Get Out While You Can: Brownsville Revival- Steve Hill. 11-6-1998

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I feel like brazen him I feel like praising him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how you change my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she smell us celebrate your giant [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] no more sadness no much suffering no more tears [Music] justice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] justice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you can go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] can it be Shuggie and interested my sieve yours line see for me who caused his [Music] to death [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus left his Father's throne [Music] so free so we're his grace himself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] long time my imprison spirit lay I was fast bound by sin and nature's night oh but [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise the Lord I'm free [Music] no more trades holding me my soul is resting what a blessed raise Lord hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] please sing with me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] here was this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what can wash away my sin [Music] and what can me [Music] McKim force in a toll [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is all my hope and peace [Music] but is all of my righteousness [Music] to Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we aside the garments that are stained with sin watch [Music] all tonight there's a fortune flowing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this flower [Music] yes Jesus Lindell I want us to sing that one part there's power when everyone to remain standing those of you in the chapel stand up those of you at home you stand up I want those a couple girls one the young girl that said she couldn't believe she'd see the day or her sister would be in church where are you two kids that wave at me come on up here huh come here back where's your sister I want the two sisters where's the other sister she went outside did she just run outside just sin I want somebody go find her mama go find her she's coming no need to be afraid of just several thousand people want to see you come on up here says your hair looks great folks I want to tell you there's power in the blood [Applause] now we're y'all from New Jersey okay now which one of you said you couldn't believe the day that you'd see you said you couldn't believe you'd see her is that right come here me ask you question why would your sister say that look these I want tell you sent what's your name Arina I read it zarayda I want you to hear me now there's a lot of people out here that need to hear this and so God's gonna use you okay don't worry about the television cameras you're you know there's people watching this in Indonesia and and Australia all over it's alive in Orlando type of stuff but don't worry about it don't even think about all that okay but I want you to I want you to tell us okay why would your sister make a statement like that what were you involved in well like I said I was up there I was resist why would you say you're a possessed were you into witchcraft yeah heavy into witchcraft I can say yeah what's your own tell us me sis let me tell you something there's a nation like that you know that don't you you had a lot of friends that were into that too because I made a lot of trouble here so you made a lot of trouble here in the state so you're sent to Puerto Rico and we made a group which is a group of witches what do you have warlocks you have guys and girls yes if they were in a gang and this one I had a dragon we were gonna light candles we were actually gonna see he said you want to see how powerful we are in there I always yeah yeah go for it and we had gotten the money we went to go buy the candles and we couldn't they wouldn't let me out of school for some reason anyway you know everything just fell when she said when you were in trouble with school yeah I mean did you just attract trouble you're always just always getting trouble I caused it you caused the trouble are you a bad person when the principal saw you coming in did he or she think oh my goodness here comes trouble to my new school or my old school I'm talking your old school I think he said oh my goodness she's back she don't be suspended again or expelled that was expelled from my other school that's serious I want y'all to hear it I want you to see it because this is society looks at kids and they go it's it this is their their prison bound they're their drug addiction bound they'll wind up in some type of some type of therapy program be it methadone or whatever and that's that's how society faces it y'all know that don't you but you're looking at a couple girls right here that had an encounter with the cross of Jesus Christ he's changed everything happy you have do you have joy in your heart net yeah how about he got you oh yeah did do you wake up in the morning excited about the day yeah can you remember a day where you didn't wake up and you weren't excited yes I just love this stuff because here's what's happened this is Friday night and the devil is out there messing with people but he's hearing this and he's saying to these girls shut your mouth and they're not shutting their mouths [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's power in the blood very sad [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna do something I'm gonna do something totally dumb okay this is just dumb but I want everyone who's got red on look at everybody's looking at themselves if you if you've got red on okay I'm not talking about orange orange if you've got red on or a reddish maroon okay easily you sure your coat there's a man up there you got a coat louder than mine brother if you've got red on okay and it's visible I'm not talking about you've got a red Bret okay you've got it red on I want you to come up here and stand on the platform with me come on you got to have some red now what a lot of red okay a lot of that's a lot of red that's a lot of red come on up here come on let these folks through here split great Alessi's flows through this is just this is a that's color of blood it's color I just want to remind the devil he remembers when it dripped off of the cross now what I want to really read that's really read I want the really red to stand in front of the soso Ridge I want you really reg to come on up here I told you this was totally dumb come on up here sister red where's my man who had that red coat on where do you ever yeah come on up here brother red that's a red coat Redcoats are coming come on over here brother I want to really Reds come on up here this is just a visual aid that's all this is there is power [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as charities dad up there with a red even though I've never seen you with a red hanky up there brother that's charity James as they have way that thing at us there is power [Music] [Music] glory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now this may be this may seem silly to some of you but I promise you down the road someone's going to be thinking about Jesus someone that came to this revival and somebody may talk to him about the blood and they're gonna visually remember this they will they'll go back you know I remember a night where all these people were in red in front of the plow in the platform and they were saying about the blood oh the blood of Jesus [Music] the blood of Jesus oh Jesus it was as they're heading back down I want you to sing it again [Music] [Music] [Applause] one more time [Music] [Applause] if you haven't experienced the blood you know friend I've never understood how it works and if you can find me someone to explain it to me I'd love to listen to but I've never understood how you can come down to these altars y'all look this way everybody how you end about in the balcony and in the in the chapel I've never understood how you can come and kneel at these altars and you could kneel and you could say Buddha Buddha save me nothing's gonna happen you could cry out to Muhammad you could cry out to Krishna you could you could you could bow down to this pulpit you could scream you could beat yourself and