How To Miss God; Steve Hill- Brownsville Revival. Jan. 22, 1997

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Laurie [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he was this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well alright [Music] [Applause] thank you Lord for your power and your presence hallelujah bless the Lord everybody's standing by right now wondering if that's scriptural the Bible says to clap clap your hands all you people in shout [Applause] [Music] hallelujah bless you Lord bless you Lord bless you Lord praise you Jesus praise you Jesus see the Lord [Music] and his train films the champ [Music] I see the law here's hi [Music] ah see the law and this train [Applause] [Music] the champ [Music] see the law the years [Music] they just ride [Music] see [Music] and his heart in like five years can you see the fire and his hair once [Music] just [Music] the kraaho list [Music] Lord when I stand in your presence [Music] I wonder what we are Lord that you're so mindful of us Lord how long deserving of your grace and how I'm deserving of your awesomeness we are [Music] I feel just like the Prophet who saw you high lifted up and said woe is me for I'm a man of unclean lips the angel cake touch the cold to my I don't know exactly how but now is gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] he calls to be ah [Music] and I am answer him ah [Music] for you hell dark [Music] and [Music] yes you are [Music] the crime [Music] yes [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] you're all [Music] sure you're [Music] tell me no you [Music] Oh sing with me you're all I've ever needed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um I desire [Music] no one else will do [Music] else could take the blame [Music] to feel the warmth of your embrace [Music] be fine [Music] to you [Music] back [Music] and I could hear the force the voice of the Lord Heavenly Father saying I've always been everything to you if you would just fall into my arms receive that maybe you're all at all wanna be your [Music] the good times [Music] [Music] [Music] not always seeking [Music] everyone in this bill and you try God created you [Music] by him [Music] position and financial [Music] [Music] most you [Music] Oh [Music] to be like Abraham [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] water to my soul [Music] your word is a lamp [Music] come on lift up the roof there [Music] she [Music] [Music] hooray [Applause] in God good is it his presence wonderful maybe people come visit they say how do y'all learn new songs you're about to learn we've never done this and it may bomb but here goes Oh Oh majestic is your name of the over touch really immerses you mercy does not change all your [Music] [Applause] [Music] jeez [Music] we'll keep [Music] that's pretty good mark it's too cool you got to make it country this is good old Catterick a full time country there you go all right [Music] video get in a minute [Music] [Music] our spirits shall soar to [Music] adjusting is your name your mercy does not [Music] says our precious [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do not grow weary [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how many pastors we got here god bless you how many music ministers do we have here all right all you music ministers try that sometime and all you pastors don't firearm after they do it [Music] whoo we'll sing something we know a little better now we might know this one he has fire in his eyes and at his hand he's riding courts across this [Music] and the sword it is he's riding a lot Paul across this land [Music] and he's calling to you and me you ride with me [Music] here we go he has five [Music] along with the [Music] [Applause] [Music] but in the chapel sit alone here we go he's got a crown on his head he carries the sceptre in his head he's leading an army across this land [Music] [Music] all the kings of this world but trying to write the church off for a long time said it's just a bunch of fanatics it'll go away in a few days but what I saw with Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] standing up here tonight I don't stand under my own righteousness but because the king of kings and Lord of lords took on the role of flesh [Music] walked up a hill one day gave his life on a tree for me I'm able to say that I'm worn in that none [Music] all of you who know Jesus Christ this is for you you see that fire in his eyes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on quiet [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah Lord thank you Jesus glory glory glory well it's good to see you here tonight tell you I've missed the revival praise God it's been a few days you know the first time I walked into this revival I came through those doors right back there it was the second Sunday night of the revival and they were singing this very song and you know what happened I'll never forget this song the hair on the back of my neck began to stand up I felt this chill go over me you say well you don't have to feel things like that that's true but it sure feels good praise God praise God I'm gonna tell you when I walked in here I was dry as a keg of powder as it's honest to god truth and I hadn't felt God in a long time and when I felt that I knew that that was God I turn to my wife and I said gods in this place hallelujah [Applause] you know what that was that was about nineteen months ago and God still in this place he's still in this place in fact he is more intensely here I think now than he was then see honest Scott truth folks the every week it appears that the the the anointing is just being turned up a notch or two we were in here praying last night and most of this bottom floor it was almost just a mass of people as many almost as many people as are here on the bottom floor now and it was one of the most powerful prayer meetings we've had during the whole history of the revival [Applause] hallelujah praise God I'll tell you God's gonna do something here tonight folks some of you came down here just feeling just like I did when I came through that door about a year and a half ago and you know you feel the same thing that I felt but you haven't felt anything yet what God's gonna do and a little bit Steve's gonna preach he's going to give an altar call this front is going to be filled with people repenting and getting right with God and then after that we're gonna begin to lay hands on people in all of heavens going to come down friend if you're here don't leave without get paid for get prayed for get prayed for I did right over there and I'll tell you the night I got played for my life changed it began to change from that night forward and through a period of weeks and months God completely changed me see I was going to retire and play golf I seldom get a day off now I played golf eight times in 18 months no that's me I did it but it's wonderful I'll tell you I'd rather be right here in something like this than doing anything else praise God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I just want to say it word to those of you that came and your churches are dry and you're you're wondering if God's ever gonna show up there he is he is now I would encourage you to begin to believe God and expect that I was up in Indiana this past week and I'm telling you folks it was cold I carried three suits with me and there were times when I threatened to put all of them on it was six degrees that was the high one day and four degrees another day and then Sunday we had a heat wave man it got up to 26 I almost died I don't know how in the world anybody could live up there when Florida is down here but pastor conned me into one day making a visit with him and so we drove up to this house and there's snow on the ground it's frozen over it's slick as glass and you know you had to be careful driving you had to be careful walking and so he said I'm gonna run this house for a minute and make a visit and he said you can come in and I said no I don't want to do that I'm just in the car so he turned the car off and I was sitting there and the coals set in and I thought you know he's gonna be out of there in a minute you know ten minutes went by 15 minutes went by and the teet had gone from this car long ago I mean three minutes after he turned it off it was cold and I'm sitting there and I'm telling you this because I want to tell you that that revivals coming to your to your town into your church as I was sitting there and you can attribute this I tribute it to the voice of God you can attribute it to coal numbing my brain but I was watching on the porch of the house next door to the one we were at there was a bird feeder there and I want you to know folks that birds were flocking in there they were just flocking by the dozens in there and bird seeds were flying everywhere and you know there were birds that were coming there that were too big to get up there in that little feeder to get anything but those little ones were so excited until they were that they were knocking the seats out and the big ones were on the ground and on the porch and they were just gobbling them up and you know what came to my mind revival revival that's revival because you see we live in a cold world orner ain't much food out there but every once in a while we'll find a feeding place do we begin to gorge ourselves and in the process we become so excited until we just knock some out and the bigger birds they can't get up there where we are they receive it - hallelujah hallelujah friend I want you to know God's God he's creating some feeding places why not your church why not your town God's gonna he's gonna he's gonna create some feeding places then I saw something else was Birds too and I'm not a bird watcher but I mean when you're a half-frozen you know and and you know you'll you'll do anything to get your mind off of it so I looked up on top of the same house and it had a chimney coming up in there was they perk up there was vapor coming out of there different kind of bird they were not interested in seed these birds were black they were interested in that heat that was coming up out of that chimney and those guys would go up there and and that nuzzle up against one another and the guy would move and the first thing they did when they lit up there they would put their feathers out their feathers were down when they lit but they'd put them out like this and they were they were getting that heat that was coming up through that chimney and you know what God told her told me or my frozen brain told me whatever you want to call it this is this is what I saw you know I said I said Lord that's like that's like Brownsville you know we come down there we're cold and we're looking for a little bit of warmth because this world is a cold place folks I mean it's cold out there in this world but thank God there are some places where we can go and light and just let our feathers out let a little bit of heat in so what we want you to do tonight is get the starch out and Wednesday night's always tough because folks are standing around looking at us like a calf looking at a new gate and you know and they wondered what in the world is going on don't worry about it just slap there and nuzzle up to somebody and put your feathers out and you'll get some warmth in there you see and that coldness will begin to go and I'm gonna tell you gonna leave here change folks I've watched those birds fly off they flew off differently than they did when they flew in and you know that was the only house on the block where the birds were because there was food and warmth there hallelujah God said if our churches will provide food and warmth the people will come just like birds in a snowstorm the hallelujah hallelujah well I know y'all stood outside today a long time most of you so you can be seated praise God it's so good to have you here what a joy it is to have you you honor us with your presence praise God so just jump in the river with us that's all we're doing we're just in the current and rolled over on up on our back and letting the current just carry us we're just enjoying ourselves and you do that to praise got all the pressures off man I'm telling you can relax in this river some of y'all need to relax because you're as tight as an eight-day clock I can see it on your faces you need to just roll over in the current and let the current just carry you for a few days don't try to take notes and figure things out just receive just receive you'll get more if you receive then you will if you take notes