pew the only reason you would remain in the pew tonight at this altar call is pride pride that's the only reason see God takes a picture of pride the Bible says he resists the proud and gives grace to the humble that means he resists you if you're proud a proud man will stand in the pew and go I am convicted the Lord has spoken to me about secret sins the things in my life that are separating me from Jesus but I can't go down there what will my girlfriend think what will my boyfriend think what will my mom my dad my pastor my parishioners what will they think I'm a visiting pastor what are they going to think if I go down there friend first of all people aren't thinking about you trust me on that one people are not focusing their lives on you friend most everyone is looking inside right now they're not looking at you and so shake that off and you come down in just a minute when charity sings mercy see you come down to this altar and get right with God get the sin out you think you're going to do it at home friend you're going to have a rude awakening when you get home you get home by yourself well I'll see the Lord I see him with his camera oh there she is here she is back at home in her bedroom doors are shut Scott Brownsville music on wants me to forgive her sin in the seclusion of her little room here she is again what a prideful woman look at her there she goes you go Jesus what Steve was talking about at the revival is so true there's stuff in my life that so-so against you god I'm so I'm such a backslider there's so much garbage in me Jesus the Lord is looking at you and saying this my son was crucified two thousand years ago for you he was beaten he was whipped he was bloodied he was spat upon they cursed him they pressed a crown of thorns on his head blood dripped through his eyes they stone they plowed his back to where it was ribbons all the way to his buttocks muscles and tendons and blood went everywhere then they put a beam on his back and made him carry up a road he drug it all the way to where he is supposed to take it to with a little help from a friend he made it then they laid him on the back laid him on his back and they nailed his hands and his feet they took his last garment off so he was totally naked I saw that too they pierced his hands pierced his feet place the cross on top of the hill between two common thieves and hundreds of people cursed him I saw that too I saw the soldiers gambling for his clothes I saw the priests the religious leaders say if you be the Son of God come off the cross I took a picture and I saw my son look at you my child in 1997 2000 years ago he saw you and he said Father forgive her for she knows not what she does he went all the way to Calvary for you was beaten was bloodied was ridiculed for you hung naked on the cross for you and now you want me to forgive you in the secret of your little bedroom he did all that for you and you couldn't walk 30 feet to get forgiveness think about it America that's rubbish it stinks the Bible says if you're ashamed of him he's ashamed of you if you confess him he'll confess you that means friend if you get right with God in front of people maybe he'll look down from heaven see you there and go WOW looks like he's getting a little serious now he doesn't care what people think anymore charity I want you to come join me down here and the chapel I want to make sure you're still all standing when she sings mercy-seat everyone in this room that is backslidden you're doing things that Jesus would never do you slipped away from God and you know it you're going to come running to this altar quickly God's going to destroy the film if you will he's going to destroy the film those of you that have never known the Lord you've lived a horrendous life but you know if you should die tonight that you're going to hell you know you don't know Jesus friend tonight if you'll come running to Jesus all those photographs that have been taken by heaven over the last umpteen years in your life Jesus is going to get a hold of those rolls of film and expose every one of them if you'll come to him tonight Buddha can't do that and I want to tell you a friend your psychics can't do that for those of you that think your psychics care about you if they cared about you then it'd be one eight hundred not one nine hundred they don't care about you they don't care about you friend Jesus cares about you as a matter of fact there she is one nine hundred psychic there she goes again sees it all friend those of you in this room that are religious I'm closing listen you're religious you like some of the folks in this pool you look right you smell right you take communion right everything seems right but you know deep down inside you don't know Jesus you know you don't know Jesus you can go to hell with baptismal waters on your face my friend you can go to hell with a communion cup in your hand and a wafer in your mouth you can go to go to hell with a choir robe on you can go to hell with a clerical collar on or a certificate of ordination from the Assemblies of God hanging on your wall behind your desk or the Methodist Church of the Baptist or anybody else you can go to hell you guys are working your way towards this altar I can feel it man charity's gonna sing in just a minute hold your horses but let me ask you something religious person are you on fire for Jesus my older sister came running to this altar one night she's a Lutheran she's a good woman but she wasn't on fire for Jesus she was consumed with everything else but Jesus she came to listen to her little brother preach and she didn't look me as an assembly a god person or a Pentecostal person or Lutheran person she listened to me as I preached the word just as a person and she sat there - my sister is brilliant both my sisters matter of fact the whole family outside of me I've got some good brains but she's brilliant got an incredibly successful business she sat there made a beeline straight to the altar she didn't care what anybody thought she didn't care if she was my sister then the next Saturday at Friday night I look up and there's my sister in the baptismal pool getting baptized why it's a heart thing friend she wants to make