nothing would happen but you can come friend I'm talking to you about a mystery it's a mystery these testimonies tonight this that's a mystery it does not compute to the natural mind it doesn't make any sense but people come down here and go Jesus I'm sorry for my adultery I'm sorry for sticking needles in my arms I'm sorry Jesus for the poison I've been pouring down my throat I'm sorry for my vile tongue Jesus wash me cleanse me make me new and then you can see them go from a sad burdened look to justice like this you watch you can watch them only the blood can cleanse you tonight friend the blood of Christ you may be seated Bob bring that stuff up to me how many enjoyed those baptisms now for those of you that were offended by the man shakin under the power and the other folks that shook shame on you especially you Methodists you should know better you Methodists need to read your church history and don't read the revised editions read the original because you read the originals Wesley's riding Whitfield hung around with Wesley course he was in the Presbyterians and this and and you read the original writings they talked all the time about the power coming down people vibrating shaking under power Charles Finney talked about people falling under the power so before you get all critical just keep in mind and also remember some biblical stories remember Saul of Tarsus he bit the dust under the power of God he he repented in the dust a blinding light came down him from heaven he spoke this was at noonday a light brighter than the Sun he spoke to a voice that spoke to him in the heavens he was blinded three days later someone prayed for him and something like scales fell from his eyes that's powerful stuff friend a whole lot more powerful than shaking in a baptismal pool and so on I wouldn't be too offended by people shaking under the power what I would look at now I would be offended if there was no change life it would bother me at this revival when this revival first broke out and people started being hit by the power of God and someone would we hit 50 people at a time it still happens now and I see that I go when it first happened I saw it you know it was going on I had seen it all my life but I it was happening in Mass here and as we were watching it we kept an eye on these people we kept an eye on it turns out their whole lives were changing and I was saying Jesus if you want them to twirl if you want them to shake if you want them to vibrate if you want them to break into a sweat I don't care because you're changing their lives whatever it takes Jesus to get a hold of this generation and I prayed I have prayed here friend for hardcore drug addicts right off the streets that walk in here stoned junkies that walk in here like this and I'm going Jesus this man does not need a track this man does not need two hours of a gospel witness he's probably heard that in every mission he's heard that up because he's that you know when you're on the streets you get hit all the time my people evangelizing what this man needs is an encounter he needs the power just to hit him it changed his life and that's what you hear in the baptismal pool the powers come down and it changes their life their forever change for and after that their disciple they go on in God but they have an encounter how many are open to God allowing people to have encounters hallelujah [Music] and reaches to the lowest hell so Gucci pal bow down with care God gave some to [Music] here at the new side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kamui the ocean filled our were the skies of parchment babe if every star on earth was a krill [Music] a strop battery [Music] try [Music] oh how rich and boozing how bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'd shout forever the sights [Music] how he loves you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] thank you Jesus the lords in this place everyone in the chapel standing one more time we're gonna ask the Lord to speak to our hearts and to change our lives in just a few minutes charity is gonna sing mercy seat mercy is undeserved forgiveness undeserved forgiveness last night I spoke a message in this place on the two most ridiculous statements in the world one is God can't don't ever say that and the other is God won't don't ever say that ridiculous statements and as I shared those statements I could feel the faith rise in this place people were thinking of the sins are involved in or or church struggles and things that were going through and it just as I took them from the all through scripture what God has done those of you in this place that you believe God can't do it you need to rehash the baptism in your mind if God can do it for these people he can do it for your son your daughter he can do it for you but gods in this house tonight is a different kind of a message it's um it's extremely urgent I don't know why God does this to me but this morning he just slammed this message on me and so I'm gonna be obedient I want everyone to pray with me right now out loud everyone dear Jesus speak to my heart changed my life in your precious name amen you may be seated it's very early by the way it's only seven minutes after nine some of you need to pat yourself on the shoulder you've been in church some of you for almost three hours if you came in at six others you've been in church for two hours and ten minutes good for you and you've you've stood up you sat down you stood up you sat down you still you've gotten some exercise good for you I want to start tonight by um the translators I want to make sure they're German or Spanish Portuguese French and Russian the different translations that are going on here tonight simultaneously I want them to make I want you to make sure that you translate what I'm about to say I'm going to use an illustration and I want you to make sure they understand what it is several months ago a movie came out here in America it's all over the world right now entitled Titanic on the evening of April 14 1912 with over 2,000 people on board a ship that was trying to beat the record for crossing the Atlantic disregarded warnings of traveling in iceberg infested waters continued to plow ahead on her voyage to New York most people know the story they didn't know it beforehand but they know it now I've always been fascinated with Titanic I did not see the movie because there's junk in the movie that should not be seen but um the story itself is a fascinating one because my grandma used to talk to me about it she knew somebody that was on the boat that died and I was always fascinated to talk to my grandma about it but there was a season of opportunity on that boat a season where anybody who wanted to could be saved as a matter of fact some of the earlier lifeboats were dropped in the water almost empty there was a portion of time now the damage had been done the boat was taking on water the problem was the belief system people did not sense the urgency why still floating still pretty much steady the band was still played the drinks were still being delivered by the waiters but there was a moment where if you were on that ship and realized the extent of the damage you could have calmly gathered your family together walk to the edge of the boat and climbed in to a lifeboat and they would have lowered it and you would have watched that massive ship sink to the bottom of the ocean but the problem with the Titanic is a lot of people did not heed the warning signs they did not heed the rumors I want to tell you friend I've been on a lot of planes and I've been on a lot of boats if someone comes to me and says there's fire in the hall I don't go I'm gonna go get a hamburger if someone came up to me and said there is the smell of smoke coming out of the baggage department of this 727 I wouldn't turn to them and say would you leave me alone I'm reading US News and World Report's I would say hold everything what are you doing about it where is the closest airport can we land this monstrous plane is there a way out of this situation many of you may not recognize this but um I heard it for the first time today and this is a rendition of what it would have sounded like back then this is the last song that was played on the Titanic by the band as it was going down this is an old recording [Music] that is nearer my God to thee the last song that the band played as the boat went under