cause you see we don't know what we're doing so your notes are no good this is not a how-to seminar this is a what-if seminar what if God comes down and does his thing among us right praise God praise God and he's going to one more time Lord one more time well we're going to receive an offering praise God hallelujah we make no apologies those of you in the chapel join us right now we make no apologies for receiving an offering it's as much of worship as anything else we've been doing or anything we will do and you know the tithe and offering was God's plan before bingo as a preacher over there that knows about that praise God listen God's method of financing what God does you know God could turn this pulpit into pure gold we could whittle it up and sell it but God's method of financing his work is through his people you know why he does that it's not for his benefit he owns it all and he controls it all this for our benefit the offering in tithes and offering is for our benefit God gives us the opportunity to be good stewards and to be faithful and obedient and that's a wonderful thing that God does for us he could just take it you know how would you like it if your paycheck tomorrow was 50% cut in half and the boss said well God came down told me to cut your pay in half well God's not gonna do that probably but if you steal from him he might but this is an opportunity to give tonight the Sovereign Lord is a you [Music] each good [Music] so God is the poor [Music] to preach [Music] such a to the [Music] captain [Music] [Music] [Music] spirit of the sovereign Lord is appalled [Music] to preach good [Music] because he has a thought [Music] he has sent you to the poor [Music] to bind up the bro [Music] to bring freedom to the captain [Music] and to release the ones this is the year of the favor [Music] see the school [Music] see his power [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before you're seated tonight I'd like you to just listen to me just for a minute those of you in the chapel listen up those of you at home I really feel that there's some folks here that that are you you want God to move in your life but you think that you've got to do something to cause that to happen and you're we've already felt this this is probably the second or third time I've felt it tonight you're pent up and you're trying to work God into the picture just make him do something or God what do I have to do to have to praise you louder to have to clap louder do I have to scream out loud or do I have to just or whatever perhaps you're from a denomination that does not be emotionally involved in worship as far as verbally and and you're just saying you're going what God what do I have to do I had a pastor the other day who fasts and pray all the time and he goes how much more do I have to fast how much more do I have to pray and and you could feel it was just this energy coming forth and I just want to let you know tonight friend that's not what this revival is about it's not about you [Music] causing God to do that you know and and making him do anything God's in the house he is here he's in the chapel he's here friend now you've got to understand that you can't put up a sign in front of a church that says revival and go 20 months that's impossible you can't put up a sign in front of a church and say revival meeting and have 1 million five hundred thousand people come through it's it can't be done either God's in the house there's an anointing or there's not period either God's healing or he's not tonight him a mother brought her son that was healed of of AD s attention-deficit syndrome brought him up to me tonight a miracle the doctors cannot believe it the psychologist and we this is already documented I mean it's it's it's it's incredible the kid was banging his head up against the walls screaming and all kinds of stuff before they came here was prayed for and in just the holy spirit has told taking total control now he's making straight A's in school everything has changed my friend it's there's an anointing or there's not you see it I'm saying and either there's healings or there's not now I'm gonna talk to you tonight about how to miss God you can miss God easily you can miss God in this service are some things you need to pay attention to but this business of forcing God in this room to do something that's not what this is about and I'm sharing this with you just to help you relax a little bit you want revival how many want revival well every hand in heaven is going up - okay I mean from the Apostle Paul to Ezekiel to Elijah and Elijah to isaiah 2:2 john wesley and charles wesley are all going to you know everything the Father the Son the Holy everyone wants revival it's God's will it's his plan for right now so I just want you to just just relax a little bit and listen to the Word of God tonight I felt like I needed to say this many of you are here for several nights and I want to see God do the maximum in your life and there's sometimes we're so pen up we want something so bad I had a man call me one time he was in a meeting where he was right in the middle of the meeting he got up and went over to the telephone he called me in my study this is before this revival and he and it was just he was just freaking just because he didn't think he was gonna get anything from God and I and I said to him just what I'm saying he just brother back off just God are these their sin in your life he goes no I said just relax whether God wants to do this in your life he wants to touch you I hope that's helped some of you because God is gonna move tonight it doesn't matter where you are on this campus it doesn't matter where you are in these facilities God's going to touch your life if you want to be touched by the Lord he's gonna touch you friend once again you can't put up a sign that we have a million five hundred thousand we get faxes emails daily all from all over the world where revival is breaking out everywhere in its deep Holy Ghost revival people are getting saved and healed and pastors don't know what to do anymore with the growth it's awesome friend I want everyone to pray with me before you're seated I would like for everyone those of you at home I want you to pray this prayer if you're an agnostic in this place you hate me you hate the revival you hate God you hate this church you hate everything but you're here because your girlfriend brought you I want you to pray this prayer I want everyone to prayed if you're 7 or 78 or 80 if you love God or you hate God I want everyone to pray in this place tonight dear Jesus speak to my heart change my life in your precious name amen you may be seated another area that I really feel that that some of us need to be a little bit more relaxed in and by the way this is a very serious move of God we we take everything seriously we see witches and warlocks save we have demon-possessed get delivered all the time but you notice that we're not pent up we're not pent up we're more in the place of silver and gold have I none but such as I have give IV and some of you need to you concerning manifestations strange things that you see you just need to relax you need to relax if God's gonna move stuff is going to happen friend read the word read read win from the day of Pentecost on there was constant commotion in the church and and I challenge anyone to do it just to a study in the book of Acts of miracle signs and wonders how many believe that's for today most everyone does but it was common angel sightings were common help from angels was common people being touched by the power of God was common saul of tarsus experience where he was hit and thrown to the ground and and and blinded for three days and scales fell from his eyes that's all in the word friend and some one man said to me well that's just that's just one incident I don't know how many you need friend ones enough for me you know ones enough in the Word of God that if God can do that and he's the same yesterday today and forever he can do it in 1997 he can get a hold of agnostics and God haters and persecutors and throw them to the ground and if he wants to he can blind him and scales can fall from their eyes so it's full of the power of God coming down so just relax a little bit I had an experience I'm gonna share with you this was awhile ago wasn't in this meeting but um it I was in this revival meeting and and there was a healing evangelists there and he was he was one of those man jealous there was miracles taking place but and and we went because of the miracles but this is one of those situations God really spoke to my heart about backing off and just enjoying the presence of the Lord and understanding that in meetings any meetings are human beings there how many company here have made a mistake how many have made a judgement error before how many have misinterpreted the word at one time or the other how many have thought you hurt God and it really wasn't alright well this was a meeting and everyone was all just just just tense and ready to go because miracles were taking place and my wife had just taken one of my suits this is back when three-piece bet this three-piece suits were coming and she had taken a vest and she had pinned it up in the back you know inside she had pinned it up because it was loose and and and of course no one saw the vest I didn't take my coat off they didn't know it was pinned up so I went in there and and I sat down in the meeting when the pins came undone and uh I leaned back in the pew and the pen went right in my back and I went I mean it was sudden friend and the Evangelist stopped the meeting and he goes you you have a pain yeah he said he said you have back problems and I thought did I have a pain yeah did I have a back problem yeah so I knew immediately you know that I could really throw the whole meeting for a loop you know by revealing what took place but I thought what's the problem here you know and you know he said come up here now okay so I came up and I stood before him like this and he goes in the name of Jesus he laid his hands on me he said be God I speak to this pain this foul pain be gone in the name of Jesus be healed brother and go take your seat so I went took my seat I went through the whole meeting and there's healings and stuff went on and and at the end of it guess what it was testimony time and he started calling out the people and sure enough he goes brother get on up here and I said Jesus I said Jesus I can't lie I'm not gonna lie okay so you help him pick his questions and he said he said brother what's your name I said Steve he said earlier their service did you have a pain in your back I said yes he said then he said is it gone I said yes he said give God glory and everyone [Applause] and I went sat down but that was one of those situations friends I learned something from that meeting to just back off a little bit quit being so tense if someone is sitting around you and they're going like this some of y'all are gonna lose it the whole meeting you're gonna lose it you're just what you're going to be doing all night long going [Applause] you're gonna say honey you got an electronic concordance you're gonna flip that out you're gonna hear to start putting put your hand hand all the four hundred seventy nine thousand scriptures on hand then you to push right right hand right hand right been here to push sudden you're looking for right hand and suddenly goes up and because you're so pinup man just relax God is moving period and I ventured a saying this is not in the word but in the other day of Pentecost when the power came down there was such a commotion I believe around 3000 were added to the church and Peter Peter preached but there was a cup of something happened their friend they thought that they thought they were drunk what do you think they look like what was going on the power had come down how did I believe to this day friend if everything that people were going through on the day of Pentecost was written down we'd be wheeling that book in in a wheelbarrow if it was all written down the stuff that they were feeling what was going on what it was like when the fire came down I don't know what took place but this is what's most important you'll see what Peter did when they said what must we do he didn't say gather around we want to lay hands on you so y'all shake he didn't say gather around we want to lay hands on you so I'll get drunk in the spirit he said repent repent repent so that's friend just relax a little bit tonight company promise you will you really need to