sure she's on fire for God she wants to sure she's not saying no every time God says do something so religious person I'm asking you right now are you on fire for Jesus do you wake up in the morning with Jesus on your heart do you go to sleep at night with Jesus on your heart do you eat drink and breathe Jesus are you consumed with him is he your passion do you really live like that Steve you better believe it my home is like that my wife when she cleans house dances all over the house with music on it's full of the worship of the Lord we do we live like this we love the Lord have for 22 years and you can too you can be on fire for it so if you're backslidden tonight friend or if you've never known the Lord or you're religious but you're not on fire for Jesus charity is going to sing run to the mercy seat if you want your secret sins tonight to be to be exposed to the Sun if you want the Lord to forgive you if you want Jesus a change you I want you to come right now hurry in the balcony come on in the balcony in this main auditorium hurry hurry hurry hurry in the chapel let's go in the chapel let's go hurry hurry hurry [Music] come on Lord yes Lord yes Lord [Music] my friend how you doing as God got the camera pointed towards you is he taking your picture friend does he see everything you knew yes sir he sees it all he knows what you're doing tonight he knows what you did yesterday and he knows what you're gonna do tomorrow what are you gonna give your life to Jesus we need to say jesus loves me cleanse me forgive me Lord wash my sins away cleanse me Jesus he'll do it bread but you got to give your life to it right now come on come on give your heart to it right now come on come on he's taking pictures let's go let's go let's go come on in the chapel let's go in a chapel let's go see in the chapel let's go he's taking pictures friend let's go [Music] come on [Music] for it ha ha come on guys let's go that's not a ghost in the curse time scroll come on lovely they never come true but I know especially for you [Music] come on [Music] [Music] two lovers [Music] I Oh [Music] yeah [Music] - oh mercy [Music] merci come on Team let's go everyone at the altars stay right where you're at it's Friday night I'm not going to go for it I'm gonna give you 60 seconds tonight to get your heart right with God everyone at the all just stay right where you're at but if you know you're supposed to be down here friend you've got 60 seconds Oh BAE God Jesus went to Calvary for you why don't you come here for him come down here and give your life to Jesus he loves you you got 50 seconds come on 45 god bless only just a bit of little children I want the kids to listen to me right now I want all the children as a matter of fact those of you at the altar stay right where you're at don't look don't look this way but mom dad I want all the kids to be able to see me make sure your children can see me in the chapel make sure they can see the screen unless your child is sound asleep I want to make sure all the kids can see me kids every time you lie the Lord saw it kids every time you broke something in the house and you lied to mom and dad the Lord saw it every time child you were disobedient to your mom and dad the Lord took a picture he saw it every time you do wrong Jesus sees it young child the Lord wants to forgive you tonight he wants to forgive you tonight but you need to come down here and ask him to forgive you you come down to this altar and ask him to wash you clean child this is important this is important Lindell sing that over again you can come to mom dad grandpa grandma uncle huh young lady young man let's go god bless you sis god bless y'all kids [Music] yes yeah yeah [Music] see [Music] [Music] Oh 22nd 20 seconds [Music] not as we give [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] we had a host of children just come everyone at the altar keep your heads down we're going to pray right now but some of you are saying you can't use those kind of tactics on kids friend you you're wrong see children are very sensitive they're sensitive they want to be confronted they want someone to level they want somebody to draw the line some of your parents may be a little on the passive side I tell you what I want my kids to have the fear of God I want them to know there's an all-seeing eye out there that sees everything they do I want them to know when daddy's not around God sees it God takes a picture and only Jesus can expose that film to the Sun and forgive them everyone at this altar bow your heads right now everyone in the chapel at the altar and those of you that are on your knees at home and sir if you don't get on your knees at home that's an area of pride in your life unless you absolutely are physically unable I want you to get on your knees ma'am you to get your kids on the floor you get on your knees in front of the TV said it's okay right now that's a church service for you it's like an altar everyone at this altar I want you to pray out loud with me right now dear Jesus thank you for speaking to me thank you Jesus for not leaving me alone thank you Jesus for giving me this chance I know Lord there are no secrets with you I confess tonight the secret of my heart I ask you to forgive me I have sinned I've sinned against you I've sinned against others and I've sinned against myself forgive me Jesus wash me cleanse me make me new I ask you tonight to be my savior my lord and my very best friend from this moment on I am yours and you are mine I give myself to you thank you Jesus for exposing the role and now Jesus feel free to take pictures of the deeds that I will do because you have saved me because you have set me free I will spend my life pleasing you in your precious name in Jesus name Amen glory [Applause]
Channel: Eric Gilmour
Views: 84,035
Rating: 4.8862386 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hill, Eric Gilmour, Agonypress, brownsville revival, revival in pensacola, secrets of men, the fear of the lord, revival, sermon index, agonypress
Id: oou9PqFprJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 11sec (4151 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2011
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