the water when I heard that the scratchy recording of that song I thought what a waste what a waste now it is sure that people work in a parish on that boat but not everyone that perished needed to had perished history could have been changed dramatically if people had heeded the warnings I want you to hear me I want this to sink in the problem is people do not listen to warnings and tonight I'm gonna come to you with a warning this message is entitled get out while you can get out while you can I'm gonna read a scripture in just a minute just today there was a food recall how many heard about it 1/2 million pounds of beef in 33 states has been found with e.coli bacteria 1.5 million pounds of hamburger made of hot dogs and luncheon meats was sold in 14 states by wind to winn-dixie customers this came out today 1.5 million that's a lot of meat 1.5 million pounds and they're asking all customers of winn-dixie if you purchase hotdogs or luncheon meats don't eat them but trust me there are people there are people who will watch that on television they'll watch dan Rather or CNN whatever explaining the dangers of e.coli bacteria how it can kill you and then serve their daughter a hot dog without even going to the wife and saying did you get this at Del champs food world or when mixing why we live like this friend we don't heed the warnings Wall Street many will not heed the warnings of the fluctuating stock market but the signs are clear say that with me the signs are clear the world markets right now are shaky and market an analyst analysis do not have a positive outlook on the future the analysts own this is no time to buy buy buy George Soros one of the most successful investors I read an article about him today this man is a master investor he's a skilled investor he's filthy rich he knows where to put his money he is freaking out and if George is gonna freak out you should do he said the Asian crisis is serious but people aren't gonna heat it melts st. helens was a volcano that erupted back in 1980 but many of you will remember and I remember this clearly how there were people reporters and also people one by the man's name when everybody will remember Harry Truman young man a man by older man by the name of Harry Truman that lived down the foot of the mountain he wasn't going to move why because it never erupts it's gonna erupt it doesn't a rough I'm stayin here riding this thing out you don't ride out lava okay 57 people perished just like that no reason for it the warnings were crystal clear I live just across the border in Alabama about 20 minutes from here all through this area as you're driving away from any part of this city you'll see a sign that says evacuation route you better memorize those I want to tell you why because those signs are placed in strategic areas they know that roads certain roads will hold the traffic other roads will be flooded and I can see people driving down after Hurricane George not even paying attention to an evacuation route going down the highway and suddenly they come across the Styx River and it's five or six feet over the road and it's beginning to wash their car everywhere why they didn't heed the warning they didn't pay any attention to it we're like that friend the problem is just as in the Titanic just as in Mount st. Helens just as an evacuation routes Wall Street we're the same way in our spiritual lives please forgive me for sometimes sounding repetitive but it just cannot be helped God is hammering a truth into our hearts and he will not cease until everyone has understood I want you to listen everyone look this way there is a calm in the air right now it's a calm it should be alarming to everyone but it's not all across the board there's a call part of it is the holidays when people move into November in December they think last year year before Christmas trees I hope I'm home by Christmas I'm dreaming of a white Christmas home home and they go into a law the elections are over the cards fell where they fell there's a call now some people are houston out of office others are shocked and disbelief they're leaving their office but you're gonna see a calm over America I'm warning everyone here this is the calm before the storm this is the calm and I am speaking prophetically this is the calm before the storm if you've ever had a touch from God how many have had a touch from God before if you've ever heard the voice of the Spirit wooing you to the Christ child if you've ever felt the tug of God on your heartstrings if you've been a recipient now I wrote this this morning Fred I want you to hear me God spoke to me this morning if you ever felt the tug of God on your heartstrings if you've ever been a recipient of God's wonderful blessing if you've ever yielded to the convicting power of the Holy Ghost if you've ever had a vision of the depth of his love if you've ever stared at the bloody cross of Calvary if you've ever beheld his wounds his eyes of compassion his words of love then you're part of a group of people that has at one time or another tuned your ear and turned your eyes towards God I'm asking you tonight to do it again open your spiritual eyes allow your ears to hear what the Spirit is saying what I'm going to say tonight is going to be very direct I will not hold back I will not cave in to the hard looks of the unbelievers I will not tone down my message not to arouse those who are in spiritual slumber my goal is to awake those who are in spiritual slumber I refuse to bow down to the God of mediocrity I cannot and will not whitewash or dilute this message to satisfy and pacify the religious mind God has spoken I will speak God has said I will say God has brought in me I will be used of him to prod you God has stirred me up I will do everything possible to stir you up God is in this house tonight friend and those of you that somehow have tuned in to this radio broadcast others of you that some hell have pulled up our website others that have gotten this video or you watching it live on television I want you to hear me God is trying to speak to you don't change the channel you can get mad that's okay you can get angry at the preacher that's okay you can fume you can phos you can fly into a flurry of senseless rhetoric that's okay you can take your ball and go home whatever I've had that happened before you could wish you had never come that's up to you but friend listen I will not back down the Bible says I have a responsibility to open my mouth the Bible says in Ezekiel when I say unto the wicked this is not our text tonight thou shalt surely die and now give us him not warning do you nuts you know do not speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life the same wicked man shall die in his sin but his blood I will require at your hands now tonight Fred there's not going to be any blood left on my hands right now I am responsible for the gospel I'm not selling Avon I'm not up here selling Amway I'm preaching the gospel and I am responsible for the gospel and there's many of you that don't know the gospel clearly you think you know it but you don't know it and I'm gonna share with you tonight how to get saved what you need to do how to get out of sin and then you're gonna be responsible and my hands will be as white as snow I will be clean before the Lord there will be no blood on my hands you will be held responsible for what you do well how come you got a screen preacher well the Bible says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved hell then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of who they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher that's Romans 10 and it's right there in black and white Luke chapter 21 turn there quickly with me Luke 21 company will stay with me for a couple minutes Friday night you lose Satan and when you tell you what I feel I'm from Huntsville Alabama we've got some folks from Florence wave at me my baptist friends from Florence I love you guys but y'all know we live up in tornado alley don't you if you've ever if you've ever seen a tornado been through a tornado or seen one coming folks it is a spookiest thing in the world it's spooky because right before a tornado I mean you can have ugly skies you can have rain and all kinds of stuff but then there's just uh people go outside their houses they go this is the day that the Lord has me then suddenly a freight train is heard at a