friend and especially if revival breaks out in your church dear god you're not his Marshall you know you're not God's Marshall out there you know put out every fire and everything that everything that goes on that's not what we're all about here friend this is too big for us this is too big you may be looking tonight at some young boy some kid shaking under the power and in your critical analytical mind you look at that and go dear God what is that maybe maybe he's being delivered from attention-deficit syndrome maybe maybe the next day if you were here you'd hear the testimony of how God delivered him but know you didn't have time for that you're just criticize I'm never going to come back to that revival after seeing that kind of crazy shenanigans going on and that Lord was moving he was moving but it didn't the Bible says lean not to your own understanding friend and I don't believe that means you need to chunk your brains out and not test the spirits and all but some of us are so closed we are so analytical and so closed we just box it all in and we say well it's never been like that before I've never seen that before therefore that can't be God there's a revival that's going to hit this country friend it is going to be violent it is going to sweep your schools it's gonna sweep the businesses lives are going to change people are going to be miraculous it's going to be violent friend and you're gonna hear stories from the high schools you're going to get calls past or from the principal's we do where kids have fallen to the ground in the aisle in the in the hallways at school kids have fallen in the power of God's coming over them and some of those kids are gonna be the drug addicts in the school some of them gonna be the football players and the cheerleaders the jocks some of are gonna be the brains in the school God's moving across the board friend and you better thank him for it it's not going to be this revival it's not going to be one of those where one day everybody just you know millions of America lifts up their hands and start singing just as I am and start walking to your church it ain't gonna be like that friend turn with me would you tonight to the book of Mark mark chapter five I'm gonna share a couple of my favorite stories and the Word of God and let you know how to miss God tonight will tell you how to miss him some of you in this place are destined to missing when I say destiny it's up to you but you've got that mindset and I'm gonna help you that friend I'm gonna I'm gonna give you some ingredients right here a sure way to miss God how many want to miss God in this place nobody's gonna raise your hand you know nobody wants to miss God but sure enough some of us will and I'm gonna share with you exactly how it's going to happen mark chapter five I love stories in the Word of God from people that received from the Lord I'm sick and tired of stories from people and opinions from people that have received absolutely nothing from God but they have all the answers you ever been around people like that I got a call today from a pastor out west revival is sweeping the whole state but there's a few disgruntled pastors that can't stand anything that's moving and their churches are just dying on the vine yet they believe they got the answer of true revival and you get around folks like that I love them to death bread but I'm telling you what I don't want to I don't want to grow around that I want to be around people that are revived that are alive that see salvations constantly that seed deliverance is constantly I want to get around people that could tell me about healings I don't want to hear about what happened forty two years ago friend what happened yesterday what's going on in your church what is happening in your life what is God doing day it doesn't matter friend what he did in Wesley's time I appreciate that but what's he gonna do in 1997 January of 1997 today that's what I want to know mark chapter 5 these are some folks that receive from God we're gonna read their stories for those of you that know me you know I love these two stories we've cut these pies all different kinds of ways and we'll cut him again tonight verse 24 of Mark chapter 5 this is a familiar one to those of you that have preached the word and he went off with him and a great multitude was following him and pressing in on him and a woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years and had endured much at the hands of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was not helped at all but rather had grown worse after hearing about Jesus came up in the crowd behind him and touched his cloak for she thought if I just touched his garments I shall get well and immediately the flow of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction verse 30 and immediately Jesus perceiving in himself that the power of proceeding from him had gone forth turned around in the crowd and said who touched my garments and his disciples said to him you see the multitude pressing in on you and you say who touched me and he looked around to see the woman who had done this but the woman fearing and trembling aware what had happened to her came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth and he said to her daughter your faith has made you well go in peace and be healed of your affliction now let me remind you friend that there was a lot of people present this woman got healed I would here from her than everybody else I would rather hear from those that have been revived those that got a fresh touch from God in their life those have received a miracle get around this mom where's his mama at with your son where you access where yeah wave at me right there your son's here with you tonight stand up buddy stand on the Pew wave at everybody you've been heal man attention-deficit syndrome right there I want to tell you something sister I would rather hear from you and your son then all the negatives out there that say God ain't doing nothing today we're always going to be in the pit of despair well could you imagine if you had gotten around people like that sense that came up you did for a while you got around some of this psychoanalysis isn't in today they looked at your son and you were three times a week with psychiatrists am i telling the truth huh uh-huh friend you gotta talk to this kid the kid is a livewire on fire for Jesus they're totally tamed let me ask you something is he banging his head against the wall anymore totally free friend I want to get around people like that I want to get around the miracles I want to hear something that will build my faith I want to hear somebody that God can deliver you from drugs he delivered me God can set you free God can heal your marriage God can deliver you from alcoholism God can deliver you from that pornography God can heal your family God can do this God can do that there's nothing possible with God so that's why we're going to talk about these folks here we're going to turn to one more scripture mark chapter 10 hope you're listening tonight friend mark chapter 10 verse 46 I want to tell you if you could get this woman with the issue of blood and blind bartimaeus sitting across from each other to marriage supper of the lamb you couldn't shut either one of them up man no one would get a word in edgewise verse 46 of mark chapter 10 and they came to Jericho and as he was going out from Jericho with his disciples and a great multitude a blind beggar named Bartimaeus the son of Timaeus was sitting by the road and when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to cry out and say Jesus son of David have mercy on me and many were sternly telling him to be quiet but he kept crying out all the more son of David have mercy on me and Jesus stopped and said call him here and they called the blind man saying to him take courage arise he is calling for you and casting aside his cloak he chucked up and came to Jesus and answering him jesus said what do you want me to do for you and the blind man said to him that ivona I want to regain my sight and jesus said to him go your way your faith has made you well and immediately he regained his sight and began following him on the road I want to share just for the next few minutes friends on how to miss God but before I do this the Lord has just spoken to my heart for those of you in this room that are backslidden look at me everybody and in the chapel I'm hurting for you tonight the Lord never intended me to live in that condition now I'm going to define your backslidden condition for just a minute so you can think on it a backslider has lost his appetite for God how many know what an appetite is you hungry a backslider was once hungry for God once hungry but now because of sin she's drifted away from God and his appetite or for other things he's lost his appetite for God pastures how many time have you seen a church member on fire for God they're in churches blazing away at all the prayer meetings singing in the choir and then suddenly they disappear then you'll see him at the ball they look different they their their countenance is different they talk different where's the praise of the Lord on their lips they were saying things like praise the Lord glory to God I love Jesus but now things have changed they've lost their appetite and you say come back to church come to the prayer meeting well I'll try to make it this Sunday boy if you said that six months or six years earlier they would have said I'll be there man you know I will I'll be I'll turn the lights on pastor I'll carpet the church I don't do anything you want me to do but now you've lost your appetite for god that's a backslider another sure sign if you're backslidden is you've grown more worldly in your actions and desires more worldly I can tell a backslider friend in about five minutes and I'm not a judge a judge of people but backsliders judges themselves it just don't come to me and say don't judge me brother hey it's obvious that you can tell a man that is more worldly and his desires and his actions do you remember a time backslider with it all you thought about was God's will for your life do you remember of time that all you thought about was what do you want me to do Jesus man I'm gonna go to Circle K I want to talk to people about Jesus if Mike was back slidden he'd have walked into that Circle K that Tom Thumb gone in there and got his can of anchovies whatever you were after got a Pepsi and walked out of the store cuz that's what backsliders to friend but not a holy man of God he gets right in the middle of purgatory there and starts talking to them on what because that's the difference how many know what I'm talking about a backslider has grown more worldly and their desires and their actions it's obvious to you when you're around a backslider and a surefire way to tell if you're backslidden is your or less concerned over little sins or sins in your life you your little things don't bother you anymore for example might share the story about this woman who had to get rid of r-rated videos in her home did that sink into anybody here that was a den of vipers in her home now this was this a Baptist the music Minister think about that Fred leading worship going home and watching nudity and cursings and for sure Gd this and you name it across those r-rated films pumping into her home and then getting up in front of everybody and singing oh hell the power what hypocrisy what Apocrypha that is a backslidden condition and then she gets in a meeting where the word is being preached where heaven comes down the convicting power of God is there and she starts feeling that she goes dear God I am as wicked as they come I have been allowing filth into my mind and in my home Fred that is a sign of a backslidden condition now some of you dropped your head you can't look at me no more and I want to tell you why you were back slid your back slid if I write now went over to your home unannounced and said brother sister we're going through every drawer we're going through every video cabinet we're going through your glove compartment we're going through the whole house cleaning a house some of you would race out of this building and hightail it to your home and get there as quick as you can why you don't want this evangelist in your home what your back slid your back slid you should any one of us should be able to walk through your home I welcome anyone to my home search every drawer go through every magazine rack look at anything Fred it's all pure it's all clean why I don't want the devil in