distance and you look up and those this funnel and the base of it is spewing cars houses barns animals in the air picking up little babies and throwing them to miles through the air one lady tried to run and she was pinned up against a door and the tornado came right past her house and pressed her up against the door so hard that her whole body image was pressed into the door and after it passed she stepped away from the door she lived but her body image was pressed into the door where you stand back you see her hands and her whole body pressed into the door you'll find straws that have been driven through telephone poles I've seen some stuff but I'm telling you right now friend there's a tornado coming of the likes this nation has never witnessed now we're dealing right now with hurricane Mitch and you better be praying down and for Honduras and Nicaragua for all the stuff that they're going through the storms past but not the death there are burying people in Honduras in Nicaragua with bulldozers they're putting them in holes and pushing the dirt on top of them right now it's up around 12,000 people have died from that hurricane but that will be light in what I'm I'm sharing with you tonight something is on the horizon friend Luke 21 are you there verse 8 and he said he'd be in Jesus see to it that ye be not misled I'm reading from the new American Standard for many will come in my name saying I am he and the time is at hand do not go after them and when you hear of wars and disturbances do not be terrified for these things must take place first but the end does not follow immediately verse 10 then he continued by saying to them nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be great earthquakes and in various places plagues and famines and there will be terrors and great signs from the heavens but before all these things they will lay their hands on you and will persecute you delivering you to the synagogues and prisons bringing you before kings and governors for my name's sake I want to stop right there and you look to sway friend some of you read this and you go well he ain't coming anytime soon that's obvious because this ain't happening it's happening all over the world he's talking to the body of Christ he's talking to the body of Christ even as we speak there are people being killed for their faith all of there's never been a time of religious persecution as there is right now people are being slaughtered by the thousands all over the world so you need to just go ahead and Mark that as already being fulfilled verse 13 it would lead to an opportunity for your testimony so make up your minds not to prepare beforehand to defend yourselves for I will give you uh turrets and wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute but you will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends and they will put some of you to death and you will be hated by all on account of my name yet not a hair of your head will perish by your endurance you will gain your lives but when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies then recognize that her desolation is at hand then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains and let those who are in the midst of the city to part and let not those who are in the country enter the city because these are days of vengeance in order that all things which are written may be fulfilled woe to those who are with child and to those who nurse babes in those days for there will be great distress upon the land and wrath to this people and they will fall by the edge of the sword and will be led captive into all the nations and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled verse 25 this is talking about the return of Christ and I want you to listen and there will be signs in the Sun and Moon and stars and upon the earth dismay among nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world this could all happen in a second friend it can all come upon us suddenly just as a tornado begins whipping up in the distance this rumbling God tonight could be standing in the heavens he could turn to Michael he could look at Jesus look at the Holy Spirit and say it is time angels earthquakes in the Middle East now fires famines in Central America now Michael destroy California now it can happen just like that just like that just like that remember this is Jesus speaking the powers of heaven will be shaken verse 27 and when they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory but when these things begin to take place straighten up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near [Music] behold the fig tree and all the trees as soon as they put forth leaves you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near even so you too when you see these things happening recognize that the kingdom of God is near truly I say to you this generation will not pass away until all these things take place heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away be on guard that your hearts may not be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life and that day come on you suddenly like a trap for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth but keep on the alert at all times praying in order that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place and to stand before the Son of man now this is Bible it ain't me it's Bible number one those in this room and within the sound of my voice this is entitled get out while you can those of you that are involved with sin I'm telling you right now get out while you can while there is still hope you are on the Titanic friend it's going down while you still have hope get out do you remember the young man that testified in this baptismal pool and he said I went back to my town and sin remember he talked about sin was destroying all his friends bringing his family down it had take it over do you remember that testimony friend sin will destroy you must I remind you that sin it's doing that in your life right now I see in the spirit many of you about to be totally taken in by what used to be a casual weekend sin now a few beers has turned into a case a casual glance at Playboy has now assured into hustler and other hardcore porn tabloids a few pg-13 movies has now wets your appetite for some are and x-rated a cloak of marijuana has allowed you entrance into a room where lines of cocaine are being consumed sin will destroy you friend I'm not gonna spend a lot of time on this tonight but I want everyone to hear me and hear me in the chapel I'm warning you get out while can these little girls these girls from Puerto Rico gracias adios seller - que Dios es o lo que le so thank you God that he did what he did in your lives in that right mama why give them a couple years they're dead they're dead they're dead I'm telling you get out while you can while there is still time to repent while there is still a season of opportunity to get right with God you need to get right with God quit putting off to tomorrow what you need to do today tomorrow is a word only found in a fool's calendar all you have is right now say right now there's something that's called a launch window Kerry you know about that anyone that's ever been in aeronautics or in the military you know what it is a launch window it's a precise period of time ranging from minutes to hours within which a launch must occur for a rocket or a Space Shuttle to place its payload in the proper orbit and so they're waiting it's that moment and it gets down to seconds that's why that's why take offs are aborted why something changed we missed our launch window 10 you ever heard that one minute tilt what do you could what he called liftoff 59 58 57 56 abort abort abort abort I shut the whole system down what happened they missed their launch window something shifted something happened a friend I'm telling you right now you got a launch window you've got an opportunity it's called space to repent space to repent it's one portion of time that's all you have to get right with God how many here know somebody that died in their sin raise your hand if you know something that died and their sin I was asked one time to preach a funeral and I couldn't do it be a part of this funeral ended up carrying the casket to say a few words and Jim summers you'll remember this this was a young man that was in the program his name was mark he back slid he left Teen