there friend and so if you've got that stuff in your home friend your backslider does God still love me of course he does will he forgive me in a few minutes he will friend when we opened this altar call he's going to wash your sins away he'll cleanse your heart but great you've got to understand that that is not just a phase you're going through that's not just a bad time when I'm just in a spiritual slump right now you know what is that Brandes it's damming your soul and if you're allowing that to come into your mind through your ears permeating the walls of your home if you have small children and they're in bed and you stay up late to watch some filth don't you know those words are entering the child's bedroom don't kid yourself friend don't kid yourself they're listening to it they're hearing it those words that don't come to me when your kids start spitting out these four-letter words don't come to me when your child comes at 1314 years of age its vault in all kinds of sexual sin if you've allowed them to watch some of the junk that's on television that's a backslidden person friend in a few minutes we're gonna get right with God and get your heart right what the Lord told me to do that I did it so there friend in this revival we preach holiness without holiness no man will see the Lord I'm not preaching rules and regulations you've never heard me preach that's traditions of men we don't preach I don't say can't do this you can't do that I'll tell you this right here anything that Jesus wouldn't do is sin anything that Jesus wouldn't do is blatant sin friend so next time if you want to know if that movie is good or bad say Jesus would you sit down here for a few minutes he left friend how to miss God the first point tonight is this it's a surefire way to miss God in this room and in the chapel tonight number one don't listen to the word of God write it down Fred this is how to miss God number one don't listen to the Word of God look at this one woman the beginning of her miracle came when she opened her heart to hear about Jesus a healer she had ears to hear this woman with the issue of blood someone had come to her friend and told her about Jesus the Bible said she was in a pitiful condition she heard about Jesus somewhere friend the word came to her it may have been her best friend came up to her and said there's a man in town he's the greatest healer that ever walked the streets of this city but he doesn't have a black bag he doesn't wear doctors garments but I'm telling you he's healing the blind he's healing the sick and the dead are being raised you got to come hear this if you want to miss God whatever you do do not listen to the Word of God you don't want a miracle in your life whatever you do don't you dare listen to God's Word tonight don't listen to me preach if you listen tonight to God's words something's gonna happen I'm telling you tonight friend God has a plan and Satan will do anything to stop your ears he'll do anything to plug them up he has a custom set of ear plugs just for you he's got him hand molded and they know he knows just when to stick them in the girl the Word of God friend will prick your heart it'll arouse you from your spiritual slumber get you on your feet and out the door his word friend will heal you the Bible says I sent my word he sent His Word and healed them his word will heal you friend his word will set you free tonight his word will change your heart his word will do anything you need him to do if you want to miss God do not listen to this message I'm telling you how to miss him don't listen to the word of god the word of god friend is live it is active and sharper than any two-edged sword a piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and the intents of the heart people come to me I heard today about some folks that were in one of our meetings and I was preaching I was talking about adultery another time I was talking about drug addiction and I happened to just point right at him and I was talking to preaching the word and suddenly their hearts are pierced smoked and they go how did he know friend the Word of God goes right through you it'll pierce you and you're there's you've been hit by the arrows of the Lord and your hearts doing this number the Word of God will change your life and if you want to miss God don't listen to the Word of God don't listen to the preacher when he says come to Jesus and heal huge you no one loves you like Jesus for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son don't listen to that friend if you want to miss God don't listen to this and whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life don't you listen to that don't listen to scriptures like this If any man be in Christ he's a new creation old things are passed away behold all things are become new - listen backslider how about this one I believe it's Philippians 1:6 being confident of this very thing that he would spend amount of good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ God starts what he he finishes what he starts boy what a scripture being confident that whatever God starts he will finish whoa don't listen to the word now don't you listen that word so mess you up faith might start growing up inside of you you might start feeling hope watch out don't listen to the word friend whatever you do don't listen to the night's message if you want to miss God in this place start getting distracted do anything you can to deter your attention from the preacher the second thing on how to miss God tonight is this listen to everyone else's opinion yes boy this is how to miss revival too listen to everyone else's opinion no one brand could better let you know about this point then Barnabas Oh blind Bartimaeus this man received an incredible healing but he had to fight the hellish demons to get it why cuz everybody around and was saying shut your mouth boy leave him alone he ain't got time for you Jesus ain't gonna heal you he's passed you by son don't even go after God no more I'm tellin you how to miss God friend listen to everybody else blind bartimaeus could open up his ears and listen to these folks screamin and said you know they're right it's hopeless they're right they got a good opinion about this you know Jesus he did walk by he's not he's not he's uncle touch me you want to miss God tonight Fran listen to everybody else's opinion listen those of you that are here from just a church that's just dry and and and stale and God bless your heart we loved you dearly friend but you're here and maybe somebody before you came said to you you don't need to go down to Brownsville dear God what are you doing how many have heard something like that bless God if God's gonna move in your life he'll do it in our church here you don't have to go over there to get something from God know what that is PR IDE I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put up a big billboard in your city that says you don't have to go to Calvary assembly to get saved you want to get saved just get saved in your own church you don't have to go to First Baptist if you want Jesus if you want Jesus just get saved in your own church you don't put up billboards like think about that friend that's just what you're saying you don't have to go over there to get nothing from God okay then no one needs to go to your church to get anything from God either you want the world to make a pilgrimage to your church and God wants to scoot you over to Brownsville you know I don't need to go to browser listen to everybody else's opinion friend but God bless you for coming you fought through it you're a blind Bartimaeus you're gonna go after Jesus any how you know what it is I like in this room I had a plumber in my house this is and just couldn't be 10 months ago Baptist man and we're talking about the revival it's funny how that subject comes out around me but I just I don't know anything anybody's doing you know plumbing water water fresh water of water from heaven hey brother you know and so we're we're talking about the revival he goes you don't have to tell me about that revival he didn't know I was the Evangelist he said you don't have to tell me about that arrival he said my mama's been and he said let me tell you we're Baptists and my mama was told by her friends and our pastor not to go to Brownsville but my mama has cancer my mom was dying and she loves our pastor and he said that's very respectively and they still go to that church he said she loved her pastor but she said some pastor doesn't have cancer I got cancer she said I'm going to Brownsville and she came and he the reason he said you don't have to talk about the revival because he had already seen the healing his momma was totally healed of cancer in this revival totally healed what would have happened if she had listened to somebody else's opinion what would happen to revivals and centuries gone by if everybody listened to the negative what would happen to bartemaeus the scripture wouldn't be here this wouldn't never this would not be in the Word of God because he listened to everybody else there was no healing so there's seven or eight verses that are just gone from the Word of God why somebody yapped Adam and he listened friend it's time you learn that the majority doesn't rule when it comes to Christianity now is a way that leads to eternal life and few there be that find it just because the crowd is saying one thing doesn't mean they've got the answer in Bartimaeus his particular situation the crowd was dead wrong they were blinder than he was I'm rubbing my nose because it's tickling me I don't know why I know you you wouldn't believe the rumors friend people go ahead man that preacher all night long he just rubs his nose do you think that's part of the move of God is yeah yes you'll be all over America passively go we've heard it all trust me friends we've heard it we've heard it all that's what everything's on video this whole revival is on tape you don't believe me used to see the tape room it looks like a warehouse everything is on tape so whatever I said whatever you say they can call here and listen to it pastors this has nothing to do with it the crowd tried to stop bar demands from crying out to God they told him to shut up he was surrounded by religious people that had their physical eyes wide open while their spiritual eyes were sealed shut these people were stuck in the mud of religious activity as we always say here religion is hanging around the cross Christianity is getting on the cross big difference waylynn we'll move on number three the third surefire way to Miss God is to trust your own understanding trust your own insight let's go back now we've been talking about Barnum ants let's go back with the woman with the issue of blood logic will tell anyone that's sick like that it's over the Bible said it was over she had spent all her money she had seen all the doctors she had lost it all and not only that friend you would hope that things would be getting a little bit better or at least maintaining but she was getting worse that's the scripture she was getting worse logic your own understanding would tell you don't go see another doctor don't even get out of your house why you're gonna spill blood everywhere people are gonna see you again your garments are stained already another embarrassing situation you've already been unclosed in front of all these doctors are you gonna have that happen again you're gonna step out in the middle of this crowd and let all these people see you logic friend would tell you you don't do it your own understanding will tell you you've always been like this and you're always going to be like this your own understanding will tell you pastor God is not gonna move here he's never moved in 22 years we're knocking experience a mighty move of God that's your own understanding watch out friend it's a liar your own understanding will deceive you I am learning so much how many were here probably a handful here last Saturday night some of you a few up the crowd keeps changing last Saturday night we're just sort of hopscotch and along heaven was coming down just a great service Linda was singing there was a spirit of victory in the church it was a great meeting then we had a few testimonies from some dear brethren from England and and we started to pray for him and guess who came God entered the house friend not not sweetly not you know quietly not just a gentle wind exploded in this place he came down pastor went flying through the air seven or eight feet we were not silly up here friend