Challenge you guys that are in Teen Challenge you go all the way through team challenge me God didn't put you there is some superstar super special student to go through for six days he put you there to go all the way through it I'm a testimony to that I went all the way through it it's a complete program and when you graduate you'll feel good about what you did where these guys at right here listen to me guys go all the way through it God brought you here and the devil is gonna come up to you and say you don't need to stick this thing out man you're more spiritual than you've ever been you've got the Bible down you know more than Greg priest he's a director Greg and Becky I want y'all to stand we love you man it is Becky in got your right they're doing an awesome job with this program but guys the devil will come up to you and say listen you've been here five months you've been here two months you've been here three months you can book it man no reason to stick around you don't need to go on in some other phase of it you're strong man you got some scriptures under your belt you been baptized at Brownsville my god you got it all you'll get out there friend of Montel you've blown it this is called discipleship you go all the way through discipleship even when you don't want to you you eat the grits you sit there you go through it but this young man didn't then I'm talking to you about he felt he could make it on his own and so he gets out within a few short days he's back slidden and I remember Jim pulling up in the street I was driving down the road and our little dots you remember a little orange Datsun pickup truck I was driving down that little Datsun pickup truck and I look over and here's mark with a bottle of Boone's Farm apple wine and he's got it up in the air and he's chugging that thing and he goes like this he looks over he sees me and he puts it down and I roll down to win I go mark and he looked like sin he looked totally changed you know sin will do that pretty quick I said what's going on with you man he goes I'm doing great Steve I said it doesn't look like it mark he goes I'm doing fine I said mark you need to get right with God you're falling away he goes I'm fine I think it was one or two days later he wrapped his car around a telephone pole at 100 miles an hour killed just like that just like that and at the funeral I see I was hard pressed to say something what do you say cuz I'm not a liar I'm not gonna stand up at your son or your daughter's funeral if they've been in sin all their lives and all their friends are out there know they've been in sin and stand up say Judy was a good girl I can't do that that's a lie and the kids are out there going well I knew I couldn't trust preaches before but I know I can't trust him now if he's gonna stand up a lie about judy judy busted hell wide open those kids know that and here this young man he had the opportunity of a lifetime he had a lunch window he had another lunch when we had Teen Challenge at first he backs lid and here's one of the the men that's now helping direct the program with Jim summers working with the program I'm giving him another opportunity to get right with God and he doesn't in the next few moments he's dead friend get out of sin while you still can how many of you guys in Teen Challenge are glad that you did I see those hands how many of you guys in Teen Challenge know somebody that died in sin they died out and look at that every one of them these are young men in that pitiful that they can just go shoot right up probably name a half a dozen people number two those of you who have developed a relationship with the devil get out while you can break up with the devil I said break up with the devil that demo get that Charlie get that for me in the bath the devil came to steal to kill and destroy Jesus came that you might have life and life in abundance friend the devil has courted you too long he's tantalize you by passing before your eyes every little fantasy every little trick every little trinket you know what some of you are like here's what you're going to get Devil's got an airline you ever heard of frequent flyer miles I thought of this this morning preparing this message some of you have flown a lot of miles with the devil you've racked up a lot of free miles the problem is when it comes time to cash them in you can only choose one place look this way there's only one place you can go and that's how his frequent flyer program friend has one destination I don't care how have you got to 340 million miles on the program you need to break up with the devil you need to get out while the getting's good it's anybody listening tonight I'm warning you this scripture I read to you tonight talks about something that's on the horizon you better be ready for it friend and one way to get ready for it is to cut off all relations with Lucifer I mean cut them off let me tell you how you do it this is how you do it girls if you were dating a guy you were dating a guy in school some macho football player and you just just just just gooey gooey in his hands I mean he just just you're just buddy cuz he bought you a pizza one night you know and you just no one's ever just splurged on you like that and you're just and he's giving you is his you know his varsity and you're walking around I mean it's it's it's April or May in South Florida it's a hundred and seventy-six degrees and you're at school wearing this jacket going down to your knees how many have seen this I've seen it friend you're burning up but it doesn't matter how bad you stink you're gonna wear his jacket you're going steady with him but then a couple weeks get into it he's got you in the back seat of a car young lady he starts pawing at you he starts laying his hands all over your body and something's wrong you're a virgin he said he cared about you and you turn to him and you say get your hands off me and he says Susie we've been dating for a couple of weeks now come on huh what do I have to do that should be a warning sign when he says something like that but girls fall for it some say well I just don't know you that well I no such thing as knowing someone that will that they can poorer you in the back seat that's off-limits that's totally Zippo no you turn to him and you say you know I'm getting out of here and as you stand up you grab that jacket and you rip it off and you look at Billy and you go Billy I don't care if you're the hottest shot in school I don't care if you're the most popular player on the team I don't care if you're gonna date the head cheerleader after you dated me you can take this jacket take this jacket I don't want anything to do with you anymore I'm breaking up with you get out of my face Betts he's gonna look at you he's not gonna wonder what you meant he's not gonna wonder what you meant friend that's how you break up with somebody okay you don't say hey you can I wear your jacket to school that's how you break up now if you're dating the devil he's giving you his jacket here's the varsity demons okay six six six Big D for devil one of you girls come on up here yeah come on up here huh I ain't giving you this jacket so you can just forget it if I want you to come on but you're this girl's going to illustrate and I'm gonna play the devil tonight okay I'm just gonna play the devil I want you to put this thing on put it on just okay it's it's sanctified okay here she was in the wit trapped into dating the devil into playing around into the things of the world but one day Jesus got ahold of her life and I want you to take that jacket off I want you to break up with the devil I want you to throw it back in my thing just throwing this stop that's how you break up with the devil that's how you break up with the devil that's how you break up with the devil Oh god bless you says [Applause] what part of that did you not understand that's how you break up with him I'm telling you right now get out while the getting's good get out while you can Holy Ghost bless us sir yes sir yes sir hello [Applause] do in every young person in America what you've done in that girl's life Jesus do it Oh over America [Applause] America America teases to it Jesus holy-o's resist the devil and he will flee from you resist it get him out of your life red break up with him guys that are in the program just throw it in his face don't talk to him no more don't chew and won't tell you