the power of God came down a hundred people repented of their sins the Holy Ghost began sweeping across his place friend your own understanding would never be able to conjure that thing up no way not in your wildest dreams okay pastor around a quarter of a this is what's going to happen okay Lindell is going to have just finished a song we're going to bring up a person they're going to testify and around two and a half minutes to two and three-quarter minutes after he testifies you're going to be thrown through the air you got that let's practice it ain't gonna happen friend it was a sovereign move of God Kevin came down and your natural mind cannot comprehend that kind of stuff you can't comprehend it friend you can't sit there and say this is what it's going to be like you can't do it people ask us about this revival you know brother aren't you tired dear God you preached night after night pastor aren't you tired Mike dick rents aren't you tired night after night friend we this is a living God we crawl in here it's like oh dear God another we crawling here going oh you know cuz every night when he comes into this place friend things happen and it's all beyond our imagination we can have crack addicts come in here and I've worked with crack addicts for years and drug addicts and homosexuals and lesbians and I've worked with him and in my own understanding I look at them and they go I've been a lesbian for 25 years I am married to a lesbian we're doing this we're doing that we're ingrained in this all our lives you look at him you go and then they say things like we've had counseling we've had this with that and it appalls up and your own understanding sense it ain't gonna happen coming to know what I'm talking about God's just not gonna do it this time friend you want to miss God trust your own understanding you want to get a move of God trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path friend delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart Lord I delight in you I worship you I bathe myself in you I want revival would you pour your spirit out in my church would you change me refresh me Jesus purify me friend do you want to miss God trust your own understanding well just remember that woman she had trusted her own understanding she had laid in bed my last point tonight charity's going to come in just a minute act like you're getting ready cheering all right the last step in how to Misgav Richard are they listening over there brother good you'll pay attention in the chapel I want to tell you God's in that place those of you don't know what I'm talking about there's a building over there about a thousand people in it and it doesn't matter what building you're in on this campus friend God's in the house and we can't we quit apologizing for the lines friend just what do you do and we tell you something else about these lines you may gripe complain bellyache I'll get cold get hot get wet this all kind of stuff but you know what down the road you gonna have some war stories you're gonna be able to say to people that are belly aching in church old are you tired standing 15 minutes let me tell you about the browser and unless you go through it how you even have them stories you got to have these scars they got to be legitimate so you tell them how you waited in line and Fred I'm joking about this but church history is being written and that that part of it has been photographed and written by by major periodicals all over the nation it's already going in books and you're gonna watch down the road should the Lord tarry you're gonna read about that and it's gonna say something like this people would wait for our some 10 12 hours to get into the church and the power to come down and you're gonna be able to say to your grandchildren Susie that was me I was right in the middle that move of God I can guarantee your friend the people that went to a Susa Street the people that set and prayed and stood and prayed in that hot humid stinking raunchy building friend didn't care oh man and afterwards when the move that wasn't the window it when the fire that series that part of it had spread all over the world in one particular place it was over the suzhou street was no longer going on i guarantee and they would talk about that we would sweat we went after god we would pray under the wooden floors for hours holy ghost came in and healed our bodies and filled us with the holy spirit and empowered us to be witnesses friend they'll brag about that the last point tonight the last step on how to miss God is a classic bartimaeus could share it with you or the woman with the issue of blood if you don't want a miracle you don't want God on the move in your life this is it right here it's elementary my dear Watson just sit there when Jesus passes by do absolutely nothing that's a surefire way to miss God don't do a thing Oh bah humbug just don't do a thing stay blind the rest of your life friend stay sick the rest of your life go to hell if you want with Jesus passes by you got the opportunity of a lifetime get in while the waters moving if you wanna miss God do absolutely nothing come to this revival sit in the back sit in the front sit in the balcony sit in the chapel cross your hands cross your legs just sit there and listen to and say Mable have you ever in your life heard anything like this merton I'm telling you this is something else it is Mabel you gonna go forward nope you know what do you want to do let's go to Shoney's do absolutely nothing friend and maybe Lindbergh will go back home and their neighbors were at the revival - fires burning at their neighbors health Hellmann's coming down healings and miracles her marriage has been restored why they didn't just sit there they went after God Manny you wanna miss God just sit there that's how - Miska talk to Bartimaeus sitting on the side of the road you want to miss Jesus clam up don't do nothing forget Jesus son of David have mercy on me just shut up don't do nothing just sit there that's how to miss God you want to miss gotta lay in your bed of affliction for 12 years lay there another 12 years just stay there you want to miss God don't do nothing but I love the other stories in the book man I love it Zacchaeus didn't want to miss cheese and so he shimmied up the tree the paralytic didn't want to miss Jesus so they lowered him to the roof men I love people that go after God angle miss God I'm gonna get [Applause] you want your sins forgiven you want to be cleansed don't you dare come down to this altar you want God to wash you clean don't you dare budge telling you friend I know what I'm talking about a revival pass you by it'll pass you by and you'll be ten years they'll be the year you know we're just we're flying towards the end of this millennium you'll notice that it's spooky three more years friend it's going to be the year two thousand two zero zero zero on your cheque year two thousand some of you your 2005 will come around you'll look back when the wind was just sweeping through the land millions were saved million schools institutions were transformed whole businesses were turned around people you could walk into into stores like Walmart and Kmart and you could walk right up to the magazine racks and you could buy Christian magazines and you could you could go to any any store like that by Christian t-shirts and and they were everyone was talking about Jesus Jesus lead and lifted up prayer in the grocery stores was common you'll look back where you'd go to down champs or winn-dixie and it was common to see someone next to Campbell soup's you know just laying hands on somebody you just walk by and you you bless some Jesus bless some Jesus because revivals swept the land and I can see in just a few short years friend I'm not prophesying but we're already seeing this kind of stuff happen I can see in just a few short years commonplace commonplace in our schools commonplace I'm telling you where in the mornings the principal says this when all the kids are in homeroom they got these big video monitors the principal says I would like for everyone to stand and everyone stands in the school and he doesn't pray god this God that he's oh Jesus we want to thank you for another day we thank you for Des Moines High School we thank you Lord for this school we thank you Lord for what you've done in our lives but God yesterday is gone today's a new day Jesus and I ask now that you've touched some minds of the students Jesus may they come prepared with our teachers our learning and you know Jesus that all of us on the teaching staff here have been in fasting in prayer for our kids and we want here at this school Lord we know that the public sees us as a secular school but you know Lord that we're really on fire for you Jesus and we just want heaven to come down and by the way you can break in but you can break in any class Jesus come down in chemistry come down and trigonometry and all the Troodon says yeah friend I don't know how big your God is but I can see God doing that and some of you will look back at that and you'll have missed the whole thing the whole thing you still be dries toast dead on the vine extent gonna stand before God on Judgment Day will be will be judged severely for everything that you had heard that's in the word by the way you will be judged there are there is a judgment everyone's going to the judgment you'll stand before God you'll have seen a move of God and you passed it by you did absolutely Zippo nothing Fred if you'll get serious with God he'll get serious with you if you'll go after God he'll go after you I know what I'm talking about he's on the move right now friend don't run the other way run towards him I want everyone to stand charity come would you how to miss god those of you with the chairs I want you to move them to the left and the right as they're moving the chairs quietly I want everyone to know something that is the center of this revival that it's a blood we've sung about the blood tonight for those of you that are here that are Muslims Jews Buddhists witches warlocks you may be from some Eastern mysticism or maybe you're into tarrant cards you're into calling the psychics or whatever you really don't you're not grounded in Jesus you don't know who he is 2,000 years ago I want everyone to listen no one looking around don't look at them moving them chairs that is boring watching to watch that is boring I watched a man one night standing around over there were you our sister the folks are moving the chairs he went and I thought that guys hard up for entertainment man but I want everyone to understand tonight and you need to hear this 2,000 years ago the Lord answered the cry of mankind man has never been able to shake this thing called sin you read for thousands of years in the Old Testament man sinned he sacrificed sacrificed a lamb sacrificed a dog's sacrifice a pure white little lamb did it all fulfill the law went right back out and sinned again nothing changed in his heart but little did man know that God was setting up that perfect bloodline God was setting up that perfect plan the little lambs in the Old Testament were the type of a one to come that Don the Baptist would one say behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world this one would be the final sacrifice you know the Christmas story we just went through it in a few months in a couple months we're gonna celebrate Easter this is a crucifixion the death burial and resurrection of the one that john spoke of the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world I speak to you tonight of a mystery I don't know how it works I've never understood it friend I can't understand the love of God why he would die for me I would never know why it would die for you why friend I believe it was just one of us he would have gone to the cross why he would have done that I don't know friend but he's done that greater has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friend Jesus died for you 2,000 years ago rose again from the dead and Brander is proof positive he walked among the people he lived on this earth friend if you don't believe in Jesus and you are a fool because non-christians believe in Jesus your problem is did he resurrect did he rise from the dead I challenge you to get Josh McDowell's two books evidence that demands of birth and then more evidence that demands a verdict and that those aren't good enough talk to Mike Brown he went over Josh McDowell went over to the Holy Land to prove that Jesus Christ never rose from the dead Josh McDowell