something else the devil will be back he's a when he's a jilted lover and he'll come back with roses won't he says he'll come back with roses he'll come back with candy he'll buy you the sweetest sweets he'll come in here's what he'll do friend he'll come back to you and he will remind you of all the fun times you'll be you'll be depressed one day you've been living for God for three or four months you know and maybe you don't feel that well you're just in a down time and the devil coming something saying you know a drink would taste real good right now that's what you'll say just one guys in the program he'll say you know it's hot out well cold beer what's your whistle matter of fact you could sneak out of the program get yourself a six-pack they'd never know it you can slip out right now that's the devil he'll come up to you what he will just remind you who remind you about some little sexual escapades you had with somebody or or this or that but he won't remind you of the venereal disease you caught he won't remind you of the times you were in the back toilets of the bar and you had your arms around you were hugging a toilet puking your guts out you know how many germs crawled all over you just nasty nasty but the devil will never bring that up he will bring that up he'll just shove sweet chocolates in your face and roses in your face don't fall for it and girls guys that are dating folks right now I'm fixing to get into this we're gonna close as a matter of fact point number three those of you who have relationships with the ungodly get out while you can get out while you can keep in mind that Jesus said this beyond guard that your hearts may not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life and that they come on you suddenly like a trap but it will come upon all those who dwell in the face of all the earth but keep on the alert at all times praying in order that you may have a strength to escape all these things that are about to happen those of you that are in bondage to ungodly people get out while you can now I'm not talking about marriages once you're married you pray for that ungodly husband or that ungodly wife divorce is not part of the picture it's not part of the picture I'm telling you it's not part of the picture I had a lady come up to me and I'm closing in just a second a lady came up to me in a church I can still see her face she was so incredible this woman came up and this is what she said she said you remember me now look down on us in no she said don't you remember when you passed hurt in Tallahassee Florida I said yeah she said I came to you for counsel that was like seven years earlier and I said well what was the problem she said my husband he was cussing at me he wouldn't go to church he didn't love God and you told me to stick it out to stick it out and he'll be saved he said I just want to said I want to tell you something preacher I stuck it out you went off to Argentina on your mission work you left that church and I stuck it out for three more years and he still didn't change so I did forced him and I want to I want you to meet my new husband and my kids she brought her husband up a couple little kids little bitty kids and she said see now looked in her face and I said ma'am my counsel has not changed and if anyone if it was legal in that church to kill a preacher she was ready to kill the preacher because I said that in front of her her new husband now if that's you you've already gone through that whole mess and you're gonna have to just work that out and just get your life you know go on with your life okay you made mistakes but if you're thinking everyone looked this way everyone at home if you're thinking about dropping a mate just because they don't love God like you do I got a I got a letter today an email today of a man who got saved at this revival two months ago and he's ready to leave his wife because she isn't saved yet you know what kind of letter he got from me I mean he was a heathen now he's saved as he went he wants her to be a just a totally bona fide Christian overnight that's one thing marriage there is no divorce if you've been divorced ask God to forgive you go on with your life but if you're thinking about doing it just to get out of a messy situation friend there better be grounds but I'm talking about those of you who are shacking up those of you that are living with someone of the opposite sex without being married and don't you turn that television off don't you change that channel just because somebody's speaking straight to you and I want you to get your girlfriend and I want you to sit her right by the couch and I want you to hear this preacher out quit running from the truth you're shacking up you're committing fornication and it's wrong you know it's wrong and finally God has sent a preacher into your home to confront you you need to thank God for that I'm talking about those of you who are dating someone who is not first committed to Jesus Christ get out while you can the Bible is clear you can read in 2nd Corinthians 6 do not be bound together with unbelievers for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness or what Fellowship has light with darkness the Bible goes on to say therefore come out from their midst and be separate says the Lord and do not touch what is unclean and I the Lord will welcome you I will be a father to you and you shall be sons and daughters to me says the Lord all mighty come out from among them those of you that are in wrong relationships get out while you can I'm warning you get out while you can there's some people within the sound of my voice you're just now beginning to date the wrong person you're just now beginning to do it those of you that are married and I know just put up with this for a second someone needs to hear that it's listen up in the chapel you're just now eyeballing someone who's the wrong person careful careful careful I'm warning you let me tell you how you deal with the opposite sex when it comes to wanting to get married pray against it when you see somebody that you're infatuated with you get on your hands and knees and say Jesus take this away from me get it out of my life pray against it if God wants that door open he's gonna open it up friend he's gonna have to pry it open because you're not interested unless it's the right one and you say Jesus I don't want my emotions I don't want my my lustful eyes I don't want anything to be drawing me towards this girl or this man I want it to be you so I'm praying I don't have time for this kind of malarkey Jesus I don't have time for it I'm going after you just pray against it walk away from it and if God wants it to happen friend he'll make it happen he will make it happen but what I see people doing it as soon as they catch the eye of another person they snuggle up to them in church the next news you know they're holding hands next news you know their arm and arm the next news you know they're riding off in the car together the next news you know they never make it into revival they're sitting out in the parking lot just talking I just had to talk to her for four hours used to worship God but now you're talking to her for four hours well how you supposed to develop a relationship and revival in revival you look at a matter at a distance and go a year later you're still going God wants you to get her he'll put you together man I could go on on this I just I just I just I spent I spend my life fixing messes and I'm tired of it all this I love you I love you I love you I love you and then three weeks after they're married I gotta talk to you brother Steve you're not gonna believe what he's like I'm saying Judy I told you what he was like you just had to keep moving the wedding date up you just had to get married now you may never look at you what am I supposed to do you're married for life life the rest of your life shooting you poured your tea now drink it I hear your sister [Applause] it's the truth it's a I'll give you your ten bucks around the back enter [Applause] I told her exactly 10 o'clock to screaming out that's good preaching right on the money my last point is this everyone within the sound of my voice concerning a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ get in while you can all the other ones get out but concerning Jesus Christ get in while you got a chance everyone stand to their feet everyone stand the