was a professor he was a teacher a wise worldly man he went over to prove he was wrong it was all a hoax came back a believer now he travels the nation's preaching the Word of God leading thousands of teenagers to Christ evidence that demands a verdict friend he lived he died he rose again and here two thousand years ago two thousand years ago friend here we are 1997 that blood that He shed that drip from that cross the Bible says without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness period why the blood is a life friend it's the most precious commodity we have drain the blood out of you you're dead Jesus shed his blood his life blood for you that you might be forgiven and I don't this is a mystery friend you can come down to this altar backslider you can come down here and fall on your face and cry out to this organ nothing's going to happen weep on this carpet nothing's going to happen cry out to this pulpit nothing's going to happen say in the name of Brownsville nothing's going to happen in the name of the Methodist Church nothing's going to happen you can say to the god of John Wesley nothing's gonna happen but if you come down here and cry out to Jesus and say Lord Jesus I repent of my sins wash my sins away cleanse me make me new I want a brand new hard I know you died for me Jesus make me new you will crawl down here with that burden and you'll fly out here like a free bird friend you will be set free and I want to tell you whoever Jesus sets free is free indeed that's the story well I don't understand all that I don't either I just told you I don't understand it who does and we got a theologian on board right here he's brilliant look at his Bible it's not even English what he read out of Hebrew or whatever is it weird looking thing but he can't stand any of the versions of the bottles he reads the original he doesn't understand the miracle-working power of Christ how can men comprehend it how can you come in here I was a drug addict and alcoholic for years how in 30 seconds can that go away how can marriages that are at the brink of divorce fighting like cats and dogs come down to this altar and leave out of here and go out on a honeymoon after they've been married for 22 years what's going on who is doing that and how does he do it I don't know a friend but it's real it's real we've seen over 90,000 people we've seen probably 200,000 come to this altar we don't give out the numbers we give out half what's come down here we've seen 90,000 people come down here and get forgiveness friend give their lives to Christ we've seen tens of thousands for the first time come down here I mean never been around anything like it in their life meet Jesus I'm gonna give you an opportunity right now I just spoke on on how to miss God I believe most of you listen to the Word of God I really do I believe most of you are not going to sit still when Jesus passes by you're gonna do something about it I don't believe you're gonna listen to anybody else's opinion tonight I think you'll listen to to a godsend and I sure don't think you're gonna trust your own understanding because basically hadn't got you very far has it our own understanding friend will keep us doing this until we fall into the hole your greatest ally to your own understanding is Lucifer he'll stand by your side tonight here we go that's right you don't need to go forward you don't cuz you're a good religious person you go to church every Sunday and the things you're doing aren't that bad are they you're not as bad as your neighbor and your own understanding starts spinning around with Lucifer if he can keep that going long enough friend long enough like he does every day of every year in this nation drop you into the pits of Hell friend drop you in and some of you religious leaders here some of you religious people here you're gonna be those that stand before God on that day you're gonna say Lord Lord I taught Sunday School Jesus you've got to be kidding did you see the orphanage I was president Jesus dear God what are you talking about I ran the food kitchen for years I fed him on Thanksgiving I was president of Toys for Tots at Christmastime what are you doing here he's gonna look at you say depart for me you did it all in the name of church all in the name of Christ all in the name of Christian but you never knew him I don't know you that scripture has to do with a band that lives lawlessly free wheeler does what he wants but it's all in the name of Jesus it's gonna be a rude awakening friend a rude awakening on that day I spoke on it last Friday night entitled mistaken identity all these people that claim to be Christ and then I marched Lucifer down that line and Lucifer laughed at him because he Lucifer knows who is and who isn't Jesus I know and Paul I know he knows who's on fire for Christ and all these people are going Oh God God God Lucifer just laugh ridicule to scorn he knows friend he knows what's inside he knows the heart he knows whether that a person knows Jesus so tonight I'm gonna ask you a couple questions and then you're gonna respond are you in this place tonight and there's sin in your life you're away from Jesus there's sin in your life something is separating you from God you're in the chapel you're in the balcony you're on the main floor there's something in your life that's separating you from God sin it may be something I've mentioned maybe something I haven't mentioned it could be pornography we could run with that for the next 30 40 minutes pornography maybe that's your besetting sin that's the thing that's damning your soul friend it's time to get rid of it it's time to lay it aside I say to you men that are hung up into pornography and lust put away childish things put them up put them away you're not a little boy anymore playing with playboy it's consumed your life now it's eating at your emotions and it's destroyed your life but spiritually put it away turn from it burn the magazine's come down here and repent get right with God in just a minute I'm gonna give this altar call in just a minute I want you to come quickly everyone in this room that's got sin in their life those of you that are religious religion will damn your soul friend religion is hanging around the cross you've heard me saying Christianity is getting on the cross Leonard Ravenhill who spent several years with me before he died and also with Mike Brown he pumped that into me he said Steve don't fall for it the good is the enemy to the best religion looks so good but it's not God's best everybody thinks our doing good and great but the best is a cross the best is if I am crucified with Christ religion is hanging around the cross Christianity is getting on the cross he would pump that into us and finally it made sense as a guy I want to be one of those that you look at and you go welcome home I want to be one of those should he call me home right now we had been talking all day and we just assured in his presence and the conversation just continues I mentioned to the crowd the other day if something should happen if suddenly an earthquake took place under this church this place started shaking and the alarms went off and the floors began to split and it was obviously the roof was going to come down and you only had a couple seconds would you worship or would you repent if you knew you're gonna die if you knew the Lord was going to come back would you worship and go come or would you repent because you're not right with God friend I'm speaking seriously to you this is examination time Church this is examination time Center look inside do you know him I'm asking your religious person you can go to hell with baptismal waters on your face you can go to hell with a certificate of baptism hanging behind you on your wall you can go to hell with a certificate of ordination from your church hanging behind your desk do you know him is the question if you don't friend you're gonna have to get down here in just a minute for those of you that are saying to me tonight I don't have to go down there friend let me tell you what's stopping you it's pride that's all it is let me explain something to you about pride pride is the very characteristic that caused Lucifer himself to fall from the sky he said I'm gonna be like the Most High and what you're saying tonight is this I don't need to go down there hey God listen I don't need to humble myself and go down there my friends are here with me what will my husband think I'm the pastor God what are my parishioners gonna think first of all friend who cares aren't they gonna be with you on Judgment Day are they gonna stand side by side with you are they gonna stand is your alibis and say hey listen he's a good man trust me Jesus he's a good man it ain't gonna work like that friend you're gonna be alone the lone soldier standing before God Almighty your boyfriend ain't gonna be there since your girlfriend gonna be there brother you're gonna be by yourself so why does it bother you here what does God think that's a big question but some of you you just can't imagine the idea I've just never done that gone down to an altar and prayed so you're gonna say this I'm gonna go home and pray the preacher's right I know this is true and I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna talk to Jesus at the Days Inn I'm gonna talk to Jesus at the Marriott I'm going to talk to Jesus I'm gonna talk to Jesus when I get home to Pennsylvania when I get home to Georgia I'm gonna talk to Jesus friendís is what's gonna happen and I will stand before God on this statement you're gonna go back it could be right down the road to the Days Inn you won't lock yourself in your bedroom you might say honey why'd you go have a cup of coffee with your with with our friend and let me be alone with God in this bedroom why cuz you're under conviction you knew you're supposed to be down at this altar but you're under conviction it's heavy it's heavy but you you know you're too embarrassed so you're gonna talk to God there here's what you're gonna hear you're gonna go god I need your forgiveness you know the stuff I'm going through and trust me friend this is what's gonna enter your heart 2,000 years ago my son was crucified for you he walked the face of this earth thirty three and a half years for you it was taken beaten whyn't spat upon a crown was pressed on his forehead he bled for you the beam was placed on his shoulders and he dragged it up to the mountain there he was nailed to it his hands and his feet they stripped his garments from him many scholars believe he was naked totally naked he was new my son was crucified not behind Mount Calvary not in some cave not in some obscure building he was on top of the hill for all to see naked for you for your sin not his he was perfect he died for you and you couldn't walk 25 feet to receive forgiveness you couldn't walk from the balcony you couldn't run from the balcony you couldn't come in the chapel forget to think about it friend now if you don't like this kind of preaching friend let's go to God with it let's stand before God say to God tonight I don't like that kind of stuff what do you think he's gonna say to your friend you think it's gonna turn to me and say hush your mouth preacher you should never talk to them like that he's going to turn to you and say it's a trip pride kept you in your seat there was sin in your life I wanted to heal your backslidings I wanted to save your soul but you're so concerned about your own self what everyone thought think about it friend the Bible says if you're ashamed of him he's ashamed of you if you confess him he will confess you this endtime revival is going to be vibrant it's gonna be violent it's gonna be public by the way both these testimonies were public the woman with the issue of blood it was public blind Bartimaeus he didn't care what anybody thought friend it was public he didn't say Jesus need to talk to you at my house Jesus son of David have mercy on me [Applause] that's the way you got to be tonight friend you go after Jesus I'm gonna give this altar call everybody that has sin in their life everyone who's never known the Lord but you want to know the king of kings and the Lord of lords you want to leave out of here with Jesus in your heart your best friend friend there ain't nothing like it in the world to go home and he's in your home he's in your car he's at your work everywhere you go it's Jesus Jesus it's awesome it's awesome I get up in the morning and Jesus and I go for a walk we walk over to my study we pray we talk everything is together friend it's wonderful I've never been anywhere alone he's always with me I'm gonna give this altar call everyone is away from God everyone who needs Jesus to change their life everyone that's got sin in their life everyone who has never known the Lord his charity begins to sing I want you to come right now in the chapel in the balcony on this main floor hurry hurry hurry right now let's go let's go let's go oh come on everything again [Music] yes [Music] [Music] some of y'all come around here this [Music] swing juice come on lost in the opposed come true there's a snooze [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes Jesus [Music] those of you at the altar don't budge keep your heads down in your eyes close those of you the altar God is moving I can feel it I can feel his blood flowing freely friend I can feel this he's forgiving he's washing he is cleansing he's here friend [Music] let his blood wash away your sin don't leave from this all to stay right where you're at don't anyone budge that is blood wash ooh [Music] I want everyone in the congregation to do we do me a favor into a favor to someone that's sitting next to you standing next to you everyone at the altar keep your heads down stay where you are those are in the chapel and here in the main auditorium listen you're gonna turn to the person next to you we have not done this in a while in the revival I don't I don't know what God's just been directing us different but tonight I'm gonna do this I really feel there's some some of you you need some help you need some help now I can't back this up in Scripture but I personally believe that the woman with the issue of blood had some friends I believe she had some friends after 12 years of sickness and the doctors seeing her and all her money being spent I believe she had some close friends that loved her that talked to her and maybe they came to her and told her about Jesus that's what I believe that someone told them about Jesus and that's what we're gonna do tonight someone's going to turn to you you're gonna turn to the person next to you and you're gonna say this I don't want you to do it yet but you gonna turn to the person next to you and say this do you need Jesus to forgive you don't do it yet now it makes no difference if it's a pastor or someone you don't never known would you shape that friend we had one little girl one night turned to a multi-millionaire and asked him this he came running to the altar when mother turned to her son a drug addict and a bouncer at a bar asked him if he needed forgiveness he came down to the altar was miraculously saved and now he's in our Bible school it was during this time right now we've had dealers say drug dealers which is safe and religious people that thought they knew God looked inside and realized they really didn't you're gonna turn to the person next to you gonna ask him that they need forgiveness now when asking everyone in the congregation not those of you at the at the altar don't do anything but everyone else I want you to stand just for one more minute everyone else stand up those of you Theo altars stay right where you're at everyone else stand I'm doing this for a reason there may be someone in your road that needs to move out and it's hard when you're sitting down it's like a closed door it's like well they're comfortable I don't want to disturb them everyone's going to turn to the person next to them you're going to ask them if they need forgiveness you don't know what the person next she's going through we've seen some of the most incredible conversions at this time we've seen a lot of first-time conversions right now you don't know maybe the person you think you know so well it's going through a major major problem right now and they've fallen into sin and nobody knows it if there's anything we should have learned by the 80s in 1980s it's that you don't know other people [Music] so I want everyone to do that you're gonna turn to the person next to you ask them to if they need forgiveness and then if they say yes don't lie to that person if they say yes bring them down here with you right now everyone do it right now at the altar just stay where you're at do it yes come on bring them down right now don't lie don't lie to it bring their right come on yes god bless you god bless you let's go come on come on come on bring them down right now come down to the altar and kneel into salt come on down from the balcony in the chapel let's go Richard this board there's more [Music] yes [Music] we at least [Music] for us we believe [Music] Merson [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna pray for those of you that came forward everyone at this altar I want you to keep your head down I just want to listen to me just for a second we're gonna pray together some of you have come here tonight and you really have no clue of what's going on this is your first time in an evangelical church and you're by faith that's what it is by faith you're coming down to this altar because you heard a preacher say that Jesus will come into your life I'm telling you friend he will [Music] your faith will make you well your faith will heal your heart your faith will save your soul tonight friend faith in Jesus not feeling in Jesus faith in Jesus I'm not saying you have to feel it tonight I'm saying you faith it tonight you come to Jesus by faith that means Lord I can't see you and I can't touch you but I know your word says you're here and I believe in you tonight and that's enough Shh for those of you at this altar that are backslidden we're gonna pray a prayer and God will forgive you those of you that have never known the Lord we're gonna pray a prayer Jesus will come into your life he'll wash your sins away come in and be your Lord and Savior and your very best friend those of you that have been in other religions other costs perhaps witchcraft he will forgive you he'll wash you clean and he'll drive the Devils away [Music] I want everyone at the altar here at the chapel here in this main church and at the chapel I want everyone to pray those be at home I want you to pray those of you that in listening and you still haven't come forward you're watching us do this here but you're sitting in your living room or your den and you haven't got off your couch I'm telling you sir ma'am you need to get off your couch and get on your knees on the floor you need to do that you don't sit there with your legs crossed twiddling your thumbs drinking a coke and watch a move of God with a tear in your eye you get on your face and you say Jesus your spirit has invaded this living room forgive me Jesus wash me clean you're gonna pray this prayer with us just like these folks are praying you're gonna pray it I want everyone at this altar to pray this with me out loud everyone at the altar everyone in the chapel at the altar and those of you at home pray with me out loud dear Jesus thank you thank you for speaking to me tonight I don't want to miss you I refuse to miss god I will be saved I will be healed I will receive because I'm going after you I ask you tonight sweet Jesus to forgive me I have sinned I am hurt you and I've hurt others forgive me Jesus wash me Jesus wash my sins away cleanse me make me new I ask you tonight to be my Savior my Lord and my very best friend I give to you my life from this moment on I am yours and you are mine I will follow you all the days of my life in your precious name amen hallelujah I want everyone at the altar or those who don't so stand straight up I don't want you to move out I want you to stand straight up don't go back to you see I want you to look at me here this is very important just look this way those of you in the chapel I know we had over a hundred come forward in the chapel probably a couple hundred I want you to listen I want you to watch the screen yo listen look this way don't let anybody distract you do not let the devil lie to you about the three-letter word sin here's what you hear in America this is what you hear now I know we got representatives from all over the world but I'm speaking for America you hear people say about sin they talk like this well it's not that bad how many have heard people say that it's sin friend what what is it what is it it if you're watching hardcore pornography and you just lighten up a few notches and you still watch porn but it's not hardcore pornography it's still an abomination to God it's sin sin is sin and I want to share this with you before kids who's coming tonight Kerry Robinson is gonna come and share a couple things with you but I want you to understand something you got a deal with sin you deal with it yet men i've been delivered from all kinds of junk all kinds of joke I mean junk I was into stuff for for 13 years and alcohol and drugs and all kinds of pornography just junk and let me tell you what I've learned you have to face it look at it call it by its name it is sin it'll damn your soul it's not going to go away by itself trust me on that one the playboys the penthouses the magazines will always be out there the x-rated theaters will always be down the street that the alcohol will always be at the circle-k there's always gonna be something at the 7-eleven there's always gonna be some movie at the theater that you ain't supposed to be watching it's always gonna be out there you have got to deal with it and the way you deal with it is you stand up I'm talking to the women to young men men older men women every one of you you deal with you stand up you look at it and you say Jesus I've had it that has destroyed my life I am dropping this from my life I will not go back to drinkin I ain't going back to smoking dope I'm getting away from lust and pornography and sure enough rate as you make that decision it's gonna come knocking and that's where this prayer that you prayed tonight it's where the rubber meets the road it came knocking in my life I gave it all up and one of the first things I found was a pack of cigarettes my brand I had never found a pack of cigarettes in my life until after I got saved and then I found a pack of cigarettes and it was a brand I'd smoked all that time still in the cellophane still sealed sitting in the grass that had never happened to me who do you think put that there and you have to deal with it it's the same with those of you and I took it when in the bathroom ripped off the cellophane took them all out of the pack pushed about crust him in my head flushed him down the toilet destroyed it if I put him in the trash can they'd have been there tempting me I destroyed them all friend the same thing with pornography if you've got pornography at home men get it go out to your charcoal grill torch it torch it burn it man it'll be gone when the devil wakes you up in the middle of night says go look at the magazines they're gone they're charcoal friends we were up in vapor there's smoke it's gone it's over that's how you deal with it if you're an alcoholic you get serious drinking problem go home walk up the refrigerator open the door get the Miller get the beer whatever's in there take it take it over to the sink or the toilet pour it down throw the bottles out it's calling friend that's how you deal with it lust let me tell you deal with lust when you see a woman who is lightly clad turn your head that's how you deal with turn away flee all appearance of evil it's amazing when you're in Walmart just yesterday I was in Walmart and you know the magazine's it ain't they're not porno magazines but that covers of them are they're all seductive don't look at it turn around and look at the chewing gum look at the Hershey bars how many friends study them whatever it takes for them finally for them to call your line your stuff through but get your mind off the magazines how many know what I'm talking about it's amazing how you can walk out of there with victory just turn your head so I'm tearing up that's how you deal with it Carrie's gonna come and share with you but I wanna share one more thing Richard I hope they're listening this has to do in the articles of affection articles of affection are the things that the devil's given you the little things girls when you break up with a guy you give back his jacket his varsity Jackie throw back his ring when you break up with the devil you get rid of the junk in your life that he gave you anything those of you that are involved in an affair and maybe you have at home a picture of the woman and you've told your wife that it's just an old classmate or a distant relative go back take that picture tear it in shreds flush it