Bible says draw near to God and He will draw near to you the Bible says seek the Lord say seek the Lord seek the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he is near come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest look this way don't move the chairs what you hear me friend get out of sin while you can break up with the devil and I'm going some of you didn't understand this but if you're not infatuated with Jesus you are dating the devil some of you religious people are so pious you're so pious you're going oh I don't have anything to do with the devil you want to know what the devil majors in he spends more time in church than he does in the world see the world he's got always he's got the sinners those people that are in the scum of the earth he knows her hellbound we want to know what he does look dis way folks he wakes people up devil works overtime on Sunday it's what he does but not to discourage people from going to church he gets as many people in church as a kid he wakes him up early on Sunday morning get up get up get up get up get him and so he gets them up get them all nicely dressed they get all this religious look on him and they go to church stay with me friend I'm telling you the truth the devil's working overtime he's got every imp and he'll waking people up getting him to church cuz he didn't know if he could just get him in there for an hour they'll go amazing grace and they'll be lusting over someone across the way or they'll be thinking about the ball game that afternoon or they'll be wondering when the malls gonna open are we gonna go by the mall first what do you want to eat honey what do you want to eat this but they're in church what I've been in church you ever heard that I've been in church all my life you ever heard that I've been in church all my life this this young man that I told you got saved through this video up in Michigan he starts it off by going I've been in church he's a homosexual a drug addict so he's sitting in your pew big deal who got him there the devil he pushes in the church saying if you'll just go to church God will see that and he'll be happy that's what people think so the devil satisfied with little Sunday morning trinkets but I want to tell you what starts to stir him when you show up on Sunday night and then Tuesday night prayer meeting wait now Wednesday night service discipleship prayer meeting special revival services Saturday morning men's fellowship prayer meeting now you're getting serious you see the difference I guarantee you the devil works overtime cuz he knows being get people behind in front of pulpits around America to hear some social sermon oh this Sunday all over America they're gonna be politics preached all over America preachers are not he gonna open up the word they'll talk about Newt Gingrich they'll talk about the Democrats and the Republicans and what do you think about this what do you think about that people are gonna go boy and for our pastors really in the know he should stand up and say you did a Viper's everyone looked this way this nations going to hell don't go with it that's what needs to be preached this Sunday but those of you that are religious in this room I want you to hear me those of you in the chapel you look right you smell right you talk right you hang your head at that consecrated angle a man brother Steve I like the way you said it says you go crazy that's good preaching you didn't go that's good preaching brother sting preach it but where religious were so religious friend get out while you can get out of that religiosity while you can and become a bonafide Christian everyone in the chair is moving to the left in the right well it's too early to give an altar call but I'm going to anyway charity come join me boyo devil felt that stomp on that jacket some of y'all think we plan out what did not win oh must you don't but that was not playing that girl was reacting she was reacting to years of demonic torment and she boy did she break up man here's what we're gonna do tonight before we pray with everybody I want everyone in this place to make sure you're right with God that means if there sit in your life get it out this whole scripture that I read tonight should scare everyone in this room to death as I read it it makes me want to be squeaky clean it's just one of the scriptures it's one portion there are dozens of places where you can find Jesus speaking prophetically of what's about to happen and then awake awake get up get up don't go to sleep wake up all through the Scriptures keeping us fine-tuned ready for the upcoming storm friend when this storm comes don't be in the backseat with another woman don't be in the backseat with another man don't be in sin don't be dating the devil be alert be awake be ready Jesus Christ loves you we sung about him we preached about him they've testified about him I could have given an altar call after the baptism so much about Jesus was spoken he shed his blood on Calvary for you friend nobody loves you like Jesus there's no other way into heaven everyone looked this way there's no other way into heaven but through Jesus Christ no other way he's the only way to get there friend he shed his blood on Calvary for you he's already come for you now it's time for you to go to him he's already come we're fixing to celebrate Christmas Christmas is all about the Christ child coming down but remember one he once he came down the wise men came to him the Shepherd's came to him he came now you go here's how this is going to work tonight and I can feel this many of you gonna run down to these altars many of you in the balcony many of you in the chapel you're gonna run to this altar get out while you still can get in the first lifeboats how simple it would have been in Noah's day to walk up to Noah and say Noah could I give you a hand with those animals could I give you a hand with those animals and Noah said sure could I help feed them on the ark sure could use your help it's just me and my sons and all these livestock how simple that would have been get out why you got a chance but you know what happened God sealed the door and God's gonna seal the door the Bible says his spirit will not always contend with man he's gonna seal the door and once he sealed that door I promise you I don't know if they're ever gonna find that Noah's Ark it may be on Mount Ararat covered with snow I don't know but I promise you on the sides of that Ark are fingernail claw marks I promise you there's fingernails dug into the gopher wood where people actually ripped their fingers trying to get into that boat as it began to rock and people were bobbing like corks in the water they knew Noah's what was right and they were wrong Jesus says as it was in the days of Noah so should also be in the coming of the Son of Man he's coming back get out while you can everyone who's got sin in their life those of you that are backsliding and you've done your doing things that Jesus would never do you're gonna come quickly you can watch porn on television you watch soft porn you can look you can look at a filthy magazine you can look at them if you if you find yourself in a store looking at a cover of a magazine you can't take your eyes off it sin has control of you friend a godly man had just turned his head a godly woman would turn her head but if you would find yourself just fixated on that you need to hit these altars you need victory friend you need victory you're in bondage you're in no I'm not yeah you are no I'm not yeah you are you're in bondage I can turn my head then why don't you well I would if I wanted to you're in bondage a godly man just turned their head and go on with their life I see a woman walking in front of them half naked just turn their head and walk the other way but there's men within the sound of my voice you can't take your eyes off of her you're in sin friend don't call yourself a Christian and live in sin like that that's why the world's so confused with true Christianity Jesus never lived like that he lived holy and he had women washing his feet with her tears they were bathing his feet and washing his feet with their hair in the Bible does it talk about Jesus hanging out with the women being in a back room with these women no he had him right there at his feet never fell never fell and a Christian is supposed to be like Jesus and those of you that are backslidden you gotta come quickly those of you that have never known the Lord you're gonna come and meet Jesus tonight he's everything and those of you in this room that are religious you're gonna come you're gonna shake off that religion you can go to hell with baptismal waters dripping off your face you can go to hell with a choir robe on friend you're supposed to be infatuated with Jesus consumed with Jesus looking for his appearing when I hear of an earthquake I listen for the trumpet when someone says an earthquake I'm going because I know if there's an earthquake over here there's a famine over there if there's wars and rumors of wars over there any minute there could be an earthquake down south something could break out any minute I'm going Jesus because all the others is already coming to pass Jerusalem could be surrounded surrounded by armies just like that it could happen just like that friend live ready charity's gonna sing mercy-seat if you need forgiveness you're gonna come quickly I don't want anyone to come until she sings this the only thing that's gonna hold you back is pride pride will keep you in your seat pride will tell you you don't need to go down to the altars at Brownsville I want to tell you a friend if your proudful if you've got that pride in your heart you're just like the devil the devil was in heaven he made himself up like the Most High God he said I'm gonna be like God that pride rose in his heart and he was cast out of heaven bride will cast you straight into Hell where the devil's going you need to shake that pride off of you if you need forgiveness you're gonna come quickly tonight it doesn't matter what anybody thinks it doesn't matter what anybody's who's looking at you and by the way people did not come here to look at you if you think everybody's looking at you you got an ego problem they didn't come here to look at you they could care less people are thinking about their own lives you come and you get right with God get out while you can charity's gonna sing mercy-seat everyone who needs forgiveness everyone who wants to be washed in the blood of the Lamb and be right before God I want you to come right now right now hurry right now well you can hurry right now don't hesitate in the balcony let's go come on come on come on if you need a cleansing if you need God to wash you just me all right here sis come on come on come on come on kneel right here [Music] place I could go wherever I could find [Music] don't hesitate how about it friend [Music] get out what you can get out of sin while you still have a chance break up with the devil while you still have a chance shake off an ungodly relationship while you starve a chance before it sucks you deep into sin right now give Jesus Christ shall I give him your heart give him your heart pour yourself out get is why you still have a chance get in the arm it's gonna rain [Music] in Noah's day they didn't believe it and it happened in these last days people don't believe it and it's gonna happen Jesus is coming back are you ready come on friend kneel and ask Jesus to wash you come on come on come on come on in the chapel [Music] but you turn the music off everyone at the altar keep your heads down charity I've had you singing this two nights in a row you sung it Wednesday you sing it last night last night you sing it all the way through Wednesday I believe I cut you off tonight I'm cutting you off again there's an urgency here there is an urgency friend if you're coming as a matter of fact everyone turned to the person next to them and I want you to ask them this question do you need Jesus Christ to forgive you when someone asks you that question don't lie if you need forgiveness you say yes and then both of you come down together come on right now everyone turn to the person next to them asking that they need forgiveness and in both of you come down together come on right now [Music] god bless you god bless you god bless you [Music] god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want everyone to put your heads down at this altar I'm going to close this in a way that I've never closed it before everyone at the altars stay where you're at don't move I'm closing this I want the lights dimmed Doug where you at you still back there I want you to get on that music that you played I want you to get on that Titanic music I want the lights down lower than this what a morbid scene that must have been in that boat play that Doug if you're coming [Music] [Applause] if your coming come now [Music] now if you're coming come now if you need forgiveness come now god bless you god bless you god bless you come on [Applause] come on come on [Applause] Pyne intercessors pray god's looted [Applause] Jerome come on come on come on come on [Music] turn it out dog ten [Music] god bless you god bless you make sure the next person next to you is saved make sure they're sane make sure they know the Lord [Music] come on [Music] god bless you god bless you [Music] god bless you god bless you god bless you god bless you in the chapel [Music] like I just I can feel this Jesus and his word escape you've got to escape the judgment to come you've got to escape what's about to happen get your heart right with God tonight get your heart right with God now now is the time today is a day of salvation god bless you sis Oh [Music] come on come on god bless you they're still coming Linda we can't stop come on come on hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry god bless you sweetheart god bless you sir [Music] come on come on come on come on that's it I'm gonna close this altar what the lights up just a little bit everyone at the altar I want you to bow your heads those of you that came down in your series and I believe all of you are God's gonna wash you he's going to cleanse you everyone at the altar keep your heads bowed there's somebody else ma'am sir I'm gonna give you 30 seconds Linda I want you to sing lord have mercy if you will you've got 30 seconds and this is it we are closing the altar call twenty-nine [Music] twenty-seven [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] just kneel right there brother neo right there everyone at this altar I want you to bow your heads and pray with me right now everyone at this altar bow your heads and pray if you're coming you can still come right now if you're coming you can still come right now brother Steve this is too emotional for me folks this is not emotional when all this comes to pass that Jesus talked about your you haven't heard a motion yet there's gonna be a wailing in our land you'll be able to hear it in cities like Pensacola you will be able to hear it without PA systems without any amplification you'll hear moaning and groaning all through the cities people will be in the highways they'll be out in their backyards screaming bloody murder because it's over and they were left so I would get a little emotional now about it and get right with God sir don't hold on tomorrow may never come god bless you god bless you everyone at this altar pray with me right now now I can't do this I can't do it everyone if you all to keep your heads bowed Linda I don't know who you are but the Spirit of God are you maybe in the chapel but I got a feeling you're right in this room you are playing with fire if you're coming come now come on one more time Linda [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that was at least three more over here all right now let's pray I got peace if you fought this altar call friend when you get to hell don't be surprised because you wanted it you clawed your way to get there you clawed your way away from the wooing of the holy ghost when you get to hell you deserved it you wanted it with all your heart everyone at this altar I want you to pray with me right now dear Jesus thank you that I'm getting in while there's still time Jesus I'm serious wash my sin away I have sinned I'm sorry forgive me make me new cleanse me with your blood be my Savior be my Lord be my very best friend Jesus from this moment on I am yours and you are mine come live your life through me I give myself to you in Jesus name in Jesus name amen glory yes sir Leah saw that's all
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Id: rkpj5XB1TTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 28sec (7708 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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