down the toilet that's an article of affection get rid of it if you if you're wearing a bracelet that some boyfriend gave you and you're a married woman now take it down to the pawn shop man get $5 for it and go down to McDonald's or something you know get rid of it don't don't look at that thing and go this is what Jim oh I was that wasn't he was my first love he gave me this what is that that's an article of affection and it'll drag you down I know what I'm talking about Fred if you got stuff in your house posters music I had a hurricane glass from underground Atlanta in my bedroom full of marbles after I got safe I cleaned up everything friend man my life my life became white as snow and I was looking up there that hurricane glass and when I looked at it and hurricane is a drink for those you don't know it's a powerful drink I looked up for that drink that glass with that marbles and it's an underground Atlanta and my mind went back to it I remember everything when I drank it who I was with the whole party scene and without even realizing I had ventured down that road for about five minutes then the Lord just spoke to me he said get rid of it man I wouldn't dump the marbles out shattered that glass and you may say well you're just such a fanatic about stuff like that Fred I'm sick and tired of people falling I am I like to see people stand you don't have to backslide you don't have to you don't have to constantly going backwards you can move forward but you got to deal with some of this stuff that you might say well it really doesn't bother me that much get real get the junk off the TV set man get the junk out of your life if you're being bothered with lust quit watching it get it out of your life man don't even watch the stuff that you think might be wrong if you think it might be wrong it's wrong you know the stuff that's clean watch that Fred and we do not we're not up here saying blow up every television set I don't believe that Fred because if he and if you believe that that's fine if you believe in not having a TV I understand that I was raised up through Wilkerson's ministry and he got rid of his TV set you know a lot of his staff did but I've never had that conviction never had because we have a TV set and you can come in any time when it's on it's barely on but when it is on it's claimed Discovery Channel you know the weather or something clean or the kids are watching Christian videos we control it you can control it friend you can control it now those of you that don't have TV sets I honor you god bless you I have no product that's great that's wonderful but I don't believe that you need to destroy everything out there and just live in some type of bubble you know I live in a real world but you can live for Jesus Christ and live a clean life I know you can how many know you can you can hallelujah and besides I'm gonna say this one more thing I want my kids I've got three kids I want them to grow up knowing how to control things because see my kids are gonna leave home one day they're gonna leave home and they're not gonna go out into this sheltered world and my kids right now know what they can and cannot watch you know they know stuff they know if they ever hear a curse word anywhere that it's just totally Antichrist and they just get away from they flee friendly and they quickly if their friends say those words they'll talk to them about it why because we've lived in an environment that it's it's real it's solid and I want my kids to grow up knowing that you know they that they can they can have there's power in the name of Jesus to live a godly life I hope you understand where I'm coming from friend because this world needs real Christians walking in a real world living a clean life living holy that's what this world needs to see hallelujah Kerry Robinson Ray's God before I talk to you let me ask two things first of all those pastors and wives that have the badges you've registered we're gonna need your assistance tonight and so if you would if you could assist us with these on people at the altar if you go to the left and the right some of our workers will be there to give you some instructions and so if you're a pastor and a wife that you've reached and got a yellow tag and you can help us if you go over to the left and right to the sides and one of our prayer team captains will meet you there and get you set up to help us with all these folks second thing I need to say is that those of you that are 10 years of age and under if there are kids around you 10 years or years of age and under we want you to go back with our our children's pastor pensive and stand up there we have a wonderful children's pastor Pastor Van Lane and God's touching kids in this church and in this revival and pastor van ministers those kids and so he's going to talk to the kids 10 and under and tell them basically the same thing I'm gonna tell the adults but it's gonna be in fact back here behind the platform so if their kids around you adults and they're 10 years of age and under help them to your right and to your left and let them go right around behind and meet - pastor van and mom and dad if your child goes and you want to go with them just feel free to go right along with them and you can get some instructions back there he's going to give us a literature and talk to them a little bit basically about we're gonna talk about here now if you're at the altar please do not go back to your seats until we we finished what we're gonna do right now in a few moments they're going to be some prayer team members that are going to come and they're gonna love on you and they're gonna give you some instructions give you a book and pray for you before you go sit down but first of all I want to I'm going to tell you three things number one get in revival as often as you can can get here listen God's presence is here the fire is burning here and you were born in this fire and you're not going to be happy with anything any less so come to revive okay you might say well you know I live an hour or two hours from here come to revival you might say well I can't I work you know but we work too these folks are on the prayer on the worship team here the people on the prayer team will be praying with you tonight all those people work they live in a real world as Steve was talking about a moment ago and they'll be going to work early in the morning we'll all be going to work early in the morning but we go after God and you know what when we go after God God renews our strength he gives us total rest when we go to bed we don't toss and turn and wallow around trying to get to sleep we go to sleep when we go to bed because we're tired and you'll be tired but you'll be you'll get to perfect rest so come to revival if you're from the Midwest or someplace too far away for you to get here regularly you look around listen revival fires are burning around this nation friend it's just popping up all over the place I told you a while ago I was up in Terre Haute Indiana there was snow and ice everywhere and people were driving 60 miles on this stuff to get to that church to be in that revival and I left Sunday Monday morning I left but that revival is going on this week it's going on this week so if you live around Terre Haute Indiana get there man the fires burning and it's burning all over the nation like that and if you'll ask around somebody will tell you about one you'll find one God we'll see that you get you get in the fire you stay in the fire and if there isn't one around ask God to make you kindling to start one where you are okay do that and and you get in that kind of an environment you'll grow quickly and you'll be blessed tremendously number two second thing first to get in revival number two you need to get it in a bible-believing Church okay the name is not real real important what's preached over the pulpit or comes from this pulpit is what's important so you go to a church where a guy takes the book opens it up preaches his straight to the point and he gets right real with you about the way your life is listen that guy's not trying to manipulate you he's not trying to build to build numbers he's not trying to get your money he's telling you the truth and you need the truth because the truth will set you free so go to that kind of church and listen I know that the church has flaws okay and no church is perfect if it was when you got there it being perfect okay so don't use that excuse don't say well the church is full of hypocrites so I'm not going friend it's better to go to church and and worship with hypocrites for a few hours every week than to die and go to hell and be with them throughout eternity okay so just forget it go on to church get in church and serve God and the kind of church remember you want to be as this you want to go tell the pastor hey I'm not here to see what you can do for me I'm here to see what I can do for you I know you got a job and I'm gonna help you you preach it I'm gonna say Amen you got something that needs to be done if my ties will be there every week you can count on it this is the kind of guy and kind of gal I'm gonna be in church I'm gonna serve God and help you Pastor carry the load when he comes out of the dead faint he just went into he'll get up and hug your neck okay but go there and join a church and be a integral part of a good bible-believing Church number three number one come to revival number two get in a good bible-believing Church number three right behind that curtain is a baptismal pool Friday night we're gonna be baptizing people if you were saved in this revival and you want to be baptized here Friday night call the office tomorrow we can only take 20 people that's all we have time for 20 people but if you can't get baptized here the church you go to tell your pastor you need to be baptized you've come back to the Lord and you've gotten saved and you need to be baptized but if you want to be baptized tomorrow night our Friday night call the church office and if we have room we'll get you on and you can be baptized in the revival but listen friends how it whatever you do get baptized if you've been they've been in sin and you've just come to the Lord or whatever get baptized you say why should I do that on I say exactly you're saved but friends you're not baptized in order to be saved you're baptized because you're saying the Bible says repent and be baptized the Ethiopian eunuch would Philip led him to the Lord the first thing out of his mouth was when he saw water he said I'll to be baptized what prevents me and they just stopped the chariot got down and and Philip baptized the guy and you need to be baptized too so don't don't look at the thief on the cross and say well he wasn't baptized and Jesus said today you'll be with me in paradise I'll grant you that man was not baptized and he is in heaven so the options of these get on a cross are getting a baptismal pool okay do those three things now right near you there's a person with a tag on that says prayer team member and that person needs to talk with you and needs to pray with you before you go sit down so do not go sit down here they come this is the army and they're gonna talk with you and they're gonna pray with you and they're giving you give you some literature some of the people that are going to be talking with you have on yellow badges most of them have on either rip or purple badges and so don't go sit down even if you're in the aisles just stay there it's gonna take a few minutes for us to get around and so you need to be patient with us and those of you that are waiting to be prayed for we're gonna pray for you folks but don't don't get impatient because this is the most important thing that goes on in revival this is the heart of this thing if we lost this part we lose the revival so be patient with us be patient with us this is it right here so right now turn around and those people are right near you and let them talk with you and love on you and pray for you and also we need any prayer workers that are here at the revival that you're not assigned to pray tonight we need you to pray tonight so if you'd come around here we need you to pray with us tonight any of the prayer workers yes [Music]
Channel: RevivalFireOkie
Views: 7,424
Rating: 4.952096 out of 5
Keywords: Brownsville Revival, Steve Hill, John Kilpatrick, Lindell Cooley, revival
Id: XQM0Zj3bOtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 58sec (10258 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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